View Full Version : Polio Vaccinations gone bad.

09-05-20, 21:46
With Covid going on could this be why we haven't heard of this happening yet?


In a statement this week, WHO said two children in Sudan — one from South Darfur state and the other from Gedarif state, close to the border with Ethiopia and Eritrea — were paralyzed in March and April. Both had been recently vaccinated against polio. WHO said initial outbreak investigations show the cases are linked to an ongoing vaccine-derived outbreak in Chad that was first detected last year and is now spreading in Chad and Cameroon.
There is local circulation in Sudan and continued sharing of transmission with Chad,” the U.N. agency said, adding that genetic sequencing confirmed numerous introductions of the virus into Sudan from Chad.
WHO said it had found 11 additional vaccine-derived polio cases in Sudan and that the virus had also been identified in environmental samples. There are typically many more unreported cases for every confirmed polio patient. The highly infectious disease can spread quickly in contaminated water and most often strikes children under 5.
In rare instances, the live polio virus in the oral vaccine can mutate into a form capable of sparking new outbreaks.
More than a dozen African countries are currently battling outbreaks of polio caused by the virus, including Angola, Congo, Nigeria and Zambia.
Amid the coronavirus pandemic, many of the large-scale vaccination campaigns needed to stamp out polio have been disrupted across Africa and elsewhere, leaving millions of children vulnerable to infection.
In April, WHO and its partners reluctantly recommended a temporary halt to mass polio immunization campaigns, recognizing the move could lead to a resurgence of the disease. In May, they reported that 46 campaigns to vaccinate children against polio had been suspended in 38 countries, mostly in Africa, because of the coronavirus pandemic.
Some of the campaigns have recently been re-started, but health workers need to vaccinate more than 90% of children in their efforts to eradicate the paralytic disease.

I'm becoming concerned about getting anything related to a vaccination now.

09-05-20, 21:57
They dont use oral live polio vaccine in western countries for that reason, its a known problem when giving LIVE polio vaccine. The reason they do it places like Africa is because its easier to administer an oral vaccine than to set up an injection clinic to give the inactivated vaccine. Literally not a concern in the US.

09-05-20, 22:00
All vaccines carry risk. The thing is maybe .01% of people who receive the pneumonia vaccine have a reaction but 4% of people who contract pneumonia die (pulled the #s from my 4th point of contact). If we have an effective vaccine and enough people are vaccinated, covid stops being a pandemic.

The US killed polio and a slew of debilitating childhood diseases off in this country through vaccines.


09-05-20, 22:19
All vaccines carry risk. The thing is maybe .01% of people who receive the pneumonia vaccine have a reaction but 4% of people who contract pneumonia die (pulled the #s from my 4th point of contact). If we have an effective vaccine and enough people are vaccinated, covid stops being a pandemic.

The US killed polio and a slew of debilitating childhood diseases off in this country through vaccines.



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09-05-20, 23:30
All vaccines carry risk. The thing is maybe .01% of people who receive the pneumonia vaccine have a reaction but 4% of people who contract pneumonia die (pulled the #s from my 4th point of contact). If we have an effective vaccine and enough people are vaccinated, covid stops being a pandemic.

The US killed polio and a slew of debilitating childhood diseases off in this country through vaccines.


Considering the WHO record over the past year when it comes to Covid, I'm sorry, I'm not taking in Vaccine they approve for Americans.

09-06-20, 02:08
Considering the WHO record over the past year when it comes to Covid, I'm sorry, I'm not taking in Vaccine they approve for Americans.

The WHO doesn’t approve vaccines in the US. That’s the CDC.

Sent from 80ms in the future

09-06-20, 06:49
The WHO doesn’t approve vaccines in the US. That’s the CDC.

Sent from 80ms in the future

I can’t imagine a government agency with a rather specific mission focus could be in any way objectively compromised so as hyper justify their existence and funding expansions. If we had a big foot agency I guarantee we’d have “discovered” one already or at least enough evidence to keep cutting them more and larger checks.

At any rate it’s neither here nor there.

One thing I am curious about with regards to polio and others from the past how much of a profit Motive did the system provide for. Or were things more altruistically intended back then?

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09-06-20, 07:09
The WHO doesn’t approve vaccines in the US. That’s the CDC

I understand that I look at them as the UN of Medicine and with good reason.
If there record with Covid and now Polio are combined, how do these guys even still exist?
And yet they are politicized here in our Country and seem at least to me to be openly anti American.

09-06-20, 07:09
Double Tap.

09-06-20, 07:39
Do American school kids even get the polio vaccine any more? IIRC, in elementary school (this was in the late 1960's) we all received the oral polio vaccine.

09-06-20, 09:51
Do American school kids even get the polio vaccine any more? IIRC, in elementary school (this was in the late 1960's) we all received the oral polio vaccine.
I remember that, out of a tiny white paper cup. Also the TB test.

09-06-20, 10:04
The marxists who run as democrats and their supporters are running a disinformation campaign regarding vaccinations and particularly the Corona vaccine.

We will see it here before long. I am not talking about Averageman, you asked a logical question.

I do hope some of the useful idiots see the light - if the marxists are willing to let potentially thousands die to prevent a vaccine slowing Corona spread under the current administration, what else are they willing to do?


09-06-20, 10:14
The marxists who run as democrats and their supporters are running a disinformation campaign regarding vaccinations and particularly the Corona vaccine.

We will see it here before long. I am not talking about Averageman, you asked a logical question.

I do hope some of the useful idiots see the light - if the marxists are willing to let potentially thousands die to prevent a vaccine slowing Corona spread under the current administration, what else are they willing to do?


The WHO is already claiming they need to approve any Corona virus vaccine, meanwhile the Russians and Chinese already are vaccinating their people.
My inability to trust the WHO comes from seeing the bias they have that appears to only apply to the Americans.
They appear to be a tool of China.

09-06-20, 10:26
The marxists who run as democrats and their supporters are running a disinformation campaign regarding vaccinations and particularly the Corona vaccine.

We will see it here before long. I am not talking about Averageman, you asked a logical question.

I do hope some of the useful idiots see the light - if the marxists are willing to let potentially thousands die to prevent a vaccine slowing Corona spread under the current administration, what else are they willing to do?


You mean the corona virus with a statistically insignificant death rate? That one?

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09-06-20, 10:48
You mean the corona virus with a statistically insignificant death rate? That one?

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Yes, the boogeyman that the marxists are reporting as sure death or a lifetime of COPD like symtoms and of course all Trump's fault.


09-06-20, 12:28
Do American school kids even get the polio vaccine any more? IIRC, in elementary school (this was in the late 1960's) we all received the oral polio vaccine.

Yes, American kids still get vaccinated for polio. But not the oral vaccine, as mentioned earlier. It’s why polio has been effectively eliminated in the US for the last 30 years.

Much the same could be said for measles, mumps and rubella (German measles), except that because people have stopped vaccinating like they should, in part because they bought into lies and conspiracy theories. Now you see measles outbreaks around the country. Whooping cough as well (I’ll leave my own personal anecdote out of this discussion).

If you’re really worried, you should work to ban nuts. Nut allergies effect 0.6-1% of the US population. Severe immunization reactions .00001%

Sent from 80ms in the future

09-06-20, 13:29
If you’re really worried, you should work to ban nuts. Nut allergies effect 0.6-1% of the US population. Severe immunization reactions .00001%

Interesting you should mention that. There is a hypothesis that the prevalence of nut allergies is a direct result of vaccinations. Even if that hypothesis were proved the benefit of vaccination is overwhelming but those afflicted would deserve some recognition I think.


09-06-20, 13:32
How about a lot of it is simply because we don’t let kids eat dirt anymore like we use to?

On top of absolutely trash nutrition.

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09-06-20, 14:13
Yes, American kids still get vaccinated for polio. But not the oral vaccine, as mentioned earlier. It’s why polio has been effectively eliminated in the US for the last 30 years.

Much the same could be said for measles, mumps and rubella (German measles), except that because people have stopped vaccinating like they should, in part because they bought into lies and conspiracy theories. Now you see measles outbreaks around the country. Whooping cough as well (I’ll leave my own personal anecdote out of this discussion).

If you’re really worried, you should work to ban nuts. Nut allergies effect 0.6-1% of the US population. Severe immunization reactions .00001%

Sent from 80ms in the future

I guess an absolute explosion of autism in this country isn’t serious. I for one won’t be giving any one in my family no rushed vaccine. Not to mention if masks and vaccines work, why the hell does it matter if someone else doesn’t take one. Oh that’s right they aren’t immunizations.

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09-06-20, 14:26
I guess an absolute explosion of autism in this country isn’t serious. I for one won’t be giving any one in my family no rushed vaccine. Not to mention if masks and vaccines work, why the hell does it matter if someone else doesn’t take one. Oh that’s right they aren’t immunizations.

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Please keep in mind there is zero credible research to link autism to vaccination. The “explosion” is due to classification and better, more specific diagnosis. As access to care has improved as well as differentiation of intellectual disabilities, those that would have been called “retarded” or “a little different” are properly diagnosed on the spectrum.

Please, take off the tinfoil.

Additionally, understand that not all people can be vaccinated due to age, illnesses, or so on. What is needed is herd immunity. Otherwise all the unvaccinated are at risk. We only eliminate communicable diseases with herd immunity.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk loo

09-07-20, 02:56
How about a lot of it is simply because we don’t let kids eat dirt anymore like we use to?

On top of absolutely trash nutrition.

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkI have to believe that this is the problem...

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09-07-20, 02:59
Please keep in mind there is zero credible research to link autism to vaccination. The “explosion” is due to classification and better, more specific diagnosis. As access to care has improved as well as differentiation of intellectual disabilities, those that would have been called “retarded” or “a little different” are properly diagnosed on the spectrum.

Please, take off the tinfoil.

Additionally, understand that not all people can be vaccinated due to age, illnesses, or so on. What is needed is herd immunity. Otherwise all the unvaccinated are at risk. We only eliminate communicable diseases with herd immunity.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk looThis. I have known families that have ignored spectrum issues for years before getting a diagnosis.

Edited for spelling errors

09-07-20, 06:02
Which is bemusing because in contrast there are families who try to do anything possible TO GET their kid diagnosed because government $$$$. Unfortunately there are a lot of unscrupulous diagnostic practitioners who are will to pay to play for non treatment related services.

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09-07-20, 10:14
Considering the WHO record over the past year when it comes to Covid, I'm sorry, I'm not taking in Vaccine they approve for Americans.

You know it’s not the WHO that approves vaccines in the US, right? We have phase I, phase II, and phase III clinical trials to study the safety, efficacy, and side effects of any medications. There are several vaccines in phase III right now. And there are likely many more in phase I and II that are not public knowledge.

09-07-20, 10:20
I don’t know what has caused it but there have been an explosion in the amount of vaccines being given and a corresponding explosion in autism on children. You read what you want into it and I’ll adjust my hat. I have a child who was absolutely perfect and had his 18 month booster shots and from that night on hasn’t been right and that’s been over 10 years ago. It’s a fact that unvaccinated children but far have far less auto immune disorders but to each his own. I’ve seen it with my own eyes and have researched the effects of vaccines since 2009 and I have my own knowledge base that would take too long to explain.

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09-07-20, 10:33
They dont use oral live polio vaccine in western countries for that reason, its a known problem when giving LIVE polio vaccine. The reason they do it places like Africa is because its easier to administer an oral vaccine than to set up an injection clinic to give the inactivated vaccine. Literally not a concern in the US.

The anti vaxxer conspiracy types will not care of course, and having no understanding of risk/benefit and such, will use that as "proof" vaccines are Gates trying to lower world populations, yada yada and so on.

09-07-20, 11:08
I don’t know what has caused it but there have been an explosion in the amount of vaccines being given and a corresponding explosion in autism on children. You read what you want into it and I’ll adjust my hat. I have a child who was absolutely perfect and had his 18 month booster shots and from that night on hasn’t been right and that’s been over 10 years ago. It’s a fact that unvaccinated children but far have far less auto immune disorders but to each his own. I’ve seen it with my own eyes and have researched the effects of vaccines since 2009 and I have my own knowledge base that would take too long to explain.

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You do realize that developmental delays happen during...that’s right, development.

Most of your “research” isn’t peer-reviewed scientific research, but internet pseudoscience and logical fallacies. Hell, everybody that has ever drank water dies, therefore water must be the leading cause of death.

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09-07-20, 11:18
You know it’s not the WHO that approves vaccines in the US, right? We have phase I, phase II, and phase III clinical trials to study the safety, efficacy, and side effects of any medications. There are several vaccines in phase III right now. And there are likely many more in phase I and II that are not public knowledge.

Yes I realize that, but after fumbling the ball so many times and then giving polio to a bunch of African kids, they gotta step up and say they wont endorse the drugs approved by Americans.
In the meantime, the Chinese (who caused this) and Russians have a vaccine and have been vaccinating for some time now, but not a peep from the WHO. I'm just kind of sick of all of the apparent corruption and inept services from inside the WHO.
I hope we as a Nation aren't paying their freight.

I don't know a thing about vaccines except the theory of introducing a tiny bit of the virus in to the body via oral or injection, just enough for your body to defeat the virus.
We didn't have all of these things when I was a kid so I got Mumps, Measles, Chicken Pox, the whole nine yards. Ironically, I got all those before I started school, just hanging out with Mom at home. Once I started school, I assume I gained herd immunity or there was little left to get sick with, because I don't remember ever being sick again.
Luckily later in life I stood in a long line of other "Joe's" and the .mil vaccinated me for everything, everything in the world and for at least six dozen times.

I'm of the opinion that we felt guilty for being the biggest dog on the block and tried to help others with International organizations like the U.N. and the WHO and pumped untold trillions in to these organizations and they've been screwing us for it ever since.

09-07-20, 12:36
Yes I realize that, but after fumbling the ball so many times and then giving polio to a bunch of African kids, they gotta step up and say they wont endorse the drugs approved by Americans.
In the meantime, the Chinese (who caused this) and Russians have a vaccine and have been vaccinating for some time now, but not a peep from the WHO. I'm just kind of sick of all of the apparent corruption and inept services from inside the WHO.
I hope we as a Nation aren't paying their freight.

I don't know a thing about vaccines except the theory of introducing a tiny bit of the virus in to the body via oral or injection, just enough for your body to defeat the virus.
We didn't have all of these things when I was a kid so I got Mumps, Measles, Chicken Pox, the whole nine yards. Ironically, I got all those before I started school, just hanging out with Mom at home. Once I started school, I assume I gained herd immunity or there was little left to get sick with, because I don't remember ever being sick again.
Luckily later in life I stood in a long line of other "Joe's" and the .mil vaccinated me for everything, everything in the world and for at least six dozen times.

I'm of the opinion that we felt guilty for being the biggest dog on the block and tried to help others with International organizations like the U.N. and the WHO and pumped untold trillions in to these organizations and they've been screwing us for it ever since.

Theres a huge difference between giving someone oral LIVE polio vaccine and your average flu shot which is just pieces of virus that have been chopped up. Trying to make a blanket statement on vaccines is like saying all medication is bad. Its like saying taking ibuprofen vs taking hydroxychlorquine are equally as risky.

09-07-20, 15:44
Theres a huge difference between giving someone oral LIVE polio vaccine and your average flu shot which is just pieces of virus that have been chopped up. Trying to make a blanket statement on vaccines is like saying all medication is bad. Its like saying taking ibuprofen vs taking hydroxychlorquine are equally as risky.

My point is that the WHO cannot be trusted. I have a Son, I had him vaccinated, I felt it was the reasonable and responsible thing to do. However, if the WHO wanted to vaccinate me, or my Son well that aint going to ever happen. The WHO went from a International organization that deals in medicine to a political organization that seems to F' up everything it touches.

The anti vaxxer conspiracy types will not care of course, and having no understanding of risk/benefit and such, will use that as "proof" vaccines are Gates trying to lower world populations, yada yada and so on.
I know a couple through our Kids Sports Teams that have three Sons, two out of three have autism. Those boys were diagnosed in Second and Third Grades and yes, they blame vaccines. They aren't hippies, Mom is a Chiropractor and Dad is a Chemical Engineer. You know, when they discussed this with me, I had no idea there were anti vaxers, but who am I to set them straight.
That family is a bunch of good people and any one of those boys would bend over backwards to help you any time you asked, but dam Mom and Dad went through years of hell to finally get where they are at.
I dunno man, Vaccines or not, but I feel for them.

09-07-20, 16:05
You do realize that developmental delays happen during...that’s right, development.

Most of your “research” isn’t peer-reviewed scientific research, but internet pseudoscience and logical fallacies. Hell, everybody that has ever drank water dies, therefore water must be the leading cause of death.

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That is unnecessarily condescending.

09-07-20, 17:31
That is unnecessarily condescending.

Those are just the facts, man.

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09-07-20, 17:40
For a lot of us older folks (I'm 60) growing up, we rarely if ever knew anyone with a peanut allergy. And we never heard of gluten. I don't know if the statistics point in this direction, but it seems like allergies have greatly increased among young folks these days. Possibly diet and/or environment?

09-07-20, 19:46
The population has doubled since 1950 so part of that is there are more people so you’re more likely to run into such things.

Additionally, rates of allergies are going up. There is no definitive answer, but multiple contributing factors. Some is we don’t get sick as much, so kids have somewhat hyper-alert immune systems almost “looking” for something to attack.

Kids also lack sunlight exposure, which helps process vitamin D...which is an important component of immune response.

Additionally, kids are being fed highly-processed peanuts which alter the proteins in such a way the body recognizes it as an unnatural protein chain and thus a possible threat. The younger that children come into contact with processed peanuts, the more likely they are believed to develop an allergy.

The US has higher rates of peanut allergies than other countries who receive as many or more vaccines than children in the US. A working hypothesis is that many countries don’t consume peanuts with altered protein chains.

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09-07-20, 20:24
Anecdotal but I blame the food, kids living in germ diminished bubbles, and simply the fact that modern medicine absolutely disrupts what would otherwise be self-limiting gene lines.

It’s not like the healthiest of us are the ones popping out kids like rabbits.

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09-07-20, 20:30
I guess an absolute explosion of autism in this country isn’t serious. I for one won’t be giving any one in my family no rushed vaccine. Not to mention if masks and vaccines work, why the hell does it matter if someone else doesn’t take one. Oh that’s right they aren’t immunizations.

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Good grief. The moronic theory that vaccines cause autism has been thoroughly debunked. Jenny McCarthy and the rest of the anti-vaxers should be flogged in public for all their “help” to society.

Please keep in mind there is zero credible research to link autism to vaccination. The “explosion” is due to classification and better, more specific diagnosis. As access to care has improved as well as differentiation of intellectual disabilities, those that would have been called “retarded” or “a little different” are properly diagnosed on the spectrum.

Please, take off the tinfoil.

Additionally, understand that not all people can be vaccinated due to age, illnesses, or so on. What is needed is herd immunity. Otherwise all the unvaccinated are at risk. We only eliminate communicable diseases with herd immunity.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk loo


That is unnecessarily condescending.

I disagree. He is 100% correct in his statement.

09-07-20, 20:37
Shaking my head at some of these anti-vaxer responses. And now I remember why as an M.D. I don’t typically participate in discussions re: medical science on such forums. Smoke popped. I’m out.

09-07-20, 20:45
Shaking my head at some of these anti-vaxer responses. And now I remember why as an M.D. I don’t typically participate in discussions re: medical science on such forums. Smoke popped. I’m out.

I also should have known better. But hey, a few hours on the internet trumps degreed medical professionals who have literally devoted our lives to caring for others. One of these days I’m going to write a book...

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09-08-20, 07:25
Anecdotal but I blame the food, kids living in germ diminished bubbles, and simply the fact that modern medicine absolutely disrupts what would otherwise be self-limiting gene lines.

It’s not like the healthiest of us are the ones popping out kids like rabbits.

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkI would add the overall lack of outdoor (or any) physical activity to that as well

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09-08-20, 08:39
I don’t know what has caused it but there have been an explosion in the amount of vaccines being given and a corresponding explosion in autism on children. You read what you want into it and I’ll adjust my hat. I have a child who was absolutely perfect and had his 18 month booster shots and from that night on hasn’t been right and that’s been over 10 years ago. It’s a fact that unvaccinated children but far have far less auto immune disorders but to each his own. I’ve seen it with my own eyes and have researched the effects of vaccines since 2009 and I have my own knowledge base that would take too long to explain.

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I'm not trying to call you out personally, but that kind of thinking is a major problem with regard to vaccinations. It's a logical fallacy to assume that increases in autism diagnosis can somehow be automatically tied to vaccination. First, you have to assume that the autism diagnoses are valid. We know as much about autism today as medieval barbers did about the plague. It's far less credible to me that there really is an "explosion" of autism cases. I think part of it, inarguably, is that true cases are diagnosed more now than they ever were. I also think they are 1,000 other things that could contribute to an autism diagnosis that don't involve vaccinations, one of them being misdiagnosis, others not even being actual autism. Parents want to do what's best for their kids and if a doctor suspects autism, then they're told they need to get them specialized treatment as soon as possible for the best outcome. I'm not saying it's an incentive to have an autism diagnosis, but parents are led to believe if they don't accept it, their kid will never have a chance. It's surely a dilemma.

Now we also have Aspergers, which is the catchall if autism doesn't quite fit. We need far more research into this before the vaccination explanation can carry any weight. That said, I have no issue if a parent decides to spread vaccinations out. It seems almost crazy to me the amount of vaccinations toddlers are expected to have compared to us "older" folks.

09-08-20, 09:27
Us old timers had to endure things like chicken pox and mumps because there were no vaccines back then. For us kids raised in the South, intestinal worms were also common (is that even a thing any more?). So our bodies had to deal with things that most kids today probably don't. Maybe it enhanced our immune systems - I don't know.

09-08-20, 09:45
You do realize that developmental delays happen during...that’s right, development.

Most of your “research” isn’t peer-reviewed scientific research, but internet pseudoscience and logical fallacies. Hell, everybody that has ever drank water dies, therefore water must be the leading cause of death.

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Yeah I realize that two hours after the shots my son screamed non stop for two days and hasn’t spoken since. But yeah I guess it would have happened anyway. Not to mention he could speak perfect sentences at 18 months and now nothing. But yeah it is a coincidence.

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09-08-20, 09:49
That is unnecessarily condescending.

What do you expect? I don’t pretend to be an expert but I do know what I have seen first hand. People who throw out this rhetoric have no research on their own so everyone else must be conspiracy theorist.

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09-08-20, 09:58
Yeah I realize that two hours after the shots my son screamed non stop for two days and hasn’t spoken since. But yeah I guess it would have happened anyway. Not to mention he could speak perfect sentences at 18 months and now nothing. But yeah it is a coincidence.

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Yeah, I’m sure that you couldn’t be in any form of denial about it. There could have been no bias in your thinking.

But you’re going to tell me your 18 month old could speak full sentences until given their 18 month vaccines? Then light a light switch, developed autism?

You realize that developmentally, full comprehensible sentences are expected around 36 months. Normal development of 18 month-olds is two to three word fragments.

It so happens that ASD screenings happen to coincide with “well-baby” visits which vaccinations are also administered. What you probably didn’t notice is the warning signs started around nine months. Most diagnoses occur around the 18 month mark because that is where noticeable development occurs.

Look, I’m sorry that your kid cried when it got shots (most al of them do) and I’m sorry your child will have difficulties to overcome.

I get that you’re looking for something or somebody to blame, but it isn’t vaccinations. Going to conspiracy theories devoid of science on the internet is not healthy. Spend your time looking at resources to help rather than this crazy stuff. Perhaps counseling could help you. It is rather obvious your crying child was traumatic to you. You’ve probably got some PTSD from it. Get help.

Again, there is no evidence linking the two. None. Zero. There is not some grand conspiracy to trick people into giving their children autism.

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09-08-20, 10:04
What do you expect? I don’t pretend to be an expert but I do know what I have seen first hand. People who throw out this rhetoric have no research on their own so everyone else must be conspiracy theorist.

I feel for you, honestly; God Bless your Family an especially your Son.
I have little personal experiance with this other than observing friends who have gone through it.

If you really think the Medical Industry will do research that could hurt the Pharmaceutical Industry, I've got a bridge to sell you.
I know the numbers are worked very hard to "prove" certain drugs have certain desired effects. I've seen it take place.

09-08-20, 10:17
I feel for you, honestly; God Bless your Family an especially your Son.
I have little personal experiance with this other than observing friends who have gone through it.

If you really think the Medical Industry will do research that could hurt the Pharmaceutical Industry, I've got a bridge to sell you.
I know the numbers are worked very hard to "prove" certain drugs have certain desired effects. I've seen it take place.

And that’s why virtually every pediatrician doesn’t vaccinate their children. Oh wait.

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09-08-20, 10:17
I feel for you, honestly; God Bless your Family an especially your Son.
I have little personal experiance with this other than observing friends who have gone through it.

If you really think the Medical Industry will do research that could hurt the Pharmaceutical Industry, I've got a bridge to sell you.
I know the numbers are worked very hard to "prove" certain drugs have certain desired effects. I've seen it take place.

Thank you I know that it can be the gmo foods, the poisons in the water table, air toxins all play a part s well, but to think that injecting aborted fetal cells, aluminum, mercury and other neurotoxins in to young children who’s immune systems haven’t even developed yet, isn’t playing a part is simple denial

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09-08-20, 10:22
And that’s why virtually every pediatrician doesn’t vaccinate their children. Oh wait.

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Our pediatrician (and us) does selective and non-scheduled vaccinations (which puts him and us as 'vaccination delinquent' parents; according to the AAP, you are either all-in, all vax, all on their schedule, or you aren't).

We are not anti-vax, but I do make them spread them out so they don't get bundled, and some we just don't do because of general low-risk anyway.

09-08-20, 10:23
China’s President Xi Jinping on Tuesday claimed the triumphant combination of socialism and traditional Chinese culture alongside the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) “helped save a great number of lives” from the worst of the global coronavirus pandemic.
China has come under intense global scrutiny over its response to the virus, with the United States and Australia leading accusations the Chinese Communist Party wilfully covered up the origins and severity of the virus.
Indeed what Xi neglected to mention during his victory paean was the coronavirus was first detected in the central city of Wuhan last November.
It existence was denied before spinning out of control as it swept first to other parts of China and then moved around the world as the W.H.O. bungled its response.
Meanwhile the coronavirus pandemic is currently affecting 213 countries and territories around the world.

As of September 8, the number of recorded coronavirus cases recorded stands at 27,510,544 with deaths calculated at 897,231.
Thanks WHO.

09-08-20, 10:30
Our pediatrician (and us) does selective and non-scheduled vaccinations (which puts him and us as 'vaccination delinquent' parents; according to the AAP, you are either all-in, all vax, all on their schedule, or you aren't).

We are not anti-vax, but I do make them spread them out so they don't get bundled, and some we just don't do because of general low-risk anyway.

I would think that these things can be scheduled a bit later and not bundled. I would give a damn about the AAP either.
I doubt I will ever make this decision again, but I think you are doing this the intelligent way.

09-08-20, 10:36
You know you really are ****ing prick. Why don’t you just **** off. I don’t need you or your bs. Our pediatrician admitted that this was probably the cause and has since stopped recommending vaccines in young children from his experience. Kinda like how people get the polio vaccine and then come down with polio but they call it Guillain-Barre Syndrome but you know they probably didn’t see the signs that they were coming down with polio.

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Have a nice day filled with tinfoil, sir!

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09-08-20, 10:40
And that’s why virtually every pediatrician doesn’t vaccinate their children. Oh wait.

I know what I have seen with my own eyes.

09-08-20, 10:41
Either keep this civil or it's going to get locked. No other warnings will be given.

09-08-20, 10:42
I know what I have seen with my own eyes.

And what exactly have you seen?

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09-08-20, 11:04
And what exactly have you seen?

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If you are truly interested we can take this PM and I will tell you.

09-08-20, 11:04
If you are truly interested we can take this PM and I will tell you.

Please do.

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09-08-20, 11:21
Polio and smallpox were two terrible, debilitating (and often fatal) diseases that vaccines removed from the picture. On those merits alone, I would consider vaccines a good thing.

09-08-20, 11:52
Thank you I know that it can be the gmo foods, the poisons in the water table, air toxins all play a part s well, but to think that injecting aborted fetal cells, aluminum, mercury and other neurotoxins in to young children who’s immune systems haven’t even developed yet, isn’t playing a part is simple denial

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The mercury thing is the most common single reason I hear for people not getting kids vaccinated. Thimerosal (the compound in vaccines containing trace amounts of mercury) hasn't been used in childhood vaccines since 1999, so anyone who claims that as a reason is already seriously misinformed.

09-08-20, 11:54
The mercury thing is the most common single reason I hear for people not getting kids vaccinated. Thimerosal (the compound in vaccines containing trace amounts of mercury) hasn't been used in childhood vaccines since 1999, so anyone who claims that as a reason is already seriously misinformed.

It’s weird how they always come back to that. By the way, how was that tuna fish sandwich? [emoji23]

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09-08-20, 11:57
It’s weird how they always come back to that. By the way, how was that tuna fish sandwich? [emoji23]

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On the fdas own website states that three vaccines still use thimerisol. Weird how facts have completely avoided you

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09-08-20, 11:59
On the fdas own website states that three vaccines still use thimerisol. Weird how facts have completely avoided you

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Please, go read.

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09-08-20, 11:59
It’s weird how they always come back to that. By the way, how was that tuna fish sandwich? [emoji23]

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To clarify, there’s more mercury (albeit in a different, and more harmful, form) in a tuna sandwich.

Sent from 80ms in the future

09-08-20, 12:02
To clarify, there’s more mercury (albeit in a different, and more harmful, form) in a tuna sandwich.

Sent from 80ms in the future

Yup, that was my point ;)

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09-08-20, 12:06
I was vaccinated as a child as were my children. I am not an anti-vaxxer, but I know one and he is dead set against them because of the mercury content. -He is a free man and can choose as he sees fit.

I do not get flu shots and won't be getting any China-Flu vaccination either. I have had the shingles and really don't want a shingles vaccination either. Shingles are annoying but not life threatening.

09-08-20, 12:23
Thank you I know that it can be the ... mercury ...

You cannot be serious, they took this out of vaccines for children twenty years ago.

If you can't be bothered to get that right why should I believe any of your research?

09-08-20, 13:32
Please do.

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Well you asked, therefore brought it up if you want to know ask.

09-08-20, 13:32
Well you asked, therefore brought it up if you want to know ask.

I did.

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09-08-20, 14:38
On the fdas own website states that three vaccines still use thimerisol. Weird how facts have completely avoided you

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Thimerisol is preservative. As stated above most vaccines dont have it anymore. If you have problem with it ask for a preservative free vaccine.

09-08-20, 15:27
Those are just the facts, man.

No, they are not, they aspersions, implying that chamber143 is delusional, ignorant, lying, or some combination thereof. You do not know what chamber143 experienced or what his research entailed. In stead of arguing your position with the multitude of resources that support it you immediately stooped to ad hominem attacks.

Given the staggering number of misfilled prescriptions, and even operations on the wrong limb or patient, it's quite plausible chamber143's son received the wrong injection entirely, or one that was severely mishandled or contaminated. It is not mutually exclusive for correctly manufactured and administered vaccinations to be perfectly safe, and for chamber143's son to receive permanent brain damage from the injection of an unknown substance.

What do you expect?


09-08-20, 15:30
No, they are not, they aspersions, implying that chamber143 is delusional, ignorant, lying, or some combination thereof. You do not know what chamber143 experienced or what his research entailed. In stead of arguing your position with the multitude of resources that support it you immediately stooped to ad hominem attacks.

Given the staggering number of misfilled prescriptions, and even operations on the wrong limb or patient, it's quite plausible chamber143's son received the wrong injection entirely, or one that was severely mishandled or contaminated. It is not mutually exclusive for correctly manufactured and administered vaccinations to be perfectly safe, and for chamber143's son to receive permanent brain damage from the injection of an unknown substance.


There is no known vaccination that “causes autism”. None. Zero. It’s that simple.

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09-08-20, 15:35
There is no known vaccination that “causes autism”. None. Zero. It’s that simple.

So why didn't you state that instead, with a link to the peer reviewed research that backs it up, rather than leading with "You do realize that developmental delays happen during...that’s right, development."

09-08-20, 15:43
So why didn't you state that instead, with a link to the peer reviewed research that backs it up, rather than leading with "You do realize that developmental delays happen during...that’s right, development."

Because it is known and well-established at this point. It doesn’t need stated again and again. But we do know that actresses and paranoid soccer moms creating webpages are not scientific experts.

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09-08-20, 17:42
No really you came off as if you were looking for a argument and to belittle him
Pretty much bullying the poor guy.
Instead of enlightenment, he got shi+ on by you.
As the OP, I was very disappointed in that.

09-08-20, 18:07

09-08-20, 18:54
I’m sorry you’re disappointment in my intolerance of the same tired debunked conspiracy theory.

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09-08-20, 19:18
I’m sorry you’re disappointment in my intolerance of the same tired debunked conspiracy theory.

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Exactly the kind of response I expected from you.

09-08-20, 21:47
Exactly the kind of response I expected from you.

Awesome. You seem to have it all figured out.

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09-09-20, 08:28
On the fdas own website states that three vaccines still use thimerisol. Weird how facts have completely avoided you

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On that very same website it says thimerosal is not used in childhood vaccinations and hasn't been since 1999. It is used in some flu vaccines, not all. If you eat seafood, you're ingesting far more mercury than the trace amounts in thimerosal.

09-09-20, 13:00
I am not even sure why this is even a topic of discussion. Everyone knows that Andrew Jeremy Wakefield manipulated all his data to commit fraud and make money. He should have had more then just his licenses revoked. He should have been in prison for the rest of his life for spreading so much bad information that is actually hurting children.

I get what he did and I completely understand how he HAS such a cult-like following. People are devastated when they find out their children have autism. They want to be able to blame someone or something. I have a cousin that has a autistic son. To this day she still believes that the MMR vaccine cause it. Even though I have show her the data and that facts that Andrew Jeremy Wakefield is a money grubbing fraud that prayed on distraught parents. I have also pointed out that her daughter that received the same shot, at the same time, is fine. Still nothing.

This whole thing is cult like now. No matter what REAL science says, and what example people show, those that BELIEVE will not be convinced to change their mind.

09-09-20, 13:15
I know a couple through our Kids Sports Teams that have three Sons, two out of three have autism. Those boys were diagnosed in Second and Third Grades and yes, they blame vaccines. They aren't hippies, Mom is a Chiropractor and Dad is a Chemical Engineer. You know, when they discussed this with me, I had no idea there were anti vaxers, but who am I to set them straight.
That family is a bunch of good people and any one of those boys would bend over backwards to help you any time you asked, but dam Mom and Dad went through years of hell to finally get where they are at.
I dunno man, Vaccines or not, but I feel for them.

I have a close friend who's son is profoundly autistic. I get what you're saying on that score sure. I don't think it helps them or future gens to keep focused on what may be the causes and what's not, resources wasted, etc. There's far more compelling explanations at this point as to possible and plausible causes of autism than vaccines that need to be focused on at this point, such as glutathione depletion hypothesis and some very promising work in that area taking place. Funding study after study to find yet again vaccines are not the cause autism, which is not to say vaccines are without risks (nothing is 100% safe and risk/benefit is what matters), is money and focus on put on other areas of research. More intel:


A buddy of mine, Dr Gutman covers the topic here too:


09-09-20, 15:35
The WHO doesn’t approve vaccines in the US. That’s the CDC.

Sent from 80ms in the future
The CDC doesn't inspire awe either.

Nevermind, didn't read the previous 8 pages to see that this degenerated in the normal ant-vax drool.

09-09-20, 15:59
Nevermind, didn't read the previous 8 pages to see that this degenerated in the normal ant-vax drool.

Yeah, so there’s that.

Sent from 80ms in the future

09-10-20, 10:50
I have a close friend who's son is profoundly autistic. I get what you're saying on that score sure. I don't think it helps them or future gens to keep focused on what may be the causes and what's not, resources wasted, etc. There's far more compelling explanations at this point as to possible and plausible causes of autism than vaccines that need to be focused on at this point, such as glutathione depletion hypothesis and some very promising work in that area taking place. Funding study after study to find yet again vaccines are not the cause autism, which is not to say vaccines are without risks (nothing is 100% safe and risk/benefit is what matters), is money and focus on put on other areas of research. More intel:

Agree 100%. It's important, as you mentioned, to remember that vaccines aren't without other risks. Again, I don't disagree with parents who want to space vaccines out, considering that children now receive far more in their first 5 years than we did over 30 years.

09-10-20, 15:51
Agree 100%. It's important, as you mentioned, to remember that vaccines aren't without other risks. Again, I don't disagree with parents who want to space vaccines out, considering that children now receive far more in their first 5 years than we did over 30 years.

I'd probably do same as a parent as there's no real downside to that approach. Parents that don't get their kids vaccinated due to YT vids they watched and such, not so much.