View Full Version : Disney revamp?

09-06-20, 13:24
Such a thing could be on the board according to rumors.


With Star Wars failing at Disney and with the fears surrounding the coronavirus causing the company to lose billions, it is claimed that Disney will be changing its approach to various franchises including Star Wars and Marvel.

Star Wars is a complete disaster at Disney as it has been on the decline (proven by Disney investor reports) since the release of Rian Johnson and Kathleen Kennedy's Star Wars: The Last Jedi, which caused fans to bail on Star Wars in droves.

Regarding Marvel, on the movie side of things, there have been problems with Brie Larson, and we can argue that even though Captain Marvel was a success, similar to The Last Jedi, it was another woke approach which failed as the writing and directing team are not back for the sequel, and perhaps the biggest proof Captain Marvel was a failure is that Kevin Feige has apparently downgraded Brie Larson at Marvel and is now promoting Elizabeth Olsen, as Scarlet Witch and Olsen are liked by the fans a whole lot more than Larson and Carol Danvers.

"According to a source that has been reliable in the past, the sh-t is about to hit the fan at Disney," says Doomcock. "I am told that getting the SJWs out of Disney is now priority one mandated by the sudden realization that sometimes cliches are cliches for a reason and a new understanding at the highest level that 'get woke go broke' is no longer just a slogan. Yes, you heard me right, as incredible as it sounds, my source boldly claims that Disney is now only concerned with one thing: profitability."

As well as a new Star Wars series:



(quotes are from both links)

An unconfirmed and potentially bogus internet rumor suggests Disney may reset the entire “Star Wars” cinematic universe, erasing “The Force Awakens,” “The Last Jedi” and “Rise of Skywalker” from the main timeline of events.

The rumor — which comes from the a YouTube channel — suggests there’s some inner turmoil at Disney about the new direction of the “Star Wars” franchise. (The YouTuber previously reported “Rise of Skywalker” spoilers and details about the “Captain Marvel” sequel.)

The entire report is unconfirmed and unlikely. But let’s talk about the details for a second and see what it might mean for the “Star Wars” franchise going forward.

So, the rumor suggests Disney would use a concept from “Star Wars Rebels” to erase the events of the sequel trilogy, making them their own alternate universe and their own timeline of events.

While it appears that a reset is plausible, it isn’t set in place yet. As mentioned above, Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy reportedly hates the idea so much that she’ll do everything to crush the plan. Kennedy’s opposition to the idea is quite understandable, because as Doomcock says, “[if] the plan comes to pass, everything that Kathleen Kennedy did with the Sequel Trilogy will be destroyed, tossed out and declared obsolete.”

Folks don't want to see the SJW culture like we did with Episodes 7-9. They did make a lot of money, sure. But at the same time, people grumbled about the direction of the latest trilogy and didn't like where it headed.

Interesting is if moves forward.

09-06-20, 14:04
Such a thing could be on the board according to rumors.

Folks don't want to see the SJW culture like we did with Episodes 7-9. They did make a lot of money, sure. But at the same time, people grumbled about the direction of the latest trilogy and didn't like where it headed.

Interesting is if moves forward.
Easy button is to just revert the old EU to main timeline... problem is, with all the OG's either dead, toxic or wanting out you have to get to "Star Wars: The Next Generation" somehow.

09-06-20, 14:16
If I want preaching, I go to church.

If everyone is black, female, and gay then that’s not really the “all important” diversity.

Don’t ignore 80% of people to pander to the 20%.

09-06-20, 17:51
I think the fundamental problem with the sequel trilogy is that... it doesn't mean anything and really can't. And ultimately doesn't.

If they want to make another movie trilogy I think the idea of setting it several thousand years in the past or decades or centuries in the future is the way to go.

09-06-20, 18:11
I think the fundamental problem with the sequel trilogy is that... it doesn't mean anything and really can't. And ultimately doesn't.

If they want to make another movie trilogy I think the idea of setting it several thousand years in the past or decades or centuries in the future is the way to go.

This. Explore more of the Old Republic and the Sith Wars, maybe the origins of the Mandalorians. If Lucas hadn't been shoehorning, there coulda been an open-ended Clone Wars big-screen series between Episodes 2 and 3, a different unit in each movie.

09-06-20, 20:15
Paging Timothy Zahn...

09-06-20, 20:55
All I know is season one of the Mandalorian was pretty dang cool... keep doing stuff like that Disney.

09-06-20, 21:11
Two things;

1. Lol @ Doomcock. That’s an amazing name.

2. Make every character Gal Galdot

I have spoken

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09-06-20, 21:13
Paging Timothy Zahn...


09-06-20, 21:18
All I know is season one of the Mandalorian was pretty dang cool... keep doing stuff like that Disney.

And that's what they need to focus on. The Clone Wars and Rebels were designed for kids, but adults loved them just as much. The Mandalorian was made for adults that kids took to liking as well. It really has potential unless Kathleen Kennedy gets her claws into it.

The thing is, you have male and female characters that were equal in all of those series. There was no "patriarchy" to revolt against and no Mary Sue doing no wrong nor a bumbling former badass Jedi...well, Luke was always kinda whiny, but anyway. Everyone was equal on the animated series and everyone enjoyed the shows. And as much as people hate on Episodes I-III, they still didn't get into the social justice thing.

Don't get me wrong, this is not a "Boyz rule, gurlz drool" kind of thing. I think if there ever was a character that deserved a spinoff with their own series, it was Ahsoka Tano. They kinda did with Season 7 of Clone Wars, but not enough really.

09-06-20, 22:35
Paging Timothy Zahn...

Yeah, they could build a whole parallel sub-franchise around Thrawn. Ditto Boba Fett... two characters with very strong cult followings.

09-06-20, 23:13
Gal Galdot

I have spoken
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This is the way.

09-06-20, 23:14
If I want preaching, I go to church.

If everyone is black, female, and gay then that’s not really the “all important” diversity.

Don’t ignore 80% of people to pander to the 20%.

You’re just being a closed minded bigot. How would it be fair to have movie’s cast actually reflect population percentages? :rolleyes:

09-06-20, 23:58
Don't get me wrong, this is not a "Boyz rule, gurlz drool" kind of thing. I think if there ever was a character that deserved a spinoff with their own series, it was Ahsoka Tano. They kinda did with Season 7 of Clone Wars, but not enough really.

Ahsoka Tano is, without doubt, the most badass female character in Nu Canon.

And she's supposed to show up for S2 of The Mandalorian. Dunno how much she'll be in it, but... there's that.

09-07-20, 00:05
you have to get to "Star Wars: The Next Generation" somehow.

'Bout that Star Trek reference...


The third season of "Star Trek: Discovery," set to premiere on Oct. 15, will introduce its first transgender and a nonbinary characters, according to CBS All Access.

In an announcement on StarTrek.com, showrunners said the trans character, Gray, will be played by trans actor Ian Alexander ("The OA," "The Last of Us Part II"). A new nonbinary character, Adira, will also join the series and be portrayed by newcomer Blu del Barrio.

09-07-20, 01:30
'Bout that Star Trek reference...


Wasn't really referring to ST other than in the sense of passing the torch to a new cast in a later era. :) Gene Roddenberry was a utopian socialist who had to keep a lot of details left out or vague to be able to get TOS to sell with studio heads and the public.

09-07-20, 01:35
'Bout that Star Trek reference...


This is news? Why? Acting like TNG didn’t introduce Trill, and DS9 had everyone’s favorite Old Man...https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200907/832ad5e582e3719cc7b428331b81fafa.jpg

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09-07-20, 06:04
Yeah, they could build a whole parallel sub-franchise around Thrawn. Ditto Boba Fett... two characters with very strong cult followings.

I want Darth Nihilus to make an appearance.

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09-07-20, 06:19
I think the fundamental problem with the sequel trilogy is that... it doesn't mean anything and really can't.

It’s meaning was Gnostic.

09-07-20, 06:38
I want to see a movie called "Vader".. Just about Darth Vader and the havoc he causes right after Anakin becomes Darth. It should be a dark movie, kind of like the first Batman with Christian Bale... Plot along the Darth's inner struggles and the physical and mental pain he endures.

09-07-20, 09:47
I want to see a movie called "Vader".. Just about Darth Vader and the havoc he causes right after Anakin becomes Darth. It should be a dark movie, kind of like the first Batman with Christian Bale... Plot along the Darth's inner struggles and the physical and mental pain he endures.Yaaaaas!!!

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09-07-20, 10:03
I want to see a movie called "Vader".. Just about Darth Vader and the havoc he causes right after Anakin becomes Darth. It should be a dark movie, kind of like the first Batman with Christian Bale... Plot along the Darth's inner struggles and the physical and mental pain he endures.

Already happened


I just want to see a Stormtrooper film like Platoon, Hamburger Hill, or Boys in Company C. Where the Rebellion fighters are portrayed as vicious, Left-wing fanatics.

People forget or gloss over that the Stormtroopers were never clones. When they tried to do that, it was cringe and that change got undone. They were kids from all over with no money and no jobs. The Clone Troopers were badass but die off too young.

I mean....it’s hard to think what the Rebellion ever did for me

09-07-20, 14:18
I mean....it’s hard to think what the Rebellion ever did for me

On behalf of Moff Gideon, the Imperial Security Bureau would like to thank you for knowing your place, Citizen. Conform. Consume. Obey. Do not question the authority of the Emperor.

09-07-20, 15:05
I want to see a movie called "Vader".. Just about Darth Vader and the havoc he causes right after Anakin becomes Darth. It should be a dark movie, kind of like the first Batman with Christian Bale... Plot along the Darth's inner struggles and the physical and mental pain he endures.

The recent comics did something along those lines (they had a series for each character). I didn’t follow them, so I can’t tell you the storyline.

Sent from 80ms in the future

09-07-20, 15:34
On behalf of Moff Gideon, the Imperial Security Bureau would like to thank you for knowing your place, Citizen. Conform. Consume. Obey. Do not question the authority of the Emperor.

Oh boo hoo.

The Rebellion is Space Antifa

09-07-20, 15:44
If it’s made by Disney, I won’t see it. Simple as that. Tired of these super mega corps making film-by-committee.

09-07-20, 15:49
Empire or Rebel? Neither, I'm more Booster Terrik. Leave me and my Star Destroyer alone to tool around the stars in peace chasing that next lucrative deal, and we'll leave you alone and maybe even make some win-win deals in return. Come to attack us, and we'll turn that rock you call a planet into slag. Either way, your call... so choose wisely. :)

09-07-20, 16:27
Oh boo hoo.

The Rebellion is Space Antifa

Okay, please point me to the Antifa riots where this has happened...


09-07-20, 16:43
Time for a new super hero? :D


09-07-20, 16:45
Time for a new super hero? :D


Uh, oh, you've gone and done it now...


09-07-20, 18:24
Uh, oh, you've gone and done it now...


No Sgt Rock?

09-07-20, 19:01
Can Sgt Rock magically transform grenades into fruit in mid flight? Didn't think so. :D

09-07-20, 20:57
more Booster Terrik.

I get this reference. And I like it.

09-08-20, 17:27
As long as Gareth Edwards directs future Star Wars movies in the style of Rogue One, I'm on board. Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor, and the Jedi temple guardians had more character development and were more relatable in 2.5 hrs than any of the ep 7-9 characters across three movies. Rian Johnson and J.J. Abrams should be banned from touching another Star Wars script, or for that matter, being within 100 miles of one.

09-08-20, 17:32
As long as Gareth Edwards directs future Star Wars movies in the style of Rogue One, I'm on board. Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor, and the Jedi temple guardians had more character development and were more relatable in 2.5 hrs than any of the ep 7-9 characters across three movies. Rian Johnson and J.J. Abrams should be banned from touching another Star Wars script, or for that matter, being within 100 miles of one.

They should be New Coked into filmmaking oblivion.

09-08-20, 18:31
Folks don't want to see the SJW culture like we did with Episodes 7-9. They did make a lot of money, sure. But at the same time, people grumbled about the direction of the latest trilogy and didn't like where it headed.

Interesting is if moves forward.

F Disney. They indoctrinated an entire generation of kids with that socialist bullshit. I gave them a chance with the first two movies, fool me once...fool me twice. Not going for it any more. When they've undone the harm they've done COMPLETELY I will be willing to reconsider at that point.