View Full Version : Was the lock downs a huge mistake?

09-08-20, 15:51

Are they saying Trump was right lifting the lock down? Some governors were criticized for coming out of the lock down early even by Trump himself. Are they now admitting that the lock down hurt the economy terribly?

09-08-20, 15:59
Depends on whether you believe in the "right to life" or the "right to choose". :)

09-08-20, 16:15
The national response to Covid at all levels following the initial, ok let’s see what this is all about, was/is an absolute meme.

Also lol at the articles government effectiveness comment.

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09-08-20, 16:17
Yes, it was a terrible mistake to shut down the entire country because New York and New Jersey were having a heavy outbreak. Lockdowns are unsustainable so they require intelligently timed and targeted deployment. Instead, we just blew up the entire country all at once because of New York and New Jersey.

09-08-20, 16:21
Yes, it was a terrible mistake to shut down the entire country because New York and New Jersey were having a heavy outbreak. Lockdowns are unsustainable so they require intelligently timed and targeted deployment. Instead, we just blew up the entire country all at once because of New York and New Jersey.

NYCs had like 35k deaths in a region of 8.5 MILLION......

Cuomo deserves the rope for all of his fear mongering sensationalizing hyper-partisan BS. Never mind the fact that his actions directly resulted in the deaths of 1000s of elderly persons.

But Trump’s the tyrant [emoji849]

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09-08-20, 16:33
Wrecking the economy and thousands of businesses and bankrupting who knows how many citizens for political purpose is not a mistake. It is intentional fraud and the very definition of un-American.

09-08-20, 16:36
According to Webster- Hysteria: behavior exhibiting overwhelming or unmanageable fear or emotional excess, political hysteria, a psychoneurosis marked by emotional excitability and disturbances of the psychogenic, sensory.

Its been a big scam!


09-08-20, 16:36
My problem with the lock downs and the overall COVID response (it's starting to seriously impact our business just when we're getting back on our feet) is the complete and utter knee jerk reaction way it was implemented. Especially in light of this 6% number that came out of the CDC not long ago.

I get it, it's a serious disease when combined with other illnesses in the body. But when only roughly 11,000 people died from COVID alone, which the MSM won't report on, yes, the lockdowns were completely ineffective, ill advised, entirely unnecessary and a huge mistake. If our media didn't act so ****ing stupid and irresponsible over this situation, I doubt the situation would have been that bad. Yeah, a lot of people would have gotten it, been told to stay at home, dose up on chicken soup and rest up without a care in the world. But we had to allow politicians and the media to go full Simple Jack and act like the world was ending.

People, at least where I am, have the same thoughts on their minds as of late. This will all be over one way or another on November 4th. It has been and will continue to be a political game until that time. They know this and the next time it happens, they will be far more wary.

My problem with this whole thing, whether it be lockdowns, mask requirements, the rise of the authoritarian state with said lockdowns and mask requirements or combinations of, is this has desensitized people to the real threats in our world. People are really starting to question whether it was necessary or useful in shutting down our country. The problem is with the Chicken Little's like Fauchi and company, is they are paid to overreact and worse case scenario everything. That's their job. I understand that and appreciate that. But the real problem comes when we do get something far deadlier and more virulent (Ebola or some form of hemorrhagic fever) people are going to look back at this and wonder "are they overreacting yet again?"

They blew their load on this one with what they've done. And when (not if) we get something far worse, people won't know whether to trust the government when they run around like chickens with their heads cut off.

09-08-20, 16:37
I wonder if any lives will have actually been saved by the lockdown, or if the end toll will be the same, just spread out over a longer time. Maybe we’d have been better off carrying on with normal life carefully and letting this run its course without wreaking havoc on the economy.

09-08-20, 16:51
Per Grand58;
....” They blew their load on this one with what they've done. And when (not if) we get something far worse, people won't know whether to trust the government when they run around like chickens with their heads cut off.”

An egregious load of horseshit indeedy.

09-08-20, 16:53
Per Grand58;
....” They blew their load on this one with what they've done. And when (not if) we get something far worse, people won't know whether to trust the government when they run around like chickens with their heads cut off.”

An egregious load of horseshit indeedy.

Are you agreeing or disagreeing with my sentiments?

09-08-20, 16:58
I wonder if any lives will have actually been saved by the lockdown, or if the end toll will be the same, just spread out over a longer time. Maybe we’d have been better off carrying on with normal life carefully and letting this run its course without wreaking havoc on the economy.

My question isn't whether as many would have been lost, but rather whether so many of them would have been attributed to COVID directly.

09-08-20, 17:04
I wonder if any lives will have actually been saved by the lockdown, or if the end toll will be the same, just spread out over a longer time. Maybe we’d have been better off carrying on with normal life carefully and letting this run its course without wreaking havoc on the economy.

Adding on other deaths like untreated other illnesses and economic-downturn-induced homicide/suicide, we'll probably see a HIGHER toll than if we'd just quarantined the infected and the most at-risk and rode it out going for Herd Immunity. Not even counting the direct economic destruction, life savings wiped out, mass slaughter of small businesses... all so the DNC, F-ckstain Fraudci and their Chicom pals could line their pockets while trying to seize unfettered power and overthrow a legitimate president. I hope they all fall into a sewage tank and drown.

09-08-20, 17:14
.......... They know this and the next time it happens, they will be far more wary.
............ The problem is with the Chicken Little's like Fauchi and company, is they are paid to overreact and worse case scenario everything. That's their job. I understand that and appreciate that. But the real problem comes when we do get something far deadlier and more virulent (Ebola or some form of hemorrhagic fever) people are going to look back at this and wonder "are they overreacting yet again?"

They blew their load on this one with what they've done. And when (not if) we get something far worse, people won't know whether to trust the government when they run around like chickens with their heads cut off.

Well, Gates is all over the place talking about "pandemic 2" so it's not 'if' but 'when', and I'll bet money #2 is going to be the real killer. This was just a test run.
We need to kill a ton of people to save the world and institute a benevolent utopia after all... :rolleyes:

As far as 'chicken littles', the best thing that happened that NOBODY remembers is how, at the very beginning, some of the most ardent lockdown-supporting, mask-mandate obsessed governors were all about mocking the disease as another nothingburger the 'conspiracy theorists' and alarmists were trying to panic people over, and they were going out in public to large gatherings to 'prove' to everyone that everything is fine.
Then like a month later they all made a hard 180.
Gotta wear a mask into a restaurant, but you can stay in the restaurant and eat with it off.
Can't get a beer after 10Pm because somehow the virus gets more contagious after that or something.
Can't be in the same room in the hospital with your pregnant wife, but the last rio-er- 'protest' had what, 5000+ packing the streets? Oh, but the colored community is SO much more affected you guys! BLM! Gee, really? I wonder why... But early far smaller anti-lockdown protests are 'white supremacy' and streng verboten.
And that's still not quite as retarded as UK and such have gotten with this.
Good times. :rolleyes:

09-08-20, 17:15
They needed the fear created by a lockdown to justify cheat by mail voting. Ballots will be arriving for weeks after Election Day.

09-08-20, 17:25
I wonder if any lives will have actually been saved by the lockdown, or if the end toll will be the same, just spread out over a longer time. Maybe we’d have been better off carrying on with normal life carefully and letting this run its course without wreaking havoc on the economy.On the other hand how many people out there that are walking comorbidities? Poor diet, no exercise, half a dozen meds with half dozen side effects...etc.... I could be wrong but I remember reading adult obesity is close to 50%. Something like 3/4 of the population had severe vitim D deficiency. Many of those people stayed home.

Of course they could stay home but how much does the economy suffer then? Better of? About the same?

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09-08-20, 17:44
Are you agreeing or disagreeing with my sentiments?

Wholeheartedly in agreement.

09-08-20, 17:48
Well, Gates is all over the place talking about "pandemic 2" so it's not 'if' but 'when', and I'll bet money #2 is going to be the real killer. This was just a test run.
We need to kill a ton of people to save the world and institute a benevolent utopia after all... :rolleyes:

As far as 'chicken littles', the best thing that happened that NOBODY remembers is how, at the very beginning, some of the most ardent lockdown-supporting, mask-mandate obsessed governors were all about mocking the disease as another nothingburger the 'conspiracy theorists' and alarmists were trying to panic people over, and they were going out in public to large gatherings to 'prove' to everyone that everything is fine.
Then like a month later they all made a hard 180.
Gotta wear a mask into a restaurant, but you can stay in the restaurant and eat with it off.
Can't get a beer after 10Pm because somehow the virus gets more contagious after that or something.
Can't be in the same room in the hospital with your pregnant wife, but the last rio-er- 'protest' had what, 5000+ packing the streets? Oh, but the colored community is SO much more affected you guys! BLM! Gee, really? I wonder why... But early far smaller anti-lockdown protests are 'white supremacy' and streng verboten.
And that's still not quite as retarded as UK and such have gotten with this.
Good times. :rolleyes:

Gates also has BIG money sunk into Big Pharma and Big Pandemic in particular, so he has a vested interest in the world going to hell. What's bad for us is good for his rankings relative to Bezos and Buffett in the Net Worth Club.

09-08-20, 18:10
Gates also has BIG money sunk into Big Pharma and Big Pandemic in particular, so he has a vested interest in the world going to hell. What's bad for us is good for his rankings relative to Bezos and Buffett in the Net Worth Club.

That seems to be a part of this many are missing by indicating concern that the purpose of all this is limited to US elections and will go away in November.

09-08-20, 18:15
According to Webster- Hysteria: behavior exhibiting overwhelming or unmanageable fear or emotional excess, political hysteria, a psychoneurosis marked by emotional excitability and disturbances of the psychogenic, sensory.

Its been a big scam!


Well they did just change the definition of “female” to something more woke and Inclusive sooooo

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09-08-20, 19:03
I wonder if any lives will have actually been saved by the lockdown, or if the end toll will be the same, just spread out over a longer time. Maybe we’d have been better off carrying on with normal life carefully and letting this run its course without wreaking havoc on the economy.

It's a hard call. IF Covid DID runaway in a worst case scenario, I don't think that would have helped our economy much either. Just looking at Italy as an example of how bad it could have gotten, of course their very corrupt government didn't help.

We should have banned all traffic from China that were not US citizens and then quarantined those who were US citizens. Lockdowns are never as effective as quarantines but in places like NYC that might not have even been practical or effective.

09-08-20, 19:09
The media is responsible for the COVID overreaction. More specifically, pWhoever gives marching orders to the media (intelligence apparatus most likely) is better at shaping public opinion and by extension, public policy than any other method. In other words, the media is a full-scale propaganda / disinfo machine and is the enemy of the people. THEY are mostly responsible for the lockdowns and fear mongering and false calls of systemic racism and the resulting violence and chaos. They need to be stopped. They are successfully running ~50% of the population in full NPC-will-obey mode.

Trump needs to win re-election, and while he’s a lame duck, he might as well fire / clean house at the CIA/NSA, seize Soros’s accounts and charge him with supporting terrorism, fill the upper echelons of the DoD with patriots again, break up and destroy big tech, and find a constitutional way to arrest journalists who peddle propaganda that incites people to violence. Those things would permanently cripple the deep state in my opinion .

09-08-20, 19:23
The media is responsible for the COVID overreaction. More specifically, pWhoever gives marching orders to the media (intelligence apparatus most likely) is better at shaping public opinion and by extension, public policy than any other method. In other words, the media is a full-scale propaganda / disinfo machine and is the enemy of the people. THEY are mostly responsible for the lockdowns and fear mongering and false calls of systemic racism and the resulting violence and chaos. They need to be stopped. They are successfully running ~50% of the population in full NPC-will-obey mode.

Trump needs to win re-election, and while he’s a lame duck, he might as well fire / clean house at the CIA/NSA, seize Soros’s accounts and charge him with supporting terrorism, fill the upper echelons of the DoD with patriots again, break up and destroy big tech, and find a constitutional way to arrest journalists who peddle propaganda that incites people to violence. Those things would permanently cripple the deep state in my opinion .

Safe bet if he does, the Dems and their Vichycuck alllies in the Bush League RINO's impeach again. Either that or some Langley Cowboy decides to Party Like It's 1963... even if Trump pulls off all you propose, that'll buy a lot of time but unless we stomp on the Wilsonians like roaches as soon as they scuttle out of the shadows every time they try, they'll just wait or us to become complacent or weary and the Deep State will return.

09-08-20, 19:28
According to Webster- Hysteria: behavior exhibiting overwhelming or unmanageable fear or emotional excess, political hysteria, a psychoneurosis marked by emotional excitability and disturbances of the psychogenic, sensory.

Its been a big scam!


IF you go into intellectual battle with someone based on that video, prepare to get you ass handed to you.

50-65 year olds are like 20% of the population. 330m pop, 66milllion in the age group. Roughly 1:20M chance, so three people between 50-64 have died of covid....

You get that is stupid.

Plus, they say you have a 1:114 chance of dying in a car crash.

My assumption is that they are using a daily or weekly snapshot of deaths, multiplying it by the number that dies only of COVID. Then comparing it to the number of people that will die in a car wrecjk their whole life.

I get the point about co-morbidities; but like any war, you fight it with the troops you have not the troops you want.

OAN was suspect, but that report puts it in CNN territory for cherry picking data.


They say that your chances of catching it are really low. Now, that ain't true, and we had hoped it aint true because we are banking on the fact that a lot of non-symptomatic cases happened already. If it really hasn't spread, we are hosed for a long time.

That report cherry picks and slices and dices the data in ways that are truly either stunningly manipulative or stupid. And I do marketing for a living.

09-08-20, 19:46

Are they saying Trump was right lifting the lock down? Some governors were criticized for coming out of the lock down early even by Trump himself. Are they now admitting that the lock down hurt the economy terribly?

Pretty sure I am not the only one here that never missed a single day of work.

Matter of fact - I have been busy as heck and making quite a bit more than normal. 'My' economy is doing great.

When the EO was published here I actually read it. Pretty much everyone was exempt from the stay at home 'order' so long as you were not employed in a hair salon or a waiter / waitress at a 'dine in' restaurant. In my locale the 'lockdown' was a joke as far as how many people were really locked down.

What does piss me off is walmarts here all having the goofballs outside 'guarding' the door to make sure everyone that enters is wearing some sort of mask. Makes no difference what the mask is made out of (could be a rag or your girlfriends thong for all they care) and does not matter how you actually wear it (using it to protect your chin is cool here and perfectly acceptable to them) just so long as you have some sort of cover near your face when you enter.

09-08-20, 20:25
Pretty sure I am not the only one here that never missed a single day of work.

Matter of fact - I have been busy as heck and making quite a bit more than normal. 'My' economy is doing great.

When the EO was published here I actually read it. Pretty much everyone was exempt from the stay at home 'order' so long as you were not employed in a hair salon or a waiter / waitress at a 'dine in' restaurant. In my locale the 'lockdown' was a joke as far as how many people were really locked down.

What does piss me off is walmarts here all having the goofballs outside 'guarding' the door to make sure everyone that enters is wearing some sort of mask. Makes no difference what the mask is made out of (could be a rag or your girlfriends thong for all they care) and does not matter how you actually wear it (using it to protect your chin is cool here and perfectly acceptable to them) just so long as you have some sort of cover near your face when you enter.

I ignore them and continue on, there's nothing they can do if you do.
I've had three surgeries to repair my nose and soft pallet, those masks, everyone I have tried makes me gag.
Sorry, some shmuckat at WalMart can kiss my big white greasy third point of contact.

09-08-20, 21:10
It's a hard call. IF Covid DID runaway in a worst case scenario, I don't think that would have helped our economy much either. Just looking at Italy as an example of how bad it could have gotten, of course their very corrupt government didn't help.

We should have banned all traffic from China that were not US citizens and then quarantined those who were US citizens. Lockdowns are never as effective as quarantines but in places like NYC that might not have even been practical or effective.

The problem was the New York/New Jersey outbreak was likely caused by European-imported cases of SARS COV-2. The emergency bans on travels based on nationality did very little to stem the US outbreaks. Of course, that is not the narrative we saw play out in the media, which focused on some rather small West Coast brush fires, but the facts nonetheless.

review of the first few weeks of the US response in February-March - https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6928a5.htm?s_cid=mm6928a5_w

This issue (and thread) gets bogged down by limited facts and even less awareness of what is not fact. Since we were all responders, we all need to participate in the after actions. It would be helpful if folks were a bit more introspective...

For instance, there is a massive desire to leave New York City. “More than 16,000 New Yorkers changed their address to Connecticut from March through June, the Hartford Courant reported.”

09-08-20, 21:46
Pretty sure I am not the only one here that never missed a single day of work.

Matter of fact - I have been busy as heck and making quite a bit more than normal. 'My' economy is doing great.

When the EO was published here I actually read it. Pretty much everyone was exempt from the stay at home 'order' so long as you were not employed in a hair salon or a waiter / waitress at a 'dine in' restaurant. In my locale the 'lockdown' was a joke as far as how many people were really locked down.

What does piss me off is walmarts here all having the goofballs outside 'guarding' the door to make sure everyone that enters is wearing some sort of mask. Makes no difference what the mask is made out of (could be a rag or your girlfriends thong for all they care) and does not matter how you actually wear it (using it to protect your chin is cool here and perfectly acceptable to them) just so long as you have some sort of cover near your face when you enter.

I thought I was going to suffer greatly. In March and April business slowed a bit, but that's normal in Alaska late winter. I had meetings with my bankers, with shareholders in the corp that owns the property, and with my staff explaining what my plan was to survive. All that planning went out the window in May as the season took off with a BANG.

Since May 1st my schedule has been 13 on/one off, but I'm the owner so it's what I have to do. I paid more overtime than I have ever paid in a single year. It was impossible to find anyone to work when I needed them. That $600 a week in extra unemployment made it nearly impossible to hire someone new. My core group of employees kicked ass during this whole thing and there will be bonuses paid to them because of it. I finally added two people last week and I still probably need two more. I know that not every industry is like mine, but there are many that are doing fine.

Our "lockdown" was a joke as well. Inter-community was banned, but there were so many loop holes the highways were running about normal. For a while you were only supposed to go out for essential goods. I'm glad that renting equipment, buying hardware and lumber were "essential" to so many.

09-08-20, 21:53
You see where other countries never locked down and their results were similar to ours. It’s painful. The dems don’t care who gets hurt, who is in pain Thousands going out of business, their only goal is get Biden elected. It’s actually sad.


09-08-20, 22:31
The mask mandates are proof that the whole thing is a bunch of shit. They push the mask nonsense as though it's an effective strategy.

LMT Shooter
09-08-20, 22:41
"Mistake" is not a strong enough word for it.

The idea that 2,000,000 Americans would die from COVID-19 was ludicrous to me from the beginning. For that number to have been plausible, China would've had something like 25,000,000-100,000,000 dead, due to their population density and lack of first world health care. I know we cant trust China, but I don't believe they would've been able to cover up millions of deaths from COVID-19.

"Flattening the curve" was sold to us as a 15-30 day measure to slow the spread, and we're 6 months into it?

The whole "Event 201" thing made me a believer in conspiracy theories. The lockdown was a plot, although I'm not sure by whom and to what end.

09-09-20, 00:51
"Mistake" is not a strong enough word for it.

The idea that 2,000,000 Americans would die from COVID-19 was ludicrous to me from the beginning. For that number to have been plausible, China would've had something like 25,000,000-100,000,000 dead, due to their population density and lack of first world health care. I know we cant trust China, but I don't believe they would've been able to cover up millions of deaths from COVID-19.

"Flattening the curve" was sold to us as a 15-30 day measure to slow the spread, and we're 6 months into it?

The whole "Event 201" thing made me a believer in conspiracy theories. The lockdown was a plot, although I'm not sure by whom and to what end.

It's kinda like trying to work the criminology of Dealey Plaza. While the usual first question is Qui Bono (Who Benefits?), in such cases there are so many potential suspects standing to gain from the crime it's more a "Who DIDN'T?" situation.

09-09-20, 01:44
You see where other countries never locked down and their results were similar to ours. It’s painful. The dems don’t care who gets hurt, who is in pain Thousands going out of business, their only goal is get Biden elected. It’s actually sad.


I don't know that countries that never locked down were similar to ours. We never locked down like Northern Italy did, not even close. Our lockdowns seemed to be looser than any in the EU- and that is at a local level, remember, they had little to no travel between their countries, which are like our states- which we never did to any real degree.

It would have been criminal after seeing what happened in Northern Italy, the trouble China was having even with draconian lock downs, and what started to happen in our North eastern corridor. Now, when that wave passed and the next 'wave' was 1/10 the size for the population exposed, it is criminal that you can't eat in a NYC restaurant and that some of the other states have kept the lock downs as broad as they are.

We smashed the curve, obliterated it really. The problem is that we have a couple of hundred thousand dead by the end of the year. They are predicting a HUGE upsurge around Dec 1st. I think that is a modeling effect artifact from Flu models, that may not hold up, hopefully. Though my dark side thinks that early Dec is when the biggest push to push Trump out with election shenanigans will happen. What a way to keep people off the streets....

09-09-20, 02:56
For instance, there is a massive desire to leave New York City. “More than 16,000 New Yorkers changed their address to Connecticut from March through June, the Hartford Courant reported.”

Trust me I know. Most of them already had a second house in FL.

09-09-20, 07:43
"Flattening the curve" worked in that it kept hospitals from being inundated with COVID patients. But once hospitals made the pivot and up-resourced it was time to end the lockdowns in respect to 'flattening the curve.' The biggest problem was, and remains, they want to engage in actions based on faulty data predicting a high mortality. They have the 'in for a penny, in for a pound' thing going on, and instead of pulling back, they are just stomping on the accelerator.

Interestingly, Italy is seeing a resurgence in COVID, and most of their population wants to go on with life as normal, and have the most at-risk self-quarantine. They are not fooled, either.

LMT Shooter
09-09-20, 08:33
I wasn't implying that it didn't work, just that it was supposed to be a 15-30 day thing. Now Fauci is saying that we must accept masks & social distancing on a permanent basis. We've been getting lied to all along, and the media fosters it. Misinformation that plays into the idea that Coronavirus is catastrophic is allowed to be spread, but anyone who goes against that narrative is censored and berated.

09-09-20, 08:44
You see where other countries never locked down and their results were similar to ours. It’s painful. The dems don’t care who gets hurt, who is in pain Thousands going out of business, their only goal is get Biden elected. It’s actually sad.


I'd go so far as to say that between Covid, shutdowns and the riots, they actively want as many people in pain as possible. They hate Trump more than they love America. :mad:

09-09-20, 08:57
I'd go so far as to say that between Covid, shutdowns and the riots, they actively want as many people in pain as possible. They hate Trump more than they love America. :mad:
OH58D reported one of his NMSP contacts telling him that a Biden conference-call had given D govs exactly those marching orders.

09-09-20, 09:00
I wasn't implying that it didn't work, just that it was supposed to be a 15-30 day thing. Now Fauci is saying that we must accept masks & social distancing on a permanent basis. We've been getting lied to all along, and the media fosters it. Misinformation that plays into the idea that Coronavirus is catastrophic is allowed to be spread, but anyone who goes against that narrative is censored and berated.

Absolutely. They kept moving the goalposts, whether for political expediency or for true public health concern (or both), and have gone so far it's become "too big to fail." The lockdowns, especially the economic lockdowns, have been disastrous.

My 'esteemed' governor, who has handled this thing horribly, had the balls to send out a Labor Day message expressing his fondness and appreciation for all the businesses and workers in the state, yet his COVID policies have continued to beat the shit out of businesses. He is a hypocritical douche nozzle who is getting hammered, rightfully so.

09-09-20, 09:03
There were no COVID patients in our hospitals at the time of the lockdown. All the lockdown accomplished is to delay the normal flow of hospital care resulting in layoffs and limiting hours of hospital workers, and a backlog of people requiring hospital care. That was the story across much of the nation.

09-09-20, 09:56
Once you reach a fork in the road and choose a path, it's difficult to go back.
I agreed with halting all flights to and from China, I agreed with a 15-30 day lock down to ease the pressure on the Hospitals, but this has gone on so lang at this point and sadly the general population put on a mask and never questioned it and it goes on and on.
If nothing else it has been a lesson in human nature, and we apparently failed the test.

LMT Shooter
09-09-20, 10:09
Or the people who orchestrated this say it was a successful test, because the sheep went along with it all, even so far as to help keep other sheep in line when they questioned authority. Now those in power feel they can con us into compliance with almost anything.

You are correct about human nature, the masses are ignorant lemmings.

09-09-20, 10:37
Absolutely it was a mistake for the American public to go along with this lockdown.

It’s destroyed half of our economy and continues to wreak havoc that will be felt for the next 50 years.

It’s going to create pockets of children who don’t have developed functioning immune systems- which will be cause for greater health problems in the future.

It’s going to create pockets of socially undeveloped children that live in fear of the outside world and other people. Which will cause larger societal issues in the future.

It’s aided in controlling massive portions of the population and given a road map of how to proceed when more control is needed/wanted.

It’s created several political loop holes for all sorts of shenanigans that should not be allowed in our Republic.

All of that^ just so the people who would have died anyways, died slower and over a longer period of time And so hospitals wouldn’t be inundated. Nothing more.

09-09-20, 10:45
Just wait until the space ships show up on November 2nd.

09-09-20, 11:04
I wouldn't say mistake. I would say it was poorly planned and executed. We should have had checkpoints on all roads connected to the New England states and mandatory quarantine for anyone who left them, we should have had phased shut-downs as states exceeded a certain percentage of Covid positive folks, should have had a plan to re-open before we shut down.

We should also have put the governors of New Jersey and New York on trial for the number (percentage) of their Covid patients who they killed.


09-09-20, 12:15
Was the lock downs a huge mistake?

Was going along with a load of bull dookey ever not a huge mistake?

09-09-20, 14:05
Yep, because it also gave rise to things like this:


09-09-20, 14:51
I wouldn't say mistake. I would say it was poorly planned and executed. We should have had checkpoints on all roads connected to the New England states and mandatory quarantine for anyone who left them, we should have had phased shut-downs as states exceeded a certain percentage of Covid positive folks, should have had a plan to re-open before we shut down.

We should also have put the governors of New Jersey and New York on trial for the number (percentage) of their Covid patients who they killed.


The high death rate was in nursing homes, where Cuomo put them. Outside of that, what impact did the virus have?

09-09-20, 19:30
The high death rate was in nursing homes, where Cuomo put them. Outside of that, what impact did the virus have?

And with numerous other beds outside of Nursing Homes available was this intentional?
Think of the effect it had, who benefited and where the story was buried?

I don't know, but if it was that was pure evil, but if you put the basic evidence together, Old People with compromised immune systems + Covid 19 infected patients ='s WTF did you think was going to happen?

09-09-20, 20:37
Once you reach a fork in the road and choose a path, it's difficult to go back.
I agreed with halting all flights to and from China, I agreed with a 15-30 day lock down to ease the pressure on the Hospitals, but this has gone on so lang at this point and sadly the general population put on a mask and never questioned it and it goes on and on.
If nothing else it has been a lesson in human nature, and we apparently failed the test.

I agree, pausing travel, temporary movement restrictions and other moderate measures have been part of US pandemic planning for 20 years.

Leadership vacuum is more accurate. This story seems to conform with some non public things I saw and heard.

09-09-20, 21:01
I wouldn't say mistake. I would say it was poorly planned and executed. We should have had checkpoints on all roads connected to the New England states and mandatory quarantine for anyone who left them, we should have had phased shut-downs as states exceeded a certain percentage of Covid positive folks, should have had a plan to re-open before we shut down.

We should also have put the governors of New Jersey and New York on trial for the number (percentage) of their Covid patients who they killed.


Yea.... f all that noise.

Would you have volunteered to man and enforce said quarantine? All for a virus with an statistically insignificant death rate in a nation of 350,000,000.

Muh hysteria.

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09-09-20, 21:39
Yea.... f all that noise.

Would you have volunteered to man and enforce said quarantine? All for a virus with an statistically insignificant death rate in a nation of 350,000,000.

Muh hysteria.

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I'm saying if you are going to do it, do it right.

This illogical, neverending and useless "shutdown" is the result of being too cowardly to either say "go to work, wear a mask" or "we are shutting down travel out of states with more than xxx cases".

Hysteria? I know one person who has been diagnosed with Covid, he lives in South Dakota and recovered fairly quickly.

The MSM has the sheep absolutely terrified of contracting Covid and either dying a horrible death or barely surviving to live a horrible life.

I'm not losing any sleep over it...

09-10-20, 11:08
The high death rate was in nursing homes, where Cuomo put them. Outside of that, what impact did the virus have?

And with numerous other beds outside of Nursing Homes available was this intentional?
Think of the effect it had, who benefited and where the story was buried?

I don't know, but if it was that was pure evil, but if you put the basic evidence together, Old People with compromised immune systems + Covid 19 infected patients ='s WTF did you think was going to happen?

Well the cynic in me knows of at least one impact:


New York’s estate tax regime is unlike the federal regime and other states. Under the federal estate tax regime and that of other states, if a decedent’s estate is large enough to be subject to estate tax, only the amount which exceeds the exemption amount is taxed. For example, if the federal exemption amount is $11,580,000, and the decedent’s taxable estate is valued at $12,000,000, then $420,000 would be subject to federal estate tax. In New York however, estates exceeding the New York estate tax exemption are subject to a cliff. Specifically, estates larger than 105% of the exemption amount will receive absolutely no exemption from New York estate taxes. In other words, when a New York estate exceeds the exempted amount by 5% or more, the entire value of the estate is subject to New York estate tax.

Take the following hypothetical: A New York decedent dies in June 2020, leaving a taxable estate of $5,825,000. No federal or New York estate tax is due. However, if the estate was valued at $6,150,000, which exceeds the New York exemption amount by $300,000 (more than 5% over the exemption amount of $5,850,000) the New York estate tax due is $529,200. In other states, the estate would pay estate tax on the excess amount only. In New York, the estate pays estate tax on the entire $6,150,000. The heirs of the decedent’s estate would be in a better financial position if the estate was valued at only $5,850,000 (heirs receive $5,850,000), rather than $6,150,000 (heirs receive $5,620,500).

Tl;Dr: If the estate of a NY resident who died of Covid this year had an estate worth $6.15M or more, that's a net to NY's coffers of over a half million dollars. That's why so many NY'ers retire out of state. They literally don't want to be caught dead in NY.

09-11-20, 06:14

09-17-20, 06:59
One has to wonder how often this situation repeated itself around the country.


The coronavirus cases on lower Broadway may have been so low that the mayor’s office and the metro health department decided to keep it secret.

Emails between the mayor’s senior advisor and the health department reveal only a partial picture. But what they reveal is disturbing.

The discussion involves the low number of coronavirus cases emerging from bars and restaurants and how to handle that.and most disturbingly how to keep it from the public.

Leslie Waller from the health department asks “This isn’t going to be publicly released, right? Just info for Mayor’s Office?

“Correct, not for public consumption.” Writes senior advisor Benjamin Eagles

A month later the health department is asked point blank about the rumor there are only 80 cases traced to bars and restaurants.

Tennessean reporter Nate Rau asks “the figure you gave of “more than 80” does lead to a natural question: If there have been over 20,000 positive cases of COVID-19 in Davidson and only 80 or so are traced to restaurants and bars, doesn’t that mean restaurants and bars aren’t a very big problem?

09-17-20, 08:52
I feel like I got "Climate Changed" again, but missed out by not having a Covid-19 crazy eyed Dutch Girl.