View Full Version : Will Biden actually debate Trump?

09-09-20, 08:50
As the title says, will Biden debate Trump or try to weasel out of it some way?

He seems he already is trying to get out of it, and I can see why.

Politics aside Trumps thing is speaking quick off the cuff. The debate stage is likely one of his favorite places. I seriously wonder about Biden’s health. Honestly he just screws up speaking so much and seems to require a Telepromter. His health is a whole other topic, but pertinent.

So what do you think? Will he do it? What will the outcome be off him doing it, or not?

I personally don’t have a fully formed opinion yet, I guess that’s why I pose this question to you all.

just a scout
09-09-20, 08:58
I’m putting $20 on the “No frakking way” square. Trump will destroy him on stage and the campaign knows it. That’s why the Left has already been pushing the narrative of “COVID, Trump’s not worthy of debating, he denigrates the office, blah, blah, blah...”

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09-09-20, 09:01
Same tricks as Jay Inslee's using to weasel out of debating his opponent for WA governor.

09-09-20, 09:55
No way.

Especially now that Trump as nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

09-09-20, 09:59
I don't see it happening.

In 2012, I was shocked at how capable Biden was at debating in the VP debates. I had always figured him for a bumbling idiot and seeing him debate Paul Ryan showed he had some skill. Fast forward to 8 years later and I can't see him going head to head with Trump. Biden can't run off-script without producing a gaff-laden speech salad. Trump lives off script and if he makes Biden angry on stage, which is a guarantee, it will exacerbate Biden's weaknesses and highlight Trump's strengths.

Trump prefers to think on his feet and any debate is going to play into the most powerful skill set that he has. I'm sure the DNC knows it and are going to take the safest course, which is no debates. They have a gift in the form of the pandemic and quite a few voters will write off the lack of a debate as necessary due to it.

Alex V
09-09-20, 10:12
The Left will vote for Biden even if he doesn't debate. He can only lose if he goes on stage with Trump so what's the benefit.

The interesting part is what will the independent voter think of Biden if he runs away? There are a lot of Trump haters out there...

09-09-20, 10:56
JMHO and we all know my personal biases, but IMO if you're not man enough to take a debate stage you're not fit for the office. I would even go so far as to say that debates should be made an eligibility REQUIREMENT, you show up or you get tossed off the ballot.

09-09-20, 11:52
I saw a Biden ad on YouTube that I thought was, Hand on the Bible, an anti-Biden ad. He was droning on about insurance and it felt like a sad Alzheimers PSA.

No lulz, just sads

ETA here it is.


09-09-20, 12:01
No way. He’s not calling any shots anyway. His handlers have him drugged and under their control.

Dr. Bullseye
09-09-20, 12:04
We can all tune in and laugh at the guy but the left will vote for him even if he dies on stage.

09-09-20, 12:12
He won't debate. They'll cook up an excuse, blame Trump for it, and the maggots in the media will go right along as usual.

09-09-20, 12:20
JMHO and we all know my personal biases, but IMO if you're not man enough to take a debate stage you're not fit for the office. I would even go so far as to say that debates should be made an eligibility REQUIREMENT, you show up or you get tossed off the ballot.


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09-09-20, 12:45
If there was a way to pray to the political Gods and offer up some cash, I would pay to see Biden's dentures come loose during a debate and partially or completely come out of his mouth. It already partially happened during the democrat debates.

For me, I always thought Biden missed his calling and should have been a TV Game Show host.

09-09-20, 12:49
My bet is he'll "contract" Covid right before the 1st scheduled debate, will post brief messages of hope saying his symptoms are mild and not life threatening from his basement each day, and make a full recovery right after the 3rd debate date passes by.

09-09-20, 13:32
If I were Trump and the debate happened I would go imply he needs his diapers changed or, EVEN BETTER, get him to tell some go nowhere story about the 60s.

09-09-20, 15:32
I bet Trump contracts COVID-19 before the first debate and has to be hospitalized.

And I’m not saying that Trump is looking to get out of the debates.

09-09-20, 22:16
Not if he has a clue, which he doesn't.

09-09-20, 23:27
Not if he has a clue, which he doesn't.


Hope you’re ready for it.

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09-10-20, 00:37
Biden is being kept alive by the same potion that is keeping RBG alive.. it will also cure Covid .

09-10-20, 10:14
I think biden's ego will make it very hard for him to back out of the debates. Trump will goad him in the media, call him a coward. If biden has any say so in what he does there will be at least one debate.

If it happens it will be good TV.

09-10-20, 10:19
I think biden's ego will make it very hard for him to back out of the debates. Trump will goad him in the media, call him a coward. If biden has any say so in what he does there will be at least one debate.

If it happens it will be good TV.

They'll promise him another pudding cup at lunch if he doesn't.

09-10-20, 10:25
I'm pretty sure that Biden is in that "Sweet Spot" where his dementia still occasionally allows him to remember what he was and recognize something here is wrong and getting worse.
That's the thing about all of this, if this was a joke someone was playing on their poor demented Grandfather, they would be arrested for Elder abuse. Someone would be going to jail.
Regardless of all of the slimy crap he has done and he has done some slimy stuff, he's gone, an empty shell. If someone decided to punish him for his crimes, I doubt if he could understand this was punishment for 23 1/2 hours of the day.

09-10-20, 10:45
I think Biden is actually crazy if he does do 3 debates. The only nagging feeling I have, besides Biden not debating, is that Trump will approach the debates too cavalierly because of his belief that he's a great debater - he is definitely his own worst enemy. Plus, it might turn off some if he goes after Biden too hard.

09-10-20, 12:13
I think Biden is actually crazy if he does do 3 debates. The only nagging feeling I have, besides Biden not debating, is that Trump will approach the debates too cavalierly because of his belief that he's a great debater - he is definitely his own worst enemy. Plus, it might turn off some if he goes after Biden too hard.

On the same token, it could turn off some middle of the ground voters (if they even exist any more) if Biden goes his "tough guy" routine on Trump.

09-10-20, 12:43
Biden is being kept alive by the same potion that is keeping RBG alive.. it will also cure Covid .

Adrenochrome? LoL

09-10-20, 12:56
Adrenochrome? LoL

I was gonna say, fresh hydraulic fluid in their Audio-Animatronics?

09-11-20, 09:02
So the idea anti Trumpers would vote Biden even if he molested a kid on national TV is not lost on me.

But this election like all others is about swing voters and swing states. I guess the gamble is will they be more put off by Bidens lack luster debate performance or by his cowardice and not debating?

As another member noted, Trump will have to hold back a bit, if he goes overboard on Biden I think he'll lose some of those swing votes.

09-11-20, 09:22
There's also the "Ace Vote"--like the blogger who runs AoSHQ, those who've drawn the conclusion that our country falling off the cliff is no longer preventable and are voting to ensure that those they hold responsible go Splat first. "Trump as avatar of vengeance," you might say.

If I'm Trump on that stage, I try to be visibly compassionate that nobody in Biden's condition should be in the position those around him have cruelly forced him into while still hitting policy and puppetmasters hard, and hit the Edith Wilson and 25th Amendment cards. "Shortest Presidency since David Rice Atchison!"

09-11-20, 09:29
So the idea anti Trumpers would vote Biden even if he molested a kid on national TV is not lost on me.

But this election like all others is about swing voters and swing states. I guess the gamble is will they be more put off by Bidens lack luster debate performance or by his cowardice and not debating?

As another member noted, Trump will have to hold back a bit, if he goes overboard on Biden I think he'll lose some of those swing votes.

Biden could get on stage and say something like "Turkey farmers hit with roofing shingles caused a lunar eclipse on Alpha Centauri" and the media will proclaim it to be the most groundbreaking statement since MLK's I have a Dream speech.

09-11-20, 09:32

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09-13-20, 20:54
My take on this, Biden will be suddenly become sick from Corona19 and will be unable to make the debate or any other appearances. They will try to sub Harris but that will be a no go. Just before the election, Biden will recover from the deadly virus and try for the symphony win!