View Full Version : 9/11 and why it's important

09-11-20, 11:05
So this is just my thoughts and experience. I was a freshman in high school sitting in my Social Studies class when the first plan hit. I remember the the screen on the tube tv strapped down to the push cart. The smoke billowing out of the tower, I don't remember exactly when the 2nd Plane hit, but I do remember the towers falling. My friends and I, who were so into music and girls and asking our parents for an Mp3 player, reality set in quickly.
The sacrifices that we made that day and everyday forward can not be fully measured. That day I found resolve and realized I needed to do something beyond myself. I know that as tragic as that day was, it woke up so many people in the US. It showed me that there is something more to fight for and that there are people very willing to take the freedoms, in which I took so for granted, away. I don't ever want to see a tragedy like that again on American soil, and I shall push that it is never forgotten especially in a time such as this when people are so willing to throw away our freedoms for comfort.

09-11-20, 11:13
Never forget, never forgive. Not the Enemy Without who destroyed so many of our countrymen's lives, nor the Enemy Within who exploited it to destroy our freedom and way of life in the name of "winning the war."

Certainly not the "inside men" like John Brennan who made it possible by strongarming the hijackers' visas through after initial denial.

09-11-20, 11:42
So this is just my thoughts and experience. I was a freshman in high school sitting in my Social Studies class when the first plan hit. I remember the the screen on the tube tv strapped down to the push cart. The smoke billowing out of the tower, I don't remember exactly when the 2nd Plane hit, but I do remember the towers falling. My friends and I, who were so into music and girls and asking our parents for an Mp3 player, reality set in quickly.
The sacrifices that we made that day and everyday forward can not be fully measured. That day I found resolve and realized I needed to do something beyond myself. I know that as tragic as that day was, it woke up so many people in the US. It showed me that there is something more to fight for and that there are people very willing to take the freedoms, in which I took so for granted, away. I don't ever want to see a tragedy like that again on American soil, and I shall push that it is never forgotten especially in a time such as this when people are so willing to throw away our freedoms for comfort.

Same. Freshman year of high school. On the way to school heard someone on the bus say "Someone blew up the Pentagon" I didn't think anything of it, until I got to school and our entire school was in the library watching the tv's. My ex, pretty much instantly went into a panic as her father was in the merchant marines and she was sure he would be sent off to war.

I don't remember many days from high school, but I remember 9/11 the clearest of any day of those 4 years.

09-11-20, 13:38
This should be taught in schools and never let any generation forget. I remember the horror of watching Americans leap from 100 stories to avoid death by fire. I remember first responders running into those buildings that were on the verge of collapsing. I remember listening to the audio of the passengers on Flight 93 deciding to take the fight to the terrorists. The scumbags burning and looting our cities aren’t even fit to lick the boots of those men and women.

09-11-20, 17:24
The scumbags burning and looting our cities aren’t even fit to lick the boots of those men and women.


09-11-20, 18:14
This should be taught in schools and never let any generation forget. I remember the horror of watching Americans leap from 100 stories to avoid death by fire. I remember first responders running into those buildings that were on the verge of collapsing. I remember listening to the audio of the passengers on Flight 93 deciding to take the fight to the terrorists. The scumbags burning and looting our cities aren’t even fit to lick the boots of those men and women.

The jumpers were the ones who really got me. I remember in the first days when the news outlets would actually show that footage. Rescue crews in the lobby of one of the towers were looking up and hearing the impacts above them on what sounded like glass roofs.

And yeah, events of that day need to be taught...forever.

09-11-20, 20:18

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09-11-20, 20:20

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09-11-20, 21:26
9/11 doesnt sting as bad as it used to. The people the responsible were hunted down and killed. The major players in the middle east are too busy fighting each other to bring that Islamist shit to our shores.

09-11-20, 21:38
For me, it was literally Netanyahu's "Wakeup Call from Hell." One of my frat brothers and I were roadtripping to Portland for his 21st birthday before starting another year at the college... and Sept 11 is his birthday. I-5 was closed in the Ft Lewis-McChord AFB area, so to get us home I had to take us on a several-hour detour via the backroads around Mt. St. Helens and back up to the Seattle area via secondary highways once we were far enough east.

I haven't wished him "Happy Birthday" ever since, only congratulated him on another year.

09-11-20, 23:28
9/11 doesnt sting as bad as it used to. The people the responsible were hunted down and killed. The major players in the middle east are too busy fighting each other to bring that Islamist shit to our shores.

This is true. Honestly, I think the sting now is that we look back to then and compare to where we are now. For a brief, glorious time, we were united. There were the tinfoil hate truthers and there was a Marxist, anti-America voice back then too, but they were generally drowned out by the patriotism. Now, 19 years later, we are on the verge of a full blown civil war.

09-11-20, 23:59
This is amazing how young some of the posters in this thread were in September 2001 (Freshmen in High School ???). I had already retired from the Army and I was a 41 year old grad student at the University of New Mexico in my final semester for my MBA. A part of me wanted to find a way to re-enter the Armed Forces in some capacity because of that attack. Never happened and part of me still regrets it.

09-12-20, 00:06
9/11 doesnt sting as bad as it used to. The people the responsible were hunted down and killed. The major players in the middle east are too busy fighting each other to bring that Islamist shit to our shores.

I'm still angry based upon all the failed intelligence, missed opportunities and other things that could have actually prevented the attack. I'm still angry that 9-11 permanently changed life in America forever, lost rights, ridiculous bullshit associated with flying, etc. I'm still angry that it took how long to hunt down these POS and kill them. I'm angry that when we finally wiped out most of Al Quida we simply got ISIS / ISIL in it's place like nothing changed. I'm still angry that a group like CAIR (with known and proven ties to terrorism and funding terrorism) get to act like an Islamic Southern Poverty Law Center and condescend to us about intolerance of belief.

I'm still angry that all those people dies such horrible deaths and while the main players may have been captured / killed there are entire countries full of people who funded, supported or otherwise contributed to the events who have never even been arrested much less brought to justice.

And finally, I'm still angry at members of the US government who gave greater priority to making sure nobody was "profiled" than to actually protecting Americans against these kinds of attacks. Some thing the event brought us together (even if only briefly), I remember it as seeing the true colors of our leaders, their spineless lack of will and their incredibly bizarre sense of priority.

Remember when we almost built a victory mosque near the 9-11 sight?

09-12-20, 00:15
This is amazing how young some of the posters in this thread were in September 2001 (Freshmen in High School ???). I had already retired from the Army and I was a 41 year old grad student at the University of New Mexico in my final semester for my MBA. A part of me wanted to find a way to re-enter the Armed Forces in some capacity because of that attack. Never happened and part of me still regrets it.

Yeah, I was about 11 years in and instructing AIT students when the attack happened.


09-12-20, 00:32
actually NO
The mastermind ksm and 4 conspirators are still alive and well in Guantanamo

And actually cause of Covid their trial has been pushed back again (another excuse)

9/11 doesnt sting as bad as it used to. The people the responsible were hunted down and killed. The major players in the middle east are too busy fighting each other to bring that Islamist shit to our shores.

09-12-20, 00:33
This is amazing how young some of the posters in this thread were in September 2001 (Freshmen in High School ???). I had already retired from the Army and I was a 41 year old grad student at the University of New Mexico in my final semester for my MBA. A part of me wanted to find a way to re-enter the Armed Forces in some capacity because of that attack. Never happened and part of me still regrets it.

And on the other hand I as a newly-minted 40something look back and realize "holy shit, two decades went THAT fast?!" Looking at what our country's become in those twenty years, maybe it's a good thing my grandfather didn't live to see what happened to the land he spent his entire adult life defending, even though we could use the wisdom of his generation now more than ever.

09-12-20, 00:36
Yeah, I was about 11 years in and instructing AIT students when the attack happened.

So what MOS were you an instructor for?

09-12-20, 00:47
So what MOS were you an instructor for?

Apache Attack Helicopter Systems Repairer, 94K - obsolete now due to technology changes.


09-12-20, 00:47
Always like this guys stuff good quick and true message of where we are


09-12-20, 06:59
This is true. Honestly, I think the sting now is that we look back to then and compare to where we are now. For a brief, glorious time, we were united. There were the tinfoil hate truthers and there was a Marxist, anti-America voice back then too, but they were generally drowned out by the patriotism. Now, 19 years later, we are on the verge of a full blown civil war.

I can't help but think that if this happened today those on the Left would be cheering. Maybe I am wrong, but probably not.

09-12-20, 08:30
I can't help but think that if this happened today those on the Left would be cheering. Maybe I am wrong, but probably not.

They certainly would if it hit the Trump tower.

09-12-20, 08:51
I was 19 and a freshman in college at maritime merchant marine academy. We were on a lifeboat that morning, training, off the side of the school's ship. The chief mate yelled down to us from the main deck that an air plane just crashed into a tower. He told us to get out the water, get out of uniform and go stay in your rooms. I got back to my room just minutes before the second plane hit. All our jaws dropped as we were putting together what the chief mate had been saying earlier. We briefly all thought we were going to be deployed within a couple months. Absolutely horrible day.

The sad thing now is that the sort of people who did that back then can just look at America today and know that they can keep their hands out of it; the left is destroying it for them.

09-12-20, 09:53
Back in 2001 I was just a kid who was out on a US Navy warship, the USS Enterprise CVN65 seeing the world. I remember we were headed due south on our way to Capetown, South Africa followed by Rio then St. Thomas when we turned due North. At the time I was on watch in 1-Plant and didn’t know why we turned, only that we turned and were given the “ahead Flank” order. After watch when returning to berthing I saw a clip of the second plane hitting the tower while the first was smoldering. It was then that I learned what had happened. I was in shock. I was horrified. I was mad. I was sad. Me and a couple buddies were on Vultures Row watching the launch of the first air sorties from the Big E and we were interviewed by a news station. I don’t remember the station and with time my mind has lost exactly who I was with up there. 9/11/2001...I will Never Forget.

09-12-20, 23:01
I can't help but think that if this happened today those on the Left would be cheering. Maybe I am wrong, but probably not.

When it happened then, many on the left were cheering. I remember that shit. It was all a GW Bush conspiracy and proof was his close relationship with the Bin Laden family. Fahrenheit 911 was actually the first film about the event.