View Full Version : UPDATE Suspect arrest-Cops ambushed-critical condition-Los Angeles Co sheriff

09-12-20, 22:50
2 Los Angeles county sheriff’s deputies ambushed
Deputies- 1 male 1 female shot multiple times critical condition not good
Things are really getting bad
UPDATE- Suspect arrested 36yr old Compton gang banger taken down by K9



09-12-20, 22:59
Saw this coming months ago, any LEO that isn't hard on point for this stuff isn't paying attention.

09-12-20, 23:07
Not a new thing. I’ve spoken with Houston PD narcotics officers and they said ambushes happen. Seldom, but they happen.

09-12-20, 23:09
Video of ambush


09-12-20, 23:22
The media will claim he was just a lone wolf, not at all connected to BLM or any anti-police group.

09-12-20, 23:33
LASD killed a suspect in Compton while serving a search warrant earlier in the week. Could be retaliation.

09-12-20, 23:56
I heard about this one from a family friend in LE. Waiting for more info. He saw the whole video. All hands on deck for this one.

09-13-20, 04:59
We have been down this road before, 2014 isn't that long ago.


09-13-20, 05:19
I don’t think this one:


had anything to do with BLM or Antifa, but yeah, keep your head on a swivel. Even at your home.

09-13-20, 06:59
Heard reports that protesters swarmed the hospital demanding that the deputies should not be treated but left to die. Apparently they want to expose and dox staff who aided the deputies in retribution.

09-13-20, 07:26
Where to start with this enfuriating news?

First, it was a surprise attack, not an ambush. Semantics, I know. Unfortunately both types of attacks seem to be more common lately. The perp in this type of attack could be very hard to find if he was smart enough. Happily, he will either be caught or bleed out on the street after being shot by his homies or the police in a different incident.

I'd say it's time to start rolling 2 or 3 patrols together in the high crime/violent protest areas. Also time to dust off and paint some MRAPS.

Protesters blocked a hospital entrance and exit (s). F that, roll a firetruck and wash that human waste down the street. Blocking emergency service or medical care is a crime, it ain't protesting.

A "member of the press" was arrested. She had no credentials or identification at the time and was apparently interfering with a POS's arrest. BUT - the left can truthfully show the police arresting a reporter and that is exactly what is in the news.


09-13-20, 08:07
It was about a half dozen local muppets at the hospital making noise. The reporter is wearing a badge and was interviewing some of the idiots at the time. Now instead of this being about LASD deputies being shot, this gets thrown back in their face.

Here is the reporters twitter link

09-13-20, 08:20
Watched the video... looked like the shooter was perhaps a young kid.

09-13-20, 08:25
Goddamn I hate California. I’m really rooting for the wildfires to just burn that entire ****ing stay to the ground with everyone in it.

09-13-20, 08:29
It was about a half dozen local muppets at the hospital making noise. The reporter is wearing a badge and was interviewing some of the idiots at the time. Now instead of this being about LASD deputies being shot, this gets thrown back in their face.

Here is the reporters twitter link

She rushed up to the cops knowing exactly what she was doing. I honestly would be looking for a location, if not a career, change if I was a cop in a liberal city. They wanna embrace their hero gangsters? Let 'em. It's funny though, they aren't calling the criminals when conservative people show up to counter protest them, they are calling the jack booted thug pigs to come protect them.

09-13-20, 09:26
The shittiest thing all about all of this is that eventually the ball is going to roll back in the opposite direction at some point and no knocks will probably be the least of societies concerns.

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09-13-20, 09:48
Heard reports that protesters swarmed the hospital demanding that the deputies should not be treated but left to die. Apparently they want to expose and dox staff who aided the deputies in retribution.

Newsweek is reporting this:

L.A. Protesters Try to Break Into Hospital Where Two Officers Are in Critical Condition After 'A Cowardly' Shooting

The protesters/democrats were also chanting: "We hope they die" while blocking the ER entrance. Another report claims one of the officers was able to identify the assailant as a "dark skinned male".

We're not dealing with political struggle any longer - it's a fight against pure evil.

09-13-20, 09:50
She rushed up to the cops knowing exactly what she was doing. I honestly would be looking for a location, if not a career, change if I was a cop in a liberal city. They wanna embrace their hero gangsters? Let 'em. It's funny though, they aren't calling the criminals when conservative people show up to counter protest them, they are calling the jack booted thug pigs to come protect them.

I see a flood of LEO's leaving California, New York, Washington State and Oregon large cities. Good Men and Women looking for a City that will have their back. The problem is there really aren't many Large Metropolitan areas even in conservative States that are run by Conservatives.
I imagine the older guys are loving a job in Wyoming, Nebraska and the Dakota's. Good People, lots of game and fish and few interactions like this example. Good for them.

However if you're an average citizen and you voted for this stuff, please stay and marinade and the drool and piss you voted in to society.
Come here and move in next door with your "Coexist Bumper Sticker" on your Prius and I guarantee you I will make you move again.

09-13-20, 10:01
Where are the condemnation of violence from the black leaders and the democrat politicians (any color)?

09-13-20, 10:03

09-13-20, 10:34
Come here and move in next door with your "Coexist Bumper Sticker" on your Prius and I guarantee you I will make you move again.
Even THIS one?


What all charges could a creative prosecutor make stick on hospital barricaders? Reckless Endangerment, Terrorism, Manslaughter or maybe Felony Murder if somebody dies in a shut-out ambulance...

09-13-20, 10:51
I really wouldn't have a problem with going out there and just taking some scalps.

09-13-20, 11:08
I really wouldn't have a problem with going out there and just taking some scalps.
You know I am quite proficient at roping 4 footed critters from horseback. It's much easier on bipedal upright ones. I'll rope and drag 'em, and how about just branding them at first? Five or six of us on horseback could quickly decimate that bunch. If the enemy tries an attack from behind, the business end of a horse most likely would launch them aloft in an instant.

09-13-20, 12:16
Again, so glad I'm on the border & not dealing with this whole blm / antifa crap in my backyard...already sticks in my craw & would climbing the walls even more if close. I heart Trump made a statement for the death penalty when captured.

Crazy, we are (rgvtrumptrain) currently having a friendly duel with Laredo for the largest weekly Saturday morning caravans & growing insanely fast...I would have lost a huge wager to ever see such being so corruptly blue counties over the decades. Biden supporter are trying to rally but can't even get a 1/2 dozen gathered. This ongoing anti LE violence in the name of defund has to be turning otherwise normal dems.

09-13-20, 12:35
The only correct response to this should be a small team showing up and leaving those protesters in a pool of their blood,shit, and urine. In fact that should be the response to a protest from here on out. I’ve accepted that these people are not my fellow Americans they really my enemies and should be treated as such. I think we would all be a lot better off if we would accept that and act accordingly.

But no it’s still isnt time.

Dr. Bullseye
09-13-20, 12:43
Wake me up when the President and you guys are calling this what it is, a Civil War.

09-13-20, 12:55
You know I am quite proficient at roping 4 footed critters from horseback. It's much easier on bipedal upright ones. I'll rope and drag 'em, and how about just branding them at first? Five or six of us on horseback could quickly decimate that bunch. If the enemy tries an attack from behind, the business end of a horse most likely would launch them aloft in an instant.

It's a nice statement, but I think 100 or so of us could get together and buy you a helicopter of some sort... would be more effective. And you could bring five of your best friends!

Again, so glad I'm on the border & not dealing with this whole blm / antifa crap in my backyard...already sticks in my craw & would climbing the walls even more if close. I heart Trump made a statement for the death penalty when captured.

So the cartels and drug violence are keeping away the Marxist revolutionaries? I guess it IS 2020...

09-13-20, 13:30
You know I am quite proficient at roping 4 footed critters from horseback. It's much easier on bipedal upright ones. I'll rope and drag 'em, and how about just branding them at first? Five or six of us on horseback could quickly decimate that bunch. If the enemy tries an attack from behind, the business end of a horse most likely would launch them aloft in an instant.

Can't we do both?
Cause if you're blocking anyone at anytime from getting in a ER, everyone needs to know that was you for the rest of your life.
That's the lowest form of scum there are. A nice big " A' hole burned in the the forehead sounds appropriate and think of the money they would save on haircuts when I'm done?

09-13-20, 13:32
So the cartels and drug violence are keeping away the Marxist revolutionaries? I guess it IS 2020...

Lol, All the violence is SOTB & narcos on this side need to mind their manners trying to not get caught while sending the goods y'alls direction...was hunting white wings 20 yards from the Rio Grande yesterday.

BLM / Antifa is just a non issue here and suspect it simply boils down to strong family border culture & being primarily hispanic communities. Got no dog in the fight...last time the area saw a little unpleasantness was during the central american caravan nonsense that got national attn & some BP were getting verbally harassed when wearing their greens in public. It was fairly short lived as the folks who got it started standing up for them.

09-13-20, 15:26
It's a nice statement, but I think 100 or so of us could get together and buy you a helicopter of some sort... would be more effective. And you could bring five of your best friends!
That's a nice thought, but I was spoiled with .gov provided equipment and ordnance. On numerous occasions I was popping off rounds from a carbine or sidearm out the open door of an MH6/AH6J - never did it as often while flying the Kiowa Warrior.

And then you have the issue of taking a former pilot like myself with no current certification, and entering domestic Class B airspace low and fast. That would only work if the government has fallen apart, then there would be no issue. Not that I couldn't do it, mind you......

FYI, during my first years of Army Aviation, we all had nicknames - many times by other pilots or senior NCO's. Mine was "Murdock", after the character in the A-Team from 1983-1987. I won't tell you why right now:


09-13-20, 15:37
That's a nice thought, but I was spoiled with .gov provided equipment and ordnance. On numerous occasions I was popping off rounds from a carbine or sidearm out the open door of an MH6/AH6J - never did it as often while flying the Kiowa Warrior.

And then you have the issue of taking a former pilot like myself with no current certification, and entering domestic Class B airspace low and fast. That would only work if the government has fallen apart, then there would be no issue. Not that I couldn't do it, mind you......

FYI, during my first years of Army Aviation, we all had nicknames - many times by other pilots or senior NCO's. Mine was "Murdock", after the character in the A-Team from 1983-1987. I won't tell you why right now:


I've only seen the movie, but I have a theory...



09-13-20, 15:37
OH58D is Murdock Murdock.

Based. ;)

09-13-20, 15:41
OH58D is Murdock Murdock.

Based. ;)
I've met the actor from the TV series - Dwight Schultz. Big time political Conservative. His portrayal in the TV series had certain elements of my personality (at least when I was wired and taking incoming fire).

09-13-20, 15:43
We have been down this road before, 2014 isn't that long ago.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_killings_of_NYPD_officersHappened in Philly a couple years ago too. Luckily the retard shot most of his ammo into the pilar despite being a few feet away. The officer was wounded but survived

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

09-13-20, 15:47
This sickens and saddens me. Sickens because it is happening. Saddens because the media and government (the left at least) aren’t calling these criminals out and cutting them down.

09-13-20, 15:48
I've met the actor from the TV series - Dwight Schultz. Big time political Conservative. His portrayal in the TV series had certain elements of my personality (at least when I was wired and taking incoming fire).

He was the Man. I remember watching Next Generation and he was on it too.

I now picture you in a Loach humming Ride of the Valkyries and strafing heathens and hand tossing a few grenades for good measure with a mullet.

Do not correct me. It’s a nice mental picture and chicken soup for the soul.

09-13-20, 16:46
Hahahahaha ha OH to funny I actually was thinking of this with that pic you posted the other day of you roping for the branding pic and my brain put some screaming antifa/blm person being on the ground roped up and branded on the forehead :)

You know I am quite proficient at roping 4 footed critters from horseback. It's much easier on bipedal upright ones. I'll rope and drag 'em, and how about just branding them at first? Five or six of us on horseback could quickly decimate that bunch. If the enemy tries an attack from behind, the business end of a horse most likely would launch them aloft in an instant.

09-13-20, 17:04
It is becoming more and more apparent that a segment of society can not be reasoned with, satisfied or pacified. The only solution ultimately will be incarceration or burial. Harsh but probably true.

09-13-20, 17:06
It is becoming more and more apparent that a segment of society can not be reasoned with, satisfied or pacified. The only solution ultimately will be incarceration or burial. Harsh but probably true.

“The worse they are to us now, the less guilt to feel later.”

Those are not my words but it’s a chilling concept.

09-13-20, 17:07
He was the Man. I remember watching Next Generation and he was on it too.

I now picture you in a Loach humming Ride of the Valkyries and strafing heathens and hand tossing a few grenades for good measure with a mullet.

Do not correct me. It’s a nice mental picture and chicken soup for the soul.
The wife and I discussed my Army nickname and why not tell you the whole story. The A-Team first aired in January of 1983, and by the Fall of that year it was a very popular show.

During Operation Urgent Fury, I was a 23 year old 1LT flying co-pilot with a CW4 pilot and 'Nam vet. We did a Hydra Rocket run at Zero Dark 30 at the Pearls Airfield on the NE side of Grenada to take out some Soviet Era AA and APC's. The place was filled with Cubans and Angolan workers, and after the AA was knocked out, we were taking small arms fire from the ground. I kept hearing this sickening clang and bang on the aircraft and I commented about it to the pilot. He just calmly said we're taking hits.

All of a sudden my right hand started feeling warm, and I pulled my glove off and I was bleeding pretty heavily. I had taken a fragmented suspected 7.62x39 round to the hand where the thumb meets the hand. I was pissed and pulled my Smith & Wesson revolver and started popping off rounds at anything I saw moving. I was really amped on adrenaline and after using up my six rounds we headed off to the USS Independence aircraft carrier since we were low on go juice. Landed there and I was stitched up by a Navy Corpsman. As I calmed down, I started getting nauseated and nearly puked. I was off the adrenaline high and my body and mind was realizing that I went off kind of crazy-like after getting shot. This was my first time in combat.

My CW4 told the story to the rest of the Regiment and I was given the nickname of "Murdock". Now you know the rest of the story. Oh yes, that fragmented round in the thumb got me my one and only Purple Heart.

09-13-20, 17:20
The wife and I discussed my Army nickname and why not tell you the whole story. The A-Team first aired in January of 1983, and by the Fall of that year it was a very popular show.

During Operation Urgent Fury, I was a 23 year old 1LT flying co-pilot with a CW4 pilot and 'Nam vet. We did a Hydra Rocket run at Zero Dark 30 at the Pearls Airfield on the NE side of Grenada to take out some Soviet Era AA and APC's. The place was filled with Cubans and Angolan workers, and after the AA was knocked out, we were taking small arms fire from the ground. I kept hearing this sickening clang and bang on the aircraft and I commented about it to the pilot. He just calmly said we're taking hits.

All of a sudden my right hand started feeling warm, and I pulled my glove off and I was bleeding pretty heavily. I had taken a fragmented suspected 7.62x39 round to the hand where the thumb meets the hand. I was pissed and pulled my Smith & Wesson revolver and started popping off rounds at anything I saw moving. I was really amped on adrenaline and after using up my six rounds we headed off to the USS Independence aircraft carrier since we were low on go juice. Landed there and I was stitched up by a Navy Corpsman. As I calmed down, I started getting nauseated and nearly puked. I was off the adrenaline high and my body and mind was realizing that I went off kind of crazy-like after getting shot. This was my first time in combat.

My CW4 told the story to the rest of the Regiment and I was given the nickname of "Murdock". Now you know the rest of the story. Oh yes, that fragmented round in the thumb got me my one and only Purple Heart.

Dude, for some reason now I hear the A-Team theme in the back of my head when I read your posts. :) Loved that show as a kid...

09-13-20, 17:42
Lol that’s classic.

Please tell me it was a Model 10 snubbie. I like to think you ended up at least plugging one in the ass.


Thanks for sharing

09-13-20, 18:00
Goddamn I hate California. I’m really rooting for the wildfires to just burn that entire ****ing stay to the ground with everyone in it.

Yeah. Thanks. You'd be losing about 5.8 million people who vote the same way you do. More than any other state.

How about we decry the bad guys and not wish death and disaster on me and my loved ones? How about that?

09-13-20, 18:02
Lol that’s classic.

Please tell me it was a Model 10 snubbie. I like to think you ended up at least plugging one in the ass.


Thanks for sharing
Negative, sir. In 1983 TF158/160th SOAR was in a building phase. I had just joined that unit in June. When the Invasion of Grenada went down, the unit only had Smith & Wesson Model 19s for pilot sidearms. I was on base at Campbell when we were ordered to report in. Many of the pilots were off duty and off base - nowhere to be found. I was offered a Model 19 but I told the CO I had my own Smith & Wesson Model 66, and could I bring it, with my 125 grain hollow points, I was given permission. We grabbed our gear, fueled up and I flew my MH-6 to the Asheville, NC airport - topped off the tank and then flew on to Pope AAF at Fort Bragg. Some of the aircraft were ferried to Fort Bragg with one pilot, and when the rest of our unit was rounded up, the Army paid for rental cars for them to make the trip.

It was all a giant cluster. Myself and my CW4 arrived and they started unloading fuel and preparing our bird for transport. They herded us into a hanger and we got the briefing by CIA and Pentagon bigshots, and then handed out Grenada tourist maps to us - not enough aviation sectionals for everyone. Prior to leaving for our base at the civilian airport on Barbados, a Black Air Force Loadmaster told me there was no heat in the back - it was broken. Did I have a cold weather jacket? I advised I had everything on me. He told me to wait, and about 15 minutes later came back with an Air Force lined Cold Weather Jacket. He wrote my initials in the collar - I still have that jacket.

09-13-20, 18:11
I've only seen the movie, but I have a theory...



Dude you are some kind of scholar. I feel like you’ve done a couple winters in AFG.

09-13-20, 18:40


I was in Infantry OSUT at Benning from Sep-Dec 1983, so during the Beirut barracks bombing and Grenada two days later. When we were called to attention our cry was "A...5...1...Alpha...Peace by force, the A-Team!"

09-13-20, 19:10
Dude you are some kind of scholar. I feel like you’ve done a couple winters in AFG.
Never made it there, but I spent 18 lovely months based at Palmerola, Honduras flying in and out of Nicaragua. My fondest memory are all the exotic tropical birds you'd see in that climate and latitude.



I was in Infantry OSUT at Benning from Sep-Dec 1983, so during the Beirut barracks bombing and Grenada two days later. When we were called to attention our cry was "A...5...1...Alpha...Peace by force, the A-Team!"
Urgent Fury was supposed to be top secret mission, but CBS news blew the cover on it when they broadcasted the USS Independence Carrier group was en-route. The Cubans and their proletariat Angolan slave laborers were waiting for us.

09-13-20, 19:46
Yeah. Thanks. You'd be losing about 5.8 million people who vote the same way you do. More than any other state.

How about we decry the bad guys and not wish death and disaster on me and my loved ones? How about that?

I’m sorry, not sorry you let your state become a shit hole. Your 5.8 million votes don’t mean crap. Your state is as blue as the sky and that’s never changing. Your major cities are all cesspools. You live In an enemy state, so sucks to be you. You get no sympathy for me. Your state and most of the people in it are a cancer that are now spreading to Texas Idaho and Montana. Eventually you will destroy those states as well. The sooner Kalifornia burns to the ground or falls into the ocean the better for the rest of America.

09-13-20, 19:55
I’m sorry, not sorry you let your state become a shit hole. Your 5.8 million votes don’t mean crap. Your state is as blue as the sky and that’s never changing. Your major cities are all cesspools. You live In an enemy state, so sucks to be you. You get no sympathy for me. Your state and most of the people in it are a cancer that are now spreading to Texas Idaho and Montana. Eventually you will destroy those states as well. The sooner Kalifornia burns to the ground or falls into the ocean the better for the rest of America.

Gee, I wonder why the right is so divided? Maybe it's because we look at the people behind enemy lines and tell them that we don't give a flying f**k about their problems? California isn't going to burn up or fall into the ocean, so maybe we should be figuring out how to support the good guys there rather than wishing they die as collateral damage.

09-13-20, 19:57
The sooner Kalifornia burns to the ground or falls into the ocean the better for the rest of America.
This sounds like the part of the conversation where I tell you to go **** your self.

09-13-20, 19:58
Gee, I wonder why the right is so divided? Maybe it's because we look at the people behind enemy lines and tell them that we don't give a flying f**k about their problems? California isn't going to burn up or fall into the ocean, so maybe we should be figuring out how to support the good guys there rather than wishing they die as collateral damage.

How many in CA LE are trying to turn back the blue tide or at the very least try to tinge it a smidge purple?

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09-13-20, 20:03
It really isn’t the thread for it, but OH58D, I have enjoyed the little glimpses of Urgent Fury you’ve given us. Aside from the Tehran attempt, it was the first Post-Vietnam/Post-Malaise military venture that was a qualified success.

I was a little kid still, but in retrospect it was the American machine in flux. Guys with a mish-mash of Vietnam War kit (some of which had likely been used in Vietnam) along with the more modern stuff of the day.

OG-107, ERDL, newly minted M81 Woodland, steel pots, M16A1s, M60s, and NODS that by today’s standards would be laughable.

Younger people forgot how relatively poor the country was economically at that time.

So, thanks again. You are appreciated.

09-13-20, 20:07
How many in CA LE are trying to turn back the blue tide or at the very least try to tinge it a smidge purple?

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What do you expect them to do?

09-13-20, 20:10
What do you expect them to do?

Well we could start with stopping the enforcement of draconian BS laws for one.

I’ve not once read of any CA sheriff or whomever supporting a sanctuary 2A AO or publicly refusing to support state policy.

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09-13-20, 20:16
Well we could start with stopping the enforcement of draconian BS laws for one.

I’ve not once read of any CA sheriff or whomever supporting a sanctuary 2A AO or publicly refusing to support state policy.

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I agree with this. And I agree that in this time, too many cops, especially those at the top, are all too eager to bent over and take it up the shitter without lube from BLM and the politicians because they "swore an oath" are to "remain neutral" and "enforce the law without personal opinion." I don't like the cops who think that they're like samurai or something.

But Vic's comment was directed at the conservatives who are stuck in CA, not specifically CA cops. Rather than telling our brothers and sisters stuck in occupied to territory to go f**k themselves, we need to figure out how to help them.

09-13-20, 20:20
He was the Man. I remember watching Next Generation and he was on it too.

I now picture you in a Loach humming Ride of the Valkyries and strafing heathens and hand tossing a few grenades for good measure with a mullet.

Do not correct me. It’s a nice mental picture and chicken soup for the soul.

this reminds me to post a photo of a model OH6 Vietnam edition I built...it fits the thread..

09-13-20, 20:22
Well we could start with stopping the enforcement of draconian BS laws for one.

I’ve not once read of any CA sheriff or whomever supporting a sanctuary 2A AO or publicly refusing to support state policy.

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Law enforcement do not write the laws, I doubt they have any more say in law making than you or I, the tax payer.

09-13-20, 20:29
How many in CA LE are trying to turn back the blue tide or at the very least try to tinge it a smidge purple?

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Once you get outside the main population centers, many of the Sheriffs in California are very pro 2A and push back against Sacramento on a regular basis. Being an elected position, it's a political position and you're not going to see many conservative sheriff's in the counties around LA, and the Bay Area. Geographically, well over 2/3 of the state is pretty red.

09-13-20, 20:32
Law enforcement do not write the laws, I doubt they have any more say in law making than you or I, the tax payer.

Ok and? They’re political lobby entities absolutely have input on legislation drafting.

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09-13-20, 20:41
Ok and? They’re political lobby entities absolutely have input on legislation drafting.

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And what? So then how is it that clearly detrimental laws are created and enacted? If the political lobby were that influential, some of these laws would have never been drafted.

09-13-20, 20:47
I’m sorry, not sorry you let your state become a shit hole. Your 5.8 million votes don’t mean crap. Your state is as blue as the sky and that’s never changing. Your major cities are all cesspools. You live In an enemy state, so sucks to be you. You get no sympathy for me. Your state and most of the people in it are a cancer that are now spreading to Texas Idaho and Montana. Eventually you will destroy those states as well. The sooner Kalifornia burns to the ground or falls into the ocean the better for the rest of America.

This attitude is common, but stupid. I used to hold it, I would know. Democracy doesn't mean much the way that Dems have been lying and cheating for decades now. Kalifornia was a solidly conservative and all-around nice state just a few decades ago, then it went to hell. By "it" I mean the few big cities that control all of a state's politics. The same pattern has happened elsewhere and is creeping into EVERYWHERE. The changes for Colorado and Utah in the last 20 years have been shocking. Same for Virginia, North Carolina, and others. Texas, Idaho and Montana aren't safe either. Eventually you run out of places to run and hide from the creeping Marxist takeover, and if you have no other strategy you are royally f'd.

It's easy to treat CA, NY and NJ as basket cases and write them off, but if we do that for all states as they "go blue" then we are going to find ourselves losing. It's time to support, at least morally if not financially, our friends in all states, not just the ones that are supposedly "solid red."

09-13-20, 21:14
Punch Drunk Joe’s answer to this heinous crime is to propose more gun control laws. But the laws will only apply to us law abiding citizens. The BLM/Antifa maggots will still be free to loot and murder at will.


09-13-20, 21:22
I agree with this. And I agree that in this time, too many cops, especially those at the top, are all too eager to bent over and take it up the shitter without lube from BLM and the politicians because they "swore an oath" are to "remain neutral" and "enforce the law without personal opinion." I don't like the cops who think that they're like samurai or something.

But Vic's comment was directed at the conservatives who are stuck in CA, not specifically CA cops. Rather than telling our brothers and sisters stuck in occupied to territory to go f**k themselves, we need to figure out how to help them.

Help them, your kidding right? There is no saving kali, it is a lost state. Are you going to tell me we are going to save NYC too? I hate to break it to you but we’re never getting that one back either. Back to commieland, Look at the politics that have came out of that state in the last 20 years and tell me things are improving there. They are doubling down on stupid every day.Come November we’ll see that once again Kalifornia swings further left then most even thought possible.
If you really wanted to help California you would provide absolutely no support to them. Don’t support their businesses, don’t support their people, and don’t send aid. And if Californians wanted to help America they would stay in their shit hole state and not move and spread their cancer to other places. Just be good soldiers and go down with the ship.

09-13-20, 22:41
And what? So then how is it that clearly detrimental laws are created and enacted? If the political lobby were that influential, some of these laws would have never been drafted.

Because California LE is not the friend of the people residing in California, obviously. [emoji849]

CA legislature can pass whatever laws they want and they’d mean nothing of the LE just said, nah.

But they don’t.

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09-13-20, 22:45
I agree with this. And I agree that in this time, too many cops, especially those at the top, are all too eager to bent over and take it up the shitter without lube from BLM and the politicians because they "swore an oath" are to "remain neutral" and "enforce the law without personal opinion." I don't like the cops who think that they're like samurai or something.

But Vic's comment was directed at the conservatives who are stuck in CA, not specifically CA cops. Rather than telling our brothers and sisters stuck in occupied to territory to go f**k themselves, we need to figure out how to help them.

Unless folks are willing to run guns, ammo, mags, etc to them and help kick off the purge there’s no helping them sadly.

People keep trying to think if they play nice they can make the system work and the good guys win in the end like the movies. But that’s not the real world.

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09-13-20, 22:53
Once you get outside the main population centers, many of the Sheriffs in California are very pro 2A and push back against Sacramento on a regular basis. Being an elected position, it's a political position and you're not going to see many conservative sheriff's in the counties around LA, and the Bay Area. Geographically, well over 2/3 of the state is pretty red.
Very true. But as has been pointed out, California used to be a pretty Conservative place, and was a powerhouse economically in the US. Back in the 60's and 70's, I would visit cousins in San Diego. Learned to surf there and we'd ride dirt bikes out east in Imperial County near the Anza Borrego State Park in the desert. From what I understand, California has a lot of Conservatives, but the demographic change of massive illegal immigration has tipped the scales in population. Some States get a Mexican population which actually works hard and contributes to the economy. In California, the social welfare State provides too many incentives to not work.

09-13-20, 23:37
Help them, your kidding right? There is no saving kali, it is a lost state. Are you going to tell me we are going to save NYC too? I hate to break it to you but we’re never getting that one back either. Back to commieland, Look at the politics that have came out of that state in the last 20 years and tell me things are improving there. They are doubling down on stupid every day.Come November we’ll see that once again Kalifornia swings further left then most even thought possible.
If you really wanted to help California you would provide absolutely no support to them. Don’t support their businesses, don’t support their people, and don’t send aid. And if Californians wanted to help America they would stay in their shit hole state and not move and spread their cancer to other places. Just be good soldiers and go down with the ship.

Well, the conservatives are not the ones causing the problems there, so I don't see how them shutting up and going down with the ship is going to help anything.

09-14-20, 00:21
Help them, your kidding right? There is no saving kali, it is a lost state. Are you going to tell me we are going to save NYC too? I hate to break it to you but we’re never getting that one back either. Back to commieland, Look at the politics that have came out of that state in the last 20 years and tell me things are improving there. They are doubling down on stupid every day.Come November we’ll see that once again Kalifornia swings further left then most even thought possible.
If you really wanted to help California you would provide absolutely no support to them. Don’t support their businesses, don’t support their people, and don’t send aid. And if Californians wanted to help America they would stay in their shit hole state and not move and spread their cancer to other places. Just be good soldiers and go down with the ship.

Doubling down? That appears to be exactly what you are doing with the ignorant and moronic statements. I just told you that you have more allies in Cali than in any other state in the union, yet you continue with the "burn it to the ground" talk. The vast majority of this state is red, save for a three little blue dots in S.F., L.A. and S.D. We are talking a SEA of red thought most of the state. Frankly, from talking to people all over the state, I'm not sure we are outnumbered either. I think massive voter fraud, including illegals voting multiple times, and cheating is responsible for the mess that has been made of this state. One way or another, we will take back this state, and that day is coming. Meanwhile the Marxist cancer is metastasizing to the entire rest of the country. When it eventually gets to your area, should we burn you to the ground too? You have enemies in California, that much is true. There is not a state in this union where those same kind of enemies aren't lurking. And if there is a state where useful idiot commies are lacking, the Soros/Bloomberg types bus them in as needed. But you also have millions of allies in California that are willing to fight with you and stop this commie take over of our country. The commies got to Cali before they got to your state, but if you think they aren't coming to your state too, you are not firing on all cylinders man. Time to wake up and recognize who your enemies are and aren't. I'm not your enemy. Neither is my family. Nor my friends and neighbors. We are your allies. We are fighting the same fight against the same people you are. The imaginary lines on a map don't define someone's morals, values, or alliances.

JP, A good friend is a LEO here. We share holidays and family trips. His co-workers regularly attend the parties at his house. None of them are on board with this chit. Every single one of them has admitted, in private, that they will not be enforcing any of these ridiculous gun laws, or other liberal non-sense. They don't care what size mags you have, or what ridiculous devices you do, or don't have on your AR or AK. I've talked to LAPD, Sheriiffs, and CHPs all over the state and they all say the same thing. They say the same thing as the rest of us. When the SHTF, they will be fighting shoulder to shoulder with us, or we with them, as the case may be. The sheriff about 30 miles to the north of me is very pro 2A. He gives out CCW permits to anyone and everyone in his county that applies and isn't in a disqualified category. He wants the good guys to be armed in public and says so. This is true of every county surrounding L.A. county.

For all of you spouting this wretched nonsense about how everyone in CA, NY, and NJ should be killed because the commies somehow succeeding in gaining a foot hold here I ask you this: Who was our last president? Why did YOU let the M'er F'er have TWO terms as president of our entire country? Should the entire USA be burned to the ground because they somehow lied, cheated and stole well enough to get that Kenyan into office? What would you say to someone from another country that told you the the entire US and everyone in it should burn to the ground because we all allowed a Marxist protogé to take over our country for 8 effin' years? Its imaginary lines on a map people... Don't let them turn you against your brothers.

09-14-20, 01:28
I’m sorry, not sorry you let your state become a shit hole.

I doubt Bulletdog personally had anything to do with it, the war was probably lost before he was even born. Let's not line up the victims with the criminals just because they happen to come from the same zip code.

If you are going to hold everyone in CA responsible collectively, then you and I are just as much to blame collectively as Americans who let those states fall. You should check your fire and target the actual enemies who are now in every state trying to undermine them and stop blaming every citizen of a blue state.

I shipped a LOT of .50s (both Barrett and Serbu) before CA closed the door on those, it wasn't antifa who was buying them. It really took CA requiring FFLs to register with Cali DOJ to make me no longer ship to CA. I did what I could, I'll do what I can but recognize the real enemies because they are in every state and we have "friendlies" behind the lines all over the place.

Sure they are local so we expect more out of them, but Germans could only do so much before the ended up in Dachau, and so it is for blue states.

09-14-20, 01:38
And when CA fails guess where all those rich liberals are going to move to. Liberalism, coming to town near you.

09-14-20, 01:41
I doubt Bulletdog personally had anything to do with it, the war was probably lost before he was even born. Let's not line up the victims with the criminals just because they happen to come from the same zip code.

If you are going to hold everyone in CA responsible collectively, then you and I are just as much to blame collectively as Americans who let those states fall. You should check your fire and target the actual enemies who are now in every state trying to undermine them and stop blaming every citizen of a blue state.

I shipped a LOT of .50s (both Barrett and Serbu) before CA closed the door on those, it wasn't antifa who was buying them. It really took CA requiring FFLs to register with Cali DOJ to make me no longer ship to CA. I did what I could, I'll do what I can but recognize the real enemies because they are in every state and we have "friendlies" behind the lines all over the place.

Sure they are local so we expect more out of them, but Germans could only do so much before the ended up in Dachau, and so it is for blue states.

This. When we can be goaded to backstab our own behind the lines, Soros and Bloomer cream their skivvies.

09-14-20, 04:59
Nice of SFPD to show their support in the wake of the ambush (or “shooting incident” as they called it)... oh wait [emoji2361]


09-14-20, 05:05
SFPD leadership are traitors!

Do not be surprised, when the police in the USA form squads to hit back. It is that way other places, how fast the Republic is sinking to 3rd world status.

09-14-20, 05:35
Ever wonder why a lot of your major metropolitan police chiefs are some rando black lesbo?

Any individual officer who has been shot at and missed and shit on and hit on a regular basis will most certainly not be all on board for Leftism.

Leadership is separate from rank and file.

And it would be nice if officers got to pick the chief but they don’t.

I mean it’s not the police’s fault that the citizens they police vote for dumbasses who appoint other dumbasses.

It’s like running up to an ER Doctor and asking him why he can’t cure Brain Cancer.

09-14-20, 05:45
This. When we can be goaded to backstab our own behind the lines, Soros and Bloomer cream their skivvies.

It never ceases to amaze me how effective divide and conquer 101 is on people who think they are gonna fight the next civil war and rescue the nation.

There is no end of subjects that can easily divide us, not religious enough / wrong religion, pro LEO / anti LEO, supports the GOP or the wrong elements of the GOP, supports the NRA / hates the NRA, freedom of speech, lifestyle, etc. etc.

I really wish the Constitution Party was actually the Constitution Party but sadly it's mostly a "religious foundation of the nation" party. Libertarianism has been full on hijacked by the "free weed" crowd and most of the rest are actually anarchists who thinks that is was libertarianism is. We are so screwed.

Basically it's the GOP or nothing and hopefully we can steer the GOP into sensible waters to the best of our ability, while that is a very tall order, it's a better option than reforming the DNC from within or having it out in the streets with actual gunfire and bombs. It is also the NRA or nothing, GOA and the rest are fine organizations but nobody cares enough to even defame them. We have housecleaning to do, but better we do it then let "them" do it. And we've done some successful housecleaning before.

The main thing is these are never ending battles. The left isn't doing anything else. They will never stop attacking us, our freedoms or anything else and we just need to drop our guard one time and really bad shit happens like the Clinton AW ban.

Their goal is to wear us down and get us fighting each other, so if you are blaming other gun owners for not being this or not being that, congratulations you are a pawn. I don't care if somebody just wants to hunt ducks, so long as they don't pull a Bill Ruger or a Zumbo. I don't care if somebody is just a bullseye shooter. Hell I don't even care about the LARPers and Gamers so long as they are being safe. Sure they look retarded, but if they care about gun rights...well welcome to my team.

Open carry, concealed carry, assless chaps, whatever. Pink pistols, if you are pro second amendment and pro personal defense, welcome to my team. We will disagree on some other political issues but seriously, welcome to my team.

The only people I won't roll with are those who are actively trying to undermine all our freedoms. Commies, Klan Clowns, Other Racists, Nobody Needs An ARtards, people who say "I believe in freedom BUT..." and the rest of the wannbe statists. Those are domestic enemies.

You don't have to think like me, dress like me or live like me. You only need respect my freedoms and I will show you the same courtesy. And if OUR rights are threatened, well...welcome to my team.

09-14-20, 05:49
Ever wonder why a lot of your major metropolitan police chiefs are some rando black lesbo?

Any individual officer who has been shot at and missed and shit on and hit on a regular basis will most certainly not be all on board for Leftism.

Leadership is separate from rank and file.

And it would be nice if officers got to pick the chief but they don’t.

I mean it’s not the police’s fault that the citizens they police vote for dumbasses who appoint other dumbasses.

It’s like running up to an ER Doctor and asking him why he can’t cure Brain Cancer.

Always kills me when some CLEO has never been a badge. I mean how does that happen. Don't answer I actually know, it just never ceases to amaze me. Of course Scott Israel was a badge and that didn't improve things much.

09-14-20, 06:54
Law enforcement do not write the laws, I doubt they have any more say in law making than you or I, the tax payer.

On the side of the road they are EVERYTHING. Discretion is a thing...

You can't allow people to burn down half a town, shoot at people, literally MURDER people--DO NOTHING about it and then when some schlub has the balls to defend himself grab his ass up in a hot second and say, "Uh, I don't make the law".....

F that guy.

09-14-20, 07:28
Hiden's response (from Fox) - "Weapons of war have no place in our communities,” the former Vice President tweeted. “We need to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines"

California already passed those bans which did nothing to make those officers, or anyone else, safer, Joe.


09-14-20, 07:34
On the side of the road they are EVERYTHING. Discretion is a thing...

You can't allow people to burn down half a town, shoot at people, literally MURDER people--DO NOTHING about it and then when some schlub has the balls to defend himself grab his ass up in a hot second and say, "Uh, I don't make the law".....

F that guy.

Laws are only enforced when it is politically expedient to do so.

09-14-20, 07:38
Laws are only enforced when it is politically expedient to do so.


09-14-20, 07:43
It never ceases to amaze me how effective divide and conquer 101 is on people who think they are gonna fight the next civil war and rescue the nation.

There is no end of subjects that can easily divide us, not religious enough / wrong religion, pro LEO / anti LEO, supports the GOP or the wrong elements of the GOP, supports the NRA / hates the NRA, freedom of speech, lifestyle, etc. etc.

I really wish the Constitution Party was actually the Constitution Party but sadly it's mostly a "religious foundation of the nation" party. Libertarianism has been full on hijacked by the "free weed" crowd and most of the rest are actually anarchists who thinks that is was libertarianism is. We are so screwed.

Basically it's the GOP or nothing and hopefully we can steer the GOP into sensible waters to the best of our ability, while that is a very tall order, it's a better option than reforming the DNC from within or having it out in the streets with actual gunfire and bombs. It is also the NRA or nothing, GOA and the rest are fine organizations but nobody cares enough to even defame them. We have housecleaning to do, but better we do it then let "them" do it. And we've done some successful housecleaning before.

The main thing is these are never ending battles. The left isn't doing anything else. They will never stop attacking us, our freedoms or anything else and we just need to drop our guard one time and really bad shit happens like the Clinton AW ban.

Their goal is to wear us down and get us fighting each other, so if you are blaming other gun owners for not being this or not being that, congratulations you are a pawn. I don't care if somebody just wants to hunt ducks, so long as they don't pull a Bill Ruger or a Zumbo. I don't care if somebody is just a bullseye shooter. Hell I don't even care about the LARPers and Gamers so long as they are being safe. Sure they look retarded, but if they care about gun rights...well welcome to my team.

Open carry, concealed carry, assless chaps, whatever. Pink pistols, if you are pro second amendment and pro personal defense, welcome to my team. We will disagree on some other political issues but seriously, welcome to my team.

The only people I won't roll with are those who are actively trying to undermine all our freedoms. Commies, Klan Clowns, Other Racists, Nobody Needs An ARtards, people who say "I believe in freedom BUT..." and the rest of the wannbe statists. Those are domestic enemies.

You don't have to think like me, dress like me or live like me. You only need respect my freedoms and I will show you the same courtesy. And if OUR rights are threatened, well...welcome to my team.

Exactly. You and I disagree on lots of issues but I’d never consider you wrong or on the wrong team. Honestly, you do you and let me do me.. I’ll help you out if you need anything and have you back. That’s how it’s supposed to be.

09-14-20, 07:48
On the side of the road they are EVERYTHING. Discretion is a thing...

You can't allow people to burn down half a town, shoot at people, literally MURDER people--DO NOTHING about it and then when some schlub has the balls to defend himself grab his ass up in a hot second and say, "Uh, I don't make the law".....

F that guy.

All the more reason thin blue line flag waving is shmuckatelli grade when applied to general circumstances.

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09-14-20, 08:38
Laws are only enforced when it is politically expedient to do so.

Exactly. Kinda puts the lie to "We are a nation of laws".... At what point does that behavior- political enforcement, become, "Papers please, your train car is number 13"......"I was only following orders".

I'm being completely serious.

09-14-20, 09:16
Exactly. Kinda puts the lie to "We are a nation of laws".... At what point does that behavior- political enforcement, become, "Papers please, your train car is number 13"......"I was only following orders".

I'm being completely serious.

It’s part of the plan. Cuck law enforcement SO MUCH that the people it SHOULD attract go to jail or get fired so they can stack the deck with Shaniquas.

Support your local gunfighters folks. You are being backed into a corner.


09-14-20, 09:55
It’s part of the plan. Cuck law enforcement SO MUCH that the people it SHOULD attract go to jail or get fired so they can stack the deck with Shaniquas.

Support your local gunfighters folks. You are being backed into a corner.


Holy crap you are scaring me. That is EXACTLY the thought I have been having for quite some time now. Pretty soon the only people that will WANT TO BE COPS, are essentially CRIMINALS whose only redeeming quality is that they will "follow orders".

09-14-20, 10:10
Holy crap you are scaring me. That is EXACTLY the thought I have been having for quite some time now. Pretty soon the only people that will WANT TO BE COPS, are essentially CRIMINALS whose only redeeming quality is that they will "follow orders".

Gee, where else have we seen that done in history?

09-14-20, 10:25
Gee, where else have we seen that done in history?

Only EVERY place under Communist Insurgency ever! They always empty out the prisons for recruits- like they did with Covid...hmm....

09-14-20, 10:50
Only EVERY place under Communist Insurgency ever! They always empty out the prisons for recruits- like they did with Covid...hmm....

Yup. ISTR Hitler and Mussolini recruited the same way... hell, even in George III's day it was common to offer convicts a choice between prison or putting on a flashy red coat and doing what they did best "for King and Country."

09-14-20, 11:46
Only EVERY place under Communist Insurgency ever! They always empty out the prisons for recruits- like they did with Covid...hmm....

It's because among the upper class, academic useful idiots, the majority aren't willing to kill. Hell, most aren't willing to do much of anything that is going to put them in danger, and the ones that are start crying when someone dares to hit them back. Most just want to yell and get virtue signal points. They want something done, but they want someone else to do the dangerous stuff. It's always been that way.

So, the answer is simple: If you want people willing to kill innocents without a second thought, the prison is the best place to recruit. You can instill a false righteous anger in the inmates by telling them that their imprisonment is unjust, it's political and criminal in nature, and they have a moral obligation to punish society for their oppression. Obviously, you're going to put together your leadership and secret police/intelligence from the academic and political members of the movement who ARE willing to kill, and of course disgruntled ex-military types will form the corps of elite troops. But for your death squads and enforcers? Criminals are the best.

09-14-20, 11:46
The protesters blocked the entrance of the hospital, and then were dispersed by Police only to come back later and try to enter the hospital to make sure the Officers died.

Do you want people to be hunted by Police death squads? Because I feel like this is how you get Police death squads. Regardless, this is not the fight, nor the hill that BLM want to die on. This stunt has cost them supporters guaranteed, as it should have.

09-14-20, 11:46
Only EVERY place under Communist Insurgency ever! They always empty out the prisons for recruits- like they did with Covid...hmm....

It's because among the upper class, academic useful idiots, the majority aren't willing to kill. Hell, most aren't willing to do much of anything that is going to put them in danger, and the ones that are start crying when someone dares to hit them back. Most just want to yell and get virtue signal points. They want something done, but they want someone else to do the dangerous stuff. It's always been that way.

So, the answer is simple: If you want people willing to kill innocents without a second thought, the prison is the best place to recruit. You can instill a false righteous anger in the inmates by telling them that their imprisonment is unjust, it's political and criminal in nature, and they have a moral obligation to punish society for their oppression. Most already don't have a conscience to begin with, so if you give them the green light to commit crimes legally, they'll do it in a heartbeat.

Obviously, you're going to put together your leadership and secret police/intelligence from the academic and political members of the movement who ARE willing to kill, and of course disgruntled ex-military types will form the corps of elite troops. But for your death squads and enforcers? Criminals are the best.

09-14-20, 12:17
I agree with this. And I agree that in this time, too many cops, especially those at the top, are all too eager to bent over and take it up the shitter without lube from BLM and the politicians because they "swore an oath" are to "remain neutral" and "enforce the law without personal opinion." I don't like the cops who think that they're like samurai or something.

But Vic's comment was directed at the conservatives who are stuck in CA, not specifically CA cops. Rather than telling our brothers and sisters stuck in occupied to territory to go f**k themselves, we need to figure out how to help them.

What are we supposed to do? Airlift them magazines and non ban compliant AR's? There is NOTHING we can do to help them. At least not until the red counties all band together and rise up against Sacramento.

Doubling down? That appears to be exactly what you are doing with the ignorant and moronic statements. I just told you that you have more allies in Cali than in any other state in the union, yet you continue with the "burn it to the ground" talk. The vast majority of this state is red, save for a three little blue dots in S.F., L.A. and S.D. We are talking a SEA of red thought most of the state. Frankly, from talking to people all over the state, I'm not sure we are outnumbered either. I think massive voter fraud, including illegals voting multiple times, and cheating is responsible for the mess that has been made of this state. One way or another, we will take back this state, and that day is coming. Meanwhile the Marxist cancer is metastasizing to the entire rest of the country. When it eventually gets to your area, should we burn you to the ground too? You have enemies in California, that much is true. There is not a state in this union where those same kind of enemies aren't lurking. And if there is a state where useful idiot commies are lacking, the Soros/Bloomberg types bus them in as needed. But you also have millions of allies in California that are willing to fight with you and stop this commie take over of our country. The commies got to Cali before they got to your state, but if you think they aren't coming to your state too, you are not firing on all cylinders man. Time to wake up and recognize who your enemies are and aren't. I'm not your enemy. Neither is my family. Nor my friends and neighbors. We are your allies. We are fighting the same fight against the same people you are. The imaginary lines on a map don't define someone's morals, values, or alliances.

JP, A good friend is a LEO here. We share holidays and family trips. His co-workers regularly attend the parties at his house. None of them are on board with this chit. Every single one of them has admitted, in private, that they will not be enforcing any of these ridiculous gun laws, or other liberal non-sense. They don't care what size mags you have, or what ridiculous devices you do, or don't have on your AR or AK. I've talked to LAPD, Sheriiffs, and CHPs all over the state and they all say the same thing. They say the same thing as the rest of us. When the SHTF, they will be fighting shoulder to shoulder with us, or we with them, as the case may be. The sheriff about 30 miles to the north of me is very pro 2A. He gives out CCW permits to anyone and everyone in his county that applies and isn't in a disqualified category. He wants the good guys to be armed in public and says so. This is true of every county surrounding L.A. county.

For all of you spouting this wretched nonsense about how everyone in CA, NY, and NJ should be killed because the commies somehow succeeding in gaining a foot hold here I ask you this: Who was our last president? Why did YOU let the M'er F'er have TWO terms as president of our entire country? Should the entire USA be burned to the ground because they somehow lied, cheated and stole well enough to get that Kenyan into office? What would you say to someone from another country that told you the the entire US and everyone in it should burn to the ground because we all allowed a Marxist protogé to take over our country for 8 effin' years? Its imaginary lines on a map people... Don't let them turn you against your brothers.

What have you done with your numbers and territory to stop it in your state? Nothing. You're too busy trying to slow down the scalpel being applied to your nuts to take anything back. All 5.8M of you voted for Hillary in 2016 and all of you will vote for Biden this fall. We got no help from you on Obama either. Don't believe me? Look up where ALL the CA electoral votes have gone for decades. I'll give you a hint, that isn't a "sea of red":


I'm not trying to be harsh, but your votes haven't netted any pro-gun judges. They haven't furthered any 2nd Amendment protections and you can't even save yourselves, much less anyone outside the state. We'd be better off if all 5.8M of you moved to battleground states and flipped several districts and states to the right. What you're doing there is useless unless/until you literally take up arms and start marching on Sacramento.

I'm not against you at all, I'm just calling it like I see it.

09-14-20, 12:38
Holy crap you are scaring me. That is EXACTLY the thought I have been having for quite some time now. Pretty soon the only people that will WANT TO BE COPS, are essentially CRIMINALS whose only redeeming quality is that they will "follow orders".

The “Ferguson Effect” persists to this day. Those we want on the street with us and society would want serving are the ones smart enough to go “oh hell no” and pursue another career.

With the salary at our agency we’ve lucked out better than most but there’s still those getting hired that’d never made it past oral boards pre-Ferguson.

09-14-20, 12:52
Once you get outside the main population centers, many of the Sheriffs in California are very pro 2A and push back against Sacramento on a regular basis. Being an elected position, it's a political position and you're not going to see many conservative sheriff's in the counties around LA, and the Bay Area. Geographically, well over 2/3 of the state is pretty red.

That geographic area stat may be nice, but considering 3/4 of the population lives in blue cities, it means nothing.

09-14-20, 13:01
Spread this far and wide to your normie friends who just bought their first gun because of the craziness.

Joe Biden's response to the shooting of 2 cops? BAN GUNS.

Joe Biden

Weapons of war have no place in our communities.

We need to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.


09-14-20, 13:07
Spread this far and wide to your normie friends who just bought their first gun because of the craziness.

Joe Biden's response to the shooting of 2 cops? BAN GUNS.


Yup. They keep muttering mandatory buybacks as well. F all of that noise.

09-14-20, 13:14
Spread this far and wide to your normie friends who just bought their first gun because of the craziness.

Joe Biden's response to the shooting of 2 cops? BAN GUNS.


Even his supporters are cringing now. There wasn't too much support for that tweet.

09-14-20, 14:45
What are we supposed to do? Airlift them magazines and non ban compliant AR's? There is NOTHING we can do to help them. At least not until the red counties all band together and rise up against Sacramento.

What have you done with your numbers and territory to stop it in your state? Nothing. You're too busy trying to slow down the scalpel being applied to your nuts to take anything back. All 5.8M of you voted for Hillary in 2016 and all of you will vote for Biden this fall. We got no help from you on Obama either. Don't believe me? Look up where ALL the CA electoral votes have gone for decades. I'll give you a hint, that isn't a "sea of red":


I'm not trying to be harsh, but your votes haven't netted any pro-gun judges. They haven't furthered any 2nd Amendment protections and you can't even save yourselves, much less anyone outside the state. We'd be better off if all 5.8M of you moved to battleground states and flipped several districts and states to the right. What you're doing there is useless unless/until you literally take up arms and start marching on Sacramento.

I'm not against you at all, I'm just calling it like I see it.

Na bro, it’s a sEa of rEb, Oh wait it isn’t.
wE gounna swInq it dacK. Oh wait no your not.

“We'd be better off if all 5.8M of you moved to battleground states and flipped several districts and states to the right.”
F that, they leave their self made cesspool and then want to turn their new place in to cesspool to . Kalifornia residents are a parasites that vote to kill the host then move on to the next state/host. You will see it in Texas, Colorado, Montana and Idaho next.

09-14-20, 15:21
What have you done with your numbers and territory to stop it in your state? Nothing. You're too busy trying to slow down the scalpel being applied to your nuts to take anything back. All 5.8M of you voted for Hillary in 2016 and all of you will vote for Biden this fall. We got no help from you on Obama either. Don't believe me? Look up where ALL the CA electoral votes have gone for decades. I'll give you a hint, that isn't a "sea of red":

I'm not trying to be harsh, but your votes haven't netted any pro-gun judges. They haven't furthered any 2nd Amendment protections and you can't even save yourselves, much less anyone outside the state. We'd be better off if all 5.8M of you moved to battleground states and flipped several districts and states to the right. What you're doing there is useless unless/until you literally take up arms and start marching on Sacramento.

I'm not against you at all, I'm just calling it like I see it.

I've got no argument for any of your points. It sucks ass that this is happening and that millions of people have no say in how this is going. We've been run over, stepped on and ignored for decades. But what you are saying, pointing out the facts, is a whole lot different than wishing fire and death on millions of innocents and allies. And how great would it be to get those 55 electoral votes back? If the Dems keep rioting, ambushing cops, and putting up dolts like Biden, they might just hand this state back to us.

My point to you is this: CA is my home. I was born here. Best weather on the planet. Great scenery and stuff to do. No bugs. Plentiful game to hunt. My career is here and I've only got about 7 years to go to make it to those magical retirement numbers. Giving the advice to cut and run every time the Marxists take over leadership of a town is going to quickly lead to none of us having any place left to go. Think of it this way: If you were a California lefty, would you want a guy like me to stay or go? They want me and people like me to get the hell out. Not happening. Their day of reckoning is coming, and I intend to be here to help deliver it to them.

09-14-20, 15:56
I've got no argument for any of your points. It sucks ass that this is happening and that millions of people have no say in how this is going. We've been run over, stepped on and ignored for decades. But what you are saying, pointing out the facts, is a whole lot different than wishing fire and death on millions of innocents and allies. And how great would it be to get those 55 electoral votes back? If the Dems keep rioting, ambushing cops, and putting up dolts like Biden, they might just hand this state back to us.

My point to you is this: CA is my home. I was born here. Best weather on the planet. Great scenery and stuff to do. No bugs. Plentiful game to hunt. My career is here and I've only got about 7 years to go to make it to those magical retirement numbers. Giving the advice to cut and run every time the Marxists take over leadership of a town is going to quickly lead to none of us having any place left to go. Think of it this way: If you were a California lefty, would you want a guy like me to stay or go? They want me and people like me to get the hell out. Not happening. Their day of reckoning is coming, and I intend to be here to help deliver it to them.

Dude you are delusional. You are not getting your state back. The current state of affairs is the status quo and has been for the better part of my life.Here’s another little secret the leftist don’t care if you stay or go because you’re insignificant to them. You have no power. The elephant does not give a shit what the ant is doing. Just to be clear you are the ant.
Unless you reenact Sherman‘s march to the sea you’re not going to make any change in California. You can half and puff all you want but it is what it is man.

09-14-20, 16:11
I have this feeling that having had California for like 40 years, the left has put in enough political road blocks that a drastic change in administration policy is next to impossible at this point.
They laid a minefield behind them, they can't go back.

09-14-20, 16:14
Na bro, it’s a sEa of rEb, Oh wait it isn’t.
wE gounna swInq it dacK. Oh wait no your not.

“We'd be better off if all 5.8M of you moved to battleground states and flipped several districts and states to the right.”
F that, they leave their self made cesspool and then want to turn their new place in to cesspool to . Kalifornia residents are a parasites that vote to kill the host then move on to the next state/host. You will see it in Texas, Colorado, Montana and Idaho next.

So, you're blaming conservatives from California for voting liberal in other states?? What am I missing here?

09-14-20, 16:19
Wow, what happened to this thread?

09-14-20, 16:26
What I was trying to say is people leave California because well it’s becoming Kalifornia. They can bitch and moan and say they didn’t support the changes that happened there over the last 60 years or they voted a straight Republican ticket. both of those are very doubtful. Once they establish residence in the new state, we will say say Texas, they go back to their old socialist ways and start And start voting like the little closet socialist they are.

That is why California residents current and past are a cancer or as I reference in the earlier post a parasite. They have destroyed their hosts state and they are now moving on to suck the resources from the new state they move to.

I’m sure California is a wonderful state but unfortunately it is filled with Californians.

09-14-20, 16:38
Vic, I’ve gotta say I’m sorry you feel this way. I know many pro-2A, hard working conservative folks that live in California that would have my back just as fast as I’d have theirs. I live in a Chicago suburb. Does that mean I support what Cook County is now? No. Don’t bash a group based off where they live. That’s just as bad as the commies that are trying to destroy the country, and you are lumping them into the same group the SAME WAY that BLM is lumping all the damn fine, hard working police officers just trying to do the right thing every day, make their communities better, and survive to make it home at the end of their shift.

Eventually even anarchists realize that it isn’t all that great having to look over your shoulder and be on constant lookout for someone else who wants to forcefully take something they envy from them.

Government may not be perfect but law and order MUST be present for society to succeed. So yes, the conservative groups in liberal holes can do their best and remain vigilant. There will be a day of reckoning where even the trash gets tired of being trash and looks for leadership.

09-14-20, 18:31
What I was trying to say is people leave California because well it’s becoming Kalifornia. They can bitch and moan and say they didn’t support the changes that happened there over the last 60 years or they voted a straight Republican ticket. both of those are very doubtful. Once they establish residence in the new state, we will say say Texas, they go back to their old socialist ways and start And start voting like the little closet socialist they are.

That is why California residents current and past are a cancer or as I reference in the earlier post a parasite. They have destroyed their hosts state and they are now moving on to suck the resources from the new state they move to.

I’m sure California is a wonderful state but unfortunately it is filled with Californians.

I was born and raised in CA, then moved to TX. I never voted Dem in CA, and I never voted Dem in TX. I'm not sure where you get the idea that someone magically goes from voting R to becoming a liberal by moving to a conservative state.

I know at least 3 others like myself that moved from CA to TX. They moved for the same reasons, to escape the BS. I do also know people that always voted Dem in CA, and moved to AZ where they continue to vote Dem.

But I still have yet to ever meet someone that was a conservative while living in CA, and then switched to straight liberal as soon as they left CA. I also don't know any liberals that turned conservative by moving out of CA.

09-14-20, 18:50
I was born and raised in CA, then moved to TX. I never voted Dem in CA, and I never voted Dem in TX. I'm not sure where you get the idea that someone magically goes from voting R to becoming a liberal by moving to a conservative state.

I know at least 3 others like myself that moved from CA to TX. They moved for the same reasons, to escape the BS. I do also know people that always voted Dem in CA, and moved to AZ where they continue to vote Dem.

But I still have yet to ever meet someone that was a conservative while living in CA, and then switched to straight liberal as soon as they left CA. I also don't know any liberals that turned conservative by moving out of CA.

By his logic, all of us west of Idaho and Nevada should be depopulated via neutron-bomb carpeting. Gee thanks, it's so nice to know how much "fellow American" means to some people...

09-14-20, 19:29
By janking on California people so much we are doing the Communists hard work for them.

Unite! Don’t fight. I’m here to tell you that the great Confederate state of Georgia will be JUST like California in another 20 years. This place is Hollywood 2.0 and they import Yankees and homos DAILY.

Like, 99% of Georgia is great except for Atlanta, Athens, and Savannah.

The day Stone Mountain falls is the day it’s over.

A lot of good people are in California and it’s a pretty place except for the large towns and that one place with the vampires.

09-14-20, 20:22
I got a call from the Police today, they called because I left my garage door open. I thanked them and closed it.
That's the cool kind of Mayberry I live in.

09-14-20, 20:38
Just some input from one of the Four Corners States, and the destination of many California refugees. Even political moderates who have moved to places like Utah or New Mexico, seem to want to change the local culture to what they had in their previous State. Many times its getting on the school board or city council and they vote in a lot of regulations and infrastructure the locals never had before, nor did they want. That is the big complaint you hear all the time.

Instead of getting in the groove with the local culture and way of doing things, the Californian many times wants to bring what they left behind and force feed it on their new neighbors. It leaves a bad taste in people's mouths. We had a Californian buy up some ranch land out here and start building a 7000 + square foot house. Beautiful looking house and was about 60% completed when they started drilling a water well. 1,000 foot depth and nothing. Tried another well down to over 3,000 feet - nothing. They spent nearly $50,000 in well costs for nothing. They started dismantling the house and only a frame and foundation are left - they split and still haven't sold the land. They planned poorly and wouldn't have been a good fit here I am guessing.

09-14-20, 21:47
Dude you are delusional. You are not getting your state back. The current state of affairs is the status quo and has been for the better part of my life.Here’s another little secret the leftist don’t care if you stay or go because you’re insignificant to them. You have no power. The elephant does not give a shit what the ant is doing. Just to be clear you are the ant.
Unless you reenact Sherman‘s march to the sea you’re not going to make any change in California. You can half and puff all you want but it is what it is man.

Elephant? I think not. I think you've given your enemy far too much credit. They are a bunch of little liars and cheaters that have somehow gained power. They are insignificant in the grand scheme of things. All of them are mortal. They survive because our side are kind, decent people that keep holding out hope that people will do the right thing, follow the rules, and see the truth. When the time comes that our side sees that they won't do the right thing, trample the rules, and this problem can't be solved by peaceful, reasonable means, the wrong doers will be stomped like the cockroaches they are. I can guarantee the Marxists are at work in your state too. Creeping and crawling their way in from every avenue possible. Is that also my fault? Is it your fault since its your state? Or is our common enemy responsible?

As I said before, me, and people like me, are no more responsible for the Marxist take over of this once great state, than YOU are for for that Obomination we had for 8 years, or the Clintons before him.

Time will tell...

09-15-20, 08:57
So back to the video.
How is someone that height and with that gate on the run anonymous ?

Steve Shannon
09-15-20, 09:29
So back to the video.
How is someone that height and with that gate on the run anonymous ?

My first thought was that it was a kid.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

09-15-20, 09:38
What I was trying to say is people leave California because well it’s becoming Kalifornia. They can bitch and moan and say they didn’t support the changes that happened there over the last 60 years or they voted a straight Republican ticket. both of those are very doubtful. Once they establish residence in the new state, we will say say Texas, they go back to their old socialist ways and start And start voting like the little closet socialist they are.

That is why California residents current and past are a cancer or as I reference in the earlier post a parasite. They have destroyed their hosts state and they are now moving on to suck the resources from the new state they move to.

I’m sure California is a wonderful state but unfortunately it is filled with Californians.

The data does not support that. People don't miraculously change because of an imaginary dotted line on a map. The problem is that the same hard-left blue turds who leave Cali, NY, NJ, Mass., etc because it gets too cold/too expensive/too whatever and move, those people import their BS ideology with them. They start out as liberal, and they end up as liberal. Actually, if you want to cast stones, cast them at those Red states who offer all sorts of tax incentives for Apple, Amazon, etc., to move in and bring 50K workers with them.

09-15-20, 09:38
They said on the news that the security camera has a fisheye lens so the perspective is off.

09-15-20, 09:43
My first thought was that it was a kid.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

A bullet from a 14 year old will kill just as well as from a 40 year old. Sometimes better.

Steve Shannon
09-15-20, 09:53
A bullet from a 14 year old will kill just as well as from a 40 year old. Sometimes better.

And a kid approaching a car might not arouse suspicion as much.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

09-15-20, 10:31
Local news sharing info that there was a suv parked around the corner to pick up the shooter.

09-15-20, 10:31
My guess it looks like a kid because of the way those idiots wear their britches & thus the goofy run.

09-15-20, 10:34
My guess it looks like a kid because of the way those idiots wear their britches & thus the goofy run.

Could have been a short, heavy girl also.

09-15-20, 10:36
Elephant? I think not. I think you've given your enemy far too much credit. They are a bunch of little liars and cheaters that have somehow gained power. They are insignificant in the grand scheme of things. All of them are mortal. They survive because our side are kind, decent people that keep holding out hope that people will do the right thing, follow the rules, and see the truth. When the time comes that our side sees that they won't do the right thing, trample the rules, and this problem can't be solved by peaceful, reasonable means, the wrong doers will be stomped like the cockroaches they are. I can guarantee the Marxists are at work in your state too. Creeping and crawling their way in from every avenue possible. Is that also my fault? Is it your fault since its your state? Or is our common enemy responsible?

As I said before, me, and people like me, are no more responsible for the Marxist take over of this once great state, than YOU are for for that Obomination we had for 8 years, or the Clintons before him.

Time will tell...

Only a Civil War- shooting war, and resultant PURGE are going to change the political reality on the ground in California. There is no other way. Anything else is completely delusional thinking.

09-15-20, 11:11
I hope the following articles and comments by Biden and others show battleground states the direction the left is taking us. It is sad to continue to see this.

09-15-20, 11:55
Suspect looks to be a black male age 28~30. Audio of the call from the female deputy is tough to listen to. She's shot in the jaw and still calling in support and providing aid to her partner. Apparently a black Mercedes picked up the shooter and drove away. More information is being released. Seems like if they've got the age down to that narrow a description, they have some idea who this guy is.

09-15-20, 12:31
Only a Civil War- shooting war, and resultant PURGE are going to change the political reality on the ground in California. There is no other way. Anything else is completely delusional thinking.

Deportation of all the illegals might also, but that probably would take a war.

09-15-20, 15:51
On the subject of Californians ruining other states, I just want to remind everyone that Beto O’Rourke enjoyed the support of a majority of native born Texans. He lost because the majority of transplants supported Ted Cruz.

Californians aren’t ruining America. Americans are ruining America.

09-15-20, 16:44
Vic, I’ve gotta say I’m sorry you feel this way. I know many pro-2A, hard working conservative folks that live in California that would have my back just as fast as I’d have theirs. I live in a Chicago suburb. Does that mean I support what Cook County is now? No. Don’t bash a group based off where they live. That’s just as bad as the commies that are trying to destroy the country, and you are lumping them into the same group the SAME WAY that BLM is lumping all the damn fine, hard working police officers just trying to do the right thing every day, make their communities better, and survive to make it home at the end of their shift.

Eventually even anarchists realize that it isn’t all that great having to look over your shoulder and be on constant lookout for someone else who wants to forcefully take something they envy from them.

Government may not be perfect but law and order MUST be present for society to succeed. So yes, the conservative groups in liberal holes can do their best and remain vigilant. There will be a day of reckoning where even the trash gets tired of being trash and looks for leadership.

Something I heard years ago is the difference between "law and order" and "rule of law" and why we should want the latter instead of the former. Sad fact is we always have had the former, never the latter, and that will likely always be the case as we circle the drain faster.

Rule of law would be simple and it would work as well as anything. If an issue is important enough to become a law it should apply universally. No exemptions for executives, legislators, judges, police, or the affluent string pullers.

Instead, we get special protected classes that have landed us where we are now who are creating ever more protected classes they can use to further their control.

09-15-20, 16:57
On the subject of Californians ruining other states, I just want to remind everyone that Beto O’Rourke enjoyed the support of a majority of native born Texans. He lost because the majority of transplants supported Ted Cruz.

Californians aren’t ruining America. Americans are ruining America.

You know what the difference between a 50-year Blue district and turning Red in 2016 woulda been? 554 votes. Wouldn't change the OR Electorals, but woulda meant OR-4 pinko lifer Peter DeFazio thrown out on his ass. This is the district that "15:17 to Paris" hero Alek Skarlatos is running in and trying to flip, and with enough support he just might do it.

09-15-20, 16:57
Rule of law would be simple and it would work as well as anything. If an issue is important enough to become a law it should apply universally. No exemptions for executives, legislators, judges, police, or the affluent string pullers.

Few people today seem to understand that this is important, much less indispensable. I believe it has been specifically indoctrinated and propagandized against.

09-16-20, 08:19
On the subject of Californians ruining other states, I just want to remind everyone that Beto O’Rourke enjoyed the support of a majority of native born Texans. He lost because the majority of transplants supported Ted Cruz.

Californians aren’t ruining America. Americans are ruining America.

Please state your source. Or is this just intern BS that the Left likes to use to make up the facts?

09-16-20, 08:38
On the subject of Californians ruining other states, I just want to remind everyone that Beto O’Rourke enjoyed the support of a majority of native born Texans. He lost because the majority of transplants supported Ted Cruz.

Californians aren’t ruining America. Americans are ruining America.

I would like a source on "majority of native born Texans" voting for Francis and majority of transplants supporting Cruz. I won't hold my breath.

09-16-20, 08:42
On the subject of Californians ruining other states, I just want to remind everyone that Beto O’Rourke enjoyed the support of a majority of native born Texans. He lost because the majority of transplants supported Ted Cruz.

Californians aren’t ruining America. Americans are ruining America.

No. Idiots that bring the same politics that drove them away from their home states and vote in the same kind of politicians are the problem.

What's the definition of insanity? Transplants truly effed up Colorado. They have the potential to eff up Texas. Yeah, they are the problem.

09-16-20, 09:09
No. Idiots that bring the same politics that drove them away from their home states and vote in the same kind of politicians are the problem.

What's the definition of insanity? Transplants truly effed up Colorado. They have the potential to eff up Texas. Yeah, they are the problem.

North Carolina got a one-two punch; low cost of living/low unemployment plus a generally pro-business/HUGE tax incentives government to lure businesses from high tax states, and with them comes the 50,000 employees who bring their 'values' with them. The cities in NC are just as liberal as most others, but probably not as extreme as San Fran or some others, but the rural areas are HUGELY conservative.

09-16-20, 09:44
North Carolina got a one-two punch; low cost of living/low unemployment plus a generally pro-business/HUGE tax incentives government to lure businesses from high tax states, and with them comes the 50,000 employees who bring their 'values' with them. The cities in NC are just as liberal as most others, but probably not as extreme as San Fran or some others, but the rural areas are HUGELY conservative.

If things were working under Constitutional limitations none of that should matter. They could want what ever and go pound sand instead.

Back to the rule of law. Those businesses shouldn't be subsidized in the first place, but since they are the "their business, their rules" line needs to be replaced by "publicly owned". Publicly subsidized venues deciding they don't like what someone has to say should be handled exactly the same way as an atheist mayor shutting down a Methodist church cause they dislike the message. Charge both perps(initiators and lackeys) with violating rights and go.

09-16-20, 09:56
North Carolina got a one-two punch; low cost of living/low unemployment plus a generally pro-business/HUGE tax incentives government to lure businesses from high tax states, and with them comes the 50,000 employees who bring their 'values' with them. The cities in NC are just as liberal as most others, but probably not as extreme as San Fran or some others, but the rural areas are HUGELY conservative.

I used to be angry Oklahoma didn't go after the high tech industries more when they were moving from Cali and other blue states.

I'm pretty happy about it now. I do think they should have made a hard push for Magpul when they abandoned Colorado.

09-16-20, 10:15
I used to be angry Oklahoma didn't go after the high tech industries more when they were moving from Cali and other blue states.

I'm pretty happy about it now. I do think they should have made a hard push for Magpul when they abandoned Colorado.

Both Apple and Amazon were angling for new business campuses near me; Apple decided to partner with Duke and build a small campus, Amazon chose a different state. I used to be all "bring them here!", now, I lobby for them to not get incentives and tax write-offs.

A small tech company relocated here from Silicon Valley, and a guy who came with it bought a house around the corner from us. he said "this place would be so much better if the politics and culture was like San Francisco." That, mi amigo, is a red flag.

09-16-20, 10:25
I used to be angry Oklahoma didn't go after the high tech industries more when they were moving from Cali and other blue states.

I'm pretty happy about it now. I do think they should have made a hard push for Magpul when they abandoned Colorado.

I understand what you're saying but after spending a lot of time around Tinker and the Tulsa area you really do have a lot of tech business in the Sooner state, and no masks, and buffets, and a very libertarian view of many issues. All in all a much better state than most.

09-16-20, 11:04
I understand what you're saying but after spending a lot of time around Tinker and the Tulsa area you really do have a lot of tech business in the Sooner state, and no masks, and buffets, and a very libertarian view of many issues. All in all a much better state than most.

Two words for the "tech" businesses in OK: Government Contracts

The USG is the largest employer in the state.

09-16-20, 12:16
No. Idiots that bring the same politics that drove them away from their home states and vote in the same kind of politicians are the problem.

What's the definition of insanity? Transplants truly effed up Colorado. They have the potential to eff up Texas. Yeah, they are the problem.

I was born in Portland in the late 80's. Growing up there I always heard adults bitch and complain about the Californians moving into the area, fleeing the CA BS. Flooding SW Washington and NW Oregon. It was fine for awhile, until they got involved in the politics and started cherry-picking what CA views they agreed with that OR, and WA did not have.

This is the exact reason why NW Oregon, and NW Washington is so insanely liberal now. Oregon used to be Liberal run, but still respected that most of the state was Red, same with WA. The transplants over time and through the ballot box, changed those areas into what they allegedly fled.

09-16-20, 16:38
Please state your source. Or is this just intern BS that the Left likes to use to make up the facts?

I would like a source on "majority of native born Texans" voting for Francis and majority of transplants supporting Cruz. I won't hold my breath.

No. Idiots that bring the same politics that drove them away from their home states and vote in the same kind of politicians are the problem.

What's the definition of insanity? Transplants truly effed up Colorado. They have the potential to eff up Texas. Yeah, they are the problem.

A CNN exit poll showed O'Rourke beat Cruz among native Texans, 51-48 percent. In contrast, 57 percent of people who had moved to Texas said they voted for Cruz, compared to 42 percent for O'Rourke. - The Dallas Morning News (https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2018/11/09/native-texans-voted-for-native-texan-beto-o-rourke-transplants-went-for-ted-cruz-exit-poll-shows/)

Texans will **** up Texas. Coloradans ****ed up Colorado. It’s not the liberals fleeing California - why would they? It has the policies they support. It’s the conservatives who are fleeing California, looking to move to places with policies and views that better mimic their own.

09-16-20, 17:24
So your basing this on one cnn exit poll as the gospel?? That's brilliant...I have several friends in Austin / Lake Travis, Dallas & Houston & they swear the outsiders moving in these area from other states all lean far left. Conservatives aren't going to move into an area they just tried to escape. If that exit poll was done solely in Austin it would be skewed way to the opposite conclusion.

It's my opinion Californians, NY'rs and the far left like are fleeing because they love their money more than their politics. A cnn poll??

09-16-20, 18:24
So your basing this on one cnn exit poll as the gospel?? That's brilliant...I have several friends in Austin / Lake Travis, Dallas & Houston & they swear the outsiders moving in these area from other states all lean far left. Conservatives aren't going to move into an area they just tried to escape. If that exit poll was done solely in Austin it would be skewed way to the opposite conclusion.

It's my opinion Californians, NY'rs and the far left like are fleeing because they love their money more than their politics. A cnn poll??

It's the colleges more than the carpetbaggers. Texas universities are no less Marxist than colleges in any other state. You have one of the largest universities in the country in Austin. They're pumping out brainwashed kids every year who settle in Austin and the surrounding area, and people are wondering why Austin has become the Cambridge of the south.

09-16-20, 18:26
A CNN exit poll showed O'Rourke beat Cruz among native Texans, 51-48 percent. In contrast, 57 percent of people who had moved to Texas said they voted for Cruz, compared to 42 percent for O'Rourke. - The Dallas Morning News (https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2018/11/09/native-texans-voted-for-native-texan-beto-o-rourke-transplants-went-for-ted-cruz-exit-poll-shows/)

Texans will **** up Texas. Coloradans ****ed up Colorado. It’s not the liberals fleeing California - why would they? It has the policies they support. It’s the conservatives who are fleeing California, looking to move to places with policies and views that better mimic their own.

I'm not sure which one I find more appaling.

The fact you're using a CNN "poll" as evidence. Or the fact you believe it.

09-17-20, 07:45
A CNN exit poll showed O'Rourke beat Cruz among native Texans, 51-48 percent. In contrast, 57 percent of people who had moved to Texas said they voted for Cruz, compared to 42 percent for O'Rourke. - The Dallas Morning News (https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2018/11/09/native-texans-voted-for-native-texan-beto-o-rourke-transplants-went-for-ted-cruz-exit-poll-shows/)

Texans will **** up Texas. Coloradans ****ed up Colorado. It’s not the liberals fleeing California - why would they? It has the policies they support. It’s the conservatives who are fleeing California, looking to move to places with policies and views that better mimic their own.

I question the polling methodology. There are over 250 counties in Texas; I doubt CNN was able to draw a representative sample, and instead took a sample of the more populated regions, which do tend to vote democrat. That's one reason I don't like polls.

If a conservative 'flees' on area for another, he/she will vote in-kind. It's not like a native Texan (or Californian, or Oregonian) wakes up and says, "Hey, I think I will change my mind on abortion/2A/size of government". Same for a liberal. So if an area starts to lean one way or the other, what are the variables? Immigration (from other states) is one. Shifting demographics is another as younger people as an aggregate tend to be more liberal and more likely to vote democrat (but even that is debatable). Government policy is another ("well, I am a Republican, but golly I want good public schools so I need to vote yes for the bond").

The other challenge is 'regional ideology/identity'. I can almost guarantee a 'conservative' in NC is different than a 'conservative' in Oregon. Regionalism (Dixiecrats, Blue Dog Democrats, etc.) shape local political identity, and those traits transfer with the owner to another area. In NC a lot of rural democrats are pretty conservative, much more so than many urban Republicans. Try telling a rural North Carolinian who is democrat they can't have a gun.

I do not follow Texas politics, but I have a pretty good finger on the pulse of NC politics, which is similar to Texas: urban centers vote more liberal, rural areas vote more conservative. The 'why' is probably analogous as well.

In NC, 100 years ago 90% of North Carolinians were native of NC; in 2018, 43% were from outside the state. That has a significant bearing on the shape of politics. From 2018-2019, Texas had the highest percentage of population growth; about half are native, half are transplants. Conversely, California has one of the biggest rates of emigration. Once you figure the 'who' and 'why,' there are the answers for the change in politics.

09-17-20, 08:27
It's the colleges more than the carpetbaggers.

These are screenshots from the first chapter of an Introduction to US Government textbook.


To be fair- it's also worth noting that all of my science professors are focused on their discipline, and I have not had a single bad experience in any of my STEM courses.

09-17-20, 09:00
These are screenshots from the first chapter of an Introduction to US Government textbook.


To be fair- it's also worth noting that all of my science professors are focused on their discipline, and I have not had a single bad experience in any of my STEM courses.

Holy let's-insert-our-agenda Batman.... that's awful. I have 3 1/2 degrees (1 BA, 1 BSN, 1 MSN, and half of a MS....), and although I had profs who I knew to be liberal or conservative, I can think of only a handful of courses (specifically, sociology and public health policy) where the prof's politics/agenda steered the course. All the others, they were chill, even when we had arguments or disagreed.

09-17-20, 09:24
Holy let's-insert-our-agenda Batman.... that's awful. I have 3 1/2 degrees (1 BA, 1 BSN, 1 MSN, and half of a MS....), and although I had profs who I knew to be liberal or conservative, I can think of only a handful of courses (specifically, sociology and public health policy) where the prof's politics/agenda steered the course. All the others, they were chill, even when we had arguments or disagreed.

I’ve definitely had less classes than you, but yeah, other than a first year sociology class, my professors generally talk about you know, math and science. Theres a limited amount of time to cram a bunch of info in. Ain’t nobody paying to do a sidebar into politics.

Also, I was married to a university instructor and lab manager for several years, so I got to know the bio and chem department staff and instructors in a few universities in 3 different states. I see more agendas and biases on the subject of education here on M4c than in academia.

09-17-20, 10:28
It's the colleges more than the carpetbaggers. Texas universities are no less Marxist than colleges in any other state. You have one of the largest universities in the country in Austin. They're pumping out brainwashed kids every year who settle in Austin and the surrounding area, and people are wondering why Austin has become the Cambridge of the south.

No doubt...not sure why anyone would think Texas universities would be void of brain washing profs vs other states. I have a nephew going there in the McCombs biz program & a niece attending yale. Both are in the young republican groups in a sea of left thinking zealots.

My son just graduated from TCU w/ his electrical eng degree & didn't report much strife during his 4 years.

09-17-20, 10:29

09-17-20, 12:03
Holy let's-insert-our-agenda Batman.... that's awful.

My experiences in every other class mirror both you and 1168. Everything outside of the arts and social studies has been very non-partisan and my classmates are mostly focused on staying above water academically than anything else.

It's been a pretty enjoyable experience overall, to be honest.

09-17-20, 13:43
For California, the Republican Party is widely responsible for its own demise here.

The state was pretty solid red through the 80's and early 90's. Then, as immigration from Asia and Latin American spiked in the early 90's, the Republican Party went full tilt anti immigration with Prop 187 instead of trying to find a way to bring immigrants into the party tent. As a result, sentiment quickly shifted and the state went blue.

Then, in 2010~2012 with Schwarzenegger in the governor's seat, the Republicans foolishly went down the jungle primary path and set up a new election system where the top candidates from the primaries, regardless of party, were the ones on the ballot. The Democrats flood the elections with candidates with false "moderate" candidates that split the Republican vote and now in many areas you have to choose between 2 Democrats in the general election.

LA is very liberal, but it's also very individualistic. The Republican Party has been unable to get candidates in LA that connect with that group. By and large, the same holds true in San Diego and Orange County which is why both have slid blue in recent years. San Francisco is a lost cause.

09-17-20, 13:45
My experience as a high school sports official and dealing with my college age son and his friends is that current group of HS and college age kids are in decent numbers pushing back against the far left crazy group a few years ago that created the safe space phenomenon and are the supplier of most of the mid to late 20 something warm bodies you see in the protests on TV.

09-17-20, 14:01
For California, the Republican Party is widely responsible for its own demise here.

The state was pretty solid red through the 80's and early 90's. Then, as immigration from Asia and Latin American spiked in the early 90's, the Republican Party went full tilt anti immigration with Prop 187 instead of trying to find a way to bring immigrants into the party tent. As a result, sentiment quickly shifted and the state went blue.

Then, in 2010~2012 with Schwarzenegger in the governor's seat, the Republicans foolishly went down the jungle primary path and set up a new election system where the top candidates from the primaries, regardless of party, were the ones on the ballot. The Democrats flood the elections with candidates with false "moderate" candidates that split the Republican vote and now in many areas you have to choose between 2 Democrats in the general election.

LA is very liberal, but it's also very individualistic. The Republican Party has been unable to get candidates in LA that connect with that group. By and large, the same holds true in San Diego and Orange County which is why both have slid blue in recent years. San Francisco is a lost cause.

Prop 187 PASSED by the Voters.....59 to 41%...That's what you call a WINNER in politics. Name any other issue, other than outlawing Child Rape that would have that high of a margin, and honestly at this point, Child Rape might be closer.... At that time, California had "only" 1.3 million illegals. Seems to me the GOP saw the writing on the wall and tried to wash it off- you can't let your enemy import huge numbers of people into the state, have little "citizens" and think you are going to be a viable party in 20 years. What the hell SHOULD they have done?

And the whole "win them to our side" strategy is complete almost BULLSHIT. Reagan came the illegals Amnesty. Bush, who has "Latino" members of his family, was his Vice President. When Bush The Elder ran, was he "rewarded" for this support? HELL NO! He got 30%- 7 points less than Reagan. In his second run, he got only 25%. It's somehow a winning strategy to import voters that are typically 2 or even 3 to one AGAINST you? No.

09-17-20, 14:06
Prop 187 PASSED by the Voters.....59 to 41%...That's what you call a WINNER in politics. Name any other issue, other than outlawing Child Rape that would have that high of a margin, and honestly at this point, Child Rape might be closer.... At that time, California had "only" 1.3 million illegals. Seems to me the GOP saw the writing on the wall and tried to wash it off- you can't let your enemy import huge numbers of people into the state, have little "citizens" and think you are going to be a viable party in 20 years. What the hell SHOULD they have done?

And the whole "win them to our side" strategy is complete almost BULLSHIT. Reagan came the illegals Amnesty. Bush, who has "Latino" members of his family, was his Vice President. When Bush The Elder ran, was he "rewarded" for this support? HELL NO! He got 30%- 7 points less than Reagan. In his second run, he got only 25%.

True. It won voter support. And shortly thereafter, the state went blue and hasn't turned back. Win the battle, lose the war. It wasn't a matter of catering to illegals, it was an issue of dealing with the large mexican population that was here legally already. 187 turned them right into Democratic voters.

09-17-20, 15:19
True. It won voter support. And shortly thereafter, the state went blue and hasn't turned back. Win the battle, lose the war. It wasn't a matter of catering to illegals, it was an issue of dealing with the large mexican population that was here legally already. 187 turned them right into Democratic voters.

Not sure about turning anything. I have seen very few legal immigrants(at least ones that weren't dyed in the wool Marxists/communists/fascists/miscellaneous other statists here that may very well fall under the operatives umbrella) that were too keen on someone else getting citizenship as a freebie while they had worked their ass off(and in some cases likely risked their/their families lives) for.

09-17-20, 15:34
I used to be angry Oklahoma didn't go after the high tech industries more when they were moving from Cali and other blue states.

I'm pretty happy about it now. I do think they should have made a hard push for Magpul when they abandoned Colorado.

Agreed. Although I’d like to see Stitt target the firearms, aviation industries as well as general manufacturing if we do actually pull some from China (pipe dream). We’ve got the space and the access with 35 and 40 leading throughout the country.

09-17-20, 15:40
My experience as a high school sports official and dealing with my college age son and his friends is that current group of HS and college age kids are in decent numbers pushing back against the far left crazy group a few years ago that created the safe space phenomenon and are the supplier of most of the mid to late 20 something warm bodies you see in the protests on TV.

My sample of two agrees.. I just hired two 18 y.o.'s.. one female, one male. They are both as tired of this current B.S. as I am (50+). Actually I had low expectations of these two and man was I wrong. I'm already trying to figure out how to help with their education so I can keep them with my company. I currently employ 6 people under 25 and zero of them are the special snowflakes people expect of that age group.

09-17-20, 18:00
Not sure about turning anything. I have seen very few legal immigrants(at least ones that weren't dyed in the wool Marxists/communists/fascists/miscellaneous other statists here that may very well fall under the operatives umbrella) that were too keen on someone else getting citizenship as a freebie while they had worked their ass off(and in some cases likely risked their/their families lives) for.

Agreed. Almost every immigrant I know who has become a citizen loathes the illegal immigration practices, having done it the right way.

Canadian nurses have some sort of special immigration status, I have worked with many, and almost all of them who choose to not become an American citizen talk pure smack and trash about the US, while blanketing themselves with all the perks. It makes me so angry.

09-17-20, 18:10
Agreed. Almost every immigrant I know who has become a citizen loathes the illegal immigration practices, having done it the right way.

Canadian nurses have some sort of special immigration status, I have worked with many, and almost all of them who choose to not become an American citizen talk pure smack and trash about the US, while blanketing themselves with all the perks. It makes me so angry.

Yeah, we need to stop letting them use us as their jobs-program until they allow us reciprocal access to their job market in return.

The harshest critics of border-jumpers in my social circle are actually a married couple of Mexican heritage whose parents came here the right way--Mr. V. spent his entire career in the Army, retiring as a CSM a few years ago and Mrs. V. worked as a paraeducator alongside my aunt, now doing ESL programs.

09-17-20, 18:17
Not sure about turning anything. I have seen very few legal immigrants(at least ones that weren't dyed in the wool Marxists/communists/fascists/miscellaneous other statists here that may very well fall under the operatives umbrella) that were too keen on someone else getting citizenship as a freebie while they had worked their ass off(and in some cases likely risked their/their families lives) for.

The sentiment in California during the Prop 187 vote was nasty. Legal immigrants get lumped in with illegals in the broad paintbrush. It absolutely pushed voters left. I came to California in 1988. In the 1990's I worked for a maquiladora on the border and was in Tijuana weekly. Things were ugly and very heated.

john armond
09-17-20, 18:53
Back to the subject of offices being ambushed/stalked:

Federal courthouse officer shot in a drive by, I believe, On 9/15/20

Two AZ detectives shot at while sitting in their car this morning. Suspect vehicle pulled up next to them, honked its horn to get their attention, while the suspect vehicle passenger exited the vehicle and began firing a long rifle at the detectives.

09-17-20, 18:58
Back to the subject of offices being ambushed/stalked:

Federal courthouse officer shot in a drive by, I believe, On 9/15/20

Two AZ detectives shot at while sitting in their car this morning. Suspect vehicle pulled up next to them, honked its horn to get their attention, while the suspect vehicle passenger exited the vehicle and began firing a long rifle at the detectives.

Almost like these hits are being coordinated, then executed from a standard TTP playbook...

09-17-20, 19:45
Saw that blue alert here in PHX
Article said state troopers ? So not sure what is up BUT either way yeah step out use rifle etc...

I live backed to a nature reserve mtn area that looks down on a main road and a main flight path for helicopters overhead
Well last few weeks they have been finding brass near a area that overlooks the road and my neighbor and I along with a few others have been hearing gun shots ? What they are doing no idea some were worried testing a lookout point to shoot at the helicopters or down onto a main road ? Because of the mtn area which is large enough makes me wonder what is up and hope they catch the guys shooting up their
It’s in city limits so its not like they are way out where its OK to be shooting in case anyone was thinking just dudes plinking :)

john armond
09-17-20, 19:51
[QUOTE=Honu;2885051]Saw that blue alert here in PHX
Article said state troopers ? So not sure what is up BUT either way yeah step out use rifle etc...

They way I read it it was troopers, but also said detectives. Possibly plain clothes or special team officers. Not exactly sure how their state agency structure is set up.

Edited for spelling

09-17-20, 20:13
Almost like these hits are being coordinated, then executed from a standard TTP playbook...Or copy cats along with just the uptick in violence

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

09-17-20, 20:29
Shooter at the Federal Courthouse appears to be a 68 year old. Not sure what gang he's coordinating with...

17 year old shooter with the rifle is in custody.

Crazy is in the air.

09-17-20, 20:37
Almost like these hits are being coordinated, then executed from a standard TTP playbook...

My thoughts exactly. You know, we will never know the whole story; but I'm guessing it is coordinated to some degree.

09-17-20, 22:21
I was glad to hear one of the officers was released from the hospital.


09-18-20, 00:33
Almost like these hits are being coordinated, then executed from a standard TTP playbook...

No, its more like the natural evolution of simple minded people being told over and over the cops are evil and out to get you.

09-18-20, 07:20
No, its more like the natural evolution of simple minded people being told over and over the cops are evil and out to get you.

That's my thoughts on it. With the MSM and ComDems on board with the Antifa/BLM criminals' propaganda the weak minded take that as an okay to commit murder. Even more so when the ComDems on the national stage refuse to even condemn such actions.

john armond
09-18-20, 08:54
Getting word another happened in Chicago. Officer leaving a training area, shots fired into vehicle. Stopped or deflected by headrest. That’s all the info I have so far.

09-18-20, 08:55
That's my thoughts on it. With the MSM and ComDems on board with the Antifa/BLM criminals' propaganda the weak minded take that as an okay to commit murder. Even more so when the ComDems on the national stage refuse to even condemn such actions.

Useful Idiots are.....Useful?

09-18-20, 13:43

Gunmen open fire on HOME of two police officers....

Nothing to see here.....

09-18-20, 14:35

Gunmen open fire on HOME of two police officers....

Nothing to see here.....

That website was trying to eat my computer.

These people really do not want the war they are trying to incite. Think Police brutality is a problem now? Keep murdering them

09-18-20, 14:37
That website was trying to eat my computer.

These people really do not want the war they are trying to incite. Think Police brutality is a problem now? Keep murdering them

Sorry about that. I just came across it in my daily aggregation of Data Points showing our certain descent into Shit Show Nation.

09-30-20, 14:31
Suspect arrested- 36yr old Compton gang banger ex-con taken down by K9


09-30-20, 14:57
So it's not a female. Hang that thug.

09-30-20, 15:21
Suspect arrested- 36yr old Compton gang banger ex-con taken down by K9


Oh noes, it's the dreaded "ghost gun" again! :rolleyes:

09-30-20, 15:32
Somebody needed to meet a few 5.56.....

09-30-20, 15:36
Oh noes, it's the dreaded "ghost gun" again! :rolleyes:

Yep, but surely in this case it means the serial numbers are ground off so the ATF will have to work to recover them.

What an idiot, if he is the shooter. Attempt to murder 2 police officers and then keep the gun?


09-30-20, 15:52
Give the K9 a steak. Who's a good puppy? :)

09-30-20, 16:37
Oh noes, it's the dreaded "ghost gun" again! :rolleyes:

Noticed how they were not able to link it to the perpetrator. :rolleyes:

09-30-20, 17:20
So has Kamala Harris started a GoFundMe page to bail him out yet?

09-30-20, 18:29
So has Kamala Harris started a GoFundMe page to bail him out yet?

Why would she need a GoFundMe when she and all the far-left Dems have a line of credit with Soros?

09-30-20, 18:30
Why would she need a GoFundMe when she and all the far-left Dems have a line of credit with Soros?

Why use your own money when you get your moron supporters to pay for it?