View Full Version : Bill Barr=Rock Star

09-17-20, 08:34
I happened upon this article @ Drudge this morning, I was pleasantly surprised and impressed.


Attorney General William Barr delivered a scathing critique of his own Justice Department on Wednesday night, insisting on his absolute authority to overrule career staff, whom he said too often injected themselves into politics and went "headhunting" for high profile targets.
"What exactly am I interfering with?" he asked. "Under the law, all prosecutorial power is invested in the attorney general."
Barr said it was he, not career officials, who have the ultimate authority to decide how cases should be handled, and derided less-experienced, less-senior bureaucrats who current and former prosecutors have long insisted should be left to handle their cases free from interference from political appointees.
Barr said that argument, in essence, means "the will of the most junior member of the organization" would make decisions, but he insisted he would not "blindly" defer to "whatever those subordinates want to do."
"Letting the most junior members set the agenda might be a good philosophy for a Montessori preschool, but it is no way to run a federal agency," Barr said.
The attorney general, the nation's top law enforcement official, spent much of the speech eviscerating the idea of the Justice Department as a place where nonpolitical career prosecutors should be left to decide how sensitive cases are resolved.
Barr said, throughout history, prosecutors have sought to "amass glory" by prosecuting prominent people, and he regularly witnessed that phenomenon during his supervision of the Justice Department.
"I'd like to be able to say that we don't see head hunting in the Department of Justice," Barr said. "That would not be truthful. I see it every day."

09-17-20, 09:18

A coincidence?

09-17-20, 10:42
Rock on...


Attorney General William Barr accused the Black Lives Matter movement of using the issue of Black people shot by police as a tool for a larger political agenda instead of sincerely trying to help those they claim to support.

09-17-20, 10:43
How are Federal prosecutors related to local, elected prosecutors who answer to States Attorneys General?

09-17-20, 10:55
How are Federal prosecutors related to local, elected prosecutors who answer to States Attorneys General?

Well, just my take on it but;
For a number of years we've been asking "How do they continue to get away with it?" I would guess local and State Justice Officials are infected with the same sort of bias as AG Barr is finding within the Justice Department.
The few places that have imposed maximum bail for violent rioters are seeing a real effect on how riots suddenly disappear. rumors of Barr asking for Sedition charges are popping up now.
Of course in Seattle and Portland and perhaps a few other places it would take Federal Agents to make those arrests in order for AG Barr to place those charges, but I don't think that's far away.
It certainly explains a lot about politics and crime over the last eight years.

Of course any mention of Soros in all of this is not allowed, no matter where the money came from.

09-17-20, 11:22
That’s cool and all, but Barr is largely responsible for this surveillance state.

09-17-20, 11:52
I see lots of talk and no action. Almost like an election is near or something.....:rolleyes:

09-17-20, 11:53
That’s cool and all, but Barr is largely responsible for this surveillance state.

Yeah Barr is pretty swampy himself.

09-17-20, 12:04
Durham indictments or shut up. I'm encouraged in what he says, but he has to deliver- and before the election. You can't take 4+ years after the fact to show that there was a soft coup running against a POTUS. The closer to the election, the more it looks political.

Dr. Bullseye
09-17-20, 12:10
Bill Barr has done nothing. But wake me up when all those indictments finally happen. Who cares what he says?

09-17-20, 12:18
Bill Barr has done nothing. But wake me up when all those indictments finally happen. Who cares what he says?


09-17-20, 12:44
Listen, when he first came in I thought he was going to be a closet Never Trumper Bushie fifth column A-hole. He at least says out loud what we are all thinking of, and that drives the left nuts. How much they attack him shows how effective that he is. The worst thing he has said in regards to Trump is that Trumps tweets about DOJ and Barr make his job harder- and that is true. It ended up being a half news cycle and that was it. For some reason, even Mattis seems to think Trump is more dangerous than the mob on the left. That is just bat crap crazy.

Barr's bum-rush on Mueller's report and the Russian Impeachment trap was worth the price of entry and a sold lifetime achievement award. He just now has t get some scalps...

09-17-20, 12:56
I can’t tell if Barr is slow rolling it or is serious but doesn’t want to admit how hard it is to overcome the obstruction at the working level of DoJ.

09-17-20, 13:02
He's not done digging though the pile of shit.

Alex V
09-17-20, 15:21
Bill Barr has done nothing. But wake me up when all those indictments finally happen. Who cares what he says?


So far all I see is a lot of talk and little of anything else.

09-17-20, 16:07
He's not done digging though the pile of shit.

If he finds the pony after the election, it is worthless....

09-17-20, 18:54
My guess is the “swampy” comments are coming from folks who very little expertise to offer on this topic.

My first run in with the USDOJ Civil Rights Division was very eye opening... They acted like they were kings of their own fiefdoms. Pretty much because they were. They owned their area of the law, holding entire states hostage. Not popular to say amongst the uneducated, but Chief Justice Roberts created a huge amount of freedom.

Barr ran the DOJ as a younger, more conventional man. He got pulled back into a rough situation but also knew exactly what be was doing, more than any other modern Attorney General. Throw around labels all you want, but no one is more able to correct at the creations of Janet Reno and subsequent AGs than Bill Barr. His sedition comments are making the career prosecutors, including the National Security Division, go bananas. That is how the Comey-era excesses get addressed.

09-17-20, 18:59
Not popular to say amongst the uneducated, but Chief Justice Roberts created a huge amount of freedom.

Please elucidate.

09-17-20, 20:15
Please elucidate.

Bill Barr also restarted federal executions. Not all his effort, but deserves credit. I am personally opposed, but the AG believes in the rule of law.

John Roberts gets all kinds of criticism but he has been influential. Shelby County v. Holder has been one of the most consequential and controversial during his leadership and was clearly because of his leadership. Roberts led the discussion that ended 50 years of non elected attorneys who had “preclearance” authorities over the Voting Rights Act-supervised states to determine what could or could not be state law. What was a 1964 effort to enforce the 14th Amendment became a situation where the 14th Amendment was being denied in the 21st Century depending on which state you live in. The Voting Rights Act was re-examined by Roberts, allowing voter ID laws and other electoral efforts to be handled by elected legislatures, not federal bureaucracy at DOJ.

Back to Barr, he seems seriously pissed about the whole Comey situation and what eventually led to the Trump Impeachment (2019). I cannot believe we have heard or understand the entire story. Bill Barr is indignantly righteous about the entire series of decisions were riddled with serious errors - perjury, false prosecution, etc. He seems intent to fix as much as he can - understanding that he doesn’t really direct the FBI Director and even only has tenuous direction over the politically appointed US attorneys.

In other words, don’t hate the playa, hate the game. He is probably the best AG any of us will see in our lifetimes. The way the DOJ bureaucracy leaks and undermines him indicates they fear him.

09-17-20, 20:32
To be honest the FBI has been a serious pain in the ass in many ways since it's invention.
You start off with J. Edgar Hoover as Director and in many, many ways WTF did you expect was going to happen?
You end up with Gay Lurch F'ing everything up.

09-18-20, 07:55
If he’s a rock star, why have the only prosecutions been of Trump people?

09-18-20, 08:43
Barr talks a very good game... but...

Investigating the investigators has been ongoing since early 2018 with the assignment of US Attorney John Huber, and continues on through today with Barr's assignment of John Durham in early 2019. Results in 2 1/2 years? Nada. The only indictment so far stems from an IG investigation and criminal referral.

09-18-20, 09:45
Yep, and another week has gone by and nothing from Durham... Realisticly, they have two weeks. If they were to release what we think (and want) in October, they will get crucified for interfering in the election- not that it matters since the brain dead left won't accept any of it at all. Strock is back with more claims that Trump is working for Putin.