View Full Version : Republican Challenging Ilhan Omar has two Campaign Aides shot, One Dead...

09-17-20, 14:14

They are saying not election related.....

09-17-20, 14:19

They are saying not election related.....Yeah not buying it.

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09-17-20, 14:21
Minnesota, bringing somolia to the USA.

09-17-20, 14:29
I'm sure it is just a coincidence and Ilhan Omar will be along to denounce it.

09-17-20, 15:02
I'm sure it is just a coincidence and Ilhan Omar will be along to denounce it.

"Some people did something."

09-17-20, 15:20
"Some people did something."

Yes, yes they did...

09-17-20, 15:27
Minnesota, bringing somolia to the USA.

You know it's funny, I went to high school in the Twin Cities, and lived there as of 3 years ago. One of my really good friends is Somolian, went to college with him. He remembers the Americans as a kid and that they pushed to hand out food with in his community as a kid, ended up working his ass off at coffee shop saving his money and becoming a lawyer and marrying a girl from Iowa, and moving there. We talk about missing certain restaurants and places, but not the community. The issue is that the current generation is far removed from the initial immigrants that moved there in the 80's and 90's, that they expect a certain amount of wealth and prosperity when they don't realize that they probably would have been killed or had a much harder life back home.

09-17-20, 16:24
Seth Rich didn't have anything to do with the election either...

09-17-20, 16:45
Any idea why the U.S. settled all those Somalis in Minnesota and Maine?

09-17-20, 16:48
Because we needed more Bananas for us to have a full blown domestic Banana Republic???

09-17-20, 18:00
Because we needed more Bananas for us to have a full blown domestic Banana Republic???

No. Because they were 90% white and they want to change that.

09-17-20, 18:03
No. Because they were 90% white and they want to change that.
"If you can't change the votes, change the voters..."

09-17-20, 19:20

They are saying not election related.....

When they start saying NON-mohammedan related, see if their lips move. :mad:

26 Inf
09-17-20, 21:50
Here's a serious response to how the Somali's ended up in Minnesota.


09-18-20, 00:46
Any idea why the U.S. settled all those Somalis in Minnesota and Maine?

I thought it was the Lutheran church in Minnesota.

09-18-20, 03:58
Los Pepes

09-18-20, 04:59
Los Pepes

An idea whose time has come......

09-18-20, 05:57
Here's a serious response to how the Somali's ended up in Minnesota.


Honestly, I'm fine with Somali's who want to escape that BS and come live a normal life like normal people. But that means they need to leave all the Alla Akbar BS behind and if you think Palis are the poor victim of evil Israel then GTFO seriously. Go to Syria or Libya instead. If you think the US is evil and is evil for it's alliance with Israel then don't even come here, just FO and go anywhere else.

If we need immigrants, bring in some more Montanyards...sure it's a couple generations too late and we bailed on their grandparents when we promised them protection, but at least we could finally honor a commitment we made and help some people who are deserving.

I still have a visceral hatred for what the Somali's did to our servicemen who tried to help them when they had a civil war and starved their own populations. But if you are a peaceful type Somali who thinks all that genocide was BS and want to live with normal people, make a better life, etc. then certainly get in line and if you satisfy all the requirements to come here make the best of it. I hope you succeed, I really do.

I think all decent humans deserve a chance at that kind of thing and few countries are more accommodating and offer better chances of success than the US. And if you were assisting us with valuable intelligence or even functioning as an interpreter you should be near the top of the list.

Hell even if you are an arab from a country that DESPISES us like Saudi or Yemen but you took the red pill and see everything for what it is and want to escape the crazy fundies, yeah come here and live right and make the world a better place for yourself and those around you.

Just don't get into politics on a "The US sucks and Israel is EVIL" platform because that is treason and you can take that BS walking. We don't need people in our government putting a stamp of approval on that crap because then it says to those immigrants, THIS is the official position and they will adopt it even if they aren't particularly inclined to do so in the first place.

Why Omar hasn't been deported back to Sammyland is simply beyond me. It's where she belongs. Maybe she can use her hate to improve that country.

09-18-20, 06:33
Because we needed more Bananas for us to have a full blown domestic Banana Republic???

Ha! We're already there I fear.

09-18-20, 08:11
Why Omar hasn't been deported back to Sammyland is simply beyond me. It's where she belongs. Maybe she can use her hate to improve that country.

It amazing that she came from a country where women can't vote or own property and were actual slaves are being traded, to a country that gave her the opportunity to get an education and run for congress under secure living conditions to tell us how horrible we all are.

09-18-20, 08:22
It amazing that she came from a country where women can't vote or own property and were actual slaves are being traded, to a country that gave her the opportunity to get an education and run for congress under secure living conditions to tell us how horrible we all are.

Second generation "immigrants" from shitholes are nearly always ingrates. They have no memory of how terrible things were where they got booted out of and they find out that in The West the streets aren't actually paved with gold and good looking blondes don't give out daily blow jobs and so they turn radical because "racism" and it's easier than the hard work it takes to succeed.

09-18-20, 08:26
Second generation "immigrants" from shitholes are nearly always ingrates. They have no memory of how terrible things were where they got booted out of and they find out that in The West the streets aren't actually paved with gold and good looking blondes don't give out daily blow jobs and so they turn radical because "racism" and it's easier than the hard work it takes to succeed.

She isn't actually second generation, she came from Somalia in her early 20's I believe.

09-18-20, 08:27
She isn't actually second generation, she came from Somalia in her early 20's I believe.

After marrying her brother

09-18-20, 08:29
After marrying her brother


09-18-20, 08:54
She isn't actually second generation, she came from Somalia in her early 20's I believe.

True. But more often than not, it is the case. Look at all the Muslim unrest in Europe, it's almost all driven by second generation "immigrants". Their parents were just glad to get the hell out of wherever they came from. Their children became disillusioned when everything was not handed to them and took that as a reason to resent and attack their hosts.

09-18-20, 08:56
And don't forget she was part of one of the RULING families in her area...

09-18-20, 09:30
True. But more often than not, it is the case. Look at all the Muslim unrest in Europe, it's almost all driven by second generation "immigrants". Their parents were just glad to get the hell out of wherever they came from. Their children became disillusioned when everything was not handed to them and took that as a reason to resent and attack their hosts.

Totally agree. So the Twin Cities (Minneapolis and St. Paul) have 2 populations of peoples that were brought in by the Lutheran Church, the Hmong, which were hill tribes from Vietnam that helped us during the war in Vietnam, and the Somalians. The Hmong mostly settled in St. Paul during the late 70's and while some became very industrious, others started gangs. Until very recently there were a few Hmong Saint Paul city council members constantly investigated for fraud, that spouted the same rhetoric as Omar

09-18-20, 11:36
I'm kind of disgusted that she hasn't been deported back to Somalia because of her immigration fraud.
Everyone knows about it, so why are they afraid to call her on it and send her back?

09-18-20, 11:57
Any idea why the U.S. settled all those Somalis in Minnesota and Maine?
A lot of the Lewiston Somalis originally settled in GA. They picked up and moved en masse when they learned Maine’s sate welfare benefits were far more generous.

The cynical part of me thinks they had far fewer native blacks to compete with for political power in Maine, as well.

09-18-20, 12:07
I thought it was the Lutheran church in Minnesota.

That's ELCA!!! The Enthusiastically Liberal Church of Apostasy.

They have as much in common with "Lutheranism," as a Chevette and a Corvette! :bad:


09-18-20, 12:33
I'm kind of disgusted that she hasn't been deported back to Somalia because of her immigration fraud.
Everyone knows about it, so why are they afraid to call her on it and send her back?

Don'cha know, that'd be "election interference" and "political prosecution"? :(

09-18-20, 12:52
That's ELCA!!! The Enthusiastically Liberal Church of Apostasy.


26 Inf
09-18-20, 13:50
She isn't actually second generation, she came from Somalia in her early 20's I believe.

Got me curious I looked: Born: 1984; Family fled to Kenya: 1991; Asylum in America: 1995; Naturalized Citizen: 2000 (age 17). At that point, given her experiences, it is hard to understand why she is not a freedom loving American instead of a socialist.

09-18-20, 15:22
Any idea why the U.S. settled all those Somalis in Minnesota and Maine?

I was a kid and didn’t catch the reasons.
However, on a trip back to Maine, I noticed two things.

1. The super conservative church I grew up in until third grade had an entire pew packed with an extended Somali family, super happy to be in the US and riding/driving an hour to get to a church that cared about them.
2. A beheading or two had recently happened in Portland.

People are individuals. I can’t speak to why they were settled where they were, but I don’t have a problem with it...mostly. I think Rockford, IL has some issues, as the immigrants kids end up in the bad neighborhood and are roped right into existing gangs.

09-18-20, 19:37
Los Pepes

Long overdue.

09-18-20, 19:55
Why do I feel like a legit Cartel candidate would bring in far more efficacy and peace than this ET looking broad?

09-18-20, 20:35
You can take the Girl out of Somalia, but you can't take the Somalia out of the Girl.

09-18-20, 21:48
You can take the Girl out of Somalia, but you can't take the Somalia out of the Girl.


Dr. Bullseye
09-18-20, 22:14
Deport that ISIS whore. That is not campaign related either.

09-19-20, 00:41
Got me curious I looked: Born: 1984; Family fled to Kenya: 1991; Asylum in America: 1995; Naturalized Citizen: 2000 (age 17). At that point, given her experiences, it is hard to understand why she is not a freedom loving American instead of a socialist.

Same reason millions of people born free in the US embrace communism or other stupidity.