View Full Version : Rasmussen poll: majority want blue lives matter laws to protect police

09-18-20, 12:43

Summary: 59% of US public say they believe there is a war on police and they want Blue Lives Matter laws to make attacks on police punishable as a hate crime. This is up from 43% two years ago.

Really good news, it means the public is starting to wake up to what's going on, and also means most of the public is still strongly supportive of the police. This, plus other polling indicating that the public strongly distrusts most of the media and believes they are fundamentally dishonest and actually fomenting the strife and division in the country, is a promising development. It means people are starting to see reality, despite the massive coordinated attempt to spin and cover up the cultural (and in some cases where police are being assassinated, actual) war that is going on.

09-18-20, 12:52
Extend it to Fire and EMS too... though I really have reservations about "special hate crime" rather than cracking down on ALL violent crime and stomping the offenders like ketchup packets.

09-18-20, 12:57
I want total mirror hate crime laws.

For every profession that has to deal with these ‘protected species” there needs to be an equal and strictly enforced hate crime law.

Immigration enforcement, Fire, EMS, Code Enforcement, Housing Authority, etc etc until it cancels out

09-18-20, 13:01
"Hate crime" is bullshit; there's just crime.

09-18-20, 13:02
Problem is, it's NEVER enough to cancel out... like I said, easier to just stomp on ALL violent offenders regardless of perp and vic demographics/occupation/etc.

Where's the "affirmative action" and "protected class" for Autistic Americans?

09-18-20, 13:13
We could just drop a 500 lb bomb on Soros's ass and be done with this all for good.

09-18-20, 15:12
though I really have reservations about "special hate crime" rather than cracking down on ALL violent crime and stomping the offenders like ketchup packets.

Agreed--the 'hate crime' mechanism is not my preferred way to solve problems of this type.

The good news to me though, is that a strong majority of the public sees this as a problem, supports the police, and wants to do something about it. That part is great news.

09-18-20, 15:22
“Hate crime” laws are retarded and completely unnecessary.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-18-20, 16:20
In some states, there already are "hate crime" laws that apply to law enforcement, so to speak. In PA, for example, a simple assault against a law enforcement officer is automatically upgraded to an aggravated assault, and therefore a felony. This law, however, is not exclusive to cops; it also applies to doctors, teachers, social workers, correctional officers, judges, security guards, nurses, any elected official, and many others.

john armond
09-18-20, 17:03
Then you have VA that just downgraded assaulting an officer from a felony to a misdemeanor...because we don’t want to ruin someone’s life over a mistake. :sad:

09-18-20, 17:11
Then you have VA that just downgraded assaulting an officer from a felony to a misdemeanor...because we don’t want to ruin someone’s life over a mistake. :sad:

That's actually the trend you see, with lots of states trying to basically make it easier for people to assault police, or to further reduce police options for dealing with non-compliance.

But just as we saw this last week, take the case of the insane Minneapolis city council who first voted to defund police, and now after crime has skyrocketed, they are unbelievably going back to the police and whining about what will the police do to stop it. What changed there? They were FORCED to do this by reality--it's called constituents. The constituents in Minneapolis have been flooding the City Council with calls about all the massive and growing crime problems. Even a strong majority of BLACK constituents, who the media want us to believe are so oppressed by and hostile to the police. They aren't.

Regardless of the radical flakes running the government in most large cities, a lot of the common people have more common sense, they do value the police and want them around, and don't want to see them targeted by violent radicals. These polls are the most objective indicator I've seen yet of where the public stands on the issue of support for police.

09-18-20, 18:39
Then you have VA that just downgraded assaulting an officer from a felony to a misdemeanor...because we don’t want to ruin someone’s life over a mistake. :sad:

How does VA define simple assault?

09-18-20, 18:49
Not a big fan of Rasmussen in the same way I'm not a fan of some of the other polling sites, there is a built in political bias. They always air to the side of Republicans/conservatives.

That said, "hate crimes" are bullshit.

john armond
09-18-20, 19:28
But just as we saw this last week, take the case of the insane Minneapolis city council who first voted to defund police, and now after crime has skyrocketed, they are unbelievably going back to the police and whining about what will the police do to stop it.

I brought this up in a different post...maybe a different thread...today

09-19-20, 08:37
That said, "hate crimes" are bullshit.

This is the right answer and same goes for any other law(or professional courtesy) bestowing special privileges/status on favored groups. It is amazing that anyone would support anointing any group as "special" after seeing week after week of rioters being too special to arrest while their intended victims get snatched up for not meekly accepting their fate.

09-19-20, 08:52
I’m waiting for when someone gets cute and makes every crime a hate crime

09-19-20, 08:56
I want total mirror hate crime laws.

For every profession that has to deal with these ‘protected species” there needs to be an equal and strictly enforced hate crime law.

Immigration enforcement, Fire, EMS, Code Enforcement, Housing Authority, etc etc until it cancels out

This ^^^^ 100%. I think this is a winning proposal.

09-19-20, 09:29
I’m waiting for when someone gets cute and makes every crime a hate crime

Why not? I never did see a crime committed out of LOVE toward the vic... :p

john armond
09-19-20, 13:37
CA officer charged after fatally shooting a suspect armed with a baseball bat. Taser was fired first but was ineffective. Charges stem from a new CA law and the DA deciding not enough de-escalation was used.

Haven’t seen any video from the encounter.


john armond
09-19-20, 13:45
Also, two Jersey officers...on leave after the birth of their child...had unknown suspects begin shooting into their home while they were there with their 10 day old child. I think these are the 6th officers targeted in about as many days.

These 2
1 in Chicago
1 Fed Officer in drive-by
2 AZ troopers on stakeout

There are probably more.

Also in Chicago Officers are being doxed in real-time with one protester telling a white shirt “you need some black in your family. I’m gonna go and rape your daughter!” Then telling the white shirt his address that someone in the group of rioters had just looked up.

Real-time doxing is happening in numerous other jurisdictions too. Several departments are removing name tags from uniforms as a matter of policy now.

09-19-20, 23:05
This crap makes me think that departments should only have their officers ID'ed by badge number. Unfortunately, that leads into Johnny Rivers territory where "they've given you a number, and taken 'way your name."