View Full Version : RBG has passed - GINSBURG CONTENT HERE

09-18-20, 18:38
Title says it all, wife just told me that RBG has passed away.

09-18-20, 18:40
Title says it all, wife just told me that RBG has passed away.

Yup..saw it to. RIP. She should have stepped down long ago though.

Now let's see the left lose their sh*t when Trump puts in her replacement before the election.

09-18-20, 18:41
50ish days before the election, and 2020 just gets weirder....

09-18-20, 18:48
Oh man the shit show that is going to happen because of this!

How long must they wait to nominate and have hearings for a new justice? Is there enough time. Granted the left will do everything possible to stall it.

And man, does this make the outcome of this election even MORE important.

09-18-20, 18:49
Donks are REALLY gonna lose their shit now... though Trump has a chance to really fire up the base and drive turnout if he makes the right pick and gets them in before the election.

As of now the SCOTUS Scoreboard changes to 3-1-2-2.

09-18-20, 18:49
Can't imagine this election getting any more ramped up with this news...gonna get real & ramped up come Nov.

09-18-20, 18:49
Ted Nugent for Supreme Court?

09-18-20, 18:54
My heart breaks..................

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09-18-20, 18:56
RIP Justice Doiley!
I don’t wish death on anyone but her hate for Trump was so strong that she held on for very long!

Coal Dragger
09-18-20, 18:57
Hmmm wish I was nice enough to have any kind words.

09-18-20, 18:59
Well, bye...

My liberal friends are already crying the crocodile tears and making virute signaling posts on social media.

09-18-20, 19:00
They say if you don't have anything nice to say...so....

09-18-20, 19:02
Ted Cruz is rumored to be on Trumps short list. That would cause the demonrats some heartburn if nominated.

09-18-20, 19:02
As a human being and one sensitive to cancer patients (lost two loved ones to it), I do feel bad. On a human level. I wish she would have stepped down with her dignity.

But as an American who doesnÂ’t like being effed with:


09-18-20, 19:05
Now, if only Mitch McConnell can find his balls and say "Yes, I remember what I did after Scalia passed, but this is politics...so you all can suck a dick, we're holding the hearings!"

09-18-20, 19:06
Now, if only Mitch McConnell can find his balls and say "Yes, I remember what I did after Scalia passed, but this is politics...so you all can suck a dick, we're holding the hearings!"

He won’t

09-18-20, 19:11
I won’t cheer anyone’s death, even someone who got it as wrong as she did so often.

Keep her family and Trump’s nomination to replace her in your prayers if you believe in such stuff.

09-18-20, 19:14
He won’t

I hope he does but you may be right. Though as evil as the ComDems have been he may just grow a set and ram the appointee through. Although I can hear the ComDems now- “it’s only fair to let the next term president choose!”. Well they can go get bent.

09-18-20, 19:17
Good. I hope Trump announces hes nominating Barrett on Monday.

09-18-20, 19:20
And away we go......

09-18-20, 19:21
Yeah really going to be some fraud for sure now as a MUST NOT LET ORANGE MAN WIN

I say he shoves someone in now but not a flip flop person !!!

09-18-20, 19:24
I hope he does but you may be right. Though as evil as the ComDems have been he may just grow a set and ram the appointee through. Although I can hear the ComDems now- “it’s only fair to let the next term president choose!”. Well they can go get bent.

The one and only thing that gives me hope that he won't play fair is that he didn't in 2016. He could have let the hearings go forward on Garland but he didn't.

09-18-20, 19:24
Borrowing this from another thread


09-18-20, 19:25
50ish days before the election, and 2020 just gets weirder....

Election or not, there's still FOUR months until January 20th. ;)

Win or lose, Trump has quite a bit of time to ram it down their throats.

09-18-20, 19:25
Ted Cruz is rumored to be on Trumps short list. That would cause the demonrats some heartburn if nominated.

Be still my beating heart....

09-18-20, 19:26
How long did Kav take...does a nomination help or hurt trump trying to push one through??

I initially had Nov in my sights but we got till Jan to fill the seat...Mitch is in the hot seat.

09-18-20, 19:27
On the plus side though atleast this will be the death of Covid

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09-18-20, 19:30
I hope he does but you may be right. Though as evil as the ComDems have been he may just grow a set and ram the appointee through. Although I can hear the ComDems now- “it’s only fair to let the next term president choose!”. Well they can go get bent.

Oh hell yes, fvck them. They wanted the gloves off, so be it. Garland and his nomination mean NOTHING. There is no more chivalry.

09-18-20, 19:33
Romney, Murkowski (who has already said her worthless ass won't vote on one now), and Collins......those will be the traitors.

Rope, tree, etc.

09-18-20, 19:35
Title says it all, wife just told me that RBG has passed away.

I don't want to celebrate a death, so I am both drinking to her memory and celebrating the future with Woodford. Cheers everyone

09-18-20, 19:41
I hope he does but you may be right. Though as evil as the ComDems have been he may just grow a set and ram the appointee through. Although I can hear the ComDems now- “it’s only fair to let the next term president choose!”. Well they can go get bent.

Is that hypocrisy coolaid good mate?

09-18-20, 19:42
Romney, Murkowski (who has already said her worthless ass won't vote on one now), and Collins......those will be the traitors.

Rope, tree, etc.
I don't think there's even enough votes in the Senate right now for a simple majority. Time to watch other weak-knee Republicans push to wait until after the election. This could be a real double whammy downer deal if Trump loses and we lose the Senate.

09-18-20, 19:43
Ted Cruz came out last week and said he would not accept that nomination.

09-18-20, 19:44
Nobody wants to speak ill of the dead, but She created all this drama and brought it all on.
Essentially her "Selfless Service" to the Nation, should have brought her to the decision to resign before it got to this point, so screw her. She could have made her exit during the last year of Obama's Administration and we wouldn't be dealing with this at one of the most violent and divisive times in our History.
But She loved the attention and stayed too long and now 2020 looks even more like a bad episode of "Game of Thrones.", so really, "F" her.

just a scout
09-18-20, 19:45
Ted Cruz is rumored to be on Trumps short list. That would cause the demonrats some heartburn if nominated.

Cruz already said the other day he’d turn it down because he wants to stay fighting in the Senate for now

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09-18-20, 19:45
Ted Cruz came out last week and said he would not accept that nomination.

Barret or Cotton

09-18-20, 19:46
Is that hypocrisy coolaid good mate?

Do you really give a damn at this point? I don't. With the behavior of the Left this year they can go pound sand.

09-18-20, 19:47
I don't think there's even enough votes in the Senate right now for a simple majority. Time to watch other weak-knee Republicans push to wait until after the election. This could be a real double whammy downer deal if Trump loses and we lose the Senate.

IIRC didn't the Senate remove the 60-vote thing for judges?

09-18-20, 19:47
Is that hypocrisy coolaid good mate?

Principles only matter if both sides have them..Apropos this is why we keep losing.

Imagine looking back someday on the downward slide of western culture and the obliteration of the greatest nation on the planet and being proud of the fact despite losing everything, including our national identity, liberty, perhaps even sovereignty, etc we maintained our “principles” and atleast weren’t racists (or insert whatever other woke pejorative is applicable) in the eyes of history.

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09-18-20, 19:51
Principles only matter if both sides have them.

Apropos this is why we keep losing

Spot on dude. It's on, so let's do it.

I'm already hearing about how this would be a bad thing given the violence of the last few months. I. Don't. Care. If what they want is to crank it to 11 then start shooting the bastards unrestricted.

Why appeasement for these scum is even pondered is beyond me. A spine is severely lacking on "our" side.

09-18-20, 19:53
If things are already violent, then a threat of further violence just means they don’t have a Plan B....

09-18-20, 19:55
If things are already violent, then a threat of further violence just means they don’t have a Plan B....

Pretty much. This is also how they will deal with the undoubtedly contested election around the corner. "Give us our guy in the White House or we'll throw an even bigger fit."

Ready on the left....ready on the right....all ready on the firing line.

09-18-20, 19:57
If things are already violent, then a threat of further violence just means they don’t have a Plan B....

Agreed. They showed their hand and desperation by supporting the violence in the first place. They know and we know they have nothing else. It's all coming to a head.

09-18-20, 19:59
Romney, Murkowski (who has already said her worthless ass won't vote on one now), and Collins......those will be the traitors.

Rope, tree, etc.

Murky is ONLY a Senator because Mitch carries a lot of water keeping her so--to be blunt, the only way he could own her ass more would be to break out the irons and brand his name on it. If I'm him, I straight up ask her "would you rather remain a CURRENT, or become the next FORMER, senator from Alaska?"

09-18-20, 20:06
Mr. President GET ON THE PLANE call D.C. and nominate a replacement right now. When God opens a door you walk through it. When you have your enemies over a barrel, it is **not**
the time to go limp. If the **extreme** Democrat’s and the fake news media gets their way they would impeach Trump in a heartbeat !!!

MAGA !! Vote Trump and Republican in November !!!

09-18-20, 20:11
Barret or Cotton

I'd add Hardiman to that list as well. That's who I wanted over Kavanaugh.

09-18-20, 20:12
Days before her passing, Ginsburg dictated the following statement to her granddaughter, Clara Spera: “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed,” according to NPR.

What a piece of work

Not who she loved what she did etc... NOPE its about politics and not next election but NEW president meaning I know the dems have this one in the bag with corruption so my dying wish is about politics and hatred of trump

Sad to be a todays delusional leftist with the idiocy we are seeing they are so gone from reality

09-18-20, 20:17
The cope on social media right now is BIBLICAL

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09-18-20, 20:18
I'd add Hardiman to that list as well. That's who I wanted over Kavanaugh.

If not for his age and current cushy megacorp sinecure, I want "Doomsday Clause" Kozinski on the Big Bench. Not gonna get much more Absolute 2A than that...

09-18-20, 20:19
We could lose the traitors (Murkowski, Romney, and Collins). That would make it 50/50. Then Pence breaks the tie. :cool:

09-18-20, 20:26
Game time

McConnell: Trump's Supreme Court nominee 'will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate'


09-18-20, 20:32
Ted Cruz is rumored to be on Trumps short list. That would cause the demonrats some heartburn if nominated.

Ted Cruz came out last week and said he would not accept that nomination.

Cruz already said the other day he’d turn it down because he wants to stay fighting in the Senate for now

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I had a better chance than Cruz. Cruz will be the most tone deaf person to a point to that. It’s going to be Barrett. Woman, the Catholic vote, sharp as hell.

09-18-20, 20:32
What about after the election if Collins loses? She won't care to placate anyone then. We have till the election and afterwards as well.

How about a strict constitutionalist that happens to be a black female?

Either way large portions of our cities will burn.

09-18-20, 20:38
I had a better chance than Cruz. Cruz will be the most tone deaf person to a point to that. It’s going to be Barrett. Woman, the Catholic vote, sharp as hell.

There hasn't been too many 2A cases that went to her circuit (since, with the exception of Illinois, most of the states in the 7th Circuit are gun friendly) but she did she rule pro-2A in the ones that did.

09-18-20, 20:40
What about after the election if Collins loses? She won't care to placate anyone then. We have till the election and afterwards as well.

How about a strict constitutionalist that happens to be a black female?

Either way large portions of our cities will burn.

In the words of a dying Darth Vader: "Nothing...can stop that now."

09-18-20, 20:42
How about a strict constitutionalist that happens to be a black female?

No more pandering and appeasement. Pick the best candidate, not the one that checks the diversity boxes.

09-18-20, 20:43
It’s going to be Barrett. Woman, the Catholic vote, sharp as hell.

This is what I'm betting on. David

09-18-20, 20:55
One warning: Keep it clean. I don't care what you think of her political view/stance/belief, she was somebody's mother and grandmother. She died from cancer. Some of you may remember our friend Army Chief that we lost to cancer. His friends, family and lots of members here mourned his death and some of us attended his funeral. This Justice was that way to people, they may not believe like you do but they still hurt.

Another reason to keep it clean, everybody in the whole world can see and read words written here. Think before you post. Leave the locker room, chest thumping, trash talk when you are face to face with your buddies.

I've been deleting posts and I will continue to do so if it's not in clean taste.

Don't post period if you speak ill.

09-18-20, 20:59
Now, if only Mitch McConnell can find his balls and say "Yes, I remember what I did after Scalia passed, but this is politics...so you all can suck a dick, we're holding the hearings!"

He is way ahead of you.


09-18-20, 21:19
Don't be ruthless, the supreme court already is...

If Trump does get her replacement, and he loses and the Dems take the Senate, they will try to pack the court. IF Trump loses, and the Senate won't act, Trump can make a recess appointment to the court that will last for the rest of next year (simply put).

09-18-20, 21:22
Don't be ruthless, the supreme court already is...

If Trump does get her replacement, and he loses and the Dems take the Senate, they will try to pack the court. IF Trump loses, and the Senate won't act, Trump can make a recess appointment to the court that will last for the rest of next year (simply put).

And even then they STILL pack the Court anyway.

09-18-20, 21:25
I don't agree with her politics at all. Still, she had an amazing career and a long, rich life, so God Bless, Via con Dios.


09-18-20, 21:39
Don't be ruthless, the supreme court already is...

If Trump does get her replacement, and he loses and the Dems take the Senate, they will try to pack the court. IF Trump loses, and the Senate won't act, Trump can make a recess appointment to the court that will last for the rest of next year (simply put).

I’m old enough to remember what absolute paragons of virtue the left was when Trump’s brother passed away.

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09-18-20, 21:40
She was one of the greatest threats to my liberty and way of life than any other person that has lived. No foreign power could violate my rights like she could. The world is on whole a better place with out her. Is that hard to recognize or admit? Not polite? She should have stepped down 6 years ago. She didn't. People want to sugar coat it, fine. Hitler is the measure today. So she rose to a seat on SCOTUS. Hitler went from a private to leader of Germany and most of Europe. You can argue that both were responsible for snuffing out millions of souls. I'm not going to cheer for her death, I'm just not sad she's gone. The opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference...

09-18-20, 22:05
Last week Trump announced a list of potential Supreme Court justice nominees and called on Biden to do the same. Pretty timely...

President Trump announces a list of future potential Supreme Court justices — 9/9/2020


09-18-20, 22:09
Nobody wants to speak ill of the dead, but She created all this drama and brought it all on.
Essentially her "Selfless Service" to the Nation, should have brought her to the decision to resign before it got to this point, so screw her. She could have made her exit during the last year of Obama's Administration and we wouldn't be dealing with this at one of the most violent and divisive times in our History.
But She loved the attention and stayed too long and now 2020 looks even more like a bad episode of "Game of Thrones.", so really, "F" her.

This. The ONLY reason she held on to the seat until the end was to try and screw us out of another Trump pick. Her dying wish was to "not be replaced until a new president was installed" She should have stepped down months if not years ago.

09-18-20, 22:09
Last week Trump announced a list of potential Supreme Court justice nominees and called on Biden to do the same. Pretty timely...

President Trump announces a list of future potential Supreme Court justices — 9/9/2020


Kind of plays to Biden. It ramps up his base and gets them focused. It also allows him to put up some woman, probably Latina, that isn't that goofy that the press will say isn't an extremist like Trump nominates.

CNN has head line that 4 GOP senators are against a pick now, but those are all statements in the past.

09-18-20, 22:11
What a piece of work

Not who she loved what she did etc... NOPE its about politics and not next election but NEW president meaning I know the dems have this one in the bag with corruption so my dying wish is about politics and hatred of trump

Sad to be a todays delusional leftist with the idiocy we are seeing they are so gone from reality

I'm calling bullshit on that.