View Full Version : Source for 14 inch 870 barrels with sights

The Dumb Gun Collector
09-19-20, 11:44
Hey guys

I was getting ready to form 1 my 870 and I want to put a 14 inch barrel with either rifle sights or the XS sights. Any Idea where I could find these? Does anyone make them?

09-19-20, 15:58
I am pretty sure Wilson could fix you up.

09-19-20, 16:53
Optics planet sells factory ones

09-19-20, 18:04
I was considering the same thing to SBS my Tac-14. I noticed my usual sources which advertised 14" 870 rifle sighted barrels are all out-of-stock. I suppose, just keep checking and hit the "buy" button as soon as you see one.

09-19-20, 18:32
Botach had them when I got one for my TAC-14.

09-21-20, 01:24
Check out Midwest Gun Works. I just got a 14" with XS sights from there. Sign up for the instock notifications and wait. Be prepared to purchase because they go quick.


09-21-20, 15:48
Suarez will build you a barrel or modify yours if you send it. Slug sights/porting/cerakote/ etc. If you choose to just buy one, they don't make it until you order it so they don't show stock on the website. I had mine within a few weeks of ordering over the phone.


10-02-20, 02:26
Buy an 18 inch Rem barrel and send it into Vang for cut, comp, and sights.

10-15-20, 22:42
This guy has lots in stock and Knows his shit. He’s friendly and will tell you the honest truth about a product. He doesn’t sugar coat it.


10-22-20, 16:45
Although I'm no longer in the market for a rifle-sighted 14" barrel, I went to the AIPTactical website and saw any Remington 14" barrels are out-of-stock:

I didn't bother to call as I'm no longer in the market, although the OP still might want to try calling him.

I did put an XS big dot tritium sight on my Tac-14 (now SBS) barrel.

Here's how the install went:
The underside of the XS sight has a hollow area to go over the existing bead. But the hollow-area isn't big enough. As another buyer/reviewer did, I cut off the existing brass bead (I'm now extra-committed for this sight to work).

This first time, I used some JB Weld epoxy "Kwik Weld", which I had laying around the house from some other project I cannot recall. Within 50 rounds, the sight was "gone". Thank goodness I found the sight out in the country-side where I was shooting. There were various black pieces of rock or debris on the ground but I was lucky enough to find this $60+ sight after almost giving up the search.

This 2nd time, I bought new regular JB Weld which apparently has more strength and heat resistance compared to its Kwik Weld version. I also put a tie-wrap around the sight and barrel to really clamp it on while it cured. I've since left the tie-wrap on and the sight has stayed in place for another few hundred rounds of 12 gauge bird shot (which is what I'm using for practice right now).

This journey has all been because I bought a Tac-14 with brace (Mesa Tactical adapter with SB Tactical brace). I kept shooting too high with this set-up. With this adapter and brace, I couldn't get my face and eye-line low enough. I've since converted the firearm to be an "SBS" (aka short barreled shotgun) and put on an actual stock which allows me to get a lower & proper cheek-weld and a proper sight/target picture.

For the OP, Greg B., prior to this thread, I was considering buying a rifle-sighted 870 barrel. A few places had them in stock, but all seem to be out of stock now. By the way, the Form 1 took me only 15 days and that was with Columbus Day holiday in that period. BATF does say its estimate is 60 days, btw.

10-22-20, 20:52
Classified section in another forum I am a member of has a factory Remington 14" slug sighted barrel for 3 Benjamin's. PM me if you want the info.