View Full Version : Obama is a Flip Flopper

11-30-08, 15:43
Look at how Obama has flipped flopped on his opinion of Hillary Clinton (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2NDZGLDZ0o). Go to about 5:17 and you will hear Obama condemn Hillary for her foreign policy.

And yet he's going to name Hillary as the United States Secretary of State.
The United States Secretary of State is the head of the United States Department of State, concerned with foreign affairs.

Iraq Ninja
11-30-08, 16:43
Wasn't that said during the election? Different game now bro. You say stuff to tear down the opponent.

Now, if he goes out to a range with a M4 and says he is changing his mind on gun control, would you mind? :)

11-30-08, 16:46
Yeah, I think that was already obvious before the election.

11-30-08, 19:38
Wasn't that said during the election? Different game now bro. You say stuff to tear down the opponent.

Now, if he goes out to a range with a M4 and says he is changing his mind on gun control, would you mind? :)

He would probably shoot himself in the foot, furthering the anti-gun cause. (But maybe him and Michael Moore are shooting buddies and we just don't know it?)


11-30-08, 19:56
Why doesn't this flip flopping seem to phase you guys?

He said he's not going to take our guns away. My guess is he will flip flop on that, bro.

11-30-08, 20:40
Look at how Obama has flipped flopped on his opinion of Hillary Clinton (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2NDZGLDZ0o). Go to about 5:17 and you will hear Obama condemn Hillary for her foreign policy.[/SIZE]
And yet he's going to name Hillary as the United States Secretary of State.
The United States Secretary of State is the head of the United States Department of State, concerned with foreign affairs.

I believe they call that politics. For a good laugh, go read what McCain and Palin said about Obama pre and post-election. It's all political crap and there is no such thing as change in DC.

11-30-08, 20:45
Why doesn't this flip flopping seem to phase you guys?

He said he's not going to take our guns away. My guess is he will flip flop on that, bro.

Phase me? It disturbs me that America elected a bald faced liar as POTUS.

Flip-flopping when you are liar means nothing. It is expected. The man changes his point of view to whatever advantage.

In fact you can assume that when his lips are moving he is lying.

I'm done getting upset about it. Now I am just getting ready for what is coming as fast as I can.

11-30-08, 20:53
Look at how Obama has flipped flopped on his opinion of Hillary Clinton...

Ahhh, the innocence of the young...

At least I hope that's your excuse. ;)

11-30-08, 21:34
Why doesn't this flip flopping seem to phase you guys?

He said he's not going to take our guns away. My guess is he will flip flop on that, bro.

Don't listen to what he says for he has proven himself a liar during his campaign and he is a politician. Watch his actions, who he surrounds himself with etc....

Keep trying to affect change for 2A and your other causes but be vigilant and diligently keep preparing for what may be coming; expecting the worst, but ...

The 2A has been called the "doomsday clause" inserted by the Founding Fathers as a last resort to check tyranny.

11-30-08, 21:47
Enough Obama threads, ok guys?

It's not like we didn't see this coming.