View Full Version : No Durham Report before Election?

09-27-20, 16:05
Are you F'ing kidding me?




Who give s flying fig if it is expanding. If Trump loses, this will all get buried so deep, hard, fast that it would make Ron Jeremy's heads spin.

It is four years plus after this 'worst coup' since Lincoln happened, and we are not going to be able to learn about it before the election? Are you kidding me?

This report is key to showing:

That there really is a deep state.
That it treated Trump unfairly.
Trump wasn't lying.
There is no "Russian Collusion".

I'm starting to think that they offed RBG to take the window out for Barr to release anything.

Hearings on SCOTUS start Oct 12. There has to he a report out before then.

An election with out the Durham report is illegitimate...

If Barr buries this until after the election, and then starts goosestepping people out of their homes as Biden get bids from movers....

How do we pressure Barr to release something? Frankly I don't care at this point if Trump orders him to and he refuses and he has to start whacking people until it gets out. I don't care if it is seen as 'political'. The base needs to see what was really happening. The middle of the road people will make of it as they want, the left will denounce it.

Released after the election is meaningless, even counter productive. Image Trump loses in a tight race and then this comes out. You think the base is going to take to that kindly? Go away quietly.

If it doesn't come out after the election, they will bury this and people with it until it is a rumor, of a conspiracy, in a false memory.

It can't be so big and important that it it takes 2+ years to investigate. Anyone that has dragged it our, add obstructing justice and send in the SWAT teams with boats and FOXnews crews pre-arranged.

I can't think of anything that makes me madder. Makes me want to not vote. Why vote if our guys don't even try?

Durham has given us one guy who plead guilty but says he did nothing wrong? Guess who gets a pardon when Biden gets in.

09-27-20, 16:45
It’s all a game dude.... all of it.

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09-27-20, 17:51
It’s all a game dude.... all of it.

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This. It’s literally WWF.

09-27-20, 18:04
It’s all a game dude.... all of it.

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Exactly. Nothing surprises me anymore- the entire system is rigged against the honest citizenry. The rich and powerful will continue to get richer and more powerful while the rest of us are just hoping to hold off the inevitable for a while longer....

09-27-20, 18:18
This. It’s literally WWF.

And no Mr. Socko....

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09-27-20, 19:01
This. It’s literally WWF.

Can we at least see some CNN reporter slapped across the face?

Seriously though, I have deep concerns about the clock being run out. The thing is, if there is really going to be justice then it has to be done right, not on an election schedule. I still feel like Barr is the right man, and I'm also realistic about the possibility there may not be enough HARD evidence for charges.

Dr. Bullseye
09-28-20, 12:11
I told you. There is nobody in the FBI/DOJ who can be or ought to be trusted. Trump should appoint Joseph DiGenova as Special Prosecutor immediately and fire everyone in the FBI/DOJ down to the janitorial level.

Coal Dragger
09-29-20, 11:44
How many times have I told you guys that no one is going to be held accountable, much less go to jail over this?

09-29-20, 12:36
They can't hold anyone accountable. If they tried and someone started singing, they would all be shown as being guilty of something. Kind of like the House banking scandal where no one was held accountable because they always take care of their own. David

09-29-20, 13:20
An alternate take:

Trump supporters and sympathetic media figures have been frustrated with the absence of Spygate-related indictments to date. However, Attorney General Barr has given us clues as to the real objective of the Durham investigation, upon which Barr is receiving regular briefings from Durham. He has repeatedly signaled that he expects Durham to, paraphrasing, “go where the evidence takes him,” and that anyone who broke the law will be prosecuted if the evidence warrants it. There is already much evidence on the public record about individuals involved in Spygate perjuring themselves, making false statements, and lying to Congress (e.g., Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Strzok, McCabe, and others). Yet, no indictments have been brought against INDIVIDUALS. That fact would tend to confirm speculation that Durham is instead pursuing a wide-ranging conspiracy charge involving many if not all participants, which would be a main reason for the delay. And with the Clintons now being tied into Spygate, the development of prosecutable evidence for the entire conspiracy will take additional time.

Furthermore, there would be additional grounds for a RICO investigation of the Spygate participants by tying in Clinton and Democrat National Committee money that enabled the conspiracy – also requiring time to develop. And finally, with the Clintons now tied into Spygate, Durham could seat grand juries in other jurisdictions besides Democrat-controlled New York, Washington DC, and Northern Virginia to obtain the necessary indictments. All this takes time.


There are good reasons for Durham delaying indictments: Mueller SCO criminality and direct Clinton ties to Spygate.
Durham is almost certainly pursuing conspiracy and RICO charges against the Spygate conspirators and their funders.
The political implications of deferring indictments until after 3 November could actually favor the President.
As a chaser, a lack of indictments does not preclude a guilty plea or two before 3 November. That’s entirely possible, too.


09-29-20, 15:39
An alternate take:

Be nice to believe it, but the let downs have been constant and consistent since 2016. No one there wants a change. There will be none. Just kabuki.

09-29-20, 16:10
Be nice to believe it, but the let downs have been constant and consistent since 2016. No one there wants a change. There will be none. Just kabuki.

I have to admit I read that word wrong more than once.

10-02-20, 18:18
Hopefully Trump will ease off the Twitter, and that might leave enough oxygen to have some Durham release at least some stuff.

10-02-20, 20:54
Durham has his own insurance plan.

If Trump wins, he might go forward with some minor indictments to make it look like he did something.

If Trump loses, he makes it clear to next AG he buried them and gets to stay in exchange for STFU.

02-03-21, 23:53
The left has Gas lit and poisoned the atmosphere so badly now that they’ll just take anything that Durham says and just bury it. So what is Durham going to do? Play the real long game and hope that the GOP takes back the house and can follow up on anything he brings forth, or bringing out now and just let it die?

The one conviction he has gotten ended up with a probation sentence. I’m sure that has clapper and all the other assholes shaking in their boots.

02-03-21, 23:56
Barrf wouldn't have picked Durham if he weren't a fellow swamp critter. I'm sure Load-of-Crapper and Looming Doofus are shaking... from how hard they and Fat Bastard are slapping each other on the backs.

Dr. Bullseye
02-04-21, 12:39
Durham is a zero just like everyone in the Leftist piece of crap FBI. Why would anyone expect anything else?

08-13-21, 20:49
I’m not dead yet….


08-14-21, 17:58
Well considering the story is from the AP in US News and World Report the whole investigation with continue to be a big nothing. David

08-16-21, 12:43
Yea, if I was an FBI Janitor, receptionist or coffee/dry cleaning boy, I'd be very worried. Nobody higher than that is losing any sleep.

05-31-22, 15:03
Nevermind. Susssman walks.

05-31-22, 15:08
NEVER try a political case in DC, the verdict will be in before you even select jurors. Durham was either stupid or in on the fix here.

05-31-22, 15:12
NEVER try a political case in DC, the verdict will be in before you even select jurors. Durham was either stupid or in on the fix here.

You couldn’t hold a trial in a small town and have less conflicts of interest. One juror has a kid on the same sports team as the defendant…

05-31-22, 16:23
Durham was either stupid or in on the fix here.

Alternate take: The main or a major purpose for this case was to publicly “release” the report. The evidence that came out in the trial can’t be redacted, classified, or simply not released as the report probably will be.

05-31-22, 16:24
Alternate take: The main or a major purpose for this case was to publicly “release” the report. The evidence that came out in the trial can’t be redacted, classified, or simply not released as the report probably will be.

Okay, I'll concede that End Run is another possibility. :)