View Full Version : Proud Boys

09-30-20, 18:57
Since Wallace brought this up in the debate last night it was a big matter of contention on facebook among my privileged white liberal "Friends" from high school with copious amount of hand wringing and shouted "White supremecy" accusations. I have never met a Proud Boy so I decided to do my own research. I shouldn't have been surprised but I was surprised at what I learned.


09-30-20, 19:06
It was literally started by a gay guy who was into Straight Edge.

They are no more a threat to anyone than the Promise Keepers

09-30-20, 19:12
Started out as a "Club" for young lower middle class guys to hang out and drink.
Members of all races and religions ended up in a brawl against "Leftists" and we're forever branded racist.

09-30-20, 19:41
Me and Euro went to a Proud Boys meeting....


09-30-20, 19:53
The real question is why you listening to what liberals are discussing on FB?

09-30-20, 20:17
The real question is why you listening to what liberals are discussing on FB?

It’s good to keep apprised of what the enemy is talking about.

09-30-20, 20:23
The real question is why you listening to what liberals are discussing on FB?

Remaining in a bubble or echo chamber is the best way to lose this fight.


LMT Shooter
09-30-20, 20:24
It was literally started by a gay guy who was into Straight Edge.

They are no more a threat to anyone than the Promise Keepers

Gavin McGuiness is gay?

09-30-20, 20:53
Gavin McGuiness is gay?

No, he's definitely not.

As for McInnes' points of view, it's hard to tell whether or not he's serious about his positions, if he's exaggerating, or if he's just being an agitator. He admits that a lot of stuff he says is just to piss people off. Some people have suggested that he's actually either liberal or apolitical and playing out a parody of the far right, but I don't know for sure.

09-30-20, 20:58
The Proud Boys are not conceptually racist.

However, the idea of being “proud” of one’s race and culture, in response to groups that are critical, inevitably leads to looking down on other cultures by virtue of one’s own culture’s accomplishments. I get the sentiment, and I listened to some podcasts by Gavin a while back, but it’s not something that will have any positive end. They can serve as Brownshirts to counter the Commies, but at the end of the day, they end up being remembered only as Brownshirts.

The problem with reactive counter-groups like this is that they engage in the exact same silly arguments and behavior as their opponents (which are clearly those critical of Western culture when it comes to the Proud Boys). We all know that Africa had no great sub Saharan civilizations, unless Mali was in the Sahel. But is there any good to pointing that out? Or reminding that the Anglo-Americans beat the Iroquois, Sioux, Comanche, and all the rest? Or that Latin America didn’t have the wheel? Or that the Spaniards subjugated the Aztecs, Incas, and anyone else in their way with relatively small armies? There is another thread that went into IQ’s. Though not all research is ever settled, a question that should be asked on that topic as well as this one: What good can come out of this? That question doesn’t negate the pursuit of knowledge, but it should temper the use of that knowledge.
Shouting at stupid Commies, skinny white kids, blacks, and whatever group joins in with Antifa doesn’t do anything except debase the ones doing the shouting. And, it is natural that a non-racist group like this attracts actual racists. Gavin saying “my wife is Native American” doesn’t get heard over Biden (and people like my mother-in-law) listing Proud Boys as the exemplary current white supremacist organization.

09-30-20, 21:07
Heh, yeah, they're notsees and woman-hating incels, haven't you heard, like, a couple pages back on a thread right here on this forum? After all, it's not like if anyone ever watches some of the clips of their rallys there isn't enough 'back the blue'/ Trump 2020/ Gadsden/Murrica! stuff on full display to choke a horse...
Libs hate them cuz they're one of the very damn few not-left groups willing to punch assholes in the face when it's called for, and the clueless conservitard types just follow right along. How uncouth! :rolleyes:
Hell, I'm not even sure I'd call them 'right wing' more like 'anti-left'....

Gavin saying “my wife is Native American” doesn’t get heard over Biden (and people like my mother-in-law) listing Proud Boys as the exemplary current white supremacist organization.
Or are people just busy being suckered into a nonsense smear-argument that people these days should already be fully aware of and yet... keep obsessing over.

09-30-20, 21:17
It’s good to keep apprised of what the enemy is talking about.

I highly doubt his high school classmates are talking about black bloc antifa stuff on their facebook page at least not on an open group.

09-30-20, 21:21
The real question is why you listening to what liberals are discussing on FB?
My wife has a throw-away e-mail account with a bogus name, and she is a "member" of MoveOn.org, a Soros funded Progressive/Marxist outfit. They send her daily community organizing pitches and ways to have Commie Block Parties. They create a team mentality as though you're part of something bigger, in addition to frequent begging to "Chip in $3 per week". Very enlightening. You learn how they operate.

09-30-20, 21:27
My wife has a throw-away e-mail account with a bogus name, and she is a "member" of MoveOn.org, a Soros funded Progressive/Marxist outfit. They send her daily community organizing pitches and ways to have Commie Block Parties. They create a team mentality as though you're part of something bigger, in addition to frequent begging to "Chip in $3 per week". Very enlightening. You learn how they operate.

Maybe we should learn from them, too. EDIT: By which I mean, maybe we should learn from them, take their ideas, and emulate their “part of something bigger” feeling.

09-30-20, 21:59
Me and Euro went to a Proud Boys meeting....


You mean gay bar

09-30-20, 22:41
I highly doubt his high school classmates are talking about black bloc antifa stuff on their facebook page at least not on an open group.

Im a bit disappointed that that is your main take away from my OP and what you choose to focus on in furthering the discussion. Take my loose association with wealthy middle aged left wing Portland liberals out of the equation and focus on these main points that I was trying to illustrate. The left has spent the last four years attempting to paint the President, conservatives and patriots into a corner as racists. white supremacists, and fascists. Anyone that doesn't share their worldview is labeled a Nazi in an effort to dehumanize the opposition. Last night during the Presidential debate Wallace used what turns out to have been a Joeseph Goebbels worthy "Big Lie" to paint the President as a white supremacist by not condemning this group. How about focusing on the false narrative and how we should counter that.

10-01-20, 00:12
Some recent CNN video had an interview in teh field at a Proud Boys event and one member said it was a drinking club with a politics problem....

10-01-20, 00:33
Remaining in a bubble or echo chamber is the best way to lose this fight.

Indeed. I keep running across these posts about how "it's gonna be a Trump landslide" or "Trump is gonna trounce Biden in the debates" Well I'll tell you what, I think the election is gonna be close, it's gonna be contested, we can't get cocky or complacent or lazy. We all better get the hell out and vote and win this election because the left is pulling out all the stops. The lies and treachery of the left knows no bounds. Look at how Wallace hounded Trump about condeming "White supremists and militia groups" look at how the media is framing it as "Trump refuses to condemn white supremacists" Nevermind that trump has already repeatedly condemned white supremacists on record, nevermind that white supremists and militia groups are two totally unrelated things, nevermind that the vast majority of the violence we're seeing on the streets is coming from the radical left. Trump said as much when he answered the question, but nevermind all that because "Orange Man Bad"

10-01-20, 00:55
Im a bit disappointed that that is your main take away from my OP and what you choose to focus on in furthering the discussion. Take my loose association with wealthy middle aged left wing Portland liberals out of the equation and focus on these main points that I was trying to illustrate. The left has spent the last four years attempting to paint the President, conservatives and patriots into a corner as racists. white supremacists, and fascists. Anyone that doesn't share their worldview is labeled a Nazi in an effort to dehumanize the opposition. Last night during the Presidential debate Wallace used what turns out to have been a Joeseph Goebbels worthy "Big Lie" to paint the President as a white supremacist by not condemning this group. How about focusing on the false narrative and how we should counter that.

Thats because Ive talked about this ad nauseum in my own thread and what to do about it.


Some recent CNN video had an interview in teh field at a Proud Boys event and one member said it was a drinking club with a politics problem....

Which is 100% true.


LMT Shooter
10-01-20, 03:36
The way that every person, or group, who has strong views & opinions which disagree with leftist ideas, becomes demonized in the media is unreal. Proud Boys, Jordan Peterson, Oath Keepers, Gavin McGuiness, and many others are now commonly "known" to be racists, white supremacists, homophobic, hate groups, etc. by the media & the public.

I don't see how there isn't a coordinated effort that is making this happen, no way this could go on so consistently without a conspiracy to make it happen. And it is VERY effective at marginalizing these people, these groups, and their ideas, opinions & agendas. Saul Alinsky would be proud.

10-01-20, 06:51
I can’t help but find amusement in that the whole thing started as a radio bit. I don’t think when Gavin and Anthony Cumia we’re making jokes about it on their podcasts they expected anyone to take it seriously. But I guess the nature of the times we live in is someone will take anything seriously.

10-01-20, 08:13

Here's a crack in the wall that shows that the Proud Boys aren't a racist group of white supremacists like they want us to believe....

10-01-20, 08:13

10-01-20, 08:23

Here's a crack in the wall that shows that the Proud Boys aren't a racist group of white supremacists like they want us to believe....

But facts are only for us unwoke masses.

10-01-20, 08:57
Thats because Ive talked about this ad nauseum in my own thread and what to do about it.


Which is 100% true.


But you were wrong. You were wrong. This is from your OP in the your thread:
The game is clear, the media is losing the narrative with the "peaceful protests" and the execution of the Trump supporter in Portland. Right now the media is looking for any scapegoat they can point out as "right-wing violence". The proud boys holding a rally on Sept 26th in Portland is a major strategic blunder. Antifa/BLM will antagonize them into a fight to defend themselves while their allies in media record and takes pictures then write a narrative about "Violent Right-Wing Militas" rolling into town and spin it as the Charlottesville 2.0.

The Proud Boys Delta Park rally here in Portland on the 26th was a total non-event. Nothing noteworthy happened and ANTIFA/BLM didn't even show up. They counter-protested at a different location. Whether conservatives march themselves into the boxcars or fight on the street they will be scapegoated by the leftist media anyway. It is time for patriots to be patriots and for conservatives to get off their knees.

10-01-20, 11:14
But you were wrong. You were wrong. This is from your OP in the your thread:

The Proud Boys Delta Park rally here in Portland on the 26th was a total non-event. Nothing noteworthy happened and ANTIFA/BLM didn't even show up. They counter-protested at a different location. Whether conservatives march themselves into the boxcars or fight on the street they will be scapegoated by the leftist media anyway. It is time for patriots to be patriots and for conservatives to get off their knees.

Good, Im glad it was a nothing burger. Antifa/BLM didnt show up because they literally made a ring of LE around the park with checkpoints and confiscated everything including shields. If you think I was wrong listen to the president. "Stand back, stand by" :cool:

Dr. Bullseye
10-01-20, 12:33
If the Left is afraid of the Proud Boys, we ought to pump this up to the max.

10-01-20, 15:32
If the Left is afraid of the Proud Boys, we ought to pump this up to the max.

The internet is 5 steps ahead of you. If you post "Standing by Mr.President" on any of your social media platforms right now you'll whip up the paranoid psychosis of the left about "right wing death squads".

10-01-20, 18:38

10-01-20, 19:26
The internet is 5 steps ahead of you. If you post "Standing by Mr.President" on any of your social media platforms right now you'll whip up the paranoid psychosis of the left about "right wing death squads".

We really are living in an era where mass hysteria has sweeped much of our nation. Many leftist truly believe that anyone who leans conservative or who votes Trump is a huuwite supremist nazi. They're crazy.

10-02-20, 09:59
But the SPLC says.....?

LMT Shooter
10-02-20, 10:16
....leftist.... They're crazy.

This is the truth of it. Once I realized this basic truth, my perspective changed dramatically, because you cannot have a productive discussion, debate, or argument with someone who is crazy (or intoxicated). They just need to be ignored, literally, and told to STFU when they try to speak.

You cannot convince them that they are wrong, or crazy, or drunk, so they must be ignored & marginalized, or physically beaten into submission, or killed. Please let me know if I am not seeing an alternative solution that will actually work on them, because I'd really like to be wrong about this. I don't want to beat or kill people.

Is anybody else thinking about actually joining the Proud Boys? I am seriously wanting to, and Oath Keepers, too.

10-02-20, 11:38
Is anybody else thinking about actually joining the Proud Boys? I am seriously wanting to, and Oath Keepers, too.

AS Groucho Marx said I wouldn't join an organization that would allow me to be a member.
I think throwing your time and money at an "Organization" is actually perhaps one of the worst things you can do at this point. Allowing yourself to be painted with a paintbrush who's color is being chosen by someone else far away and who might not be representing my true values is stupid. Not risky, not edgy, but just plain stupid.
Stay loose, stay local and stay flexible and unaffiliated with faceless voices on the internet.

Thanks Will

10-02-20, 11:49
AS WC Fields said I wouldn't join an organization that would allow me to be a member.
I think throwing your time and money at an "Organization" is actually perhaps one of the worst things you can do at this point. Allowing yourself to be painted with a paintbrush who's color is being chosen by someone else far away and who might not be representing my true values is stupid. Not risky, not edgy, but just plain stupid.
Stay loose, stay local and stay flexible and unaffiliated with faceless voices on the internet.

I believe that was Groucho Marx. My favorite WC quote is "I never drink water, fish fu*$ in it."

10-02-20, 12:38
This is the truth of it. Once I realized this basic truth, my perspective changed dramatically, because you cannot have a productive discussion, debate, or argument with someone who is crazy (or intoxicated). They just need to be ignored, literally, and told to STFU when they try to speak.

You cannot convince them that they are wrong, or crazy, or drunk, so they must be ignored & marginalized, or physically beaten into submission, or killed. Please let me know if I am not seeing an alternative solution that will actually work on them, because I'd really like to be wrong about this. I don't want to beat or kill people.

Is anybody else thinking about actually joining the Proud Boys? I am seriously wanting to, and Oath Keepers, too.

I have considered it, Im certainly on lists already. Now that I saw through the media BS and performed my own research I know that my brownish hue is welcome to join. It would be good to not feel so isolated in my love of the Constitution and my Nation. At the same time I have no desire to get in melees on the filthy streets of Portland anymore. Averageman you are already "painted" have been for years. Why don't you jump on the team and come in for the big win.

10-02-20, 22:05
They are NOT what the MSM and faggot-ass Morris Dees portray them as. I agree with their philosophy but am leery of putting my name on an "official" roster, given the unknown future in this country and the proven likelihood of big-time Federal agencies to do whatever the fvck they want without regards to the law.

10-03-20, 08:32
They are NOT what the MSM and faggot-ass Morris Dees portray them as. I agree with their philosophy but am leery of putting my name on an "official" roster, given the unknown future in this country and the proven likelihood of big-time Federal agencies to do whatever the fvck they want without regards to the law.

I'm still unclear what that is and of course can't trust what I find online.

10-03-20, 08:53
Averageman you are already "painted" have been for years. Why don't you jump on the team and come in for the big win.
Well one reason is that I was married to an African American Woman (Who now has a PHD In forensic psychology) and a Son who has a great life and career ahead of him and is considering politics.
The potential for those two to be painted with the new scarlet letter "R" could harm them both.
I'm willing and able to explain any decision I make for myself, I do not however want my kin to have to do so.

Edit to add;
And I'm pushing 60 so some wise ass would have to ask if someone lost their damned Grandpa and then it would be on.