View Full Version : Another NFAC AD at a Rally----Lafayette, LA...

10-05-20, 08:24



Interesting to me that a guy on the scene was trying to claim the shot was fired from outside the event......

10-05-20, 09:06
Most excellent. What an assemblage of fuktards.

10-05-20, 09:11
At this rate, they are more a danger to themselves than others. With ammo the way it is, I wonder how many mag loads these guys have.

10-05-20, 09:37
At this rate, they are more a danger to themselves than others. With ammo the way it is, I wonder how many mag loads these guys have.

How many will a RORO container from China hold? Because don't think for a minute these guys either aren't or won't in the future get that kind of support.

10-05-20, 10:15
Preliminary report says the "shooter" was........wait for it........................SURPRISE!!! A felon in possession....... BONUS!

10-05-20, 10:37
Good thing he's safe from prosecution....because, ya know, peaceful protestor an' shit....

Alex V
10-05-20, 10:38
Crap like this is how I know if there is ever a second Civil War, most of us have nothing to worry about.

10-05-20, 10:39
And I don't think you can limit this type of stupidity just to this group.
Want to see people act stupid? Simply gather them in large emotionally charged groups.
Even in combat true professionals will question themselves before pulling a trigger. Sometimes to confirm, other times to let a situation develop a bit.

10-05-20, 10:47
And I don't think you can limit this type of stupidity just to this group.
Want to see people act stupid? Simply gather them in large emotionally charged groups.
Even in combat true professionals will question themselves before pulling a trigger. Sometimes to confirm, other times to let a situation develop a bit.

What I always say to people chuckling about this is that we lost more people in SUPPORT OPERATIONS for Desert Storm than we did in combat. Anytime you do "dangerous shit"....there is the potential for bad things to happen---and that's not isolated to morons, it's just Large Statistics at work.....

10-05-20, 11:44
Oh look, another bunch of white cops had to save them from themselves again.... :rolleyes:

10-05-20, 12:42
And I don't think you can limit this type of stupidity just to this group.
Want to see people act stupid? Simply gather them in large emotionally charged groups.
Even in combat true professionals will question themselves before pulling a trigger. Sometimes to confirm, other times to let a situation develop a bit.

Stupidity is obviously not limited to one group but nobody got shot at the much larger Virginia rally, just sayin.

10-05-20, 14:12
Crap like this is how I know if there is ever a second Civil War, most of us have nothing to worry about.

NFAC is in my opinion one of the least dangerous factions of the Armed Left. They can put on a big bold show of force but seem to be generally incompetent.
And while the other groups engaging in this national destabilization op freely cooperate with one another in the spirit of collectivist intersectionalism, NFAC seems to be unwilling to work with any other organizations.
Possibly because they style themselves as a separatist, rather than revolutionary group, but more likely just because Grand Master Jay’s ego would not allow him to take marching orders from Marxist HQ.
Even if he won’t play ball, he and his band of ND’ing schlocktroops are still useful idiots though. But if the Revolution succeeds, Grand Master Jay would probably get “disappeared” pretty quickly by the new State.

There are a number of Armed Left groups such as SRA, that are actively training and are going to have the capability to be very dangerous. Against a lot of the weekend dirt-shooters on “our side” I expect them to perform quite competently, unfortunately. NFAC is a side show that isn’t representative of the Armed Left and shouldn’t distract people from the more legitimate threats.

10-05-20, 16:13
"Another NFAC AD at a Rally----Lafayette, LA..."

Location is good, can we start to date these too? Otherwise I we'll all get confused as to which ND we are talking about.

Boy Scout
10-05-20, 16:23
At this rate, they are more a danger to themselves than others. With ammo the way it is, I wonder how many mag loads these guys have.

I would suppose that it would be like any other hoodrat loadout I come across on the street - a partial mag with three FMJs from two different manufacturers, two actual hollow points with corrosion on them, and three hand loads of questionable nature. Also most likely a .380 or .40 round in a 9mm mag.

Despite being 13% of all open carry demonstrations, NFAC is responsible for 100% of all NDs...

10-05-20, 18:33
A leader of the NFAC — the Not F—ing Around Coalition — said the person who accidentally discharged the firearm was not part of their group.

Isn't this the third or fourth time for these buffoons?

10-05-20, 18:52
While these guys are generally retarded, even a blind squirrel finds an acorn so keep an eye out.

I saw a video of this “demonstration” earlier today where some clown dropped an AK mag on the deck.

They can get all the ROLO containers they want from China, just more battlefield pickups.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

10-05-20, 19:18
I'll take comic relief where I can find it. The NFAC is great for laughs, but don't be fooled for one second into believing that these guys are the tip of the spear for the left.

10-05-20, 19:27
Negligent Firearm Assclown Coalition

10-05-20, 19:30
NFAC is in my opinion one of the least dangerous factions of the Armed Left. They can put on a big bold show of force but seem to be generally incompetent.
And while the other groups engaging in this national destabilization op freely cooperate with one another in the spirit of collectivist intersectionalism, NFAC seems to be unwilling to work with any other organizations.
Possibly because they style themselves as a separatist, rather than revolutionary group, but more likely just because Grand Master Jay’s ego would not allow him to take marching orders from Marxist HQ.
Even if he won’t play ball, he and his band of ND’ing schlocktroops are still useful idiots though. But if the Revolution succeeds, Grand Master Jay would probably get “disappeared” pretty quickly by the new State.

There are a number of Armed Left groups such as SRA, that are actively training and are going to have the capability to be very dangerous. Against a lot of the weekend dirt-shooters on “our side” I expect them to perform quite competently, unfortunately. NFAC is a side show that isn’t representative of the Armed Left and shouldn’t distract people from the more legitimate threats.

What is this "SRA" you speak of?

10-05-20, 19:32
“There are a number of Armed Left groups such as SRA, that are actively training and are going to have the capability to be very dangerous.”

Forgive my ignorance, who are the SRA? Google results are varied

10-05-20, 19:50
Socialist Rifle Association

Don't know anything but the name.

It wouldn't be these guys I'd worry about either. It'll be groups you never heard of that are flying under the radar. Trust me, the left has their share of quiet professionals.

Ask any BTDT HSLD pro you might know if he served with any.

I would also be very surprised if there are NOT foreign actors currently involved with some of these groups.

10-05-20, 19:55

None of you know how bad sometimes I wish a mother would.

10-05-20, 20:01


They claim 50,000 strong membership

10-05-20, 20:03
NM. Forgot to reload the page before posting.

Ed L.
10-05-20, 22:53
Say what you want about them, but they have the organization to make several hundred armed people show up in various cities in a quadrant of the country, an attitude, and a willingness to act. That alone makes them a serious threat. If that many armed people, even untrained, decided to get violent, it would be a huge problem for citizens or LEO agencies.

26 Inf
10-05-20, 23:18


They claim 50,000 strong membership

Fly - does their leader use the organizational funds to pay for his wardrobe and his 'intern's' apartment? Are they going to bug me about sending money to their version of the ILA each month? Do they have a magazine and if so is more than 1/3 of it actual firearms articles?

Asking for a friend.

10-05-20, 23:27
Say what you want about them, but they have the organization to make several hundred armed people show up in various cities in a quadrant of the country, an attitude, and a willingness to act. That alone makes them a serious threat. If that many armed people, even untrained, decided to get violent, it would be a huge problem for citizens or LEO agencies.

Except they scatter like roaches at the sound of gun fire.

I get that anyone armed is a threat and all but watching them march around like that doesnt make me afraid, in fact it does the opposite. I bet there are more than few people here who got a massive war boner after watching that footage.

10-06-20, 00:32
Fly - does their leader use the organizational funds to pay for his wardrobe and his 'intern's' apartment? Are they going to bug me about sending money to their version of the ILA each month? Do they have a magazine and if so is more than 1/3 of it actual firearms articles?
Asking for a friend.
I see what you did there...

What is this "SRA" you speak of?

Forgive my ignorance, who are the SRA? Google results are varied
So, this is NOT meant as a personal dig, but to make a point of observation...
THIS is what scares me; not the fact there may be a conflict of some form, but that people on the mainstream right don't know who the openly found players of the mainstream left are.

Aside from the SRA, see also "Huey P. Newton gun club", "John Brown Gun Club" and "Redneck Revolution". I'm sure there are more, but those are the mainstream easy to find armed leftist groups.
Yeah, they're goons not hardcore operators, BUT they ARE hardcore revolutionaries (or at least they want to be).
The will to act is more important than owning a magical totem.
Meanwhile we all to often resort to self-assured mockery followed by self-assured apathy.

10-06-20, 07:54
Fly - does their leader use the organizational funds to pay for his wardrobe and his 'intern's' apartment? Are they going to bug me about sending money to their version of the ILA each month? Do they have a magazine and if so is more than 1/3 of it actual firearms articles?

Asking for a friend.

No. I hear their money goes to arming one another and paying off bail