View Full Version : Clinton Russian Collusion Docs Declassified... WITHOUT REDACTIONS!!!

10-07-20, 08:17

I think this is going to be great. I can see the Commie Dems head spinning over this whole thing. Hopefully we will see all the players in the coup for who they are now as I don't think they want to release the Dershowitz investigation report at all. While some people say they are disappointed in Trump's blow it up attitude, I love it. This is exactly what people who are sick of the swamp want. Expose them all for who they are... both sides of the isle... and throw it into their faces and let it stick.

10-07-20, 08:23
Color me skeptical. We've heard too many times about full redactions, and "just wait," and "October surprise." I would love for it to happen, but I think if it does, it gets so buried it'll barely see the light of day. I would be delighted to be wrong.

10-07-20, 08:26
Don't hold your breath for the corrupt, complicit media to pick any of this up...........If you're reliant on them to push prosecutions you'll be sorely disappointed.

10-07-20, 08:44
Don't hold your breath for the corrupt, complicit media to pick any of this up...........If you're reliant on them to push prosecutions you'll be sorely disappointed.

Agree, but there are some that will give a good briefing on it like Hannity, Levin and Carlson to mention a few. In the end, the whole issue will more than likely just wither and die on the vine though.....

10-07-20, 08:58
At this point I don't know how it will do undecideds, but it might help get teh base out. The MSM will say that it proves Russian Collusion by Trump...

10-07-20, 09:28
This entire affair is Watergate level if the media would actually do their damn jobs.

10-07-20, 09:33
This entire affair is Watergate level if the media would actually do their damn jobs.

Are you ready for it?

Someone has to say it.

"What difference, at this point, does it make?"

You know that will be the eventual outcome, regardless of wording.

10-07-20, 10:32
VP Pence ought to find some way to beat Kamala about the head and shoulders with it tonight.

10-07-20, 10:52
Are you ready for it?

Someone has to say it.

"What difference, at this point, does it make?"

You know that will be the eventual outcome, regardless of wording.
Difference is past performance is indicative of future results... what a person/group does once they will generally do again unless some major event forces change.

"By their fruits shall ye know them..."

10-07-20, 11:26
VP Pence ought to find some way to beat Kamala about the head and shoulders with it tonight.

I agree, this is a hell of an opportunity for the GOP and Pense's future as the next POTUS Candidate.
He needs to tie it to Biden and then throw it in her lap. I would also like to see him ask her to renounce BLM, Antifa and other left wing groups and never again take action to get them bailed out when arrested.

10-07-20, 12:16
Difference is past performance is indicative of future results... what a person/group does once they will generally do again unless some major event forces change.

"By their fruits shall ye know them..."

My point was they would use the timing to say it's not relevant any longer. The quote was from hillary (lower case deliberate) re: Benghazi.

10-07-20, 12:30
This entire affair is Watergate level if the media would actually do their damn jobs.
Seems more along the lines with a conspiracy to have a coup- this is beyond spying and burglary of offices- surprised there hasn't been a false flag event blaming another made up crime- but I guess with all the illegal spying on citizens going on, kind of a moot point now-

10-07-20, 12:37
Don’t hold your breath that this will change anything and no one will go to jail. O bummer, HRC and Comey could come out and say “yeah, we made all this up and tried to first derail and then overthrow President Trump. Because, you know, orange man bad” and the MSM and 50%+/- of citizens would give them a total pass.

10-07-20, 12:48
Don’t hold your breath that this will change anything and no one will go to jail. O bummer, HRC and Comey could come out and say “yeah, we made all this up and tried to first derail and then overthrow President Trump. Because, you know, orange man bad” and the MSM and 50%+/- of citizens would give them a total pass.

Comey's offal response under oath is "That doesn't ring a bell..." :rolleyes:

10-07-20, 13:06
Seems more along the lines with a conspiracy to have a coup- this is beyond spying and burglary of offices- surprised there hasn't been a false flag event blaming another made up crime- but I guess with all the illegal spying on citizens going on, kind of a moot point now-

I meant the shock it should be sending into the nation as a whole. You are correct the conspiracy and possible coup is what should be the war cry for everyone in this country to rise up and demand each and every person be held accountable.

How in the blue **** have we slipped so far as to ignore an overt coup against our democratically elected leaders?

10-07-20, 13:22
Comey's offal response under oath is "That doesn't ring a bell..." :rolleyes:

I'd like to ring his bell.

10-07-20, 13:58
The move to declassify and release means one thing to me, nothing else is going to happen with this, its over. This is an act of desperation, there is nothing else left to do.

Some people will read it, and follow it, most own't. The media won't pick this up. This is the most that will punitively ever happen. Its sad to say, but I don't see it any other way at this point.

10-07-20, 14:31
The move to declassify and release means one thing to me, nothing else is going to happen with this, its over. This is an act of desperation, there is nothing else left to do.

Some people will read it, and follow it, most own't. The media won't pick this up. This is the most that will punitively ever happen. Its sad to say, but I don't see it any other way at this point.

I disagree. It removed the veil for the Deep State deniers and those still straddling the fence. It also leaves no doubt as to who holds the moral and Constitutional high ground when this coup reaches it's end state. With these revelations if Trump loses the election it must now be assumed to be a loss via DemSoc chicanery rather than the result of a legitimate electoral process.

10-07-20, 15:00
I disagree. It removed the veil for the Deep State deniers and those still straddling the fence. It also leaves no doubt as to who holds the moral and Constitutional high ground when this coup reaches it's end state. With these revelations if Trump loses the election it must know be assumed to be a loss via DemSoc chicanery rather than the result of a legitimate process.

Until people start going to jail for this then having the “moral and Constitutional high ground” and $1 will get you a cup of coffee.

10-07-20, 15:24
Until people start going to jail for this “moral and Constitutional high ground” and $1 will get you a cup of coffee.

The paradigm has shifted. The system is broken and corrupted. They will not go to jail until you fix the system. You now have a work order. When and If you are able to recognize that you will remove yourself from conservative Lumpenproletariat slumber.

10-07-20, 15:59
^^^Uhhh this.
You will NEVER fix “the system”, by working within “the system”. It is irreparably broken/corrupt.
THAT provides very few options.

Coal Dragger
10-07-20, 18:38
None of this will make any difference.

10-07-20, 19:33
The fix really is in when the FBI,CIA, Hillary Clinton and a sitting President can commit conspiracy and CNN doesn't even mention the release of these documents. They didn't bury it they flat out never reported on it. I shouldn't be surprised but Im still surprised. We are less than 30 days away from full blown banana republic government. It's sad that the death of a rock star gets more attention on this site than the death of a nation.

10-08-20, 00:00
The fix really is in when the FBI,CIA, Hillary Clinton and a sitting President can commit conspiracy and CNN doesn't even mention the release of these documents. They didn't bury it they flat out never reported on it. I shouldn't be surprised but Im still surprised. We are less than 30 days away from full blown banana republic government. It's sad that the death of a rock star gets more attention on this site than the death of a nation.

We can probably do more about a dead rock star.

10-08-20, 00:27
I disagree. It removed the veil for the Deep State deniers and those still straddling the fence. It also leaves no doubt as to who holds the moral and Constitutional high ground when this coup reaches it's end state. With these revelations if Trump loses the election it must now be assumed to be a loss via DemSoc chicanery rather than the result of a legitimate electoral process.

So I completely respect you so this isn't meant as an insult but...

Missing hard drives and reinstated favored nations trading status for China.

Dead ambassador, Susan Rice (offensive video narrative) and "At this point, what difference does it make?"

"I did not have sexual relations with that women" and "define is."

Personal servers, missing emails, mishandled classified emails and "ooopsie we accidentally deleted it."

Have you not been paying attention? For DECADES the Clintons have literally gotten away with murder...and more. It's the only reason Trump is president, had the Dems run almost anyone else that person would be president. But everyone has seen what the Clintons are capable of and honestly Hillary is probably the scariest one.

They do whatever the f they want and NOTHING happens.

The deep state, real or not is basically like the Bilderbergs and the illuminati. It may or may not exist at some level in some form but the internet has effectively made it a meme. So you can have all the evidence in the world and it's still "truther" stuff and scoffed at while the MSM walks past the bodies looking at the ceiling.

What is hilarious is that Watergate was once so scandalous that decades later uninspired writers still hang the word "gate" on the end of any story they believe will blow the lid off of the government. But in 1972 operatives probably acting at the direction of the president broke into a hotel that functioned as DNC headquarters and bugged it, then when it was discovered a cover up was attempted.

Nobody died or anything but it was treated like the crime of the century. Compared to what the government does with digital information today with respect to every citizen in the US it's laughably absurd. Too bad Nixon didn't have a Patriot Act, he'd have been just fine. The real problem is he lacked the balls to blatantly lie to everyone and keep doing it the way the Clintons have been able to.

Where the hell is Benghazigate? A bunch of people died because they were ignored by the government that was supposed to protect them. If Obama simply wiretapped the embassy not a single person would have cared, especially if they were protected from an attack they knew was coming. Hell 8 years later and I don't think anyone even remembers Christopher Stevens.

The only time we get listened to is when it's something they KNOW is completely ridiculous like Comet Pizza is a child prostitution ring and toppings are code for preferences, secret tunnels and insane sounding shit. Meanwhile Epstein actually had pedophile island and nobody seems to know about that one until after he was dead.

And sadly, the internet, the marvelous tool that was supposed to make us all smarter and achieve the next major technological leap has made it easier to custom configure your news bias and ignore anything that might be upsetting. It has probably made humans as a species collectively dumber than we have ever been in the last 100 years.

No matter how ridiculous your beliefs are, there will be a group of flat earthers who will come along and fully validate your stupidity all the while the stuff government used to go to great lengths to conceal simply becomes a nothing burger. You can put it ALL out there and nobody cares, nobody will do anything...because the really important thing is the police are being trained to kill black people apparently.

10-08-20, 06:21
^^^^^Good post, Steyr, and spot on.

10-08-20, 07:50
Ditto on that post Steyr..... I guess you can add this subject to that list. Looked at a few "conservative" news sites this morning and there is not even one article mentioning this subject at all. I would have thought it would be front page news for a while. Ohh well.....

10-08-20, 10:05
Ditto on that post Steyr..... I guess you can add this subject to that list. Looked at a few "conservative" news sites this morning and there is not even one article mentioning this subject at all. I would have thought it would be front page news for a while. Ohh well.....

And yet there's a half dozen articles on #flygate. Seriously, the most important takeaway from the VP debate is that fly landed on someone's hair. You can't make this stuff up.

10-08-20, 10:28
And yet there's a half dozen articles on #flygate. Seriously, the most important takeaway from the VP debate is that fly landed on someone's hair. You can't make this stuff up.

Anything to distract the mindless lemmings from the fact that Harris/Biden said they will raise taxes, destroy the economy, enforce the green new deal and pass sweeping gun control edicts.

10-09-20, 21:05
So I completely respect you so this isn't meant as an insult but...

Missing hard drives and reinstated favored nations trading status for China.

Dead ambassador, Susan Rice (offensive video narrative) and "At this point, what difference does it make?"

"I did not have sexual relations with that women" and "define is."

Personal servers, missing emails, mishandled classified emails and "ooopsie we accidentally deleted it."

Have you not been paying attention? For DECADES the Clintons have literally gotten away with murder...and more. It's the only reason Trump is president, had the Dems run almost anyone else that person would be president. But everyone has seen what the Clintons are capable of and honestly Hillary is probably the scariest one.

They do whatever the f they want and NOTHING happens.

The deep state, real or not is basically like the Bilderbergs and the illuminati. It may or may not exist at some level in some form but the internet has effectively made it a meme. So you can have all the evidence in the world and it's still "truther" stuff and scoffed at while the MSM walks past the bodies looking at the ceiling.

What is hilarious is that Watergate was once so scandalous that decades later uninspired writers still hang the word "gate" on the end of any story they believe will blow the lid off of the government. But in 1972 operatives probably acting at the direction of the president broke into a hotel that functioned as DNC headquarters and bugged it, then when it was discovered a cover up was attempted.

Nobody died or anything but it was treated like the crime of the century. Compared to what the government does with digital information today with respect to every citizen in the US it's laughably absurd. Too bad Nixon didn't have a Patriot Act, he'd have been just fine. The real problem is he lacked the balls to blatantly lie to everyone and keep doing it the way the Clintons have been able to.

Where the hell is Benghazigate? A bunch of people died because they were ignored by the government that was supposed to protect them. If Obama simply wiretapped the embassy not a single person would have cared, especially if they were protected from an attack they knew was coming. Hell 8 years later and I don't think anyone even remembers Christopher Stevens.

The only time we get listened to is when it's something they KNOW is completely ridiculous like Comet Pizza is a child prostitution ring and toppings are code for preferences, secret tunnels and insane sounding shit. Meanwhile Epstein actually had pedophile island and nobody seems to know about that one until after he was dead.

And sadly, the internet, the marvelous tool that was supposed to make us all smarter and achieve the next major technological leap has made it easier to custom configure your news bias and ignore anything that might be upsetting. It has probably made humans as a species collectively dumber than we have ever been in the last 100 years.

No matter how ridiculous your beliefs are, there will be a group of flat earthers who will come along and fully validate your stupidity all the while the stuff government used to go to great lengths to conceal simply becomes a nothing burger. You can put it ALL out there and nobody cares, nobody will do anything...because the really important thing is the police are being trained to kill black people apparently.

You should be writing a weekly op-Ed in the WSJ.

10-10-20, 00:04
You should be writing a weekly op-Ed in the WSJ.

If they want me, they can find me and they know my salary and benefit demands. I'll be glad to tell it like it is, but they have to respect that fact that I say F a LOT, you have to respect my artistic creativity and all of that man.

Btw, if we declared that our rifles self identify as homosexual, wouldn't trying to ban them be a hate crime...and racist? People need to leave my black, gay rifle alone. Mr. Huggsalot never hurt anyone that didn't try and hurt him.

10-11-20, 10:03
Saw this morning that FBI/CIA have blocked this release? The source was instragram so who knows, anyone have anything on this?

10-11-20, 10:25
Saw this morning that FBI/CIA have blocked this release? The source was instragram so who knows, anyone have anything on this?

If that is true it wouldn’t surprise me as they, along with the HRC campaign, were the ones illegally trying to overthrow an elected president.

10-11-20, 11:48
If that is true it wouldn’t surprise me as they, along with the HRC campaign, were the ones illegally trying to overthrow an elected president.

I’m with you on that. It seems like every time there is a win for freedom the Deep State steps in to show us who’s still in charge. Just like how Hilary was meant to testify sept. 23, then poof didn’t have to anymore.