View Full Version : Pelosi hinting at using the 25th amendment

10-08-20, 12:56
They will stop at nothing to try and remove Trump. Even just talking about invoking the 25th seems like a pretty big step.


“Tomorrow, by the way, tomorrow — come here tomorrow. We’re going to be talking about the 25th Amendment,” she told reporters during her weekly press briefing, as she fielded questions about negotiations on coronavirus relief funds.

Dr. Bullseye
10-08-20, 13:00
That bitch is constantly hatching plans by which she becomes President. Even holed up in San Francisco, how many days do you suppose she will survive a civil war?

10-08-20, 13:01
Must stay relevant and in the news. Other than that, monkey chatter noises.

10-08-20, 15:48
I'd love to see VP Pence show up to her PR stunt tomorrow and say "I hear you want to talk about making me president. Care to explain?"

10-08-20, 16:23
I saw this. There isn't a chance in hell of it working. While people are voting? Literally crazy.

I heard it and I almost wondered if it were really more aimed at Biden. Stick to the plan old man, or get knee-capped....

10-08-20, 16:51
They will stop at nothing to try and remove Trump. Even just talking about invoking the 25th seems like a pretty big step.


Somebody has been watching too much House of Cards.

10-08-20, 16:57
I don't see the President's cabinet going along with that non-sense. Pelosi has said this before. The leftists are just attacking trump from every possible direction, 7x24. All I can say is the Dems must have a lot to cover up for with all the new revelations from the declassified docs coming out.

Whatever happens, our Country will be more divided than ever because of the Commie Dems. They are truly trying to destroy America.

10-08-20, 16:58
I'd love to see VP Pence show up to her PR stunt tomorrow and say "I hear you want to talk about making me president. Care to explain?"

After seeing Pence take Harris apart during the debate , I don’t think Nancy would want that either.

10-08-20, 17:00
After seeing Pence take Harris apart during the debate , I don’t think Nancy would want that either.

It was glorious. Too bad Trump doesn't debate like Pence.

10-08-20, 17:03
It was glorious. Too bad Trump doesn't debate like Pence.

If he would have debated as well as Pence the election would be over now.

10-08-20, 17:17
Pelosi talks a lot of shit.

10-08-20, 17:32
I'd love to see VP Pence show up to her PR stunt tomorrow and say "I hear you want to talk about making me president. Care to explain?"

That would be hilarious...

10-08-20, 17:36
If there was anyone who karma should wake up at the Jerry Sandusky memorial "Rest Stop" dressed as a little Boy and with her underoo's and bib overalls around her ankles, and with a sore and bleeding po-po, while face down in a urine soaked floor....

Dr. Bullseye
10-08-20, 21:14
Mark Levine on Hannity tonight just took care of Pelosi's 25th Amendment fantasy.

10-08-20, 21:20
Part of me thinks Trump should call her bluff, toss a "Bring It Bitch" and then call the Cabinet for a roll-call vote on it. Sorta like when Rome first pushed the laurels at Julius Caesar and he offered his throat for them to cut...

10-09-20, 04:27
Dingbat says WHAT? :rolleyes:


10-09-20, 07:03
Part of me thinks Trump should call her bluff, toss a "Bring It Bitch" and then call the Cabinet for a roll-call vote on it. Sorta like when Rome first pushed the laurels at Julius Caesar and he offered his throat for them to cut...

Yes, this.

She oughta be careful about her calculus, because this may backfire and actually send some voters his way....

10-09-20, 09:40
Using the 25th amendment, even discussing it as a serious possibility, is massively drastic step.

If Biden is up +12, +15 or +60, why even bring it up if you have faith in what the polls are saying?

If she pushes this, it says to me she has inside info that the polls are complete BS and Trump is on track to win.

10-09-20, 09:45
Good grief... she's talking about his "altered state."

As if that drunk bitch doesn't chemically alter herself as much or more.

10-09-20, 10:06
Using the 25th amendment, even discussing it as a serious possibility, is massively drastic step.

If Biden is up +12, +15 or +60, why even bring it up if you have faith in what the polls are saying?

If she pushes this, it says to me she has inside info that the polls are complete BS and Trump is on track to win.

I am kinda feeling the same way. If it is such a foregone conclusion the left thinks it is, they would not be panicking, and this smacks of panicking....

Alex V
10-09-20, 10:51
Using the 25th amendment, even discussing it as a serious possibility, is massively drastic step.

If Biden is up +12, +15 or +60, why even bring it up if you have faith in what the polls are saying?

If she pushes this, it says to me she has inside info that the polls are complete BS and Trump is on track to win.

Because maybe we are missing the point. While most are thinking she is trying to remove Trump, I think this is being setup to remove Biden so Heels-Up Harris takes control of the WH.

10-09-20, 11:05
Because maybe we are missing the point. While most are thinking she is trying to remove Trump, I think this is being setup to remove Biden so Heels-Up Harris takes control of the WH.

I had read that elsewhere, but if that's the case, she would not have brought it up not mentioning Trump and COVID, and she could have used the lame duck session to push it through when (if Biden wins) Trump's cabinet and more GOP senators would be on board.

Alex V
10-09-20, 11:33
I had read that elsewhere, but if that's the case, she would not have brought it up not mentioning Trump and COVID, and she could have used the lame duck session to push it through when (if Biden wins) Trump's cabinet and more GOP senators would be on board.

I think she is using Trump as an excuse to get the legislation. Is the legislation president specific? Like can she pass it unit the combined hatred of her caucus for Trump, then use it against Biden? Im thinking that the moderate Dems, if there are any left, won't want to remove Biden so she is using Trump to get all the ducks in a row and then they won't be able to stop it.

10-09-20, 11:34
Because maybe we are missing the point. While most are thinking she is trying to remove Trump, I think this is being setup to remove Biden so Heels-Up Harris takes control of the WH.

It's a power grab not allowed under the 25th Amendment regardless.

10-09-20, 11:48
She knows this is not going to work. What is her goal? To change the news cycle? To dirty up Trump a bit more?

10-09-20, 12:01
Because maybe we are missing the point. While most are thinking she is trying to remove Trump, I think this is being setup to remove Biden so Heels-Up Harris takes control of the WH.

This does make som sense because we know Pence wouldn't work to remove Trump unless he was on his deathbed. On the other hand, Harris would absolutely knife Biden in the back to seize power.

10-09-20, 12:14
Why would Pelosi prefer Harris over Biden as president?

10-09-20, 12:16
Why would Pelosi prefer Harris over Biden as president?

Harris is the darling of the left: not as overtly crazy as AOC and her crowd, she is a 'she', she is black, she is super liberal.

Alex V
10-09-20, 12:22
Why would Pelosi prefer Harris over Biden as president?

Because she may have reason to believe Harris will appoint her VP? Who knows. Pelosi is not really in charge anymore either. We is being pushed by the far left Dems to do crazier and crazier and nuttier and nuttier shit.

Biden is a cardboard cutout. He is there because if Kamila or Bernie or Warren were on the top of the ticket, Trump would surely win. Biden is far more palatable to the moderates, he is just a stand-in. They will use him for two years to push crazy Marxist shit, then he will resign and Kamila will take his last 2 years, plus 8 of her own.

10-09-20, 12:36
This does make som sense because we know Pence wouldn't work to remove Trump unless he was on his deathbed. On the other hand, Harris would absolutely knife Biden in the back to seize power.

In the front too probably.

Most unapologetic seizure of power since LBJ. Without the conspiracy theories though since everyone knows it's going to happen with a Biden win.

10-09-20, 12:43
Because she may reason to believe Harris will appoint her VP? Who knows. Pelosi is not really in charge anymore either. We is being pushed by the far left Dems to do crazier and crazier and nuttier and nuttier shit.

Biden is a cardboard cutout. He is there because if Kamila or Bernie or Warren were on the top of the ticket, Trump would surely win. Biden is far more palatable to the moderates, he is just a stand-in. They will use him for two years to push crazy Marxist shit, then he will resign and Kamila will take his last 2 years, plus 8 of her own.

You give him THAT long? I bet he'd be 25'ed within the first week...

Alex V
10-09-20, 13:15
You give him THAT long? I bet he'd be 25'ed within the first week...

He has to serve 2 years otherwise Harris won't get a second term. If she finishes out 2.1 of his 4 years, she can't run for a second term. If she finishes 2.0 of his first 4, she can run two times. This way they have power for 10 years instead of 8.

22nd Amendment.

10-09-20, 13:15
I don’t think this Is about Biden. I don’t see how trying to get Trump with the 25th sets up getting Biden with the 25th and I don’t see the point of getting rid of Biden if he is a puppet.

Occam’s razor says this is about Trump.

10-09-20, 13:29
I don’t think this Is about Biden. I don’t see how trying to get Trump with the 25th sets up getting Biden with the 25th and I don’t see the point of getting rid of Biden if he is a puppet.

Occam’s razor says this is about Trump.

Occam should be asking "Why in the eff is she literally doing this within 30 days of the election?"

10-09-20, 13:53
Occam should be asking "Why in the eff is she literally doing this within 30 days of the election?"

Maybe she thinks Trump is going to win.

10-09-20, 14:09
Maybe she thinks Trump is going to win.

If Trump were to be disqualified, by whatever machinations, there is not enough time to change the ballots. The Congress will not be likely to change the election date. Then, as I understand it, the Governors of the states can send alternate slates of Electors, who can vote for, whomever it has been arranged they vote for. Backroom deals, etc. Think they haven't been made? They could make kammy president. There's a war within the demo party as it is, what's another one?

10-09-20, 17:32
If Trump were to be disqualified, by whatever machinations, there is not enough time to change the ballots. The Congress will not be likely to change the election date. Then, as I understand it, the Governors of the states can send alternate slates of Electors, who can vote for, whomever it has been arranged they vote for. Backroom deals, etc. Think they haven't been made? They could make kammy president. There's a war within the demo party as it is, what's another one?

It would make sense why I've heard Pelosi and company have been campaigning in swing states aside from the D presidential campaign. R's have more state governors/legislatures than the D's do, if I remember correctly. They'd need the purple (but still R) states to side with them if shenanigans outside of the normal election process were to happen.

10-10-20, 17:51
This does make som sense because we know Pence wouldn't work to remove Trump unless he was on his deathbed. On the other hand, Harris would absolutely knife Biden in the back to seize power.

Biden will have a terrible accident or major health crisis January 25th, if he is elected and Harris will finish out his term. He’s to senile to even know, if elected he’s a goner.