View Full Version : So this whole kidnap Whitmer affair.....

10-09-20, 08:59
Anyone else smell a setup? I mean has the friggin' FBI ever made a bust that wasn't a setup by one of their undercover plants? ABSCAM comes to mind, as well as a few of the later-day "terrorist plots" they "foiled". Yeah, send some dude in and drink a few brewskis with the disgruntled locals, listen to them bitch about Whitmer then egg them on....."Hey, I can get you this" or "How about if we XXX?"

Gee, you'd think with ALL of the shit going on since Memorial Day they'd have MUCH bigger fish to fry. But no, gotta have some swampy holdovers continue perpetuating the "Right-wing militia" bullshit.

I swear, that agency should be disbanded with dishonor, and yes I mean every-swinging-dick in it, not just the higher-ups.

10-09-20, 09:15
Anyone else smell a setup? I mean has the friggin' FBI ever made a bust that wasn't a setup by one of their undercover plants? ABSCAM comes to mind, as well as a few of the later-day "terrorist plots" they "foiled". Yeah, send some dude in and drink a few brewskis with the disgruntled locals, listen to them bitch about Whitmer then egg them on....."Hey, I can get you this" or "How about if we XXX?"

Gee, you'd think with ALL of the shit going on since Memorial Day they'd have MUCH bigger fish to fry. But no, gotta have some swampy holdovers continue perpetuating the "Right-wing militia" bullshit.

I swear, that agency should be disbanded with dishonor, and yes I mean every-swinging-dick in it, not just the higher-ups.

It does seem they've been trying very hard lately, to bring themselves down to ATF levels of disrepute.

10-09-20, 09:28
They drop this into the public view right as the Michigan governor is in the spotlight for what appears to be a blatant abuse of her power as she continues to extend the lock downs and associated restrictions. People are no longer talking about her actions but the crackpot plot against her.

Granted, I've read this investigation was ongoing since early June. But the only thing I've heard so far repeated over and over was "militia", ties to the (actually) peaceful open carry protest at the capital and how Trump had said at one point to "take back Michigan".

Politically convenient timing and as we've seen in 2016, the FBI obviously has zealous, ideologically driven members in it's ranks.

10-09-20, 09:32
This sounds like the plot to a bad movie.

10-09-20, 09:33
I thought it smelled like a sack of ten day old fish. Ironically, this happens days after She was slapped down by her own judiciary and all while the left is giving CPR to the "White Supremacist" narrative that was dying on the vine.

Just another thought "So when did and how did Joe Biden become coherent again?"
I mean a couple of months ago he was babbling along in his own world, pretty much "F"ing up every appearance he was at.
Now he seems like he's as good as new again.

10-09-20, 09:34
This sounds like the plot to a bad movie.

Or a Scooby Doo episode.

10-09-20, 10:22
A lot of good detail here.
Not what it appears to be.

10-09-20, 10:41
I thought it smelled like a sack of ten day old fish. Ironically, this happens days after She was slapped down by her own judiciary and all while the left is giving CPR to the "White Supremacist" narrative that was dying on the vine.

Just another thought "So when did and how did Joe Biden become coherent again?"
I mean a couple of months ago he was babbling along in his own world, pretty much "F"ing up every appearance he was at.
Now he seems like he's as good as new again.

See why Trump was asking for a drug test? The other thing may be better wranglers on the teleprompter and earpiece...

just a scout
10-09-20, 10:50
I say it’s all a setup. The FBI should have their charter taken away and disbanded. With every single member fired with prejudice. No pension, no moving to another agency, nothing for years of disrespect and illegal service. I’ve never met a Fed that wasn’t an arrogant asshole and these guys are so blatantly corrupted for various reasons, they can’t be entrusted to fairly investigate and uphold the law. And any BS about rank and file, **** them too. They are just as complicit in everything as they’re doing the actual field work and know the results.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

10-09-20, 11:09
From what I'm seeing they are trying to pin these guys as Trump supporters, but everything I've read and watched completely contradicts that.

10-09-20, 11:16
From what I'm seeing they are trying to pin these guys as Trump supporters, but everything I've read and watched completely contradicts that.

Yeah, because if they are Trump supporters then everyone knows that Trump himself condones and even helped plan this whole escapade.

10-09-20, 11:27
I heard that the feds were tipped off by social media postings. Which doesn’t surprise me in the least, considering how absent-minded the chest thumping is around this site.

Everyone say hi to the officer assigned to monitor this site. Hello good sir!

10-09-20, 11:28
I was thinking the same thing from the moment it was announced, but didn't want to be the first to say it.

Yes, this smells. Hey, do you remember the guys who were supposedly trying to blow up a bridge in Ohio, like 6-7 years ago?

And the timing of political cover for both Whitmer and Harris/Biden is fantastic. Both flailing around, suddenly this shows up.

10-09-20, 11:34
I don’t believe the narrative that these guys were Trump supporters but the complaint makes the conspiracy to kidnap charge pretty clear cut. The guys made plans, conducted training and engaged in surveillance. How much of this was encouraged by the CHS and UCE folks won’t be known until trial though.

10-09-20, 11:35
So, if they reform and start waving a BLM flag, will all be forgiven?

10-09-20, 11:42
I thought it smelled like a sack of ten day old fish. Ironically, this happens days after She was slapped down by her own judiciary and all while the left is giving CPR to the "White Supremacist" narrative that was dying on the vine.

Just another thought "So when did and how did Joe Biden become coherent again?"
I mean a couple of months ago he was babbling along in his own world, pretty much "F"ing up every appearance he was at.
Now he seems like he's as good as new again.

Adrenochrome therapy. Just ask for Hildabeast and her supply.

10-09-20, 11:44
I read this story and watched a youtube video of one of the plotters. He is a Hula Hoop prolapsed earlobe Anarchist that also hates Trump. Hardly the "Right Wing Militia" type. I can almost guarantee the whole thing was an FBI set up. I read much of the PC affidavit and there were at least 4 independent confidential informants/undercover agents involved. That is damn near a majority of the group.

I can tell you how the FBI set up was attempted in one case with a volunteer group on the southern border. A man that identified himself as a contractor working for the DOJ assisting USBP with border surveillance introduced himself to the organization and soon started going on training evolutions and ops. He acted in a gregarious manner and after about 6 months became a familiar part of the team. He made it known that he was an unofficial dotted line between the volunteer group and the government. He appeared to be integrated into the USBP communications and intelligence networks at the sector level. After several months he started to make suggestions while the group was divided up into small patrols. Suggestion like, "Let's follow this draw, or this trail, or this wash". These suggestions if followed would invariably have resulted in the armed volunteers crossing the border into Mexico. Luckily the team leaders in each case were experienced combat veterans with good land nav skills who quashed the suggestions each time. On another occasion the "contractor" shared intel with two senior members of the group and lead a pre-dawn push up a mountain top to a known cartel spotter location. The top of the mountain was the border. Once they got to the top the contractor motioned for the volunteers to keep going (Cross the border). They said no. Contractor stated there was a fresh track and they should keep going. They told him no 3 more times. When the sun came up they saw one of the border patrol mobile surveillance trucks with FLIR and ground radar was pointing in their direction from a nearby hilltop. Sometime later he stated he had intel about new cartel staging areas south of the line. He suggested we go into those areas to gather intel because "Official" assets could not do so. That was about the last straw and not long after that a member discovered court documents that identified him as a confidential informant for the FBI whose purpose was to report on "militia" groups. That is how it happens.


10-09-20, 12:32
Okay, this is very strange...


Two brothers who were charged Thursday in a plot to kidnap and kill Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer were identified as the identical twins photographed months earlier carrying long guns during a protest inside the state Capitol.

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel’s office confirmed the men's identity from a photo previously posted by state Sen. Dayna Polehanki, D-Livonia, on the day of the protest.

I mean, I know stupid is as stupid does, but who in their right mind would draw attention to themselves like that by walking into the capitol building carrying long guns? just walking in you should know (should...) you're going to be on the radar of every law enforcement agency in a four state area.

I'm not conspiracy minded, but this really doesn't make sense from an Opsec standpoint.

just a scout
10-09-20, 12:53
Okay, this is very strange...


I mean, I know stupid is as stupid does, but who in their right mind would draw attention to themselves like that by walking into the capitol building carrying long guns? just walking in you should know (should...) you're going to be on the radar of every law enforcement agency in a four state area.

I'm not conspiracy minded, but this really doesn't make sense from an Opsec standpoint.

Because it’s all setup. Black Swan, whatever name you want to call it. It’s BS.

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10-09-20, 13:14
FBIs dirty, top down.
Seems quite obvious they’ve been nothing less than Lefists Gestapo for years, and bunglers at best in anything other than a set up.

Get rid of them.

10-09-20, 14:34
I don't believe this anything to do with Trump supporters. The left has already demonstrated they will brazenly lie, with the help of their media enablers, about the perpetrators of the riots, looting, and arson (blaming on WS/Trump supporters). That is definitely one of the most absurd, demonstrably false, public lies I've ever seen them attempt. It's so brazen and obviously untrue, I can still hardly believe they tried. But if they're willing to go that far, they would definitely have no problem taking an actual (or bogus) 'plot' like this one, and trying to pin it on Trump supporters. See? They're white guys with guns who don't like Gov. Witless. OBVIOUSLY, they have to be Trump supporters right? Given they've already been spinning an epic lie about the riots, something like this is much less difficult to pull off. In fact this one will be easy, you have a compliant leftist FBI, who can control the narrative, which details are released and how they're interpreted, this will skew the whole investigation to support their bogus story.

We don't need a federalized police force. I have zero respect for the FBI: neither their integrity, nor the results they've gotten in stopping terrorist attacks (pathetic), nor their fairness in enforcing the law, nor their competence. They really provide zero value that I can see. All they end up doing is selectively investigating crimes that some elites decide are higher priority crimes than others, usually for political reasons that we disagree with (leftist reasons). In all cases those crimes can be investigated locally. In practice, they constantly end up over-indexing on 'racism' claims or anything involving alleged 'white supremacy' issues, like Wallace or Jessie Smollett. And of course, intimidating groups they should have left alone that weren't a danger to the public (Ruby Ridge, Waco).

In the future, plan on FBI becoming more sinister. Look for the left to expand the FBI and its powers, they will need the FBI as their 'guys with guns' to enforce their unconstitutional legislation and EO's over the objections of state/local police and local populations. It's already starting to happen, as members of the 2016 campaign, even loyal Americans who have served their country like Carter Page, can testify. The FBI has become the SS for the left, weaponized against all who oppose them. If they can instill enough fear into everyone with their intimidation tactics, they hope to be able to tame and disarm all of us without any pushback.

10-09-20, 14:45
So, if they reform and start waving a BLM flag, will all be forgiven?

Or at least get their bail paid for...

As I posted in the other thread, I’d like to point out the study that shows that 99.9 percent of militias are not violent....

10-09-20, 15:23
This was not "Conservatives" they are Anarchists.
And for whomever might be reading this, I am not condoning any criminal activity, I am going to condemn all of it.
Having said that,
A) I haven't heard the Governor or for that matter Joe Biden condemning BLM or Antifa for violence and criminal activity.
B) If I lose my entire business, watch my life's worth of work burned to the ground doesn't that rate a bit of action or at least empathy from my elected Officials?
C) If then salt is added to that wound, by the people whole looted and burned my business to the ground, then first make only to then have all Charges dropped because the District Attorney does not want to prosecute these criminals?
D) If I survive all of the above and then have to comply with burdensome and not science based State wide Covid-19 Laws, rules and regulations to get back on my feet again
Was I harmed equally or if not equally, worse than Governor Whitmer?

Sorry, I wont accept this BS.

10-09-20, 17:47
I don't believe this anything to do with Trump supporters. The left has already demonstrated they will brazenly lie, with the help of their media enablers, about the perpetrators of the riots, looting, and arson (blaming on WS/Trump supporters). That is definitely one of the most absurd, demonstrably false, public lies I've ever seen them attempt. It's so brazen and obviously untrue, I can still hardly believe they tried. But if they're willing to go that far, they would definitely have no problem taking an actual (or bogus) 'plot' like this one, and trying to pin it on Trump supporters. See? They're white guys with guns who don't like Gov. Witless. OBVIOUSLY, they have to be Trump supporters right? Given they've already been spinning an epic lie about the riots, something like this is much less difficult to pull off. In fact this one will be easy, you have a compliant leftist FBI, who can control the narrative, which details are released and how they're interpreted, this will skew the whole investigation to support their bogus story.

We don't need a federalized police force. I have zero respect for the FBI: neither their integrity, nor the results they've gotten in stopping terrorist attacks (pathetic), nor their fairness in enforcing the law, nor their competence. They really provide zero value that I can see. All they end up doing is selectively investigating crimes that some elites decide are higher priority crimes than others, usually for political reasons that we disagree with (leftist reasons). In all cases those crimes can be investigated locally. In practice, they constantly end up over-indexing on 'racism' claims or anything involving alleged 'white supremacy' issues, like Wallace or Jessie Smollett. And of course, intimidating groups they should have left alone that weren't a danger to the public (Ruby Ridge, Waco).

In the future, plan on FBI becoming more sinister. Look for the left to expand the FBI and its powers, they will need the FBI as their 'guys with guns' to enforce their unconstitutional legislation and EO's over the objections of state/local police and local populations. It's already starting to happen, as members of the 2016 campaign, even loyal Americans who have served their country like Carter Page, can testify. The FBI has become the SS for the left, weaponized against all who oppose them. If they can instill enough fear into everyone with their intimidation tactics, they hope to be able to tame and disarm all of us without any pushback.



Both have three letters. Coincidence? They are becoming the KGB of the Left in this country (or will be 100% at some point), make no doubt about it.

10-09-20, 17:55


Both have three letters. Coincidence? They are becoming the KGB of the Left in this country (or will be 100% at some point), make no doubt about it.



10-09-20, 18:02
Yeah, because if they are Trump supporters then everyone knows that Trump himself condones and even helped plan this whole escapade.

That's the exact hope of the leftists

10-09-20, 18:04

Yet they are ostensibly the "premier" law enforcement agency in this country. While their successes are dubious at best, their credibility is shit and (even worse) their intentions are sinister IMHO.

10-09-20, 18:05

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fnationalimmigrantnetwork.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2020%2F06%2FWoke-FBI-1.jpg&f=1&nofb=1What is that? An inter-agency dance off?... lol

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10-09-20, 18:11
I was thinking the same thing from the moment it was announced, but didn't want to be the first to say it.

Yes, this smells 100% like every other FBI "domestic terrorism" entrapment-and-framing job. Hey, do you remember the guys who were supposedly trying to blow up a bridge in Ohio, like 6-7 years ago?

And the timing of political cover for both Whitmer and Harris/Biden is fantastic. Both flailing around, suddenly this shows up.

As far as I've seen so far, the guys arrested are mostly guilty of being gullible loudmouths who were easy to frame.

Like a lot of other exempted activities, entrapment should be a criminal offense for the perpetrators.

10-09-20, 18:48


I cannot even come up with anything other than shaking my head in bewilderment.

10-09-20, 18:51
AA in action

10-09-20, 19:17


Definite bunch of badasses there, the pink sneakers tipped me off. Tools all of them.

10-09-20, 21:59
I am sure there are some great FBI agents. The agents most people interact with are very full of themselves and absolutely convinced there is no law enforcement agency in the U.S. that dare even delay them.

My Dad had a run in with a couple agents during Wounded Knee and says they were the same way then.

They should stick to kidnapping and serial killers.


10-09-20, 23:08
Stumbled across this discussion of the criminal complaint:


Assuming the factual statements are accurate, it does sound like the government has a legal basis for prosecution and a good chance of conviction. It also sounds like the defendants were dumber than a box of rocks, and probably not really serious but doing enough things to give the prosecution a case to claim that they were serious.

10-09-20, 23:19
I am sure there are some great FBI agents. The agents most people interact with are very full of themselves and absolutely convinced there is no law enforcement agency in the U.S. that dare even delay them.

My Dad had a run in with a couple agents during Wounded Knee and says they were the same way then.

They should stick to kidnapping and serial killers.


The FBI is basically a vestigial organ; just about everything they investigate is also the covered by all the other agencies: DEA investigates. The U.S. Marshals take care of fugitives, investigate interstate crimes, and go after anybody with a federal warrant. ICE-HSI investigates terrorism, transnational crime, and threats to national security. The Secret Service investigates financial crimes and threats to the president, VP, and others, US Capitol Police protects and investigates threats to Congress. And the ATF.........can go f**k themselves.

But seriously, the FBI doesn't really appear to be a needed agency. All the other agencies have everything covered. If the left wants to defend law enforcement, I can get behind defunding the FBI at least.

And what your dad said about them I've heard from just about everyone else. I was taught by an FBI agent for one of my police academy modules and he was a really good guy. But other than that, I've never heard good things. Our retired DEA agent academy director hated the FBI (except for the above mentioned agent), and said they were a bunch of overrated arrogant pricks who demanded cooperation from all other agencies and gave none in return...and they weren't any better at their jobs, and often worse, than most of the other federal agencies. The only thing they have that the other agencies don't is a tier 1 special missions unit.

10-10-20, 05:45
The only thing they have that the other agencies don't is a tier 1 special missions unit

Oh so that’s who is in the photo up above.

10-10-20, 07:45
The only thing they have that the other agencies don't is a tier 1 special missions unit.

The Russian Spetsnaz units can be found in both the military and the internal security realm (ODON), like we have CAG/Delta, DEVGRU, and HRT.

10-10-20, 08:08
The Russian Spetsnaz units can be found in both the military and the internal security realm (ODON), like we have CAG/Delta, DEVGRU, and HRT.

Yeah “Spetsnaz” is just an abbreviation for a Russian term that means “special purpose troops”, which is why there are so many different types and tiers of them within the Russian military and interior ministry.

just a scout
10-10-20, 08:45
The Marshalls SOG, BORTAC, he’ll even CAG has an exemption from Posse Commitatus. No need for HRT. That alone is no reason to keep the FBI.

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10-10-20, 10:09
Perhaps the biggest reason we should shut the FBI down is that they actively attempted to overthrow a sitting President?
As far as the often repeated "I am sure there are good agents out there doing the good work." goes, I'm sure there are "good" people in nearly every line of work and social organizations, but at some point in order to remain "good" they must separate themselves from the "bad" job or the "corrupt" organization in order to remain Good People.
So that whole argument doesn't float anymore thanks in no small part to folks like J Edgar Hoover, Robert Mueller, Jim Comey and now Christopher Wray. So if your Director can't stay out of politics, how did you really think this would turn out?
Yeah, they need disbanded.
BTW Didn't the FBI go through Epstein's Apartment in New York, NY and empty it of all of it's contents to include lists of clients and flight logs? Where is that stuff? who has that list? Who is on that list?

10-10-20, 10:09
I haven't talked to anyone who was directly involved in this investigation other than a couple Troops who were on the ground as marked units.

Sounds like these dudes were total amateur but had absolute intention of kidnapping our "lovely" governess. Lots of communication about shooting it out with LE. Everyone has a plan until there's a gun in your face.

Last time FBI did this it was a few years back against some group called Hutaree in which all charges were dropped. So I'm not real confident this case will go anywhere.

I have been fortunate to work with excellent agents, but they both had time on the job before joining the FBI. I would not have been able to do a lot of my own stuff without their resources. Having worked with a number of agents from pretty much every Fed agency, I have found that the ones with prior local LE experience are the hard chargers who put cases together. The others, interns, significant academic achievement, master's degree holders, etc. tend to overthink things and are often incredibly lazy. In other words, its the guys and gals with street smarts and life experience putting cases together.

I don't think the FBI needs to go away but they sure as hell need some refreshing. They need to recruit from their task forces and local PDs, not college and universities.

10-10-20, 11:45
Perhaps the biggest reason we should shut the FBI down is that they actively attempted to overthrow a sitting President?
As far as the often repeated "I am sure there are good agents out there doing the good work." goes, I'm sure there are "good" people in nearly every line of work and social organizations, but at some point in order to remain "good" they must separate themselves from the "bad" job or the "corrupt" organization in order to remain Good People.
So that whole argument doesn't float anymore thanks in no small part to folks like J Edgar Hoover, Robert Mueller, Jim Comey and now Christopher Wray. So if your Director can't stay out of politics, how did you really think this would turn out?
Yeah, they need disbanded.
BTW Didn't the FBI go through Epstein's Apartment in New York, NY and empty it of all of it's contents to include lists of clients and flight logs? Where is that stuff? who has that list? Who is on that list?

Solid solid post.

I said there are good agents because they are. If we disbanded the FBI, the good agents would succeed somewhere else. All 50 of them.


10-10-20, 13:15
And the shoe drops, not white supremacists, but Antifa type chit bags:


10-10-20, 13:41
And the shoe drops, not white supremacists, but Antifa type chit bags:


Won’t see that anywhere else in the news. Whitmer and the rest of the ComDems already made headlines saying it was Trump’s fault because he is a “racist”.

10-10-20, 14:35
And the shoe drops, not white supremacists, but Antifa type chit bags:


Won’t see that anywhere else in the news. Whitmer and the rest of the ComDems already made headlines saying it was Trump’s fault because he is a “racist”.

Except if you come here and find a thread.
If we as a group of citizens no longer are covered by the protections of God and the Second Amendment to self defense. The MSM doesn't deserve the first amendment it was given if it isn't going to be fair and impartial anymore.
Whitmer brought a lot of this on herself when she went all Tyrannical Cuomo. How do you publicly air your grievances when the Governor locks everything down?
What people may be forgetting is the Oklahoma City Murrah building/Waco Branch Davidian factor.
Poke that old Bear again and watch the crazies pour out....

10-10-20, 17:51
Except if you come here and find a thread.
If we as a group of citizens no longer are covered by the protections of God and the Second Amendment to self defense. The MSM doesn't deserve the first amendment it was given if it isn't going to be fair and impartial anymore.
Whitmer brought a lot of this on herself when she went all Tyrannical Cuomo. How do you publicly air your grievances when the Governor locks everything down?
What people may be forgetting is the Oklahoma City Murrah building/Waco Branch Davidian factor.
Poke that old Bear again and watch the crazies pour out....


07-19-21, 16:46
One of the players just got arrested for domestic violence.


07-19-21, 22:12
Several of the involved individuals where undercover fbi. I read that in an article sorry I can't recall where.

07-21-21, 18:08
Huge article with tons of info, some of it new, for anyone interested:


(no, I never imagined that anything on buzzfeed would be serious or relevant journalism... but it's 2021 and here we are.)

Summarized new info, apparently based on the above article, for the tl;dr crowd:


07-21-21, 18:55
Huge article with tons of info, some of it new, for anyone interested:


(no, I never imagined that anything on buzzfeed would be serious or relevant journalism... but it's 2021 and here we are.)

Summarized new info, apparently based on the above article, for the tl;dr crowd:


Twelve FBI agents involved huh? They had to be running into each other.

When it comes to Amerika's own KGB I would be perfectly willing to throw the baby out with the bath water. ALL of them get fired, the organization gutted from HRT right on down the line (and be sure not to miss those political admin/power types either). Start from scratch. Rename it. Farm out many of their existing responsibilities to other agencies. If you've worked for the FBI you do NOT get a chance at being rehired. Considerably narrow their scope of future enforcement.

Oh, and repeal that "lying to a Federal agent" bullshit law while you're at it.

07-21-21, 20:17
I say it’s all a setup. The FBI should have their charter taken away and disbanded. With every single member fired with prejudice. No pension, no moving to another agency, nothing for years of disrespect and illegal service. I’ve never met a Fed that wasn’t an arrogant asshole and these guys are so blatantly corrupted for various reasons, they can’t be entrusted to fairly investigate and uphold the law. And any BS about rank and file, **** them too. They are just as complicit in everything as they’re doing the actual field work and know the results.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Wow, talk about painting with a broad brush. I came from the private sector and started working for the FBI as a uniformed police officer (read highly-trained (eventually, mostly on my own efforts) glorified security guard) in 2006 and was quite proud of the agency. Then Comey completely ruined that with the politics that became blatantly obvious with his awful and disgusting actions. I couldn't hate that sanctimonious prick or what I think he did to our reputation any more if my life depended on it; then we find out about the agents that plotted right along and perpetrated all this against Trump.

You are 100% right to think the Bureau has become a disgrace but there are also are a ton of employees who agree with you. Personally, I now run the operations center of the Philadelphia office and have no qualms about pointing out the crap we get into when it's deserved, like all the grandmas we're locking up for Jan 6. Matter of fact, I've been in to see people in our executive management on a number of occasions to ask about stuff, not believing it could be true or trying to see if there was another side to the story. For example, we are still locking up and actively looking for the terrorists that tried to burn down the country all last summer. But we only get publicized for the Jan. 6 people because that's all the media care about. I wish we could put out the word more but our powers that be, choose not too, sadly. BUT, like so many other agencies and businesses and communities, there are people who feel both ways about what's happening in our country. Support personnel, read "non agents," are about as complicit in this crap as the guy who sells the tires to the guy who grows the crops where the sugar is made to sell to woka cola. Support personnel, secretaries, electricians, computer IT people, facilities managers, HR personnel have NOTHING, ZERO, NADA to do with field operations, what the squads are looking at, who they pick as a snitch, how they work.

I do agree, the guys that tried to blow up Fort Dix in NJ years ago are an example. There wasn't a 67 IQ if you added them all up. NO WAY they hatched that plot all on their own or had the slightest idea how to make any of it come together. I felt very strongly that they were entrapped and this Michigan thing is looking much the same. Don't get me wrong, there are a bunch of, mostly younger, newer employees who are just as woke as can be and I hate every one of them for that. I do my best to inject a little reality into the world of those that work for me, not as carefully as I should in this day and age as I am sure I run afoul of the hatch act regularly, but I'd like to think I'm a decent boss and am just passing along things I've learned and experienced to people who have not learned and experienced much of anything but what they were force fed in school.

So, I get your frustration but don't for a second think that you're even close to right on what the average, non-agent, FBI employee knows or has even an inkling about where field operations are concerned. And I have met a TON of truly superb people working here, along with plenty of the typical "everyone owes me a living" career government employee too. And no, I'm not going to just throw away 15 years of work toward my pension and retirement because the jackasses at the top of my agency and quite a few below that, have lost their moral compass and forgotten what we are supposed to stand for. I'd like to think I can still be part of what's good about what we do. I continue to do my job and support what, as I see on a day to day basis, is pretty good work, with lots of local law enforcement partners. We lock up a lot of truly awful people for things that they should be locked up for every day. If the situation continues to degrade to the level that it did in the collusion delusion and now this type of thing in Michigan, at some point it just may be time to find a company with better leadership.

07-21-21, 20:27
Twelve FBI agents involved huh? They had to be running into each other.

When it comes to Amerika's own KGB I would be perfectly willing to throw the baby out with the bath water. ALL of them get fired, the organization gutted from HRT right on down the line (and be sure not to miss those political admin/power types either). Start from scratch. Rename it. Farm out many of their existing responsibilities to other agencies. If you've worked for the FBI you do NOT get a chance at being rehired. Considerably narrow their scope of future enforcement.

Oh, and repeal that "lying to a Federal agent" bullshit law while you're at it.

And if you had any idea at all, even the slightest clue about the hundreds of spectacular jobs the HRT have completed in just the last couple years, you certainly would not have included them in your list of disbanded entities. That part of your statement definitely goes in the "you don't know what you don't know" department, FYI.

07-21-21, 21:14
And if you had any idea at all, even the slightest clue about the hundreds of spectacular jobs the HRT have completed in just the last couple years, you certainly would not have included them in your list of disbanded entities. That part of your statement definitely goes in the "you don't know what you don't know" department, FYI.

They are good at what they do, but they are part of that organization. I can make assumptions, but can I verify their political leanings (which despite what some may say, are indeed pertinent these days) and their willingness to disobey some future direct order that is shady? Obviously the answer is not for internet consumption, but suffice it to say I have my doubts.

Look, even the U.S. military is effectively being purged of what the Regime deems to be "extremists". Guess who that is in their minds? What they define as a "normal" person (you seem to fit that, and not in a derogatory way) excludes 90+% of us here on M4C. Why then would it be hard to believe that our premier LE agency in the nation is, and has been, quite heavily pushed into a left-leaning organization with the power to arrest, imprison, or kill you? The FBI led the whole BS investigation, initiated under false pretenses, that sought to bring down Orange Man. Just like the military, the 8 years of Obama and his purity litmus test allowed enough mid-range jackoffs to survive and surprise! they're top chiefs now. Agency heads, Assistants, Deputy Assistants (etc.), Generals, Admirals, the vast majority of them in 2021.

I don't wish anyone to lose a job. But damn, we're at a point where we have an organization that has enormous powers, a judiciary largely rubber-stamping what they do, all at the behest of the corrupt politicians they are beholden to. Since the FBI is the "shield" of the Federal state I say that it is where the cleaning should start as well as against the perpetually dirty politicians. Simultaneously it's win-win: the pols can't subvert the investigation by using the FBI. The FBI can't count on the pols to pass some law effectively exonerating them. They both get hung out to dry. Yeah, it's a pipe-dream I know.

Where I work takes flak quite often, much of it deserved....but not all of it. You sound like one of the people doing their job, to spec and not to political whims. You guys gotta clean house but it won't come from introspection, or (at least for a few years) ordered from above.

You posted this above: " I continue to do my job and support what, as I see on a day to day basis, is pretty good work, with lots of local law enforcement partners. We lock up a lot of truly awful people for things that they should be locked up for every day. If the situation continues to degrade to the level that it did in the collusion delusion and now this type of thing in Michigan, at some point it just may be time to find a company with better leadership.

Sounds good to me. Hopefully the leadership at that company will be changed and the albatross removed before it becomes necessary to seek other employment. Kudos.

07-21-21, 22:02
When I joined, I thought I'd retire from the police unit. Couldn't make that work due to financial reasons, and getting too old to work three jobs to keep the police dream alive. Never thought that would happen. Never crossed my mind that I'd ever feel the way I do now about our agency as a whole either. My son and a bunch of what had become great friends, all got out of the Army when their time was up for the reasons you cited, weeding out good people and replacing with like-minded, useful idiots. He's off to the National Guard and other avenues. I'm hoping I can stay and help to keep it from getting worse; who knows but it's a sick feeling for sure.

just a scout
07-21-21, 22:16
When I joined, I thought I'd retire from the police unit. Couldn't make that work due to financial reasons, and getting too old to work three jobs to keep the police dream alive. Never thought that would happen. Never crossed my mind that I'd ever feel the way I do now about our agency as a whole either. My son and a bunch of what had become great friends, all got out of the Army when their time was up for the reasons you cited, weeding out good people and replacing with like-minded, useful idiots. He's off to the National Guard and other avenues. I'm hoping I can stay and help to keep it from getting worse; who knows but it's a sick feeling for sure.

Sorry brother. I don’t think you’ll be able to stem the tide. That’s trying to stop a River with a pebble. It will get much worse before it had a hope of getting.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

07-21-21, 22:52
And if you had any idea at all, even the slightest clue about the hundreds of spectacular jobs the HRT have completed in just the last couple years, you certainly would not have included them in your list of disbanded entities. That part of your statement definitely goes in the "you don't know what you don't know" department, FYI.

I only know what little I know about the HRT during a specific time frame, but what little I know is astonishing as it relates to events like Ruby Ridge and Waco. I'd like to think it was the HRT's darkest hour and they have been nothing but white knights ever since, but I'm not really dialed in enough to know.

I personally knew some guys employed in Miami when the whole Flagler bank robbers thing went to hell. I learned about the depth of the fiasco and the resulting changes when everybody else did when the FBI changed almost everything they did and how they did it. FBI under Clinton / Reno was pretty scary, but to be honest the FBI under Bush 41 was nothing to brag about. Their entire mission seemed devoted to destroying White Supremacist Groups (sound familiar) and this ranged from legit bad boys like what remained of The Order, to Aryan Nations to Tom Metzgers WAR. But even those complete F tards never equaled the destruction and body count of Crips and Bloods nationwide.

The FBI under Comey was nothing impressive but not sure it was better or worse then the days of Louis Freeh. That guy was a real piece of work.

Glad there are some good guys in the ranks and there always have been, but you guys typically aren't making policy and are usually outranked, outnumbered and overruled by guys who shouldn't be allowed the responsibility of being a Wendy's night manager.

But again, that is based upon my limited personal knowledge of how things worked and how things were done in specific areas and during specific periods of history.

07-22-21, 07:40
So I had been in the Bureau for about 7 years when I finally got to see the inner workings of the HRT and I was astounded at how many different "jobs" they had worked around the country, almost always with no one knowing it was them. SEALS would have written 127 books and made 18 movies about the things HRT has done; no offense to SEALs of course as they are certainly not compensated properly for the risks they take by the government, but I digress. Anyway, truly amazing stuff. Great internal video, not sure if it's available publicly, of them jumping down into a hail of gunfire to rescue that kid from the bunker in Alabama?

As for the "plot" of this thread. Sought out some first hand information after connecting some dots on a fellow employee. The original plot was definitely not cooked up by any informant but whether it was just fantasy at that point is, I'm sure, arguable. Another fact is that they are certainly not right wing, or Trump supporters, or even racists. They are however a group that just hates government, period. And yes, dumb; a resounding theme in the information I was getting was that, holy cow were they stupid. Also, Whitmer was informed and knew all about it months before it happened. So her little speech the day after was something she'd had plenty of time to work on.

My personal opinion is that, sadly and shamefully, again, the timing seems just too coincidental when lined up with the election and Whitmer's just awful performance of her job up to that point. It really was coming to a head how completely inept she was and this deflected away from her being completely drunk with power.

07-22-21, 19:31
So I had been in the Bureau for about 7 years when I finally got to see the inner workings of the HRT and I was astounded at how many different "jobs" they had worked around the country, almost always with no one knowing it was them. SEALS would have written 127 books and made 18 movies about the things HRT has done; no offense to SEALs of course as they are certainly not compensated properly for the risks they take by the government, but I digress. Anyway, truly amazing stuff. Great internal video, not sure if it's available publicly, of them jumping down into a hail of gunfire to rescue that kid from the bunker in Alabama?

As for the "plot" of this thread. Sought out some first hand information after connecting some dots on a fellow employee. The original plot was definitely not cooked up by any informant but whether it was just fantasy at that point is, I'm sure, arguable. Another fact is that they are certainly not right wing, or Trump supporters, or even racists. They are however a group that just hates government, period. And yes, dumb; a resounding theme in the information I was getting was that, holy cow were they stupid. Also, Whitmer was informed and knew all about it months before it happened. So her little speech the day after was something she'd had plenty of time to work on.

My personal opinion is that, sadly and shamefully, again, the timing seems just too coincidental when lined up with the election and Whitmer's just awful performance of her job up to that point. It really was coming to a head how completely inept she was and this deflected away from her being completely drunk with power.

The whole damned thing was a setup designed by the FBI to create sympathy for witless Whitmer and throw shade at Trump supporters. Everybody knows it, most will not admit it.

Now one of the agents is accused of felony DV for beating his wife. Apparently he took her to a swinger party and she didn't wanna play. Gotta love it. Fine, upstanding fellow he is.

The FBI is the Democrats version of the Gestapo/Stasi. The only ones still denying that are the holdouts that think the FBI can be saved. That rot goes too deep. Are there good men and women there? Certainly. Any at the top? Absolutely not. As I've said before, the good ones are probably hoping to do the job and not to be forced to chose "good or evil" before they retire. Sorry to the good guys, but the DOJ/FBI leadership ain't even trying to hide it anymore.

07-22-21, 22:19
What's the consequence? Oh nothing, no one does nothing, no one gets in trouble. Except the followers that the fbi led on this witch hunt. Let's band together and ****ing raid the fbi and hold them accountable. Fck the fbi and the nsa, all of them.

07-22-21, 22:27
What's the consequence? Oh nothing, no one does nothing, no one gets in trouble. Except the followers that the fbi led on this witch hunt. Let's band together and ****ing raid the fbi and hold them accountable. Fck the fbi and the nsa, all of them.

This explains the whole affair.


07-23-21, 10:03
So... looking like FBLie agents/informants outnumbered the suspects 2:1 and played the leading roles in transforming the group from "guys talking shit" to "guys talking about doing shit". Entrapment much?

07-23-21, 10:08
So... looking like FBLie agents/informants outnumbered the suspects 2:1 and played the leading roles in transforming the group from "guys talking shit" to "guys talking about doing shit". Entrapment much?

Ever read “The Man Who was Thursday, A Nightmare”? A government agent infiltrates an underground organization and makes it to the top, only to realize that everyone at the top is an agent.

07-23-21, 10:18
Haven't read it, but seems apropos. Seems like a lot of these "groups" have leadership tied to the fleebs. Proud boys, oath keepers,...

Get folks on the bus, then throw em under it?

07-23-21, 16:02
Haven't read it, but seems apropos. Seems like a lot of these "groups" have leadership tied to the fleebs. Proud boys, oath keepers,...

Get folks on the bus, then throw em under it?

Gotta admit, "managed opposition" is a hell of a way to scout out and contain any resistance who might actually be EFFECTIVE... almost direct parallel to what the Donks have done with the GOP.

"You and I, we're puppets in the same sick play. We serve the same master and he's an ungrateful lunatic. There's nothing we can do about it. You and I are the same."
--Casey Ryback (Steven Seagal), Under Siege

07-24-21, 09:57

Matt Christiansen's video does a good job of explaining this

07-24-21, 14:37
And if you had any idea at all, even the slightest clue about the hundreds of spectacular jobs the HRT have completed in just the last couple years. ... "you don't know what you don't know"

Quick reminder, they “don’t know” what color their brass is when it’s found at scene where they claim to have not fired at all.

I can’t be the only one still waiting for ONE of the “good ones” to speak out publicly, whistleblow, or quit in protest.

07-24-21, 15:11
Quick reminder, they “don’t know” what color their brass is when it’s found at scene where they claim to have not fired at all.

I can’t be the only one still waiting for ONE of the “good ones” to speak out publicly, whistleblow, or quit in protest.

All if all the "good guys" in the organization are holding up a corrupt structure even if they arent corrupt themselves are they still the good guys?

07-24-21, 15:37
Quick reminder, they “don’t know” what color their brass is when it’s found at scene where they claim to have not fired at all.

I can’t be the only one still waiting for ONE of the “good ones” to speak out publicly, whistleblow, or quit in protest.

Last year I listened to one of Mike Glover’s podcasts with a former HRT sniper, whose name I cannot remember. The guy was bragging about how many people he killed and how it wasn’t fair he cannot be called a veteran even though he’s killed more people than most veterans. And, according to him, the murder of Vicki Weaver was a perfectly good shoot. The whole interview was a head scratcher.

just a scout
07-24-21, 16:40
Last year I listened to one of Mike Glover’s podcasts with a former HRT sniper, whose name I cannot remember. The guy was bragging about how many people he killed and how it wasn’t fair he cannot be called a veteran even though he’s killed more people than most veterans. And, according to him, the murder of Vicki Weaver was a perfectly good shoot. The whole interview was a head scratcher.

That alone is so disturbing it leaves me at a loss for words. Feebs are cops, Federal policemen. They’re not vets, they’re not soldiers and they sure as **** shouldn’t be racking up kill counts.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

07-24-21, 17:38
Last year I listened to one of Mike Glover’s podcasts with a former HRT sniper, whose name I cannot remember. The guy was bragging about how many people he killed and how it wasn’t fair he cannot be called a veteran even though he’s killed more people than most veterans. And, according to him, the murder of Vicki Weaver was a perfectly good shoot. The whole interview was a head scratcher.

That's the kinda thing that needs to be linked and taken viral. Every single one of these murderous psychopaths needs to be rooted out and made politically and culturally radioactive and unemployable.

just a scout
07-24-21, 17:59
That's the kinda thing that needs to be linked and taken viral. Every single one of these murderous psychopaths needs to be rooted out and made politically and culturally radioactive and unemployable.

You mean like they do to Trump supporters?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

07-24-21, 18:02
You mean like they do to Trump supporters?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

And just like their hero Mommy-Murderin' Lonnie, piss be eternally upon him and all who support him.

07-25-21, 12:14
Law Professor Jon Turley's analysis of this development and the potential for an entrapment defense:


summary: entrapment is a difficult defense, but he thinks they have a shot here. Turley's bio:


07-25-21, 19:27
Law Professor Jon Turley's analysis of this development and the potential for an entrapment defense:


summary: entrapment is a difficult defense, but he thinks they have a shot here. Turley's bio:


The Feebs just found the epicenter of these terrorist plots.


07-25-21, 23:19
The Feebs just found the epicenter of these terrorist plots.


Just for the record, it's "fleebs". As in "federal law enforcement entity or bureau" or FLEE/B. Used to be seen that way on paperwork or some such. ;)

After all if we're gonna be derogatory we ought to get it right. :p

/close friendly, joking around font

01-05-22, 17:10
Rick Gore reviewing the motion to dismiss due to entrapment and pointing out some of the incidents mentioned and the personnel involved.


01-05-22, 17:12
2nd part of Rick Gore covering the motion to discuss over entrapment.


01-05-22, 18:14
The “rank and file” and their immediate leadership are nothing but political boot lickers.

I have first hand experience with them in meetings with an individual who had an attractive daughter on TV and shall remain nameless. But you all know him.

You should see how they preen and fawn when he is present.

Tastes like Vomit.