View Full Version : Supposed "CIA whistleblower" tells truth Benghazi, etc?

10-12-20, 10:01
Mr Parrot is a rather interesting looking dude, but he sounds legit, minus a deep dive on his background, etc. This is getting traction on the net, but direct from horses mouth so to speak. Mr Parrot needs to supply these recordings and such that he claims he has, but this is some explosive stuff to be sure.

Finally, what killing of S6 is he referring to? Most of the guys from 6 on that mission are alive and well. Hell, two of them, both claiming to have shot OBL in the face, wrote books. So gents of S6 were not exactly silenced. That aspect of this story seems the weakest to me, but I'm far far from having insider knowledge on that.

“Allen Harrow Parrot (CIA whistleblower) tells Charles Woods (father of Tyrone Woods killed in Benghazi) that Obama and Biden sent Iran 152 Billion Dollars as a coverup for the deaths of Seal Team 6.”


10-12-20, 10:45
Looking forward to listening to this piece. The Benghazi disaster just drives me nuts.


10-12-20, 10:54
Looking forward to listening to this piece. The Benghazi disaster just drives me nuts.


Validity unknown at this time, but if there's any actual proof it as he claims he has, would be a game changer. I'd also question how he'd still be alive if he has that level of knowledge and the goods on those people.

B Cart
10-12-20, 11:12
I sure hope he truly has the documents, video, and audio is is claiming. That would be such a game-changing bombshell!

10-12-20, 11:17
How long 'til his unfortunate accident?

B Cart
10-12-20, 11:34
How long 'til his unfortunate accident?

Accident? What are you, one of those right wing conspiracy theorists? He'll just casually decide to "commit suicide" right before releasing everything.

Nothing to see here, move along

10-12-20, 12:05
I am still of the opinion that there could be video/audio evidence of Obummer and HRC wearing fake mustaches and ball caps while handing over pallets of money to the Iranians while they thank them vigorously for forsaking ST6 and the Benghazi 3 along with sign confessions that they did indeed do those things and absolutely nothing will happen to either of them. But, my opinions are skewed by reality.

B Cart
10-12-20, 12:39
I am still of the opinion that there could be video/audio evidence of Obummer and HRC wearing fake mustaches and ball caps while handing over pallets of money to the Iranians while they thank them vigorously for forsaking ST6 and the Benghazi 3 along with sign confessions that they did indeed do those things and absolutely nothing will happen to either of them. But, my opinions are skewed by reality.

You're not wrong, if we're being honest. People in the highest levels of power can and do literally get away with murder, and they are becoming quite skilled at avoiding justice (just look at the Clintons as one example). That's why so many have been anxiously awaiting a large scale swamp draining from the Trump admin. We've seen a few promising indictments, but i hope that if Trumps wins a second term, we will see a lot more heads roll.

10-12-20, 12:48
I am still of the opinion that there could be video/audio evidence of Obummer and HRC wearing fake mustaches and ball caps while handing over pallets of money to the Iranians while they thank them vigorously for forsaking ST6 and the Benghazi 3 along with sign confessions that they did indeed do those things and absolutely nothing will happen to either of them. But, my opinions are skewed by reality.

something will happen it will be swept under and they will receive some reward for great humanity or great doings etc... and say how dare you try to discredit this person with this award !

10-12-20, 12:49
Until I see the people in question indicted, arrested and perp walked then all this super secret major news coming soon bullshit is just that, bullshit. Get to the part where we arrest and convict these scumbags. Remember, no one is above the law, right Hillary?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-12-20, 14:11

10-12-20, 14:20

The difference that it makes is: are they dead due to massive incompetence (which should have resulted in her loss of job), or criminal negligence or worse, which should have resulted in charges and a trial?

Did anyone even lose a job over that total cluster? One of various reasons Rand is ok by me. Again, seems to me only person up there willing to say it like it was:


10-12-20, 16:58
Will hardly be a bombshell, sure it's all true but will just be "at this point what difference does it make."

Not like they are going to indict Clinton, Rice or anyone else. If anything, somebody who did their best with what little they were able to actual do will take the fall.

Straight Shooter
10-12-20, 17:05
Will hardly be a bombshell, sure it's all true but will just be "at this point what difference does it make."

Not like they are going to indict Clinton, Rice or anyone else. If anything, somebody who did their best with what little they were able to actual do will take the fall.

Ive unwillingly accepted the fact that Hillary,Bill,Obama, et al wont ever face the music in this life- but woe be unto them in the next.

10-12-20, 17:47
Will hardly be a bombshell, sure it's all true but will just be "at this point what difference does it make."

Not like they are going to indict Clinton, Rice or anyone else. If anything, somebody who did their best with what little they were able to actual do will take the fall.

Did you watch vid in OP? If such real evidence actually exists, he does not have an "accident" and it gets out ala Snowden, well, maybe, someone in your list will pay a price. I know, unlikely, but I aint given up hope just yet!

10-12-20, 18:04

The only reason you posted this before me was that I had to take my wife to dinner.

10-12-20, 18:37

It appeared that some of Parrot's claims about Osama and his falconry had been around for 10 years. So the CIA knew where OBL was all the time, if you believe his story.

10-12-20, 18:37
Remember when we all thought Clinton was actually going to jail?

Those were good times. We really believed it too.....


Oh well don’t forget to heckin voterino and such. That always works

10-12-20, 18:45

It appeared that some of Parrot's claims about Osama and his falconry had been around for 10 years. So the CIA knew where OBL was all the time, if you believe his story.

The Deep State always needs a catspaw to keep the sheeple scared into surrendering their liberties... first OBL, now Wu-Tang Clap, I'm freakin' SCARED to think what they'll unleash tomorrow.

10-12-20, 19:51
Here's another video with a person who claims to have heard some of the recordings.


I'm not getting my hopes up over this. The truth won't ever come out. The truth can't ever come out.

10-12-20, 19:59
Ive unwillingly accepted the fact that Hillary,Bill,Obama, et al wont ever face the music in this life- but woe be unto them in the next.

That's all we can really hope for at this point sadly... Justice will not be served on this earth. I so wish that wasn't the case, I want to see them get what's coming to them in this life and the next!

10-12-20, 20:33
Here's another video with a person who claims to have heard some of the recordings.


I'm not getting my hopes up over this. The truth won't ever come out. The truth can't ever come out.

Just watch the actual vid in the OP. This is second hand stuff.

10-12-20, 20:48
Just different people talking about the same subject as in the original post. No new revelation.

10-12-20, 20:51
Here's another video with a person who claims to have heard some of the recordings.


I'm not getting my hopes up over this. The truth won't ever come out. The truth can't ever come out.

She's really f-ing annoying. I hope this is legit intel nuke to the cabal who orchestrated all these claims.

10-12-20, 21:46
Just watch the actual vid in the OP. This is second hand stuff.

I watched it as well (and downloaded it just in case things start disappearing as they are known to)

It's interesting to say the least, but I'm still not sold on it. I did think the video I posted helped organize what was being discussed a little better. Compliments your video, not replacing it.

Again, I don't see the truth ever coming out even if everything they said was true. I'm not sure it can. But I can see the things that have happened since Trump went into office dovetailing into what happened nearly a decade ago if what they are saying is accurate. Especially the reports that Clinton orchestrated the Russia hoax.

10-12-20, 22:50
Some more, the video in the OP is shown about at 29-52 minute. Charles Woods reads part of a letter sent to him by Obama.


10-12-20, 22:59
Remember when we all thought Clinton was actually going to jail?

Those were good times. We really believed it too.....


Oh well don’t forget to heckin voterino and such. That always works

The most hilarious / absurd thing is when they actually impeached Clinton, it was about one of the least offenses he was involved with. It really was like trying to get Capone on jaywalking.

10-13-20, 07:21

It appeared that some of Parrot's claims about Osama and his falconry had been around for 10 years. So the CIA knew where OBL was all the time, if you believe his story. is there really any doubt that we knew where UBL was since 2002?

Remember when we all thought Clinton was actually going to jail?

Those were good times. We really believed it too.....


Oh well don’t forget to heckin voterino and such. That always works
Who is we? I knew that would never happen. Everybody was all like Trump will lock her up!!! Lol. Politician locking up a politician, lololol.

Btw, as far as a lack of response goes, anyone that lived near certain airfields could have noticed a lot of jet noise about 20 minutes into the event, along with an increase in motley tattooed guys lining up at the gates at an unusual time.

10-13-20, 07:34
My bullshit radar went off full tilt the second I saw some 1960s Hippie with a towel on his head.

10-13-20, 08:17
Validity unknown at this time, but if there's any actual proof it as he claims he has, would be a game changer. I'd also question how he'd still be alive if he has that level of knowledge and the goods on those people.
I keep hearing about game changing issues, but nothing ever happens. No one gets arrested, perp walked, MSM cover nother, no "Watergate" investigation, nothing. Truly untouchables running this clown world. I'd say vote like your life depended on it, and we did in 2016, and yet nothing changed, just more quagmire. Ominous warnings and covert threats in frustration on a message board really do nothing. Other than voting again, I don't know what else we can do. I campaign for my choices, talk with my friends and acquaintances, make sure my 90 year old mother don't get vote harvested, make contributions. Not sure what else can actually happen. The process is fundamentally broken.

10-13-20, 15:28
If said evidence exists, why not dump it open source on the web and let the chips fall where they may? That's what Snowden did and look what happened. Nothing... :dirol:

Alex V
10-13-20, 15:53
This was posted on FB. No way to corroborate it at this point but supposedly these are some of the transcripts of the conversations on the tapes Perrot talks about in the OP video.


10-13-20, 16:43
Trump tweeted about it so he knows. You guys can sleep better.

10-13-20, 16:48
Smells like BS, why dont they drop the files on the internet for everyone to read if they had the actual proof. Also its not wise to dress up like Merlin the Wizard if you plan on dropping political bombshells.

10-13-20, 20:22
kinda like MSM they had proof of trumps Russia collusion and they had the pee tapes and they had even more proof of his corruption and and and and wait for it and and wait for it

OH was all a bluff they had nothing

10-13-20, 20:34
Smells like BS, why dont they drop the files on the internet for everyone to read if they had the actual proof. Also its not wise to dress up like Merlin the Wizard if you plan on dropping political bombshells.

This. Threats to the Deep State get neutralized as soon as they're noticed, if you're gonna strike at them it has to be either a Pearl Harbor or using your info as an "if anything happens to me, buddy..." Insurance Policy.

10-13-20, 20:45
This was posted on FB. No way to corroborate it at this point but supposedly these are some of the transcripts of the conversations on the tapes Perrot talks about in the OP video.


Nothing especially damning in those.

Alex V
10-13-20, 21:11
Nothing especially damning in those.

I agree. They seem to imply that UBL was in Iran which begins to back up the claims in the video. Who knows what else is in there.

If the dump all the files on the internet it’s easy for MSM to say they are fake and dissuade the average person from reading them.

All the Podesta and Hillary emails are online. How many people you know read about sacrificing chickens to Moloch?

10-13-20, 22:01
I agree. They seem to imply that UBL was in Iran which begins to back up the claims in the video. Who knows what else is in there.

If the dump all the files on the internet it’s easy for MSM to say they are fake and dissuade the average person from reading them.

All the Podesta and Hillary emails are online. How many people you know read about sacrificing chickens to Moloch?

It was rumored for a long time UBL was in Iran after the fall of Afghanistan. One of the "reasons" we couldn't take him out. Iran makes as much sense as the other locations he was rumored to be in. It's the one area in the region we couldn't "get to" without causing a major international incident.

The other item in the videos they touched on that never really made much sense to me was the sea burial. The whole "we didn't want a grave that people could rally behind" really was the weakest excuse I think the government could muster. Plenty of open desert in a lot of allied places where you can bury him in the Muslim tradition and nobody ever knows where he is. I mean, the Empty Quarter of Saudi Arabia is called that for a reason.

The whole thing with the $150 billion going to Iran doesn't make much sense either. UBL was killed in 2011. The "payments" were made in January 2016. That's a considerable time gap between him getting the bullet in the face and Iran blackmailing the US with the news he wasn't really dead. And in reality, they had just as much reason to release that information since Trump has been President. Especially after we offed Soleimani earlier this year.

10-14-20, 07:54
My bullshit radar went off full tilt the second I saw some 1960s Hippie with a towel on his head.

Yeah, mine too. WTF. This guy seems like a parody of a parody. A falconer for Middle East royal families. It’s like a character from a Wes Anderson movie.

Dr. Bullseye
10-14-20, 11:37
Mr Parrot is a rather interesting looking dude, but he sounds legit, minus a deep dive on his background, etc. This is getting traction on the net, but direct from horses mouth so to speak. Mr Parrot needs to supply these recordings and such that he claims he has, but this is some explosive stuff to be sure.

Finally, what killing of S6 is he referring to? Most of the guys from 6 on that mission are alive and well. Hell, two of them, both claiming to have shot OBL in the face, wrote books. So gents of S6 were not exactly silenced. That aspect of this story seems the weakest to me, but I'm far far from having insider knowledge on that.

“Allen Harrow Parrot (CIA whistleblower) tells Charles Woods (father of Tyrone Woods killed in Benghazi) that Obama and Biden sent Iran 152 Billion Dollars as a coverup for the deaths of Seal Team 6.”


What, three guys telling drinking stories without the drink? I must have missed the part where they cited proof for anything they said.

10-15-20, 07:38
Robert O'Neill chimed in:


10-15-20, 08:59
Robert O'Neill chimed in:


Playing devils advocate: Of course his claims called into question by fellow 6 member (1) and of course he'd have skin in the game maintaining it was OBL. For the record, I think OBL took one to the face in that raid and I'm not sure how wizard dude would know otherwise.

(1) https://www.nbcnews.com/news/investigations/who-shot-bin-laden-tale-two-seals-n241241

10-15-20, 20:29
Tagged for interest. I have Matt Bissonette's (aka Mark Owen) books on my shelf.

Would it be worth it to bother the likes of Jocko W or Shawn R for confirmation? Because this seems like an attention-grab. "Nice headcloth, bro."

10-16-20, 09:56
What, three guys telling drinking stories without the drink? I must have missed the part where they cited proof for anything they said.

He claims in the vid proof is forth coming. Will not be holding breath however.

10-16-20, 13:42
could it be true sure but seems about as likely as 9/11 was a inside job and bush pressed the detonate button himself and they rigged the twin towers with explosives ignore the planes flying in ignore the families that lost others ALL that was a setup and hollywood helped with the special effects

most likely a wacko with issues saying LOOK AT ME I NEED ATTENTION his appearance also kinda supports that :)

10-16-20, 13:59
Wouldn't matter if they had Biden and Oh-Zero on video talking about it. The media would ignore completely to keep Biden in the game and people don't pay enough attention otherwise. If this story is true why is Red still the trigger puller still breathing?

This smells more like a setup to make Trump look stupid.