View Full Version : Amy Coney Barrett Senate hearings

10-13-20, 14:46
I forgot we got the other thread locked about it.

She's absolutely killing it today. The Democrats are actually not going after her as hard as they could and even CNN admits that "under another Republican President and not this close to the election, she'd get at least 70 votes in the Senate."

Okay, I find that last one BS, but a CNN anchor made that claim.

Anyway, without any significant history-wise being brought up like a grade school boyfriend she French kissed or something, she should sail through this easily. I actually trust Lindsey Graham to push it through quickly.

10-13-20, 15:14
And of course, I spoke too soon as Blumenthal's douche ass starts being a douche towards her, speaking over her and trying to trap her.

10-13-20, 15:45
And of course, I spoke too soon as Blumenthal's douche ass starts being a douche towards her, speaking over her and trying to trap her.

Does old Stolen Valor Bloomie know how to act any other way? He is peak douche personified.

10-13-20, 17:29
And of course, I spoke too soon as Blumenthal's douche ass starts being a douche towards her, speaking over her and trying to trap her.

I'd say Blumenthal is a piece of shit, but I have too much respect for shit to compare it to Blumenthal.

10-13-20, 18:23
I'd say Blumenthal is a piece of shit, but I have too much respect for shit to compare it to Blumenthal.

Precisely, at least shit nourishes plants.

10-13-20, 18:31
I'd say Blumenthal is a piece of shit, but I have too much respect for shit to compare it to Blumenthal.

Shaky Dick Blumenthal....he hands kept shaking from the BS from his mouth..

10-13-20, 19:40
Mentally deranged Senator Hirono from HI asked ACB if she has ever sexually assaulted anyone. I swear these people have serious mental deficiencies along with the voters who put them there.


10-13-20, 20:02
Mentally deranged Senator Hirono from HI asked ACB if she has ever sexually assaulted anyone. I swear these people have serious mental deficiencies along with the voters who put them there.


Being exposed to Democrats can really ruin one's day, can't it?

10-13-20, 20:38
Democrat strategy has progressed from mauling people in committee, to having the main stream media do their dirty work outside committee. My guess is on Wednesday or Thursday something will drop. The reality is there’s not really much they can drop on her, that would make Republicans not want to vote for her.

I think the Dems are playing the long game knowing their chances against her are slim anyway. The level of acrimony needed to derail this would turn it into a complete shit show and hurt their candidates for the Senate. Maybe even Biden. They are going to play the long game of getting the Senate and POTUS and then using their new whiter definition of packing the court.

10-13-20, 21:05
The questions Hirono and Booker were asking were just sad. Apparently, one of the news agencies dropped a "bombshell" letter from Notre Dame where 88 members of the faculty said she should withdraw her nomination.

The only problem?

Not a single signature was a member of the law school faculty. And they had to dip into the library staff to get those 88 signatures.

I know the vote will end up being like 53-47 or something. But the questions were beyond ridiculous.

10-13-20, 22:11
Concur on the comments.

I told my wife I am in love with another woman tonight... Judge Coney Barrett seems to personify both (1) a lifestyle/life choices/values similar to my family’s ’ as well as (2) being an articulate and principled jurist. The fact she isn’t Ivy League and made choices to teach at a Midwest school resonate with me, reflective of the rest of America.

I loved reading Antonin Scalia’s writing, most often in the dissent, and I expect to say the same of a future Justice Coney Barrett.

The clincher for me was today how she handled Sen. Dick Durban’s vehement criticism on making judgments around curtailing civil rights vs. non-violent felonies. The good Judge opened the door for wide for a new standard in deprivation of rights while stressing the need for due process. As noted, it was making the Democrats furious but didn’t give them enough to sway any wavering Republicans. The Judge and future proposed appointees really shouldn’t have to endure this this debasement, regardless of their politics, but she seems well prepared to sit and bear the weight.

One hell of a role model for women.
One hell of a role model for any American.

10-13-20, 23:35
To Mixzzie Horn-dogo's question, I wish Amy had responded "One time, at band camp.....".

WHo ever writes Kamala's questions, and it might be her, is pretty good. The kind of "when did you stop beating your wife", but with entrapment and false narrative sublimely threaded into them.

I srtill don't know why people don't start every answer to Blumenthal with, "Well, as you said when we were serving together in the jungles of Vietnam....".

10-14-20, 08:17
It's ironic to me that this great Woman is some sort of mythical monster to the Left.
I always try and look at things from the "Other Side", but at this point, it's just about getting their way. Lets be honest here, the Democrats specifically POTUS Obama, left a lot of holes in the judiciary and MAGA Trump filled them and he did so in his own image.
The 9th was a liberal bastion of trouble for any Conservative President and, well, Trump changed all of that.
Four more years Baby!

10-14-20, 12:15
Her holding up that blank notepad has generated some pure gold in memes.




10-14-20, 12:31
I saw the best quote this morning about the Democrats asking questions at these hearings. Paraphrased: "Amy Coney Barrett has seven kids, she's used to answering stupid questions from children."

10-14-20, 13:29
I knew that was coming as soon a saw her do it. Pure awesome sauce.

10-15-20, 15:13
Her holding up that blank notepad has generated some pure gold in memes.




This one is my favorite:


10-16-20, 01:20
We'll see what craziness the left has up their sleeve, but I see ACB getting to SCOTUS and saying to Kavanaugh '"Why was it so hard for you?"

Wasn't RBG a lawyer for Planned Parenthood and the ACLU? And now being a Catholic, like a real one, is a problem? They came up with the RBG rule because otherwise you couldn't get a GOP to vote for her with out pissing off his base.

The oddest thing about 2020, in a year where everything is a dumpster fire, this hearing is running like it actually should. CRAZY..

So far...

Did I see that testifying and sitting for questions for SCOTUS is a relatively new thing? Like since the 1930s or something?

10-16-20, 05:57
Listening to her speak and field all those A-hole questions from the lefties, all I could think of. is why isn't this woman, or someone like her, running for POTUS? She handles their BS with such grace and aplomb, in contrast to our sitting POTUS who is as nasty as they are, but in the opposite direction. While it is entertaining on some days to watch Trump pour gobs of their own medicine down their throats, I do think someone more intelligent and diplomatic might serve us better in some ways. I'd love to have someone with this woman's demeanor and poise as the POTUS with someone like Trump as her vicious VP that the other side would be terrified to have let off his leash at them.

Following the law instead of promoting your individual beliefs/agenda? Wow! What a concept? I'm very much looking forward to having someone who considers Scalia a mentor, and follows his ideology, sitting on that bench.

10-16-20, 06:03
The main thing that I garner from these hearings is how stupid a lot of senators are along with the people who voted them in.

10-16-20, 08:23
Nikki Haley
Mike Pence

Keep Pence in the background. He’s OK as the second man, but he isn’t going to grab votes.

10-16-20, 09:15
Nikki Haley
Mike Pence

Keep Pence in the background. He’s OK as the second man, but he isn’t going to grab votes.

Not even, we need to find a Candidate that looks like Dr. Quest.

10-16-20, 09:22
Not even, we need to find a Candidate that looks like Dr. Quest.

I have found some candidates:


10-16-20, 09:37
Collins is saying she's not going to vote for Barrett cuz the election is so close...rino twat.

I still say we pick up a dem vote or two.

10-16-20, 09:45

There isn't supposed to be a "Religious Test" for the job, but apparently there can be a "Dogma" Test?
These people are evil, they cannot be bargained with, they will change the rules in the middle of the game and they

10-16-20, 09:55
Based on observations of the fusses over Souter, Roberts and other so-called "Conservatives" I'll wait and see. I'd hate to be disappointed again, but I'm all out of faith in the politics.

10-16-20, 10:03
Nikki Haley
Mike Pence

Keep Pence in the background. He’s OK as the second man, but he isn’t going to grab votes.

I wouldn't bet against Nikki Haley, but I'd also keep an eye on Kristi Noem out of South Dakota as an emerging star in the GOP.

I don't see Pence running as VP for another 4-8 years. Me? I'd tend to think Tim Scott might get the nod.

But I really want to see Dan Crenshaw take the Minority (or Majority) Whip position.

10-16-20, 10:46
I wouldn't bet against Nikki Haley, but I'd also keep an eye on Kristi Noem out of South Dakota as an emerging star in the GOP.

I don't see Pence running as VP for another 4-8 years. Me? I'd tend to think Tim Scott might get the nod.

But I really want to see Dan Crenshaw take the Minority (or Majority) Whip position.

Why not both? A lady P and VP ticket would be interesting. I also am a huge fan of Dr. Condoleezza Rice, but she's no spring chicken.


10-16-20, 10:54
First thing is we need to agree on a candidate EARLY. Whoever wins the highest percentage in their NH primary almost always wins the General, with JFK 1960 and GWB 2000 the only exceptions. If we can do that, maybe we get around the "No Third Term for Either Party" rule that GHWB was the only exception to because he ran promising to be "Reagan's Third"... (and of course, was lying through his teeth as Bush League Collaborators always do, but that's beside the point.)

10-16-20, 10:58
Why not both? A lady P and VP ticket would be interesting. I also am a huge fan of Dr. Condoleezza Rice, but she's no spring chicken.


I think Condi is happy in academia at Stanford.

I'm not opposed to Nikki and Kristi running, but honestly, that might be a bit much.

10-16-20, 11:15
8 years with Bush and Chaney might have made Condi a bit "Gun Shy" to serve again.
Smarmy remarks aside, when it was over, she was done. That she was able to do what She did, when She did it was more than enough.

10-16-20, 13:47
So, CNN is now doing the job for the Senate Democrats? (not that it's surprising)

Not only that, just the fact they happened, but they can't prove she was a part of them either way is so ****ing stupid, it's mind boggling.


Senate Judiciary Democrats attempted Thursday to indefinitely delay the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, arguing that they've had "inadequate" time to review her nomination after CNN's KFile found additional talks Barrett gave were not listed on her Senate paperwork.

CNN's KFile could not independently confirm Barrett's participation in the events, only that they were listed on Notre Dame's public calendars.

"The consequence of this rushed process is that we have given inadequate scrutiny to this nominee. I move to delay these proceedings so that we can do our job and ask, again, for all the documents," Blumenthal said Thursday.

10-16-20, 15:43
If only she could load democrats for helicopter rides.

10-16-20, 22:27
Why not both? A lady P and VP ticket would be interesting. I also am a huge fan of Dr. Condoleezza Rice, but she's no spring chicken.

Nikki Haley P
Kristi Noem VP

The Leftist's heads would explode!

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10-17-20, 18:30
All these people mentioning Nikki Haley.....isn't she kind of a RINO?

10-17-20, 18:38
All these people mentioning Nikki Haley.....isn't she kind of a RINO?

Yep, we will be better off with a second term of Kamala Harris than an imperfect Republican.


10-17-20, 18:56
All these people mentioning Nikki Haley.....isn't she kind of a RINO?

Left of Cruz, but I'd say right of McConnell. I'm not a fan after she let the local Visigoths take a wrecking ball to SC history, but I only know of ONE Democrat who might be a better deal than her. (And that ONE D is a particular anomaly in Oregon who seems to have no interest in anything higher than her current long-held legislative seat.)

10-17-20, 19:41
All these people mentioning Nikki Haley.....isn't she kind of a RINO?

Pretty much every Republican is a RINO, really.

Left of Cruz, but I'd say right of McConnell. I'm not a fan after she let the local Visigoths take a wrecking ball to SC history, but I only know of ONE Democrat who might be a better deal than her. (And that ONE D is a particular anomaly in Oregon who seems to have no interest in anything higher than her current long-held legislative seat.)

I didn't know they were burning history books in South Carolina.

10-19-20, 01:44
Noem is the only governor I know of who chose freedom over panic when Covid hit; sadly including my own Lord Governor Ducey.

10-22-20, 10:03
Boo-hoo, Senate Democrats Speak After Boycotting Vote To Advance Amy Coney Barrett. Make me smile all those liberal tears flowing like a river. :haha:


10-22-20, 10:08
Boo-hoo, Senate Democrats Speak After Boycotting Vote To Advance Amy Coney Barrett. Make me smile all those liberal tears flowing like a river. :haha:

Theatre of the absurd. Got to get your face out there to stay elected by your peeps.

10-22-20, 10:12
She'll be confirmed on Hillary Clinton's Birthday. It was nice of the GOP to be so considerate.

10-26-20, 19:16
Confirmed: 52-48. Collins lone douchebag.

Happy Birthday H

10-26-20, 19:34
And this kids, is how you really pack a court.

10-26-20, 20:27
And this kids, is how you really pack a court.

And yet if history is any guide it’s still not going to change the trajectory we’re on sadly.

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10-26-20, 21:05
If she doesn’t turn out equal to or worse than Robert’s I suppose that’s a win but I guess time will tell.

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10-26-20, 23:35
Again I see the failings of the Republican pols. At least one has to drop to their knees and pleasure the other party as if a single Democratic voter will support them come election time.

At least the Dems are all ride or die bitches, not like the flighty slut RINOs who drop panties to please the liberals at the first opportunity.


10-27-20, 09:50
THIS is why we elected Trump. 3 seats now. Not because he was a smooth talker and a nice guy.

10-27-20, 10:03
THIS is why we elected Trump. 3 seats now. Not because he was a smooth talker and a nice guy.


10-27-20, 10:52
THIS is why we elected Trump. 3 seats now. Not because he was a smooth talker and a nice guy.

Two wishes were said last night.

1. For a Trump defeat next week.

2. In case 1 fails, good health for Breyer.

10-27-20, 11:00
Two wishes were said last night.

1. For a Trump defeat next week.

2. In case 1 fails, good health for Breyer.

Polar opposite of mine... four more years and at least one more seat! (NOT including Thomas or Alito approaching retirement... personally, if we can get Roberts out I'd like to see Thomas as Chief until '23, then pass the torch to the next generation.)

10-27-20, 11:38
if we can get Roberts out I'd like to see Thomas as Chief until '23, then pass the torch to the next generation.)

There's this chick from Arkansas that can make that happen.

10-27-20, 11:49
THIS is why we elected Trump. 3 seats now. Not because he was a smooth talker and a nice guy.


Two wishes were said last night.

1. For a Trump defeat next week.

2. In case 1 fails, good health for Breyer.

By the illiberal left, you mean?

10-27-20, 11:55
By the illiberal left, you mean?

Yes, my post wasn't really clear.

Hence, I didn't use the word prayer since we know how the left feels about religion.

10-27-20, 11:59
So the Dem's walking out, the mystery package and 'The Squad" vowing to now pack the Court has only increased the possibility of a violent election.

10-27-20, 13:00
Yes, my post wasn't really clear.

Hence, I didn't use the word prayer since we know how the left feels about religion.

Well, they like their emerging church hippie Jesus who wore a red Che Guevara t-shirt under his robe and said do whatever you want...except don't vote Republican.

10-27-20, 13:09
The amount of cope coming from the left on this is just astounding

-Barrett is a slave to her religious dogma

-She’s anti feminist because she advanced from within the system

-Her reputation is tarnished and she’s unethical because an ethical person would not allow a corrupt system to advance her to SCOTUS

- Trump is still illegitimate so her appointment is illegitimate so we must expand the court to render her vote ineffective.

[emoji1787] [emoji1787] this crap is rich

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10-27-20, 13:38
Let’s see how she performs on SCOTUS before we start gloating and kissing our own asses. I have a hunch she will be centrist at best and will balk on 2A issues.

10-27-20, 13:39
The amount of cope coming from the left on this is just astounding

-Barrett is a slave to her religious dogma

-She’s anti feminist because she advanced from within the system

-Her reputation is tarnished and she’s unethical because an ethical person would not allow a corrupt system to advance her to SCOTUS

- Trump is still illegitimate so her appointment is illegitimate so we must expand the court to render her vote ineffective.

[emoji1787] [emoji1787] this crap is rich

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Someone's rubber band is going to snap and soon. I would imagine a "Las Vegas" like event or a political assassination is waiting in the wings waiting for the next act.

10-27-20, 13:40
Someone's rubber band is going to snap and soon. I would imagine a "Las Vegas" like event or a political assassination is waiting in the wings waiting for the next act.

This. Lemme guess. Weapon of choice will be an imported “pistol” with a brace or something retardedly convenient

10-27-20, 14:11
Let’s see how she performs on SCOTUS before we start gloating and kissing our own asses. I have a hunch she will be centrist at best and will balk on 2A issues.

Where was I gloating?

And of course she will. She’s already stated the gov has free reign to curb armaments in the name of public safety.

Which is also funny because the left got mad she used the term “mentally ill”.

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10-27-20, 14:13
This. Lemme guess. Weapon of choice will be an imported “pistol” with a brace or something retardedly convenient

Wounded animals being dangerous and all and ACB being the sprinkles on top of a multi scoop poo-poo ice cream sundae the Left is being forced to eat, so yeah kinda just like that.
Someone's lid is about to pop and then begin spinning.

10-27-20, 14:21
Wounded animals being dangerous and all and ACB being the sprinkles on top of a multi scoop poo-poo ice cream sundae the Left is being forced to eat, so yeah kinda just like that.
Someone's lid is about to pop and then begin spinning.


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10-27-20, 14:33
Where was I gloating?

And of course she will. She’s already stated the gov has free reign to curb armaments in the name of public safety.

Which is also funny because the left got mad she used the term “mentally ill”.

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It’s not always about you

10-27-20, 16:24
FINALLY, a 5-4 conservative majority on the Supreme Court.

10-27-20, 16:25
It’s not always about you

[emoji1319] [emoji1319] [emoji1319]

Well deserved

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