View Full Version : My Letter to America: by Noor Bin Ladin

10-17-20, 02:43
Saw her on Tucker, America should listen to her...

Osama bin Laden’s niece says only Trump can prevent another 9/11

"Two-hundred and fourty-four years ago the resolve, courage, and wisdom of your Founding Fathers forever changed the course of history. For the first time, with the ratification of your Declaration of Independence, mankind was offered an unmatched societal ideal and dignified way of life. Human beings were recognized for what we truly are by nature: all created free and equal, endowed with inalienable rights which do not derive from any government, but from our Creator. With your Constitution, your Founders sealed these God given rights, and protected them by instituting a limited form of self governance along with a robust justice system. This combination keeps the promise of freedom for future generations alive and allows for human injustices to be rectified.

This, America, is what makes your nation exceptional. It is why you have stood as a beacon of democracy and hope for all subjugated peoples over the past two centuries. During some of our darkest hours, we remember how you fought for those who could not defend themselves from tyranny, at the cost of your own brave men. The world is forever in debt for your sacrifice, and we are grateful for the refuge you provide those who can flee persecution."


My Letter to America: by Noor Bin Ladin (https://rutherfordreader.com/my-letter-to-america-by-noor-bin-ladin/)

LMT Shooter
10-17-20, 12:38
I saw her talk with Tucker. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around this, it's as if Hilter had a niece who loved the USA. Sure it's a good thing to love America, but it's weird considering her ancestry. I want to believe her, because I love her message, and this reaffirms my beliefs in humanity.

I'm waiting to see if Firefly posts about how hot he thinks she is, too.

10-17-20, 16:24
I reckon being a female from that Muslim controlled society she has a very good truth of what freedom is and what the left lunacy is

As she has said America felt like her second home since she visited when she was young living in Switzerland with her money reckon she has a good life and again from her background understands what freedom really is about

10-17-20, 19:07
I'm waiting to see if Firefly posts about how hot he thinks she is, too.

Fly is a fetishist: 6 or higher, armed with an AK, and decked out in skimpy OD or tiger stripe Daisy Duke utes. Yeah she'll work. 😁

10-18-20, 00:07
Fly is a fetishist: 6 or higher, armed with an AK, and decked out in skimpy OD or tiger stripe Daisy Duke utes. Yeah she'll work. ��

Not quite, she's probably not a tranny and DEFINITELY no anime character. :p

10-18-20, 00:15
I saw her talk with Tucker. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around this, it's as if Hilter had a niece who loved the USA. Sure it's a good thing to love America, but it's weird considering her ancestry. I want to believe her, because I love her message, and this reaffirms my beliefs in humanity.

I'm waiting to see if Firefly posts about how hot he thinks she is, too.

Hitler DID have a nephew who served honorably in the US Navy.


10-19-20, 14:12
Not taking anything away from her, but UBL has probably hundreds of nieces, nephews, and grandchildren. They are prolific breeders. If you were a hardline Muslim fundamentalist family, you could probably name that one aunt/uncle/niece/nephew/cousin/grandkid, too.

10-19-20, 19:43
She’s not Mia Khalifa but I would give two goats for her


For Mia I give three goats, a pack of Marlboro Reds, and two Rip Its.

10-19-20, 20:27
I'm at a loss for words

LMT Shooter
10-19-20, 20:50
She’s not Mia Khalifa but I would give two goats for her


For Mia I give three goats, a pack of Marlboro Reds, and two Rip Its.

I fvckin' knew it......

10-19-20, 22:59
Ok, that required some Yoda level porngooglefu to be even remotely relevant. Kudos.

10-19-20, 23:24
Not taking anything away from her, but UBL has probably hundreds of nieces, nephews, and grandchildren. They are prolific breeders. If you were a hardline Muslim fundamentalist family, you could probably name that one aunt/uncle/niece/nephew/cousin/grandkid, too.

Actually OBL is the one who essentially broke from the family. They are mostly pro western, oil capitalists and in the views of OBL decadent and wicked. He turned his back on their wealth and their mostly moderate views and has at times indirectly targeted their interests and connections. If push ever came to shove he would have had no trouble directly targeting and killing most of them. Most Wahhabis would have considered it a legit honor killing.

10-20-20, 01:00
Actually OBL is the one who essentially broke from the family. They are mostly pro western, oil capitalists and in the views of OBL decadent and wicked. He turned his back on their wealth and their mostly moderate views and has at times indirectly targeted their interests and connections. If push ever came to shove he would have had no trouble directly targeting and killing most of them. Most Wahhabis would have considered it a legit honor killing.

Doesn’t the family still have a lot of juice inside the kingdom? They essentially built modern Mecca and Medina, so I always guessed they were a big enough deal to be given a lot of deference (and maybe protection).

Sent from 80ms in the future

10-20-20, 03:39
Doesn’t the family still have a lot of juice inside the kingdom? They essentially built modern Mecca and Medina, so I always guessed they were a big enough deal to be given a lot of deference (and maybe protection).

Sent from 80ms in the future

Of course they do, but let's not forget the Saudi Royal family is a target of the Wahhabis for exactly the same reason. It's actually a rather complex dynamic where the Wahhabi's are on one hand fully supported by the Saudi Royal family and promoted in Saudi Arabia as the most correct version of Islam. But at the same time they become targets of the Wahhabis because Saudi isn't a true theocracy but an Islamic Monarchy. They have and enforce Sharia Law but that isn't good enough for the fundamentalists who criticize the Saudi Royals for their ties to the west and their willingness to embrace modernization.

It's all completely at odds with each other, but imagine for a moment if our government, with all of it's corruption and agenda also had to appease a government church and something like a pope because we were a Democratic Theocracy. We'd have something similar to the same mess, although probably with a lot less decapitation and blown up buildings.

And of course at the end of the day, in a true irony of ironies, the Saudi's look to the US to secure the stability of their position in their country as a result of the Truman pact where we secure their position in exchange for favorable oil prices. Of course they haven't exactly been holding up their end of that deal since the early 1970s. And the only reason we don't tell them to FOAD is because Saudi would become an extremist theocracy overnight and then they'd really be dangerous.

10-20-20, 07:59
She’s not Mia Khalifa but I would give two goats for her


For Mia I give three goats, a pack of Marlboro Reds, and two Rip Its.

there has to be some other pics out there because she is definitely not worth 3 goats, not even 1 in my play book. Who has some hotness with this chick?