View Full Version : 20,000 uniformed troops inside U.S. by 2011

12-01-08, 10:33


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12-01-08, 10:46
....And the American Police State is born!

If there's no "immediate and ongoing terrorist attack", do you
think they are just going to stand there and look professional?

I don't think so?

12-01-08, 11:51
It's been gestating and growing the last 8 years. Gonna be hard to put that Genie back in the bottle. I would like my constitution back though.

12-01-08, 13:12
Wowzers. Maybe my soon to be CBRN training could get me a nice federal job.

12-02-08, 02:01

12-02-08, 03:19
I dunno, i thought we were short handed in Iraq and Afghanistan...

12-02-08, 07:57
Great. One more thing to look forward too.

The really sad fact is that we WILL get to see this in action some day, as I think it's safe to say that SOMEDAY there will be a WMD attack in the US. I think it's a certainty that this will happen at some point.

12-02-08, 09:06
I’d heard about this some time ago and I have mixed feelings. Having them available to deal with a major NBC incident is probably necessary. If they’re training to do things like decontaminate on a massive scale and set up triage centers, etc., then that seems fine. If they're training to deploy in what amounts to a combat role including ROE that allow use of force outside of immediate self-defense and force protection, I have a real problem with it.

The broader concern isn’t what they claim this is for now, my concern is what it will turn into gradually as people become more accepting of the concept of the military operating domestically. I also see a lot of potential for “mission creep” as someone like Obama decides to use this limited authority to send troops in for other reasons.

It definitely makes me nervous.

12-02-08, 09:26
It definitely makes me nervous.

Me, too. It almost makes me want to join the ACLU:

Are you living in a Constitution free zone? (http://www.aclu.org/privacy/spying/areyoulivinginaconstitutionfreezone.html)

12-02-08, 10:49
Great. One more thing to look forward too.

The really sad fact is that we WILL get to see this in action some day, as I think it's safe to say that SOMEDAY there will be a WMD attack in the US. I think it's a certainty that this will happen at some point.

Whether or not this will be a future occurance, the free market, if left unhindered is much better equipped to handle such a scenario. A good place to start is the wonderful book edited by Hans-Hermann Hoppe "The Myth of National Defense" http://www.mises.org/store/product.aspx?ProductId=171
It is free online here: http://mises.org/books/defensemyth.pdf

12-02-08, 10:55
Hell, I'm just keeping an eye out for the want ads for this new agency. Way things are going they'll be the only ones hiring AND the only ones with guns.

12-02-08, 15:48
Whether or not this will be a future occurance, the free market, if left unhindered is much better equipped to handle such a scenario. A good place to start is the wonderful book edited by Hans-Hermann Hoppe "The Myth of National Defense" http://www.mises.org/store/product.aspx?ProductId=171
It is free online here: http://mises.org/books/defensemyth.pdf

I'm pretty libertarian-leaning but the idea that national defense is something to be left to the private sector and market forces is pretty absurd. It's a textbook example - literally the example used in economics textbooks - of a "public good" that is non-rival and non-excludable and almost has to be done by the government from an economic standpoint.

12-02-08, 18:31
BAD idea!!! :mad:

12-02-08, 19:56
The contingency plans are already available to deal with any type of SHTF scenario.

This is why we have well-trained LEOs, who put their lives on the line every day to protect the rest of us, investigate, prevent, and deter crimes, as well as a National Guard.

I think this "plan" sets a bad precedence.

It undermines a lot of things, mostly the Constitution.

America is NOT the place to have standing armies on the "homefront".

"Judge them by their fruits".

I don't want our honour, and the honour of those who've come before us, who fought and died for freedom, who defeated the Nazis, the Communists, and Tyrants the world over, to be desecrated by us becoming that which we fought to defeat.

There is no greater failure for this wonderful nation, than to descend into something like a banana republic, or some fascist dictatorship, and throw freedom, and the heritage of freedom this country has embraced since its foundation, to the wind, for the perception of "security".

If this comes to fruition, and boots are on the streets domestically, we have dishonoured and disgraced all the fallen heroes who've come before us.

12-02-08, 20:05
Based on how easily the War on Drugs has been used as a reason for deploying military forces or assets on US civilians (even as made up incidental "cause", e.g.,Waco), it shouldn't take long for the War on Terror to be reason for tanks to rumble through our streets.

Knock, knock...

Oh wait, there won't be a knock.

I guess if you want to be President for Life it will be handy to have a palace Guard. Or if you plan to rape and pillage 401K funds. Or you plan to send the bill for an $8.5 trillion bailout to the taxpayers next year.

Outlander Systems
12-02-08, 20:10
I guess this means the Economy ain't gettin' any better...

12-03-08, 00:33
Too bad there are some who are open, blatant apologists for ANYTHING our gov't does...

We cannot ever claim that we were not forewarned.