View Full Version : He's back: Jordan Peterson Video

10-21-20, 12:42
He's back!



He's an eccentric guy and I've really missed his view point. The health issues that his family has faced are bewildering. He provides an intellectual underpinnings to the defense of western culture that really is second to none. His defense of liberty and individual rights I think helped keep society going. Reminds me of Victor Davis Hanson, but after a montage scene where he beefs up.

His absence hurt our cause and the discourse. His voice during the riots/BLM would have been interesting. An intellectual heavy-weight hit-man, like a 1970s Thomas Sowell. An anti-dote to the pseudo-lectual left and their condescending communication style.

I look forward to his return with a new perspective on life after dealing with so much pain, stalked by death.

10-21-20, 13:46
Glad to know he's doing better. The toll his ordeal has taken on him is painfully obvious. I look forward to his future work, and certainly appreciate all his past work too.

10-21-20, 14:30
What an amazing guy, Literally the best we have of intellectuals on the Conservative side today.
I'm certainly glad he's better and decided to saddle back up.

There is of course rumor that he is the illegitimate Son of William F Buckley Jr.

10-21-20, 15:28
Thank God. He is a positive voice for so many.

10-21-20, 15:57
So glad he is doing better.

10-21-20, 18:57
If Biden wins, we'll really need him.

10-21-20, 22:39
I haven't watched this video yet but it's in my feed with many other video lectures of his he's a great voice of direction.

10-22-20, 09:51
His positions are brilliantly simple, yet confounding to so many. Very glad to hear he's back.

10-22-20, 12:06
He had a weird diet for a while, all red meat iirc. Something to do with his daughter having some weird digestive issue and he adopter her same diet.

10-22-20, 14:23
If you were a Latchkey Kid or your mom had a new boyfriend every month while your dad lived in a van, Jordan Peter-san sounds like a Messiah.

Otherwise heÂ’s a sad weirdo with a trashy-hot daughter who brings him shame


I know people thirst for conservative voices but nah

10-22-20, 14:29
JP has some great perspective and commentary on all aspects of our society IMO. I have his book but haven’t read it yet.

10-22-20, 15:26
If you were a Latchkey Kid or your mom had a new boyfriend every month while your dad lived in a van, Jordan Peter-san sounds like a Messiah.

Otherwise heÂ’s a sad weirdo with a trashy-hot daughter who brings him shame


I know people thirst for conservative voices but nah

Granted, he’s Canadian, so is sorta odd doncha know, but he has excellent insights on collectivism vs individual rights.

10-22-20, 16:06
I'm glad he's back. He's obviously still very much in recovery. We need his voice of reason now more than ever.

10-22-20, 22:47
If you were a Latchkey Kid or your mom had a new boyfriend every month while your dad lived in a van, Jordan Peter-san sounds like a Messiah.

Otherwise heÂ’s a sad weirdo with a trashy-hot daughter who brings him shame


I know people thirst for conservative voices but nah

Watch this. Worth every minute.


10-23-20, 08:47
If you were a Latchkey Kid or your mom had a new boyfriend every month while your dad lived in a van, Jordan Peter-san sounds like a Messiah.

Otherwise heÂ’s a sad weirdo with a trashy-hot daughter who brings him shame

I know people thirst for conservative voices but nah

I don't care about his daughter. He has some great and very deep discussions and lectures on a wide range of topics. My mom was married to my dad until he died and she was a stay at home mom. Also no living in a van.

10-23-20, 09:40
I don't care about his daughter. He has some great and very deep discussions and lectures on a wide range of topics. My mom was married to my dad until he died and she was a stay at home mom. Also no living in a van.

About living in a van.......
Just hopefully not “down by the river”. Lol.

10-23-20, 09:42
The guy speaks in a very calming manner.
I enjoy his work and he seems to explain my feelings about why Conservatism, Freedom and our Republic is logical and the natural State of Man.
I don't think I could drive coast to coast listening to him, I would end up off I-10 Somewhere asleep in a ditch.