View Full Version : This should be interesting....The McCloskeys speak..

10-23-20, 10:54
Tonight, a local Conservative group is hosting the McCloskeys who will give a little presentation about their experience.

You all know how I feel about these folks, but I am willing to listen....Either way, hearing firsthand about the BLM mobs will be interesting.

10-23-20, 11:25
Tonight, a local Conservative group is hosting the McCloskeys who will give a little presentation about their experience.

You all know how I feel about these folks, but I am willing to listen....Either way, hearing firsthand about the BLM mobs will be interesting.

Maybe they are slowly seeing some light.

10-24-20, 09:55
I cannot recommend the Crow at this Establishment, it tastes like crap....

That out of the way, the McCloskeys are touring for a Trump Victory organization. Mark spoke for about an hour, he detailed some of their prior life (He indicated they have always been Republicans for instance) and of course the incident itself.

He went into great detail about their state of mind leading up to the confrontation talking about the considerable unrest in St.Louis prior to the incident including personal anecdotes about people they knew who had their businesses looted etc... He indicated they had pre staged fire extinguishers and guns in preparation. The protest was a known event, published on a Facebook page. However, it didnt come off at the time it was supposed to so he and his wife kinda went about their usual business-family dinner etc....The riotors showing up was a surprise.

He indicated that the only words he said to the protestors was "PRIVATE PROPERTY" as they entered the gate- which was locked, and that was what set them off. He was initially out on his porch/deck with his rifle with a hedge and a low wall between him and the riotors. His wife was in the house. Then suddenly she came out of another door and was between him and them.....He felt he had no choice but to go to her to protect her and left that position. He knew the gun she had was DEACTIVATED AND COMPLETELY INERT. Turns out it was a Bryco that they had used as a prop in a lawsuit and deactivated for use in court!!!!

The incident we saw though was only the beginning! For the entire next week they recieved many threats of firebombing and murder. They were told a mob was coming for them the next Friday--(in fact, a mob of 500-700-per fbi estimates, people did show up but stayed outside the walls). They did not know what to do, they tried to hire security and no one would take the job.

The Whitehouse reached out to them. Allen West arranged for a contingent of retired Navy Seals to be on hand that following weekend. Local police were told to stand down! Despite this the Chief of Police stayed with them for that Friday evening as well. There were FBI air assets overhead. At one point one of the Seals detected a sniper in a nearby building....turned out to be FBI HRT on overwatch!

Many lessons, very interesting....

10-24-20, 10:43
Politically Left or Right, Rich or Poor, when the hordes of the unclean and evil threaten life and property, a self-preservation instinct can kick in and you'll use any tool available - a rock, a sharp stick....or a gun.

Maybe they're assholes in their private lives, but I don't fault them for standing up for what is theirs. It's a basic right.

10-24-20, 11:24
"...There were FBI air assets overhead. At one point one of the Seals detected a sniper in a nearby building....turned out to be FBI HRT on overwatch!"

I wonder who the overwatch was in support of?

Not really.

10-24-20, 11:42
"...There were FBI air assets overhead. At one point one of the Seals detected a sniper in a nearby building....turned out to be FBI HRT on overwatch!"

I wonder who the overwatch was in support of?

Not really.

Why does my inner cynic suspect that if the scum had made a FIrst Move, even if it was unmistakably them like a Molotov, these two woulda been Horiuchi'ed?

10-24-20, 12:16
"...There were FBI air assets overhead. At one point one of the Seals detected a sniper in a nearby building....turned out to be FBI HRT on overwatch!"

I wonder who the overwatch was in support of?

Not really.

Literally was about to post this.
Given the times we're in and the known leanings of the Feebs...

10-24-20, 13:55
The incident we saw though was only the beginning! For the entire next week they recieved many threats of firebombing and murder. They were told a mob was coming for them the next Friday--(in fact, a mob of 500-700-per fbi estimates, people did show up but stayed outside the walls). They did not know what to do, they tried to hire security and no one would take the job. The Whitehouse reached out to them. Allen West arranged for a contingent of retired Navy Seals to be on hand that following weekend. Local police were told to stand down! Despite this the Chief of Police stayed with them for that Friday evening as well. There were FBI air assets overhead. At one point one of the Seals detected a sniper in a nearby building....turned out to be FBI HRT on overwatch!

I'm completely sure the US government would do that for any one of us in a similar situation. Oh wait that would NEVER happen.

Perhaps if they used Navy Seals and HRT in the first place we wouldn't have gotten to this point.

10-24-20, 14:31
I think the two things that have come to light in the last 9 months for everyone to clearly see:

1. Law enforcement is just a political entity to be wielded or reeled in as the politicians see fit. They will not protect you from the mobs.

2. Who the Democratic party really is and who and what they support. Anyone who votes Democrat cannot say they didn't know what they were getting.

10-24-20, 15:22
I cannot recommend the Crow at this Establishment, it tastes like crap....

That out of the way, the McCloskeys are touring for a Trump Victory organization. Mark spoke for about an hour, he detailed some of their prior life (He indicated they have always been Republicans for instance) and of course the incident itself.

He went into great detail about their state of mind leading up to the confrontation talking about the considerable unrest in St.Louis prior to the incident including personal anecdotes about people they knew who had their businesses looted etc... He indicated they had pre staged fire extinguishers and guns in preparation. The protest was a known event, published on a Facebook page. However, it didnt come off at the time it was supposed to so he and his wife kinda went about their usual business-family dinner etc....The riotors showing up was a surprise.

He indicated that the only words he said to the protestors was "PRIVATE PROPERTY" as they entered the gate- which was locked, and that was what set them off. He was initially out on his porch/deck with his rifle with a hedge and a low wall between him and the riotors. His wife was in the house. Then suddenly she came out of another door and was between him and them.....He felt he had no choice but to go to her to protect her and left that position. He knew the gun she had was DEACTIVATED AND COMPLETELY INERT. Turns out it was a Bryco that they had used as a prop in a lawsuit and deactivated for use in court!!!!

The incident we saw though was only the beginning! For the entire next week they recieved many threats of firebombing and murder. They were told a mob was coming for them the next Friday--(in fact, a mob of 500-700-per fbi estimates, people did show up but stayed outside the walls). They did not know what to do, they tried to hire security and no one would take the job. The Whitehouse reached out to them. Allen West arranged for a contingent of retired Navy Seals to be on hand that following weekend. Local police were told to stand down! Despite this the Chief of Police stayed with them for that Friday evening as well. There were FBI air assets overhead. At one point one of the Seals detected a sniper in a nearby building....turned out to be FBI HRT on overwatch!

Many lessons, very interesting....

Wow, thanks for some inside intel... really interesting.

I'm completely sure the US government would do that for any one of us in a similar situation. Oh wait that would NEVER happen.

Perhaps if they used Navy Seals and HRT in the first place we wouldn't have gotten to this point.

It doesn’t take that level, it just takes local PD being allowed to act and those Rioters that get arrested for violence get charged and convicted.

10-24-20, 15:55
Wow, thanks for some inside intel... really interesting.

It doesn’t take that level, it just takes local PD being allowed to act and those Rioters that get arrested for violence get charged and convicted.

Mark said 250 were arrested in the original riots...all released without charges by a Soros DA. Says Cory Bush was one of the main "organizers", has personally called for his death....is now his Congressmen...

Take aways---

1. Nobody is coming to save you....I doubt any of us will get a call from the Whitehouse and offers of help. The police, MAY help but often its a political decision and unlikely in your favor.

2. There are national/international forces you can barely comprehend at work actively destroying your country.

3. So, you better ORGANIZE LOCALLY-in a serious way....ability to produce food, fighting forces, comms,logistics, intelligence, medical....We are literally entering a place in U.S. history where you need your own Tribe. Period. People willing to show up on short notice and get their hands dirty and STFU. Thats fact.

4. Mark ended his talk with points we have discussed before-if we lose now, its all over. The communists--and he called them that, will change the system so as to make it impossible to ever have political power again. We will be marginalized and essentially enslaved.

Get your mind right and your shit together.

10-24-20, 18:23
Appreciate confirmation of this.
Your last 4 points are well taken. I have preached “you are responsible for your own well being, blah/blah” for a considerable time to “the lads”.

We are, and HAVE BEEN under attack by the left for years.
It has just become easier to see, less restrained and obvious to the densest dumb ass of late.

I’ll spare any further soap boxing other than; it’s coming soon- finish preparations.

10-25-20, 01:37
I cannot recommend the Crow at this Establishment, it tastes like crap....

That out of the way, the McCloskeys are touring for a Trump Victory organization. Mark spoke for about an hour, he detailed some of their prior life (He indicated they have always been Republicans for instance) and of course the incident itself.

He went into great detail about their state of mind leading up to the confrontation talking about the considerable unrest in St.Louis prior to the incident including personal anecdotes about people they knew who had their businesses looted etc... He indicated they had pre staged fire extinguishers and guns in preparation. The protest was a known event, published on a Facebook page. However, it didnt come off at the time it was supposed to so he and his wife kinda went about their usual business-family dinner etc....The riotors showing up was a surprise.

He indicated that the only words he said to the protestors was "PRIVATE PROPERTY" as they entered the gate- which was locked, and that was what set them off. He was initially out on his porch/deck with his rifle with a hedge and a low wall between him and the riotors. His wife was in the house. Then suddenly she came out of another door and was between him and them.....He felt he had no choice but to go to her to protect her and left that position. He knew the gun she had was DEACTIVATED AND COMPLETELY INERT. Turns out it was a Bryco that they had used as a prop in a lawsuit and deactivated for use in court!!!!

The incident we saw though was only the beginning! For the entire next week they recieved many threats of firebombing and murder. They were told a mob was coming for them the next Friday--(in fact, a mob of 500-700-per fbi estimates, people did show up but stayed outside the walls). They did not know what to do, they tried to hire security and no one would take the job.

The Whitehouse reached out to them. Allen West arranged for a contingent of retired Navy Seals to be on hand that following weekend. Local police were told to stand down! Despite this the Chief of Police stayed with them for that Friday evening as well. There were FBI air assets overhead. At one point one of the Seals detected a sniper in a nearby building....turned out to be FBI HRT on overwatch!

Many lessons, very interesting....

Did they serve T-Ravs as appetizers?

10-25-20, 08:02
Did they serve T-Ravs as appetizers?

That is a St. Louis thung isn't it...Lol