View Full Version : ATN clip on? Other??

10-27-20, 20:33
Let me start with that I'm new to NV. I know little!

Looking at a clip on NV, seems that I could use it on any of my rifles, and use the rifle w/o it attached. Am I understanding this wrong?

So I'm thinking thais: https://www.atncorp.com/nightvision-daynight-atnps28-3

Are there other options? Please, give me some ideas and options!

Purpose is ultimately hog hunting. Also, yokes and the random critter in the back yard. My main rifle of focus is sr25 w/ accupower 1-8.

Are there better options or systems that I should consider?
I could go dedicated NV rifle, I have options.

Thank you.

10-27-20, 21:37
I would stay away from ATN. There a lot of trade in PVS-30’s, -27’s, and -24LR’s on the market that can be had for the sub $5000 price range. Any of those should serve you well for your intended needs.

10-28-20, 10:00
I would stay away from ATN. There a lot of trade in PVS-30’s, -27’s, and -24LR’s on the market that can be had for the sub $5000 price range. Any of those should serve you well for your intended needs.

This times 1000!

Some of the refurbished PVS30s are back on the market and are some of the nicest ones we have seen in years.

First however I would ask the OP if he is 100% sure he wants/needs a dedicated clip on?

10-28-20, 22:11
What are your current night vision capabilities? Also, what is your hunting technique? Are you baiting and just sitting or spotting and stalking?

10-31-20, 13:15
Thx for the feedback.

I do some yote hunting, sitting and calling to date. I have them in the back yard, and if I could move the NV to the .22 I'd be able to take some there too. For hog hunting, don't know as I've never gone. But want to.

If not clip on, what's the next option? Can I move from one rifle to another w/o re zero? Can I remove from rifle and use as spotting scope for wild life in back yard?


10-31-20, 23:36
Thx for the feedback.

I do some yote hunting, sitting and calling to date. I have them in the back yard, and if I could move the NV to the .22 I'd be able to take some there too. For hog hunting, don't know as I've never gone. But want to.

If not clip on, what's the next option? Can I move from one rifle to another w/o re zero? Can I remove from rifle and use as spotting scope for wild life in back yard?


You also have head mounted NVG’s that are more suited for scanning, navigation, and short to medium range engagements. If you have rifles equipped with NV compatible optics, you can aim passively through your optic with your NVG. You can equip your rifle with an IR illuminator for low ambient light situations. You will definitely want an illuminator.

Also consider thermal optics. You will be surprised how hard it is to detect animals at night with NVG’s. Unless you’re willing to spend $15,000, I would go with a dedicated thermal optic instead of a thermal clip on. I’m not even sure there’s many options for thermal clip ons in the sub 15k range.

Clip on’s are very niche and I don’t know if I would recommend them for your first intro into NV. They can be mounted in front of spotting scopes with the appropriate mount.

11-01-20, 02:51
Clip on’s are very niche and I don’t know if I would recommend them for your first intro into NV

I would highly agree with this.

PVS14 is usually most people entry way into NV, often followed by duals.

Clip on NV and dedicated NV scopes are a much smaller market