View Full Version : World Economic Forum: Welcome to 2030 'I own nothing, have no privacy and it's great'

10-28-20, 16:31
Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Voyager both feature episodes that depict what the writers imagined life would be like on Earth in the future. One good reference is one of the Voyager episodes featuring the character "Barclay." It shows Earth is peaceful and filled with purpose. No one is left behind. There is no money. All are equal and are free to pursue their passions and interests all their lives because nearly anything desired can be had instantly.

I now believe that vision of the future is impossible, short of extensive genetic engineering that would somehow completely re engineer our biologically driven need for hierarchy and eliminate the presence of sociopathy, psychopathy, and somehow modify human ambition without rendering us extinct in a few generations.

We as humans are not capable of existing the way Star Trek writers dreamed. Our brains are not evolved to support it. There is no way to force it without genetic manipulation that would require knowledge that is centuries beyond us. It simply isn't possible now. Whether it's even desirable is another question entirely.

Yet that is exactly what the geniuses of our age seem to believe to be a worthy pursuit. They show no understanding of human biology or what motivates human behavior, yet they have the hubris to believe they can somehow force the issue by seizing and then wielding overwhelming and inescapable control over large swaths of humanity. It's like the realization of a combination of 1984 and Brave New World.

Hubris. Dogma. Arrogance. Condescension. Spite.




10-28-20, 16:43
Communism has a basic tenant that human is basically good, but that some people are just corrupted beyond repair. Thus, if we can exterminate the corrupted ones, the remaining good ones will create a utopia.

That's why they hate Western Judeo-Christian culture so much, as the worldview is that humanity basically sinful/selfish, and will never do the right thing. Thus, limited governments set up through mutual distrust is necessary to regulate both tyrannical government and ungoverned populations.

10-28-20, 16:51
Live in the pod, eat the bugs.


10-28-20, 16:52
Communism has a basic tenant that human is basically good, but that some people are just corrupted beyond repair. Thus, if we can exterminate the corrupted ones, the remaining good ones will create a utopia.

That's why they hate Western Judeo-Christian culture so much, as the worldview is that humanity basically sinful/selfish, and will never do the right thing. Thus, limited governments set up through mutual distrust is necessary to regulate both tyrannical government and ungoverned populations.

The future depicted in James Cameron's Terminator would be a more satisfying human existence.

Control freaks. Change junkies. Essential spices in the human stew, but they should never be the dominant ingredients.

10-28-20, 17:16
Live in the pod, eat the bugs.


How very pertinent. Takes me back too.

Except back in the day, all the musicians thought it would be Rightwing people doing it.

10-28-20, 19:05
Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Voyager both feature episodes that depict what the writers imagined life would be like on Earth in the future. One good reference is one of the Voyager episodes featuring the character "Barclay." It shows Earth is peaceful and filled with purpose. No one is left behind. There is no money. All are equal and are free to pursue their passions and interests all their lives because nearly anything desired can be had instantly.

I now believe that vision of the future is impossible, short of extensive genetic engineering that would somehow completely re engineer our biologically driven need for hierarchy and eliminate the presence of sociopathy, psychopathy, and somehow modify human ambition without rendering us extinct in a few generations.

We as humans are not capable of existing the way Star Trek writers dreamed. Our brains are not evolved to support it. There is no way to force it without genetic manipulation that would require knowledge that is centuries beyond us. It simply isn't possible now. Whether it's even desirable is another question entirely.

It took "First Contact" for the human race to "evolve" into this new way of thinking. So be patient, it's right around the corner.

10-28-20, 19:32
It's man's quest for godhood...get on board and stop resisting...you'll feel better.

And I forgot...you won't be that god...some other dude will.

10-28-20, 20:52
Seems Appropriate for the thread https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAI2QOBMlTA

10-28-20, 21:01
The book/movie K-PAX also offers an uncomfortable "utopia" in the form of a planet where the beings have perfected society:

-Beings do not seek any kind of pleasure; even sex is done out of duty to reproduce alone, as passion is considered outdated and intercourse among the "K-Paxians" is considered painful and unpleasant.

-Families are obsolete. Children are raised by society as a whole and most people do not know their biological parents.

-Jokes and games are considered stupid as life should be interesting enough without humor and leisure.

-Everybody is vegan.

-Nobody has any friends or strong interpersonal connections as they simply regard all beings with a general compassion and only work together as needed.

-Beings consider themselves so insignificant that they insist on not even capitalizing their names.

-There are no governments or authorities and people just work without being asked.

The main character telling of this planet is supposedly a schizophrenic and not an alien visiting from K-PAX as he claims, but this is still the writer's view of what a utopia would be. Seems like a very lonely, pointless life.

10-28-20, 22:03
Yeah, IF and WHEN I get my very own holodeck I will "consider" the no privacy thing but I'm going to have lots and lots and lots of possessions including bioreplicants of Christy Canyon and Ginger Lynn circa 1986.

People can watch if they want. Whatever.

10-28-20, 22:18
The lust for power in certain people is quite biblical in scope...we've all got a little Ahab and Jezebel in us.

10-28-20, 23:33
The lust for power in certain people is quite biblical in scope...we've all got a little Ahab and Jezebel in us.

So to be objective for a moment, power is security and most rational minded people want security for themselves and their family. Most of us here achieve that through various tools of personal defense because we lack the means to build a secure empire around ourselves.

So just as guns aren't inherently good or evil, neither is the desire for power and security. It's all about how you obtain those tools and use them for better or for worse. We should also probably keep in mind that we didn't become the apex predator on this planet by trying to understand the other predators that were competing with us and it shouldn't be surprising that those genetic remnants might still be so strong in some that they still see everyone else as a competing predator.

Not that I'm giving anyone a pass who gains power through the abuse of the innocent or anything, I just see the actual motivations.