View Full Version : Sean Connery has died.

10-31-20, 08:12
Sad day today (Sir) Sean Connery has died. He was 90 years old. :(


10-31-20, 08:21
RIP he was in a lot of great movies

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10-31-20, 08:31
Rest In Peace.

Guess I’ll watch The Hunt For Red October tonight.

10-31-20, 08:35
RIP. 2020 just keeps on giving the joy

10-31-20, 08:47
2020 blows.


The man was one of THE greatest.

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10-31-20, 08:49
The Longest Day is one of my favourite war movies, always liked his bit part in that.

10-31-20, 08:50
I'll be watching The Wind and the Lion this afternoon. IMHO it's the best movie Connery ever made

10-31-20, 08:55
Rest In Peace Mr. Connery

10-31-20, 09:14
RIP Sir.

10-31-20, 09:16
Do NOT ask "What next?".

RIP sir.

10-31-20, 09:47
"Your best? Losers always whine about their best."

"Winners go home and f*** the prom queen."

10-31-20, 10:34
Rest In Peace, Mr. Connery.

Thanks for all the memories.

10-31-20, 10:36
There better be a James Bond marathon starting about now.

10-31-20, 10:47
All that aside, I always liked Dragonheart

10-31-20, 11:07
"Your best? Losers always whine about their best."

"Winners go home and f*** the prom queen."

That's the movie I always thing of first when I think of him. And that line!

10-31-20, 11:11
F*CK. RIP Sir.

10-31-20, 11:53
RIP, Sir. It's always sad to see the icons of your childhood or young adulthood pass (as it reminds you that you're not that far behind), but he lived to a ripe, old age and had an incredible career.

10-31-20, 12:11
I'll be watching The Wind and the Lion this afternoon. IMHO it's the best movie Connery ever made

One of my favorite movies overall.

10-31-20, 12:34
He could even carry a movie wearing a red diaper - Zardoz.

Lived a great life on his own terms. R.I.P.

10-31-20, 12:34
My top 5 Sean Connery films:

1. The Untouchables
2. The Hunt for Red October
3. Highlander
4. A Bridge Too Far
5. Never Say Never Again

10-31-20, 13:43
Good actor but dont tear up over him.

I do believe he doesn't think people should own guns (except perhaps rich folk like himself) and wasnt against slappin' a woman who wont "back off".

He was born into the lucky-sperm club, did a great job on screen, became very rich, and poked many, many, many women. Many. Dimes, too. Many. All he wanted.

Certainly he worked hard and had a great life.

Despite hating guns he helped thousands of PPK's in the wrong caliber enter the world to sting and cut the hands of those who fired them.


10-31-20, 14:00
The only actor I will ever mourn sincerely will be Phoebe Cates. She looks like an old Mama-san now but in her prime I would have committed hate crimes and terrorism for her to spit in my face and kick me in noots barefoot.

Otherwise meh 90 years old, in a few movies, not bad

10-31-20, 14:06
Despite hating guns he helped thousands of PPK's in the wrong caliber enter the world to sting and cut the hands of those who fired them.

Well, it does have the delivery like a brick through a plate glass window.

10-31-20, 14:13
Also PPKs weren’t that bad. It’s like a Makarov but for actual people

10-31-20, 14:17
He tried to get his doctor to start monologging so that he could live longer and escape, but it didn’t work.

10-31-20, 14:18
Also PPKs weren’t that bad. It’s like a Makarov but for actual people

Better in 7.65 mm 😎 (as described in the later books and nearly all the movies)

10-31-20, 14:20
He tried to get his doctor to start monologging so that he could live longer and escape, but it didn’t work.

This made me laugh. Good work sir.

Sent from 80ms in the future

10-31-20, 14:21
Well, it does have the delivery like a brick through a plate glass window.

I always hated that stupid line since I first heard it. 🙄

LMT Shooter
10-31-20, 14:23
Sean Connery was such a good actor that he could make a movie starring Nicholas Cage enjoyable to watch, no small feat.

11-01-20, 04:10
I'd like to do an Amazon return for the year 2020, can we maybe exchange it for 1986?

11-01-20, 04:15
Good actor but dont tear up over him.

I do believe he doesn't think people should own guns (except perhaps rich folk like himself) and wasnt against slappin' a woman who wont "back off".

He was born into the lucky-sperm club, did a great job on screen, became very rich, and poked many, many, many women. Many. Dimes, too. Many. All he wanted.

Certainly he worked hard and had a great life.

Despite hating guns he helped thousands of PPK's in the wrong caliber enter the world to sting and cut the hands of those who fired them.


With actors who have no talent and only activism, I agree. But actors who have talent and engage in minimal activism, I allow them their views just as I demand to be allowed mine. In the bigger picture, Connery probably made the world a little more enjoyable than if he had never existed.

The only actor I will ever mourn sincerely will be Phoebe Cates. She looks like an old Mama-san now but in her prime I would have committed hate crimes and terrorism for her to spit in my face and kick me in noots barefoot.

Otherwise meh 90 years old, in a few movies, not bad

Phoebe Cates, to this day I still hate Kevin Kline. Jennifer Connelly will be another sad day as well.

11-01-20, 06:18

Juan Sánchez-Villalobos Ramírez

896 B.C. - A.D. 2020

11-01-20, 08:46
Many enjoyable movies. RIP.

"I think there's shmoke coming out of my ass...ton Martin!"

Couldn't resist.

Evel Baldgui
11-01-20, 16:47
Always enjoyed all his 007 films, however, Hunt for Red October and Untouchables were my favorites

11-01-20, 17:29
His widow said he was suffering from dementia in the last few years of his life. Glad he's no longer suffering.
