View Full Version : What will happen to our guns and gun rights now?

11-04-20, 16:42
Elections have consequences. What will be the consequences as it relates to our guns and gun rights?

11-04-20, 16:47
Nothing, as long as we keep the senate. Remember Obama couldn't get it done when he had the house and the senate and that was right after Sandy Hook happened.

11-04-20, 16:50
Good point.

11-04-20, 16:56
What do you mean? Are you suggesting that Biden could win with all the fraud coming into view??

11-04-20, 17:00
What do you mean? Are you suggesting that Biden could win with all the fraud coming into view??

Looks that way.

11-04-20, 17:00
Rights to defend yourself dont come from men. What happens your weapons is your choice. Always.

11-04-20, 17:11
If Biden does win (and it’s not a given at this point), assuming R’s control the senate (this is still hanging in the balance), it would be a constant 2 year fight but, may I remind OP BATFE has already set the table, braces are going to turn many into felons overnight via reclassification to SBRs, that will certainly come to pass. All the morons who voted for that Jo whatever will regret that vote once the cuffs get slapped on, and I do expect that to happen. Joe Biden was the author of the 1993 federal AWB, he is a huge gun grabber and he will do what he can, don’t any of you forget it.

11-04-20, 17:16
If Biden does win (and it’s not a given at this point), assuming R’s control the senate (this is still hanging in the balance), it would be a constant 2 year fight but, may I remind OP BATFE has already set the table, braces are going to turn many into felons overnight via reclassification to SBRs, that will certainly come to pass. All the morons who voted for that Jo whatever will regret that vote once the cuffs get slapped on, and I do expect that to happen. Joe Biden was the author of the 1993 federal AWB, he is a huge gun grabber and he will do what he can, don’t any of you forget it.

I don't think that will happen. There has already been so many "pistols" with braces legitimately sold in gunshops throughout the nation. They'll never get away with that big of a grab/turning millions of people to felons overnight.

11-04-20, 17:24
Elections have consequences. What will be the consequences as it relates to our guns and gun rights?

Less Gun Rights seems like a safe bet. Braces and 80% probably gone ASAP

11-04-20, 17:28
Only what YOU allow to happen to them. ;)

Evel Baldgui
11-04-20, 17:35
Biden won. Trump lost. Argue all you want, demand all the re-counts you want, throw in every legal challenge under the sun, it doesn't phucking matter. The Dems will steal this election and there isn't jack shit anyone can do about it. Your gun rights ? You either fight for them and tell .gov to eat a bag of aids dicks, via massive non compliance / civil disobedience or just register/turn them in, whatever. Completely disgusted with 51% this country.

11-04-20, 17:42
Biden won. Trump lost. Argue all you want, demand all the re-counts you want, throw in every legal challenge under the sun, it doesn't phucking matter. The Dems will steal this election and there isn't jack shit anyone can do about it. Your gun rights ? You either fight for them and tell .gov to eat a bag of aids dicks, via massive non compliance / civil disobedience or just register/turn them in, whatever. Completely disgusted with 51% this country.

And you see no problem with this? Seriously? I do, so excuse the fvck out of me.

Straight Shooter
11-04-20, 17:48
Only what YOU allow to happen to them. ;)

JUST had that conversation. All bravado aside- I only know what I WONT DO, when /if the dreaded "knock on the door" comes.
I WONT just hand over, give to, register, pay ANY more tax on, render inoperable, sell "back" to any agency, or any of the other schemes and scams these f-ing Godless demons have come up with.
They will not willingly be allowed to "inspect", "document" or approve or dis-approve of anything I own.
So, all this said- as I just told my lifelong pal..law enforcement, down to a man, are gonna have to decide what is their own personal red line that they wont cross, wont do, job be damned.
It will NOT be me or my ilk who sheds blood. That blood is own every M-F'er that just voted demonrat. On every Constitutionaly ignorent buffoon who thinks its ok to confiscate law abiding citizens private property & means of self defense of kith & kin, home & hearth.
THATS where the blood will lie.
IF Obiden & the Harlot Harris wind up winnng..lets get the show on the road before Im too old, fat & stove up to participate.
And we will either lose, or FINALLY have that threat removed from hanging over our heads.

11-04-20, 17:49
Biden won. Trump lost. Argue all you want, demand all the re-counts you want, throw in every legal challenge under the sun, it doesn't phucking matter. The Dems will steal this election and there isn't jack shit anyone can do about it. Your gun rights ? You either fight for them and tell .gov to eat a bag of aids dicks, via massive non compliance / civil disobedience or just register/turn them in, whatever. Completely disgusted with 51% this country.If they steel then Biden didn't win

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11-04-20, 17:51
Ballot Box or Cartridge Box...YOU decide what happens to your freedoms and what your freedoms are worth.

"Shall not be infringed" could not be any more clear. You are either a citizen or a subject. YOU decide.

11-04-20, 17:55
Show some maturity, Homeland Security

11-04-20, 18:04
Biden has this thing in the bag. Regardless of if this will be a legitimate Biden win or an illegitimate Biden win, most folks can read the tea leaves. Given that reality, the Senate becomes the last line of political defense...and it's going to be close. The Democrats will likely pick up another seat in Michigan. A lot of money is going to be spent in the upcoming runoff for the second Georgia Senate seat. Perdue and Tillis have to pull their seats in their respective races (GA and NC). It's just so close. Again, it's all about the Senate...but, then again, it's always been about the Senate. The Courts and the Senate are the two most important political bodies in our country.

11-04-20, 18:08
Biden won. Trump lost. Argue all you want, demand all the re-counts you want, throw in every legal challenge under the sun, it doesn't phucking matter. The Dems will steal this election and there isn't jack shit anyone can do about it. Your gun rights ? You either fight for them and tell .gov to eat a bag of aids dicks, via massive non compliance / civil disobedience or just register/turn them in, whatever. Completely disgusted with 51% this country.

You make no sense...

If Biden won then he won there would be no need for them to steal the election.

Either he won or they stole it

Evel Baldgui
11-04-20, 18:10
And you see no problem with this? Seriously? I do, so excuse the fvck out of me.
It's a big phucking problem! Enlighten me as to how one can resolve this ? Supreme Court challenge of election results? A "do-over" election? Open to suggestions....I have no answer there than say phuck this, and look into the expat life style. Biden tax plan implementation to steal and squander more of my money? Nope. Rather move assets oconus than pay anything more to the .gov democrat thieves.

11-04-20, 18:21
It isnt just guns. I talked to a friend today who has a friend that owns a gold mine in Mexico. Today he came across the border just like he has every week before with doee bars of gold. Declaired and the forms filled out and a company check to pay the tax on importation.

But today was different even though he did everything according to the law and like he had done for years.

His gold was confiscated.

So now he has to fight to try and get his gold back.

11-04-20, 18:26
Your rights will still be there, still in your mind, in your soul. They'll just be buried in the mountain of lies that are probably coming. If you forget them, and they will try to make you forget them, then they will be lost to you. Man, I hope Kyle can still get a fair trial.

11-04-20, 18:34

11-04-20, 18:38
If we lose the Senate, we are ****ed. Any progressive shit they want to pass will motor right through. And it’s looking like we may lose the Senate majority...

11-04-20, 18:46
Nothing, as long as we keep the senate. Remember Obama couldn't get it done when he had the house and the senate and that was right after Sandy Hook happened.

And they tried TWICE. First the official time and then when nobody was looking NRA A rated Harry Reid tried a last hour hail mary when he thought everyone went home and was in bed asleep. Came really close though as most didn't even know it was happening.

11-04-20, 18:47
Only what YOU allow to happen to them. ;)

Well...remember when you couldn't find ammo and then when you finally found ammo prices had tripled?

I hope you guys aren't planning on finding ammo anytime soon.

11-04-20, 18:55
All rights have been cancelled until further notice.


The Management

11-04-20, 18:57
If we lose the Senate, we are ****ed. Any progressive shit they want to pass will motor right through. And it’s looking like we may lose the Senate majority...

It's only a matter of time before the dems on the federal level have a Super Majority like in Oregon and Kali. 5 years at most.

11-04-20, 19:02
I'm used to gun owners being defeatists of the highest order. But with CLEAR evidence of voter fraud, Helen Keller could see that Biden DID NOT WIN this election.

11-04-20, 19:05
I'm used to gun owners being defeatists of the highest order. But with CLEAR evidence of voter fraud, Helen Keller could see that Biden DID NOT WIN this election.This!!!

11-04-20, 19:13
I'm used to gun owners being defeatists of the highest order. But with CLEAR evidence of voter fraud, Helen Keller could see that Biden DID NOT WIN this election.

He "won", be it via illegitimate means or not, its irrelevant. He will garnish the 270 majority via outright thievery, it doesn't matter. The only possible upside is the republican senate and four years of stagnated government. Quite frankly I feel absolutely disgusted by the majority of Americans and the ill conceived choice they made at the ballot box. I have nothing in common with the majority of my fellow citizens, actually I consider the vast unwashed masses as relevant as lint.

11-04-20, 19:18
Nothing is happening to anything that I own, nor will I submit to any new law or edict which interferes with what I own, and how I use them. The only change in the future may be access to new guns and ammunition. And even despite that, I plan to enjoy a brisk trade in a potential new black market.

11-04-20, 19:25
Yo. This sums it up for me.


11-04-20, 19:27
Nothing is happening to anything that I own, nor will I submit to any new law or edict which interferes with what I own, and how I use them. The only change in the future may be access to new guns and ammunition. And even despite that, I plan to enjoy a brisk trade in a potential new black market.

A bit of black market has been going on in Ca. for years.

11-04-20, 19:28
A bit of black market has been going on in Ca. for years.

Remember the first 2 rules of fight club

11-04-20, 19:30
Biden is trying to steel, its not over until Trump says it's over, essentially telling us to give up.

I too am disgusted with the American people so willing to sell themselves out for what they call safety. Let's complain about slavery but let's also sell ourselves into slavery. What sense does this make. Heads needs to roll and win or loose I want anyone found to have committed fraud to be prosecuted. We rep/conservatives tend to just play by the rules and let our opponents get away with to much.

Also daunting is that Trump is probably the last people's president for a long time. We are always fighting for gun rights and that will never change, I'm more concerned with all the progress Trump had made economically is about to be uno reverso. We where headed in a great direction, we needed 4 more years to get a bit more comfortable in my opinion.

Whatever, I'm extremely saddened if Trump loses but we must push on and fight back.

#chinagate #bidenelectionsteeling #trump2020

I don't know how # works I'm just not giving up until Trump backs down.

11-04-20, 19:31
You owe no loyalty to any institution or individual that obtains or maintains power by fraud.
— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) November 4, 2020

I happen to believe in this.

11-04-20, 19:32
Remember the first 2 rules of fight club

You're probably right, but the CA DOJ has been trying to pinch people for years. They know it's happening, and we know they know.

11-04-20, 19:36
A bit of black market has been going on in Ca. for years.
Good. Brisk free market Capitalism is always a good thing.

11-04-20, 19:39
I'm used to gun owners being defeatists of the highest order. But with CLEAR evidence of voter fraud, Helen Keller could see that Biden DID NOT WIN this election.

100 fkn %


11-04-20, 19:42
Good. Brisk free market Capitalism is always a good thing.

I think their laws are immoral, so my conscience is clear.

11-04-20, 19:51
Well...remember when you couldn't find ammo and then when you finally found ammo prices had tripled?

I hope you guys aren't planning on finding ammo anytime soon.

Wasn't talking about "finding" anything. Was referring to keeping what's mine and no one else's.

I wouldn't say ammo is infinite but it is aplenty. ;)

11-04-20, 19:52
Nothing is happening to anything that I own, nor will I submit to any new law or edict which interferes with what I own, and how I use them. The only change in the future may be access to new guns and ammunition. And even despite that, I plan to enjoy a brisk trade in a potential new black market.

Do you have a newsletter? I'd like to subscribe!

11-04-20, 20:24
Not a hell of a lot is going to happen between now and 2022 at the least. There's also the chance that the SC strikes down AWBs, which would put the left in a precarious position for trying to pass any further gun grabbing legislature.

Coal Dragger
11-04-20, 20:32
Not much will change on a legal basis through 2022 at least, the midterm is more friendly for Senate Republicans anyway, so good chance we’re OK until 2024.

Beyond that if executive orders and regulatory agencies make ass pain for us, I will plan to not comply.

If 9mm and 5.56 are tough to find I will amuse myself with other calibers. Shooting is fun, I don’t have to shoot tacti-cool stuff to have fun or maintain fundamental skills. Eventually primers will open up again and I will shoot as much as I can afford to, as time allows.

11-04-20, 22:59
Do you have a newsletter? I'd like to subscribe!
Not yet. Maybe name it:

"The Mumbling Joe Gazette" - Dedicated to the Greatest Gun Salesman of 2020.

11-05-20, 00:43
Not yet. Maybe name it:

"The Mumbling Joe Gazette" - Dedicated to the Greatest Gun Salesman of 2020.

Name it “Chopper Ridin’ Biden and the Kama Chameleon” and I will drop a solid hundo on your OnlyFans

11-05-20, 01:19
Name it “Chopper Ridin’ Biden and the Kama Chameleon” and I will drop a solid hundo on your OnlyFans

Or "The Adventures of Joe Jibberlips and Caramel Hamhips"

11-05-20, 02:34
Biden and the Marxist are cheating, we now have a report of USPS workers putting on false postmarks on ballots.

The real problem is we the gun owners and the Conservatives as a whole, will not go burn cities, riot and loot. So if in the face of massive fraud we are willing to sit by and allow it to happen, tell me what must happen for us to take to the streets.

11-05-20, 02:51
Wasn't talking about "finding" anything. Was referring to keeping what's mine and no one else's.

I wouldn't say ammo is infinite but it is aplenty. ;)

Yeah, I was mostly alluding to that. You have what you have (and not YOU specifically) and if you don't you weren't paying attention and don't expect to restock anything soon.

11-05-20, 02:53
Biden and the Marxist are cheating, we now have a report of USPS workers putting on false postmarks on ballots.

The real problem is we the gun owners and the Conservatives as a whole, will not go burn cities, riot and loot. So if in the face of massive fraud we are willing to sit by and allow it to happen, tell me what must happen for us to take to the streets.

You know the answer. They have to shoot first, and not isolated incidents related to blocked street protests. We are waiting for them to go a bridge too far when nothing will matter anymore. It really has to be a Rodney King quality riot to get us on the rooftops.

11-05-20, 04:33
I am watching cheating by the Marxist, I am see Federal Agencies going crazy ATF on Honey Badger, Customs seizing legal gold being brought into the country with all paperwork in hand.

I see Marxist in the streets burning rioting post election.

I am sitting and watching feeling like Brave Sir Robin, and I don't like it. But I am not sure of the correct actions at this time.

11-05-20, 05:52
I am watching cheating by the Marxist, I am see Federal Agencies going crazy ATF on Honey Badger, Customs seizing legal gold being brought into the country with all paperwork in hand.

I see Marxist in the streets burning rioting post election.

I am sitting and watching feeling like Brave Sir Robin, and I don't like it. But I am not sure of the correct actions at this time.

Same here. I feel like I am watching a train wreck in slow motion and there isn't a thing I can do to stop it.

11-05-20, 07:43
ALL our RIGHTS (BoR) are GOD-given - NOT, gummint-issued. The Founding Fathers made that ABUNDANTLY clear.

If demtards wanna take it up with the Almighty, lemme grab some popcorn first! :rolleyes:

11-05-20, 18:57
You ever read Walter Mitty's Second Amendment ?
Yeah this counting fraud is kinda like that, we won't do anything until it's too late,
and the Demoncrats are depending on it.

11-05-20, 19:31
What guns? :sarcastic: :cool:

11-05-20, 19:37
We could take the country back without a shot fired. Blockade the cities. Let the rancid communist eat each other.

11-05-20, 19:41
We could take the country back without a shot fired. Blockade the cities. Let the rancid communist eat each other.Buuut we won't because we would rather complain and whine and act shocked when we lose more and more

Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk

11-05-20, 19:46
**** it

11-05-20, 20:00
Senate remaining in republican hands is certainly a good thing, but I'm not so certain that's an insulator from further bans and restrictions. HW Bush banned imports of firearms by executive order, and Clinton banned even more firearm imports by executive order. Trump admin banned bump stocks by redefining them, and there's currently a move underway to redefine pistols with arm braces as SBR's requiring a tax stamp.

Was anyone paying attention when Kamala Harris said she would go after more imports?

11-05-20, 20:02
I've been learning that there is quiet resistance in places you wouldn't think. Even among the college crowd, the conservatives are not non-existent, they're just silent and waiting.

11-05-20, 20:03
Biden and the Marxist are cheating, we now have a report of USPS workers putting on false postmarks on ballots.

The real problem is we the gun owners and the Conservatives as a whole, will not go burn cities, riot and loot. So if in the face of massive fraud we are willing to sit by and allow it to happen, tell me what must happen for us to take to the streets.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-05-20, 20:04
Senate remaining in republican hands is certainly a good thing, but I'm not so certain that's an insulator from further bans and restrictions. HW Bush banned imports of firearms by executive order, and Clinton banned even more firearm imports by executive order. Trump admin banned bump stocks by redefining them, and there's currently a move underway to redefine pistols with arm braces as SBR's requiring a tax stamp.

Was anyone paying attention when Kamala Harris said she would go after more imports?

All it takes is a convenient school shooting and the Rinos will fold as usual.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Evel Baldgui
11-05-20, 20:08
I’m 29. My childhood dream is dead. I can’t make friends. I have nothing left but love for this country. I’m ready to make a stand but 1 person isn’t enough. Yea, most of y’all have families. See, our time is limited and doesn’t really matter in the end. The values of this country are worth giving up everything. We are the last country on earth with any semblance of freedom and opportunity. Generations to come must be given that right. Are young men the only ones expected to give up everything for their country fighting pointless wars perpetrated by old geezers?
I am beyond disgusted with the nations electorate. Quite frankly, judging by the idiocy of the voters, how 51% will control 49%, how anyone can vote for an alzheimers infected rock, a skank who sucked dick to get favored appointments, a population who voted obama into office twice, the likely threat of obscene tax penalties on successful earners, etc etc. Well, phuck it ! I'll see how things progress over the next few months but have plans in place to leave and take up residence in a more friendly nation.
Young men don't have to give up everything, your choice to leave and live in another nation that's not going to turn into Mexico or Venezuela over time.

11-05-20, 20:12
I am beyond disgusted with the nations electorate. Quite frankly, judging by the idiocy of the voters, how 51% will control 49%, how anyone can vote for an alzheimers infected rock, a skank who sucked dick to get favored appointments, a population who voted obama into office twice, the likely threat of obscene tax penalties on successful earners, etc etc. Well, phuck it ! I'll see how things progress over the next few months but have plans in place to leave and take up residence in a more friendly nation.
Young men don't have to give up everything, your choice to leave and live in another nation that's not going to turn into Mexico or Venezuela over time.

In reference to the stop the steal bookface group


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11-05-20, 20:15
my gun rights are the same NOW the legality might change :)

11-05-20, 20:48
I've been learning that there is quiet resistance in places you wouldn't think. Even among the college crowd, the conservatives are not non-existent, they're just silent and waiting.

I gotta ask...waiting for what exactly? Do you even know? Does anybody know?

11-05-20, 20:54
McConnell and republicans still own the senate. Absolutely nothing will change with guns.

11-05-20, 21:06
jpmuscle...Exactly made up staged or not.

Yoni... Your right on target too.

Left Sig
11-05-20, 21:12
Biden will most likely sign executive orders banning the import of all "assault weapons". Say goodbye to any imported detachable magazine semi-automatic and any imported magazine over 10 rounds. HK SP5, CZ Scorpion and Bren, AK pistols, and the like will be primary targets. He may just ban the importation of ALL firearms and ALL ammo. The previous import bans have never been challenged successfully.

There will still be plenty of options that are made in the USA so arguments about infringement will be somewhat hollow. It will just limit the supply of arms, raise prices, and possibly financially harm foreign arms makers by shutting off the most lucrative civilian market in the world, and make things more difficult for us.

Banning firearm and ammo imports (or taxing them into non-existence which is another option) are fully within the authority of the government to regulate international commerce. Maybe I am wrong, but I really don't see how Biden will not do any or all of this.

11-05-20, 22:43
Biden specifically said he would ban the AR-14. Harris threatened to stop importation to the US of the AR-15.......

We need to allow them to continue their focus on both of those promises, and maybe insist they live up to those promises.....literally....:rolleyes:

11-05-20, 22:52
Biden specifically said he would ban the AR-14. Harris threatened to stop importation to the US of the AR-15.......

We need to allow them to continue their focus on both of those promises, and maybe insist they live up to those promises.....literally....:rolleyes:

Hopefully their staffs are as clueless as they are.

11-05-20, 23:11
I am beyond disgusted with the nations electorate. Quite frankly, judging by the idiocy of the voters, how 51% will control 49%, how anyone can vote for an alzheimers infected rock, a skank who sucked dick to get favored appointments, a population who voted obama into office twice, the likely threat of obscene tax penalties on successful earners, etc etc. Well, phuck it ! I'll see how things progress over the next few months but have plans in place to leave and take up residence in a more friendly nation.
Young men don't have to give up everything, your choice to leave and live in another nation that's not going to turn into Mexico or Venezuela over time.

Your ancestors would be disgusted with your cowardly ass

11-05-20, 23:54
I am beyond disgusted with the nations electorate. Quite frankly, judging by the idiocy of the voters, how 51% will control 49%, how anyone can vote for an alzheimers infected rock, a skank who sucked dick to get favored appointments, a population who voted obama into office twice, the likely threat of obscene tax penalties on successful earners, etc etc. Well, phuck it ! I'll see how things progress over the next few months but have plans in place to leave and take up residence in a more friendly nation.
Young men don't have to give up everything, your choice to leave and live in another nation that's not going to turn into Mexico or Venezuela over time.
Don't do it. Stay here and fight on your own turf. I've been to 23 Countries - it's no better anywhere else. My point of view comes from the oath I took in August of 1977, and again in May of 1980. It involves defending against "domestic enemies". I stood before Man & God when I took that oath and I am sorting out in my mind how I will deal with those domestic enemies..... decisions, decisions....

11-06-20, 00:18
Here's what the tyrants will probably be trying to foist on us again if they get the upper hand and the power they crave. It's a real doozy.


11-06-20, 01:09
Here's what the tyrants will probably be trying to foist on us again if they get the upper hand and the power they crave. It's a real doozy.


Just another liberal wet dream that will never be passed.

11-06-20, 04:14
My guns are going no where!

I understand how some here, have said they are leaving. I have been to well over 70 countries in my life, as I got to know people in some of the places we would talk and in some countries up to 50% of the people don't vote because the system is so corrupt. The USA now is that corrupt.

I will bare my soul a little, I left Israel because of the stupidity and cowardliness of our leaders, yes Peepee Nonutsinmypants is at the top of my list. As I watched friend give their lives, family give their lives and the leadership give in too our enemies, when I was able to leave I did.

I have talked about leaving the USA, in frustration. My company is even working on building a place where our clients will have more freedom than they do in the USA, gun freedom, freedom from being taxed on world wide income etc.

People here have called others cowards, for saying they want to leave.


What are the true Americans supposed to do?

Will the gun owners in America on inauguration day kit up and invade DC, to keep the Marxist from seizing power?

Like hell, they will.

Will they bitch and whine on gun forums, until the Marxist shut them down, yep.

So what is a person supposed to do?

The evidence of fraud and cheating is over whelming. Postal workers talking about fraudulent post marks. Trump did better with blacks and latinos than any republican in history. No blue wave in Congress, so how the hell is Biden winning? In swing states Biden got up to 80,000 more votes than the democratic Senate candidate. This makes zero sense, people vote up and down R or D.

For me for the next little bit, I am going to chill on a beach for 3 weeks, then go to EU and meet with my people to discuss the ramifications of the election. We will then watch what true Americans do, about the criminal Biden in the White House. If y'all do nothing, then me too. If I see resistance, then....

כי בתחבלות תעשה לך מלחמה ותשועה ברב יועץ

11-06-20, 07:34
Watch the other hand... They are trying to steal The Senate now. Looks like BOTH seats in GA and the seat in NC will be pushed into a runoff. Harris-Biden is one thing. If they get the Senate also, hold your nose, we're in deep sh*t.

Remember, they just need a 50/50 split. Kamala can cast the deciding vote everything.

11-06-20, 07:39
They will get it.

11-06-20, 07:56
If this were happening in reverse, there would be cities burning...

11-06-20, 08:09
If this were happening in reverse, there would be cities burning...

Conservatives don’t have any multi-billionaires to pay their transportation, per diem and bail nor conservative DA’s who will refuse to prosecute them.

11-06-20, 08:29
Watch the other hand... They are trying to steal The Senate now. Looks like BOTH seats in GA and the seat in NC will be pushed into a runoff. Harris-Biden is one thing. If they get the Senate also, hold your nose, we're in deep sh*t.

Remember, they just need a 50/50 split. Kamala can cast the deciding vote everything.

No need to "get" the Senate. They already have it, with the RINOS. Those will look where the profit lies, and vote with the d side. romney, the doddering old biddy collins, murkowski. Hah, there's the majority right there. Add a so-called independent, it's a lock. The individual has to think how to survive under a dictatorship, because that's what we'll have. Oh, sure, the window dressing for "true democracy" will be bandied about, complete with ceremonies and aggrandizement.

Alex V
11-06-20, 09:10
ALL our RIGHTS (BoR) are GOD-given - NOT, gummint-issued. The Founding Fathers made that ABUNDANTLY clear.

If demtards wanna take it up with the Almighty, lemme grab some popcorn first! :rolleyes:

Is the Almighty going to keep you our of prison once they pass their unconstitutional wet dream?

Buuut we won't because we would rather complain and whine and act shocked when we lose more and more

Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk


I've been learning that there is quiet resistance in places you wouldn't think. Even among the college crowd, the conservatives are not non-existent, they're just silent and waiting.

Waiting for what?

11-06-20, 09:22
The government has shown their inability to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. If you make me a criminal with the stroke of a pen, judging by their track record we’ll be fine.

11-06-20, 10:13
The government has show their inability to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. If you make me a criminal with the stroke of a pen, judging by their track record we’ll be fine.

Well yeah, there's that.

11-06-20, 10:14
I gotta ask...waiting for what exactly? Do you even know? Does anybody know?

Their own trench graves dug before their eyes, apparently.

11-06-20, 10:14
My buddy and I were talking yesterday about the prospect and machinations of becoming magicians, you know, POOF, making things disappear. Now you see it, now you don't.

It's utterly amazing how big a country this is......

11-06-20, 11:33
No need to "get" the Senate. They already have it, with the RINOS. Those will look where the profit lies, and vote with the d side. romney, the doddering old biddy collins, murkowski. Hah, there's the majority right there. Add a so-called independent, it's a lock. The individual has to think how to survive under a dictatorship, because that's what we'll have. Oh, sure, the window dressing for "true democracy" will be bandied about, complete with ceremonies and aggrandizement.

Well all those RINOs would have to vote with the Dems to eliminate the filibuster first. No regular legislation passes the Senate right now without 60 votes. That's why the last federal bill on UBCs failed - not that the Senate didn't have a majority, they didn't have 60 votes.

ETA: If the GOP hangs onto the Senate, McConnell won't even let a vote on filibuster come to the floor.

11-06-20, 15:54
Watch the other hand... They are trying to steal The Senate now. Looks like BOTH seats in GA and the seat in NC will be pushed into a runoff. Harris-Biden is one thing. If they get the Senate also, hold your nose, we're in deep sh*t.

Remember, they just need a 50/50 split. Kamala can cast the deciding vote everything.

NC doesn't do runoffs. And while fraud is no doubt a worry, the straight up numbers favor the GOP for winning a runoff in GA.

11-06-20, 16:02
Well all those RINOs would have to vote with the Dems to eliminate the filibuster first. No regular legislation passes the Senate right now without 60 votes. That's why the last federal bill on UBCs failed - not that the Senate didn't have a majority, they didn't have 60 votes.

ETA: If the GOP hangs onto the Senate, McConnell won't even let a vote on filibuster come to the floor.

A lot of Dems are in vulnerable seats in the next two elections. The last of the Blue Dog guys like Joe Manchin are barely hanging on in their otherwise deep red states. It may be very dangerous to their careers to approve getting rid of the filibuster or packing the court. People bring up things like giving statehood to DC and PR, but we have to remember that 3/4 of Congress have to approve of that, and that's not going to happen right now.

11-06-20, 19:47
Elections have consequences. What will be the consequences as it relates to our guns and gun rights?

If Biden somehow cheats his way into office - The panic buying / supply shortages / increased prices we have been seeing lately are going to be nothing compared to the panic buying moving forward through his term.

Guys that did not prepare (stock up in the good times) are fooked. 'If' they even can find stuff they will pay very dearly for it.

Evel Baldgui
11-06-20, 19:54
Your ancestors would be disgusted with your cowardly ass

No, they would not. I've lived in Venezuela, Mexico, Israel (briefly) and Spain. I've seen the .gov destruction in Mx and Vn. Costa del Sol and Marbella were, still are, wonderful.
I stayed during the obama years and made the necessary financial plans for any future .gov phuckery to relocate. Trump won, I stayed and prospered. Now with the current upcoming Biden/Harris catastrophe, I have severe doubts about this country especially since the apparent majority of the citizenry is composed of docile submissive gullible subnormals just like the rest of the world.
American exceptionalism, have not seen evidence of that lately. Pathetic mindless twits, oh yes a lot of that.

11-06-20, 21:32
No, they would not. I've lived in Venezuela, Mexico, Israel (briefly) and Spain. I've seen the .gov destruction in Mx and Vn. Costa del Sol and Marbella were, still are, wonderful.
I stayed during the obama years and made the necessary financial plans for any future .gov phuckery to relocate. Trump won, I stayed and prospered. Now with the current upcoming Biden/Harris catastrophe, I have severe doubts about this country especially since the apparent majority of the citizenry is composed of docile submissive gullible subnormals just like the rest of the world.
American exceptionalism, have not seen evidence of that lately. Pathetic mindless twits, oh yes a lot of that.

There's a door. Don't let it hit you in the ass on the way out.

11-06-20, 21:39
No, they would not. I've lived in Venezuela, Mexico, Israel (briefly) and Spain. I've seen the .gov destruction in Mx and Vn. Costa del Sol and Marbella were, still are, wonderful.
I stayed during the obama years and made the necessary financial plans for any future .gov phuckery to relocate. Trump won, I stayed and prospered. Now with the current upcoming Biden/Harris catastrophe, I have severe doubts about this country especially since the apparent majority of the citizenry is composed of docile submissive gullible subnormals just like the rest of the world.
American exceptionalism, have not seen evidence of that lately. Pathetic mindless twits, oh yes a lot of that.
We've traveled some of the same places. I trained with the IDF in Israel twice during my Army career, including April of 1996 when I personally watched incoming rockets from the Golan Heights. Spain is more a personal place because my paternal ancestor and soldier came here from Castille, Spain 12 generations ago.

Americans have had it so good compared to other places in the world, and don't really know hard times. Lack of worldwide perspective makes the average American ignorant of the evil that Communism inflicts on the average person. We have been an island of peace and prosperity, protected by a robust military. People here accept Socialism because they've never seen much difference between the political parties. Decisions are made based on emotion and optics, not substance. This ignorance has allowed the evil of Progressive ideology to creep in and corrupt minds. We are the victims of our own self-isolation. The average American couldn't point out Portugal or Switzerland on a world map.

just a scout
11-06-20, 21:41
We've traveled some of the same places. I trained with the IDF in Israel twice during my Army career, including April of 1996 when I personally watched incoming rockets from the Golan Heights. Spain is more a personal place because my paternal ancestor and soldier came here from Castille, Spain 12 generations ago.

Americans have had it so good compared to other places in the world, and don't really know hard times. Lack of worldwide perspective makes the average American ignorant of the evil that Communism inflicts on the average person. We have been an island of peace and prosperity, protected by a robust military. People here accept Socialism because they've never seen much difference between the political parties. Decisions are made based on emotion and optics, not substance. This ignorance has allowed the evil of Progressive ideology to creep in and corrupt minds. We are the victims of our own self-isolation. The average American couldn't point out Portugal or Switzerland on a world map.

This. Americans have no clue how cheap life is in the rest of the world.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Evel Baldgui
11-07-20, 07:20
We've traveled some of the same places. I trained with the IDF in Israel twice during my Army career, including April of 1996 when I personally watched incoming rockets from the Golan Heights. Spain is more a personal place because my paternal ancestor and soldier came here from Castille, Spain 12 generations ago.

Americans have had it so good compared to other places in the world, and don't really know hard times. Lack of worldwide perspective makes the average American ignorant of the evil that Communism inflicts on the average person. We have been an island of peace and prosperity, protected by a robust military. People here accept Socialism because they've never seen much difference between the political parties. Decisions are made based on emotion and optics, not substance. This ignorance has allowed the evil of Progressive ideology to creep in and corrupt minds. We are the victims of our own self-isolation. The average American couldn't point out Portugal or Switzerland on a world map.
The most erudite statement posted right here !

11-07-20, 07:25
Might I put my tinfoil hat on for second here ... Who wouldn't be surprised to see an uptick in *mass shootings again when and if Biden does enter the White House in January??

11-07-20, 07:38
We are the victims of our own self-isolation. The average American couldn't point out Portugal or Switzerland on a world map.

More true than you know. I worked with a guy who was nice enough but dumb as sh.. He thought countries boarded each other in alphabetical order. In other words, Argentina would be somewhere near Afghanistan. Uganda/Ukraine/Uruguay...etc.. He got that idea because of what little he did know was, by coincidence, kinda in alphabetical order. Bolivia is next to Brazil. So is Colombia.

I'd say schooling too. While you don't want to invite bad things just to get personal experience at least teach it in school.

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

11-07-20, 08:15
How many votes did the libertarians get in GA? VA? PA? Perhaps it’s time to highlight how liberations are hurting individual freedom by filling a ticket. Perhaps it’s time that libertarians instead endorsed one candidate or the other to throw their weight.

What is the talk about finding ammo? Did you not foresee this happening a year ago when things were plentiful?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-07-20, 19:10
How many votes did the libertarians get in GA? VA? PA? Perhaps it’s time to highlight how liberations are hurting individual freedom by filling a ticket. Perhaps it’s time that libertarians instead endorsed one candidate or the other to throw their weight.

What is the talk about finding ammo? Did you not foresee this happening a year ago when things were plentiful?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I voted a straight R ticket but shit like this makes me want to vote Libertarian. Nobody owes anybody a vote. Want my vote? Represent MY views.

The idea that we must vote for A or B is exactly the same kind of marxists, vote for us or you're a racist, crap the other side is selling. Posts like yours probably cost us as many votes in the last few months as the Lib party. So congratulations, you and people like you just cost the rest of us the election.

11-07-20, 19:17
I voted a straight R ticket but shit like this makes me want to vote Libertarian. Nobody owes anybody a vote. Want my vote? Represent MY views.

The idea that we must vote for A or B is exactly the same kind of marxists, vote for us or you're a racist, crap the other side is selling. Posts like yours probably cost us as many votes in the last few months as the Lib party. So congratulations, you and people like you just cost the rest of us the election.

Actually, no. That’s nonsense. Somebody highlighting voting for somebody that can’t win doesn’t help makes you want to vote for somebody that can’t win?

When two parties of overlapping views compete for the same vote, the minority idea wins by plurality.

And no, I didn’t cost anybody anything. In fact, it’s the first time I’ve expressed as such so unless you believe in time machines (and you may if you believe the libertarian party is more successful securing their agenda with no elected seats than they would be offering endorsements quid pro quo) you’re pulling it out your ass.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-07-20, 19:24
Might I put my tinfoil hat on for second here ... Who wouldn't be surprised to see an uptick in *mass shootings again when and if Biden does enter the White House in January??

My exact thought. Probably around the 6 month mark after he is in office. Then..........EO time.

11-07-20, 19:24
Might I put my tinfoil hat on for second here ... Who wouldn't be surprised to see an uptick in *mass shootings again when and if Biden does enter the White House in January??

My exact thought. Probably around the 6 month mark after he is in office. Then..........EO time.

11-07-20, 19:25
Strange double tap from Mehheeeko.

11-07-20, 19:26
I voted a straight R ticket but shit like this makes me want to vote Libertarian. Nobody owes anybody a vote. Want my vote? Represent MY views.

The idea that we must vote for A or B is exactly the same kind of marxists, vote for us or you're a racist, crap the other side is selling. Posts like yours probably cost us as many votes in the last few months as the Lib party. So congratulations, you and people like you just cost the rest of us the election.

To be fair there is a slight element of truth to what he wrote. Principle and reality can intersect at times, but at others they can diverge rather significantly.

This presents the age-old conundrum: if I vote "L" or "I" (like Perot) it may cause the more undesirable side to win. But I don't want to vote for what I see as an Establishment party either, so what to do? You have to make that call personally. You also have to live with (as do the rest of us) the results of what that decision may render.

I'm not being critical Steyr, just pointing out the obvious. I am all for a "Third Way", but how many elections do we lose to the greater of two evils before enough people see the light? No one wants to jump into that lake first; you wanna see beaucoup others do it first so there's a chance, but that is a self-fulfilling prophecy as no one (or very few, but enough to turn it to one of the other candidates) goes first! That is why, barring the unforeseen, that we will be stuck with a two-party system.

Another thing to consider: imagine a viable third-party candidate. They split the vote (regardless of which of the three is on top) 34/33/33. Then you have basically 1/3 of the country dictating to the other 2/3.

I don't have an answer, just spit-balling.

11-07-20, 20:54
Well all those RINOs would have to vote with the Dems to eliminate the filibuster first. No regular legislation passes the Senate right now without 60 votes. That's why the last federal bill on UBCs failed - not that the Senate didn't have a majority, they didn't have 60 votes.

THIS is what I am hanging up on. Isn't this just a gentleman's agreement? If so, Chucky can kill it if they win the majority.

Can't Chuck-U just say F-You and run this through with a 51-50 vote when Kamala casts the tie breaking vote? I am getting conflicting info..

11-07-20, 22:45
Most of our pussified country is going to roll over and do nothing more than whine, but I’m not complying with shit no matter who is in office at this point. Biden can cheat his dementia-riddled brain into the oval office and sign whatever EO Harris slides onto his drool covered desk, or Trump can stay and let the ATF rape the second a little more, I don’t give a single ****.

11-07-20, 23:37
THIS is what I am hanging up on. Isn't this just a gentleman's agreement? If so, Chucky can kill it if they win the majority.

Can't Chuck-U just say F-You and run this through with a 51-50 vote when Kamala casts the tie breaking vote? I am getting conflicting info..

There are Dem senators that don’t think killing the filibuster is a good idea. Harry Reid killed the filibuster on judicial appointments and McConnell rode that horse right up the Dems’ collective asses. Even with a D majority Chuckie may have a hard time getting 51 votes.

11-08-20, 07:54
Might I put my tinfoil hat on for second here ... Who wouldn't be surprised to see an uptick in *mass shootings again when and if Biden does enter the White House in January??

Agreed. But, my tinfoil hat also says that shortly into Biden’s term, he will be removed from office due to scandal or his health. It will have been planned by the DNC and Harris will be the leader of the radicals. I cannot explain how ****ed I think we are.

the AR-15 Junkie
11-08-20, 16:25
Agreed. But, my tinfoil hat also says that shortly into Biden’s term, he will be removed from office due to scandal or his health. It will have been planned by the DNC and Harris will be the leader of the radicals. I cannot explain how ****ed I think we are.

I actually agree with this. I dont think Joe will last 6 months, the Dems will turn on him and force him to resign to put Cummala in. The she selects KKKorey Booker for VP.

11-09-20, 06:20
Well all those RINOs would have to vote with the Dems to eliminate the filibuster first. No regular legislation passes the Senate right now without 60 votes. That's why the last federal bill on UBCs failed - not that the Senate didn't have a majority, they didn't have 60 votes.

Reid did the "nuclear option" (eliminating the 60 vote rule) for approving lower court appointments with a simple majority vote 52 / 48. McConnell did the same for Supreme Court appointments. It's done by creating a new Senate precedent which was coined the nuclear option.

For those interested in how our government operates: https://www.brookings.edu/policy2020/votervital/what-is-the-senate-filibuster-and-what-would-it-take-to-eliminate-it/

11-09-20, 06:27
I actually agree with this. I dont think Joe will last 6 months, the Dems will turn on him and force him to resign to put Cummala in. The she selects KKKorey Booker for VP.

I see 2021 is standing here saying to 2020,"Here... hold my beer and watch this s#)t...."

I know I'm a bit of a pessimist, but I don't see the dems allowing Biden in office for very long. They will take him out due to his mental incapability, perhaps over corruption with something like Hunter's computer..etc, or perhaps they place some people who are Covid positive around him and knock him out that way. I think that even Fancy Nancy is in trouble with the leftists in the dem party. She will be ousted as speaker of the house I think and replaced by some radical more than likely.

But in the mean time, right now, Biden ... or more likely the people who are using him like a sock puppet... is putting together his administration. He has already said he is putting together a lot of executive orders that he will sign on Jan 20th. Can't wait to see what this will entail. I have a feeling they will enact a national mask mandate and have a national lockdown. This will do so much for them. A national lockdown will completely wipe out the economy. Not just here in the USA, but world wide. They will then start to take things over to open back up. Then they will say to us, "Look at this... capitalism doesn't work. Here is your new leftie socialist economy. I don't think they will try this slowly, but move at a rapid pace while they have control of the gubbamint. As they said, never let a good crisis go to waste. They will be manufacturing a lot of crisis's soon enough.

I just don't see good things coming our way at all unfortunately..... and I think that our guns and gun rights won't even make a difference in what is coming....

11-09-20, 07:18
Agreed. But, my tinfoil hat also says that shortly into Biden’s term, he will be removed from office due to scandal or his health. It will have been planned by the DNC and Harris will be the leader of the radicals. I cannot explain how ****ed I think we are.

I think they'll at least try to limp Joe through the first two years. If Kamala takes over after the two year mark, she can run for 2 full terms. Before that she'd be limited to one by the 22nd Amendment.

But there's always the chance his health and cognitive decline may not give them that much time.

11-09-20, 07:45
Might I put my tinfoil hat on for second here ... Who wouldn't be surprised to see an uptick in *mass shootings again when and if Biden does enter the White House in January??

I think the mask mandates and more importantly the 'contact tracing' has the potential to spark something. It's obviously illegal from a national policy/law stand point. The contact tracing will probably entail that you have to turn on a tracker on your phone to be in public places, and if you have been neat someone (trust them) that you have to quarantine. And of course, your family has to quarantine, so good bye income form outside work. Fines and jail time in jails cleared out because of... COVID... Someone will take exception to this and it will end up like Invasion of the Body Snatchers meets The Walking Dead.

Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste....

11-09-20, 08:27
So long as the Senate is controlled by Republicans, there is really very little that Joe/Kamalamala can accomplish congressionaly, so not very likely an assault weapons ban, however, he could easily ban (through exec orders) the online purchase of firearms, parts & ammo, which is what I fully expect coming down the pipe. I noticed that there has been no mention about gun-grabbing since the election fraud, though Biden was all about such before November 3rd. If they think they're fooling anyone, they got another thing coming. As others have said in this thread - I don't think Biden is going to last long in that office, one way or another. Lucky for him, there is a long list of greater evils standing in the succession line, so not likely to be assasinated.

11-09-20, 08:33
I think the mask mandates and more importantly the 'contact tracing' has the potential to spark something. It's obviously illegal from a national policy/law stand point. The contact tracing will probably entail that you have to turn on a tracker on your phone to be in public places, and if you have been neat someone (trust them) that you have to quarantine. And of course, your family has to quarantine, so good bye income form outside work. Fines and jail time in jails cleared out because of... COVID... Someone will take exception to this and it will end up like Invasion of the Body Snatchers meets The Walking Dead.

Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste....I still don't understand how contact tracing works. "Where did you get sick?" Me "I don't know".

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

11-09-20, 08:43
I still don't understand how contact tracing works. "Where did you get sick?" Me "I don't know".

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

Easy...It doesn’t work.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-09-20, 08:46
I still don't understand how contact tracing works. "Where did you get sick?" Me "I don't know".

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

TPTB would require you to put on your phone, for example, an app which will show where you were at any given time. This would be universal. So, if person A is diagnosed with covid, it's a simple computer program to take the phone data and trace back by time where that person and others were. A more sophisticated version would use the smartphone's capability to detect another and record that proximity, all uploaded the the main server. Person B, having been detected as near person A, will get a visit from the friendly visiting nurse service. A quick evaluation, and "come with me." "They" know where you got sick.

Of course, this might also be interesting if person A was one of those who, killed in a car crash, still had covid entered on the death certificate.

BTW, if you have an iPhone, go to "settings" and scroll down to a sort of Sun symbol, named "Exposure Notifications." Tap and read. Supposedly voluntary, for now. Think it's any problem to turn that on remotely? Think it's any problem to have it turned on now, and display that it's off? Not saying it is, as I don't know, but I do know it's Q.E.D (quite easily done).

11-09-20, 08:50
TPTB would require you to put on your phone, for example, an app which will show where you were at any given time. This would be universal. So, if person A is diagnosed with covid, it's a simple computer program to take the phone data and trace back by time where that person and others were. A more sophisticated version would use the smartphone's capability to detect another and record that proximity, all uploaded the the main server. Person B, having been detected as near person A, will get a visit from the friendly visiting nurse service. A quick evaluation, and "come with me." "They" know where you got sick.

Of course, this might also be interesting if person A was one of those who, killed in a car crash, still had covid entered on the death certificate.I was in a store with umpteen hundred other people! I was at a Biden dance off!

My phone is only a phone!

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

11-09-20, 08:53
To be fair there is a slight element of truth to what he wrote. Principle and reality can intersect at times, but at others they can diverge rather significantly.

This presents the age-old conundrum: if I vote "L" or "I" (like Perot) it may cause the more undesirable side to win. But I don't want to vote for what I see as an Establishment party either, so what to do? You have to make that call personally. You also have to live with (as do the rest of us) the results of what that decision may render.

I'm not being critical Steyr, just pointing out the obvious. I am all for a "Third Way", but how many elections do we lose to the greater of two evils before enough people see the light? No one wants to jump into that lake first; you wanna see beaucoup others do it first so there's a chance, but that is a self-fulfilling prophecy as no one (or very few, but enough to turn it to one of the other candidates) goes first! That is why, barring the unforeseen, that we will be stuck with a two-party system.

Another thing to consider: imagine a viable third-party candidate. They split the vote (regardless of which of the three is on top) 34/33/33. Then you have basically 1/3 of the country dictating to the other 2/3.

I don't have an answer, just spit-balling.

A third party has to start from the bottom up not top down. Start by winning local and state elections then move to national. A third party will never win nationwide without a local foundation. Just as soon not vote as vote 3rd party, at least that would not affect the results by skewing the result one way or the other.

11-09-20, 08:57
I was in a store with umpteen hundred other people!

My phone is only a phone!

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

You think that can't be outmaneuvered by TPTB? How about an Executive order for a nationwide, all location mask mandate? Or, to be able to avoid that, here's a tracker you must carry. That's just a simple one off the top of my head, since I do realize how these people think.

The real question becomes, whatcha gonna do when those orders come down, and the new breed of police that have been recruited and trained to bully everyone and any one, gleefully carry out their duties? Ohh, and they'll come to your house, because the mandate will include masks at home, or the tracker at home.

You don't think it's possible? You don't know bolsheviks.

11-09-20, 09:00
What will happen to my gun rights? Not a damn thing. I'm a free man and I won't surrender a ****ing thing. Zero. Ziltch. Nada.

I will CCW for the rest of my days, regardless if they outlaw it.

I will keep my firearms for the rest of my days, regardless if they outlaw them or try to buy them back.

I will keep my ammunition for my personal use and do with it as I please.

Just because someone has words on paper and a badge doesn't make them right.

I am a mobile sanctuary entity to all things 2A, including myself, my family, and my property, extending as far as I see fit.

Man the **** up and be free.

11-09-20, 09:02
This election was obviously a fraud. I'm hoping for a repeat of 2000, but if we can keep the senate that would be good as long as they fight against Biden. I believe we can win back the house in the midterms and if that happens republicans should impeach Biden or Harris if she God forbid gets to be president. Even if they don't get removed from office, just do it to piss off everyone

11-09-20, 09:04
You think that can't be outmaneuvered by TPTB? How about an Executive order for a nationwide, all location mask mandate? Or, to be able to avoid that, here's a tracker you must carry. That's just a simple one off the top of my head, since I do realize how these people think.

The real question becomes, whatcha gonna do when those orders come down, and the new breed of police that have been recruited and trained to bully everyone and any one, gleefully carry out their duties? Ohh, and they'll come to your house, because the mandate will include masks at home, or the tracker at home.

You don't think it's possible? You don't know bolsheviks.That's a lot of tracking devices they're going to have to hand out in a very short period of time and assuming that people don't loose them, forget them, break them accidentally.... basically anything that can happen to a cell phone.

Mask mandate Im not concerned about. It's unenforceable. No one in my office complex wears a mask. No one at my sister's place wears a mask. No one at my mom's place wears a mask. At my dad's it depends on who's coming and going! Basically, people are wearing masks in public.

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

11-09-20, 09:04
forgot to quote.

11-09-20, 09:06
What will happen to my gun rights? Not a damn thing. I'm a free man and I won't surrender a ****ing thing. Zero. Ziltch. Nada.

I will CCW for the rest of my days, regardless if they outlaw it.

I will keep my firearms for the rest of my days, regardless if they outlaw them or try to buy them back.

I will keep my ammunition for my personal use and do with it as I please.

Just because someone has words on paper and a badge doesn't make them right.

I am a mobile sanctuary entity to all things 2A, including myself, my family, and my property, extending as far as I see fit.

Man the **** up and be free.

Exactly my sentiments. I know from family experience what this kind does, and the long term results. I'll do what I have to to stay free.

11-09-20, 09:21
Simple philosophy:

"Leave me alone and I will leave you alone"

No warnings. No threats. Peaceful non compliance.

11-09-20, 10:04
Relevant thread is relevant..


P.S. Does anyone still have these files? Asking for a friend.

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

11-09-20, 10:20
What will happen to your guns and gun rights?

Well... your right to keep and bear arms is God-given, that will never change. However, the exercise of those rights will be punished by government if they deem unlawful. That's the way it is now and will continue.

As far as the hardware... in a Biden admin I would expect more bans, restrictions and registrations. If the Trump admin can pretend a bump stock meets the definition of machine gun and do an unconstitutional end-run around congress to ban them, then pretty much anything goes. Trump admin set the standard going forward.

11-09-20, 10:54
Mask mandate Im not concerned about. It's unenforceable. No one in my office complex wears a mask. No one at my sister's place wears a mask. No one at my mom's place wears a mask. At my dad's it depends on who's coming and going! Basically, people are wearing masks in public.

Same. Nobody cares around here. Half of the retail stores have employees with masks 1/2 off or off completely. With that, IDGAF about wearing one for their store policy, because if challenged I'll point the manager to one of them and say "whats up with that?".

But considering who limp dick stores are these days with letting ppl steal and do other things, I doubt we are going to see much pushback even with a national mask mandate.

Masks are simply a "wag the dog" thing.

Coal Dragger
11-09-20, 12:23
Masks are just virtue signaling “feel good” bullshit for 99% of the dumb dumbs wearing them. That kind of PPE has to be correctly worn at all times to work, and the vast majority of us don’t follow the correct procedures for that kind of PPE.

We’re just being asked to pretend.

11-09-20, 14:47
So long as the Senate is controlled by Republicans, there is really very little that Joe/Kamalamala can accomplish congressionaly, so not very likely an assault weapons ban, however, he could easily ban (through exec orders) the online purchase of firearms, parts & ammo, which is what I fully expect coming down the pipe. I noticed that there has been no mention about gun-grabbing since the election fraud, though Biden was all about such before November 3rd. If they think they're fooling anyone, they got another thing coming. As others have said in this thread - I don't think Biden is going to last long in that office, one way or another. Lucky for him, there is a long list of greater evils standing in the succession line, so not likely to be assasinated.

Not sure how they could out law online purchase of guns (that clear an FFL) parts and ammo with an EO. That would get challenged right away. You couldn't write an EO prohibiting selling aborted baby parts across state lines. Maybe you could get something to stick relevant to the USPS. Maybe claim some kind of hazard in shipping ammo? More likely, I'd see them try to pressure FedEX and UPS from not shipping ammo.

11-09-20, 19:39
Masks are just virtue signaling “feel good” bullshit for 99% of the dumb dumbs wearing them. That kind of PPE has to be correctly worn at all times to work, and the vast majority of us don’t follow the correct procedures for that kind of PPE.

We’re just being asked to pretend.

False. Wearing masks is not to protect the wearer. It’s to cut down the amount of virus floating about in respiratory droplets and aerosol. It’s a crowd-based reduction of transmission, not to lower individual risk.

11-09-20, 20:05
False. Wearing masks is not to protect the wearer. It’s to cut down the amount of virus floating about in respiratory droplets and aerosol. It’s a crowd-based reduction of transmission, not to lower individual risk.




My body my choice though amirite?

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11-09-20, 20:17
I see 2021 is standing here saying to 2020,"Here... hold my beer and watch this s#)t...."



11-09-20, 20:19
False. Wearing masks is not to protect the wearer. It’s to cut down the amount of virus floating about in respiratory droplets and aerosol. It’s a crowd-based reduction of transmission, not to lower individual risk.

Well, that's the current story at least. Seems like it's been through many iterations.

Any GOOD reason the .gov didn't find a way to supply useful quantities of N95 or better masks to the whole population? N95, changed regularly, might actually do something useful, the bandanas and such are just 2020 LARPing.

Also - assuming that wearing a mask protects other people from you - and that mask mandates are issued and legal - that would mean that people can be forced to take affirmative measures to benefit the health of others, including complete strangers, even when they get no personal benefit and suffer a burden. So how exactly is abortion legal?

just a scout
11-09-20, 21:12
Well, that's the current story at least. Seems like it's been through many iterations.

Any GOOD reason the .gov didn't find a way to supply useful quantities of N95 or better masks to the whole population? N95, changed regularly, might actually do something useful, the bandanas and such are just 2020 LARPing.

Also - assuming that wearing a mask protects other people from you - and that mask mandates are issued and legal - that would mean that people can be forced to take affirmative measures to benefit the health of others, including complete strangers, even when they get no personal benefit and suffer a burden. So how exactly is abortion legal?

Masks are a PITA. How do you propose to do fit testing and training for 400 million people?

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11-09-20, 21:23



My body my choice though amirite?

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11-09-20, 21:36
Might I put my tinfoil hat on for second here ... Who wouldn't be surprised to see an uptick in *mass shootings again when and if Biden does enter the White House in January??

Perhaps the mass shootings will be directed towards the traitors.

11-09-20, 22:05
Masks are a PITA. How do you propose to do fit testing and training for 400 million people?

Given all the drive-through testing clinics, and the huge HUGE HUUUUUGE destruction of our economy by the lockdowns, I think some resources could have been directed to fit testing in-person and education with the same tedious and annoying ads and messaging that I've been bombarded with for a month about "ignore Trump's obvious victory on election night, it takes time to fake all the votes we'll need for our puppet and you serfs should be patient while we manufacture them." Errr, let's just say "widespread public service announcements."

What I'm hearing (no offense to you personally) is "Covid is the apocalypse, and you have to wear THE MASK, but we can't be bothered to provide you a supply of cheap disposable masks that have even a snowball's chance in hell of stopping anything going into OR coming out of your lungs."

The groups pushing THE MASK overlap heavily with the groups that for several years have been pushing to make feminine hygiene products FREE by force of law at all public restrooms, so they already believe in using government money to procure and give away mass-produced paper products that are otherwise a private purchase. Seems like a DEADLY PANDEMIC would merit that more than ordinary bodily functions.

Seriously, if masks are actually useful and Covid is a serious threat, this is the biggest, dumbest mistake since 9/11. I'm more inclined to question those two assumptions.

11-10-20, 05:29
Perhaps the mass shootings will be directed towards the traitors.


11-10-20, 06:30
False. Wearing masks is not to protect the wearer. It’s to cut down the amount of virus floating about in respiratory droplets and aerosol. It’s a crowd-based reduction of transmission, not to lower individual risk.


Steve Shannon
11-10-20, 08:27
False. Wearing masks is not to protect the wearer. It’s to cut down the amount of virus floating about in respiratory droplets and aerosol. It’s a crowd-based reduction of transmission, not to lower individual risk.

Unfortunately, you’re wasting your breath. You’re exactly right, though.

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11-10-20, 09:00
False. Wearing masks is not to protect the wearer. It’s to cut down the amount of virus floating about in respiratory droplets and aerosol. It’s a crowd-based reduction of transmission, not to lower individual risk.

False... masks are a control and compliance device to see how many people will go along with something that the gubbamint says to do. If the parameters that federal, state and local gubbamints put in placed worked, we would not be in the situation we are in today with the spread and that includes other countries as well as ours. What has been put out is a bunch of bs by people who only know the agenda they want to implement... and that has nothing to do with the virus...

11-10-20, 09:08
The institution for which I work has mandated masks from all employees as long as you’re in the building. They have attempted to say even during lunch, you must only remove it during bites.

All staff and patients (if tolerable) must wear these surgical masks. We’ve seen a large number of staff members unknowingly infected and still working. Ultimately, mask-wearing patients have now been infected by mask-wearing staff.

But remember, masks work. Every study from the beginning of studies until recently was wrong. Now the multiple studies have “feelings” and “opinions” without evidence that makes work, by golly.

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11-10-20, 09:34
Unfortunately, you’re wasting your breath. You’re exactly right, though.

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Cmon mannnnn....

Unless you are engaging in reckless behavior ie. Driving drunk, driving high, smashing thots knowing your HIV positive, or any million other examples of legal negligence be they stemming from action or omission you do not have an affirmative lawful responsibility or obligation to the health and well-being of your neighbor by simply walking down the street existing, breathing, and just maintaining basic biological and physiological functions.

Absent the above your health and well-being is no ones responsibility but your own.

It kills me because I see allllll these pro face dildo wearers complaining about the lack of empathy by others to the point that they support legal sanctions but I’m yet to see a single one of them take a stand and say we need to ban McDonald’s, Burger King, etc. you know entities who’s products literally contribute to millions of deaths annually.

When all this BS started if government would have come out and just been like look... the research is iffy but we the state implore and recommend everyone to take precautions and wear a mask or whatever but did so in a constructive non partisan manner they would have gotten a lot more compliance and people willing to play ball. But no.... shit bags like Cuomo did anything but that because the American populace is weak and pathetic.

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Steve Shannon
11-10-20, 10:36
The institution for which I work has mandated masks from all employees as long as you’re in the building. They have attempted to say even during lunch, you must only remove it during bites.

All staff and patients (if tolerable) must wear these surgical masks. We’ve seen a large number of staff members unknowingly infected and still working. Ultimately, mask-wearing patients have now been infected by mask-wearing staff.

But remember, masks work. Every study from the beginning of studies until recently was wrong. Now the multiple studies have “feelings” and “opinions” without evidence that makes work, by golly.

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So, you’re saying that because masks don’t block every viral transmission path, they are useless?
Masks are only part of the solution and incapable of preventing fomites or of solving inadequate personal hygiene, but for people going out into public spaces, they are the most effective means of preventing airborne transference via droplets.
I get it; some of you wouldn’t believe anything the government tells you, especially when within the government this has been politicized.
The people I am closest to are almost all physicians. My daughters are a physician and a veterinarian. Three of my closest friends are physicians. Another is a nurse. Without exception they all tell me that masks are effective in preventing incidental spread in public spaces and serve as a part (but only a part) in bringing the pandemic under some kind of control. Obviously, politics hasn’t helped.
Believe any conspiracy you want, but don’t refuse to be part of the solution because you live in abject fear that the government is controlling your minds.

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11-10-20, 10:48
So, you’re saying that because masks don’t block every viral transmission path, they are useless?
Masks are only part of the solution and incapable of preventing fomites or of solving inadequate personal hygiene, but for people going out into public spaces, they are the most effective means of preventing airborne transference via droplets.
I get it; some of you wouldn’t believe anything the government tells you, especially when within the government this has been politicized.
The people I am closest to are almost all physicians. My daughters are a physician and a veterinarian. Three of my closest friends are physicians. Another is a nurse. Without exception they all tell me that masks are effective in preventing incidental spread in public spaces and serve as a part (but only a part) in bringing the pandemic under some kind of control. Obviously, politics hasn’t helped.
Believe any conspiracy you want, but don’t refuse to be part of the solution because you live in abject fear that the government is controlling your minds.

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Ironically, no, masks are NOT the most effecting means of transferable via droplets. DISTANCE is. The research is clear. Ironically, all the research prior to April of 2020 clearly suggests that surgical masks are ineffective at trapping and stopping the spread of respiratory droplets.

Since that time, much of the research to support masks wearing is statistically insignificant with P-Values that are laughable to draw conclusions from. Many of the conclusions say things such as, “though the evidence doesn’t support it, we FEEL” or it is “our opinion that...”

The only thing masks have shown to do consistently is reduce the velocity of respiratory droplets such that they aren’t projected as far; reducing projection from 10 ft to 6 ft, so on and so forth. It can be even less of a projection reduction depending on material.

In fact, there is no evidence that spread is reduced in areas with mask mandates. Some research shows that mask-wearing increases the number of times one touches their mucosal membranes thus increasing the risk of the wearer getting ill.

Ironically, most of the physicians I’ve talked to, which are dozens and dozens, will merely repeat what is quoted in journals having never read the research themselves. In fact, the ones that have read the research have commented that studies were obviously flawed. I know two infectious disease physicians that have come out strongly against the current infection control strategy being implemented. But what do they know? What do I know, as I type this from a COVID intensive care unit?

But hey, I don’t blame you or them for being confused. The top doctors in the country, including Fauci have been in both sides of the issue.

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Steve Shannon
11-10-20, 11:03
Ironically, no, masks are NOT the most effecting means of transferable via droplets. DISTANCE is. The research is clear. Ironically, all the research prior to April of 2020 clearly suggests that surgical masks are ineffective at trapping and stopping the spread of respiratory droplets.

Since that time, much of the research to support masks wearing is statistically insignificant with P-Values that are laughable to draw conclusions from. Many of the conclusions say things such as, “though the evidence doesn’t support it, we FEEL” or it is “our opinion that...”

The only thing masks have shown to do consistently is reduce the velocity of respiratory droplets such that they aren’t projected as far; reducing projection from 10 ft to 6 ft, so on and so forth. It can be even less of a projection reduction depending on material.

In fact, there is no evidence that spread is reduced in areas with mask mandates. Some research shows that mask-wearing increases the number of times one touches their mucosal membranes thus increasing the risk of the wearer getting ill.

Ironically, most of the physicians I’ve talked to, which are dozens and dozens, will merely repeat what is quoted in journals having never read the research themselves. In fact, the ones that have read the research have commented that studies were obviously flawed. I know two infectious disease physicians that have come out strongly against the current infection control strategy being implemented. But what do they know? What do I know, as I type this from a COVID intensive care unit?

But hey, I don’t blame you or them for being confused. The top doctors in the country, including Fauci have been in both sides of the issue.

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What do your two infectious disease specialists recommend to prevent incidental spread?

Do they recommend going without masks in public?

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11-10-20, 11:18
What do your two infectious disease specialists recommend to prevent incidental spread?

Do they recommend going without masks in public?

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Distance and noting face shields are exponentially more effective at stopping expression of droplets.

Additionally, both said everyone is going to get it, these are attempts at delaying the inevitable.

Regardless, no “mandate” is compatible with freedom.

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11-10-20, 11:54
Unfortunately, you’re wasting your breath. You’re exactly right, though.

What should really happen is at-risk people wear a full PPE suit if they decide to go outside. Or not, it's their choice.

This subjecting an entire population to mandatory decrees under the "it's for everyone ELSEs safety" is a bunch of shit.

Regardless if you think masks are working or not (I don't, especially seeing how ppl wear them).

Steve Shannon
11-10-20, 11:56
Distance and noting face shields are exponentially more effective at stopping expression of droplets.

Additionally, both said everyone is going to get it, these are attempts at delaying the inevitable.

Regardless, no “mandate” is compatible with freedom.

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I repeat: do they recommend going without masks in public?

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Steve Shannon
11-10-20, 11:57
What should really happen is at-risk people wear a full PPE suit if they decide to go outside. Or not, it's their choice.

This subjecting an entire population to mandatory decrees under the "it's for everyone ELSEs safety" is a bunch of shit.

Regardless if you think masks are working or not (I don't, especially seeing how ppl wear them).

So, doing something for others’ safety is a bunch of shit but disregarding others for your own convenience is just fine. Noted. Speaks to character.

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11-10-20, 12:03
So, doing something for others’ safety is a bunch of shit but disregarding others for your own convenience is just fine. Noted. Speaks to character.

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Go cry.

If people are afraid for their own health, it's on them to take care of it.

Have not worn a mask since all of this started, local state or fed mandates haven't and won't change that.

11-10-20, 12:15
I repeat: do they recommend going without masks in public?

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Did you read anything I typed?

One of them says masks are wholly ineffective and doesn’t wear one but at work and wouldn’t there if weren’t for policy.

Neither recommend wearing them as a means to stop transmission. Your word game of “recommend going without” them is nothing but a distraction.

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11-10-20, 12:18
So, doing something for others’ safety is a bunch of shit but disregarding others for your own convenience is just fine. Noted. Speaks to character.

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If that were the case, why weren’t you wearing a mask your whole life, because you could be spreading many of the existing viruses we’ve known about forever. Why is this virus with a 99.99% survival rate so special that one must take measure with no evidence of efficacy to “protect” others?

Why should the burden of safety shift to any but the individual?

Do you drive? Maybe you should stop because it could threaten safety of others. You may have a spontaneous seizure and kill somebody. You may fall asleep. You could kill people any of another ways because driving is convenient. In fact, maybe you should just stop living because there are any of a number of ways you could hurt the safety of others.

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11-10-20, 12:23
So, you’re saying that because masks don’t block every viral transmission path, they are useless?
Masks are only part of the solution and incapable of preventing fomites or of solving inadequate personal hygiene, but for people going out into public spaces, they are the most effective means of preventing airborne transference via droplets.
I get it; some of you wouldn’t believe anything the government tells you, especially when within the government this has been politicized.
The people I am closest to are almost all physicians. My daughters are a physician and a veterinarian. Three of my closest friends are physicians. Another is a nurse. Without exception they all tell me that masks are effective in preventing incidental spread in public spaces and serve as a part (but only a part) in bringing the pandemic under some kind of control. Obviously, politics hasn’t helped.
Believe any conspiracy you want, but don’t refuse to be part of the solution because you live in abject fear that the government is controlling your minds.

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Let me break this down for you...


so called “experts” opinions be damned. Gtfoh with that government simping BS.

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11-10-20, 12:27
So, doing something for others’ safety is a bunch of shit but disregarding others for your own convenience is just fine. Noted. Speaks to character.

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Bahahahahaha. The gullibility of this statement is glorious.

If you think forced legal sanctions is an effective let alone appropriate means to achieve a given end goal then it is in fact your character that’s compromised

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11-10-20, 12:29
So, doing something for others’ safety is a bunch of shit but disregarding others for your own convenience is just fine. Noted. Speaks to character.

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Are you wearing a face shield everywhere you go?

Perhaps a full hazmat suit? If you don’t, it speaks of your own character.

Where is the line drawn?

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11-10-20, 13:21
Thought this was a thread on what will happen to our guns?

But continue arguing over face thongs.

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11-10-20, 13:26
Are you wearing a face shield everywhere you go?

Perhaps a full hazmat suit? If you don’t, it speaks of your own character.

Where is the line drawn?

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His perspective is born entirely out of selfishness be it fear or something else. Wants to “make a difference” to make himself feel better so he resorts to demanding others abide by his demands instead of minding his own business. Toxic fake empathy.

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11-10-20, 14:26
His perspective is born entirely out of selfishness be it fear or something else. Wants to “make a difference” to make himself feel better so he resorts to demanding others abide by his demands instead of minding his own business. Toxic fake empathy.

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Agreed. Collectivism is selfishness by proxy.

11-10-20, 16:45
Back on what will happen to our guns....if the Chicom usurper succeeds in stealing the election.

2 scenarios:
1. R's retain majority control of Senate. I expect a flurry of EO's and heavy-handed ATF rulings. Among others: they'll eliminate imports (ammo and firearms) except for possibly historical or C&R type items that they consider non-dangerous, ATF will clamp down on AR pistols, perhaps EPA will make sweeping lead ammo bans like Cali. Even if the latter won't stand up to a court challenge, they might try it, merely because it'll cause massive disruption in the ammunition market, and cost a lot of money for private companies that take them to court over it. They might even try this route to restrict mag capacity, again, knowing full well it probably won't hold up, but they can cause disruption and hurt the companies and states that will have to defend against their frivolous EO. And they can use unlimited government resources and attorneys to drag these out in court. They may not get much of lasting value accomplished in their agenda, but they can definitely hurt us short-term with EO's and reg changes.

2. R's lose control of the Senate. Well I think this one is clear--they're going to massively steamroll us across the board. Go read their Gun Safety (https://joebiden.com/gunsafety/#)page to see all they have planned. All we will have left is appealing it to SCOTUS.

Steve Shannon
11-10-20, 17:07
Back on what will happen to our guns....if the Chicom usurper succeeds in stealing the election.

2 scenarios:
1. R's retain majority control of Senate. I expect a flurry of EO's and heavy-handed ATF rulings. Among others: they'll eliminate imports (ammo and firearms) except for possibly historical or C&R type items that they consider non-dangerous, ATF will clamp down on AR pistols, perhaps EPA will make sweeping lead ammo bans like Cali. Even if the latter won't stand up to a court challenge, they might try it, merely because it'll cause massive disruption in the ammunition market, and cost a lot of money for private companies that take them to court over it. They might even try this route to restrict mag capacity, again, knowing full well it probably won't hold up, but they can cause disruption and hurt the companies and states that will have to defend against their frivolous EO. And they can use unlimited government resources and attorneys to drag these out in court. They may not get much of lasting value accomplished in their agenda, but they can definitely hurt us short-term with EO's and reg changes.

2. R's lose control of the Senate. Well I think this one is clear--they're going to massively steamroll us across the board. Go read their Gun Safety (https://joebiden.com/gunsafety/#)page to see all they have planned. All we will have left is appealing it to SCOTUS.

I don’t believe that when it comes to gun control, all senators will vote strictly along party lines, especially in the red states that got redder last week.

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11-10-20, 17:33
So, doing something for others’ safety is a bunch of shit but disregarding others for your own convenience is just fine. Noted. Speaks to character.

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Always fun to get a leftist troll in here. So I'll tell you what I'd tell you in person.


Imuno-compromised ppl should take care of themselves - if that means wearing a hazmat type suit or complete face thingy with portable O2, that is their choice. CHOICE. Or they can hunker down at home and do nothing. Their CHOICE.

Because yes, it's about FREEDOM. That is what myself and others fought for. Not for some unelected bureaucrat who changes his mind more than a weather vain changes direction in Tornado Alley to "think" the solution is today.

Because **** him, thats why.

'Speaks to character', oh you're breaking my heart their sweetness. I really don't care about your opinions or thoughts. They really mean nothing, at all, to me.

Hugs-n-kisses, make sure to wear your footie PJs to bed tonight! ;)

11-10-20, 17:47
False... masks are a control and compliance device to see how many people will go along with something that the gubbamint says to do. If the parameters that federal, state and local gubbamints put in placed worked, we would not be in the situation we are in today with the spread and that includes other countries as well as ours. What has been put out is a bunch of bs by people who only know the agenda they want to implement... and that has nothing to do with the virus...

Sorry bro, I’m an M.D. and you’re out of your lane. I am also a freedom loving, libertarian minded individual who has never ever voted for a democrat, and view the 2a as my litmus test for all politicians.

The politicization of VOLUNTARY wearing of masks is frankly moronic.

With that said, sheltering in place and attempting to prevent transmission of a pandemic virus is a ridiculous strategy and flies in the face of everything the scientific community knows about pandemics. We either need an effective vaccine or herd immunity to burn out a pandemic.

The “at risk” groups should shelter. Those at low risk of morbidity/mortality from the virus need to keep going on about their business.

With all that, I still personally wear a mask in public and have no problem doing so.

just a scout
11-10-20, 17:50
Back on what will happen to our guns....if the Chicom usurper succeeds in stealing the election.

2 scenarios:
1. R's retain majority control of Senate. I expect a flurry of EO's and heavy-handed ATF rulings. Among others: they'll eliminate imports (ammo and firearms) except for possibly historical or C&R type items that they consider non-dangerous, ATF will clamp down on AR pistols, perhaps EPA will make sweeping lead ammo bans like Cali. Even if the latter won't stand up to a court challenge, they might try it, merely because it'll cause massive disruption in the ammunition market, and cost a lot of money for private companies that take them to court over it. They might even try this route to restrict mag capacity, again, knowing full well it probably won't hold up, but they can cause disruption and hurt the companies and states that will have to defend against their frivolous EO. And they can use unlimited government resources and attorneys to drag these out in court. They may not get much of lasting value accomplished in their agenda, but they can definitely hurt us short-term with EO's and reg changes.

2. R's lose control of the Senate. Well I think this one is clear--they're going to massively steamroll us across the board. Go read their Gun Safety (https://joebiden.com/gunsafety/#)page to see all they have planned. All we will have left is appealing it to SCOTUS.

If they get the Senate:
Step 1. Get rid of the filibuster
Step 2. Pack the Court
Step 3. DC and PR become states
Step 4. Pass all the other laws they want and shred the Constitution

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Steve Shannon
11-10-20, 17:56
Always fun to get a leftist troll in here. So I'll tell you what I'd tell you in person.


Imuno-compromised ppl should take care of themselves - if that means wearing a hazmat type suit or complete face thingy with portable O2, that is their choice. CHOICE. Or they can hunker down at home and do nothing. Their CHOICE.

Because yes, it's about FREEDOM. That is what myself and others fought for. Not for some unelected bureaucrat who changes his mind more than a weather vain changes direction in Tornado Alley to "think" the solution is today.

Because **** him, thats why.

'Speaks to character', oh you're breaking my heart their sweetness. I really don't care about your opinions or thoughts. They really mean nothing, at all, to me.

Hugs-n-kisses, make sure to wear your footie PJs to bed tonight! ;)

It’s disappointing that you label me a leftist troll based on my exercise of our first amendment.
But I am grateful for your service. To me that is a true expression of selflessness and duty for our common defense, greater in magnitude of course, but not philosophically unlike voluntarily wearing masks.

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11-10-20, 17:56
Sorry bro, I’m an M.D. and you’re out of your lane. I am also a freedom loving, libertarian minded individual who has never ever voted for a democrat, and view the 2a as my litmus test for all politicians.

The politicization of VOLUNTARY wearing of masks is frankly moronic.

With that said, sheltering in place and attempting to prevent transmission of a pandemic virus is a ridiculous strategy and flies in the face of everything the scientific community knows about pandemics. We either need an effective vaccine or herd immunity to burn out a pandemic.

The “at risk” groups should shelter. Those at low risk of morbidity/mortality from the virus need to keep going on about their business.

With all that, I still personally wear a mask in public and have no problem doing so.

Well tell that to your compatriots in government advising the likes of Cuomo who screwed the pooch on this nonsense being anything but voluntary from the get go.

There’s nothing voluntary about government threatening or enforcing sanctions against individuals and businesses for not complying with public health edicts crafted by unelected bureaucrats and partisan experts whoring themselves out.

11-10-20, 18:25
Well tell that to your compatriots in government advising the likes of Cuomo who screwed the pooch on this nonsense being anything but voluntary from the get go.

There’s nothing voluntary about government threatening or enforcing sanctions against individuals and businesses for not complying with public health edicts crafted by unelected bureaucrats and partisan experts whoring themselves out.

You're on a roll jp! Fight on!

11-10-20, 18:32
The important thing is I don’t want to take away your right to voluntarily wear a mask. [emoji106]

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11-10-20, 19:19
Mods need to close this shit show down.

11-10-20, 19:28
Well tell that to your compatriots in government advising the likes of Cuomo who screwed the pooch on this nonsense being anything but voluntary from the get go.

There’s nothing voluntary about government threatening or enforcing sanctions against individuals and businesses for not complying with public health edicts crafted by unelected bureaucrats and partisan experts whoring themselves out.

I completely agree. That is unconstitutional and illegal. Frankly, I don’t see how anyone looks at such heavy handed tactics set upon them by leftists and doesn’t have a visceral reaction.

In NC, the government cannot force you to wear a mask. The governor mandated masks in public, but there is no legal basis for this. What it does allow is for businesses to require masks to enter the premises. And if you don’t comply, you are trespassing.

I would have suggested a massive public service message nationally outlining the benefits of wearing a mask when in public and request that everyone wear a mask in public. Forced compliance is not the American way. It results in a collective middle finger.

11-10-20, 19:29
I don’t believe that when it comes to gun control, all senators will vote strictly along party lines, especially in the red states that got redder last week.

I heard Manchin on the radio this morning and he may be one of those. Of course I count on nothing as a given.

11-10-20, 19:47
I don’t believe that when it comes to gun control, all senators will vote strictly along party lines, especially in the red states that got redder last week.

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That's true, but nearly all will, with only 1 or 2 possible exceptions (I agree with possibility of Joe Manchin, as mentioned). But he's hard to predict, he might not go for the more fundamental changes like court-packing and filibuster, but I do think in the end they'd pressure him massively and he'd go for AWB. See his historical comment (https://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/nra-member-sen-manchin-says-newtown-shooting-open-141440511--election.html) on Newtown shooting, if you don't believe he'd potentially support AWB you're dreaming. But either way, the old-school conservative Dems who were very similar to Republicans, are almost gone now. Are there any left besides Manchin? And don't forget, if the R's have a bare majority say 52 in the Senate, a handful of those are political "moderates" who hate Trump: Romney, Collins, Murkowski. Conceivably 1 of these, maybe even 2, could flip and join the Dems on an AWB. And if they did that, we could STILL lose on our major issue, even if R's retain the Senate.