View Full Version : IF..IF THIS IS TRUE...its over for Biden & people are going to jail.

Straight Shooter
11-06-20, 05:59
FIRST OFF: I DO NOT like Info Wars or Alex Jones..PERIOD.
Ive never heard of the guy being interviewed. I DO NOT know if this is true or a damned lie.
I am merely passing along info, and the source of this is Citizen Free Press, one of my favorite sites for news.
So-with those caveats..here you go:


Now, someone else explained it like this:
The watermark is IN or ON the paper.
The paper was created, ordered & supplied by the GOV/DHS in bulk for the 2020 Federal elections due to Covid 19.
This was ONLY for mail in ballots as thats were the fraud occurs.
Printing is done state by state..so whoever prints it..gets it.
AZ, PA, MI & possibly WA sent them out, then destroyed the ones for Trump & printed new ones for Biden.
The new ones DONT have the watermark but they have counted them as authentic. So..a watertight case for fraud.
I HOPE this aint another Rudy G moment of a bunch of shit that never happened.
Has anyone heard this yet?
Again- dont raise hell to me, Im just passing it along- I DO NOT know if its true or not.

11-06-20, 06:07
If it is true it wouldn't surprise me one bit, but I doubt anyone is going to jail.

11-06-20, 06:25
1. No one is going to jail
2. No news channel will cover it.
3. I would imagine a good portion of the left approves of this.
4. If true the response should be the thing with tree, blood liberty, self evident, c’mon man, you know the rest.
5. Most won’t care and no one is going to jail.

11-06-20, 07:13
It sounds great, but I'll believe it when I see it.

11-06-20, 07:26
Ditto. Miracle smoking gun “proof” is always extremely doubtful despite whatever conspiracy theory du jour is popular.

11-06-20, 07:33
Even if the mechanism counting ballots is on the level the entire unverified mail in process is BS. Left wing or right wing there is ZERO justification to oppose strong voter ID enforcement.

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11-06-20, 07:37
Man, I really have smoking gun fatigue at this point after the Hunter laptop, Bobulinski, and now voter fraud stuff.

Unless it's headlining on CNN it's not a smoking gun.

11-06-20, 07:38
Even if the mechanism counting ballots is on the level the entire unverified mail in process is BS. Left wing or right wing there is ZERO justification to oppose strong voter ID enforcement.

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11-06-20, 07:39
I'm sure the Swamp is EAGER to convict a fellow swamp dweller alright! :rolleyes:

11-06-20, 08:01
Very Qanon... and what's their batting average been the past four years?

I mean, it'd be a heck of a sting if true, but right now... believe half what you see and even less of what you hear. Perpwalks talk, bullshit walks.

11-06-20, 08:13
If it is true it wouldn't surprise me one bit, but I doubt anyone is going to jail.

And that is a huge part of the problem.

I am not a huge fan of the death penalty due to legal shenanigans and no way to mitigate someone wrongly executed, but election tampering sure does deserve to have it as a possible penalty.

11-06-20, 08:19
And that is a huge part of the problem.

I am not a huge fan of the death penalty due to legal shenanigans and no way to mitigate someone wrongly executed, but election tampering sure does deserve to have it as a possible penalty.

No way to mitigate, but it might incentivize being damn sure in capital cases if an execution found wrongful meant same for the prosecutor responsible.

11-06-20, 08:24
No way to mitigate, but it might incentivize being damn sure in capital cases if an execution found wrongful meant same for the prosecutor responsible.

And that is one of my main reasons for opposing because those special snow flakes have near total immunity for their actions.

Alex V
11-06-20, 08:27
No one is going to jail, Biden will be POTUS and we are all going to sit here and bitch and moan while we lose our RTKBA.

11-06-20, 08:37
No one is going to jail, Biden will be POTUS and we are all going to sit here and bitch and moan while we lose our RTKBA.

Speak for yourself. You do you, I'll do me.

Alex V
11-06-20, 09:12
Speak for yourself. You do you, I'll do me.

Dude, Im not saying I am giving anything up, but capture is only a matter of time once the law is passed.

11-06-20, 09:18
Dude, Im not saying I am giving anything up, but capture is only a matter of time once the law is passed.

Getting a law passed requires the Senate to pass a law.

11-06-20, 09:25
its like HighSchool and the quarterback is a bully and picking on a new kid and the principal does NOTHING

11-06-20, 09:29
The Senate is everything, to be sure. We've (mountain raven) both made several posts about that for weeks. However, the Senate is in grave danger. Both Georgia Senate seats are headed to runoff in January. And the NC Senate seat may be in danger, as there are multiple sources stating that NC is just beginning the process of counting mail in ballots. There is going to have to be a tidal wave of red voters to overcome this hurdle in January. 100s of millions of dollars are going to come pouring into Georgia to try and flip the Senate. The real race has just begun.

Oh, and i wouldn't waste any time with whatever conspiracy theory is being trotted out. It's either total garbage or it's legit (doubtful) and absolutely nothing will happen.

11-06-20, 09:39
In Georgia Biden now leads by less than 1100 votes. The Libertarian candidate got 61k votes. Fantastic job guys.

11-06-20, 09:43
In Georgia Biden now leads by less than 1100 votes. The Libertarian candidate got 61k votes. Fantastic job guys.



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11-06-20, 09:44
Getting a law passed requires the Senate to pass a law.

Well there's that, but it seems to have zoomed right on past people in the heat of this moment.

And yes, there are RINO traitors in the Senate. Best way to not let them stab us in the back is to let the bill die in committee and not be given a floor vote. Since Republicans will barely hold the Senate that means they control chairmanship of committees, and decide what goes for a full floor vote.

11-06-20, 09:45
In Georgia Biden now leads by less than 1100 votes. The Libertarian candidate got 61k votes. Fantastic job guys.

Ahh, libertarian voters. Let's vote to preserve our rights by ensuring that the candidate diametrically opposed to said right wins! Makes total sense guys!

Libertarians have been guaranteeing Colorado dem governor wins for years.

11-06-20, 09:50
Well there's that, but it seems to have zoomed right on past people in the heat of this moment.

And yes, there are RINO traitors in the Senate. Best way to not let them stab us in the back is to let the bill die in committee and not be given a floor vote. Since Republicans will barely hold the Senate that means they control chairmanship of committees, and decide what goes for a full floor vote.

Most likely Republicans won't retain senate majority. Georgia is going to a runoff for both seats. Odds are both D's win.

11-06-20, 09:56

More Q bullshit to keep goodhearted but stupid people pacified while trusting in "the plan."

11-06-20, 09:58
Most likely Republicans won't retain senate majority. Georgia is going to a runoff for both seats. Odds are both D's win.

Stats or assumptions?

11-06-20, 10:00
Well, seeing that both D candidates are backed by the Bloomberg money, and seeing the ridiculous cheating going on currently, I'd say it's a safe assumption.

Stats don't mean anything at this point. Haven't you heard?

11-06-20, 10:01
This was ONLY for mail in ballots as thats were the fraud occurs.
Printing is done state by state..so whoever prints it..gets it.
AZ, PA, MI & possibly WA sent them out, then destroyed the ones for Trump & printed new ones for Biden.
The new ones DONT have the watermark but they have counted them as authentic. So..a watertight case for fraud.

Mail-in balloting is a definite avenue for fraud.

Mail-in balloting is not the only avenue for fraud. It easily supplements the other methods that have been practiced in previous elections.

I strongly suspect that in many places where the fraud has been perpetrated, real ballots have been used, which makes it extremely difficult to contest. The key factor is the time available to fabricate ballots (that is using real ballots and filling them in fraudulently) after the polls close on election day. Once those 'extra' ballots have polluted the vote, it will be very difficult to separate bona fide ballots from stolen ballots and it will influence the recount.

If they have a method to find and eliminate some of the counterfeit ballots, it will certainly help but it has to be done in a provable way and it has to be indisputable. And it has to be efficient, the longer this goes on the worse it gets.

11-06-20, 10:03
In Georgia Biden now leads by less than 1100 votes. The Libertarian candidate got 61k votes. Fantastic job guys.

Big-L Libertarian Party cultists suck... their "free pot for everyone" shtick and shit like this give us who support small-l libertarian principles a bad name.

For all his faults, Trump is the most "libertarian" candidate with an actual chance of implementing "libertarian" policies in decades. And they threw that away in favor of a Communist-bought-and-paid-for senile crook with an open Marxist using him as a Trojan horse.


11-06-20, 10:08
Well, seeing that both D candidates are backed by the Bloomberg money, and seeing the ridiculous cheating going on currently, I'd say it's a safe assumption.

Stats don't mean anything at this point. Haven't you heard?

Something I posted in the other thread:

The Georgia runoff is Jan. 5th. Trump will still be in office. He should order Federal Marshals to oversee the counting. They'll bitch and moan and go to court to prevent it but who gives a shit at that point?

11-06-20, 10:27
Big-L Libertarian Party cultists suck... their "free pot for everyone" shtick and shit like this give us who support small-l libertarian principles a bad name.

For all his faults, Trump is the most "libertarian" candidate with an actual chance of implementing "libertarian" policies in decades. And they threw that away in favor of a Communist-bought-and-paid-for senile crook with an open Marxist using him as a Trojan horse.


Take a walk over to Reason magazine, a libertarian rag. They be more down on the Orange Man than I think they are down on the Dems.

11-06-20, 10:32
The Q guys stated this 411 days ago...if we go down the rabbit hole, trump is waiting for the election to be called & for biden to accept before pulling the trigger so he is complicit in the fraud. It's a hard pill to swallow even though all of us would dance in the street if it happened. Predicting many high profile arrests.

Don't shoot the messenger...I have been following the Q followers from the sidelines ever since 90% of congress agreed to officially condemn Q (see link) but refused to add antifa who is burning down our cities in the bill. I will give them credit for calling out the red Oct surprise & stating both Hunter & Sleepy would be caught red handed. Never expected it would be by a biden laptop. Crazy stuff & been entertaining for no other reason.


11-06-20, 10:44
Take a walk over to Reason magazine, a libertarian rag. They be more down on the Orange Man than I think they are down on the Dems.

Reason is more Big-L Losertarian Party, though.

11-06-20, 10:48
The Q guys stated this 411 days ago...if we go down the rabbit hole, trump is waiting for the election to be called & for biden to accept before pulling the trigger so he is complicit in the fraud. It's a hard pill to swallow even though all of us would dance in the street if it happened. Predicting many high profile arrests.

Don't shoot the messenger...I have been following the Q followers from the sidelines ever since 90% of congress agreed to officially condemn Q (see link) but refused to add antifa who is burning down our cities in the bill. I will give them credit for calling out the red Oct surprise & stating both Hunter & Sleepy would be caught red handed. Never expected it would be by a biden laptop. Crazy stuff & been entertaining for no other reason.


I get where you're going with this, and I'm not crying in my beer like a lot of these guys are, but c'mon. Remember when Sessions had 35K sealed indictments just waiting to be acted on? Yeah, me neither.

Look fellas, I've voted in nine POTUS elections now (was old enough to in '84 but was a young GI overseas and didn't really give a shit, although I did like Reagan). If Trump ends up losing I'll be 4-5. Not a great record, not even play-off worthy. Hit the "R" lever every friggin' time. Will NEVER vote Democheat. EVER. So needless to say I've been on the losing end more than the winning one and it sucks, but I'm still here. I know what I will and what I won't do in the future with regards to some bullshit law. I won't be stupid but I won't knuckle under either. Kind of a sublime "Fvck you!". If enough momentum builds I'll be more overt about it. If not I'll stay in the shadows and throw daggers whenever possible. ;)

11-06-20, 12:18
The Senate is everything, to be sure. We've (mountain raven) both made several posts about that for weeks. However, the Senate is in grave danger. Both Georgia Senate seats are headed to runoff in January. And the NC Senate seat may be in danger, as there are multiple sources stating that NC is just beginning the process of counting mail in ballots. There is going to have to be a tidal wave of red voters to overcome this hurdle in January. 100s of millions of dollars are going to come pouring into Georgia to try and flip the Senate. The real race has just begun.

Oh, and i wouldn't waste any time with whatever conspiracy theory is being trotted out. It's either total garbage or it's legit (doubtful) and absolutely nothing will happen.

AND expanding the states and SCOTUS

folks say OH they cant do that ? well they rigged an election so far and nothing seems to be done
they tried a coup and nothing happened
they used the FBI against a election and nothing happened

and .......

yet folks say OH its OK we have the senate and SCOTUS it will be OK ? and yeah could be but I am going to bet a lot of grumbling going on over the useless republicans and rinos

honestly I am not so worried as I am WOW I am witnessing major history and living in it I do worry some which I should not be about my kids future but my faith gives me the ability to not worry as it's nothing new really and as long as my kids keep the faith its going to be OK in this fallen temp world :)

also this could be something that happens for 8 years or ? and we get a huge pendulum swing back to conservativism ?

11-06-20, 12:36
This guy lays out what he feels are all the arrows in Trump's quiver...I don't see Trump conceding.

Trump Readies To Go FULL ANIMAL on the Democrats and EXPOSE Their CORRUPTION!!!


I get where you're going with this, and I'm not crying in my beer like a lot of these guys are, but c'mon. Remember when Sessions had 35K sealed indictments just waiting to be acted on? Yeah, me neither.

Look fellas, I've voted in nine POTUS elections now (was old enough to in '84 but was a young GI overseas and didn't really give a shit, although I did like Reagan). If Trump ends up losing I'll be 4-5. Not a great record, not even play-off worthy. Hit the "R" lever every friggin' time. Will NEVER vote Democheat. EVER. So needless to say I've been on the losing end more than the winning one and it sucks, but I'm still here. I know what I will and what I won't do in the future with regards to some bullshit law. I won't be stupid but I won't knuckle under either. Kind of a sublime "Fvck you!". If enough momentum builds I'll be more overt about it. If not I'll stay in the shadows and throw daggers whenever possible. ;)

11-06-20, 12:37

11-06-20, 13:01
This guy lays out what he feels are all the arrows in Trump's quiver...I don't see Trump conceding.

Trump Readies To Go FULL ANIMAL on the Democrats and EXPOSE Their CORRUPTION!!!


Although much BS has gone on, my most troubling instances in this whole thing (and the guy in the video touched on it) is the pause in voting in Michigan and Wisconsin---practically unheard of on an election night---and the HUGE advantage Biden had when it resumed. If there is anything stinking to high Heaven in all of this it's that. Yeah, Nevada, Arizona, yada yada. It is that shit they pulled in WI and MI on Election night that really tweaks me.

11-06-20, 15:10
This guy lays out what he feels are all the arrows in Trump's quiver...I don't see Trump conceding.

Trump Readies To Go FULL ANIMAL on the Democrats and EXPOSE Their CORRUPTION!!!


You know, after watching the ComDems’ coup attempt the last four years and the total boondoggle they made out of this election I wouldn’t mind seeing President Trump just go all out nutso on the ComDems. File lawsuits everywhere, get Q and Veritas and Alex Jones doing White House press releases. And then just hole up in the Oval Office like Al Pacino in Scarface and dare Punch Drunk Joe to come on in......

11-06-20, 15:15
The Senate is everything, to be sure. We've (mountain raven) both made several posts about that for weeks. However, the Senate is in grave danger. Both Georgia Senate seats are headed to runoff in January. And the NC Senate seat may be in danger, as there are multiple sources stating that NC is just beginning the process of counting mail in ballots. There is going to have to be a tidal wave of red voters to overcome this hurdle in January. 100s of millions of dollars are going to come pouring into Georgia to try and flip the Senate. The real race has just begun.

Oh, and i wouldn't waste any time with whatever conspiracy theory is being trotted out. It's either total garbage or it's legit (doubtful) and absolutely nothing will happen.

NC is probably going to be fine. Tillis is up by too much right now, and there's not enough outstanding ballots to make up the difference even if they all went for Cunningham.

As for Georgia, Purdue won by a decent amount, and the third party was Libertarian with about 100,000 votes. Those voters will likely either go Republican or they won't vote. Also Loefler is probably going to win. Am I nervous? Yes, as we've seen, foul play is about. However, for now, I'd give an edge to the GOP for holding the Senate.

11-06-20, 17:19
You know, after watching the ComDems’ coup attempt the last four years and the total boondoggle they made out of this election I wouldn’t mind seeing President Trump just go all out nutso on the ComDems. File lawsuits everywhere, get Q and Veritas and Alex Jones doing White House press releases. And then just hole up in the Oval Office like Al Pacino in Scarface and dare Punch Drunk Joe to come on in......

While part of me feels if Trump goes both barrels it would hurt R's across the board, the forward thinking part of me sees that if we lose here, it's done. Everything. ComDem immigration plans alone will turn Texas by 2024. That's not to mention that if we do lose the Senate, new states, more senators and a liberal-expanded court will ensure the chances of Republican control will be the same as Chicago becoming a Republican stronghold.

11-06-20, 17:36
While part of me feels if Trump goes both barrels it would hurt R's across the board, the forward thinking part of me sees that if we lose here, it's done. Everything. ComDem immigration plans alone will turn Texas by 2024. That's not to mention that if we do lose the Senate, new states, more senators and a liberal-expanded court will ensure the chances of Republican control will be the same as Chicago becoming a Republican stronghold.

Brotha, I hope he goes scorched earth. Damn the consequences since, as you mention, the alternative consequences suck MUCH worse.

Coal Dragger
11-06-20, 17:45
LOL, no one is going to jail who is named Biden or is a Democrat.

When are you guys going to figure that out?

11-06-20, 17:48
While part of me feels if Trump goes both barrels it would hurt R's across the board, the forward thinking part of me sees that if we lose here, it's done. Everything. ComDem immigration plans alone will turn Texas by 2024. That's not to mention that if we do lose the Senate, new states, more senators and a liberal-expanded court will ensure the chances of Republican control will be the same as Chicago becoming a Republican stronghold.

Then good. Take off and nuke the system from orbit. This kicking the can down the road needs to end somewhere someday.

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11-06-20, 17:49
LOL, no one is going to jail who is named Biden or is a Democrat.

When are you guys going to figure that out?

You are so wrong. And to prove you wrong, allow me to link to a vague Qanon post and a fringe right wing "news" site!

11-06-20, 18:17
I love Massie

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11-06-20, 18:21
LOL, no one is going to jail who is named Biden or is a Democrat.

When are you guys going to figure that out?

Jail is secondary in my book. Trump swearing in again on January 20th is #1 priority.

Coal Dragger
11-06-20, 21:05
That’s not gonna happen either.

11-06-20, 21:44
That’s not gonna happen either.

Yeah well whether or not it happens you can punch out and not be a part of the (at a minimum) support for justice and then your dooming dreams can come true. We'll all say "Jeez, Coal Dragger was right all along, why didn't we see it that way?" :rolleyes:

What actually happens and what is dismissively waived off could very well be two different things. I'll at least "die in a pile of brass" rhetorically speaking with regards to Trump's efforts to contest this bullshit, and will speak to that effect on whatever social media I can before being banned/deleted. But by all means go out there and just say "Fvck it, bend me over, we're toast".

Who should get more respect and satisfaction? The guy who's hill is getting overrun (rhetorically speaking again of course) and shoots a few rounds in defiance or the one who curls up in his foxhole and says "Jeez, I knew it would come to this"? Respect isn't necessarily your goal and reality may be a bitch but for cripe's sake grow a pair and be defiant. Won't make you correct in your assertions but will at least let you not be a roll-over.

11-06-20, 21:47
Your Lack of Faith is Disturbing...

That’s not gonna happen either.

Coal Dragger
11-07-20, 23:26
My lack of faith is just an understanding of how loathe judges are to get involved even when they should in matters like election fraud, recounts, or anything election related at all.

We have 3 liberal SCOTUS Justices that will vote to help any leftist or leftist cause 100% of the time. Then you have John “Cuck” Roberts who will vote with the leftists on this one as well. That leaves the other 5, and one of them will go weak kneed on us, probably Kavanaugh or Gorsuch.

The best we will get is a recount in a few states, but that won’t be enough to turn it for Trump. Problem is all the fraudulent ballots are in the system now, and the chain of custody is all dorked up, PA was supposed to set aside ballots recurved after 20:00 on 11/03/2020 for example. Do you think they were? Hell no. I’ll bet the envelopes all got tossed and shredded too. They’ll claim it was an accident. So places like PA, MI, AZ, GA, NC, and WI have a bunch of mailed in fraudulent ballots with no chain of custody. Probably more states than that.

The SCOTUS is going to err on the side of counting those votes so no one is disenfranchised or some shit. The only way to eliminate the fraudulent ballots would be for SCOTUS to invalidate the various states election results, order a do-over, or turn it over to state legislatures. If there was authority to order another election be held the only way to avoid the current problems is voting in person with ID.

So ask yourself if SCOTUS is going to do something that drastic? Of course not, not a chance in hell.

11-08-20, 08:08
Trump should declare a National Emergency, Martial Law, Federalize the 82ed,101st, ect,ect , arrest and detain everyone involved in this
Coup ' the entire DNC ' National and State and let them offer defense, not the other way around, yeah it has gotten to that point !

11-08-20, 10:19
Ahh, libertarian voters. Let's vote to preserve our rights by ensuring that the candidate diametrically opposed to said right wins! Makes total sense guys!

Libertarians have been guaranteeing Colorado dem governor wins for years.

Might draw off some libertarian votes if the average Republican behavior in office matched the claims they made while running for office.

11-08-20, 10:24
Good points


Dr. Bullseye
11-08-20, 10:49
You guys just don't understand. This is not the United States of America anymore, this is the Deep States of America and you are a prisoner. This is no bull.

I will never vote for any candidate who does not promise to utterly destroy the FBI if elected and make any action against any citizen by the CIA, NSA, etc. punishable by a mandatory 50 year prison sentence. Giving more than $5.00 to a politician would be treason, so ending lobbyism.

No Russia, not China, not Iran but the Deep State is the major threat to the American people. I would gladly partner up with any of them if they would destroy the Deep State, media, Social Media.

11-08-20, 12:19
Might draw off some libertarian votes if the average Republican behavior in office matched the claims they made while running for office.

Let me know how those libertarian elected officials behave in office so we can compare.

11-08-20, 12:21
I would not be at all surprised if it's true, but the question is does anyone care. I mean, they get caught red handed every election cycle, and nothing ever happens. Anyone remember when they shut down that airport with a fake bomb scare because they found a bunch of ballots in the trunk of a returned rental car?

It's not just this country either. Remember the Scottish vote to secede from GB? They literally caught them rigging the counting on camera, and nothing was done about it.

BTW, Youtube took the video linked in the OP down. Surprise, surprise.

11-08-20, 12:24
Let me know how those libertarian elected officials behave in office so we can compare.

It would help if big-L Losertarians would actually learn to play political chess, run in races they can WIN. Start with local stuff like city council or dogcatcher.

11-08-20, 13:00
Let me know how those libertarian elected officials behave in office so we can compare.

I thought you wanted those with libertarian leanings to vote for republican candidates and I pointed out how that might could be achievable. The average republican voter doesn't demand any criteria past candidate registration.

11-08-20, 13:02
It would help if big-L Losertarians would actually learn to play political chess, run in races they can WIN. Start with local stuff like city council or dogcatcher.

While he didn't run on the Libertarian ticket, Ross Perot had many of the big .gov leanings of Bush and Clinton(including being anti 2nd Amendment) and managed to draw away more Republican votes than any 3rd party candidate in decades.

11-08-20, 23:57
Good points


He's not wrong.

11-09-20, 00:07
The video linked by the OP has been removed from YouTube for "violating the terms of service"

11-09-20, 13:09
Guys, I can't emphasize this enough. Please donate to Perdue, Loeffler, and the NRSC. I've already done it and plan to again before the runoff. It's imperative that we hold those 2 seats.

11-09-20, 14:44
I would not be at all surprised if it's true, but the question is does anyone care. I mean, they get caught red handed every election cycle, and nothing ever happens. Anyone remember when they shut down that airport with a fake bomb scare because they found a bunch of ballots in the trunk of a returned rental car?

It's not just this country either. Remember the Scottish vote to secede from GB? They literally caught them rigging the counting on camera, and nothing was done about it.

BTW, Youtube took the video linked in the OP down. Surprise, surprise.

That's because the systems are always more important than the outcomes they produce. The systems are sacrosanct and speaking ill of them is verboten.

11-09-20, 15:29
I fully concur.