View Full Version : Have we not learned anything from the left?

11-07-20, 01:00
We didn’t get here overnight. It’s happened over decades, cut by cut by cut. Everything they do adds up. Let’s take a page from their playbooks. Mass protest, flood the dc switch boards, pressure corporations. Most of y’all have too much to give up with a shooting war. It doesn’t have to come to that. We can do this. Pressure your reps. Take to the streets. Boycott corporations. Sell your stocks. Little shit will make a difference.

11-07-20, 01:03

11-07-20, 06:08
NOTHING we do is going to turn this ship around at this point. They surrounded us in our sleep.

Especially taking up arms . . . . . I’ve been reading into the probability throughout history that a military refuses orders from the sitting government and sides with the people en mass. It doesn’t happen often. 99% of the time they will carry out their orders. Hell, look at the petty tyranny perpetrated by law enforcement during these quarantines. Clearly unconstitutional, but nobody seems to care.

So here’s your sitrep:
• you will shortly never have legislative power again (through EC elimination, adding states, ending filibuster, voter fraud/open borders)
• you will shortly never have judicial power again (through court packing)
• you will never have a majority of the populace on your side (through propaganda legacy media that gets worse by the day, censorship by big tech, government schools)
• you won’t be able to reliably share evidence and information (big tech censorship, coming clampdowns on “hate” speech)
• you won’t be able to defend yourself (gun bans)
• you won’t be able to buy and sell anonymously (cashless system, for the hygiene)
• you will struggle to keep your private property (sky high taxes and new green regulations)
• you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for minor offenses while the revolutionary street soldiers will have any charges dropped by the local ideologue prosecutors office. You will be afraid to defend yourselves against them due to the charges you will be hit with, so you’ll mostly just stay home.

And so on.

Don’t kid yourself, we are ****ed. The only way being armed might help is, down the road a bit further, when they start trying to mass incarcerate political undesirables, we can shoot them at the door, whereas in nazi Germany and Soviet Russia they could not.

11-07-20, 07:04
THAT is why we lose: There's already talk of surrender.

Seriously. Are some of you leftist double agents or something? Whenever someone talks about plans for resistance to the leftists, about a dozen posters come along and say "Don't even bother. The left is too big, strong, well equipped, and they've planned for EVERYTHING. Just go quietly when they come for you..."

11-07-20, 07:04
We didn’t get here overnight. It’s happened over decades, cut by cut by cut. Everything they do adds up. Let’s take a page from their playbooks. Mass protest, flood the dc switch boards, pressure corporations. Most of y’all have too much to give up with a shooting war. It doesn’t have to come to that. We can do this. Pressure your reps. Take to the streets. Boycott corporations. Sell your stocks. Little shit will make a difference.

I agree. All of their evil deeds and treasonous behavior is slowly waking the sleeping giant. When that giant gets to his feet, they will be stomped.

11-07-20, 07:40
THAT is why we lose: There's already talk of surrender.

Seriously. Are some of you leftist double agents or something? Whenever someone talks about plans for resistance to the leftists, about a dozen posters come along and say "Don't even bother. The left is too big, strong, well equipped, and they've planned for EVERYTHING. Just go quietly when they come for you..."This. This x 1000. It's absolutely f**king ridiculous.

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11-07-20, 08:22
Yes, pouring ashes on your head and moaning you are doomed is absolutely the right thing to do when confronted by any difficulty.

11-07-20, 08:29
Yes, pouring ashes on your head and moaning you are doomed is absolutely the right thing to do when confronted by any difficulty.

It's time to do a personal head check, weigh your values. Think long and deep.
Ignore the MSM and reflect. What you have and how much it means to you and what you'll do to keep it.
The rest is all hyperbolic BS at this point.

11-07-20, 08:30
Making a difference is as easy as not logging into Twitter or Facebook or opening a single YouTube video for a month, closing your disney+ (or whatever it's called) account, not using Google Fiber, using duck duck go as a search engine.

We are half the country, we can cripple any of these billionaire enemies of our country. But we won't.


11-07-20, 09:09
The left will eat themselves. It's already happening.

11-07-20, 09:13
The left will eat themselves. It's already happening.

Nah they Kerfuffle but they always coalesce back around the core ideology and fall inline like good little soldiers.

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11-07-20, 09:28
Making a difference is as easy as not logging into Twitter or Facebook or opening a single YouTube video for a month, closing your disney+ (or whatever it's called) account, not using Google Fiber, using duck duck go as a search engine.

We are half the country, we can cripple any of these billionaire enemies of our country. But we won't.


So, I guess your answer is also “surrender quietly”?

11-07-20, 09:44
Nah they Kerfuffle but they always coalesce back around the core ideology and fall inline like good little soldiers.

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The only thing that unites them is their hatred of Trump, once he's gone they fall apart. I've even seen different sects of BLM fight with each other, because one group wasn't "anti-racist" enough for the other group or whatever. Antifa is still marching in Portland saying "Liberals get the bullet too" Moderate Democrats are criticizing radical Democrats for costing them several house seats. I think there will be a lot of fighting amonst the left in the very near future. If we hold the senate, and the Biden presidency turns out to be a disaster, there's a good chance we pick up more seats and possibly even win the house in the mid term elections.

11-07-20, 09:45
Have we not learned anything from the left?

The ONLY thing I've "learned" from the left, is the deep, abiding desire, to have them all gulaged. IN Siberia.

11-07-20, 09:54
The ONLY thing I've "learned" from the left, is the deep, abiding desire, to have them all gulaged. IN Siberia.

Who knew 100ish years later a country would be fighting the exact same Marxist insurrectionist BS... only back then the Germans got REALLY pissed about it and said, nope.

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11-07-20, 10:40
I really hate to jump into a contentious thread, but here I go again. There is nothing that has happened or happening with the Left that surprises me. I expected some kind of election fraud, but the level of sophistication and wide-spread implementation is impressive.

In this election cycle, there is something I have learned from the American Right. I saw enthusiasm for Trump unlike any other candidate for the GOP (or any other party including Obama. Trump Trains all over the place, pickups with flags in the back, boats, etc. And this was in a blue State like New Mexico. What I have learned from the American Right is with the right candidate, we will turn out in massive numbers enthusiastically. These people, and a lot of young to middle aged ones, are the foot soldiers for any kind of resistance and future activity. Right now, instead of sulking and moaning about the results, these enthusiastic voters are pissed like you cannot fathom. And it's a deep seated anger unlike I have seen in other political race (potential) loss. These people need to be engaged and kept in the fold. None that I talk to are even considering leaving the Country or changing States. They are ready to fight, they just don't know really what that means or how it's going down.

11-07-20, 10:53
I really hate to jump into a contentious thread, but here I go again. There is nothing that has happened or happening with the Left that surprises me. I expected some kind of election fraud, but the level of sophistication and wide-spread implementation is impressive.

In this election cycle, there is something I have learned from the American Right. I saw enthusiasm for Trump unlike any other candidate for the GOP (or any other party including Obama. Trump Trains all over the place, pickups with flags in the back, boats, etc. And this was in a blue State like New Mexico. What I have learned from the American Right is with the right candidate, we will turn out in massive numbers enthusiastically. These people, and a lot of young to middle aged ones, are the foot soldiers for any kind of resistance and future activity. Right now, instead of sulking and moaning about the results, these enthusiastic voters are pissed like you cannot fathom. And it's a deep seated anger unlike I have seen in other political race (potential) loss. These people need to be engaged and kept in the fold. None that I talk to are even considering leaving the Country or changing States. They are ready to fight, they just don't know really what that means or how it's going down.

Also point of fact it took a bombastic **hole who says means things and hurts peoples feeling to being said sentiments to the surface and not some milquetoast loser. That’s called a clue.

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11-07-20, 10:58
Also point of fact it took a bombastic **hole who says means things and hurts peoples feeling to being said sentiments to the surface and not some milquetoast loser. That’s called a clue.

That's called a Leader, ala George S. Patton or Herbert Norman Schwarzkopf Jr. I personally met the latter on more than one occasion.

11-07-20, 11:01
So, I guess your answer is also “surrender quietly”?

One of the tools available to us is not providing monetary support to the enemies of our country.

Since the title of the thread references learning from the left and threats of boycotts worked for the radical marxist left, it stands to reason that discussing an application of their methods is appropriate.

I'm damn sure not going to riot, burn, and loot to make my point.


11-07-20, 11:03
The ONLY thing I've "learned" from the left, is the deep, abiding desire, to have them all gulaged. IN Siberia.

Hey now, hey now. Haven’t you heard uncle Joe’s latest to speech it’s time to come together remember we are all Americans. Enough of this divided America.
It will be very interesting to see if the left can control Antifa and BLM or if maybe they’ve gotten two big. Two out of control.

11-07-20, 11:06
Hey now, hey now. Haven’t you heard uncle Joe’s latest to speech it’s time to come together remember we are all Americans. Enough of this divided America.
It will be very interesting to see if the left can control Antifa and BLM or if maybe they’ve gotten two big. Two out of control.

Yeah I always love that "come together" bullshit. He conveniently forgets (or maybe not) that about HALF this country does NOT support him and didn't vote for him. Yeah, I'm sure we'll "heal" and all join hands and sing kumbaya. Riiiiight......

11-07-20, 11:07
Come together around a wood chipper maybe

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11-07-20, 11:09
Hey now, hey now. Haven’t you heard uncle Joe’s latest to speech it’s time to come together remember we are all Americans. Enough of this divided America.
It will be very interesting to see if the left can control Antifa and BLM or if maybe they’ve gotten two big. Two out of control.

The left never had them under control, they only thought they did. I'm gonna be eating popcorn watching Democrat cities continue to burn while the left is screaming for Antifa/BLM to stop, because "Orange Man Bad" has been defeated, but they won't stop.

11-07-20, 11:10
It was never about Trump. Not sure why some people ever thought it was.

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11-07-20, 11:21
The left never had them under control, they only thought they did. I'm gonna be eating popcorn watching Democrat cities continue to burn while the left is screaming for Antifa/BLM to stop, because "Orange Man Bad" has been defeated, but they won't stop.

Diamondback posted this in another thread. Oh, and for the next four years we will be hearing that the country’s worsening woes are Trump’s fault.

11-07-20, 11:28
again every rancher every farmer and trucker get on the same side which I reckon most are and say your cities are to dangerous they call me racist when I am not they pull people out of cars and beat them
no delivery no food nothing AND STICK TO IT any and all large cities NOTHING for them from the heartland
any of them try to come to your place ? well make sure you are ready

as I say give them a taste should say lack of any taste :) of what Mao and Stalin did they love that communism give em a experience of it :)

start it the day Biden is in power and do it over the corrupt election and fear of the violent repercussions threatened on you by that dumb bartender turned politician if she is in NO WAY eliminate her first then a new demand and repeat
make the new presidency a crap show from day 1

do that for a month and watch the difference then when ya push it all the way out for a year things will be quite dif on the political front

but instead many will just fall in line and do what they are told etc. some won't but most will and to some it really won't affect them or change much other then energy cost will become insane

11-07-20, 11:29
Diamondback posted this in another thread. Oh, and for the next four years we will be hearing that the country’s worsening woes are Trump’s fault.

YUP everything will be blamed on him and continue so

11-07-20, 12:49
Congratulations to Joe Biden our 46th president.

11-07-20, 12:59
^ traitor

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11-07-20, 13:13
Guy's a troll, posted the same comment in 3 threads. Don't feed the trolls.

11-07-20, 13:42
Come together around a wood chipper maybe

That was a good one, I gotta give you that!

11-07-20, 13:45
Congratulations to Joe Biden our 46th president.

Here, let me post what I did to his idiotic post in the other thread: BAN HIS STUPID ASS!!!

Time for a little censorship of our own, eh? I was a grunt and learned you never stay on trails, you stick to the woods. Therefore I have chosen to stay off the Moral High Road. Too many IEDs and ambushes.

11-07-20, 15:04
Here, let me post what I did to his idiotic post in the other thread: BAN HIS STUPID ASS!!!

Time for a little censorship of our own, eh? I was a grunt and learned you never stay on trails, you stick to the woods. Therefore I have chosen to stay off the Moral High Road. Too many IEDs and ambushes.

That last paragraph is quotation, even sig-line, worthy.

11-07-20, 16:13
I don't know of any moral high ground or higher power commandments that would require me to congratulate a wicked wretch like Joe Biden. I'm praying he utterly fails at ever itiative he puts his hand to...if he steals it of course.

11-07-20, 16:59
Hey now, hey now. Haven’t you heard uncle Joe’s latest to speech it’s time to come together remember we are all Americans.

I am.

President Soros, and his pet monkeys - SlowJoe & BlowHo - can all take the first boxcar to Siberia.

11-07-20, 17:17
All 'moral high ground' does is cause the heavenly glow to backlight you into a wonderful target silhoutte.

11-07-20, 17:22
All 'moral high ground' does is cause the heavenly glow to backlight you into a wonderful target silhoutte.

Now that's sig worthy.

11-07-20, 17:39
Now that's sig worthy.

I stole it from somebody, somewhere else, over the years but can't remember who or where.

11-07-20, 17:52
All 'moral high ground' does is cause the heavenly glow to backlight you into a wonderful target silhoutte.

I think you outdid me for sigline stuff with that one! I like it!

11-07-20, 18:43
The Chinese have a curse/saying: May you live in interesting times , I think this qualify's.

LMT Shooter
11-07-20, 18:54
again every rancher every farmer and trucker get on the same side which I reckon most are and say your cities are to dangerous they call me racist when I am not they pull people out of cars and beat them
no delivery no food nothing AND STICK TO IT any and all large cities NOTHING for them from the heartland
any of them try to come to your place ? well make sure you are ready

as I say give them a taste should say lack of any taste :) of what Mao and Stalin did they love that communism give em a experience of it :)

start it the day Biden is in power and do it over the corrupt election and fear of the violent repercussions threatened on you by that dumb bartender turned politician if she is in NO WAY eliminate her first then a new demand and repeat
make the new presidency a crap show from day 1

do that for a month and watch the difference then when ya push it all the way out for a year things will be quite dif on the political front

but instead many will just fall in line and do what they are told etc. some won't but most will and to some it really won't affect them or change much other then energy cost will become insane

This right here is worth repeating.

11-07-20, 19:42
The Chinese have a curse/saying: May you live in interesting times , I think this qualify's.

How ironic.

Fvck China. Thanks for giving the commies here the cover they needed to live their decade's old dream of outright, blatant election theft.

11-07-20, 19:55
The notion of congratulating someone on their victory requires some assumptions, including that the contest was played and decided fairly. Neither assumption is correct in this case.

After Trump won fairly in the last election, the Left has never accepted his victory, never congratulated him, never showed respect, never done anything but try to delegitimize him for nearly 4 years. They've engaged in all the well known attempts at a coup, at impeachment, now topped off by a coordinated effort at massive public disinformation and psyops around the election: fraudulent pre-election polling (which way over-exaggerated Biden's support to discourage in-person Republican voter turnout), COVID-based manipulation by states trying to interfere with campaigning. Their future plans are even worse: rewriting history to make school kids hate our Founders, attacking Christians for our beliefs, attacking anybody for enjoying our Constitutional rights including the 2A, and trying to turn America into a socialist or even Communist nation. I actually believe Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to be ENEMIES of the U.S. who, with all their cronies and Leftist enablers including the money guys like Soros/Bloomberg/Gates, are actively trying to undermine and steal our democracy and destroy the Constitution. In this respect, they are more deadly and dangerous enemies by far more than a few raghead jihadis planning terror attacks out of caves in Afghanistan. Because the Biden/Harris plans, if fully implemented, mean the end of America.

With all that in mind: no congratulations are appropriate. If somebody here is inclined to congratulate them because that's the decent thing to do, because that's what people used to do after elections when you were growing up, it's time to rethink that. Times and circumstances have really, really changed. You don't congratulate an enemy who is trying to destroy you and everything you believe in, when they defeat you and remove you from power using fraudulent methods. IMO we should meet their fraudulent 'victory' and attempted hijack of the US with nothing but contempt and resistance at every point. And never, ever acknowledge that their coup or administration is legitimate. Never call it a 'win'. Never call Biden "president." There is no compromise with these people. The way forward with regard to their agenda, is #Resist and #DoNotComply. Obviously we'll be talking for weeks/months about what that looks like, as well as the more positive angle, how we can work to take back this culture.

Maybe if they get to the point of an inauguration, we should welcome them into office with nationwide protests, including signs that will make their heads explode ("MAGA", "All lives matter", etc :big_boss:), fly the flag upside down for distress, and maybe even burn Biden/Harris in effigy. You know, just to make sure we give them the nice warm welcome that they gave President Trump.

11-07-20, 19:59
The notion of congratulating someone on their victory requires some assumptions, including that the contest was played and decided fairly. Neither assumption is correct in this case.

After Trump won fairly in the last election, the Left has never accepted his victory, never congratulated him, never showed respect, never done anything but try to delegitimize him for nearly 4 years. They've engaged in all the well known attempts at a coup, at impeachment, now topped off by a coordinated effort at massive public disinformation and psyops around the election: fraudulent pre-election polling (which way over-exaggerated Biden's support to discourage in-person Republican voter turnout), COVID-based manipulation by states trying to interfere with campaigning. Their future plans are even worse: rewriting history to make school kids hate our Founders, attacking Christians for our beliefs, attacking anybody for enjoying our Constitutional rights including the 2A, and trying to turn America into a socialist or even Communist nation. I actually believe Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to be ENEMIES of the U.S. who, with all their cronies and Leftist enablers including the money guys like Soros/Bloomberg/Gates, are actively trying to undermine and steal our democracy and destroy the Constitution. In this respect, they are more deadly and dangerous enemies by far more than a few raghead jihadis planning terror attacks out of caves in Afghanistan. Because the Biden/Harris plans, if fully implemented, mean the end of America.

With all that in mind: no congratulations are appropriate. If somebody here is inclined to congratulate them because that's the decent thing to do, because that's what people used to do after elections when you were growing up, it's time to rethink that. Times and circumstances have really, really changed. You don't congratulate an enemy who is trying to destroy you and everything you believe in, when they defeat you and remove you from power using fraudulent methods. IMO we should meet their fraudulent 'victory' and attempted hijack of the US with nothing but contempt and resistance at every point. And never, ever acknowledge that their coup or administration is legitimate. Never call it a 'win'. Never call Biden "president." There is no compromise with these people. The way forward with regard to their agenda, is #Resist and #DoNotComply. Obviously we'll be talking for weeks/months about what that looks like, as well as the more positive angle, how we can work to take back this culture.

Maybe if they get to the point of an inauguration, we should welcome them into office with nationwide protests, including signs that will make their heads explode ("MAGA", "All lives matter", etc :big_boss:), fly the flag upside down for distress, and maybe even burn Biden/Harris in effigy. You know, just to make sure we give them the nice warm welcome that they gave President Trump.

OMG! You have a newsletter? I will be your first subscriber!

I agree with EVERY point you made. Payback is a bitch, and should be.

11-07-20, 20:23
OMG! You have a newsletter? I will be your first subscriber!

I agree with EVERY point you made. Payback is a bitch, and should be.

No, not a bitch, a REAL M-----F---ER. Give it to 'em good and hard, while making sure to draw the parallels that it's the EXACT same as what they gave GWB and Trump.

11-08-20, 11:51
Quote Originally Posted by lowprone View Post
The Chinese have a curse/saying: May you live in interesting times , I think this qualify's.
How ironic.

Fvck China. Thanks for giving the commies here the cover they needed to live their decade's old dream of outright, blatant election theft.
Because of the amount of angst this election has produced people shoot from the hip sometimes ........ BUT.......... Don't ever confuse me with China,
Communists, Demoncrats, or anything related to the *^*#suckers attempting to steal this country and turn it into their version of paradise, EVER !!!

11-08-20, 12:01
Quote Originally Posted by lowprone View Post
The Chinese have a curse/saying: May you live in interesting times , I think this qualify's.
How ironic.

Fvck China. Thanks for giving the commies here the cover they needed to live their decade's old dream of outright, blatant election theft.
Because of the amount of angst this election has produced people shoot from the hip sometimes ........ BUT.......... Don't ever confuse me with China,
Communists, Demoncrats, or anything related to the *^*#suckers attempting to steal this country and turn it into their version of paradise, EVER !!!

Uh, how you took that from my post is beyond me. I was saying "Fvck China", didn't implicate you at all or infer you were pro-Chinese.

Jesus, some people around here are really uptight. And you accuse others of shooting from the hip?

11-08-20, 12:26
Uh, how you took that from my post is beyond me. I was saying "Fvck China", didn't implicate you at all or infer you were pro-Chinese.

Jesus, some people around here are really uptight. And you accuse others of shooting from the hip?

Kinda the way Gun Culture is, "Spot & Stab the Traitor" has long been the national spot of Internet Gun Country. :(

11-08-20, 12:50
Just get plumb mad dog mean.

11-08-20, 13:08
Just get plumb mad dog mean.

This. Less limp-dicked, limp-wristed ladyboy Caspar Milquetoast and more Josey Wales.