View Full Version : Get ready cops.....you're about to become "heroes" again

11-07-20, 10:27
You know it's coming. Once the Left is in "the chair" police will suddenly become heroic and virtuous after being spit on and taunted all summer long. You'll be funded again. There will be hue and cry to finally give you guys raises, buy you cool new toys, give you a little more respect. Make life better like the past 6 months didn't happen. "National Thank a Cop Day" or some other such adulation. Overlook scrutiny in "accidental" or "unfortunate" shootings. Because after all it will be like an epiphany: you have a tough job fellas, and we as a nation are extremely grateful. True national treasures.

But beware, because your new masters will want something in return.

11-07-20, 11:37
But beware, because your new masters will want something in return.

But...but..surely the politicians are the ones to blame for bad laws right?? Not the guys actually doing the door-kicking and manifesting of those laws in real life.....I mean, right??

11-07-20, 11:51
But, I thought they were going to “re-imagine” law enforcement?

11-07-20, 12:38
Ya, this thread will go well I'm sure. Much like any cop related thread in the GD.

11-07-20, 12:55
Really really doubt it. I was a cop through the Obama years. That administration didn't like us and we didn't like them.

11-07-20, 12:58
But, I thought they were going to “re-imagine” law enforcement?

Yea by way of more forced diversity and inclusiveness instead of focusing on the right things.

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11-07-20, 13:29
Ya, this thread will go well I'm sure. Much like any cop related thread in the GD.

Don't bait people. This wasn't meant as a cop-bashing thread, unless of course your fundamental reading skills are lacking.

11-07-20, 13:42
You know it's coming. Once the Left is in "the chair" police will suddenly become heroic and virtuous after being spit on and taunted all summer long. You'll be funded again. There will be hue and cry to finally give you guys raises, buy you cool new toys, give you a little more respect. Make life better like the past 6 months didn't happen. "National Thank a Cop Day" or some other such adulation. Overlook scrutiny in "accidental" or "unfortunate" shootings. Because after all it will be like an epiphany: you have a tough job fellas, and we as a nation are extremely grateful. True national treasures.

But beware, because your new masters will want something in return.

I think you're completely wrong.

11-07-20, 13:47
I think you're completely wrong.

Guess we'll see.

The last line in my post is the clincher, and the reason behind the paragraph proceeding it.

11-07-20, 14:31
I think you're completely wrong.

I have to agree. Obama shat on cops, why not his former VP as well? Biden's been shitting on cops along with the rest of the left all this season. Biden will continue to lock step with the left and demand protection by the police while simultaneously condemning them.

Even if he does pretend to mend fences with the police, I don't think it will work. Besides, Biden is like Trump: He has no filter. This is the guy who said he would rather see more people murdered by a mass shooter than a civilian being allowed to use a weapon to stop the shooter. How can anyone expect a guy like that to have the wherewithal to try and gladhand the police at this point?

11-07-20, 14:51
I can tell you that a lot of cops, probably the majority, believe the riots and anti police sentiment of this year are direct results of the Obama administration. There is a reason why every police union and organization endorsed Trump, and it wasn't because of Trump. Though he is well liked by almost every cop I work with.

11-07-20, 15:24
I hope all of what some of you are saying is true.

11-07-20, 15:38
I can tell you that a lot of cops, probably the majority, believe the riots and anti police sentiment of this year are direct results of the Obama administration. There is a reason why every police union and organization endorsed Trump, and it wasn't because of Trump. Though he is well liked by almost every cop I work with.

Yup. It all started with the "police acted stupidly"...

11-07-20, 16:43
I hope all of what some of you are saying is true.

No offense to the badge-wearers here, but I don’t. Because what “they” want in return is for the cops to enforce the gun buy backs/bans/confiscation.

11-07-20, 17:08
No offense to the badge-wearers here, but I don’t. Because what “they” want in return is for the cops to enforce the gun buy backs/bans/confiscation.

So you are hoping that police will easily forgive and forget what Biden and Obama did???

11-07-20, 17:21
No offense to the badge-wearers here, but I don’t. Because what “they” want in return is for the cops to enforce the gun buy backs/bans/confiscation.

That and other things.

Let me expound on my OP:

If Joe and the Ho' get control of the Senate and assuming they are ultimately in the Oval Office, they have a radical Leftist agenda to ram through in likely two years time. Climate change/Green New Deal (and their tax increases), regular tax increases, perhaps packing SCOTUS, and the icing on the cake.....gun control in the form of prohibitionist laws. Considering about half our population doesn't agree with them in the first place there will be anticipated pushback. A good deal of it. This is especially true of the gun issue, the one with the most potential for outright defiance.

What will be easier to accomplish? Make nicey-nice with the umpteen thousands of already duly-sworn and trained LEO personnel, or build something from the ground up? As in any profession (or society in general) there are going to be a shitload of LEO's with short memories. Some of you older cynical bastards? No, not you. Think the younger, 'roided-out, flat-topped, attitude-ridden ones. Pay them a little better, stroke their egos instead of openly shitting on them, and you'll have your henchmen to do your deeds.

11-07-20, 17:27
I have to agree. Obama shat on cops, why not his former VP as well? Biden's been shitting on cops along with the rest of the left all this season. Biden will continue to lock step with the left and demand protection by the police while simultaneously condemning them.

Even if he does pretend to mend fences with the police, I don't think it will work. Besides, Biden is like Trump: He has no filter. This is the guy who said he would rather see more people murdered by a mass shooter than a civilian being allowed to use a weapon to stop the shooter. How can anyone expect a guy like that to have the wherewithal to try and gladhand the police at this point?

Where can I find this?

11-07-20, 18:08
Where can I find this?


11-07-20, 18:38
The downfall of policing all started with obama and gov. Nixon convicting darren wilson of murdering michael brown before the body even got cold. This was in our back yard so I felt it more than the other crap that has been going on in the hippy states. Nobody came back and said "hey, sorry we jumped to conclusions and had no idea that witnesses would lie. My bad." Plan to see police leave in droves as the war on police picks up steam.

11-07-20, 18:48
So you are hoping that police will easily forgive and forget what Biden and Obama did???

What leap of logic brought you to that erroneous conclusion? I don’t have any animus for the police (yet). That can change.

11-07-20, 19:16
I sorta suspect the opposite, with the "mandate" I expect the war on cops to shift into high gear.

Lots of "special status / preferred person" training seminars. Lots of "do we really still need the police" community exercises.

11-07-20, 19:23
Can anyone point out any totalitarian countries that had no police?

11-07-20, 19:33
Can anyone point out any totalitarian countries that had no police?

Well said. That's what I was thinking and the direction I was going.

11-07-20, 19:35
I sorta suspect the opposite, with the "mandate" I expect the war on cops to shift into high gear.

Lots of "special status / preferred person" training seminars. Lots of "do we really still need the police" community exercises.

They're gonna need enforcement in a big way, especially with the largely unprecedented, socially upheaving projects they have in mind.

11-07-20, 19:41
They're gonna need enforcement in a big way, especially with the largely unprecedented, socially upheaving projects they have in mind.

So I think Obama was our most recent "worst case scenario" and that didn't really happen. Instead we got "teaching moments" and Trayvon Martin was innocent crap. I think Biden is comparatively much weaker than Obama and even though the party behind the person will be driving a lot of crap, Republicans still have a decent hold in Congress.

Now if Biden gets arkancided and Harris becomes president, all bets are off.

11-07-20, 19:42
They're gonna need enforcement in a big way, especially with the largely unprecedented, socially upheaving projects they have in mind.

You mean legalizing ALL illicit drugs nationwide? Oh wait, yeah, right, gun confiscation before that.

john armond
11-07-20, 19:44
I sorta suspect the opposite, with the "mandate" I expect the war on cops to shift into high gear.

Lots of "special status / preferred person" training seminars. Lots of "do we really still need the police" community exercises.

I’m with you on this, plus I will add they will want to get rid of the police we have now and institute their new refined vision of what the police should be. I might even expect to see an expulsion of all county, municipal, and state LEOs and a replacement with some sort of total federal police force like in other countries. It would make it easier to TDY them to different areas for, say gun enforcement, without them having roots in the community. Think about how many BLM or Antifa youts would love to be the official enforcement arm. Remember it was Obama that wanted a police force to rival the military.

11-07-20, 19:48
You mean legalizing ALL illicit drugs nationwide? Oh wait, yeah, right, gun confiscation before that.

Yeah, that too. I would wager guns are fairly high on their priority list though. Not being paranoid or tin-foily, but common sense dictates that if you are making radical changes a prudent early move would be to remove any reasonable means of resisting it, no? Especially when roughly half the population doesn't support you.

11-07-20, 19:49
So I think Obama was our most recent "worst case scenario" and that didn't really happen. Instead we got "teaching moments" and Trayvon Martin was innocent crap. I think Biden is comparatively much weaker than Obama and even though the party behind the person will be driving a lot of crap, Republicans still have a decent hold in Congress.

Now if Biden gets arkancided and Harris becomes president, all bets are off.

Do you really think Dementia Joe is going to last four years?

11-07-20, 19:52
I’m with you on this, plus I will add they will want to get rid of the police we have now and institute their new refined vision of what the police should be. I might even expect to see an expulsion of all county, municipal, and state LEOs and a replacement with some sort of total federal police force like in other countries. It would make it easier to TDY them to different areas for, say gun enforcement, without them having roots in the community. Think about how many BLM or Antifa youts would love to be the official enforcement arm. Remember it was Obama that wanted a police force to rival the military.

I go back to the clarification I made in post #16: What is easier (and more importantly quicker), starting from the ground up or attempting to coax the existing ones into enforcing your cause?

11-07-20, 20:19
I’m with you on this, plus I will add they will want to get rid of the police we have now and institute their new refined vision of what the police should be. I might even expect to see an expulsion of all county, municipal, and state LEOs and a replacement with some sort of total federal police force like in other countries. It would make it easier to TDY them to different areas for, say gun enforcement, without them having roots in the community. Think about how many BLM or Antifa youts would love to be the official enforcement arm. Remember it was Obama that wanted a police force to rival the military.

If they fire all of the existing LEOs and a hire a bunch of Antifa and BLM we will have lot criminals in law enforcement. We saw this in Kenosha, WI.

john armond
11-07-20, 20:33
If they fire all of the existing LEOs and a hire a bunch of Antifa and BLM we will have lot criminals in law enforcement. We saw this in Kenosha, WI.

Are you saying they wouldn’t do this to forward their cause, or just making a statement? The context isn’t coming through.

john armond
11-07-20, 20:38
I go back to the clarification I made in post #16: What is easier (and more importantly quicker), starting from the ground up or attempting to coax the existing ones into enforcing your cause?

They will get rid of the LEOs who won’t go along with the program and federalize the ones who will, and at the same time quickly hire new scum officers. There are a bunch of LEOs I work with that I wouldn’t put it past to go kicking the in doors to take your guns. I know several who are up front about it, because they believe the gen public shouldn’t have guns, only the .gov.

11-07-20, 20:39
They will get rid of the LEOs who won’t go along with the program and federalize the ones who will, and at the same time quickly hire new scum officers. There are a bunch of LEOs I work with that I wouldn’t put it past to go kicking the in doors to take your guns. I know several who are up front about it, because they believe the gen public shouldn’t have guns, only the .gov.

Okay so that's kind of a hybrid approach. Good point.

11-07-20, 20:41
Members of which occupational group has spent 2020 hassling

1. church goers
2. people trying to earn a living
3. non-favored people just hanging out together
4. people of #3 who defended themselves against people not subject to the prohibition on gathering

Not all, some act as they should, but the above actions haven't been anomalies.

11-07-20, 20:42
They will get rid of the LEOs who won’t go along with the program and federalize the ones who will, and at the same time quickly hire new scum officers. There are a bunch of LEOs I work with that I wouldn’t put it past to go kicking the in doors to take your guns. I know several who are up front about it, because they believe the gen public shouldn’t have guns, only the .gov.

They are still the minority of cops. I worked in a decent sized department and there was only one openly anti-gun cop. Even the few otherwise liberal cops were pro-gun. Almost every cop I know from other PDs is pro-gun. There are enough who would be willing to kick down doors that it would cause a problem. But the majority would not.

john armond
11-07-20, 20:43
Okay so that's kind of a hybrid approach. Good point.

Thanks. 24 years in LE have shown me not to underestimate anything or anyone.

ETA: here’s one trend to look into too. When there is a D in the top spot more people are put in prison and more prisons are built. Whenever there is a R in the top spot more people are let out of prison and prisons are closed. I have seen this first hand working through both parties being in power both as a local and fed LEO. The D party loves putting people in prison...as long as it’s the people they want to get rid of. Don’t forget Joe Biden did the crack laws that increased the prison population by 680k during the Clinton years. They wrote the law based on who they wanted removed from the general civilian population.

11-07-20, 21:02
Really really doubt it. I was a cop through the Obama years. That administration didn't like us and we didn't like them.

Agreed. I was a cop under Klinton. 95% of us disagreed with the AWB and vowed never to collect anything if push came to shove. Most of us would have resigned first.

Do you really think Dementia Joe is going to last four years?

BINGO! As Joe says... He is just a place holder for the most radical leftist that we've ever seen in the senate. He will resign or get removed for medical (dementia) issues. The man can hide his own Easter eggs.

11-07-20, 22:07
I’m with you on this, plus I will add they will want to get rid of the police we have now and institute their new refined vision of what the police should be. I might even expect to see an expulsion of all county, municipal, and state LEOs and a replacement with some sort of total federal police force like in other countries. It would make it easier to TDY them to different areas for, say gun enforcement, without them having roots in the community. Think about how many BLM or Antifa youts would love to be the official enforcement arm. Remember it was Obama that wanted a police force to rival the military.
The Chinese had to bring in army units from out of district to suppress Tiananmen square.

11-07-20, 22:10
BINGO! As Joe says... He is just a place holder for the most radical leftist that we've ever seen in the senate. He will resign or get removed for medical (dementia) issues. The man can hide his own Easter eggs.

Yeah, I think times are about to get "interesting" and not in a good way.

11-07-20, 22:35
They need Police to enforce the upcoming edicts and protect the new masters, how hard is that to understand ?
All the things he said, but you will have to play ball.
The armed forces are really burnt out from 2 decades of the GWOT and there are millions who are their friends
and former comrade's out here trying to fit everything back together.
That and the current armed forces are seriously involved in getting ready to full fill our commitments to allies
because we have enemies who are seriously interested in us.
The new administration will also be encouraged by the people who own FUSA to get involved in some adventure
some where so they can become richer by building all the guns that they can do !

11-08-20, 06:17
Can anyone point out any totalitarian countries that had no police?

LOL, the VP is a cop.

11-08-20, 17:58
Okay so that's kind of a hybrid approach. Good point.

Yes, this is the way it's going to go.

john armond
11-08-20, 19:02
They are still the minority of cops. I worked in a decent sized department and there was only one openly anti-gun cop. Even the few otherwise liberal cops were pro-gun. Almost every cop I know from other PDs is pro-gun. There are enough who would be willing to kick down doors that it would cause a problem. But the majority would not.

There are more pro 2a than anti, absolutely, but look what is happening now all across the country, especially in metro areas, with the mass departure of officers. They will be replaced by someone, and the standards will be lowered to get the someone the powers that be desire.

11-08-20, 20:36
They still have to go to the academy and I don't see lazy lib-tard millennials getting off their mommy's couch, putting the weed vape down and powering off the xbox to do 6-12 months of schooling and PT.

11-08-20, 21:38
They still have to go to the academy and I don't see lazy lib-tard millennials getting off their mommy's couch, putting the weed vape down and powering off the xbox to do 6-12 months of schooling and PT.You are greatly underestimating your enemy.

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11-08-20, 22:12
There are more pro 2a than anti, absolutely, but look what is happening now all across the country, especially in metro areas, with the mass departure of officers. They will be replaced by someone, and the standards will be lowered to get the someone the powers that be desire.

I don't think much will change actually, except that the number of people who actually want to apply to PDs, especially in those cities, will be down to record lows for years. One thing I've learned, is that even when PDs are desperate for new officers, they do not, often to their own detriment, lower standards very much. Even in these times, there are still getting way more applications than they have openings, and are still DQing candidates for very petty things. I don't think they're going to just wave a bunch of idiots along and give them badges. Correctional facilities are doing that, but I can't see PDs doing that. They're too damn stubborn.

The other thing is, of all the people I know who want to be cops still, not a single one of them is liberal, or even moderate. They are all very idealistic, conservative kids who, despite the warnings from those of us who have been there, want to walk right into the fire.

You are greatly underestimating your enemy.

I have to agree with him. The leftists don't want to replace the cops in the current agencies. They want the agencies abolished, so that they can fill power void with their own Stasi/Revolutionary Guard/Red Guard force.

11-08-20, 22:57
One thing I've learned, is that even when PDs are desperate for new officers, they do not, often to their own detriment, lower standards very much.

Fu*king hilarious and radically untrue.

11-08-20, 23:08
Fu*king hilarious and radically untrue.

Not from my experience.

11-09-20, 01:03
One thing I've learned, is that even when PDs are desperate for new officers, they do not, often to their own detriment, lower standards very much.

This is very much zip code and agency dependent. I've seen examples where they didn't just lower standards, they removed them. When Ken Jenne was Sheriff, I remember when they took oral interviews out of the process because it was deemed "unfair." So you still had to piss test, psych test and pt test but other than that you didn't have to satisfy an interview.

john armond
11-09-20, 04:09
Links to several articles about lowering standards. While I do agree there will will be departments that won’t do it, I believe they will tend to be more rural or smaller departments.





The last one has a copy of an article from the Chicago Sun Times, but the article is a few years old and the actual link to it doesn’t work anymore.

11-09-20, 06:35
Links to several articles about lowering standards. While I do agree there will will be departments that won’t do it, I believe they will tend to be more rural or smaller departments.





The last one has a copy of an article from the Chicago Sun Times, but the article is a few years old and the actual link to it doesn’t work anymore.

I think it depends on the state. Some states have very strict POST standards, and the POST councils have less of a dog in the fight than individual departments when it comes to low recruitment, so they are going to be slower to change certain factors for qualification. It is true that certain "standards" have dropped with some departments, and it's actually a good thing. I've always found that the no tattoo policies were really stupid; as long as it's not gang related or obscene, or all over the face and neck for that matter, there's no reason to DQ a candidate over an arm tattoo. I also am glad that so many departments are more forgiving on pot; it used to be that if you tried it more than 3 or 4 times, no matter how long ago you did it, you were a former "chronic user". Now, so long as you didn't use it within the past year, many PDs don't care if you smoked like Bob Marley in your young and dumb days.

But that being said, in my state, even the big cities haven't dropped their standards much. They're losing officers like crazy, but even with thousands of candidates still willing to do this job, they aren't hiring very many, even among "qualified" candidates.

11-09-20, 23:04
Metro departments of 1000+ commissioned IMO especially serving diverse populations are much more likely to eliminate standards to gain appointees.

15 years ago when I was hired there was a no visible tattoo policy and a height/weight chart plus a pass/fail PT standard. That's all gone.

11-10-20, 08:22
I think it depends on the state. Some states have very strict POST standards, and the POST councils have less of a dog in the fight than individual departments when it comes to low recruitment, so they are going to be slower to change certain factors for qualification. It is true that certain "standards" have dropped with some departments, and it's actually a good thing. I've always found that the no tattoo policies were really stupid; as long as it's not gang related or obscene, or all over the face and neck for that matter, there's no reason to DQ a candidate over an arm tattoo. I also am glad that so many departments are more forgiving on pot; it used to be that if you tried it more than 3 or 4 times, no matter how long ago you did it, you were a former "chronic user". Now, so long as you didn't use it within the past year, many PDs don't care if you smoked like Bob Marley in your young and dumb days.

But that being said, in my state, even the big cities haven't dropped their standards much. They're losing officers like crazy, but even with thousands of candidates still willing to do this job, they aren't hiring very many, even among "qualified" candidates.

I have noticed more than a few cops get canned for some piddly ass reason where absolutely no one was harmed(nor even a victimless crime law was broken), but then a jackass like this is defended and free to carry on.


11-10-20, 08:56
Metro departments of 1000+ commissioned IMO especially serving diverse populations are much more likely to eliminate standards to gain appointees.

15 years ago when I was hired there was a no visible tattoo policy and a height/weight chart plus a pass/fail PT standard. That's all gone.

I don't think that's lowering of standards. I think that's doing away with bullshit restrictions that were counterproductive. The tattoo thing is based on the idea that only criminals have tattoos, which is clearly not true these days. As long as tattoos are not crime related or offensive, visible ink on the arms says absolutely nothing about a candidate's competence or character. As for height/weight standards, I'm glad that's gone too. I've known guys who were well within the H/W measurement that would have been considered "obese", but they were just solid muscle and in almost JSOC operator/Olympic athlete shape. Not someone you want to boot from consideration for a police job based on their height/weight, that's for sure. So, I'm glad to see those standards gone.

11-10-20, 09:49
I don't think that's lowering of standards. I think that's doing away with bullshit restrictions that were counterproductive. The tattoo thing is based on the idea that only criminals have tattoos, which is clearly not true these days. As long as tattoos are not crime related or offensive, visible ink on the arms says absolutely nothing about a candidate's competence or character. As for height/weight standards, I'm glad that's gone too. I've known guys who were well within the H/W measurement that would have been considered "obese", but they were just solid muscle and in almost JSOC operator/Olympic athlete shape. Not someone you want to boot from consideration for a police job based on their height/weight, that's for sure. So, I'm glad to see those standards gone.I think the H/W was more for people like officer Pinkerton who was a Newtown Township cop when I was in highschool. This department traditionally used Tahoes and he could have been easily mistaken for one! Not sure how that guy got that job unless he used to be 170lbs when he first started. Luckily this is an area where nothing happens

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11-10-20, 10:27
I think the H/W was more for people like officer Pinkerton who was a Newtown Township cop when I was in highschool. This department traditionally used Tahoes and he could have been easily mistaken for one! Not sure how that guy got that job unless he used to be 170lbs when he first started. Luckily this is an area where nothing happens

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

Likely it was because he stopped working out once he got on the job. That's usually what happens. Either guys stop caring, or they just can't find the time to get to the gym because they're overworked.

Is that the same Pinkerton that's a detective/polygrapher for Northampton Township now? If so, he's still a pretty big guy, but he did slim down (at least when I met him in 2016).

11-10-20, 10:28
Likely it was because he stopped working out once he got on the job. That's usually what happens. Either guys stop caring, or they just can't find the time to get to the gym because they're overworked.Lazy or standards changed. That department isn't overworked for any serious crimes.

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11-10-20, 12:17
Lazy or standards changed. That department isn't overworked for any serious crimes.

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

I would assume it's the former. I think the lowest MPOETC ever dropped their physical standards was to the 30th percentile. It's still 50th to graduate the academy, but very few departments require above the 30th to get hired. Granted, as you know, some don't even do PTs, and I don't know of any, at least in the Philly area, that require any kind of physical test after a guy gets on the job.

I know Newtown cops aren't exactly running code all shift long. Outside of places like Bensalem, Bristol, Norristown, Pottstown, etc, nobody in Bucks or Montco has too much to do. But those 12 hour rotating shifts keep guys out of the gym and screw up metabolism like nothing else. This isn't to take any blame away from guys who don't even attempt to stay in shape, but it's pretty damn tough with the Philly area schedule.

11-10-20, 17:50
I don't think that's lowering of standards. I think that's doing away with bullshit restrictions that were counterproductive. The tattoo thing is based on the idea that only criminals have tattoos, which is clearly not true these days. As long as tattoos are not crime related or offensive, visible ink on the arms says absolutely nothing about a candidate's competence or character. As for height/weight standards, I'm glad that's gone too. I've known guys who were well within the H/W measurement that would have been considered "obese", but they were just solid muscle and in almost JSOC operator/Olympic athlete shape. Not someone you want to boot from consideration for a police job based on their height/weight, that's for sure. So, I'm glad to see those standards gone.

You haven't seen the fat f*cks that are graduating here.

The tattoo policy had nothing to do with content of character or some ill perceived idea about who has tattoos. It was always about the presentation of the uniform. Same reason there's a policy that says hair has to be a natural color.

Personally I don't care about the tattoo thing but there's nothing worse than a fat man in a uniform. If someone doesn't have the discipline to control their food why bend the rules for them?

But those 12 hour rotating shifts keep guys out of the gym and screw up metabolism like nothing else.

I've worked 12 hour shifts and still found the time to run or go to the gym. With a typical 12 hour schedule you aren't working more than two or three days in a row. I don't expect guys to hit a 2 hour workout on a work day but I don't see 12 hour shifts as something that would excuse taking care of yourself. If you're eating out two or three times a shift and going home and drinking on top of it you are going to have issues. This is why you hire people that can demonstrate or achieve a healthy body composition. If you hire fat kids, don't give them any discipline or hold them to a standard, they are going to blow up.

11-11-20, 07:10
Our union supported Biden, and we got the entire congratulations and he will be good for Federal L/E email from them a few days back. On their Facebook group, they still disable comments on all things political (nobody likes them, usually just the angry emoji).

Maybe two people up here actually voted for Biden, and nobody in our AOR supports him. Trump may have had his faults, but he did do a decent amount to keep this country safe. I’m sure if Biden does get in that office, criminal record will have nothing to do with people allowed into the US. Murderer, rapist, drug dealer... “come on in.”

11-11-20, 09:15
One good thing about democrat run cities is that we have a flood of good qualified experienced cops coming to our department as we are one of the highest paid within a 30 min drive from st louis. Our citizens have a "dont bring your bullshit down here" attitude as it is mostly white laborer based. The city cops are trading one color idiot for a different color. And to get away from cop hating prosecutors.

11-11-20, 09:20
This was seen coming....


11-11-20, 13:59
Oh, the irony...


Portland City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty, who has previously called for budget cuts for police, utilized the emergency service Nov. 1 after her Lyft driver cancelled her ride.

Lyft driver Richmond Frost picked Hardesty up at a casino, according to KOIN. Frost kept the windows open in accordance with COVID protocols that Lyft implemented.

Frost told police that Hardesty “became irate when he refused to roll the windows up,” according to Fox News. He then pulled into a gas station and canceled the ride, asking Hardesty to leave the vehicle. However, Hardesty allegedly refused to get out of the car because “it was cold and she was a woman and alone,” per the same report.


“I knew that having him call the police would put me in danger,” she said. “And so that’s why I proactively called 911.”

“I don’t call 911 lightly, but I certainly am not going to do anything that would put my personal safety at risk,” she said, per the report.

Audio of the 911 call.
