View Full Version : Covid-19 vaccine

11-09-20, 09:02

Pfizer and partner BioNTech said Monday that their vaccine against Covid-19 was strongly effective, exceeding expectations with results that are likely to be met with cautious excitement — and relief — in the face of the global pandemic.

The vaccine is the first to be tested in the United States to generate late-stage data. The companies said an early analysis of the results showed that individuals who received two injections of the vaccine three weeks apart experienced more than 90% fewer cases of symptomatic Covid-19 than those who received a placebo. For months, researchers have cautioned that a vaccine that might only be 60% or 70% effective.

The Phase 3 study is ongoing and additional data could affect results.

11-09-20, 10:06
I wonder how long they’ve been sitting on this information? A week or so maybe?

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11-09-20, 10:16
I wonder how long they’ve been sitting on this information? A week or so maybe?

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If the Senate goes to the Dems, it'll be available in January. If the GOP holds, the announcement will be "end of 2022 at the earliest".

11-09-20, 10:17
If the Senate goes to the Dems, it'll be available in January. If the GOP holds, the announcement will be "end of 2022 at the earliest".This being a global problem I don't think Pfizer is going to sit on it for years just because Dems asked

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11-09-20, 10:36
This being a global problem I don't think Pfizer is going to sit on it for years just because Dems asked

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Pfizer may release it elsewhere, but perhaps the FDA drags their feet in approving it.

11-09-20, 11:31
I wonder how long they’ve been sitting on this information? A week or so maybe?

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My first thoughts, exactly.

11-09-20, 12:22
So, $1.5 billion in development.

How much is that going to cost to the general public...

And to insurance companies with copay...

11-09-20, 12:44
Were literally a bunch of gullible retards.

People are partying in the streets in DC.

Covids over.

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11-09-20, 13:08
Were literally a bunch of gullible retards.

People are partying in the streets in DC.

Covids over.

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Comrade, don’t you know that those parties, like the riots, can’t possibly spread the virus? But going to a hockey game, you’ll die.

The FSB will be there soon to collect you and send you for re-education.

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11-09-20, 14:17

And suddenly, there, it is, it's all over and everyone is going to be fine.
The Hypocrisy here shouldn't be lost or forgotten.

11-09-20, 14:49
Comrade, don’t you know that those parties, like the riots, can’t possibly spread the virus? But going to a hockey game, you’ll die.

The FSB will be there soon to collect you and send you for re-education.

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We can talk about all those times we took the moral high road when we’re in the gulag

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11-09-20, 15:07
So, $1.5 billion in development.

How much is that going to cost to the general public...

And to insurance companies with copay...

The press is making a big deal that they didn't take any Warp Speed money. Money isn't the issue. $500m, a Billion and a half- for the prize here, people will throw money. The DEms spent $600 million on failed senate races, you think you couldn't raise that kind of cash to save the world?

The real benefit is the faster approval process, which was part of warp speed and the real enabler in getting vaccines to market.

11-09-20, 16:05
There is a plan to have it out before Christmas I was pretty shocked when I heard that time frame last week. I will let you know when I get mine. Because of where I work it will be mandatory for me.

11-09-20, 16:24
No thanks

11-09-20, 19:25
I’d rather get my immunity the old fashioned way.

11-09-20, 20:15
Health & Human Services told all the states to be ready for COVID vaccine the first week of November. Six weeks ago, the states all heard there would be no vaccine in November from the Feds. The Phizer vaccine trial information was being released in tranches and it was also known it was performing well, with few safety issues. Moderna was having similar success as well.

However Trump kept saying bizarre things about a vaccine right up until Election Day. Zero credibility.
Trump gambled on vaccine by the election. It was a dumb move.

There was no conspiracy. Based on Trump’s track record, a lot of his big bets never pay off.

That said, this Bloomberg article seems fair - the US manufacturing money under Warp Speed is helping, but not critical to the science - https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-11-09/pfizer-vaccine-s-funding-came-from-berlin-not-washington

11-09-20, 20:38
Health & Human Services told all the states to be ready for COVID vaccine the first week of November. Six weeks ago, the states all heard there would be no vaccine in November from the Feds. The Phizer vaccine trial information was being released in tranches and it was also known it was performing well, with few safety issues. Moderna was having similar success as well.

However Trump kept saying bizarre things about a vaccine right up until Election Day. Zero credibility.
Trump gambled on vaccine by the election. It was a dumb move.

There was no conspiracy. Based on Trump’s track record, a lot of his big bets never pay off.

That said, this Bloomberg article seems fair - the US manufacturing money under Warp Speed is helping, but not critical to the science - https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-11-09/pfizer-vaccine-s-funding-came-from-berlin-not-washington


Further evidence this entire dog and pony show is all BS and has nothing to do with “saving lives”. A sham, a farce of highest proportions.

Cuomo and his ilk deserve to burn in hell

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11-09-20, 20:46

Further evidence this entire dog and pony show is all BS and has nothing to do with “saving lives”. A sham, a farce of highest proportions.

Cuomo and his ilk deserve to burn in hell

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkThats infuriating

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11-10-20, 11:46
cuomo is like WAIT I need to kill way more people so I can blame trump and sell a 2nd book and make money off the still warm bodies

11-11-20, 20:11
cuomo is like WAIT I need to kill way more people so I can blame trump and sell a 2nd book and make money off the still warm bodies


Peep the 20k who actually liked his tweet.

The absolute state of the country in one comment.

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11-12-20, 11:33


As the U.S. continues to set new daily record highs of coronavirus cases, at least one doctor on President-elect Joe Biden’s coronavirus task force is floating the idea of shutting down businesses in a lockdown that could last four to six weeks to control the spread of the pandemic.

In a Wednesday interview with Yahoo Finance Live, Dr. Michael Osterholm, who currently serves as director of the Center of Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, stressed that the country is in a position to pay its workers to stay home.

“We could pay for a package right now to cover all of the lost wages for individual workers, for losses to small companies, to medium-sized companies or city, state, county governments. We could do all of that,” he said. “If we did that, then we could lock down for four to six weeks and if we did that, we could drive the numbers down.”

Remember when it was "two weeks to stop the spread"?

11-12-20, 11:59


Remember when it was "two weeks to stop the spread"?We didn't really lock down those two weeks. What they want is isolation. Pick a room and stay there until told to come out. If you're hungry or gotta use the bathroom then just hold it in and deal with it

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11-12-20, 12:06


Remember when it was "two weeks to stop the spread"?

Note he says "we" can pay for it. I can't even pay for enough jewelry to keep my wife and girlfriends happy, how the hell am I going to pay some random person's wages?

11-12-20, 12:06
It'll turn all that take it into zombies, I can hardly wait.

11-12-20, 12:12
Note he says "we" can pay for it. I can't even pay for enough jewelry to keep my wife and girlfriends happy, how the hell am I going to pay some random person's wages?

Make the wife happy first. She's the one that'll clean you out in the divorce.

Handy advice for the day.

11-12-20, 12:24


Remember when it was "two weeks to stop the spread"?

The ComDems MO is to constantly move the goalposts to get what they want while their lemming voters just nod and mumble to themselves. I just read on Newsmax that 87% of democratic voters would comply with another lockdown while just 40% of Republican voters said they would comply. Just goes to show which voters cannot think for themselves and believe that whatever the government says must be true and acted on.

11-12-20, 13:03
Make the wife happy first. She's the one that'll clean you out in the divorce.

Handy advice for the day.

I was joking of course but what is not funny is expecting 50% of US adults to work and support the other 50%, then asking them to support themselves for 6 weeks as well.


11-12-20, 13:09
I was joking of course but what is not funny is expecting 50% of US adults to work and support the other 50%, then asking them to support themselves for 6 weeks as well.

AndyHe didn't mean 50% supporting the other 50%. He means the same way it was done in the spring. Gov payed everyone to stay home.

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11-12-20, 13:11
He didn't mean 50% supporting the other 50%. He means the same way it was done in the spring. Gov payed everyone to stay home.

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Roughly 1/2 of the adults in the US pay taxes normally, therefore they carry those who do not.

11-12-20, 13:39
He didn't mean 50% supporting the other 50%. He means the same way it was done in the spring. Gov* payed everyone to stay home.

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11-12-20, 13:39
I was joking of course but what is not funny is expecting 50% of US adults to work and support the other 50%, then asking them to support themselves for 6 weeks as well.


So was I.

But no, really. Happy wife, happy life.

11-12-20, 13:49
Not that it will work, but I would gladly stay home for 4 to 6 weeks and get paid. But unfortunately I will probably get deemed essential again and have to work. And by stay home I mean not really stay home and hopefully that 4 to 6 weeks during some type of hunting or fishing season.

11-12-20, 13:55
Not that it will work, but I would gladly stay home for 4 to 6 weeks and get paid. But unfortunately I will probably get deemed essential again and have to work. And by stay home I mean not really stay home and hopefully that 4 to 6 weeks during some type of hunting or fishing season.

My company will lay us off if we go into another lockdown.

Luckily, the boss and I might be able to make up our hours through scheduled shifts, but I can flat guarantee you, my company overall will be seriously impacted if we lock down again.

11-12-20, 18:30
Not that it will work, but I would gladly stay home for 4 to 6 weeks and get paid. But unfortunately I will probably get deemed essential again and have to work. And by stay home I mean not really stay home and hopefully that 4 to 6 weeks during some type of hunting or fishing season.

Yeah, that "work from home" or just get paid bullshit.....I am a healthcare worker so I don't get to "work from home" nor do I get paid to stay home. Worked right through the last "lockdown" and will through any future ones. Hell this time let ME sit at home and get paid.

Yeah, that won't happen.....:rolleyes:

11-12-20, 18:33
Anyone want to bet there's a politician somewhere in the US (or multiple ones) thinking this is a wonderful idea?

"Make them work from home... then tax them for working from home... brilliant!"


White collar staff reaping the financial benefits of working from home should be taxed to help other workers who aren't getting the same advantages, experts at Deutsche Bank said in a new report.

In its report on how to rebuild the economy after COVID-19, the bank proposed a 5% daily tax on each employee that continues to work from home, which could raise tens of billions of dollars for governments. The money could be used to help lower income workers who have taken on greater risk because their jobs can't be done remotely, it said.

The tax would amount to just over $10 a day, assuming the average salary of an American working from home is $55,000. That's roughly the amount the worker might spend on commuting, lunch and laundry, which would leave them no worse off than going into the office, the report said. It could raise up to $48 billion in the U.S. Deutsche Bank carried out similar calculations for Germany and the U.K.

11-12-20, 18:45
Anyone want to bet there's a politician somewhere in the US (or multiple ones) thinking this is a wonderful idea?

"Make them work from home... then tax them for working from home... brilliant!"


That would just be icing on the cake. In the end though the real winners in another US economic down is China. Can’t imagine why the Dems would want that [emoji849]

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11-12-20, 19:48
Anyone want to bet there's a politician somewhere in the US (or multiple ones) thinking this is a wonderful idea?

"Make them work from home... then tax them for working from home... brilliant!"


Wouldn’t it be simpler if the government took all of the money and gave us back what they didn’t want?

11-12-20, 20:01
Wouldn’t it be simpler if the government took all of the money and gave us back what they didn’t want?

Well Elizabeth Warren and Commie Bernie are angling for cabinet jobs under Punch Drunk Joe so I am sure that is on their agenda somewhere. After they shut the country down and run the economy totally off the rails they’ll try to make us all wards of the state.

11-13-20, 06:51
Well Elizabeth Warren and Commie Bernie are angling for cabinet jobs under Punch Drunk Joe so I am sure that is on their agenda somewhere. After they shut the country down and run the economy totally off the rails they’ll try to make us all wards of the state.


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11-13-20, 08:45
I hope everyone enjoys the new America that will be coming here shortly. Shut up and do what you’re told. I hope major cities across to east and west coast re-impose strict lock down and people lose their businesses, savings, homes, The whole 9 yards. I really think that when joe dementia eventually gets in they’re going to do everything in their power to impose some type of nationwide lock down. And I hope it just totally destroys the country. I hope every Democrat does cancel their Thanksgiving plans when they are ordered to cancel their Christmas plans, which will be coming here shortly, do so as well. Remember you need to do what you’re told.

11-13-20, 10:48
I hope everyone enjoys the new America that will be coming here shortly. Shut up and do what you’re told. I hope major cities across to east and west coast re-impose strict lock down and people lose their businesses, savings, homes, The whole 9 yards. I really think that when joe dementia eventually gets in they’re going to do everything in their power to impose some type of nationwide lock down. And I hope it just totally destroys the country. I hope every Democrat does cancel their Thanksgiving plans when they are ordered to cancel their Christmas plans, which will be coming here shortly, do so as well. Remember you need to do what you’re told.

And when the economy is destroyed, it will be Trump's fault for putting us in a position that required the full shutdown.


11-13-20, 10:54
And when the economy is destroyed, it will be Trump's fault for putting us in a position that required the full shutdown.


Yes, prepare to hear “it’s Trump’s fault” for the next four years. Obama blamed Bush for eight years... Democratic Party- the party of blaming others for the problems they caused. But, if you just give them more power they will fix everything :blink:.

11-13-20, 10:58
And when the economy is destroyed, it will be Trump's fault for putting us in a position that required the full shutdown.

They are going to blame Trump for any failure or struggles for the rest of time. Any great turnaround they’re going to take credit for. They’re going to push for a nationwide shut down it’s only a matter of time. And yes they will blame Trump.