View Full Version : Can FOX News survive?

11-15-20, 08:30
I almost can't stand them anymore, from some of the posts I've read here, others feel the same, and now this?

The divorce proceedings between President Trump’s base and the network that has been the news of choice for conservatives for two decades seems almost complete, now. Trump has been regularly attacking Fox News since the election over their calls for individual states, as well as their calling the overall election for Joe Biden and against Trump.
Just as the base turned on Drudge when he was perceived to be part of the “opposition,” the base has seemingly turned fully against Fox News, chanting at them much as they chanted earlier at an alarmed MSNBC reporter.

11-15-20, 08:53
I think they will survive one way or another. I think they smelled blood when polling pointed to Trump not winning re-election. Maybe they figure the Trump voter is less of a market share and want to move in a different direction? Their daytime on-air crew has always had some hints of leftist leanings. The evening on-air talent has been what has saved their bacon in the ratings, catering to the American Right.

Eliminate all the voter fraud and it would be interesting to see what the actual popular vote count is between Biden and Trump? The American voting public was too split in their hatred of Trump, and those supporting Trump. It does seem that more Americans wanted him out than to retain him, and this allowed the voter fraud to be utilized in key States to tip the balance with the electoral count. Fox News understands this and wants to change directions. This was their cue to make that shift. Now the question is what happens to their evening on-air talent, and will we see a shift in their program content? Prior to the election, Tucker Carlson was all-in on the Biden family China dealings and Hunter's laptop. Tucker seems to have moved on from that narrative. He doesn't even mention it now.

11-15-20, 09:37
The fraud in this election is the libertarian candidate Jojo J. This person took a lot of votes from Trump to allow to win.

11-15-20, 09:45
Can FOX News survive?

Dont know, Dont care, Will never watch again.

11-15-20, 09:52
Apparently, CNN might be on the market as well (speaking of Fox)


AT&T is reportedly looking at selling CNN to pay its massive debt, but the cable news company may have hit its peak "hating Trump," Fox Business Network senior correspondent Charlie Gasparino argued Friday.

"CNN does not have Donald Trump to kick around anymore and their ratings will take a hit," he told "Tucker Carlson Tonight," given the current projected presidential election results.

He reports that AT&T is "financially unstable" with $150 billion in debt.

"They need to cut costs. There's an active investor out there," Gasparino said.

11-15-20, 10:02
I never have understood the adoration simply because they are more likely to say nice things about Republicans.

Firearms email lists of 1990's despised FOX News Bill O'Reilly because he adored Clinton. Come 20 January 2001 email lists transitioning in to forums loved Bill O'Reilly because he adored George Bush too. Nothing tangible about Bill O'Reilly changed because he was lauding the same bad policies.

Very similar to how Tony Blair sucked due to being Clinton's buddy until 20 January 2001, but then became ok after he and his new best friend made news.

11-15-20, 10:08
I never have understood the adoration simply because they are more likely to say nice things about Republicans.

Firearms email lists of 1990's despised FOX News Bill O'Reilly because he adored Clinton. Come 20 January 2001 email lists transitioning in to forums loved Bill O'Reilly because he adored George Bush too. Nothing tangible about Bill O'Reilly changed because he was lauding the same bad policies.

Very similar to how Tony Blair sucked due to being Clinton's buddy until 20 January 2001, but then became ok after he and his new best friend made news.


You guys recognize that big media, big entertainment, etc are all the same people right?

Drudge got bought by google iirc and the narrative changed overnight, literally

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11-15-20, 10:41
We are done with them, Newsmax. Fox wants to be CNN, let them have CNN ratings.

11-15-20, 10:51
People still watch cable news?

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11-15-20, 11:20
As we speak, some shills from Fox on literally right now, assuring us "Our precious democracy is intact", and "Absolutely no fraud occurred," and "To suggest that fraud occurred in light of these facts is an insult to the thousands of election officials who did their jobs with integrity."

As an example of their high quality reporting to establish these "facts", they just now did things like....
1. Asking one of the accused officials if they had committed any fraud or see any. In a stunning development, they denied seeing any fraud or committing any themselves.
2. Asking the accused software company, Dominion, if they had in any way manipulated the voting tallies. In a shocking, unforeseen development, the accused company denied the allegations.

With these "facts" firmly in hand, Fox has comforted its viewers by assuring us that we have nothing to fear. No fraud was committed.

11-15-20, 11:21
People still watch cable news?

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People still have cable?

I am baffled why people pay out the a$$ to watch a minute of commercials for every two minutes of leftist propaganda and virtue signaling. I dumped my cable about 5 years ago and haven’t missed it a bit.

11-15-20, 11:30
People still have cable?

I am baffled why people pay out the a$$ to watch a minute of commercials for every two minutes of leftist propaganda and virtue signaling. I dumped my cable about 5 years ago and haven’t missed it a bit.
I'm on a Comcast Commercial satellite tv/internet system. We are so far out you can't even get an FM radio station. I pay out the a$$ just to be connected to the outside world.

11-15-20, 12:15
I hope not !

11-15-20, 13:05
Fox news is still MSM run and owned by the same people who own the rest of the media. They just took a less orange man bad stance to gain the market that was tired of all the orange man bad news networks.

Apparently they threaten to fire Tucker every week about his stories so he starts threatening he'll just make his own show so they just let him do whatever. Hes got the F*** YOU money and popularity but the other reporters have to fall in line.

Coal Dragger
11-15-20, 13:08
Who watches cable news anymore?

Who still has cable?

Fact is all of the MSM networks are slowly but surely doomed, and will be replaced with online content creators.

I haven’t watched cable news in years or even had cable. Don’t miss it one bit.

11-15-20, 13:33
I have cable.

I don't have paypal.

I don't uber.

I don't bank by phone.

11-15-20, 14:18
Dont know, Dont care, Will never watch again.

Dead to me.

RealClearPolitics and DailyWire. Ben Shapiro keeps the full stupid at bay.

I look at cnn.com to see what the sheep are being fed.

11-15-20, 14:54
Eliminate all the voter fraud and it would be interesting to see what the actual popular vote count is between Biden and Trump? The American voting public was too split in their hatred of Trump, and those supporting Trump. It does seem that more Americans wanted him out than to retain him,

What's your evidence for this? Are you counting illegal aliens?

Coal Dragger
11-15-20, 15:04
I have cable.

I don't have paypal.

I don't uber.

I don't bank by phone.

Cable I venture you won’t miss if you get news online and have a good streaming subscription or two. Try it out, worst that happens is you re-up for cable if you don’t like it.

PayPal I use sparingly, but it can be useful.

I don’t Uber either, I own 4 vehicles at the moment.

I don’t bank by phone either, unless you count online banking doing it by phone. I will not do online banking anywhere but my own WiFi network or a computer with a hard internet connection.

11-15-20, 15:08
What's your evidence for this? Are you counting illegal aliens?
Popular vote - we won last time with 3 million fewer votes because of the Electoral College. We needed key States this time to win again with their electoral numbers. We have a good number of illegals living in this State, but they're not voting. They try to fly under the radar with a valid drivers license and working menial jobs. When you show up to vote in this State, they compare your name to a list of registered voters. If you're not on the list, you have to fill out additional forms and show the address on your license. Most don't want any additional paperwork to show where they live.

Coal Dragger
11-15-20, 15:12
What's your evidence for this? Are you counting illegal aliens?

I don’t think illegal aliens tipped this election one way or another.

Here’s some harsh reality that will make me unpopular: Donald Trump was a horrible candidate. He was also terrible at communicating while in office or effectively managing his team. That is why he lost. Because the average Americans who wanted to be able to ignore their POTUS as per normal were forced to constantly hear or observe Trump saying something stupid, picking a fight with his own Cabinet, or otherwise acting like a buffoon on social media. Now was the MSM out to get him? Sure they were, and he gave them plenty of ammunition to use against him because he didn’t have the self discipline to get on message, stay on message, and make sure his team was on the same page. Trump was an aberration who got elected for not being Hillary Clinton and for being different. The novelty wore off and voters wanted him to become a mature adult statesman as POTUS. He failed to grow in his role. Now he’s out and we have a nursing home patient about to be inaugurated in January.

11-15-20, 15:15
I rarely watch tv shows or movies since most of the actors/actresses can't pretend to be someone else hard enough to make me forget who they are, what they are, and the negatives and desires they hold against the majority of people I know and consider friends.

11-15-20, 16:29
DJT as a non swamp dweller became #1 enemy of the Demoncrats, their propaganda ministry and the swamp, and they hounded him 24 hours a day 7 days
a week, we never stop !
The RINO's never lifted a finger to defend Trump during a monumentally dishonest impeachment process that revealed nothing other than the Progressive
Left's willingness to manufacture any lie or disinformation to accomplish their coup against a duly elected President, and that includes South Dakota deaf, dumb
and blind Senators who shuffled back and forth from Sodom on the Potomac.
DJT had to defend himself and though he was ham handed on many occasions he performed well enough to garner ( by todays count ) 73 + Million LEGAL VOTES.
Had he been a smooth and polished orator the result would have been the same, he was and is a threat to every political opportunist/grifter/con-man politician
and the legions of sycophants who feed on the detritus they produce as they game America for their favor.
Trump may indeed have been an aberration or maybe Americans who have grown disenchanted with the typical polished rhetoric of the grifters, lost faith in our
institutions having witnessed fail after fail by previous administrations that we thought it was time to break the mold.
Trump did not fail, the system failed to carry out his administrations objectives, instead of resigning many thousands of government administrators, managers and
departmental employees sabotaged his works and betrayed their oaths of office, forever dishonoring themselves and the machination we call the US Government.
I hope the legions of simpletons who were brainwashed by the media enjoy their New Amerika .

11-15-20, 16:36
I don’t think illegal aliens tipped this election one way or another.

Here’s some harsh reality that will make me unpopular: Donald Trump was a horrible candidate. He was also terrible at communicating while in office or effectively managing his team. That is why he lost. Because the average Americans who wanted to be able to ignore their POTUS as per normal were forced to constantly hear or observe Trump saying something stupid, picking a fight with his own Cabinet, or otherwise acting like a buffoon on social media. Now was the MSM out to get him? Sure they were, and he gave them plenty of ammunition to use against him because he didn’t have the self discipline to get on message, stay on message, and make sure his team was on the same page. Trump was an aberration who got elected for not being Hillary Clinton and for being different. The novelty wore off and voters wanted him to become a mature adult statesman as POTUS. He failed to grow in his role. Now he’s out and we have a nursing home patient about to be inaugurated in January.
Was he a horrible candidate or a horrible politician? I thought he did OK at engaging the public as a candidate, but he wasn't a politician - he didn't even try. He brought a non-politician demeanor to D.C., and it turns out that a lot of people actually didn't want that. Everyone complains that they don't like politicians, yet they wanted Trump to be more "Presidential", whatever that means.

Regarding illegals, I can only comment on what I see in New Mexico. There are the criminal illegals responsible for crimes in places like Albuquerque, and it's a problem. Then you have the average family man type of illegal who is a hard working guy, just trying to support his family. I see this all the time. I'm an employer, and I won't hire anyone without a Social Security Number. However, many contractors I have hired do have people working for them without an SSN. I can't control that.

The average illegal actually is not part of the problem. My teenage daughter worked as a poll worker on election day in Las Vegas, New Mexico. She said that of all the people she encountered, there were only a small handful wanting to vote without being registered. My Insurance Professional, who takes a lot of money from me each year, relates that he insures illegals all the time - they buy auto insurance and keep it in force better than most of the Anglo or Native American population. How does he know they're illegal - no SSN. Keeping valid car insurance is one way to avoid contact with L.E. that they want to avoid. Again, they just want to work and fly under the radar.

11-15-20, 17:30
Don't know, don't care.

I did appreciate their early efforts to have supermodels provide the news, but at the end of the day they still have editorial bias. They claim they are simply telling the other side of the truth but the reality is they are politicizing the news and that crap drives me nuts regardless of who does it. Add selective reporting to support their political position and I'm suddenly in "don't care" mode.

All of them can F right off. I've said it before, and it's always surprising to see it, but BBC is probably the most editorial free news in the world and that's the BBC fer F's sake.

11-15-20, 17:38
I don’t think illegal aliens tipped this election one way or another.

Here’s some harsh reality that will make me unpopular: Donald Trump was a horrible candidate. He was also terrible at communicating while in office or effectively managing his team. That is why he lost. Because the average Americans who wanted to be able to ignore their POTUS as per normal were forced to constantly hear or observe Trump saying something stupid, picking a fight with his own Cabinet, or otherwise acting like a buffoon on social media. Now was the MSM out to get him? Sure they were, and he gave them plenty of ammunition to use against him because he didn’t have the self discipline to get on message, stay on message, and make sure his team was on the same page. Trump was an aberration who got elected for not being Hillary Clinton and for being different. The novelty wore off and voters wanted him to become a mature adult statesman as POTUS. He failed to grow in his role. Now he’s out and we have a nursing home patient about to be inaugurated in January.

This is tantamount to blaming rape victims. Good lord.

Pure Cope.

And for the record it was never about Trump. The machine was well on its way to fundamentally transforming America (Obama’s words) before Trump came along. Him being a bombastic ass worked to our advantage insofar is it brought out the true colors of the opposition.

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Coal Dragger
11-15-20, 17:51
No dude, it’s not “cope” it’s a dispassionate view of mistakes made and lessons to be learned.

Being bombastic is fine, trolling the opposition is fine. Bringing out the worst in those commie bastards is also fine.

Being undisciplined and unfocused is not OK. Especially when the whole swamp is out to get you, and the media is looking to embarrass you at every turn. In that situation you have to be disciplined and focused. Trump couldn’t do that.

Look at his two debates this year, his 2nd performance needed to be his standard. He was still himself, but he showed some restraint like an adult and was able to more effectively communicate his message and ambush Biden. He should have done that during the 1st debate too. He should have been on point like that and careful with his words and demeanor since January of 2017. If he could have grown a bit he could have still been a bombastic troll when needed, but otherwise learned how to be disciplined and ruthless.

11-15-20, 17:54
Popular vote - we won last time with 3 million fewer votes because of the Electoral College. We needed key States this time to win again with their electoral numbers. We have a good number of illegals living in this State, but they're not voting. They try to fly under the radar with a valid drivers license and working menial jobs. When you show up to vote in this State, they compare your name to a list of registered voters. If you're not on the list, you have to fill out additional forms and show the address on your license. Most don't want any additional paperwork to show where they live.

Spot on.
The folks coming here to Cowboy and do ranch work are usually damned good people.

11-15-20, 18:10
I used to watch local news for the weather but in the last 10+ years that info is easily available online. Haven't watched local channels since 2005 or sl

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11-15-20, 18:45
If it wasnt for Tucker I wouldnt watch it anymore. To be honest, I kinda have a mancrush on that guy. Several people on that network i cant stand. Hannity is a like a broken record.....the throw granny of the cliff line makes me wanna throw up with how much he uses it. Greg Gutfeld also makes me wanna puke. He's NOT funny....it doesnt matter how hard he tries or thinks he is. They do have so serious eye candy on that network. Give that HR mgr a raise.

just a scout
11-15-20, 19:04
No dude, it’s not “cope” it’s a dispassionate view of mistakes made and lessons to be learned.

Being bombastic is fine, trolling the opposition is fine. Bringing out the worst in those commie bastards is also fine.

Being undisciplined and unfocused is not OK. Especially when the whole swamp is out to get you, and the media is looking to embarrass you at every turn. In that situation you have to be disciplined and focused. Trump couldn’t do that.

Look at his two debates this year, his 2nd performance needed to be his standard. He was still himself, but he showed some restraint like an adult and was able to more effectively communicate his message and ambush Biden. He should have done that during the 1st debate too. He should have been on point like that and careful with his words and demeanor since January of 2017. If he could have grown a bit he could have still been a bombastic troll when needed, but otherwise learned how to be disciplined and ruthless.

I’m pretty sure the first debate was the strategy to Biden off his game but Wallace kept covering for him. Like Trump said, he was debating both of them, not just Beijing Biden.

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Coal Dragger
11-15-20, 20:50
He should have known that up front and not acted the way he did. He could have also just not debated at all knowing the debate commission is a rigged game and they have never picked moderators in good faith to Republicans.

Straight Shooter
11-15-20, 21:07
FAUX & DRUDGE both went lefty..Drudge really has gone left this year alone.
Im on record here for YEARS telling people "FOX aint your friend"...I literally stopped watching FOX the night Obama got re-elected.
Was 8:30, and that DOUCHE Carl Rove was just making a complete fool of himself, as usual, and I just said "enough". That was it for me.
When Trump leaves office- I wont be a bit surprised if either or both try to pull the ole switch-a-roo and "go back" to being "conservative".
I aint having it. I have enjoyed finding alternate news sources and am now fully vested in them.

26 Inf
11-15-20, 21:57
content creators

Annnnd, there is the problem.

11-15-20, 22:40
Spot on.
The folks coming here to Cowboy and do ranch work are usually damned good people.

I’ve never understood how it could be that Mexicans are lazy and come here for the welfare and at the same time take our jobs. I seem to be contradictory statements.

He should have known that up front and not acted the way he did. He could have also just not debated at all knowing the debate commission is a rigged game and they have never picked moderators in good faith to Republicans.

I do think Trump had the strategy to try to bum rush Biden in the first debate and get him to fold. It was a high risk, high reward strategy. If Biden had been unable to deal with it, the election would’ve been over. Frankly if the debates have been two hours long, or we hadn’t had Wallace as a third debate participant, it might have had a better chance of working. Unfortunately like I said, high risk high reward. This time the risk took the bite.

I think Coal Drager has it exactly right. In summary I think it all comes down to trumps narcissism. While it and his money allowed him to weather the primaries, his inability to not make himself the center of the story, any story, made it difficult in the long run for him.

Maybe the big brains at Fox know some thing that we don’t, but considering how close these elections were it’s not like there isn’t a large portion of the population that would support a conservative news network. Why they want to abdicate that position is beyond me.

Dr. Bullseye
11-15-20, 23:46
Who would want Fox News to survive?

11-17-20, 10:28
FAUX & DRUDGE both went lefty..Drudge really has gone left this year alone.
Im on record here for YEARS telling people "FOX aint your friend"...I literally stopped watching FOX the night Obama got re-elected.
Was 8:30, and that DOUCHE Carl Rove was just making a complete fool of himself, as usual, and I just said "enough". That was it for me.
When Trump leaves office- I wont be a bit surprised if either or both try to pull the ole switch-a-roo and "go back" to being "conservative".
I aint having it. I have enjoyed finding alternate news sources and am now fully vested in them.

I think Fox has not gone left as much as it's more just old guard RINO Never Trumper. In the same way the Dems feel Trump stole Hillary's birthright, the RINOs feel Trump stole Jeb Bush's birthright. Fox likes the GOP of the Bush Administration, not this new conservative populism.

11-17-20, 14:25
I think Fox has not gone left as much as it's more just old guard RINO Never Trumper. In the same way the Dems feel Trump stole Hillary's birthright, the RINOs feel Trump stole Jeb Bush's birthright. Fox likes the GOP of the Bush Administration, not this new conservative populism.


They believe--similar to Paul Ryan who's on their board--that there's a constituency who wants to be in the "middle" between "conservative populism" and the left. They think they can make $$$ by focusing on that core group. It'll never work IMO. I have no statistical proof, but I'd bet my next paycheck the bulk of their viewers is from the conservative populist group. And that group is pissed, because they've seen the bias against Trump and their movement in nearly 100% of the regular news folks, outside of the various editorial talk show people (Tucker, Hannity, Ingraham, Levin, Hilton, Pirro). So what you have there is conservative populist talk shows on one hand, and a RINO news organization on the other, glued together into one big unhappy family. The management knows it can't part company with the talk show hosts or it would literally bankrupt them.

In related news, Tucker just said last evening his show will not be leaving Fox. They've apparently negotiated and his show will actually be getting bigger, he's adding his own news reporting which will be more under his control. He has the muscle to negotiate that at Fox, and if it works, more power to him. We'll probably keep our streaming package (Sling) mainly because it has other stuff we watch, but Fox is in there and we'll keep watching Tucker and a couple of the other hosts, if they stay on message and continue to expose the truth about the left.

11-17-20, 18:26
Im on record here for YEARS telling people "FOX aint your friend"...I literally stopped watching FOX the night Obama got re-elected.

I got ya beat, the night Bill O Really stated "Nobody needs an Uzi" during the AW ban sunset discussion was enough for me.

11-18-20, 18:59
I got ya beat, the night Bill O Really stated "Nobody needs an Uzi" during the AW ban sunset discussion was enough for me.

And it ended up that nobody needed a bill O’Reilly.

We don’t need to Fox News either. Listen to Matt Boering, the cofounder of the Daily Wire with Ben Shapiro, his declaration of war against the failed media that is titled “enough“.

Straight Shooter
11-18-20, 19:26
I got ya beat, the night Bill O Really stated "Nobody needs an Uzi" during the AW ban sunset discussion was enough for me.

And it ended up that nobody needed a bill O’Reilly.

We don’t need to Fox News either. Listen to Matt Boering, the cofounder of the Daily Wire with Ben Shapiro, his declaration of war against the failed media that is titled “enough“.

Good on you Steyr..what a complete, full of himself douche that guy is. he was anti-gun for sure.
CDH youre 100% right- as I said earlier Im enjoying finding all the other truly conservative websites & places on the internet.
I too have had "enough".

11-18-20, 21:05
MSNBC beats fox in daytime ratings since 2001...


11-20-20, 15:05
MSNBC beats fox in daytime ratings since 2001...


That says MSNBC beat Fox in daytime ratings for the First time since 2001.

11-20-20, 17:55
I have a strong suspicion Tucker will leave Fox News and it will fade into another out of touch liberal media network.

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11-20-20, 20:48
As I posted earlier, he said on his own show this week that he's renegotiated his show with Fox, his show will actually be expanding, adding depth reporting features. He's not going anywhere.

11-20-20, 21:57
As I posted earlier, he said on his own show this week that he's renegotiated his show with Fox, his show will actually be expanding, adding depth reporting features. He's not going anywhere.

That’s surprising. I had not heard, thanks for sharing.

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11-21-20, 00:20
Im enjoying finding all the other truly conservative websites & places on the internet.
I too have had "enough".

Klowd TV = Newsmax + ONAN (oops I meant OANN, did I say that? :-)--course, some might say with the "echo chamber" function of ideologically-correct news these days, "Onan" might not be a bad name for them). For $9.99 web streaming no cable. We're checking it.

Dr. Bullseye
11-21-20, 00:33
Tucker is dead to me. He is just posturing himself and his show for the next administration. I no longer watch Fox News so I really don't care if they live or die.

11-21-20, 07:22
I stopped watching Tucker because his guests were mostly left-wing kooks. I stopped watching Fox when they began hiring democrat operatives and Clinton sycophants like Donna Brazile.

Will Fox News survive? Don't know... but whatever they do they'll do it without me in their audience.

11-21-20, 08:00
Klowd TV = Newsmax + ONAN (oops I meant OANN, did I say that? :-)--course, some might say with the "echo chamber" function of ideologically-correct news these days, "Onan" might not be a bad name for them). For $9.99 web streaming no cable. We're checking it.

OANN is free on KlowdTV through 2020. Sign up for free KlowdTV with just an e-mail.

11-21-20, 11:33
As I posted earlier, he said on his own show this week that he's renegotiated his show with Fox, his show will actually be expanding, adding depth reporting features. He's not going anywhere.

It seems he has his price.

11-21-20, 13:58
It seems he has his price.

Thought occurred to me too, but not certain of that yet. It's equally possible he just wanted to keep the advantages of the media infrastructure (filming studios, eyeballs from existing Fox customers, reporters to go follow up on stories, legal protection, stuff like that) which Fox gives him, and negotiated a good deal to continue his show.

11-21-20, 14:06
OAN, baby! :cool:

11-21-20, 14:09
Good point. I have become too cynical.

11-21-20, 14:19
Lots of folks on the web are down on Tucker because he is wanting Sidney Powell to provide proof of the voter fraud. What's wrong with that? If she has the goods, she needs to spill the beans so Tucker can use his giant megaphone to pull the shades back on the corruption. He was practically pleading with her to show the evidence. I'd be asking her the same thing.

All this Tucker hate is a side-show. It's up to Sidney Powell to save our Democratic Constitutional Federal Republic by proving to all what kind of dirtbags the democrat Communists are. She owes it to all 330 million Americans. The ball is in her court.

11-21-20, 14:35
^Exactly. I couldn't see any problem with Tucker ASKING Powell's team if they had anything that would back the claims. Their response is they're holding their evidence until they present it in court. Tucker reported this exchange happened; he isn't saying the claims are false because we don't know yet. It's hard to see what he did wrong here. Don't we want the media to 'dig' and try to get the truth, even on our side? If Powell/Rudy are spinning a line of BS, I want to know the reality, even though I sorta' want to believe that it's real. Don't see how attacking Tucker for asking has anything to do with it.

11-22-20, 06:50
I really don't know how they can investigate and get enough evidence to convince the Supreme Court to even take the case, by December let's say 6th or 7th.

I know based on my level of knowledge and life experience, that they cheated. I can't prove it. I have offered to do the investigative work at cost to someone very high in the RNC. Nada.

I am working on something now, that I have pledged to G-D and myself to devote 90% of the profit to a longer term campaign to fight for the Constitution and the Republic. The USA in spite of about 70 million idiots, is too important to the world to let it go Marxist. A preview of the future of the world is going to play out in the 3rd world where do to weather, Covid, and donations to charities down we have 300 million people that are going to be food challenged. The marxist new speak for starvation.

It just came to me the "elites" are winning, they have a goal to reduce world population down to I think it is 500 million. Covid is a strategy.

11-22-20, 08:43
If you were Sidney, would you bring your evidence to Tucker?
I mean his security with other people's "evidence" isn't the best is it?

11-22-20, 09:04
If you were Sidney, would you bring your evidence to Tucker?
I mean his security with other people's "evidence" isn't the best is it?
And where did that story go? It seemed to have its own life cycle then neatly placed on the back shelf somewhere. It was the October Surprise of the Century....and now it's not even a blip on the Conservative radar.

11-22-20, 09:15
So... a Fox News talking head makes a story out of someone choosing to not come on his show. Wow... Fox News Alert!!!

Another reason to stop watching Fox News is that annoying "GONG" News Alert just to report a cat ran up a tree or similar news emergency.

11-22-20, 09:17
And where did that story go? It seemed to have its own life cycle then neatly placed on the back shelf somewhere. It was the October Surprise of the Century....and now it's not even a blip on the Conservative radar.

Yes, I'm just saying if you were going to bury a story, it would be nice to know exactly what you had to bury and who you had to blackmail to shut it down, wouldn't it?

11-23-20, 01:12
Fox isn't going anywhere. There's enough moderate conservatives to keep that network running for years. OANN is not the next alt-right conservative Jesus. Yes, it'll pick up some more momentum. But I'll be danged if we see it ever accepted as a credible news site other than those who actually buy into the ideologies. If any one sector of industry has solidified itself during these past few years, it's the current MSM. Not these new radical networks from either side, but the ones who've held power for so long. And honestly, to attempt to curb that, Trump needs to bite the bullet and concede and allow a peaceful transition.

Or he'll keep fighting and giving the news something to talk about. And with the rest of civilized world congratulating Biden, he'll continue to feed leftist news organizations such as MSNBC and CNN. Where people will tune in more and give more money and power, etc., etc.

11-23-20, 02:26
Lots of conservatives said they would ban target over the bathroom thing and nothing
Starbucks over the gun thing and nothing
Over the bend a knee at sports and then buy season tickets

As said fox will live it’s gone quite far left already or to say the water is near boil and frogs are showing no sign of jumping

As far as Tucker I only watch YouTube highlights but kinda felt like he was trying to get it out of her more then not believe her by what he said like so many these days she said a lot showed nothing and he wanted something but got nothing so most in his shoes would have said the same thing cause if it turns out to be another big nothing burger he looks stupid and backed fake news he is against if it turns out to be true he wins down the road

11-23-20, 06:59
Lots of conservatives said they would ban target over the bathroom thing and nothing
Starbucks over the gun thing and nothing
Over the bend a knee at sports and then buy season tickets

As said fox will live it’s gone quite far left already or to say the water is near boil and frogs are showing no sign of jumping

As far as Tucker I only watch YouTube highlights but kinda felt like he was trying to get it out of her more then not believe her by what he said like so many these days she said a lot showed nothing and he wanted something but got nothing so most in his shoes would have said the same thing cause if it turns out to be another big nothing burger he looks stupid and backed fake news he is against if it turns out to be true he wins down the roadLots of non conservatives also shop and drink coffee. Lots of middle of the road people who agree with both sides. Lots of people who just don't give a F and want to be left alone and not told what and where they can shop.

Then there the fading memories. Gotta keep a list of every business, store and manufacturer who's against me? That takes some serious energy. I remember there was a list at one point and it had over 200 companies. I'm sure it's grown since then. Go through that list every time you want to buy something?

Every conservative con stop shopping altogether and it won't hurt most businesses

11-23-20, 08:20
Trump needs to bite the bullet and concede and allow a peaceful transition.

Wrong. Trump needs to bring all this fraud to light in court.

11-23-20, 13:00
Lots of non conservatives also shop and drink coffee. Lots of middle of the road people who agree with both sides. Lots of people who just don't give a F and want to be left alone and not told what and where they can shop.

Then there the fading memories. Gotta keep a list of every business, store and manufacturer who's against me? That takes some serious energy. I remember there was a list at one point and it had over 200 companies. I'm sure it's grown since then. Go through that list every time you want to buy something?

Every conservative con stop shopping altogether and it won't hurt most businesses

%100 agree on the non conservatives they are say %50
so if %25 on both ends that would care to take a stand
that %50 middle is left so even if ONE side boycotted I reckon as quick numbers maybe a biz would lose say %25 max and again that is IF and they never ever seem to carry through ?
but it would hurt them

11-28-20, 18:31