View Full Version : Tyson vs. Jones

11-25-20, 15:04
Who’s going to watch? Predictions? Two absolute legends! I’m going with Iron Mike. That man would be right at home on some medieval battlefield smash skulls and dismembering his foes.

11-25-20, 15:43
I remember when we used to bet in 5 second blocks how long the Tyson fight would last... Worst Pay Per View minute-per-dollar ever. And I'm counting those 'TKOs' from the hotel 'unlabelled on your bill" movies.

All you have to do is right before the fight, tell Tyson "He killed your favorite pigeon...".

11-25-20, 15:47
Tyson will bite her ears off and threaten to eat babies. I'll wait for the free high lights on youtube.

11-25-20, 17:41
Have you seen the vids of Tyson's sparring workouts? Holy shit...That dude is savage. He's 54 and still legit terrifying.

He's going to smash the shit out of Jones. Hell, I think he could smash the shit out of half these cocky MMA goons that are half his age.

11-25-20, 18:10
Have you seen the vids of Tyson's sparring workouts? Holy shit...That dude is savage. He's 54 and still legit terrifying.

He's going to smash the shit out of Jones. Hell, I think he could smash the shit out of half these cocky MMA goons that are half his age.

If it's not silly $, I will watch it.

If both come in decent shape and both have the head to fight, could actually be interesting. Jones is easily one of the great fighters of all time, both by the numbers and watching his fights. Tyson, when he was on, a monster who could punch a hole through a person.

Depends a lot on how much coordination, speed, and stamina Jones still has I guess.

11-25-20, 22:14
Have you seen the vids of Tyson's sparring workouts? Holy shit...That dude is savage. He's 54 and still legit terrifying.

He's going to smash the shit out of Jones. Hell, I think he could smash the shit out of half these cocky MMA goons that are half his age.

I have and he is a beast. I'm afraid he is going to kill Jones.

11-26-20, 01:05
If it's not silly $, I will watch it.

If both come in decent shape and both have the head to fight, could actually be interesting. Jones is easily one of the great fighters of all time, both by the numbers and watching his fights. Tyson, when he was on, a monster who could punch a hole through a person.

Depends a lot on how much coordination, speed, and stamina Jones still has I guess.

Tyson was severely limited in the ring as boxer though. He had his one big trick which was blinding hand speed, coupled with a short hook that could calve an iceberg. But just like how fighters figured out how to defeat Gracie’s jiujitsu, guys learned to frustrate Tyson and get him to throw a hissy in the ring.

But as many of us get older, we gain emotional maturity. Who knows? Maybe Mike can keep his act together and think his way thru the problem.

And God help Jones if he’s just a little slow on the uptake.

Sent from 80ms in the future

11-26-20, 02:33
Mike is a Class A POS who used to literally knock out old ladies for their SS money. The only bigger piece of crap is the crazy hair promoter who made him a star. Sure he punches like a mack truck, but lots of street gangsters have violent skills. Add to that he's a rapist and he should be fertilizer by now but people gotta fan boi.

Even after all his grooming and PR people, he still showed what he was about in the Holyfield fight. What kind of mental adolescent tries to bight a mans ear off in what is supposed to be a professional sport?

Never heard of Jones, not sure if he's up to this or not, but I will stand and cheer when the day comes that some junior thug in the making cripples old ass mike so he can have some understanding of what he used to regularly do to people all the time.

11-26-20, 07:27
I'm a former boxing junky and used to be a rabid Tyson and Jones, Jr. fan. I was at the Staples Center when Jones, Jr. won the heavyweight title when he beat John Ruiz. With that said, I've seen one too many so called "comeback" fights by old, long retired fighters trying to cash in on people's desire for nostalgia. I fully expect a sad display of eroded skills by Tyson since he's been inactive for way longer than Jones. I can't bring myself to pay to watch such an exhibition just to end my night feeling embarrassed for the fighters. I'll wait until the internet blows up the morning after with their armchair commentary then go seek highlights if something entertaining happened.

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11-26-20, 10:04
Mike is a Class A POS who used to literally knock out old ladies for their SS money. The only bigger piece of crap is the crazy hair promoter who made him a star. Sure he punches like a mack truck, but lots of street gangsters have violent skills. Add to that he's a rapist and he should be fertilizer by now but people gotta fan boi.

Even after all his grooming and PR people, he still showed what he was about in the Holyfield fight. What kind of mental adolescent tries to bight a mans ear off in what is supposed to be a professional sport?

Never heard of Jones, not sure if he's up to this or not, but I will stand and cheer when the day comes that some junior thug in the making cripples old ass mike so he can have some understanding of what he used to regularly do to people all the time.

Literally one of the all time great fighters both by the numbers and accomplishments, and like say Ali, numbers alone don't do Jones justice: He had the speed of a light weight that hit like a heavyweight and his athleticism and timing, second to none. What people, including myself, didn't like about him was he knew he was that good and was showboating A hole in the ring, but he really was that good. If Jones brings his A game, Tyson does not stand a chance. If Jones brings a B game, and Tyson explodes on Jones as he's so good at, Jones will be in deep doo doo. Worth a watch:


11-26-20, 10:47
Tyson was severely limited in the ring as boxer though. He had his one big trick which was blinding hand speed, coupled with a short hook that could calve an iceberg. But just like how fighters figured out how to defeat Gracie’s jiujitsu, guys learned to frustrate Tyson and get him to throw a hissy in the ring.

But as many of us get older, we gain emotional maturity. Who knows? Maybe Mike can keep his act together and think his way thru the problem.

Tyson is not capable of being a matured adult human.

Totally agreed with your statement about some boxers figured out how to defeat Tyson. Holyfield did it twice and got bite marks to show for it. If Tyson didn't bite him, I think Holyfield might have knocked him out or down in those fights.

Can you elaborate on the comment about fighters figured out how to defeat the Gracie Jujitsu system? Is it just staying out of the clinch?

11-26-20, 10:50
Mike is a Class A POS who used to literally knock out old ladies for their SS money. The only bigger piece of crap is the crazy hair promoter who made him a star. Sure he punches like a mack truck, but lots of street gangsters have violent skills. Add to that he's a rapist and he should be fertilizer by now but people gotta fan boi.

Even after all his grooming and PR people, he still showed what he was about in the Holyfield fight. What kind of mental adolescent tries to bight a mans ear off in what is supposed to be a professional sport?

Never heard of Jones, not sure if he's up to this or not, but I will stand and cheer when the day comes that some junior thug in the making cripples old ass mike so he can have some understanding of what he used to regularly do to people all the time.

Totally agree with your observations. We both remember the Holyfield fights. Like I wrote in the post above, if Tyson hadn't resorted to the biting, Holyfield might have ended up knocking him out.

11-26-20, 11:29
Mike is a Class A POS who used to literally knock out old ladies for their SS money. The only bigger piece of crap is the crazy hair promoter who made him a star. Sure he punches like a mack truck, but lots of street gangsters have violent skills. Add to that he's a rapist and he should be fertilizer by now but people gotta fan boi.

Even after all his grooming and PR people, he still showed what he was about in the Holyfield fight. What kind of mental adolescent tries to bight a mans ear off in what is supposed to be a professional sport?

Never heard of Jones, not sure if he's up to this or not, but I will stand and cheer when the day comes that some junior thug in the making cripples old ass mike so he can have some understanding of what he used to regularly do to people all the time.

Hold up, you never heard of Roy Jones Jr.?

11-26-20, 11:40
Tyson looks like a beast in his training videos, but they're pretty short bursts cut and edited together, still, it's impressive looking. Roy looks like his legs are gone, doesn't look as impressive to me. But we'll have to see once they get in the ring. Anything can happen.

11-26-20, 11:59
Screw Mike Tyson. Thanks hope Jones mops the floors with him. I won’t be watching, pro sports are dead to me.

11-26-20, 12:06
Listening to Mike Tyson interviews over the last couple of years, he comes across as a completely different person than as he was when still fighting. He also seems to be training for this fight with intensity. If both he and Jones bring their A game, it will be a good fight and interesting to watch. Much better than the upcoming Eddie Hall/Thor exhibition, though that should have at least some entertainment value.

11-26-20, 17:53
This is funny in a sick twisted kind of way:


Ok seriously, I looked into this Jones v. Tyson fight and it appeared to be an "exhibition" bout? WTF? exhibition fights are not counted in the actual records, so it's kind of like WWE with gloves? If that's the case, these two are just putting on the show for the paychecks.

11-26-20, 18:31
This is funny in a sick twisted kind of way:


Ok seriously, I looked into this Jones v. Tyson fight and it appeared to be an "exhibition" bout? WTF? exhibition fights are not counted in the actual records, so it's kind of like WWE with gloves? If that's the case, these two are just putting on the show for the paychecks.

I wouldn’t get to wrapped up in the “exhibition” aspect of it. I highly doubt Tyson is just going to move around with RJJ. I don’t see this being a hard sparring session.

11-27-20, 22:24
Here's a good video explaining Jones's technique. He was something else in his prime.


11-27-20, 22:41
Hold up, you never heard of Roy Jones Jr.?

I haven't stayed current. In fact the last fight I knew about was probably Tyson / Holyfield and it so disgusted me I stopped watching boxing altogether. I'm sure there are plenty of decent guy fighters, I just haven't cared enough to stay with it.

So I just added boxing to the long list of professional sports that I can't tolerate watching anymore. These days is pretty much just Olympic gymnastics (men and women), womens figure skating and womens beach vollyball. I was watching tennis for awhile back but Anna retired so that was the end of that.

11-27-20, 23:42
I haven't stayed current. In fact the last fight I knew about was probably Tyson / Holyfield and it so disgusted me I stopped watching boxing altogether. I'm sure there are plenty of decent guy fighters, I just haven't cared enough to stay with it.

So I just added boxing to the long list of professional sports that I can't tolerate watching anymore. These days is pretty much just Olympic gymnastics (men and women), womens figure skating and womens beach vollyball. I was watching tennis for awhile back but Anna retired so that was the end of that.

I hear ya about being disappointed with professional sports. Roy was huge in the 90's and early 2000's, one of the best pound for pound ever, his highlight reels are worth watching. He held world championships in four weight classes, middleweight, super middleweight, light heavyweight, and heavyweight. He had an unorthodox style that relied heavily on speed and misdirection, he was fun to watch. check out the video I linked a couple posts back if you like.

11-28-20, 01:57
Can you elaborate on the comment about fighters figured out how to defeat the Gracie Jujitsu system? Is it just staying out of the clinch?

Mostly it was that fighters stopped being single discipline, and started putting the Mixed in Mixed Martial Arts. In the early and mid 90s it was far more like the video game Street Fighter. But once real money showed up, there started to be professional gyms that trained multi-discipline style.

And yeah, staying out of the clinch, or at least learning to defend it - I don’t think Gracie thought it could be defended against, but nowadays you watch guys struggle thru it.

Sent from 80ms in the future

11-28-20, 02:10
Mostly it was that fighters stopped being single discipline, and started putting the Mixed in Mixed Martial Arts. In the early and mid 90s it was far more like the video game Street Fighter. But once real money showed up, there started to be professional gyms that trained multi-discipline style.

And yeah, staying out of the clinch, or at least learning to defend it - I don’t think Gracie thought it could be defended against, but nowadays you watch guys struggle thru it.

Sent from 80ms in the future

There is also the fact that the first UFCs stacked the deck where big fighters fought big fighters and Gracie was usually given his pick of the group. Worked out well for a long time but eventually Gracie had to take on some of the really big, really talented guys and they really made him earn any win. So UFC was almost a commercial for Gracie BJJ.

And like you said, it forced everyone to be more adaptable. But really UFC was the first MMA event, things like the K1 and Tai Sabaki predated both and were famous for having guys who were shoot fighters combined with Thai and things of that nature. If you really go all the way back, Bruce Lee was describing exactly MMA with his Jeet Kune Do concepts and hybrid arts like Kajukenbo, American Kenpo and too many others to name were all doing pretty much the same idea.

11-28-20, 19:48
I hear ya about being disappointed with professional sports. Roy was huge in the 90's and early 2000's, one of the best pound for pound ever, his highlight reels are worth watching. He held world championships in four weight classes, middleweight, super middleweight, light heavyweight, and heavyweight. He had an unorthodox style that relied heavily on speed and misdirection, he was fun to watch. check out the video I linked a couple posts back if you like.

Roy Jones is still my favorite boxer of all time...and that's saying a lot. His speed and power for his weight was unmatched. All opponents who said that they would go after him in the ring immediately changed their mind after they got hit once. He broke an opponents ribs with a body shot.

His highlight reels are stellar.

11-28-20, 20:58
Man I hope Mike and RJJ bang like the first two prelims. Two good fights so far!

11-28-20, 21:05
Man I hope Mike and RJJ bang like the first two prelims. Two good fights so far!

Yes, nice TKO by liver shot! So far, pre fights are excellent.

11-28-20, 21:39
For ME,this was the BEST Tyson fight !!! LOL I was cheering like a mad man ! https://talksport.com/sport/boxing/664680/mike-tyson-record-buster-douglas-boxing-shock-fight-roy-jones-jr/ And then there is this,,LOL https://www.jsonline.com/story/sports/boxing/2020/11/27/mike-tyson-roy-jones-jr-fight-psychedelic-drugs/6442985002/ Lets just say I won't be paying to watch any of this,,reruns/youtube/redit,,etc will more than fill the bill. Watch and laugh inside at all the peeps than do the Pay Per View for a circus act,,,,no thanks.

11-28-20, 21:49
I'll be watching, but I won't be paying ppv pricing.

11-28-20, 22:01
I'll be watching, but I won't be paying ppv pricing.

I'd pay for a Tyson Vs. Jake Paul.

11-28-20, 22:14
I'd pay for a Tyson Vs. Jake Paul.

From your lips to god’s ears!

11-28-20, 23:06
Tyson came to fight, Jones did not.

11-28-20, 23:15
Tyson came to fight, Jones did not.

Roy’s game plan seems to just survive.

11-28-20, 23:26
Roy’s game plan seems to just survive.

Yup. Jones doing his best two wrap Tyson up and avoid getting hit. Jones is tired end of first round. Tyson's fitness is impressive. Rd3 Jones looking better.
Last rd, 8, Tyson wins easily. PROPS to Tyson who was in shape, came to fight, and was a fun fight to watch, but would have been way better had Roy came with the same.

11-28-20, 23:50
Man Jones took a beating. I hate to be him tomorrow morning.

11-29-20, 05:54
Here you go enjoy !

11-29-20, 15:25
Man Jones took a beating. I hate to be him tomorrow morning.

Yeah until he looks at his bank account, then he'll be :dance3::smile::dance3::smile::dance3::smile:

11-29-20, 19:10
The 2 minute rounds made the fight worse. If you think about it, they tailored this fight for Tyson. Very small ring with 2 minute rounds.