View Full Version : Imagine If People Today Had To Endure What People Went Through During WWII...

11-27-20, 23:10
For all the bitching and complaining about C19 related restrictions (some legit, some BS), imagine if...

1. You suddenly couldn't get certain things like tired for your car because they were needed for the war effort.

2. Basic things like sugar, gasoline, coffee and even clothing were rationed.

3. The government STRONGLY encouraged everyone to buy war bonds regardless of how you felt about the war and the government.

4. Coins were suddenly made out of almost useless metals (ok you got me here but you know what I mean) because important metals were needed for the war effort.

5. And here is a big one, you could find yourself drafted into service or even worse if you happened to be of Japanese ancestory.

And now imagine it lasted FOUR years.

Sure this all happened under a Democratic president, but people used to be able to suck it up and deal with it. Hasn't even been one year yet and people all over the country act like Red Dawn actually happened.

I can't imagine the colossal social meltdown that would occur if we went to war and demanded the support of society across the board like we did during WWII.

just a scout
11-27-20, 23:17
The difference is in having a common enemy. This is nothing but fear mongerong, illegal exercise of power and divisiveness.

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11-28-20, 01:15
If the Greatest Generation had been like today's generation, there would BE no today's generation. :(

Steve Shannon
11-28-20, 04:35
For all the bitching and complaining about C19 related restrictions (some legit, some BS), imagine if...

1. You suddenly couldn't get certain things like tired for your car because they were needed for the war effort.

2. Basic things like sugar, gasoline, coffee and even clothing were rationed.

3. The government STRONGLY encouraged everyone to buy war bonds regardless of how you felt about the war and the government.

4. Coins were suddenly made out of almost useless metals (ok you got me here but you know what I mean) because important metals were needed for the war effort.

5. And here is a big one, you could find yourself drafted into service or even worse if you happened to be of Japanese ancestory.

And now imagine it lasted FOUR years.

Sure this all happened under a Democratic president, but people used to be able to suck it up and deal with it. Hasn't even been one year yet and people all over the country act like Red Dawn actually happened.

I can't imagine the colossal social meltdown that would occur if we went to war and demanded the support of society across the board like we did during WWII.

This is absolutely correct. Unfortunately, instead of coming together to lead, our politicians have used the pandemic to divide us.

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11-28-20, 05:48
This is absolutely correct. Unfortunately, instead of coming together to lead, our politicians have used the pandemic to divide us.

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Sadly there are legions of dumber people who have fallen for it vs. the "do the right thing" mentality that generally prevailed (with exceptions) during WWII.

11-28-20, 06:53
Given todays population, we would have likely lost WWll.

11-28-20, 07:28
They had the depression and then WWII in the US.

People were simply accustomed to getting by with less. They were not the throw-away society we have become, they knew how to repair and maintain what they had. A huge part of the US population was rural and were able to grow at least some of the food they needed, which definitely helped stretch food supplies.

We have become so spoiled that sacrifice is owning a 55" TV or 3 year old phone.


Straight Shooter
11-28-20, 10:40
We aint THAT people/country anymore & havent been for decades.
Our youth today would VASTLY support just about any enemy on Earth, as long as they were against America.
So would one entire political party.
The ENTIRE media.
ALL academia.
And most other countries.

11-28-20, 11:09
I recently watched a couple of you tube video's about raising the sunken battleships in Pearl Harbor in the first 6 months of 1942,
amazing video of huge hull plugs lowered and affixed around armor belt on battleship and used to float it up from the mud.
We could not do this today, for a multitude of reasons.

11-28-20, 12:07
Given todays population, we would have likely lost WWll.

Maybe, maybe not. The 1930s were filled with a lot of turmoil; people were starving due to the Depression, the government was becoming bloated grabbing every bit of power it could; the rich were getting richer and the poor were getting poorer. On top of that, the nation really was racist towards not only black people, but also the Irish, Italians, Jews, Hispanics, Chinese, and Japanese. Those extreme ideas coming over from Germany, Italy, and Russia were sounding pretty good to our desperate population; maybe it was time to just burn it all to the ground and start over. Sound familiar.

Also, I don't know if we would have lost WWII. Remember, this gender-confused, hedonistic generation is not just an American phenomenon; if anything, it's pretty mild compared to Europe.

11-28-20, 12:07
This kinda reminds me of the peak GWOT days when you would say something about how hot it is outside and some Boomer in a chinese made hat with an American flag on it would scream things at you like:


Imagine If People Today Had To Endure What People Went Through During WWII...

Imagine If People Today Had To Endure What People Went Through During the Revolutionary War...

Imagine If People Today Had To Endure What People Went Through During The Civil War...

Imagine If People Today Had To Endure What People Went Through During times when if you got sick the Doctor gave you cocaine and told you that you have ghosts in your blood and he'd cut your arm open so they could drain out...

Imagine If People Today Had To Endure What People Went Through During insert anytime or event in history when times were hard...

Just because things have been worse at a time when most, if not all of us weren't even alive doesn't take away from the fact that people are jobless, losing their businesses, losing their homes, their cars, all because they're unfortunate enough to live a state where the economy has been shut down for almost 9 months due a virus that most people are gonna survive if they get it.

We're gonna shutdown the economy for two weeks to flatten the curve. Wear your mask, social distance and we'll see you guys in May.

Next thing you know you can't go to church, you can't sing, you can't have Thanksgiving, go tell on your neighbors if they have company over. You can't go to the gym either, so **** yo fitness both physical and mental. Meanwhile the Governors are having private dinners with large gatherings, no masks, no social distancing. Mandatory distance learning is resulting in lower grades almost everywhere.

Reading this you may think I'm bitter because the above is happening to me. It's not. My family has been virtually unscathed by the shutdowns from a financial perspective. We both have careers that are unaffected, and we're thankful for it. But there are businesses shutting down all over, many owned by people we know. I have a friend who's driving Uber 18 hours a day just to try to keep the bills paid and they're barely making it. We feel very fortunate to be able to be in a position to be helping people during this time.

None of this came about because of our country's necessity to fight and win a World War. It came about because of failed policy and the abuse of power. Yeah, COVID 19 is real, and it can be deadly, but all the people I know in real life who've had it are in one or more high risk category and all have survived.

I was all on board for telling people to harden the **** up when they were complaining about it two weeks in, but it's damn near 2021 and there are places that still have no plan in place to open back up and get people working again. Smarter people than I tell me that we haven't even begun to see the effects of keeping the economy shut down for this long.

11-28-20, 12:08
During the past 75 years Rosie the Riveter has morphed into a BLM stooge.



11-28-20, 12:31
Imagine If People Today Had To Endure What People Went Through During insert anytime or event in history when times were hard...

Lots of people wouldn't endure. Many would be dead in days/weeks without 21st century modern medicine.

On a hot summer day here in Chattanooga I'm surprised that many of the people I see survive the walk to their car in the Walmart parking lot. Heck, just riding their go-gart down the soda isle can be life-threatening.


11-28-20, 12:40
Given todays population, we would have likely lost WWll.

Amen. We have a bunch of morons who respond to minor challenges by purchasing a lot of toilet paper for fukk's sake.

11-28-20, 12:44
Lots of people wouldn't endure. Many would be dead in days/weeks without 21st century modern medicine.

I think that(mostly via antibiotics) WWII was the first US war where disease wasn't the leading killer. If it wasn't WWII then Korea tipped the death by disease/death by violence scales.

On the thread topic, had people been more informed about actions leading up to the great depression and WWII things may have went down differently.

I have mentioned Francis Bellamy(Pledge of Allegiance author and socialist masquerading as a Baptist minister) and how fast his congregation kicked him out once they figured out what he was really about so crap like that didn't necessarily get tolerated like is often the norm now.

11-28-20, 15:21
Not quite in the same line, but the realist military perspective I’ve ever read is the Forgotten Soldier. Pretty mind blowing.

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11-28-20, 16:37
This kinda reminds me of the peak GWOT days when you would say something about how hot it is outside and some Boomer in a chinese made hat with an American flag on it would scream things at you like:


That was not my purpose.

11-28-20, 19:56
Based on things I have read, most things were kept somewhat consistent. Had things like this(and this isn't unusual such as riots not being an issue) been happening, I doubt support would have been what it was.


11-28-20, 23:05
My grand father is fond of saying he thinks we’d lose WWII if it happened today. His reasoning being everyone is so selfish today. There is no patriotism and no body would become united to defend this place.

2020 has actually been a good year for me and mine. We worked the garden and ate as a family every evening this summer (usually outside with fresh picked produce), marriage is the best it has ever been, my kids are healthy and happy and we have gotten a lot of projects completed.

Also, I blame you boomers for the throw away society that we have become. I’m trying to correct that with my self and my kids.

11-29-20, 04:02
My father likes to bitch about my generation and my adult children's generation. My grandfather bitched about my dad's generation. I'm willing to bet that my great-grandfather bitched about my grandfather's generation. It's a story as old as time.

I'm surrounded by quality twenty-somethings. They are equal to anyone that I graduated highschool with in the 80's. I seriously run into just as many idiot 60 somethings as I do twenty-somethings.

Pick up a book written about any time in our U.S. history that details about how Americans were riled up at the media and each other, the crazy fads and stupid things they did for entertainment, and the stupid products they consumed to make themselves "healthy".. there is seriously, no shit, nothing new under the sun.

Certainly, one thing that hasn't changed is we have a bunch of whiney bitches... and now we have the internet to help share their voice.

11-29-20, 09:28
1/3rd of today's Americans would have praised the Japanese for bombing Pearl Harbor. Another third would want to wait it out as "neutral" and surrender to whoever won out. The last third would be screaming that "We gotta fight. Not me of course, I've got terrible case of athlete's foot from my glory days, otherwise I would."

11-29-20, 09:57
1/3rd of today's Americans would have praised the Japanese for bombing Pearl Harbor. Another third would want to wait it out as "neutral" and surrender to whoever won out. The last third would be screaming that "We gotta fight. Not me of course, I've got terrible case of athlete's foot from my glory days, otherwise I would."

And which one are you?

11-29-20, 10:16
My father likes to bitch about my generation and my adult children's generation. My grandfather bitched about my dad's generation. I'm willing to bet that my great-grandfather bitched about my grandfather's generation. It's a story as old as time.

There is simply no avoiding the fact that we 1st worlders are surrounded by things that make our life easier than it was even 30 years ago. This also holds true for generations. My grandfather used to load supplies into a horse drawn wagon, travel 30 miles, and live rough for a week to cut fence posts. My dad and brother buy them at a co-op. We commonly lost power for a week or two in the winter (1970s-1980s). It takes a severe storm for my folks to lose power for a few days now. My great-great grandfather would say "what's electricity?" My dad remembers when a lot of families did not have telephones. Today even our poorest citizens have smartphones.

I don't see SteyrAug's OP as an attack on our current generation. It is a fact that we as a nation are accustomed to living a really good life. We are used to having a huge variety of consumer goods - necessities and luxuries both. Most of us have never experienced real shortages or sacrifices. It's not a criticism, it shows how well off our nation is.

It is also obvious just how devastating it would be to us all if we had to live through a time like WWII.


11-29-20, 10:35
I’m sure they were all great and all, but plenty of people stayed stateside to do the Charleston and knock up everybody’s girls while resisting coastal blackout ordinances. Also of interest, murder rates plummeted in the wartime US, and rose again after the war. It was at quite the peak prior to the war.

All I’m saying is they weren’t as perfect as the stories they told you growing up. The thought that previous generations were much better, sometimes to the point of being infallible, is among the most bizarre and easily disprovable opinions I often encounter.

Edit: I saw AndyLate’s post after I hit send, and he makes solid points.

11-29-20, 11:17
I’m sure they were all great and all, but plenty of people stayed stateside to do the Charleston and knock up everybody’s girls while resisting coastal blackout ordinances. Also of interest, murder rates plummeted in the wartime US, and rose again after the war. It was at quite the peak prior to the war.

All I’m saying is they weren’t as perfect as the stories they told you growing up. The thought that previous generations were much better, sometimes to the point of being infallible, is among the most bizarre and easily disprovable opinions I often encounter.

Edit: I saw AndyLate’s post after I hit send, and he makes solid points.

A couple of post war examples include someone who wore shorts during the 1970's to early 80's griping about lack of inseam length now and griping about things they currently see on TV with the insinuation of being totally new and unheard of after hearing tales about paying to go in carny side shows where apparently being close enough to potentially smell and touch the abhorrent visual made all the difference.

11-29-20, 19:03
I don't see SteyrAug's OP as an attack on our current generation. It is a fact that we as a nation are accustomed to living a really good life. We are used to having a huge variety of consumer goods - necessities and luxuries both. Most of us have never experienced real shortages or sacrifices. It's not a criticism, it shows how well off our nation is.


Just for clarification, it was an observation of every generation dealing with the current situation. Lots of boomers being just as entitle minded as millennials. As a country "we" (meaning both young and old) used to manage some things better.

11-29-20, 19:38
Just for clarification, it was an observation of every generation dealing with the current situation. Lots of boomers being just as entitle minded as millennials. As a country "we" (meaning both young and old) used to manage some things better.

In all honesty though, a lot of the bad crap we are dealing with now had it's origins in the 1930's. If the PR campaign on that generation was in the ball park we likely wouldn't be wading through the fall out from then now. Pointing to the 60's as when everything went to hell and teenagers & 20 somethings as the main culprits is interesting considering the average elected official age has always seemed to be 40+.

11-29-20, 21:21
In all honesty though, a lot of the bad crap we are dealing with now had it's origins in the 1930's. If the PR campaign on that generation was in the ball park we likely wouldn't be wading through the fall out from then now. Pointing to the 60's as when everything went to hell and teenagers & 20 somethings as the main culprits is interesting considering the average elected official age has always seemed to be 40+.

I have no disillusions about the "greatest generation", some of them really sucked. The decade before they were bankers foreclosing on depression victims, bootleggers or fanboys of vicious gangsters who killed cops in numbers that would make BLM extremists orgasm.

When the war started some were isolationists (which I can understand) but some were avid supporters of Hitler, Mussolini and others who believed in law and order even if that meant a police state. It was our government and the UK who pioneered eugenics, Hitler learned from us. And even when we finally had skin in the game, grandma who bakes cookies was a vicious, self centered whore who actually wrote "Dear John" letters to those serving in the Pacific and other hell holes like Bastogne simply because she wasn't getting regular johnson deliveries and the guy down the street showed her even the slightest interest.

But with the scumbag contingent of society (which always seems to exist) noted, in general terms most people managed to endure and accept social hardships better than most people seem to be able to today. Obvious exceptions exist, I'm sure combat vets gleefully navigate covid problems because it's a walk in the park compared to being shot at.

All that said, it is ironic that the greatest generation provided us with possibly the worst generation (60s radicals) and it's probably a case of them making sure their children wanted for nothing (and didn't) and then those children growing up to believe "they" could make the world a better place because certainly "they" were more enlightened, educated and thoughtful of others than their parents ever could be.

11-29-20, 21:59
And which one are you?

I'm the guy acting all morally superior and talking shit on the internet. Couldn't you tell?

01-18-21, 22:05
We aint THAT people/country anymore & havent been for decades.
Our youth today would VASTLY support just about any enemy on Earth, as long as they were against America.
So would one entire political party.
The ENTIRE media.
ALL academia.
And most other countries.

And remember, that the "Greatest Generation" got suckered in to saving Communism from getting its face kicked in, then came home, and overdosed on post war materialism, allowing the Communists to infiltrated all areas of life, including Media, Education, Law, etc, and then did nothing but bitch about it afterwards.

Supporting a Communist loving Marxist degenerate(FDR) getting suckered into fighting to save the GREATER of two evils, then allowing that same evil to infect and ruin your nation does not make a generation "great", nothing more then a slogan giving by Tom Brokaw needing a title to sale to self centered Boomers and their parents.

01-18-21, 22:17
Maybe, maybe not. The 1930s were filled with a lot of turmoil; people were starving due to the Depression, the government was becoming bloated grabbing every bit of power it could; the rich were getting richer and the poor were getting poorer. On top of that, the nation really was racist towards not only black people, but also the Irish, Italians, Jews, Hispanics, Chinese, and Japanese. Those extreme ideas coming over from Germany, Italy, and Russia were sounding pretty good to our desperate population; maybe it was time to just burn it all to the ground and start over. Sound familiar.

Also, I don't know if we would have lost WWII. Remember, this gender-confused, hedonistic generation is not just an American phenomenon; if anything, it's pretty mild compared to Europe.

Yeah, we did not bend over backwards and give away everything to everyone, and valued the culture and values of the people that FOUNDED America rather then pander to the most non compatible groups, how awful/s.

Being able to buy a house and not work yourself to death against the world`s work force pouring into the Nation and not have people move in that undermine the property values, the political habits/make up of the community, not undermine your economic/political power, I fail to see the down side, but I guess I have to put the needs of my enemies ahead of myself because muh feelz, right guy?

Must have been God awful to be able to buy a Thompson, BAR, dynamite via the mail, Or until 1968, Mortars, Arty, 20mm Semi autos, MGs, Select fires, DEWATS, but hey, if equality means freedom has to be voted away in the name of "muh greater good", well damn it, that is what must be done, right?

Because if everyone does not get the same wonderful outcome, then civilization is just not working correctly, and America just isnt valid/s.

01-18-21, 22:23
My grand father is fond of saying he thinks we’d lose WWII if it happened today. His reasoning being everyone is so selfish today. There is no patriotism and no body would become united to defend this place.

2020 has actually been a good year for me and mine. We worked the garden and ate as a family every evening this summer (usually outside with fresh picked produce), marriage is the best it has ever been, my kids are healthy and happy and we have gotten a lot of projects completed.

Also, I blame you boomers for the throw away society that we have become. I’m trying to correct that with my self and my kids.

Well, this is the end result of Mass Immigration/Multiculturalism/Egalitarianism, that everyone is the same, and everyone must be allowed in because their is no different in people, their cultures, their values, politics, the end result, a horde of hostile groups from sea to shining sea, ready to use the weapon of the state against anyone they can for something for nothing, and that was the outcome that was going to happen and it was pursed by evil driven people, but hey at least Boomers feel good about throwing it all away, because after all being called names by people who hate you is the worst thing that can happen to a people, right?/s.

01-18-21, 22:43
heck I say current daily life for those 3rd world countries leaders they love so much and think are superior like those in cuba or venezuela I wish we could send them there for a year or two to work and live with the locals !

01-18-21, 23:25
heck I say current daily life for those 3rd world countries leaders they love so much and think are superior like those in cuba or venezuela I wish we could send them there for a year or two to work and live with the locals !

The locals would rob, rape, and murder them, and I fail to see any sort of loss.

01-19-21, 03:40
The last thing that was heard is the ‘that’s not my pronoun” and then silence and all was good :)

The locals would rob, rape, and murder them, and I fail to see any sort of loss.

01-19-21, 22:52
Yeah, my late mother, an old dust bowl Depression-era lady, tough as nails, told me about all these things. I still have some "ration stamps" from back then that she left me.

A lot of people today don't realize how HUGE WWII was. Battles involved thousands of tanks, hundreds of thousands of troops and unbelievable horror. My dad got a bronze star on Guadacanal. He was 185 pounds when he walked up onto the beach. He was 115 when he left. Soldiers in New Guinea spent days and days without sleep, without rest, in 120 degree heat wading through filthy swamps full of leeches, massive spiders, giant mosquitos and poisonous snakes, and almost starving to death. The Japs loved to open up on them when they were in the middle of a waist deep swamp. Their bodies were covered with sores dripping pus, and they got so sick their teeth and hair came out, and their feet got so rotten, when they took their boots off, the soles of their feet peeled off with them. And even then, they got - and obeyed - orders to keep on fighting. Modern kids just have no freaking idea, no... freaking... idea..................

01-20-21, 12:23
Yeah, my late mother, an old dust bowl Depression-era lady, tough as nails, told me about all these things. I still have some "ration stamps" from back then that she left me.

A lot of people today don't realize how HUGE WWII was. Battles involved thousands of tanks, hundreds of thousands of troops and unbelievable horror. My dad got a bronze star on Guadacanal. He was 185 pounds when he walked up onto the beach. He was 115 when he left. Soldiers in New Guinea spent days and days without sleep, without rest, in 120 degree heat wading through filthy swamps full of leeches, massive spiders, giant mosquitos and poisonous snakes, and almost starving to death. The Japs loved to open up on them when they were in the middle of a waist deep swamp. Their bodies were covered with sores dripping pus, and they got so sick their teeth and hair came out, and their feet got so rotten, when they took their boots off, the soles of their feet peeled off with them. And even then, they got - and obeyed - orders to keep on fighting. Modern kids just have no freaking idea, no... freaking... idea..................

I wrote a report on Iwo Jima in high school. The pacific theatre was an absolute horror show. The Japs we’re ruthless bastards who would stop at no end. If I recall, japs had 22,000 on the island. We only took a couple hundred alive. Killed the rest or they committed suicide.