View Full Version : Eotech Mechanical Zero...and zeroing

11-30-20, 11:09
How many of you manually check or set your Eotech to Mechanical Zero before actually setting out to zero, or re-zero, your rifle?

Or....do you simply take it where it is set from the factory (which should be mechanical zero) and start your zeroing from there?

Also, do you typically zero your BUIS first or your Optic first?

11-30-20, 11:17
I just send it and see what happens. Any order seems fine. I’d probably do the irons first if I had a blooming dot problem with these.

11-30-20, 11:33

I had already tried to do an initial zeroing using a laser cartridge before I take it to the range so I start, supposedly, on paper and go from there. However, the laser cartridge was probably the dumbest thing ever....at least for me. The dam cartridge, even though specs are .223/5.56 NEVER sits exactly in the same place in the chamber....thus, each time you check it your zero changes...by 1" to 2,"...up, down, left, right...WHATEVER. I didn't LEARN this until I had "zeroed" (NOPE) my green laser, BUIS, and Eotech...then checked them again....and ALL were off. Wasted time I'll never get back. At least with a cartridge laser....NOT WORTH IT!!!

Thus, my question about Mechanical Zero.....since I have changed it from where ever the factory had it set. I think I will just take it from where it is at and go from there. Not sure it is worth setting it back to Mechanical Zero as I believe I would end up in the same spot either way I did it....at least you should if zero is correct.

11-30-20, 11:34
Let me clarify from my initial response

I zero my irons first, then I lollipop the Red dot, check zero, then walk it out from there.

But I don’t mess with a red dots until the irons are on 100% first.

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