View Full Version : Nobody Here's Talking about Gun Grabbin' Eric and the Chinese Spy?

12-09-20, 14:31

So, five years ago, Swalwell hires a Chinese woman named Christine Fang to work on his campaign. The relationship turned from being professional to personal, and pretty soon, he's putting his pork in her takeout box. It turns out that Fang is a Chinese spy whose MO is to bang up and coming ;) politicians in the Bay Area and hopefully turn them into double agents. Swalwell claims he broke off the relationship when he was warned that she was a spy (not buying it). Naturally, this was covered up by the Dems, and he kept his place on the House Intelligence Committee, even though Fang had been asking him for classified information. Of course, he thinks that it was the Trump Administration that was in the wrong for actually bringing this information to light.

I'll tell ya, the Bay Area needs to get nuked from orbit.

12-09-20, 15:15
So Fang Fang got her fangs into a start-up mediocre politician from Dublin, California and provided the money and technical support to allow his rise in the democrat party? A good return on investment. My question is how many other top level politicians have the bite marks or still have the fangs attached? We know Joseph Robinette Buyden Jr. and family are one such political dynasty - how many others?

12-09-20, 15:21
No more than we were talking about how DiFi's driver for YEARS was a Chinese operative etc....

The CHINESE OWN US- or at least many of our Politicians at this point.

That's why Trump shut down the Chinese embassy in Houston, to try to limit their reach/influence operations. It's probably part of why he was tinkering with student visas- as this case clearly shows are an issue.

But with dottering Biden in power and all the bought off Pieces of Shit he will bring in- we're pretty much hosed. Get used to it. The country you were born into is GONE. Is it still better than most places, yea, mostly. But it's going to join them in the race to the bottom rather soon. Count on it.

12-09-20, 15:26
No more than we were talking about how DiFi's driver for YEARS was a Chinese operative etc....

The CHINESE OWN US- or at least many of our Politicians at this point.

That's why Trump shut down the Chinese embassy in Houston, to try to limit their reach/influence operations. It's probably part of why he was tinkering with student visas- as this case clearly shows are an issue.

But with dottering Biden in power and all the bought off Pieces of Shit he will bring in- we're pretty much hosed. Get used to it. The country you were born into is GONE. Is it still better than most places, yea, mostly. But it's going to join them in the race to the bottom rather soon. Count on it.

It's not gone. It is under siege though.

12-09-20, 16:24
I think you mean Nuke 'Em Smalwell?

not surprised one bit. Assume that ALL left-coast Dem politicians are Chinese agents to some degree.

12-09-20, 16:45
Unfortunately it isn't a recent trend or limited to the west coast.


12-09-20, 17:01
Fang dynasty?

12-09-20, 17:22
So looking at pictures of Fang.


And I will say this, those godless commies KNOW how to do espionage. This isn't some Monica Lewinsky. Part of me would be like "Maybe I can just feed her disinformation while I bang her for a bit."

12-09-20, 17:38
The Russians should have insisted on being called Asians so that any attack on them was racist.

CNN is actually covering it, but not going hyperbollic about it like they would if it were TRump. Where was this over the past four years? Sounds like the intel community has learned from Trump that they can put pols in a box. Hunter Biden is being investigated too according to CNN headlines... Maybe it is TRump people's last FU on their way out, maybe it is the intel community feeling its oats?

Fang, rhymes with bang. And did I hear her real name is Fang Fang.

To be perfectly honest, if this is the Chinese ante for asset recruitment, hold out for two of those. Swalwell, the sweaty, pale, child-molester looking dude should have known what they game was when Fang Fang wanted to bang bang. If she was willing to set his creepy ass up for a 3-some, then you know you are being compromised. I'd just give them the stuff the Clintons already gave them.

12-09-20, 17:45
I can see Fang Fang, AOC and Firefly in a three some. Lol.

12-09-20, 17:48
He's been kicked off the intel committee...

Trump Jr:

Ya know, there’s actually a tiny part of me that wants to congratulate
for getting a real, live woman to be intimate with him, even if she was a Chinese Communist spy. It’s gotta be so much harder for him now after he shat himself on live TV.

12-09-20, 17:50
Yet another libtard selling out to the commies, business as usual, nothin to see here just move along. McCarthy was a man before his time.

12-09-20, 18:21
Glad to see he nuked himself over bad choices

12-09-20, 18:35
The proverbial nuke coming real soon, tick tock, tick tock !

12-09-20, 18:47
I think the only thing keeping NK Kim from hitting Cali with a nuke is all the Chinese operatives there. Someone go swat that hornet's nest.....

12-09-20, 18:54
Apparently Sewerwell is off the house intel committee now.


12-09-20, 21:13
I can see Fang Fang, AOC and Firefly in a three some. Lol.

And now your Porn Hub Account is closed.
Sick, just sick,....

12-09-20, 23:19
Apparently Sewerwell is off the house intel committee now.


McCarthy only said DQ'ed, not Removed. https://twitter.com/GOPLeader/status/1336388055968739338

12-09-20, 23:58
To be perfectly honest, if this is the Chinese ante for asset recruitment, hold out for two of those. Swalwell, the sweaty, pale, child-molester looking dude should have known what they game was when Fang Fang wanted to bang bang. If she was willing to set his creepy ass up for a 3-some, then you know you are being compromised. I'd just give them the stuff the Clintons already gave them.

My first thought too. Unfortunately, creepy ass child molesting dude democrats don't know anything is wrong with them and they think they have massive game.

If I was some junior house dude I'd at least assume she was gaming me at a "he's got a good job with benefits" level.

12-10-20, 01:44
My first thought too. Unfortunately, creepy ass child molesting dude democrats don't know anything is wrong with them and they think they have massive game.

If I was some junior house dude I'd at least assume she was gaming me at a "he's got a good job with benefits" level.

Swallwell asked Willie Brown about the situation and Willie's answer was to go for it...

12-10-20, 08:18
I can see Fang Fang, AOC and Firefly in a three some. Lol.

Fang fang looks too clean and looks like she has no armpit hair in that pic. This is an instant DQ from the FF 3-some fantasy.............unless she is really a Chinese spy tranny........hmmmm......never mind........FF fantasy 3-some still possible.

12-10-20, 08:46
My first thought too. Unfortunately, creepy ass child molesting dude democrats don't know anything is wrong with them and they think they have massive game.

If I was some junior house dude I'd at least assume she was gaming me at a "he's got a good job with benefits" level.


"Larry Pressler

Senator Larry Pressler (R-SD) refused to take the bribe, saying at the time, "Wait a minute, what you are suggesting may be illegal." He immediately reported the incident to the FBI. When Senator Pressler was told Walter Cronkite referred to him on the evening news as a "hero" he stated, "I do not consider myself a hero... what have we come to if turning down a bribe is 'heroic'?"[31]

Bob Guccione

Bob Guccione, publisher of Penthouse, was also approached with a bribe from the undercover FBI agents. Guccione was in the process of building the Penthouse Boardwalk Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City and needed financing. Guccione was associated with Abscam's interest in Atlantic City, so Weinberg approached Guccione and told him that an Arab sheikh wanted to invest $150 million in the casino project, but only if the casino had obtained a gaming license. Weinberg wanted Guccione to pay a $300,000 bribe to New Jersey gaming officials to get the license. Guccione refused and responded by saying "Are you out of your mind?"[32] After the Abscam scandal came to light, Guccione sued the federal government but lost.[33]"

12-10-20, 08:51
So looking at pictures of Fang.


And I will say this, those godless commies KNOW how to do espionage. This isn't some Monica Lewinsky. Part of me would be like "Maybe I can just feed her disinformation while I bang her for a bit."

Contact the FBI, let them know you suspect she's a spy, you're willing and interested to work her for info, feed false, info, maybe even turn her into a double agent, win win.

12-10-20, 09:11
Contact the FBI, let them know you suspect she's a spy, you're willing and interested to work her for info, feed false, info, maybe even turn her into a double agent, win win.

I certainly have never seen anyone like her over at Wang's Pagoda Chinese Buffet (when they were still open).

And the folks that run those Panda Break massage chairs in malls all over the Country didn't have fine features like her. I always suspected those massage operators were Chinese Military here operating as sleeper cells. They're fresh off the boat/flight from Shanghai, can't speak English worth a damn, but were conditioned and quite strong. The racist slang for their services out here in rural New Mexico is "Chink Rub". I didn't coin that term but it's fairly common among cowboys with sore muscles and sprains. Where are all those Chinese operators now since malls are closed nationwide?

12-10-20, 09:26
Where are all those Chinese operators now since malls are closed nationwide?

Their function has been superseded by home grown operators.

12-10-20, 09:51
And the folks that run those Panda Break massage chairs in malls all over the Country didn't have fine features like her. I always suspected those massage operators were Chinese Military here operating as sleeper cells. They're fresh off the boat/flight from Shanghai, can't speak English worth a damn, but were conditioned and quite strong. The racist slang for their services out here in rural New Mexico is "Chink Rub". I didn't coin that term but it's fairly common among cowboys with sore muscles and sprains. Where are all those Chinese operators now since malls are closed nationwide?

Are you speaking from first hand experience? :)

12-10-20, 10:12
Their function has been superseded by home grown operators.
Not from what I have seen. If you're "home grown", the English should be a little better...

Are you speaking from first hand experience? :)
Yeah, I've partaken of the 30 minute full back work-over for @ $30 bucks. So maybe I'm an accomplice to funding of sleeper cells. The wife on the other hand won't let one of those folks touch her. Maybe it's a phobia - she also doesn't like Dwarfs or Midgets either....My apologies in advance to any of the little people here on this forum.

12-10-20, 10:27
At least they had the good sense to kick him off the House Intel Committee.

12-10-20, 10:30
Not from what I have seen. If you're "home grown", the English should be a little better...

Not all, but the techies, media hacks, community activists, judges, legislators, executives, business leaders, and peons/cannon fodder that have stepped up and seem to be implementing the next phase of the plan generally were born here.

Not all of them speak English well and their written articles really can be hard to follow in terms of grammar, let alone a fully coherent concept.

12-10-20, 11:11
At least they had the good sense to kick him off the House Intel Committee.
From everything I have read, that hasn't happened yet. It's the GOP calling for it - the dems are not commenting.

Not all, but the techies, media hacks, community activists, judges, legislators, executives, business leaders, and peons/cannon fodder that have stepped up and seem to be implementing the next phase of the plan generally were born here.

Not all of them speak English well and their written articles really can be hard to follow in terms of grammar, let alone a fully coherent concept.
I have an Army friend who still works Intelligence, as part of US Army Network Enterprise Technology Command. He pointed out that if you go on Facebook, you'll see ads for all kinds of outfits selling top end clothing for cheap prices. These outfits are out of Guangdong, China and have websites only created and registered in 2020, with stolen pictures from Orvis, Land's End and others. You'll order a $300 jacket for $59.00 and two months later you'll get something in the mail that has one sleeve too long, with fur from a dog or cat. It's a massive rip-off campaign originating in China, targeting the US consumer.

Look up: brosmen.com, gemeold.com, osvella.com plus hundreds of others. They advertise on social media representing themselves as a US company, but in reality it's a sweatshop in Zhaoqing or Guangzhou where you're beaten with a bamboo cane if your production speed slows. Just do a Whois on those websites and see when they were registered.

12-10-20, 11:35
From everything I have read, that hasn't happened yet. It's the GOP calling for it - the dems are not commenting.

I have an Army friend who still works Intelligence, as part of US Army Network Enterprise Technology Command. He pointed out that if you go on Facebook, you'll see ads for all kinds of outfits selling top end clothing for cheap prices. These outfits are out of Guangdong, China and have websites only created and registered in 2020, with stolen pictures from Orvis, Land's End and others. You'll order a $300 jacket for $59.00 and two months later you'll get something in the mail that has one sleeve too long, with fur from a dog or cat. It's a massive rip-off campaign originating in China, targeting the US consumer.

Look up: brosmen.com, gemeold.com, osvella.com plus hundreds of others. They advertise on social media representing themselves as a US company, but in reality it's a sweatshop in Zhaoqing or Guangzhou where your beaten with a bamboo cane if you're production speed slows. Just do a Whois on those websites and see when they were registered.

I have noticed the ads, but not of enough interest to intentionally click on them to check them out. That does very much explain how seemingly easy they can start trying to open when clicking something anywhere near them.

12-10-20, 11:50
Look up: brosmen.com, gemeold.com, osvella.com plus hundreds of others. They advertise on social media representing themselves as a US company, but in reality it's a sweatshop in Zhaoqing or Guangzhou where you're beaten with a bamboo cane if your production speed slows. Just do a Whois on those websites and see when they were registered.

Olight, Holosun...

12-10-20, 12:00
From everything I have read, that hasn't happened yet. It's the GOP calling for it - the dems are not commenting.

Yeah, just saw that. That's what I get for trusting Twitter as my news source.

12-10-20, 12:07
Yeah, just saw that. That's what I get for trusting Twitter as my news source.

No more or less reliable than 99% of what else passes for "new outlets" these days quite honestly......

12-10-20, 12:58
No more or less reliable than 99% of what else passes for "new outlets" these days quite honestly......


Sad, but true.

12-10-20, 19:06
Ted Cruz going savage AF on Swalwell.


12-10-20, 19:16
Ted Cruz going savage AF on Swalwell.


That's pretty good but Trump Jr. really rubbed his nose in it.

I want to see what Nancy is hiding, you know she's a commie whore.

12-10-20, 19:23
I want to see what Nancy is hiding, you know she's a commie whore.

Isn't it funny how this all comes out after the election?

12-10-20, 19:43
Isn't it funny how this all comes out after the election?

It would seem that lots of "secrets" got exposed over the last couple of days, stories that have been on the burner for months and suddenly...
There was simply no reason for this stuff not to have come forward a month and a half ago.
Well, except Biden had to win of course.

12-10-20, 20:05
Well, except Biden had to win of course.

And what comes after that?

12-10-20, 20:15
And what comes after that?

I'm guessing a S@it Sandwich, you know Harris is in the Wings And She's a straight up Commie. Waiting for Biden to caught in a lie and then step down. Harris will take charge for the final nails in the Constitutions Coffin.
She will step over the line and it will turn in to a very interesting time to be alive, I predict terror actually, lots and lots of terror.

12-10-20, 20:18
I'm guessing a S@it Sandwich, you know Harris is in the Wings And She's a straight up Commie. Waiting for Biden to caught in a lie and then step down. Harris will take charge for the final nails in the Constitutions Coffin.
She will step over the line and it will turn in to a very interesting time to be alive, I predict terror actually, lots and lots of terror.

Actually, I was just going to say "Harris takes over after the Biden controversies force him to resign."

But you may have put more thought into this than me lol

12-10-20, 20:45
Actually, I was just going to say "Harris takes over after the Biden controversies force him to resign."

But you may have put more thought into this than me lol

There is no way she can possibly keep it together without going full blown Tyrant. It's not in her nature not to overstep her bounds.

12-10-20, 23:46
There is no way she can possibly keep it together without going full blown Tyrant. It's not in her nature not to overstep her bounds.

Yeah, that's all Democrats these days.

12-11-20, 06:03

12-11-20, 06:55
So looking at pictures of Fang.


And I will say this, those godless commies KNOW how to do espionage. This isn't some Monica Lewinsky. Part of me would be like "Maybe I can just feed her disinformation while I bang her for a bit."

She’s a “1” on the binary scale.

12-11-20, 09:30
I'm reading about China's food crisis. Apparently it's gotten so bad that they are colonizing Pakistani land to grow grain.
The crisis is real and I can't help thinking they brought this on themselves.

12-11-20, 11:25
I'm reading about China's food crisis. Apparently it's gotten so bad that they are colonizing Pakistani land to grow grain.
The crisis is real and I can't help thinking they brought this on themselves.

They are buying up properties after properties in Cambodia. Chinese signs are as prominent as the native language. A lot of the money go to the elite, corrupted officials and the dictator strongman prime minister.

12-11-20, 12:11
Well, I'm sure the warning "Don't eat so much" isn't working out for them too much.
There is a certain nagging feeling that the Chinese have way over-played the hand on this one. It's difficult to eat off of a three legged table, even more so when people start scrambling to get something to eat.
Between the Hog Market being infected with some strange Ebola like disease taking out the pork, now they are having a shortage of rice.
Interesting time to be alive, aint it?

I believe Feinstien's Chinese driver who was later found to be a Spy worked for her for a couple of decades. They infiltrated pretty deep.
This doesn't surprise me, but it being reported does. I bet Nancy is having a spitting fit right now.

12-11-20, 16:32

Here you go, Gorka's take on it. Pretty scathing report.

12-11-20, 16:39
She’s a “1” on the binary scale.

The FBI really needs to train me as a deep cover operative and have me elected to Congress where I will be a member of multiple intelligence groups and provided intelligence packets full of counter intelligence data and I promise to make myself available to likely female intelligence agents from China, former Soviet Union, Israel, etc. We should probably assume females from Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the like attached to embassies in the US are probably also running intelligence gathering operations.

This I'm willing to do for my country no matter how many Fang Fang's I have to bang.

Put me in coach.