View Full Version : Turkish "Take off Hozer" Drones wreaked havoc in Nagarno Kharaback....

12-21-20, 13:57

Very interesting video. Armenia was completely dominated by Azerbaijan in this conflict taking 6-7 times the personnel and equipment losses

The Azerbaijanis domination was largely due to recent (July) purchases of Turkish drones. Using their oil/gas wealth they upgraded their military across the board but recently purchased drones from Turkey and Israel. The Turkish drones can carry up to 55 KG of rockets and other ordnance. The Israeli drones have fairly sophisticated radar/signals hunting systems and are Kamikaze in nature- single use essentially.

The Turkish drones were built domestically after the US and Nato cut them off due to their meddling in Syria and Libya. The Turks, apparently unable to manufacture domestically the "software" side of their drone package (fire controls, guidance, laser systems etc....) bought them from the Canadians! Apparently the Canucks have since banned such sales but the cat is out of the bag obviously.

The changing nature of warfare....

12-21-20, 17:31
Canada. Seriously...Canada. As much shit as they've talked about regarding US imperialism and our sponsoring of global conflicts?

12-21-20, 17:50
Follow the money.

At least with China and Russia, they are honest about it. They'll usually sell to the highest bidder.

12-21-20, 18:43
Look to the sky.

12-21-20, 19:38
Just watched the video. Pretty impressive victory over Armenia by Azerbaijan with minimal losses.

12-23-20, 02:20
Follow the money.

At least with China and Russia, they are honest about it. They'll usually sell to the highest bidder.

[cough, cough] FRANCE! [cough] Sometimes Israel [cough, cough].

But seriously FRANCE. I understand China and Russia, they are not our allies nor do they hold similar ideological views. But France, swear to GOD, will take a weapon system we shared with them for FREE and then turn around and sell it to our enemies and act like "What...you gave it to us...was it not then ours to do with as we wish?"

And while Israel might not sell shit to our enemies, sometimes they sell shit to France and then...well you know where it goes from there. Of course much of that is reciprocal, given that France help arm Israel in the early days.

Dr. Bullseye
12-23-20, 12:13
That was a very interesting video, Esq. First the IED and now these little drones have changed things.

12-23-20, 12:45
That was a very interesting video, Esq. First the IED and now these little drones have changed things.

It certainly puts a different perspective on various weapons systems doesn't it? You can have all the tanks etc...that you want but if you can't secure the skies over them- and I'm not sure anyone has really figured out how to combat drones- especially say a huge swarm of them- think an equivalent to the Stalins Organ but a drone launch... they are expensive death traps.

I thought the use of the ancient AN2 biplanes to fool air defense systems into painting them for follow on drone attacks was interesting. The Azerbaijanis obviously had technical help from outside sources....although probes of radar for follow on isn't exactly a new idea, just the execution of it being novel in this case.