View Full Version : US Capitol Police Have Killed Female Protester, Deploying Tear Gas, Capitol Breached.

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01-06-21, 14:06
Info from a friend who is on the Capitol ground in DC. FB lives feeds cut and TOS appears to be under a DOS attack.

01-06-21, 14:08
We are many, they are few. To fear death is a choice and they can't hang us all.

01-06-21, 14:15
Exactly what we needed, not.

And to what end? Not like this won't be used against us.

01-06-21, 14:22
Not seeing anything about it yet in the news. I'd figure mainstream media would want to report it: Support Trump, get shot. Final warning.

01-06-21, 14:24
Exactly what we needed, not.

And to what end? Not like this won't be used against us.

What exactly did we need then? But, but, but..........Your user name?

01-06-21, 14:26
But...but...back the blue right?

01-06-21, 14:26
Exactly what we needed, not.

And to what end? Not like this won't be used against us.

Why not? When people fear the Government there is tyranny. When the Govt fears the people there is freedom. The Govt wants to ignore us and act like we don't exist then they get what they deserve.

01-06-21, 14:32
Best I can do is a screenshot from a video. Got to this Twitter account to see the video. Not much context but someone got messed up

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-06-21, 14:42
Not seeing anything about it yet in the news. I'd figure mainstream media would want to report it: Support Trump, get shot. Final warning.

Well that is an interesting spin on things.

How about storm the capital building as part of a mob trying to overthrow and election and get shot?

I don't like Biden anymore than anyone else here. But there is no defending these actions.

01-06-21, 14:45
Well that is an interesting spin on things.

How about storm the capital building as part of a mob trying to overthrow and election and get shot?

I don't like Biden anymore than anyone else here. But there is no defending these actions.

No there isn't. This raid needs to end now. This may already have caused us to cross the Rubicon and I fear it'll become our Reichstag fire. If Trump does exactly what the left has warned he would do and they have to take him out in cuffs, if not a bag, then that's all the excuse they need to start rounding people up into camps.

01-06-21, 14:47
Good. I'm tired of seeing the state and feds be so hands off with these people. Armed assaults on the democratic process shouldn't be tolerated.

01-06-21, 14:48

Video just after the protester is shot.

01-06-21, 14:48
Well that is an interesting spin on things.

How about storm the capital building as part of a mob trying to overthrow and election and get shot?

I don't like Biden anymore than anyone else here. But there is no defending these actions.

Yep, if only the Minute Men would have dispersed from Lexington Green.

01-06-21, 14:49
What exactly did we need then? But, but, but..........Your user name?

Why not? When people fear the Government there is tyranny. When the Govt fears the people there is freedom. The Govt wants to ignore us and act like we don't exist then they get what they deserve.

Vote for better candidates in primaries than people like Trump

Sure Mob violence, that's the answer. We denounce it when the left does it.

If the election was stolen so badly, come out with the evidence. Put it before courts. The stats on irregularities are all interesting, but bring evidence, not innuendo.

01-06-21, 14:51
Yep, if only the Minute Men would have dispersed from Lexington Green.

Trying to equate these guys with the people who helped create our country is an insult to those memories.

They are literally trying to overturn and violate the constitution because they don't like the outcome. They are not patriots. They are criminals.

01-06-21, 14:52
No there isn't. This raid needs to end now. This may already have caused us to cross the Rubicon and I fear it'll become our Reichstag fire. If Trump does exactly what the left has warned he would do and they have to take him out in cuffs, if not a bag, then that's all the excuse they need to start rounding people up into camps.

Ding, ding, ding. All for a temper-tantrum whose endpoint is?

01-06-21, 14:52
Yep, if only the Minute Men would have dispersed from Lexington Green.

This is no Lexington. This is more the stand on the barricade in Les Miserables, which became a mere footnote, the people being killed seen as an insurrection. Or that's how it's going to be perceived.

01-06-21, 14:54
Vote for better candidates in primaries that people like Trump

Sure Mob violence, that's the answer. We denounce it when the left does it.

If the election was stolen so badly, come out with the evidence. Put it before courts. The stats on irregularities are all interesting, but bring evidence, not innuendo.

That is the problem. There is no evidence. Just the word of The Dear Leader that they are lapping up. How many court cases are we up to now? 65? 70? Many of those in front of conservative judges appointed by Dear Leader. There has been no evidence presented of any wide spread cheating. Just people who have no idea how elections even work ;going on about conspiracies and using it as an excuse to play out their wannabe patriot fantasy.

01-06-21, 14:54
Shot, wounded, and critical condition is confirmed:

On a lighter note, THIS totally signifies the election:

01-06-21, 14:59
Trying to equate these guys with the people who helped create our country is an insult to those memories.

They are literally trying to overturn and violate the constitution because they don't like the outcome. They are not patriots. They are criminals.

Patriots in my book. Right up there with Jefferson, Henry, and Washington. Bold heroes with the courage to make a stand against intolerable acts.

01-06-21, 15:00
But...but...back the blue right?

I backed the Blue through the defund the police and ACAB BLM rioting. But, I think the police are stupid as a box of rocks to side with the establishment leftists and the crazies. I just flipped from waving to them and offering help, to flipping them off and supporting defund movements in the cities.

This kinda of stuff is why I'm ambivalent about LE; After what happened in Salem when the cops turned against the real peaceful Patriot protestors in favor of Anti-Fa. Cops have proven they are nothing but order taking thugs

I would urge everyone to communicate to their LE friends regarding what a mistake it is to take the side of the anti-Constitutional establishment and leftists.

I urge civil disobedience, in the smallest to the largest of ways, I believe we should cause as much hassle for the police as possible and dis-obey lock down orders in protest to the point where police are forced to dispatch...then we comply and leave. The idea is to stretch resources. If LE is made to start locking people up as NY has suggested we will have a powerful case and cause.

Even though we Patriots are law abiding citizens, we cannot go along quietly. They are setting precedence for disregarding the Constitution and violating our rights, we must push back.

The Leftist establishment, with the help of the Police are killing our Country. 198,000 small business have gone out of business, many of those small businesses have employees who are now out of work.

01-06-21, 15:02
"Call the Police"....



01-06-21, 15:02
Good. I'm tired of seeing the state and feds be so hands off with these people. Armed assaults on the democratic process shouldn't be tolerated.

Democratic process? I laughed alittle.

I backed the Blue through the defund the police and ACAB BLM rioting. But, I think the police are stupid as a box of rocks to side with the establishment leftists and the crazies. I just flipped from waving to them and offering help, to flipping them off and supporting defund movements in the cities.

This kinda of stuff is why I'm ambivalent about LE; After what happened in Salem when the cops turned against the real peaceful Patriot protestors in favor of Anti-Fa. Cops have proven they are nothing but order taking thugs

I would urge everyone to communicate to their LE friends what a mistake it is to take the side of the anti-Constitutional establishment and leftists.

I urge civil disobedience, in the smallest to the largest of ways, I believe we should cause as much hassle for the police as possible and dis-obey lock down orders in protest to the point where police are forced to dispatch...then comply and leave. The idea is to stretch resources. If LE is made to start locking people up as NY has suggested we will have a powerful case and cause.

Even though we Patriots are law abiding citizens, we cannot go along quietly. They are setting precedence for disregarding the Constitution and violating our rights, we must push back.

I would think you know better from being in CA that the LE are not your friends. They are enforcers of the state.

01-06-21, 15:03
Patriots in my book.

You misspelled traitors and seditionists.

At this point anyone supporting these people aren't supporting the country or the constitution. They are simply trying to Prop up Trump. Give it up. He has shown his true colors time and again. This cult following of him is the worst thing possible for the country.

01-06-21, 15:04
Best I can do is a screenshot from a video. Got to this Twitter account to see the video. Not much context but someone got messed up

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Crispus Attucks II. Shot in the neck while unarmed. Apparently LE have abandoned their ROE from the previous 8 months.

01-06-21, 15:06


01-06-21, 15:07
Crispus Attucks II. Shot in the neck while unarmed. Apparently LE have abandoned their ROE from the previous 8 months.

She was a white Trump supporter, the ROE is completely different depending on the color of ones skin.

01-06-21, 15:09
You misspelled traitors and seditionists.

At this point anyone supporting these people aren't supporting the country or the constitution. They are simply trying to Prop up Trump. Give it up. He has shown his true colors time and again. This cult following of him is the worst thing possible for the country.

It is really scary that so many of his followers have more support for him than for the country itself. I, for one, would never, ever die for that bastard. The Constitution? That's another story.

01-06-21, 15:12
It is really scary that so many of his followers have more support for him than for the country itself. I, for one, would never, ever die for that bastard. The Constitution? That's another story.

Amen Brother. This country is worth fighting for. Even when we don't agree with things like the outcome of an election.

No person is worth fighting for. Especially a New York democrat politician.

01-06-21, 15:12
Those people are getting $hit done and sending a message to stop ****ing us around. They are true Patriots

01-06-21, 15:16
Well that is an interesting spin on things.

How about storm the capital building as part of a mob trying to overthrow and election and get shot?

I don't like Biden anymore than anyone else here. But there is no defending these actions.

You mean the election fraud shown on video?

01-06-21, 15:18
You mean the election fraud shown on video?

YouTube conspiracy videos aren't proof. Sorry.

01-06-21, 15:19
Vote for better candidates in primaries than people like Trump

Sure Mob violence, that's the answer. We denounce it when the left does it.

If the election was stolen so badly, come out with the evidence. Put it before courts. The stats on irregularities are all interesting, but bring evidence, not innuendo.
The courts ignored the evidence.

01-06-21, 15:19
Trying to equate these guys with the people who helped create our country is an insult to those memories.

They are literally trying to overturn and violate the constitution because they don't like the outcome. They are not patriots. They are criminals.



"Members congress shelter in the House gallery as protesters try to break into the House Chamber at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington."

01-06-21, 15:21
"Call the Police"....



Cops suck. I was stopped because I was walking when it was 10 degrees outside. And yet the douche ran my name and patted me down.

01-06-21, 15:23
Sure Mob violence, that's the answer. We denounce it when the left does it.

But they’re are the side of “moral and intellectual superiority” and it works for them. If their actions are “just” then so are ours.

01-06-21, 15:23
You misspelled traitors and seditionists.

At this point anyone supporting these people aren't supporting the country or the constitution. They are simply trying to Prop up Trump. Give it up. He has shown his true colors time and again. This cult following of him is the worst thing possible for the country.

It's not about Trump or the Republican Party, never was. So just to be clear, you stated Trump supporters are worse for America than Communists, Marxists, Antifa, and those on the CHICOM payroll who would sell out Americans for 30 pieces of silver?

01-06-21, 15:26
It is really scary that so many of his followers have more support for him than for the country itself. I, for one, would never, ever die for that bastard. The Constitution? That's another story.

Are you certain it’s him they’re dying for? It couldn’t possibly be they’re doing it for Constitution or or the country...

01-06-21, 15:27
You misspelled traitors and seditionists.

At this point anyone supporting these people aren't supporting the country or the constitution. They are simply trying to Prop up Trump. Give it up. He has shown his true colors time and again. This cult following of him is the worst thing possible for the country.

I never have liked Trump.

We have had the displeasure of watching lots of election fraud on video.

It is highly likely more people on scene that aren't currently sworn in likely have a greater appreciation for the Constitution and rule of law than anyone there who is sworn in based on years of actions taken.

01-06-21, 15:27
It's not about Trump or the Republican Party, never was. So just to be clear, you stated Trump supporters are worse for America than Communists, Marxists, Antifa, and those on the CHICOM payroll who would sell out Americans for 30 pieces of silver?

Didnt you hear? Trump is worse for the country.


01-06-21, 15:28
It's not about Trump or the Republican Party, never was. So just to be clear, you stated Trump supporters are worse for America than Communists, Marxists, Antifa, and those on the CHICOM payroll who would sell out Americans for 30 pieces of silver?

Exactly. Trump is a symptom. This has been building for years.

01-06-21, 15:28
Are you certain it’s him they’re dying for? It couldn’t possibly be they’re doing it for Constitution or or the country...

You can't claim it is for the Constitution when you are trying to violate the constitution.

They are mad that their messiah lost. Period.

01-06-21, 15:30
YouTube conspiracy videos aren't proof. Sorry.

Sorry, when the perps are on video stating what they are doing then yes it is.

01-06-21, 15:30
Exactly. Trump is a symptom. This has been building for years.

Pretty much this. Since there was literally no one else to rally behind that would challenge the establishment, Trump became the default.

01-06-21, 15:30
You can't claim it is for the Constitution when you are trying to violate the constitution.

They are mad that their messiah lost. Period.

Who is trying to violate the constitution?

just a scout
01-06-21, 15:31
You can't claim it is for the Constitution when you are trying to violate the constitution.

They are mad that their messiah lost. Period.

Can I have some of you’re smoking? My hookah is empty.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

01-06-21, 15:33
Who is trying to violate the constitution?

Forcibly trying to overthrow an election and stop the peaceful transfer of power. Yeah that is violating the constitution.

01-06-21, 15:33
@kwelz You are wrong, sir. This is what is needed, the leftist communist politicians need to fear the right like the cuck rhino’s fear the left/antifa. How bout you go rat out some people for having bump stocks or something.

01-06-21, 15:34
Can I have some of you’re smoking? My hookah is empty.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Its called the mainstream media. Its the opium of the stupid. Dont bother trying to convince people who still believe it.

01-06-21, 15:38
You misspelled traitors and seditionists.

At this point anyone supporting these people aren't supporting the country or the constitution. They are simply trying to Prop up Trump. Give it up. He has shown his true colors time and again. This cult following of him is the worst thing possible for the country.

Ignoramus, this goes far beyond trump. These people, more than 75 million who voted for Trump, were pissed before Trump even ran. Trump was and is simply trying to represent the people who believe in the Constitution, that the elites are no longer working with or for America, but against it to gain power and wealth. These are Americans who are fighting against the moral and ethical decay, anti-family policies, the destruction of Western Civilization and the Rule of Law.

They see Trump as one of their last hopes to slow the obvious destruction of America wrought by the billionaire socialist elites whose policies obviate the desire to put all economic and political power in the hands of the few. That is what the Great Reset is about, UBI, Socialized Medicine, cashless society, the Green New Deal, and even driver-less cars which will tell you where you can go, how far you can travel, and where you cannot go. Its all about control.

The Left is accomplishing this with child education and Universities that are radically leftist. With racist Critical Race Theory training in Government and private businesses. Lies about settled science and phony "studies", and the rewriting of history to make all Western Culture and white supremacist plot.

Look, if you don't understand or cannot figure it out, you should drop MSNBC and the rest of the MSM, and instead start listening to alternative views, because you appear to be another useful idiot from my point of view.

01-06-21, 15:39
@kwelz You are wrong, sir. This is what is needed, the leftist communist politicians need to fear the right like the cuck rhino’s fear the left/antifa. How bout you go rat out some people for having bump stocks or something.

So lets break this down just to be clear.

You don't care about the Constitution or the Country. Your loyalty is to "Right" and the Republican party.

Our government isn't about one side fearing the other. And if that is what you think it should be then I suggest you go back and actually read our founding documents and the writings of our founding fathers.

01-06-21, 15:42
Ignoramus, this goes far beyond trump. These people, more than 75 million who voted for Trump, were pissed before Trump even ran. Trump was and is simply trying to represent the people who believe in the Constitution, that the elites are no longer working with or for America, but against it to gain power and wealth. These are Americans who are fighting against the moral and ethical decay, anti-family policies, the destruction of Western Civilization and the Rule of Law.

They see Trump as one of their last hopes to slow the obvious destruction of America wrought by the billionaire socialist elites whose policies obviate the desire to put all economic and political power in the hands of the few. That is what the Great Reset is about, UBI, Socialized Medicine, cashless society, the Green New Deal, and even driver-less cars which will tell you where you can go, how far you can travel, and where you cannot go. Its all about control.

The Left is accomplishing this with child education and Universities that are radically leftist. With racist Critical Race Theory training in Government and private businesses. Lies about settled science and phony "studies", and the rewriting of history to make all Western Culture and white supremacist plot.

Look, if you don't understand or cannot figure it out, you should drop MSNBC and the rest of the MSM, and instead start listening to alternative views, because you appear to be another useful idiot from my point of view.

Petty insults? The last gasp of someone with no argument. I don't worship your messiah. But the real difference between us is that I actually do listen to views differing from mine. I look at all sides, listen to the facts. And make up my own mind. I don't just do what daddy trump tells me.

01-06-21, 15:42
Forcibly trying to overthrow an election and stop the peaceful transfer of power. Yeah that is violating the constitution.

Fairly sure the Constitution doesn't authorize Congress or any other branch to recognize a fraudulent election.

01-06-21, 15:43
So lets break this down just to be clear.

You don't care about the Constitution or the Country. Your loyalty is to "Right" and the Republican party.

Our government isn't about one side fearing the other. And if that is what you think it should be then I suggest you go back and actually read our founding documents and the writings of our founding fathers.

Just to be clear someone hasn’t readily identified the fact the game was rigged from start and you’re just buying into propaganda and both sides are the enemy against you.

BLM/ANTIFA destroy Portland and wreak havoc..... meh.

Everyone else finally gets pissed off and says enough is enough? Oohhhhh nooooooo panik

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01-06-21, 15:43
Crispus Attucks II. Shot in the neck while unarmed. Apparently LE have abandoned their ROE from the previous 8 months.

Shot through the broken window on the other side of the door no less.

01-06-21, 15:44
Forcibly trying to overthrow an election and stop the peaceful transfer of power. Yeah that is violating the constitution.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-06-21, 15:46
No loyalty to the right, don’t assume it makes you look stupid. Most of the right is just as Corrupt as the left

01-06-21, 15:52
It is really scary that so many of his followers have more support for him than for the country itself. I, for one, would never, ever die for that bastard. The Constitution? That's another story.

Has nothing to do with Trump. People are tired of not being listened to and they are taking their anger out on those in charge that should be listening. We have been told to vote our way out but there is no voting your way out. Republicans and Democrats are all but the same. Don't give me shit about voting for a 3rd party. They will never win due to lack of money and media support.

Unfortunately the constitution is all but dead thanks to those on both sides of the isle. It is violated when needed and upheld when it suits those in power. States that allowed officials or governors to change election rules violated the Constitution. Only state legislators can change election rules. It was taken to the courts but the courts decided that the law didn't matter. If you think the magic ballot dumps that were 100% for are legit I have a bridge to sell you. It is not Constitutional to certify fraudulent votes.

01-06-21, 15:56
Yeah I don't care about Trump, but this was the best news I've seen since last February.

Government needs to fear the people.

01-06-21, 15:56
Fairly sure the Constitution doesn't authorize Congress or any other branch to recognize a fraudulent election.

There's no point in elections anymore. They could parade any lunatic leftist up there, and just tap in to the voting machines to make the outcome however the set the fake poling to foreshadow.

AZ was the PERFECT example. ZERO support for Joe/Hoe with massive support for trump (rally turnouts, etc). And they want to say Biden won this state?? No friggin way.

The powers that be placed our Sec of State in position Last election, with fraud provisional votes, and thus she had her gay friends feeding fake ballots like tic tacs leading up to and during the election this time.

01-06-21, 15:56
Has nothing to do with Trump. People are tired of not being listened to and they are taking their anger out on those in charge that should be listening. We have been told to vote our way out but there is no voting your way out. Republicans and Democrats are all but the same. Don't give me shit about voting for a 3rd party. They will never win due to lack of money and media support.

Unfortunately the constitution is all but dead thanks to those on both sides of the isle. It is violated when needed and upheld when it suits those in power. States that allowed officials or governors to change election rules violated the Constitution. Only state legislators can change election rules. It was taken to the courts but the courts decided that the law didn't matter. If you think the magic ballot dumps that were 100% for are legit I have a bridge to sell you. It is not Constitutional to certify fraudulent votes.

Yep. The left and right are just the sock puppets on the same globalist agenda. 3rd party is a joke, the Libertarian party is just Democrat lite.

01-06-21, 15:57
The thing is, if Biden had won and there was no widespread fraud, or the appearance of fraud, then all of us would just shrug our shoulders and say “that sucks, we’ll just try again in 4 years.” However, when you have what appears to be widespread fraud in multiple states which led to Biden winning (because if you remember he was losing before things started going sideways), that is when you have so many people take issue with it and are attempting so hard to prevent what appears to be a stolen election. Biden very well have won fair and square, but the actions of the courts by refusing to consider evidence and instead dismissing suits purely on procedural grounds, the media fanning the flames, and other actions of government, if causes people to hold the election results suspect.

01-06-21, 16:03
Exactly. Trump is a symptom. This has been building for years.

@kwelz You are wrong, sir. This is what is needed, the leftist communist politicians need to fear the right like the cuck rhino’s fear the left/antifa. How bout you go rat out some people for having bump stocks or something.

Them 'fearing' us isn't a strategy or even a goal.

Trump went full retard. He needed to keep the flame burning ala Stacey Abrahams. He needed that as a reason to run in 2024, but he over cooked it.

I guess the best thing is that Trump is done. He had a political path to come back in 2024. All the left needs to do is show the video from today and any kind of middle, middle-right support evaporates for him. No one will care what Durham finds now. Trump is the flame that burned his own house down.

Bill Clinton ended up wtih no one left to lie to, Trump is ending up with no one left piss off. Some great policy accomplishments, which won't be remember because of the HUGE personal flaws.

Evel Baldgui
01-06-21, 16:06
Wow...so much conflict, so much vitriol between alleged 2A comrades on a gun forum, no different from dem v. rep, right v. left, antifa/blm v. everyone. The fact is that this nation is the same as any other ballot stuffing third world cesspool. I believe this past election was one the biggest frauds perpetrated on the populace, and 'those in power' made it so.Who is actually in control, well, I have no idea, waaaay above my pay grade. Red China, Soros, deep state, shallow state, Penn State, whatever faction, it's irrelevant. For all we know the whole election processes going back in history were probably shams. You win this year we will win next year, you get the senate, we get the house of reps. Basically this country is now an official shitshow, maybe always was, just very well obfuscated from the unwashed masses. Dude, I don't phucking know anymore. What I do know, is that I don't care. I'm just an observer enjoying the show. Things go to absolute hell, well, I'm a chartered plane ride away to comfortable, more pleasant, and 'safer' location. A quote I used on occasion was "nothing is fair, and there is no justice, deal with it" most appripo for the times. Which are interesting indeed.

01-06-21, 16:08
Them 'fearing' us isn't a strategy or even a goal.

Trump went full retard. He needed to keep the flame burning ala Stacey Abrahams. He needed that as a reason to run in 2024, but he over cooked it.

I guess the best thing is that Trump is done. He had a political path to come back in 2024. All the left needs to do is show the video from today and any kind of middle, middle-right support evaporates for him. No one will care what Durham finds now. Trump is the flame that burned his own house down.

Bill Clinton ended up wtih no one left to lie to, Trump is ending up with no one left piss off. Some great policy accomplishments, which won't be remember because of the HUGE personal flaws.

Well nothing else has worked, so let’s try this!

01-06-21, 16:14
The courts ignored the evidence.

Basically this is true, the courts NEVER SAW the evidence. That's a big problem because of the distortions from the media, lets call it what it is, lies. The lies from the media are that the law suits were denied because of the evidence....sorry but that is a lie. The suits were denied on technical grounds of standing and a really iffy determination they called "latches".

Evidence was never seen by the courts, I think because they were either afraid to invalidate and corrupt election which the state set up themselves. Or because they where afraid, as Justice Roberts reportedly said, "There will be riots" in they over turn any part of an election.

In any case, most morons who only follow the establishment media, never read/see the details. There is plenty of evidence of fraud and much of it came out in hearings with the state legislators. I watched hours and hours of it. Many types of fraud were perpetrated which makes it harder to show "wide spread" fraud.

The legislators allowed the electors to be certified by the Governor, which is also ambiguously unconstitutional.

After the legislators reviewed the evidence of fraud, they sent alternative electors, but they could not certify alternative Trump electors because the Governors blocked legislators from coming back into session.

BTW the Domion voting systems broke the law in every state, because they are NOT supposed to be internet ready and connected to the internet. But they were according to eye witnesses and security experts.

One of the wonderful things about the Dominion systems is that they allow votes to be changed in the fly or in batches. I saw a demonstration of this.

There are so many problems, and the Republicans let this happen....that is how 'F'-ing dumb they are.

01-06-21, 16:18
Basically this is true, the courts NEVER SAW the evidence. That's a big problem because of the distortions from the media, lets call it what it is, lies. The lies from the media are that the law suits were denied because of the evidence....sorry but that is a lie. The suits were denied on technical grounds of standing and a really iffy determination they called "latches".

Evidence was never seen by the courts, I think because they were either afraid to invalidate and corrupt election which the state set up themselves. Or because they where afraid, as Justice Roberts reportedly said, "There will be riots" in they over turn any part of an election.

In any case, most morons who only follow the establishment media, never read/see the details. There is plenty of evidence of fraud and much of it came out in hearings with the state legislators. I watched hours and hours of it. Many types of fraud were perpetrated which makes it harder to show "wide spread" fraud.

The legislators allowed the electors to be certified by the Governor, which is also ambiguously unconstitutional.

After the legislators reviewed the evidence of fraud, they sent alternative electors, but they could not certify alternative Trump electors because the Governors blocked legislators from coming back into session.

BTW the Domion voting systems broke the law in every state, because they are NOT supposed to be internet ready and connected to the internet. But they were according to eye witnesses and security experts.

One of the wonderful things about the Dominion systems is that they allow votes to be changed in the fly or in batches. I saw a demonstration of this.

There are so many problems, and the Republicans let this happen....that is how 'F'-ing dumb they are.

Looks more like complicit than dumb.

01-06-21, 16:28
Has nothing to do with Trump. People are tired of not being listened to and they are taking their anger out on those in charge that should be listening. We have been told to vote our way out but there is no voting your way out. Republicans and Democrats are all but the same. Don't give me shit about voting for a 3rd party. They will never win due to lack of money and media support.

Unfortunately the constitution is all but dead thanks to those on both sides of the isle. It is violated when needed and upheld when it suits those in power. States that allowed officials or governors to change election rules violated the Constitution. Only state legislators can change election rules. It was taken to the courts but the courts decided that the law didn't matter. If you think the magic ballot dumps that were 100% for are legit I have a bridge to sell you. It is not Constitutional to certify fraudulent votes.

What did they think they were going to get out of this? What was the end game? Where they going to seize all 500+ members of Congress, bring down the government, and set up a new republic? Seize all the paperwork and...what? Magically turn it into results that would give Trump the win?

01-06-21, 16:30
What did they think they were going to get out of this? What was the end game? Where they going to seize all 500+ members of Congress, bring down the government, and set up a new republic? Seize all the paperwork and...what? Magically turn it into results that would give Trump the win?

Is there an alternative? You've seen what happens when the people try go through the democratic process.

01-06-21, 16:38
Is there an alternative? You've seen what happens when the people try go through the democratic process.

You think it's as simple as taking over the Capitol? Like this is a game of chess and that this was all there was needed was to take down the king? The left got this far by taking control of the various systems of the government, education, communication, and economy, over decades. And these people were gonna reverse it in one afternoon by storming the Capitol?

01-06-21, 16:41

01-06-21, 16:42
You think it's as simple as taking over the Capitol? Like this is a game of chess and that this was all there was needed was to take down the king? The left got this far by taking control of the various systems of the government, education, communication, and economy, over decades. And these people were gonna reverse it in one afternoon by storming the Capitol?

You’re right. People should just circle jerk each other on the interwebs. That’ll get the job done.

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01-06-21, 16:44
No there isn't. This raid needs to end now. This may already have caused us to cross the Rubicon and I fear it'll become our Reichstag fire. If Trump does exactly what the left has warned he would do and they have to take him out in cuffs, if not a bag, then that's all the excuse they need to start rounding people up into camps.

Pretty sure that's not gonna happen. Like you said, we may have crossed the Rubicon.

I hope it wasn't Antifa, I hope it WAS the people there to protest the stolen election. It'll send a message for sure. It's about damn time they see they can only push so far. Good on those citizens in D.C. today.

just a scout
01-06-21, 16:49
Just to be clear someone hasn’t readily identified the fact the game was rigged from start and you’re just buying into propaganda and both sides are the enemy against you.

BLM/ANTIFA destroy Portland and wreak havoc..... meh.

Everyone else finally gets pissed off and says enough is enough? Oohhhhh nooooooo panik

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That’s it exactly. OMG!! Right wing terrorists are in the Capitol!!

But Sir, AntifaBLMRevCom are burning and looting downtown.

Meh, it’s ok. It’s only reparations. But those Trumpers are really dangerous!

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01-06-21, 16:55
What did they think they were going to get out of this? What was the end game? Where they going to seize all 500+ members of Congress, bring down the government, and set up a new republic? Seize all the paperwork and...what? Magically turn it into results that would give Trump the win?

I would have to assume there was a lot of emotion involved and wanting to show those in the government that people are pissed.

But you keep sitting on your ass and thinking that voting for the lesser evil or voting for a republican or democrat is going to change things. Like I said before, voting our way out of what is really wrong with this country isn't going to work.

On a side note, while they were in there I was hoping they could dig up those erased hillary emails.

01-06-21, 16:57
You think it's as simple as taking over the Capitol? Like this is a game of chess and that this was all there was needed was to take down the king? The left got this far by taking control of the various systems of the government, education, communication, and economy, over decades. And these people were gonna reverse it in one afternoon by storming the Capitol?

OK lets play the long game. Start getting our people into executive positions in cultural institutions and infrastructure. Cause thats the only way to reverse the course. How long is that going take? Decades?

01-06-21, 16:58
For a seemingly pro 2A board there also seems to be a real collective aversion to the historically violent nature of what exactly it took to bring our country into existence.

Violence to found the nation? good.

Violence to resist gun confiscation? good.

Violence to resist usurpation of the constitution and fight an otherwise corrupt government that literally views you the citizen as nothing more than a battery to keep the machine running and the power brokers in power? Bad.

What a joke. But just wear your mask forever, I’m sure you’ll be fine.

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01-06-21, 16:58

That was actually a good interview.

Boring guy, this guy explains why they went in.

01-06-21, 17:01
Vote for better candidates in primaries than people like Trump

Sure Mob violence, that's the answer. We denounce it when the left does it.

If the election was stolen so badly, come out with the evidence. Put it before courts. The stats on irregularities are all interesting, but bring evidence, not innuendo.

Didn’t the courts outright refuse to hear the evidence?

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01-06-21, 17:04
Didn’t the courts outright refuse to hear the evidence?

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If you listen to Trump yes. If you actually read the court transcripts, no.

01-06-21, 17:08
If you listen to Trump yes. If you actually read the court transcripts, no.

Did they hear the Texas case?

01-06-21, 17:08
I would have to assume there was a lot of emotion involved and wanting to show those in the government that people are pissed.

But you keep sitting on your ass and thinking that voting for the lesser evil or voting for a republican or democrat is going to change things. Like I said before, voting our way out of what is really wrong with this country isn't going to work.

On a side note, while they were in there I was hoping they could dig up those erased hillary emails.

Why in this country do we think that there's only two answers to any question?? How is it that by saying that I don't agree with storming the Capitol, then the only other option is sitting on my ass and voting pointlessly? Not everything is one or the other.

01-06-21, 17:11
Forcibly trying to overthrow an election and stop the peaceful transfer of power. Yeah that is violating the constitution.

From a lot of your posts over the years and the fringe life style you report you lead and your clear hate for Trump (likely do to your perception he does not approve of and is threat to your lifestyle) I can only believe your adamant position these are criminals and "trump" supporters comes from your hate of trump and the fact you can't wait for biden to be president.

Most of your comments in this thread are face palm worthy and it continues to blow my mind you hang around here and the comment section of huff pro or something.

01-06-21, 17:12
I honestly don’t get the hand wringing here? Some mostly peaceful protesters asserted their rights to free speech. So what? So some guy in a Viking helmet said Trump won? So some other guy propped his feet up on Pelosi’s desk?

Call me when they burn the Capitol buildings down. Until then, this is just another in a long line of protests against government. Maybe, just maybe, the government should consider not pissing off the people they fleece to fund their extravagant lifestyles? :meeting:

01-06-21, 17:15
I honestly don’t get the hand wringing here? Some mostly peaceful protesters asserted their rights to free speech. So what? So some guy in a Viking helmet said Trump won? So some other guy propped his feet up on Pelosi’s desk?

Call me when they burn the Capitol buildings down. Until then, this is just another in a long line of protests against government. Maybe, just maybe, the government should consider not pissing off the people they fleece to fund their extravagant lifestyles? :meeting:

Besides, The government is fully insured.

BLM riots and loots and they part of ****ing 16st in NW DC named after them.

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01-06-21, 17:16
Didn’t the courts outright refuse to hear the evidence?

They refused to acknowledge there was a case, thereby sidestepping a situation where they might establish the existence of evidence.

01-06-21, 17:29
Why in this country do we think that there's only two answers to any question?? How is it that by saying that I don't agree with storming the Capitol, then the only other option is sitting on my ass and voting pointlessly? Not everything is one or the other.

How about because the left doesn’t give a s+^t about facts or reality. If you’re a republican you’re a gun toting racist domestic terrorist nazi wannabe and they simply regard you as such and act accordingly.

The right are the only ones who seemingly care about the feelings of opposition and are always preoccupied with being liked by the same instead of handling business.

Call a Lib a socialist, commie, whatever and they wear it like the badge of honor. Label a republican the opposite and they cower and apologize.

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01-06-21, 17:31
Women, children, and elderly are off-limits. Honorable men, know this.

Killing an unarmed young woman is murder.

Straight Shooter
01-06-21, 17:31
Just getting up after working last night, trying to read, watch & catch up on all the doins.
Ive scrolled thru many comment here- no f-ing wonder the left wins, they are 100% united, we cant even agree on what needs to be done.
I LOVED seeing a pic of House members hiding behind chairs. I LOVED seeing the guy in that goblin Pelosi's office with his feet on her desk.
Wish he would have ransacked it. This is past due.
To the ones on this board this board who think todays events are wrong..KNOWING what is in store for America with the incoming Commie rats..whats YOUR solution?
Im shocked at a couple names here who opposed whats happened today. A couple of you dont surprise me a bit.
I HOPE this is the tip of an iceberg. To all those who said no one would do anything...you were full of shit. More is coming.
KWELZ- youve been a fvckstick on here for a long time. No shock here what youve said. Id quarantee there isnt a damn thing youd get offf your ass to go fight or support. You got called out a few posts back for the shit youve said here over the years. You are nothing but a Huffpoo troll. Take your socialist ass eleswhere.

01-06-21, 17:42
Just getting up after working last night, trying to read, watch & catch up on all the doins.
Ive scrolled thru many comment here- no f-ing wonder the left wins, they are 100% united, we cant even agree on what needs to be done.
I LOVED seeing a pic of House members hiding behind chairs. I LOVED seeing the guy in that goblin Pelosi's office with his feet on her desk.
Wish he would have ransacked it. This is past due.
To the ones on this board this board who think todays events are wrong..KNOWING what is in store for America with the incoming Commie rats..whats YOUR solution?
Im shocked at a couple names here who opposed whats happened today. A couple of you dont surprise me a bit.
I HOPE this is the tip of an iceberg. To all those who said no one would do anything...you were full of shit. More is coming.
KWELZ- youve been a fvckstick on here for a long time. No shock here what youve said. Id quarantee there isnt a damn thing youd get offf your ass to go fight or support. You got called out a few posts back for the shit youve said here over the years. You are nothing but a Huffpoo troll. Take your socialist ass eleswhere.

Every era and movement will have its quislings. Having our own shouldn’t be a surprise.

01-06-21, 17:50
Just getting up after working last night, trying to read, watch & catch up on all the doins.
Ive scrolled thru many comment here- no f-ing wonder the left wins, they are 100% united, we cant even agree on what needs to be done.
I LOVED seeing a pic of House members hiding behind chairs. I LOVED seeing the guy in that goblin Pelosi's office with his feet on her desk.
Wish he would have ransacked it. This is past due.
To the ones on this board this board who think todays events are wrong..KNOWING what is in store for America with the incoming Commie rats..whats YOUR solution?
Im shocked at a couple names here who opposed whats happened today. A couple of you dont surprise me a bit.
I HOPE this is the tip of an iceberg. To all those who said no one would do anything...you were full of shit. More is coming.
KWELZ- youve been a fvckstick on here for a long time. No shock here what youve said. Id quarantee there isnt a damn thing youd get offf your ass to go fight or support. You got called out a few posts back for the shit youve said here over the years. You are nothing but a Huffpoo troll. Take your socialist ass eleswhere.

I'm ok with all this today, save the killing of a young woman. Tragic. Reported too was a bus load of Antifa scum to mingle with the Trumpers. I suspect they were the group that stormed inside the Capital. Side note too.. Pence unfriended Trump, coward.

Straight Shooter, did this go too far? Lol..


01-06-21, 17:54

Very good interview.

The system is broken.

All the conservative radio news stations tonight calling this sedition and a riot. All the Rs saying the same.

I feel more isolated and marginalized tonight than I think I ever have before.

I am so proud of all the people who walked the walk today. I can only hope it is the start of something meaningful.

01-06-21, 17:55
From a lot of your posts over the years and the fringe life style you report you lead and your clear hate for Trump (likely do to your perception he does not approve of and is threat to your lifestyle) I can only believe your adamant position these are criminals and "trump" supporters comes from your hate of trump and the fact you can't wait for biden to be president.

Most of your comments in this thread are face palm worthy and it continues to blow my mind you hang around here and the comment section of huff pro or something.

Funny guy. My dislike of Trump comes from a couple places.

1: I care about rights. Both mine and those of others. Trump doesn't. He doesn't care about my rights, your rights, or anyone else.

2: I have been involved in GOP politics for about 20 years. I have seen enough Con men trying to run for office just to further their own goals. He is text book in this.

3: I actually care about this country.

Now of course you ignore my earlier post about hating Biden as much as anyone else here. I do. I am extremely worried about some of the policies he has in mind. Hating Trump doesn't mean I like or support Biden.

So we have a group of people who refuse to accept election results. They stored the capital building in an attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power. And you think calling them criminals for that is facepalm worthy? What fantasy world do you live in? Have you ever bothered to read the Constitution? Or is it easier for you to just dismiss someone because you don't like some of their views?

I would rather be called fringe than be a false patriot who claims to love this country while doing their best to destroy its foundation like yourself and many others posting here. Because you can't claim to love and support this country while using the constitution as toilet paper. And that is exactly what these traitors today did.

01-06-21, 17:57
Getting killed by Capitol Police is like Steve Irwin getting killed by a Stingray. Yeah it’s possible but kind of a weak way to go out.


01-06-21, 17:59
Funny guy. My dislike of Trump comes from a couple places.

1: I care about rights. Both mine and those of others. Trump doesn't. He doesn't care about my rights, your rights, or anyone else.

2: I have been involved in GOP politics for about 20 years. I have seen enough Con men trying to run for office just to further their own goals. He is text book in this.

3: I actually care about this country.

Now of course you ignore my earlier post about hating Biden as much as anyone else here. I do. I am extremely worried about some of the policies he has in mind. Hating Trump doesn't mean I like or support Biden.

So we have a group of people who refuse to accept election results. They stored the capital building in an attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power. And you think calling them criminals for that is facepalm worthy? What fantasy world do you live in? Have you ever bothered to read the Constitution? Or is it easier for you to just dismiss someone because you don't like some of their views?

I would rather be called fringe than be a false patriot who claims to love this country while doing their best to destroy its foundation like yourself and many others posting here. Because you can't claim to love and support this country while using the constitution as toilet paper. And that is exactly what these traitors today did.

Nah, false patriot fits you way better.

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01-06-21, 18:00
OK lets play the long game. Start getting our people into executive positions in cultural institutions and infrastructure. Cause thats the only way to reverse the course. How long is that going take? Decades?

It’s going to now. I feel this is the end maybe for a while, maybe forever of the Republican Party. The last 4 years of Trump have turned many in the middle off on those guys.

01-06-21, 18:00
Getting killed by Capitol Police is like Steve Irwin getting killed by a Stingray. Yeah it’s possible but kind of a weak way to go out.


If they still used 5.7 she would still be alive.

01-06-21, 18:00
Funny guy. My dislike of Trump comes from a couple places.

1: I care about rights. Both mine and those of others. Trump doesn't. He doesn't care about my rights, your rights, or anyone else.

2: I have been involved in GOP politics for about 20 years. I have seen enough Con men trying to run for office just to further their own goals. He is text book in this.

3: I actually care about this country.

Now of course you ignore my earlier post about hating Biden as much as anyone else here. I do. I am extremely worried about some of the policies he has in mind. Hating Trump doesn't mean I like or support Biden.

So we have a group of people who refuse to accept election results. They stored the capital building in an attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power. And you think calling them criminals for that is facepalm worthy? What fantasy world do you live in? Have you ever bothered to read the Constitution? Or is it easier for you to just dismiss someone because you don't like some of their views?

I would rather be called fringe than be a false patriot who claims to love this country while doing their best to destroy its foundation like yourself and many others posting here. Because you can't claim to love and support this country while using the constitution as toilet paper. And that is exactly what these traitors today did.

Except the election had widespread tampering.

01-06-21, 18:01
Nah, false patriot fits you way better.

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Where have I advocated destroying our Republic because a candidate I supported lost? Because that is what these people are doing today. So which one of us is the patriot?

01-06-21, 18:02
Police escorts Antifa on charter busses to the rally.


01-06-21, 18:02
Getting killed by Capitol Police is like Steve Irwin getting killed by a Stingray. Yeah it’s possible but kind of a weak way to go out.


From the video it’s obvious she was shot by Capitol Police from inside the barricaded area. There’s no way she could’ve been shot in the neck from behind. Being unarmed and unable to present a threat while squeezed into that narrow window, it’s manslaughter at a minimum and 2nd degree murder at most.

I’d have expected more from Capitol Police, but it looks pretty awful.

01-06-21, 18:02
Except the election had widespread tampering.

Proof? Evidence? Anything? And no. random Youtube videos don't count. I mean real proof that would hold up in court.

I have seen how the democrats cheat. And if you expanded that cheating to every state it would still not account for a single vote.

Straight Shooter
01-06-21, 18:02
I'm ok with all this today, save the killing of a young woman. Tragic. Reported too was a bus load of Antifa scum to mingle with the Trumpers. I suspect they were the group that stormed inside the Capital. Side note too.. Pence unfriended Trump, coward.

Straight Shooter, did this go too far? Lol..


The dude in the horns sums up everything perfectly to me- pure insanity in this country.
As far as events, did it go too far? NO. They shoulda trashed the place, especially Pelosis office.
God bless the poor deceased woman's soul To me, she is a martyr.
Those once grand buildings hold NO sentimental value to me personally anymore...its like a once grand home overtaken by Section 8 renters... only way to clean it it is with fire.

01-06-21, 18:03
It’s going to now. I feel this is the end maybe for a while, maybe forever of the Republican Party. The last 4 years of Trump have turned many in the middle off on those guys.

Well the Republican Party is garbage so good riddance. If you’re moderate establishment type you’re a moron.

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01-06-21, 18:04
I think the dude with the horns is some sort of Protest groupie. I have seen people saying he shows up at a lot of big protests no matter who is involved.

01-06-21, 18:05
It’s going to now. I feel this is the end maybe for a while, maybe forever of the Republican Party. The last 4 years of Trump have turned many in the middle off on those guys.

The middle being the ones who always went gaga over McCain, Romney, Bush's, Dole and so on?

01-06-21, 18:06
Where have I advocated destroying our Republic because a candidate I supported lost? Because that is what these people are doing today. So which one of us is the patriot?

Vidkun? Is that you?

01-06-21, 18:07
Proof? Evidence? Anything? And no. random Youtube videos don't count. I mean real proof that would hold up in court.

I have seen how the democrats cheat. And if you expanded that cheating to every state it would still not account for a single vote.

What would constitute proof to you since video won't cut it?

01-06-21, 18:07
I think the dude with the horns is some sort of Protest groupie. I have seen people saying he shows up at a lot of big protests no matter who is involved.

I saw something earlier where there was a photo of him marching with BLM/Antifa.

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01-06-21, 18:09
What would constitute proof to you since video won't cut it?

Yet he’s all throwing around sedition and traitor over what? Videos.

He should mind the plank IMO

01-06-21, 18:10
The dude in the horns sums up everything perfectly to me- pure insanity in this country.
As far as events, did it go too far? NO. They shoulda trashed the place, especially Pelosis office.
God bless the poor deceased woman's soul To me, she is a martyr.
Those once grand buildings hold NO sentimental value to me personally anymore...its like a once grand home overtaken by Section 8 renters... only way to clean it it is with fire.

I agree with you on those points, for the most part. I'll add the breach in Pelosi's office I wonder if they browsed thru her laptop.

01-06-21, 18:12
Where have I advocated destroying our Republic because a candidate I supported lost? Because that is what these people are doing today. So which one of us is the patriot?

Who said anything about destroying the republic? You sound like the rest of the milquetoast establishment types who simply want to maintain the status quo of corruption. God forbid the American people actually demand accountability from their “representatives”.

As for the peaceful transfer of power under literally shit pretenses and on top of a year of bullshit virus lockdowns and a massive lack of voter accountability you’re really going to sit there and say meh the GOP and anything but America first is the way?


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01-06-21, 18:14
I agree with you on those points, for the most part. I'll add the breach in Pelosi's office I wonder if they browsed thru her laptop.

Better yet, do they know how to export a .pst file?

01-06-21, 18:19
What would constitute proof to you since video won't cut it?

Actual video of the cheating sure. Not some random video of a guy playing with fake ballots, etc. That kind of crap isn't evidence. Evidence must have some context. It needs to actually show something. I could go print off a bunch of fake ballots right now and make a video of me marking them all for Trump and claim I did it during the election. Would that be evidence?

Anyone who claims there is no voter fraud is an idiot. A lot of Democrats like to claim this in fact. They point to the fact that there are few convictions. In fact few cases even brought to trail. And this is true. But the fact is that it does happen. Hell some years back I challenged over 100 votes at a single precinct. That was an extreme case though. Usually it is just a few here and there.

But on the other hand anyone who claims that wide spread voter fraud occurs on the scale that could change a presidential or even Congressional or Senatorial election is equally ignorant. It isn't possible to just make up those many votes. Even in a year with extremely high turnout you just can't do it. Not to mention that you would be talking about a conspiracy so large that it would leak. Someone would slip up.

I saw something earlier where there was a photo of him marching with BLM/Antifa. '
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From previous marches.


01-06-21, 18:21
Who said anything about destroying the republic? You sound like the rest of the milquetoast establishment types who simply want to maintain the status quo of corruption. God forbid the American people actually demand accountability from their “representatives”.

As for the peaceful transfer of power under literally shit pretenses and on top of a year of bullshit virus lockdowns and a massive lack of voter accountability you’re really going to sit there and say meh the GOP and anything but America first is the way?


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Subverting the constitution is the definition of destroying the republic.

And just because you want to buy into the crazy conspiracy theories doesn't make them real.

01-06-21, 18:22
Subverting the constitution is the definition of destroying the republic.

And just because you want to buy into the crazy conspiracy theories doesn't make them real.


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01-06-21, 18:25
Actual video of the cheating sure. Not some random video of a guy playing with fake ballots, etc. That kind of crap isn't evidence. Evidence must have some context. It needs to actually show something. I could go print off a bunch of fake ballots right now and make a video of me marking them all for Trump and claim I did it during the election. Would that be evidence?

Anyone who claims there is no voter fraud is an idiot. A lot of Democrats like to claim this in fact. They point to the fact that there are few convictions. In fact few cases even brought to trail. And this is true. But the fact is that it does happen. Hell some years back I challenged over 100 votes at a single precinct. That was an extreme case though. Usually it is just a few here and there.

But on the other hand anyone who claims that wide spread voter fraud occurs on the scale that could change a presidential or even Congressional or Senatorial election is equally ignorant. It isn't possible to just make up those many votes. Even in a year with extremely high turnout you just can't do it. Not to mention that you would be talking about a conspiracy so large that it would leak. Someone would slip up.

From previous marches.


If we were talking about actual voter’s votes? Perhaps.

We’re talking about using software to manipulate not just the votes, but the entire reporting system. The fact that you’re too unimaginative to envision a set of circumstances where it could happen, is definitely not proof that it can’t or didn’t happen.

01-06-21, 18:27
The country I grew up in is dead and gone, I hold no allegiance to the thieves in Washington and their accomplices of either party.

01-06-21, 18:29
Funny guy. My dislike of Trump comes from a couple places.

1: I care about rights. Both mine and those of others. Trump doesn't. He doesn't care about my rights, your rights, or anyone else.

2: I have been involved in GOP politics for about 20 years. I have seen enough Con men trying to run for office just to further their own goals. He is text book in this.

3: I actually care about this country.

Now of course you ignore my earlier post about hating Biden as much as anyone else here. I do. I am extremely worried about some of the policies he has in mind. Hating Trump doesn't mean I like or support Biden.

So we have a group of people who refuse to accept election results. They stored the capital building in an attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power. And you think calling them criminals for that is facepalm worthy? What fantasy world do you live in? Have you ever bothered to read the Constitution? Or is it easier for you to just dismiss someone because you don't like some of their views?

I would rather be called fringe than be a false patriot who claims to love this country while doing their best to destroy its foundation like yourself and many others posting here. Because you can't claim to love and support this country while using the constitution as toilet paper. And that is exactly what these traitors today did.

“..... am extremely worried about some of the policies he has in mind.”

Like maybe the destruction of our Republic and turning our Country into Socialist cesspool?

01-06-21, 18:31
“..... am extremely worried about some of the policies he has in mind.”

Like maybe the destruction of our Republic and turning our Country into Socialist cesspool?

So pretty much just 4 more years of what we already have had under Trump?

01-06-21, 18:33
“..... am extremely worried about some of the policies he has in mind.”

Like maybe the destruction of our Republic and turning our Country into Socialist cesspool?

We might as well give up. He’s never going to understand what’s really happening. Or care.

01-06-21, 18:35
While you little girls are bickering back and forth about Trump this and Trump that, you are really missing the huge problem we're going to face in a few weeks.

When a politician and President Elect starts throwing around words like "treason" and "insurrection" and "democracy under assault" and we have not only a Democrat controlled House, but about to be a Democrat Senate, you best stop bitching back and forth and pay attention.

The shit that happened today is not going to have a happy ending with the factors I just laid out. So, we might want to set aside our differences and start figuring out how we work together.

01-06-21, 18:37
While you little girls are bickering back and forth about Trump this and Trump that, you are really missing the huge problem we're going to face in a few weeks.

When a politician and President Elect starts throwing around words like "treason" and "insurrection" and "democracy under assault" and we have not only a Democrat controlled House, but about to be a Democrat Senate, you best stop bitching back and forth and pay attention.

The shit that happened today is not going to have a happy ending with the factors I just laid out. So, we might want to set aside our differences and start figuring out how we work together.

The word you’re looking for is ACCELERATION

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01-06-21, 18:39
Good, let them play their hand. It will be put up or shut up time.

01-06-21, 18:39
We might as well give up. He’s never going to understand what’s really happening. Or care.

Who knew the consent of the governed is never permitted to be withdrawn


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01-06-21, 18:41
This is how you get ants...


01-06-21, 18:43
If they still used 5.7 she would still be alive.


01-06-21, 18:44
While you little girls are bickering back and forth about Trump this and Trump that, you are really missing the huge problem we're going to face in a few weeks.

When a politician and President Elect starts throwing around words like "treason" and "insurrection" and "democracy under assault" and we have not only a Democrat controlled House, but about to be a Democrat Senate, you best stop bitching back and forth and pay attention.

The shit that happened today is not going to have a happy ending with the factors I just laid out. So, we might want to set aside our differences and start figuring out how we work together.

I agree. But it’s not going to get fun until the food riots and land reappropriation


01-06-21, 18:48
Actual video of the cheating sure. Not some random video of a guy playing with fake ballots, etc. That kind of crap isn't evidence. Evidence must have some context. It needs to actually show something. I could go print off a bunch of fake ballots right now and make a video of me marking them all for Trump and claim I did it during the election. Would that be evidence?

Anyone who claims there is no voter fraud is an idiot. A lot of Democrats like to claim this in fact. They point to the fact that there are few convictions. In fact few cases even brought to trail. And this is true. But the fact is that it does happen. Hell some years back I challenged over 100 votes at a single precinct. That was an extreme case though. Usually it is just a few here and there.

But on the other hand anyone who claims that wide spread voter fraud occurs on the scale that could change a presidential or even Congressional or Senatorial election is equally ignorant. It isn't possible to just make up those many votes. Even in a year with extremely high turnout you just can't do it. Not to mention that you would be talking about a conspiracy so large that it would leak. Someone would slip up.

From previous marches.


Well there was the CCTV footage from Georgia where part of the workers were ordered to leave followed by a case of ballots getting drug out from under a table and fed in to the machines, Project Veritas infiltrating groups engaged in fraudulent vote practices, and there was the hearings in Georgia where loads of fraudulent activity was brought up.

01-06-21, 18:49
I’d like to remind people of two things.

1) all revolutionaries are criminals until/bless their revolution succeeds. Our founding fathers would have been hung or worse had they not succeeded.

2) our founding fathers said to revolt if things ever got bad again. The second and first amendment were how they intended that to happen.

01-06-21, 18:52
So pretty much just 4 more years of what we already have had under Trump?

You can’t honestly believe Biden or his rule will be anything like Trumps.....

01-06-21, 18:54
You can’t honestly believe Biden or his rule will be anything like Trumps.....

Well the difference is that Biden will endorse the occupation and burning of more than just police stations. ...

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01-06-21, 18:58
You can’t honestly believe Biden or his rule will be anything like Trumps.....

Corrupt and bad for the country? Yep! Sure they suck in different ways, but they both suck.

And they have some things in common
Both are all about taking away rights although some of the rights differ.
Both are Authoritarian New York Democrats.
Both want more taxes on us (Trump through Tariffs Biden directly)
Both are no friend to gun owners

So in those ways, yeah I don't see much difference.

01-06-21, 19:03
Yep, I can hardly wait for Biden's gun laws to be just like Trump's.

01-06-21, 19:04
While you little girls are bickering back and forth about Trump this and Trump that, you are really missing the huge problem we're going to face in a few weeks.

When a politician and President Elect starts throwing around words like "treason" and "insurrection" and "democracy under assault" and we have not only a Democrat controlled House, but about to be a Democrat Senate, you best stop bitching back and forth and pay attention.

The shit that happened today is not going to have a happy ending with the factors I just laid out. So, we might want to set aside our differences and start figuring out how we work together.

Sounds to me lie, you’re saying that next time, these folks should go ahead and bring their AR’s to the party, with a full load of ammo.

01-06-21, 19:06
Corrupt and bad for the country? Yep! Sure they suck in different ways, but they both suck.

And they have some things in common
Both are all about taking away rights although some of the rights differ.
Both are Authoritarian New York Democrats.
Both want more taxes on us (Trump through Tariffs Biden directly)
Both are no friend to gun owners

So in those ways, yeah I don't see much difference.

Delaware is in New York? Today I learned...

01-06-21, 19:10
Delaware is in New York? Today I learned...

It is a way we refer to people with certain political leanings, not meaning he is actually from there.

just a scout
01-06-21, 19:13
Police escorts Antifa on charter busses to the rally.


It’s gone.

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01-06-21, 19:18
Trump is no friend to gunowners? I guess that's why during his first 3 years, gun and ammo prices were the lowest in a dozen years. Dealers couldn't give them away, they had to come up with some kind of promotion to package guns and ammo together just to get them sold.

01-06-21, 19:18
Most of us here have seen the path we are on and where it would most likely lead. The place where we land is not going to be an evolved utopia paradise that a large portion of the left believes it will be. It will be a dystopian nightmare that will have everyone regardless of ideology living in suffering and death.

We can continue on with the slow demise to idiocracy or we can rip the bandaid off fast and get to the inevitable end quicker. I really don’t want us as a country to get to that place. I think the hard truth is we’ll all be better off in the long run if we get there as fast as we can and hope it scares the shit out of people enough that they will be more than happy to get their act together.

People love marching and protesting their outrage du joir in a nice, safe superpower country. They don’t rush to third world countries to protest with people who are to busy starving and being murder in mass. I say we bring the third world nation to them. Let the games begin! I’m sure their old life of Starbucks, Netflix, and general spoiled child like existence will be something they’ll settle down for.

01-06-21, 19:19
It is a way we refer to people with certain political leanings, not meaning he is actually from there.

Who’s this “we”? You got a mouse in your pocket?

All I see is a list of things that can’t be proven. Wrongly calling Biden a “New York Democrat”, was just low hanging fruit.

01-06-21, 19:21
The only thing left for kwelz to do is toss on a red coat and cheer on the crown.

01-06-21, 19:25
The only thing left for kwelz to do is toss on a red coat and cheer on the crown.

Amazing how believing in the constitution and our country is now considered evil by people on this board.

I miss the days of AC and IG. Sadly M4c is just slowing turning into ARFcom lite where a few guys can beat their chest and claim they know what is best for everyone else.

You, and others like you are showing why there has been a slow but steady exodus of knowledgeable people from here. It is sad, but I guess inevitable.

01-06-21, 19:29
Amazing how believing in the constitution and our country is now considered evil by people on this board.

I miss the days of AC and IG. Sadly M4c is just slowing turning into ARFcom lite where a few guys can beat their chest and claim they know what is best for everyone else.

You, and others like you are showing why there has been a slow but steady exodus of knowledgeable people from here. It is sad, but I guess inevitable.

Boomer posting about the good old days and what you think the forum used to be has nothing to do with it.

You, and others like you are why we're in the position in the US that we are.

01-06-21, 19:32
Trump is no friend to gunowners? I guess that's why during his first 3 years, gun and ammo prices were the lowest in a dozen years. Dealers couldn't give them away, they had to come up with some kind of promotion to package guns and ammo together just to get them sold.

Same deal with Bush the Younger. Everyone was buying stuff like crazy with Clinton in and gun shows were wall to wall. As soon as Bush got elected all of that petered out even with Bush calling for a renewal of Clinton's semi auto ban. He even had ATF change policy to ban the import of barrels and receivers in 2005 which still was of no concern to gun owners, but the same act by a Democrat would have caused a buying frenzy.

01-06-21, 19:34
I’d like to remind people of two things.

1) all revolutionaries are criminals until/bless their revolution succeeds. Our founding fathers would have been hung or worse had they not succeeded.

2) our founding fathers said to revolt if things ever got bad again. The second and first amendment were how they intended that to happen.

Painting of President George Washington reviewing the US Army before they invaded Pennsylvania during the Whiskey Rebellion.
That one started when an armed mob attacked the government. Ole George led the Army into Pennsylvania.
The Whiskey Rebellion led directly to the Insurrection Act.
Facts can be a bitch. So is irony.


01-06-21, 19:34
Amazing how believing in the constitution and our country is now considered evil by people on this board.

I miss the days of AC and IG. Sadly M4c is just slowing turning into ARFcom lite where a few guys can beat their chest and claim they know what is best for everyone else.

You, and others like you are showing why there has been a slow but steady exodus of knowledgeable people from here. It is sad, but I guess inevitable.

He’s not wrong though. The King’s law was law of the land when the Revolutionary War broke out. The Red Coats “upheld the law”.

The people you’re defending don’t give a flying fart about you or the Constitution. They’re using it as a cudgel to fleece you, unless you’re in on that game and benefiting from it? Is it that you’re afraid you personal slot machine will stop paying out?

01-06-21, 19:37
It is a way we refer to people with certain political leanings, not meaning he is actually from there.

So did you want Romney or McCain in 2016?

01-06-21, 19:38
1. Nobody could have beaten Hillary except Trump. There was no better R candidate. Trump won because people are tired of the bullshit.

2. The fake pandemic created the bullshit need for mail in ballots that could be manipulated.

3. About half the people in this country don't deserve to vote. Pay no taxes = no voting for you. I have no problem with these protests. The election was not legitimate in the first place, even without voter fraud.

01-06-21, 19:38
Amazing how believing in the constitution and our country is now considered evil by people on this board.

I miss the days of AC and IG. Sadly M4c is just slowing turning into ARFcom lite where a few guys can beat their chest and claim they know what is best for everyone else.

You, and others like you are showing why there has been a slow but steady exodus of knowledgeable people from here. It is sad, but I guess inevitable.

You’re confusing the constitution and the rule of law with partisan shading and corruption under the color of law and faux integrity of the same institutions supposedly adherent to it. One is not like the other nor is it valid framework deserving of loyalty and support.

Claiming loyalty to a blatantly corrupt system lays the blame directly at your feet. The opposition is expected to do what the opposition does, turn coats undermining our side and the just RULE OF LAW are far more destructive.

By all means, get out.

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01-06-21, 19:39
Vote for better candidates in primaries than people like Trump

Sure Mob violence, that's the answer. We denounce it when the left does it.

If the election was stolen so badly, come out with the evidence. Put it before courts. The stats on irregularities are all interesting, but bring evidence, not innuendo.

They literally did everything you just said. At every turn.

01-06-21, 19:40
Proof? Evidence? Anything? And no. random Youtube videos don't count. I mean real proof that would hold up in court.

I have seen how the democrats cheat. And if you expanded that cheating to every state it would still not account for a single vote.

Oh bullshit. It was stolen in a few key states and there is plenty of proof of it. Take your left-wing ass somewhere else. Maybe DU would welcome your commie sorry ass.

01-06-21, 19:42
Trump is no friend to gunowners? I guess that's why during his first 3 years, gun and ammo prices were the lowest in a dozen years. Dealers couldn't give them away, they had to come up with some kind of promotion to package guns and ammo together just to get them sold.

“We don’t need bump stocks...ban them.”

“I don’t like suppressors, my people are looking into them.”

“Take the guns now, due process later.”

And standing by as the ATF harasses 80% manufacturers and brace makers/users.

With friends like that, who needs enemies?

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01-06-21, 19:42
They literally did everything you just said. At every turn.

Can anyone point to one democrat politician publicly denouncing what Antifa and BLM did? You can’t.

Meanwhile republicans trip over themselves to do just that.

Meanwhile Mitch McConnell sounds like a little bitch on the senate floor completely abdicating his duty only 15 mins ago.

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01-06-21, 19:44
He’s not wrong though. The King’s law was law of the land when the Revolutionary War broke out. The Red Coats “upheld the law”.

The people you’re defending don’t give a flying fart about you or the Constitution. They’re using it as a cudgel to fleece you, unless you’re in on that game and benefiting from it? Is it that you’re afraid you personal slot machine will stop paying out?

Hard truths here^

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01-06-21, 19:44
And so begins the Autophagous Orgy.

The Last Supper indeed.

I’m just gonna keep working and live my best life. I remember when people thought Dubya was the end of the Republic too.

The only thing I miss about the 00s were Avril Lavigne era KAC stuff. I debate getting a SIR rail for nostalgia. (Even though it’s ARMS).

As for everybody going on about the good old days. Dude, I been here 10 years.

Folks die, get older, or change their interests. It isn’t uptempo GWOT anymore. And it is turning into Barfcom lite insofar that people keep talking about shit they ain’t gonna do.

Like me personally I am just not into it like I used to be when I was getting paid to shoot state ammo. I do stuff but just not as much. Younger men for that.

And if ammo was at 1999 price and availability, I would be shooting my SP1 and Mini 14 the most these days. And people argued and disagreed back then.

IG was notorious for shutting down threads and such. Not knocking the guy but still. If you notice, if someone says something interesting or if people bring up a good topic; the right people will answer.

I am aging out. In 5 years or so I will probably be a desk pilot or dead.

We had fun and we had friends. Tempus Fugit.

01-06-21, 19:45
Well they have their Horst Wessel now. Buckle up, it is going to be a bumpy ride.

01-06-21, 19:45
Info on the woman who was murdered.

01-06-21, 19:56
I backed the Blue through the defund the police and ACAB BLM rioting. But, I think the police are stupid as a box of rocks to side with the establishment leftists and the crazies. I just flipped from waving to them and offering help, to flipping them off and supporting defund movements in the cities.

This kinda of stuff is why I'm ambivalent about LE; After what happened in Salem when the cops turned against the real peaceful Patriot protestors in favor of Anti-Fa. Cops have proven they are nothing but order taking thugs

I would urge everyone to communicate to their LE friends regarding what a mistake it is to take the side of the anti-Constitutional establishment and leftists.

I urge civil disobedience, in the smallest to the largest of ways, I believe we should cause as much hassle for the police as possible and dis-obey lock down orders in protest to the point where police are forced to dispatch...then we comply and leave. The idea is to stretch resources. If LE is made to start locking people up as NY has suggested we will have a powerful case and cause.

Even though we Patriots are law abiding citizens, we cannot go along quietly. They are setting precedence for disregarding the Constitution and violating our rights, we must push back.

The Leftist establishment, with the help of the Police are killing our Country. 198,000 small business have gone out of business, many of those small businesses have employees who are now out of work.

What is important is the pensions, not protecting the rights of the tax payers.

01-06-21, 19:56
Mildly paraphrased:
"People were taking video and laughing at us as we were marching... they thought it was a f***ing joke until we got in there, then the guns came out..."

FINALLY someone comes out and says it on live TV. Same thing myself and plenty of others have been saying for years; 'the right' is a joke because everyone knows they won't do shit.
Read the leftist websites mocking the 'boog bois' standing in front of various businesses during previous 'events'.
Hilariously, now that this has happened, you'll never hear the end of the wailing about 'violent right wing extremists storming the capitol like natsees'. Or, apparently, somehow being "seditious"...

That being said... not sure if this just gave us some teeth, or if we just shot ourselves in the foot [again]...
I really wish that this event had been less about Trump and more about 'the issues of the country'. It's going to be hard to make hay out of the media spin on this, I think. Whatever valid points may have been had are going to get muddled up in the raging about "Trump emboldened his supporters to violate our oh-so-sacred Democratic Process".
Feeling kind of 50/50 on this right now.

All that being said... you gotta love the gov types huddling down behind the seats.
I mean, really? Did any of the 'patriot' side even have guns? Looks like it was just the police to me... just how they like it. What's to fear?
What, did they think people were going to have a "day of the rope" right then and there? Come on now...
They're going to make a stink in the media about Trump possibly flying off somewhere to "avoid" the inauguration, and yet here they are hiding behind a seat to avoid the people they claim to represent.
I don't know, maybe the folks there should have tried a little harder to grab a few of them, tossed them down the Capitol steps and then chased them through the streets a bit, like THEIR mobs have done to us. You know, really give them something ‘seditious’ to wail about being 'in fear of their lives' over. I mean, in for a penny, in for a pound right?

You know, if any of those folks cowering had any leadership ability, and a few guts, they could have gone and met the protestors at the door, maybe offered to let them pick a few of their own 'reps' to come on to the floor and have their say. You know... some of that open and transparent government for the people and all that... :rolleyes:

Long term, I think this stunt just sealed the deal for Biden, which sucks.
But government stooges hiding like bitches when what THEY have allowed to become approved public courses of action comes back to bite them? That's worth remembering...
NOBODY there 'betrayed the constitution", they merely acted how everyone else has been allowed to act for the last few years.
Turnabout is fair play and all that, right?

God, if this is "Sedition" I can't wait to see what happens when either the gun grabbing or Communistic bullshit starts in earnest and someone yeets a 5.56 round through some jackboot's skull...
It's good to know our valiant conservative commentators here and in the medias will totally have their backs on that. :rolleyes:

01-06-21, 19:58
What I found interesting is the reporters language as compared to the BLM riots .They are pros at propaganda.

01-06-21, 19:59
The word you’re looking for is ACCELERATION


Sorry, had to.

01-06-21, 20:00
“We don’t need bump stocks...ban them.”

“I don’t like suppressors, my people are looking into them.”

“Take the guns now, due process later.”

And standing by as the ATF harasses 80% manufacturers and brace makers/users.

With friends like that, who needs enemies?

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He did screw up on the bump stock, but the rest he didn't do anything. But then he pretty much was hands off. You think maybe when Biden/Kamala are finished we might think Trump was much more friendly?

01-06-21, 20:03
He did screw up on the bump stock, but the rest he didn't do anything. But then he pretty much was hands off. You think maybe when Biden/Kamala are finished we might think Trump was much more friendly?

Why can’t they both be enemies of the 2A?

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01-06-21, 20:06
Why can’t they both be enemies of the 2A?

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I guess they could, but Trump certainly had a funny way of showing it. Most of the time it was hard to perceive, at least for me.

01-06-21, 20:11
Ashli Babbit. 14 year Air Force veteran with FOUR tours in Afghanistan, and they shot her dead while posing no threat whatsoever.

This should mean something. If we give up now, her life was forfeit for nothing. THAT would be a tragedy. :(

01-06-21, 20:14
Ashli Babbit. 14 year Air Force veteran with FOUR tours in Afghanistan, and they shot her dead while posing no threat whatsoever.

This should mean something. If we give up now, her life was forfeit for nothing. THAT would be a tragedy. :(

01-06-21, 20:17

Sorry, had to.

Her name was Ebba


01-06-21, 20:19
I can't help but feel like there are a lot of hypocrites here tonight. If BLM had done this same thing then everyone would have been "don't protest if you don't want to get shot." Disgusting. The bias is unreal. I guess the confederate flags (traitor flags) in the capitol should have been my tipoff.

01-06-21, 20:21
There are the good guys and there are the bad guys, which are you?

01-06-21, 20:25
I can't help but feel like there are a lot of hypocrites here tonight. If BLM had done this same thing then everyone would have been "don't protest if you don't want to get shot." Disgusting. The bias is unreal. I guess the confederate flags (traitor flags) in the capitol should have been my tipoff.

If BLM had been protesting open election fraud, the shooting of Arbery, or similar they would be in the right.

01-06-21, 20:26
I can't help but feel like there are a lot of hypocrites here tonight. If BLM had done this same thing then everyone would have been "don't protest if you don't want to get shot." Disgusting. The bias is unreal. I guess the confederate flags (traitor flags) in the capitol should have been my tipoff.


muh BS Russia for 4 years
muh BS impeachment nonsense
muh you’re a Nazi if you’re white
muh China coof and lockdowns
muh blatant election fraud

BLM was based on a lie and Lincoln was a tyrant.

But you wouldn’t get it

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01-06-21, 20:35
I guess they could, but Trump certainly had a funny way of showing it. Most of the time it was hard to perceive, at least for me.

Either way we have more gun control now than on the day he was inaugurated.

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01-06-21, 20:36
The guy with buffalo horns on his head sitting at the front seat of the chamber is an ANTIFA plant.

01-06-21, 20:41
The guy with buffalo horns on his head sitting at the front seat of the chamber is an ANTIFA plant.

That right there...total black flag op to try to further discredit the Republicans!

01-06-21, 20:46
Murdered by capital police

01-06-21, 20:48
The guy with buffalo horns on his head sitting at the front seat of the chamber is an ANTIFA plant.


He's some Qtard that goes to BLM protests to antagonize them.

Here ya go (https://twitter.com/brieannafrank/status/1257723457099333632?s=20)

01-06-21, 20:48
More info on Ashli Babbit, the woman the Capitol police murdered.


She was definitely not an Antifa plant.

01-06-21, 20:51
The guy with buffalo horns on his head sitting at the front seat of the chamber is an ANTIFA plant.

The fruit loop next to him has a hammer and sickle tattooed on his hand and the guy on the other side wearing the MAGA hate with the red Trump flag, well shit just look at him, all antifa scum.

01-06-21, 20:54
Either way we have more gun control now than on the day he was inaugurated.

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Any degree or graduation here? He's just as bad an enemy as Biden? Trump pushed for a ban on a bump stock, Hitler implemented registration and confiscation...either way?

01-06-21, 20:54

muh BS Russia for 4 years
muh BS impeachment nonsense
muh you’re a Nazi if you’re white
muh China coof and lockdowns
muh blatant election fraud

BLM was based on a lie and Lincoln was a tyrant.

But you wouldn’t get it

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So you don't have any useful arguments just ad hominem and strawmans? Typical.

01-06-21, 20:57
Any degree or graduation here? He's just as bad an enemy as Biden? Trump pushed for a ban on a bump stock, Hitler implemented registration and confiscation...either way?

Sure there can be one worse. But the statement was made by some poor soul denying reality, that Trump was a FRIEND to the second amendment.

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01-06-21, 20:58
This is the video which clearly shows she had nothing in her hands and would’ve had to crawl through a substantial amount of barricade material to pose any sort of physical threat. They shot her the second she entered the window. The operative part occurs at the 40 second mark.


01-06-21, 20:59
I can't help but feel like there are a lot of hypocrites here tonight. If BLM had done this same thing then everyone would have been "don't protest if you don't want to get shot." Disgusting. The bias is unreal. I guess the confederate flags (traitor flags) in the capitol should have been my tipoff.

Always going to be that way. We have to sit down and keep quiet otherwise it's always...."hypocrites"

Antfa/BLM riot and get their way.

Conservatives say please and thank you and hold a sign as they get laughed at by everyone while being called racists!

Traitor flags? You can't be serious. This coming from someone who voted for communism because orange man mean on Twitter

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01-06-21, 20:59
I can't help but feel like there are a lot of hypocrites here tonight. If BLM had done this same thing then everyone would have been "don't protest if you don't want to get shot." Disgusting. The bias is unreal. I guess the confederate flags (traitor flags) in the capitol should have been my tipoff.

Don't bother talking to them. They are immune to reason and conscience at this point.

01-06-21, 20:59
Sure there can be one worse. But the statement was made by some poor soul denying reality, that Trump was a FRIEND to the second amendment.

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Ever have a friend fail you once in a while?

01-06-21, 21:04
So you don't have any useful arguments just ad hominem and strawmans? Typical.

Pray tell what would change the minds of the cowardly in a constructive and beneficial matter?

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01-06-21, 21:07
Ever have a friend fail you once in a while?

Not when our friendship is based on one issue. Nope. I suppose by that logic, Obama was a “friend” because he didn’t impose gun control?

Truth is Trump was an anti-gun liberal until 2016.

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01-06-21, 21:07
Don't bother talking to them. They are immune to reason and conscience at this point.

Ah yes I LOVE the argument based on emotion and “conscience”.

Hurt feeweens are absolutely the best way to win a war.

You really think the libs give a damn about your feelings?

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01-06-21, 21:09
Ah yes I LOVE the argument based on emotion and “conscience”.

Hurt feeweens are absolutely the best way to win a war.

You really think the libs give a damn about your feelings?

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No. But they sure are pretending now.

01-06-21, 21:19
So you don't have any useful arguments just ad hominem and strawmans? Typical.


01-06-21, 21:20
I've been out in the hills since 10am mountain time, and no radio or cell service. I come back to this and what a shit show. I am still trying to get up to speed, but after the Trump rally, who decided to go and bust up the Capitol Building? Was it ANTIFA/BLM infiltrators who led the way? I thought we wanted a full debate in Congress today to expose all the corruption in the election? All this chaos pretty well limited that it seems.

There was supposed to be a protest, and possible attacks by ANTIFA and BLM on the patriots who were in attendance - I didn't think vandalizing the US Capitol was part of the deal? We don't burn down a Wendy's in Atlanta or loot a shoe store in Minneapolis - these kinds of optics aren't shocking to me, but it will lose us support in a massive way. It was bound to happen in one way or another at some point:

01-06-21, 21:20
This is the video which clearly shows she had nothing in her hands and would’ve had to crawl through a substantial amount of barricade material to pose any sort of physical threat. They shot her the second she entered the window. The operative part occurs at the 40 second mark.


Better download that video sand save it before it gets disappeared.

01-06-21, 21:20

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01-06-21, 21:25
Not when our friendship is based on one issue. Nope. I suppose by that logic, Obama was a “friend” because he didn’t impose gun control?

Truth is Trump was an anti-gun liberal until 2016.

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But he did.

01-06-21, 21:26
But he did.

What did he do? I don’t recall anything but EOs without teeth.

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01-06-21, 21:42
Better download that video sand save it before it gets disappeared.


01-06-21, 21:43
What did he do? I don’t recall anything but EOs without teeth.

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Show me the anti-gun law Trump signed then!

01-06-21, 21:44
Show me the anti-gun law Trump signed then!

He literally ordered a ban of bump stocks. Without Congress. So if you think that is not anti gun, I can’t help you.

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01-06-21, 21:46
He literally ordered a ban of bump stocks. Without Congress. So if you think that is not anti gun, I can’t help you.

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What method did he use to order it so?

01-06-21, 21:46
He literally ordered a ban of bump stocks. Without Congress. So if you think that is not anti gun, I can’t help you.

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What method did he use to order it so?

01-06-21, 21:50
Female killed was an Air Force veteran.


In that youtube video, there were a group of armed tactical police that came up the stairs to meet with a few dark business suit wearing males right behind where that woman was shot. After a quick discussion, the tactical police and the business suit group left. They didn't interact with the crowd at all. A short time later was when the glass was broken and she tried to climb through and that's when she was shot. That's when they all came back. One even pointed his SBR through the broken opening but quickly drew it back. It would have been something if the people on the other side started shooting again when the SBR muzzle appeared through the opening. Blue on blue anybody?

01-06-21, 21:52
What method did he use to order it so?

How’s all that sand taste?


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01-06-21, 21:59
This is the video which clearly shows she had nothing in her hands and would’ve had to crawl through a substantial amount of barricade material to pose any sort of physical threat. They shot her the second she entered the window. The operative part occurs at the 40 second mark.


Wow. That was really bad....both sides.

I think "storm the capitol" is even a worse idea than "storm area 51." This isn't dramatically different from Occupy Seattle except for the fact that the police drew a definite line in the sand.

I don't think this helped anything.

01-06-21, 22:02
This is the video which clearly shows she had nothing in her hands and would’ve had to crawl through a substantial amount of barricade material to pose any sort of physical threat. They shot her the second she entered the window. The operative part occurs at the 40 second mark.


That's bad. There are cops all around. I didn't hear a warning. I wonder if it was a ND, because whoever shot had no situational awareness of what was actually happening. The cop with the AR near the wall almost engaged the shooter. What a shit show.

01-06-21, 22:02
I've been out in the hills since 10am mountain time, and no radio or cell service. I come back to this and what a shit show. I am still trying to get up to speed, but after the Trump rally, who decided to go and bust up the Capitol Building? Was it ANTIFA/BLM infiltrators who led the way? I thought we wanted a full debate in Congress today to expose all the corruption in the election? All this chaos pretty well limited that it seems.

There was supposed to be a protest, and possible attacks by ANTIFA and BLM on the patriots who were in attendance - I didn't think vandalizing the US Capitol was part of the deal? We don't burn down a Wendy's in Atlanta or loot a shoe store in Minneapolis - these kinds of optics aren't shocking to me, but it will lose us support in a massive way. It was bound to happen in one way or another at some point:

The optics only become negative when the GOP fail circle the wagons to capitalize on the rage and emotion.

They could have hailed this as the defining moments of a generation. When they and THE people fought back against democrats and corruption irrespective of the “violence”.

But they didn’t because they’re spineless cowards who’d rather grift billions from donors annually and simp to tech oligarchs all the while selling us out to the highest foreign interest.

Had BLM breached the White House over the summer and got a few of themselves shot and killed they’d have been martyred and the DNC would be singing hymns about them as national heroes.

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Don't Tread On Me
01-06-21, 22:03
Serious question... If this shoot is ruled clean and justified, does that mean that from now one when "peaceful protesters" are smashing in doors and windows to one's home, that they can be shot? Would a skilled lawyer be able to use this in a case?

01-06-21, 22:03
How’s all that sand taste?


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How’s all that sand taste?


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You mean the sand you’re spitting out because I caught you being duplicitous? That’s not Trump’s action. Trump’s action was to sign an Executive Memoranda.


What’s that?


So feel free to explain to me on one hand how Obama’s anti-gun EO’s have less teeth than Trump’s EM’s? And exactly how many people have been charged, much less convicted under Trump’s EM?

Otherwise you can gtfooh with your bull crap. No one is buying it! ;)

01-06-21, 22:04
“A retired military officer told The Washington Times that the firm XRVision used its software to do facial recognition of protesters and matched two Philadelphia antifa members to two men inside the Senate.”


01-06-21, 22:05
You mean the sand you’re spitting out because I caught you being duplicitous? That’s not Trump’s action. Trump’s action was to sign an Executive Memoranda.


What’s that?


So feel free to explain to me on one hand how Obama’s anti-gun EO’s have less teeth than Trump’s EM’s? And exactly how many people have been charged, much less convicted under Trump’s EM?

Otherwise you can gtfooh with your bull crap. No one is buying it! ;)

Pretend all you want, but Trump reduces our rights. Or so you have a bumpstock you’re still using?

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01-06-21, 22:07
Serious question... If this shoot is ruled clean and justified, does that mean that from now one when "peaceful protesters" are smashing in doors and windows to one's home, that they can be shot? Would a skilled lawyer be able to use this in a case?

Don’t you mean “when” this shoot is ruled clean and justified? And no, regular American citizens aren’t important enough to shoot anyone getting near them. These are the ruling elite class and they get special rules to cover themselves.

01-06-21, 22:09
Pretend all you want, but Trump reduces our rights. Or so you have a bumpstock you’re still using?

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Just admit I caught you red-handed trying to pretend Obama did nothing and Trump did everything. And so what if I do still use one? Who’s gonna take it, you? LOL

01-06-21, 22:10
Just admit I caught you red-handed trying to pretend Obama did nothing and Trump did everything. And so what if I do still use one? Who’s gonna take it, you? LOL

I didn’t “pretend” Obama did nothing. I said we had more rights on day one than today. Change my mind.

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01-06-21, 22:10

01-06-21, 22:16
Serious question... If this shoot is ruled clean and justified, does that mean that from now one when "peaceful protesters" are smashing in doors and windows to one's home, that they can be shot? Would a skilled lawyer be able to use this in a case?

Don’t you mean “when” this shoot is ruled clean and justified? And no, regular American citizens aren’t important enough to shoot anyone getting near them. These are the ruling elite class and they get special rules to cover themselves.

Look, prima facie a mass of people entering a restricted government building, let alone the capital building, is going to push the threshold for articulation to justify lethal force really low. Think less about armed persons and more homicide bomber and IEDs.

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01-06-21, 22:18
I didn’t “pretend” Obama did nothing. I said we had more rights on day one than today. Change my mind.

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Yeah I’m not going to let you weasel out of what you posted quite that easily. You tried to pretend Trump implemented more gun control than Obama. That is false. Prove me wrong.

You said and I quote “Obama didn’t implement any gun control” and said Trump did. I proved you wrong and you got upset, so you tried to pretend Obama’s was just “an EO without teeth”. I pointed out that all Trump did was an EM and you tried to put “sand” in my mouth with the ATF memo. I again proved you wrong and yet here you are, still moving the goalposts!

Feel free to give up whenever you’re tired of being wrong, cause I can keep doing this as long as you want! :D

01-06-21, 22:18
Don’t you mean “when” this shoot is ruled clean and justified? And no, regular American citizens aren’t important enough to shoot anyone getting near them. These are the ruling elite class and they get special rules to cover themselves.

Yep that is it.

Over the summer where there were riots, looting, burning, destruction of properties coast to coast, not one law enforcement officer shot the terrorists. We're not counting Kyle 3 Shot in Kenosha. It took one in the capitol to change that.

The more I read and look at the pictures of the "storming" of the capitol, I'm seeing outside troublemakers that started it. 99% of the protesters were peaceful.

01-06-21, 22:19
Yeah I’m not going to let you weasel out of what you posted quite that easily. You tried to pretend Trump implemented more gun control than Obama. That is false. Prove me wrong.

You said and I quote “Obama didn’t implement any gun control” and said Trump did. I proved you wrong and you got upset, so you tried to pretend Obama’s was just “an EO without teeth”. I pointed out that all Trump did was an EM and you tried to put “sand” in my mouth with the ATF memo. I again proved you wrong and yet here you are, still moving the goalposts!

Feel free to give up whenever you’re tired of being wrong, cause I can keep doing this as long as you want! :D

Please, what gun control are we living under implemented by Obama?

At the end of the day, your busy Trump is anti-gun. Period. Prove me wrong. You’ve proven your support of Trump has blinded you.

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Dr. Bullseye
01-06-21, 22:19
Proof? Evidence? Anything? And no. random Youtube videos don't count. I mean real proof that would hold up in court.

I have seen how the democrats cheat. And if you expanded that cheating to every state it would still not account for a single vote.

Just exactly what qualifies as proof for you? Watching from a security camera, we see observers and Republicans sent out of the counting area in Georgia and then suitcases of ballets pulled out from under tables (plural) with table cloths hiding them and counted. We have computer records of "disputed" votes in Michigan sent overseas en mass and coming back all for Biden. We have millions and millions of illegal alien voters in California---check the DACA applications vs. Voter Registration rolls.

If you cannot see this as evidence, you simply don't want evidence.

01-06-21, 22:20
Look, prima facie a mass of people entering a restricted government building, let alone the capital building, is going to push the threshold for articulation to justify lethal force really low. Think less about armed persons and more homicide bomber and IEDs.

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Then why weren’t they all shot before reaching that hallway?

Because they didn’t pose a threat, that’s why. The truth is they were protecting the right of politicians to not hear things they don’t like. It really is that simple.

01-06-21, 22:21
Serious question... If this shoot is ruled clean and justified, does that mean that from now one when "peaceful protesters" are smashing in doors and windows to one's home, that they can be shot? Would a skilled lawyer be able to use this in a case?

It will be and no.

01-06-21, 22:22
Not when our friendship is based on one issue. Nope. I suppose by that logic, Obama was a “friend” because he didn’t impose gun control?

Truth is Trump was an anti-gun liberal until 2016.

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No, O'bama was not our friend since he was itching to screw gun owners, he would have if he could have pulled it off. Trump isn't and wasn't. IMO, Trump was backed into a corner because of his inexperience as a politician, I criticize him for it, he screwed up.

Thank God, God has forgiven me all the horrible principles I've held before 2016. You sure aren't going find any here.

01-06-21, 22:23
That's bad. There are cops all around. I didn't hear a warning. I wonder if it was a ND, because whoever shot had no situational awareness of what was actually happening. The cop with the AR near the wall almost engaged the shooter. What a shit show.

So I think it was an intentional shoot. But my question is when do you draw the line when you have people trying to get into a building they aren't supposed to be in? And the Capital of the US at that. Maybe for that officer that line was that door way.

01-06-21, 22:23
No, O'bama was not our friend since he was itching to screw gun owners, Trump isn't and wasn't. IMO, Trump was backed into a corner because of his inexperience as a politician, I criticize him for it, he screwed up.

Thank God, God has forgiven me all the horrible principles I've held before 2016. You sure aren't going find any here.

Did your heart change or were your actions and words for political expediency?

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01-06-21, 22:24
Wow capitol police shot her with MPD right behind her???

This could have all been prevented with an audit of the election in the critical battleground states. It has been over two months there was plenty of time. The only reason we didn't do an audit is because the election would not have stood up to an audit, hence the constant personal attacks on anyone questioning the results as an "assault on democracy" rather than simply saying "Don't believe it? Look at the ballots yourself."

In fact, there is zero evidence of Biden even came close to winning. He lost the bellwether states of Florida and Ohio BADLY. He lost 18 of the 19 swing counties that have predicted every election in the last forty years. He only won 17% of the counties in America. This is only 8% more than Hillary! It's 40% less than Barack Obama, who voters were actually interested in...yet he supposedly gained almost 20% of Obama's vote total. Trump GAINED votes and surpassed Obama's record. Biden was losing so badly in the battleground states that they actually had to stop counting and force observers out so they could add hundreds of thousands of fake votes to the total. Even with hundreds of thousands of fake votes, Biden could still only manage to barely "win" these states. As these ballots are not tied to actual voters, you can see an audit cannot be completed in any fashion. Nowadays, it's as simple as running photocopies through the electronic tabulators and they will pump up the numbers for you.

Make no mistake, we are no longer a republic.

01-06-21, 22:24
Local news in OKC is saying 4 died by gunfire in the capital.

Can anyone confirm this?

Dr. Bullseye
01-06-21, 22:25
But regardless of your political views, how is it that apparently a member of the capital police force shot someone and killed them when that person was not armed and separated from the cop so no there was no threat? But even more importantly, why no news conference, no introductions, no sharing of the microphone around and around, no spelling of names of the all involved? No press conference at all, let along the two a day police news conferences they do cops want to be worshiped as heroes.

1. Who was the woman shot?
2. Why was she shot?
3. Who shot her--by name?
4. What action is being taken over this shooting and I don't mean an investigation?

01-06-21, 22:27
Serious question... If this shoot is ruled clean and justified, does that mean that from now one when "peaceful protesters" are smashing in doors and windows to one's home, that they can be shot? Would a skilled lawyer be able to use this in a case?

I agree. This is like the shooting at the patriot rally here in DEnver this summer where the insecurity guard shot an unarmed, retreating guy- albeit having just bitch slapped a guy.

If this is the new 'weapons free' scenario back then and for this one, ventilating all those people who 'party fouled' diners dinners into their laps while extolling them to "get up and out" should be a kosher too. Something makes me think the shooters side makes as much difference as the law and what's right.

Plus, Rittenhouse's shoot becomes really easy to defend.

Look, prima facie a mass of people entering a restricted government building, let alone the capital building, is going to push the threshold for articulation to justify lethal force really low. Think less about armed persons and more homicide bomber and IEDs.

You might be able to make that argument, but with security all around her, and unless where she was going was the Holiest of Holy's and along with the lack of verbal warnings. I get it, but you are going to have to show kind of belligerence for it to hold- and with security all around her, that is going to be tough.

How many bricks and Molotov cocktails were thrown at cops this summer, and as far as I know, no live round were fired by LEOs. She steps through a window and gets popped....

01-06-21, 22:30
Please, what gun control are we living under implemented by Obama?

At the end of the day, your busy Trump is anti-gun. Period. Prove me wrong. You’ve proven your support of Trump has blinded you.

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This is what Obama did:


And this is what pro-gun Trump did:


Obama did try to ban M855 by EO and was stopped. As a parting shot, he banned ALL lead ammo on ALL federal lands. https://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/the-administration/318739-obamas-parting-shot-against-ammunition-industry-quietly

Trump restored it.

So I have proof that Trump restored more gun rights than Obama. Oh btw, your TDS is raging out of control. Might want to get that checked out by a doctor!

01-06-21, 22:31
Just exactly what qualifies as proof for you? Watching from a security camera, we see observers and Republicans sent out of the counting area in Georgia and then suitcases of ballets pulled out from under tables (plural) with table cloths hiding them and counted. We have computer records of "disputed" votes in Michigan sent overseas en mass and coming back all for Biden. We have millions and millions of illegal alien voters in California---check the DACA applications vs. Voter Registration rolls.

If you cannot see this as evidence, you simply don't want evidence.

Oh he definitely doesn’t want evidence! That would undermine his righteous TDS!

01-06-21, 22:32
Then why weren’t they all shot before reaching that hallway?

Because they didn’t pose a threat, that’s why. The truth is they were protecting the right of politicians to not hear things they don’t like. It really is that simple.

That’s kinda my point. Had capital just said well yolo started emptying mags on the initial breach under whatever articulations and depending on the physical security measures initially in place they wouldn’t necessarily be acting unlawfully.

Cops, even in DC aren’t generally trigger happy jarheads.

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01-06-21, 22:33
This is the video which clearly shows she had nothing in her hands and would’ve had to crawl through a substantial amount of barricade material to pose any sort of physical threat. They shot her the second she entered the window. The operative part occurs at the 40 second mark.


I was just coming over to post this. I hate Monday Morning Quarterbacking these things, but someone screwed up royally. There were other LEOs and looked to be paramedics in the line of fire there.

01-06-21, 22:33
This is what Obama did:


And this is what pro-gun Trump did:


Obama did try to ban M855 by EO and was stopped. As a parting shot, he banned ALL lead ammo on ALL federal lands. https://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/the-administration/318739-obamas-parting-shot-against-ammunition-industry-quietly

Trump restored it.

So I have proof that Trump restored more gun rights than Obama. Oh btw, your TDS is raging out of control. Might want to get that checked out by a doctor!

Yawn. Still can’t accept there was no teeth to the BHO EOs, but Trump actually removed rights. I mean I know you love the guy, but damn....trump was an anti-gun dem his whole life. And still is anti gun.

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01-06-21, 22:35
Better download that video sand save it before it gets disappeared.

Good call...

01-06-21, 22:35
So I think it was an intentional shoot. But my question is when do you draw the line when you have people trying to get into a building they aren't supposed to be in? And the Capital of the US at that. Maybe for that officer that line was that door way.

They should’ve evacuated their charges then. If they can’t do their jobs without shooting an unarmed woman crawling through a narrow window from well behind all the barricades they erected, then perhaps they’re not qualified to do the job?

I mean there were backpacks everywhere during the BLM/Antifa riots and the cops didn’t shoot any of them because they might have an IED, right?


01-06-21, 22:36
So I think it was an intentional shoot. But my question is when do you draw the line when you have people trying to get into a building they aren't supposed to be in? And the Capital of the US at that. Maybe for that officer that line was that door way.

If you watch the video it’s like really f’ing bad. Putting aside the justifiable issue it’s flat out reckless to the extreme

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01-06-21, 22:37
That’s kinda my point. Had capital just said well yolo started emptying mags on the initial breach under whatever articulations and depending on the physical security measures initially in place they wouldn’t necessarily be acting unlawfully.

Cops, even in DC aren’t generally trigger happy jarheads.

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Absent a clear threat (which there wasn’t), this was preventing the unwashed from approaching the anointed ones. Change my mind.

01-06-21, 22:39
Did your heart change or were your actions and words for political expediency?

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01-06-21, 22:40
Absent a clear threat (which there wasn’t), this was preventing the unwashed from approaching the anointed ones. Change my mind.


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01-06-21, 22:40
Absent a clear threat (which there wasn’t), this was preventing the unwashed from approaching the anointed ones. Change my mind.

Dude, I’m probably only second to firefly in wanting crucifixions on the National mall so I’m not in disagreement. I’m just saying

This entire fiasco today (aside from the loss of Ms. Babbit) is hands down the most American thing I’ve seen in my lifetime

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01-06-21, 22:41

You asked about not being judged for pre-2016 beliefs.

Can you tell me Trump has a pivot point or did he bite his tongue to get elected?

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01-06-21, 22:41
Yawn. Still can’t accept there was no teeth to the BHO EOs, but Trump actually removed rights. I mean I know you love the guy, but damn....trump was an anti-gun dem his whole life. And still is anti gun.

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I JUST PROVED YOU WRONG by your own standard and you’re moving the goalposts AGAIN? Man you are really all aboard the fail train tonight! LOL


01-06-21, 22:44
Dude, I’m probably only second to firefly in wanting crucifixions on the National mall so I’m not in disagreement. I’m just saying

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I mean I was hoping there was still some Amos in you! LOL

Nah I get playing devils advocate and usually do it myself, but not in this case. THAT, was a bad shoot. No other way to slice it. :(

01-06-21, 22:47
Ashli Babbitt was shot in the front by one of three or four officers at the end of the hallway called the Speaker's Lobby. Congressional members were evacuating the House Chamber at the opposite end of that hallway, and the three or four Capitol Police were the last line of their defense. Had Babbitt made it thru that side window opening, she would have had clear access to members of Congress leaving had the police not intervened.

01-06-21, 22:49
I mean I was hoping there was still some Amos in you! LOL

Nah I get playing devils advocate and usually do it myself, but not in this case. THAT, was a bad shoot. No other way to slice it. :(

I edited my post with crucifixions

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01-06-21, 22:51
Wow capitol police shot her with MPD right behind her???

This could have all been prevented with an audit of the election in the critical battleground states. It has been over two months there was plenty of time. The only reason we didn't do an audit is because the election would not have stood up to an audit, hence the constant personal attacks on anyone questioning the results as an "assault on democracy" rather than simply saying "Don't believe it? Look at the ballots yourself."

In fact, there is zero evidence of Biden even came close to winning. He lost the bellwether states of Florida and Ohio BADLY. He lost 18 of the 19 swing counties that have predicted every election in the last forty years. He only won 17% of the counties in America. This is only 8% more than Hillary! It's 40% less than Barack Obama, who voters were actually interested in...yet he supposedly gained almost 20% of Obama's vote total. Trump GAINED votes and surpassed Obama's record. Biden was losing so badly in the battleground states that they actually had to stop counting and force observers out so they could add hundreds of thousands of fake votes to the total. Even with hundreds of thousands of fake votes, Biden could still only manage to barely "win" these states. As these ballots are not tied to actual voters, you can see an audit cannot be completed in any fashion. Nowadays, it's as simple as running photocopies through the electronic tabulators and they will pump up the numbers for you.

Make no mistake, we are no longer a republic.

Yep, and now things are getting real interesting. Maybe this protest in the capitol will used to justify even more draconian laws, wouldn't surprise me one bit.

01-06-21, 22:53
Ashli Babbitt was shot in the front by one of three or four officers at the end of the hallway called the Speaker's Lobby. Congressional members were evacuating the House Chamber at the opposite end of that hallway, and the three or four Capitol Police were the last line of their defense. Had Babbitt made it thru that side window opening, she would have had clear access to members of Congress leaving had the police not intervened.

So, she had murder and mayhem on her mind. Good thing they smoked her.

01-06-21, 22:53
I JUST PROVED YOU WRONG by your own standard and you’re moving the goalposts AGAIN? Man you are really all aboard the fail train tonight! LOL


Keep telling yourself that...trump f’ed us and is continuing to do so.

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01-06-21, 22:55
Yep, and now things are getting real interesting. Maybe this protest in the capitol will used to justify even more draconian laws, wouldn't surprise me one bit.

Aside from them all being cowards you know why the establishment is mad about today? Because everything that’s happened over the last 4 years they’ve controlled they narrative on and they had zero control over the activities of today.

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01-06-21, 22:55
Local news in OKC is saying 4 died by gunfire in the capital.

Can anyone confirm this?

1 shot in the capitol building the other 3 where non-related injuries at the protest.