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01-07-21, 11:20
As expected there are 6 gun control bills in the House ready to move forward. I am sure that these are just the start. Here they are:

H.R.30 - To increase public safety by punishing and deterring firearms trafficking.

H.R.121 - To provide for the hiring of 200 additional Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agents and investigators to enforce gun laws.

H.R.125 - To amend Title 18, United States Code, to provide for a 7-day waiting period before a semiautomatic firearm, a silencer, armor piercing ammunition, or a large capacity ammunition magazine may be transferred.

H.R.127 - To provide for the licensing of firearm and ammunition possession and the registration of firearms, and to prohibit the possession of certain ammunition.

H.R.130 - To require the safe storage of firearms and ammunition, and to require the investigation of reports of improper storage of firearms or ammunition.

H.R.167 - To prohibit the transfer of a firearm at a gun show by a person who is not a federally licensed firearms dealer.

Meanwhile, additional and more sweeping bills are likely inbound.


01-07-21, 11:25
How many Republicans will sign off on these and what will Joe Manchin do?

01-07-21, 11:27
7 day waiting period for silencer transfers?

01-07-21, 11:35
7 day waiting period for silencer transfers?

I legit LOL'd.

01-07-21, 11:35
Elections matter. We deserve everything we get to shoved down are pretty little throat. I really, with my whole heart, mean this I hope the Dems get everything they want. Assault weapons ban, magazine ban, ammunition sales ban, everything.

01-07-21, 11:48
Elections matter.

Elections DO NOT matter when they're rigged.

01-07-21, 11:55
Unless the filibuster is removed, and it won’t be, none will pass the Senate.

60 votes are needed that aren’t there. Working oneself needlessly into a tizzy over the next few years is bad for your health.

01-07-21, 11:56
Your way sounds like a really winning strategy and all, but I have a crazy idea that maybe even better.

What if keep fighting for what we believe rather than run home and cry under our bed like a little bitch?

01-07-21, 11:59
7 day waiting period for silencer transfers?

I am all for that..... I am at 7 Months for my current one......:rolleyes:

01-07-21, 12:00
Unless the filibuster is removed, and it won’t be, none will pass the Senate.

60 votes are needed that aren’t there. Working oneself needlessly into a tizzy over the next few years is bad for your health.

Never underestimate the inclination and ability of Republicans to stab us in the back.

01-07-21, 12:04
Never underestimate the inclination and ability of Republicans to stab us in the back.

This. Right now they're in the mood to roll over, HARD. :(

01-07-21, 12:28
The left couldn’t pass legislation in their window from 08-10. I am optimistic that it will be even harder given the break down of the senate. I think next couple years will suck, but we need to be ready to respond in 2022.

I am optimistic about our future. Republicans did pretty good at the state level which is important since this is was a census election.

01-07-21, 12:34
The left couldn’t pass legislation in their window from 08-10. I am optimistic that it will be even harder given the break down of the senate. I think next couple years will suck, but we need to be ready to respond in 2022.
Different times my friend, “Barack ain’t takin’ my beretta”, that was good ole Joseph Stealin himself. Obama’s original plan was to use fast and furious as a reason to go after guns, Sandyhook was simply convenient but we were in fight mode. All the stars are aligning against us and when I say us, I mean freedom loving Americans. The first amendment is well on it’s way to being destroyed as well. Manchin will fold, Romney and Susan Collins can’t wait to fold. Even if Manchin holds firman his promise to vote against ending the filibuster and he’s successful, he’s simply a small speed bump. I’m generally not pessimistic, but the 2022 mid terms are going to be a massacre. Once you blatantly steal a presidential election, it’s over. The focus will now be to steal any semi competitive Senate and House seat (and governorships) and they will succeed. Everyone of us today saying there was no fraud will realize there was and is massive fraud, but it will be far too late.

01-07-21, 12:37
Elections matter. Not fraudulent ones. We deserve everything we get to shoved down are pretty little throat. I really, with my whole heart, mean this I hope the Dems get everything they want. Assault weapons ban, magazine ban, ammunition sales ban, everything.

Who is this "we" you speak of? Got a mouse in your pocket? 'Cause it ain't "we" amigo, it's THEM. I sure as hell didn't for for Joe and the 'Ho.

01-07-21, 12:38

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01-07-21, 12:39
Unless the filibuster is removed, and it won’t be, none will pass the Senate.

60 votes are needed that aren’t there. Working oneself needlessly into a tizzy over the next few years is bad for your health.

I like the way you think but I think you’re totally underestimating how quick most Republicans are going to be to stab us in the back to virtue signal to the left it there on their side

01-07-21, 12:43
Who is this "we" you speak of? Got a mouse in your pocket? 'Cause it ain't "we" amigo, it's THEM. I sure as hell didn't for for Joe and the 'Ho.

It’s weird that you knew that I keep a small brown mouse in my pocket. But anyway. you’re right there is no we other than me and Mr. giggles in my pocket. Gun owners. Gun owners are going to fraction, half are gonna split tail and run,a quarter are going to be turncoats this forum is pretty evident of that and the other quarter might actually do what needs to be done, But I really doubt that too.

01-07-21, 12:44
You may be right, but I pray you are wrong.

Different times my friend, “Barack ain’t takin’ my beretta”, that was good ole Joseph Stealin himself. Obama’s original plan was to use fast and furious as a reason to go after guns, Sandyhook was simply convenient but we were in fight mode. All the stars are aligning against us and when I say us, I mean freedom loving Americans. The first amendment is well on it’s way to being destroyed as well. Manchin will fold, Romney and Susan Collins can’t wait to fold. Even if Manchin holds firman his promise to vote against ending the filibuster and he’s successful, he’s simply a small speed bump. I’m generally not pessimistic, but the 2022 mid terms are going to be a massacre. Once you blatantly steal a presidential election, it’s over. The focus will now be to steal any semi competitive Senate and House seat (and governorships) and they will succeed. Everyone of us today saying there was no fraud will realize there was and is massive fraud, but it will be far too late.

01-07-21, 12:45
Damn, 7 day wait for a silencer? I’ve waited as long as 13 months. Sign me up!

01-07-21, 12:56
Elections DO NOT matter when they're rigged.

Exactly, elections no longer matter to our banana republic founded 2021. It took a while to get here but we are here now.

01-07-21, 12:58
It's almost as if the second amendment was originally intended as hedge against tyranny and the disarmament and subjugation of the population?

Screw them. I don't care what legislation they pass, and neither should anyone else.

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01-07-21, 12:59
It’s weird that you knew that I keep a small brown mouse in my pocket. But anyway. you’re right there is no we other than me and Mr. giggles in my pocket. Gun owners. Gun owners are going to fraction, half are gonna split tail and run,a quarter are going to be turncoats this forum is pretty evident of that and the other quarter might actually do what needs to be done, But I really doubt that too.

For years I've heard people on here say that "our" side will never do squat, will just fade and slink away. Then people on "our" side (well, mine anyways) pretty much overran the U.S. Capitol yesterday. I must admit I'd have never seen that coming. So maybe, just maybe, your widely-cast shadow of doubt is a lot narrower than you think.

01-07-21, 13:12
Even if no gun control is passed in the next two years, the left will just use the same massive recipe for fraud that they used in November and 1/5 to steal more seats in 2022 in the Senate and have a 60+ seat majority. Pelosi has legislation ready to legalize mail in ballots and ballot harvesting nation wide. I think that some folks have not yet grasped what we are going to face.

01-07-21, 13:26
Even if no gun control is passed in the next two years, the left will just use the same massive recipe for fraud that they used in November and 1/5 to steal more seats in 2022

Yep! It's not that painful of a process since half the country is too retarded to know it's going on. And the other half just have to accept it apparently.

01-07-21, 13:34
If anyone here thinks the SCOTUS will rule favorably on the side of the constitution in any potential RKBA case, you must be high. Idk if Gorsuch, Kavanaugh & Barrett are compromised, turncoats or spineless but they will rule 7-2 in favor of the gun grabbers if they even decide to hear a case and that is assuming the courts don’t get packed (and we all know they will now or in 2 years).

01-07-21, 13:57
If anyone here thinks the SCOTUS will rule favorably on the side of the constitution in any potential RKBA case, you must be high. Idk if Gorsuch, Kavanaugh & Barrett are compromised, turncoats or spineless but they will rule 7-2 in favor of the gun grabbers if they even decide to hear a case and that is assuming the courts don’t get packed (and we all know they will now or in 2 years).

Expect them to go all David Souter. Then the disappointment won't be so intense.

01-07-21, 13:59
All laws which are repugnant to the U.S. Constitution are null and void.

01-07-21, 14:50
What’s funny is we tend to do better as a community when the left is in charge. We are far more effective in defense.

Which is utterly pathetic, but it’s who we are as a community.

So maybe there’s hope.

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Alex V
01-07-21, 15:10
What’s funny is we tend to do better as a community when the left is in charge. We are far more effective in defense.

Which is utterly pathetic, but it’s who we are as a community.

So maybe there’s hope.

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Ive noticed this as well. Interesting. Maybe the NRA will get their financials out of the shitter with all the donations from FUDDs. I think they prefer to be on defense because it makes them slightly relevant.

01-07-21, 15:29
Well our first quisling back stabber has stepped up to the plate...Adam Kinzinger R-IL. I'm sure we can count on this waste of skin to protect our rights.

01-07-21, 15:39
Not so sure about Romney 2024 as an effective plan.

The normal donate to the NRA browbeating campaign really fell off after the NY attorney general and the msm claimed Wayne was a clothes horse.

Seems almost surreal for that combination of details to cause their downfall considering $25k on a clothes shopping spree is far less damaging to the 2nd Amendment than funneling the same amount of money to anti 2nd Amendment politicians. That got pointed out frequently by people that didn't carry the stigma of NY AG or MSM titles as far as motivations go, but decades of that aimed at correcting the problem always fell on deaf ears.

01-07-21, 15:43
Not so sure about Romney 2024 as an effective plan.

The normal donate to the browbeating campaign

Romney 2024? Talk about disenfranchising voters! :rolleyes:

01-07-21, 15:48
The Republican party is dead to me.

I used to argue with people all across Africa and Latin America, that didn't vote because it doesn't matter.

I now know how they feel.

As long as President Trump can stay out of jail, I think he has a great chance at building a third party. But my money says he will be arrested within 2 months from now for sedition and treason.

I wish them luck with gun control.

01-07-21, 15:50
The Republican party is dead to me.

I used to argue with people all across Africa and Latin America, that didn't vote because it doesn't matter.

I now know how they feel.

As long as President Trump can stay out of jail, I think he has a great chance at building a third party. But my money says he will be arrested within 2 months from now for sedition and treason.

I wish them luck with gun control.

If he were any other swamp dweller they'd let him go his merry way. He's not so they will pursue him to the grave, lest anyone else dare challenge their hegemony. :(

01-07-21, 15:56
Romney 2024? Talk about disenfranchising voters! :rolleyes:

With the whole actually banned guns feather in his hat, that should have been the case in 2012. Instead, forums were all "I can change him!" much like an idealistic teenage girl on the verge of spending a significant amount of her soon to be miserable life very much used and abused.

01-07-21, 16:00
Elections matter. We deserve everything we get to shoved down are pretty little throat. I really, with my whole heart, mean this I hope the Dems get everything they want. Assault weapons ban, magazine ban, ammunition sales ban, everything.

You do realize Trump won in a landslide? This wasn't caused by people staying home and not voting. You can't even say the election was stolen, because they did it in plain sight. I mean, can you call something theft if the thief does it in plain sight, tells you what they're doing while they're doing it, and you make no attempt to stop them? It was a coup and the American people just let it happen.

01-07-21, 16:05
You do realize Trump won in a landslide? This wasn't caused by people staying home and not voting. You can't even say the election was stolen, because they did it in plain sight. I mean, can you call something theft if the thief does it in plain sight, tells you what they're doing while they're doing it, and you make no attempt to stop them? It was a coup and the American people just let it happen.

Your vote no longer matters! The cowardly spineless RINO's surrendered again along with Benedict Arnold McConnell. The Republic is no more.

01-07-21, 16:23
Elections matter. We deserve everything we get to shoved down are pretty little throat. I really, with my whole heart, mean this I hope the Dems get everything they want. Assault weapons ban, magazine ban, ammunition sales ban, everything.

Maybe you, and other conservatives, should have taken covid seriously instead of going on rants about how not even 20k people had died to it worldwide so we should just stop worrying about it

You do realize Trump won in a landslide? This wasn't caused by people staying home and not voting. You can't even say the election was stolen, because they did it in plain sight. I mean, can you call something theft if the thief does it in plain sight, tells you what they're doing while they're doing it, and you make no attempt to stop them? It was a coup and the American people just let it happen.

Yes, that is kind of the definition of theft. I think many places call it "theft by taking"

If there was use of force or threat of force, it would be robbery

If the slipped in unnoticed at night when nobody was looking it would probably be called burglary

01-07-21, 16:29
Your vote no longer matters! The cowardly spineless RINO's surrendered again along with Benedict Arnold McConnell. The Republic is no more.

The worst part is now they don't even have to pretend anymore. For all intents and purposes, congress is now 100% democrat.

The only hope left is that the states will simply refuse to comply with the new laws coming.

01-07-21, 16:31
Maybe you, and other conservatives, should have taken covid seriously instead of going on rants about how not even 20k people had died to it worldwide so we should just stop worrying about it

Yes, that is kind of the definition of theft. I think many places call it "theft by taking"

If there was use of force or threat of force, it would be robbery

If the slipped in unnoticed at night when nobody was looking it would probably be called burglary

Just wear your mask dude. Everything will be fine, just wear your mask like your told [emoji1303]

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01-07-21, 16:32
Maybe you, and other conservatives, should have taken covid seriously instead of going on rants about how not even 20k people had died to it worldwide so we should just stop worrying about it

Yes, that is kind of the definition of theft. I think many places call it "theft by taking"

If there was use of force or threat of force, it would be robbery

If the slipped in unnoticed at night when nobody was looking it would probably be called burglary

But is it really theft when you allow somebody to take something? I think by some divine law you lose your right to something if you allow people to take it without even the threat of retaliation. It's like abandoning something on the side of the road and then claiming someone stole it when they picked it up. And that's a great analogy for our republic. An abandoned sofa on the side of the highway.

01-07-21, 16:38
You do realize Trump won in a landslide? This wasn't caused by people staying home and not voting. You can't even say the election was stolen, because they did it in plain sight. I mean, can you call something theft if the thief does it in plain sight, tells you what they're doing while they're doing it, and you make no attempt to stop them? It was a coup and the American people just let it happen.

Soft coups are the best coups. It's like a snuggle with no real, meaningful struggle.

01-07-21, 16:44
Just wear your mask dude. Everything will be fine, just wear your mask like your told [emoji1303]


Did you quote the wrong person?

Who tells me to wear a mask? I'm confused

01-07-21, 17:35
And yet another thread that makes me wonder why I haven't invested in several high quality shovels yet... :rolleyes:

01-07-21, 17:50
And yet another thread that makes me wonder why I haven't invested in several high quality shovels yet... :rolleyes:

Have a friend with a backhoe or tractor with attachments? Well there ya go.....

Digging sucks.

01-07-21, 17:51
I am all for that..... I am at 7 Months for my current one......:rolleyes:

Yeah, I want them to pass this one. They'd need another 100 people working at NFA branch.

01-07-21, 17:54
Yeah, I want them to pass this one. They'd need another 100 people working at NFA branch.

Surely you don't think that's where they would be allocated do you? If you believe that I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell ya!

01-07-21, 18:03
I have a backhoe and a few shovels. To quote someone I don’t support at all, “all because some people did something.....”. I am surprised Adam Kinzinger would start that. He represents an area just west of me that is largely red save for the small college town of Dekalb, IL. I’d hope he has some fallout for this.

01-07-21, 18:03

Did you quote the wrong person?

Who tells me to wear a mask? I'm confused

I was lamenting your Covid comment

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01-07-21, 18:05
I was lamenting your Covid comment


Actions have consequences.

Here we are.

01-07-21, 18:37
I have a backhoe and a few shovels. To quote someone I don’t support at all, “all because some people did something.....”. I am surprised Adam Kinzinger would start that. He represents an area just west of me that is largely red save for the small college town of Dekalb, IL. I’d hope he has some fallout for this.

I hope he gets primaried. He needs to move along little doggie.

01-07-21, 18:41

Actions have consequences.

Here we are.

Because everything that’s been done in response to combating the China flu have been BS

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01-07-21, 18:43
Amazingly there are still 6920s on GB at mostly sane prices. I would have thought yesterdays events would have triggered the mother of all gun sales. I'm afraid the ammo shortage probably just got extended.

01-07-21, 18:50
Because everything that’s been done in response to combating the China flu have been BS

That mentality is why you lost

01-07-21, 18:54
That mentality is why you lost

That I lost? In case you haven’t been paying attention everything done is last year has resulted in a net negative for the country thanks to sensationalists such as yourself so thank you for further eroding our nation.

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01-07-21, 18:55
That I lost? In case you haven’t been paying attention everything done is last year has resulted in a net negative for the country thanks to sensationalists such as yourself so thank you for further eroding our nation.

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Quote what I sensationalized, please.

I'll wait

01-07-21, 19:07
One of the many covid claims was the scientific opinion that leftists cannot contract or spread the disease.

01-07-21, 19:07
IDGAF what they pass.

They can EAFD, repeatedly.

01-07-21, 19:08
That mentality is why you lost

He lost...you won? Who'd you vote for? The Big Guy? You wouldn't happen to be a Democrat that likes guns, or a Never Trumper would you?

01-07-21, 19:09
Amazingly there are still 6920s on GB at mostly sane prices. I would have thought yesterdays events would have triggered the mother of all gun sales. I'm afraid the ammo shortage probably just got extended.

Yep. Those rifles are useless unless they come with at least a battle pack of ammo. I’m already seeing people posting guns for sale locally with at least 100 rounds of ammo, otherwise they’re not selling.

01-07-21, 19:09

Pssst, guess what....no body cares

Put a stock on it, use your 30 round mags, trade guns with shady people in the Piggly Wiggly parking lot, and move on with your life.

01-07-21, 19:34
He lost...you won? Who'd you vote for? The Big Guy? You wouldn't happen to be a Democrat that likes guns, or a Never Trumper would you?

I surmise he implied conservatives vs the holier than though liberals who know best how people should live their lives and if you don’t cave to “the greater good” you’re a intolerant xenophobe

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01-07-21, 19:38
I surmise he implied conservatives vs the holier than though liberals who know best how people should live their lives and if you don’t cave to “the greater good” you’re a intolerant xenophobe

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He didn't seem to identify himself with the "losers".

01-07-21, 20:04
Thank you for admitting you lied in claiming I sensationalized anything.

And...who tells me to wear a mask? Still waiting to hear back on that one, too.


Pssst, guess what....no body cares

Put a stock on it, use your 30 round mags, trade guns with shady people in the Piggly Wiggly parking lot, and move on with your life.

I didn't realize democrats had the white house, senate, and house all of those years.

01-07-21, 20:12
Elections DO NOT matter when they're rigged.

demtards hanging in the public square matter. :mad:


01-07-21, 20:23
I didn't realize democrats had the white house, senate, and house all of those years.

No one said they did.

Straight Shooter
01-07-21, 20:32
I like the way you think but I think you’re totally underestimating how quick most Republicans are going to be to stab us in the back to virtue signal to the left it there on their side

If anyone here thinks the SCOTUS will rule favorably on the side of the constitution in any potential RKBA case, you must be high. Idk if Gorsuch, Kavanaugh & Barrett are compromised, turncoats or spineless but they will rule 7-2 in favor of the gun grabbers if they even decide to hear a case and that is assuming the courts don’t get packed (and we all know they will now or in 2 years).

Two 100% truths here. The Repubs are HORRIBLE CUCKS. And I dont look for the Supremes to do half of what we were led to believe they would. Guns/ shooting/hunting, ect will, in MY lifetime...be a distant memory, & Im 55.
Just like the old Brits sit around at tea time, reminiscing about fox hunting & the like.
Unless & until we have more, MUCH more, & MUCH MORE violent, yesterdays.

01-07-21, 20:37
Thank you for admitting you lied in claiming I sensationalized anything.

And...who tells me to wear a mask? Still waiting to hear back on that one, too.

I didn't realize democrats had the white house, senate, and house all of those years.

I lied about nothing. There are people at fault for blowing his Covid thing up into the stratosphere and to the detriment of the nation but it sure as hell wasn’t conservatives. So take a gander into the mirror.

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01-07-21, 20:38
No one said they did.

I guess you haven't heard, but generally speaking democrats vote for gun control, thus, democrats having all three of those things is a consideration for 2021. Just, FYI

I lied about nothing. irror.

Sooo you're putting together the quotes of where I sensationalized? Patiently waiting

01-07-21, 20:54
I guess you haven't heard, but generally speaking democrats vote for gun control, thus, democrats having all three of those things is a consideration for 2021. Just, FYI

Yeah no kidding, like I said, just do what you want.

01-07-21, 20:58
Yeah no kidding, like I said, just do what you want.

You are welcome for making you aware of how 2021 is different from 2016 etc

01-07-21, 21:04
Two 100% truths here. The Repubs are HORRIBLE CUCKS. And I dont look for the Supremes to do half of what we were led to believe they would. Guns/ shooting/hunting, ect will, in MY lifetime...be a distant memory, & Im 55.
Just like the old Brits sit around at tea time, reminiscing about fox hunting & the like.
Unless & until we have more, MUCH more, & MUCH MORE violent, yesterdays.

SCOTUS is nothing more than a high level game show. Their rulings over the past 50 years amount to watching two contestants in legal combat, where the fans pick teams and root for theirs. Once the rulings are in, the only people affected are the contestants, and those who put any faith or stock in what they have to say.

100 or 150 years ago? Maybe they did important things. But these days they’re nothing more than a fickle wind scattering leaves. If you don’t care what they say, they’re unlikely to have any real impact on your life.

01-08-21, 03:50
The Republican party is dead to me.

I used to argue with people all across Africa and Latin America, that didn't vote because it doesn't matter.

I now know how they feel.

As long as President Trump can stay out of jail, I think he has a great chance at building a third party. But my money says he will be arrested within 2 months from now for sedition and treason.

I wish them luck with gun control.

They won’t arrest him, he knows too much about the inner workings of the shit house, they will Clinton him and make it look like Iran did it. Then send a few dud missiles into the Iranian desert loaded with cash and say we struck back at the bastards.

01-08-21, 09:54
You are welcome for making you aware of how 2021 is different from 2016 etc

Thanks precious.

01-08-21, 10:59


01-08-21, 15:19
Yeah no kidding, like I said, just do what you want.

That totally sums up my feelings, that, right there, "Just do what you want !"
There are a lot of armed felons out there right now, carrying and carrying on like it just doesn't matter. So as long as you don't do anything overtly stupid, you'll likely be just fine.
I can't be sure that this election wasn't rigged, to me it looks like it was. Having said that, then if rules don't apply to them, why should I follow the rules?
Just keep an eye out and your head down and figure out how to profit off of this.

01-08-21, 16:43
How many Republicans will sign off on these and what will Joe Manchin do?

The politicians want their jobs so they will say Trump bad socialism good.

01-08-21, 17:41
The politicians want their jobs so they will say Trump bad socialism good.

IF true, that means The People want socialism

01-08-21, 17:44
IF true, that means The People want socialism

If people want socialism there ****ing morons. I mean it it was worked so well and so many places they should just go over great here, but a lot of people are pretty stupid to so who knows.

01-08-21, 18:15
All laws which are repugnant to the U.S. Constitution are null and void.

If only it were that easy.

01-08-21, 18:42
If people want socialism there ****ing morons. I mean it it was worked so well and so many places they should just go over great here, but a lot of people are pretty stupid to so who knows.

People don't know much. That's why they say things like lol covid hasn't even killed 20k people in the whole world, stop worrying about it.

And yes people are morons, and IF politicians will say socialism is good to keep their jobs, it's because The [moron] People will it.

Somehow you gotta get to the root of the problem, the morons who think socialism is good. How, IDK. They're morons.

01-08-21, 18:57
IF true, that means The People want socialism

NEWSFLASH: the Constitution isn't a popularity contest, so it does not matter one iota what a possible majority of fvcking idiots want.

Also, I do not give a shit what the mindless, handout-driven morons want.

That about cover it?

01-08-21, 18:59
NEWSFLASH: the Constitution isn't a popularity contest, so it does not matter one iota what a possible majority of fvcking idiots want.

Also, I do not give a shit what the mindless, handout-driven morons want.

That about cover it?

Yeah yeah, and according to the Constitution you can mail me a full auto P80 Glock, to my doorstep, unserialized, that you made yourself, all legal.

We know how real life it is to say "bug muh Constitution!"

So, if you don't give a shit what The People say about laws, would you mind shipping one of those full auto P80 Glocks to a friend of mine? Okay, a not-a-friend...not sure he'd appreciate it, hehe

01-08-21, 19:03
Yeah yeah, and according to the Constitution you can mail me a full auto P80 Glock, to my doorstep, unserialized, that you made yourself, all legal.

We know how real life it is to say "bug muh Constitution!"

So, if you don't give a shit what The People say about laws, would you mind shipping one of those full auto P80 Glocks to a friend of mine?

Oh I won't disagree with that assertion, but the Constitution is what it is. Any abrogation of it is morally and ethically wrong. May not mean much in reality but it just may mean enough to make up someone's mind who is sitting on the fence during the coming Troubles. Might make difficult decisions a little clearer and easier. A little less "I'm going to Hell for what I'm about to do".

01-08-21, 19:04
Yeah yeah, and according to the Constitution you can mail me a full auto P80 Glock, to my doorstep, unserialized, that you made yourself, all legal.

We know how real life it is to say "bug muh Constitution!"

So, if you don't give a shit what The People say about laws, would you mind shipping one of those full auto P80 Glocks to a friend of mine? Okay, a not-a-friend...not sure he'd appreciate it, hehe

I used to think reality was objective, factual....then I got on the internet...The delusions people carry around are scary as hell.

01-08-21, 19:09
I used to think reality was objective, factual....then I got on the internet...The delusions people carry around are scary as hell.

Being committed to principles, even knowing those principles are not frequently adhered to by society/government at large, does not make you delusional. You can be a realist and still believe in something and be willing to stand up for it.

01-08-21, 19:19
Being committed to principles, even knowing those principles are not frequently adhered to by society/government at large, does not make you delusional. You can be a realist and still believe in something and be willing to stand up for it.

All that went away for me with John Lee Haney. Look it up. Guy was a true believer, walked the walk...balls bigger than the Super Dome, should be a household name.....just a convict now.

01-08-21, 19:25
I would think the left will for sure ban AR for good across the country in the up coming four years

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01-08-21, 19:35
I would think the left will for sure ban AR for good across the country in the up coming four years

I think that's too big a bite to chew in that timeframe.

Phase I: Demonize through, well, we all see that and know what it is
Phase II: Restrict ability to acquire new or transfer existing. Federal 1996 did this, many states do this.
Phase III: Registration of existing, likely with some kind of fee, offer "buy back"
Phase Final: "Mandatory buy back" aka confiscation

Right now at the federal level they are only at step 1. Next couple years, maybe they can get step 2?

01-08-21, 19:36
All that went away for me with John Lee Haney. Look it up. Guy was a true believer, walked the walk...balls bigger than the Super Dome, should be a household name.....just a convict now.

One man. In the context of this thread we're talking about millions. Even if only 1, 2, or 3% say "Fvck no" that presents a problem for Big Brother. And that assumes only 1, 2, or 3%.

Irag is as big as Kalifornia, Afghanistan as big as Texas. Roughly 50 million people combined between the two of them. Our population is about SEVEN times more. Our geographical land mass is many times theirs. Our best, bravest, and brightest (along with our uber-top shelf technology) has/had their hands full trying to control those shitholes. How do you think it would be so successful here? I ain't seeing it. And just remember before you dismissively wave your hand and say conservatives are all pussies, would you have thought the U.S. Capitol would be nearly overran two days ago? [honestly I was kind of surprised myself]

01-08-21, 19:54
One man. In the context of this thread we're talking about millions. Even if only 1, 2, or 3% say "Fvck no" that presents a problem for Big Brother. And that assumes only 1, 2, or 3%.

Irag is as big as Kalifornia, Afghanistan as big as Texas. Roughly 50 million people combined between the two of them. Our population is about SEVEN times more. Our geographical land mass is many times theirs. Our best, bravest, and brightest (along with our uber-top shelf technology) has/had their hands full trying to control those shitholes. How do you think it would be so successful here? I ain't seeing it. And just remember before you dismissively wave your hand and say conservatives are all pussies, would you have thought the U.S. Capitol would be nearly overran two days ago? [honestly I was kind of surprised myself]

You misunderstand, the Civic Nationalism that the Constitution represented-to many,is dead. It is my fervent hope that millions do rise up and balkanize this nation into pieces where the American Idea survives and prospers---I'm married to an idea, not a piece of land on a map with a particular name. Individual liberty cannot survive in post Constitution America as now constituted.

01-08-21, 20:02
You misunderstand, the Civic Nationalism that the Constitution represented-to many,, is dead. It is my fervent hope that millions do rise up and balkanize this nation into pieces where the American Idea survives and prospers---I'm married to an idea, not a piece of land on a map with a particular name.

Sadly I agree with this 100%. It is becoming evident that we can't all just get along, the divide is too great. The vitriol is seething, and quite frankly I no longer have ANY desire to make nice with those bastards. We can either have a ruthless, cutthroat bloodbath or go our separate ways. Didn't go well the first time, but the reasons were very different. This isn't 1861, it's 2021; no standing armies shooting each other with even a modicum of chivalry. No, people dying in their beds along with their families, dagger-in-the-back assassinations, thing going BOOM everywhere, all the dastardly stuff you can think of. Revenge would be tattooed on every forehead, as that would be the name of the game. No, the weak-ass population would never stomach the loss of life that occurred 160 years ago. Parting ways would be considerably more possible today than then, although I truly would hate to have it come to that. Oh, and Biden is no Lincoln!

01-08-21, 20:03
Sadly I agree with this 100%. It is becoming evident that we can't all just get along, the divide is too great. The vitriol is seething, and quite frankly I no longer have ANY desire to make nice with those bastards. We can either have a ruthless, cutthroat bloodbath or go our separate ways. Didn't go well the first time, but the reasons were very different. This isn't 1861, it's 2021. The weak-ass population would never stomach the loss of life that occurred 160 years ago. Parting ways would be considerably more possible today than then, although I truly would hate to have it come to that. Oh, and Biden is no Lincoln!

The weak should fear the strong.

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01-08-21, 20:04
People don't know much. That's why they say things like lol covid hasn't even killed 20k people in the whole world, stop worrying about it.

And yes people are morons, and IF politicians will say socialism is good to keep their jobs, it's because The [moron] People will it.

Somehow you gotta get to the root of the problem, the morons who think socialism is good. How, IDK. They're morons.

Wap, you seem very upset about covid. Here’s the thing, I still don’t care about covid. I have had hangovers worse then it. If you are so blind you can’t see they are using covid to push BS you are beyond help. Good luck Wap!
So try to stay on topic, thanks Wap.

01-08-21, 20:53
Wap, you seem very upset about covid. Here’s the thing, I still don’t care about covid. I have had hangovers worse then it. If you are so blind you can’t see they are using covid to push BS you are beyond help. Good luck Wap!
So try to stay on topic, thanks Wap.

You're right your personal experience is the only thing relevant to everybody else in the world, and we should all pretend it doesn't exist because it was okay for you.

just a scout
01-08-21, 22:00
I thought this thread was about gun laws coming. Take the Rona to the other thread.

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01-08-21, 22:33
I thought this thread was about gun laws coming. Take the Rona to the other thread.

Unfortunately some commonly displayed attitudes about one have springboarded people into power who are not good for the other

They are interconnected

01-08-21, 22:40
I am all for that..... I am at 7 Months for my current one......:rolleyes:

I read that and thought it was music to my ears. Maybe it is 7 days in addition to the stamp wait from the dealer.

Buy quiet pew
Wait 12 months
Pay for xfer
Wait 7 days
Pick up quiet pew

01-08-21, 23:22
Sadly I agree with this 100%. It is becoming evident that we can't all just get along, the divide is too great. The vitriol is seething, and quite frankly I no longer have ANY desire to make nice with those bastards. We can either have a ruthless, cutthroat bloodbath or go our separate ways. Didn't go well the first time, but the reasons were very different. This isn't 1861, it's 2021; no standing armies shooting each other with even a modicum of chivalry. No, people dying in their beds along with their families, dagger-in-the-back assassinations, thing going BOOM everywhere, all the dastardly stuff you can think of. Revenge would be tattooed on every forehead, as that would be the name of the game. No, the weak-ass population would never stomach the loss of life that occurred 160 years ago. Parting ways would be considerably more possible today than then, although I truly would hate to have it come to that. Oh, and Biden is no Lincoln!

I have read a theory on why the civil war was so bloody waa the involvement of Marxists.


01-09-21, 01:10
You're right your personal experience is the only thing relevant to everybody else in the world, and we should all pretend it doesn't exist because it was okay for you.

If you’re so terrified of the Rona, then pop smoke and stay in your hidey hole till it’s over. No one owes you anything and you’d do well to remember that.

01-09-21, 08:26
This is the reason I want to punch every never-Trump gun owner in the face. "Muh Bump Stocks" got us f**ked right in the @ss with no lube. I hope every one of you corksoakers breaks your necks falling off your high horse.


just a scout
01-09-21, 08:31

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01-09-21, 08:43

Screw them.

01-09-21, 08:48
This is the reason I want to punch every never-Trump gun owner in the face. "Muh Bump Stocks" got us f**ked right in the @ss with no lube. I hope every one of you corksoakers breaks your necks falling off your high horse.


Looks like the election methods would have more than made up for any number of votes for Trump. That being said, there was a bit more than just bump stocks.


I don't recall ever seeing a candidate run on an anti 2nd Amendment platform take any actions towards repealing anti 2nd Amendment laws, but we sure do see people run on a pro 2nd Amendment platform try to get more anti 2nd Amendment tools in place.

01-09-21, 08:50
Looks like the election methods would have more than made up for any number of votes for Trump. That being said, there was a bit more than just bump stocks.


I don't recall ever seeing a candidate run on an anti 2nd Amendment platform take any actions towards repealing anti 2nd Amendment laws, but we sure do see people run on a pro 2nd Amendment platform try to get more anti 2nd Amendment tools in place.

Still, who would you rather see sworn in 11 days from now? Trump or China Joe?

01-09-21, 09:00
IF true, that means The People want socialism

People are generally too stupid to know what they want, they need someone to tell them.

01-09-21, 09:14
Still, who would you rather see sworn in 11 days from now? Trump or China Joe?

Trump vs. Clinton/Biden had potential to be less onerous, but the same mantra was used in Obama vs. McCain/Romney which a long term review of actions taken showed a 1:1 situation in both cycles.

01-09-21, 09:39
People are generally too stupid to know what they want, they need someone to tell them.

Crazy how the goals of expanding literacy and education for all accomplishes neither and just makes things worse for everyone

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01-09-21, 09:45
Crazy how the goals of expanding literacy and education for all accomplishes neither and just makes things worse for everyone

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Public education frequently falls short, seemingly by design.


01-09-21, 09:50
Public education frequently falls short, seemingly by design.


And when academia has been dominated by subversive marxists and post ww2 propagandists what did anyone expect?

And people still can’t connect the dots.

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01-09-21, 10:13
Trump vs. Clinton/Biden had potential to be less onerous, but the same mantra was used in Obama vs. McCain/Romney which a long term review of actions taken showed a 1:1 situation in both cycles.

Lesser of two evils, yada yada. I get it. Still didn't answer the question though......:rolleyes:

01-09-21, 10:45
Lesser of two evils, yada yada. I get it. Still didn't answer the question though......:rolleyes:

Best I will give is "maybe" because what we got was definitely over promised and under delivered.

01-09-21, 10:51
Best I will give is "maybe" because what we got was definitely over promised and under delivered.

Conversely, what we're going to get will likely be under-promised and over-delivered.....:mad:

01-09-21, 10:56
Conversely, what we're going to get will likely be under-promised and over-delivered.....:mad:

Maybe so. There sure has been a lot promised.

01-09-21, 11:56
There is some obvious topical crossover, but please try to keep topics separate from each other. Thanks.

01-09-21, 12:43
If you’re so terrified
I'm not at all and have not said anything to indicate otherwise

This is the reason I want to punch every never-Trump gun owner in the face. "Muh Bump Stocks" got us f**ked right in the @ss with no lube. I hope every one of you corksoakers breaks your necks falling off your high horse.


The thing is "gun owner" doesn't mean shit. A lot of people own guns but don't give a turd about any of this.

I know more people than I'd like that are gun owners but have no problem with bans on what amounts to probably 80% of the guns owned in this country. "Nobody needs" or "I'm a gun owner BUT" or "I support 2A but" or "I've got mine so IDC if new are banned" or "I don't care I won't follow the law screw everybody else who doesn't want to be in prison for years"

The problem is we have too many guns owners, not enough actual believers in the core concept. Not even "MSR" owners. Not enough who comprehend the old line that the 2A is not about hunting

Being a "gun owner" is pretty much meaningless and we shouldn't categorize anybody by that

01-09-21, 13:58
I'm not at all and have not said anything to indicate otherwise

The thing is "gun owner" doesn't mean shit. A lot of people own guns but don't give a turd about any of this.

I know more people than I'd like that are gun owners but have no problem with bans on what amounts to probably 80% of the guns owned in this country. "Nobody needs" or "I'm a gun owner BUT" or "I support 2A but" or "I've got mine so IDC if new are banned" or "I don't care I won't follow the law screw everybody else who doesn't want to be in prison for years"

The problem is we have too many guns owners, not enough actual believers in the core concept. Not even "MSR" owners. Not enough who comprehend the old line that the 2A is not about hunting

Being a "gun owner" is pretty much meaningless and we shouldn't categorize anybody by that

I have no doubt they exist but I do not know any gun owners who are not fully aware what "reasonable gun laws" mean to us all (discounting people on the net who say "I'm a gun owner, but...)".


01-10-21, 01:59

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Sounds like they're coming for the M855.

01-10-21, 05:50
Sounds like they're coming for the M855.

I can’t find any text to indicate that....but you’re thinking small, man. I wouldn’t be surprised if it proposed a ban on civilian possession of “military calibers” like you see in Mexico and some European countries.

01-10-21, 07:03
I can’t find any text to indicate that....but you’re thinking small, man. I wouldn’t be surprised if it proposed a ban on civilian possession of “military calibers” like you see in Mexico and some European countries.

Not a chance

01-10-21, 07:23
Not a chance

Not a chance of it actually passing or not a chance of the bill proposing it?

I think the latter is perfectly plausible. The former not so much, not yet anyway.

01-10-21, 07:25
Not a chance of it actually passing or not a chance of the bill proposing it?

I think the latter is perfectly plausible. The former not so much, not yet anyway.

I guess anybody can propose anything, like 'anybody can sue for anything'.

But, not a chance of a theoretical proposal like that going anywhere. Be surprised if it is even discussed in a House committee

01-10-21, 08:12
Not a chance

LOL, who’s going to stop em? The Supreme Court? LOL

01-10-21, 08:14
LOL, who’s going to stop em? The Supreme Court? LOL

Bet you $100 cash money no such bill is passed in the next 2 years minimum

01-10-21, 08:40
Bet you $100 cash money no such bill is passed in the next 2 years minimum

The democrats control the senate, any and all gun control bills will be heard. I cannot think of a single senator outside of maybe Joe Manchin who wouldn’t vote for every single one of those bills. Manchin will vote for some, magazine bans, universal background checks? He’s almost certainly a yes vote on those items. If the Dems get enough votes to end the filibuster (all they need is 50 votes with Harris as the tie breaker) they can pass any and all things via simple majority. What happens the next time there is a mass shooting? They will blame it on caliber, “5.56 & 9mm are military grade, no place on our streets, 98% of mass shootings occur with these calibers, if we just eliminate these calibers we eliminate 98% of mass shootings” and maybe they throw in .308, .45, 10mm, 7.62x39, etc.

How many Republicans do you suppose would put their finger in the air and feel the political winds trending towards democrats? There are several, so many I question if a filibuster would even stop them. Romney and Collins will be on board, Pat Toomey is on his way out and signaled for gun control support in the past. Embarrassingly, my two senators Rubio and Scott I do not trust either. How many Republican senators have been compromised because of corruption? Every single one of those republicans will have their arm twisted to vote for gun control, even if they are personally opposed. Where is the NRA? NRA has been as quiet as a mouse fart, I guess running a zillion commercials right after Trump’s election may not have been the wisest use of it’s resources. This ain’t 2013 where everyone is United and we actually have some political clout. We have no clout because the ComDems have cracked the code, they know how to “win” an election every time and their focus will be to further solidify that reality by court packing, legalizing mass ballots being sent out, legalizing ballot harvesting, making DC & PR states (which only requires a simple majority vote), turning tens of millions illegals here and who will be flooding the borders into newly minted democrat voters, etc. The Dems will ensure super majority rule forever, we will be a constitutional republic in name only.

Bottom line, even if by some miracle Joe Manchin somehow holds off the Dems from ending the filibuster and republicans have a backbone, that only holds the ends off 2 years max. 2022 is going to be a massacre, Dems will solidify their power after the mid term election, remember I said it. By the way, I’ll be shocked if Manchin holds true to his word, Schumer will twist his arm hard. If Manchin has any skeletons in his closet, Schumer will threaten him with exposure of that dirt, he will threaten him with cutting off funding to his campaign, kick him off committees (which allow politicians to enrich themselves in the first place), etc. Manchin will feel the pressure and he will fall in line.

01-10-21, 08:56
I have no doubt they exist but I do not know any gun owners who are not fully aware what "reasonable gun laws" mean to us all (discounting people on the net who say "I'm a gun owner, but...)".


Oh, they’re out there. More of them than you might expect. Common, even.

01-10-21, 08:58
I've always found it amusing the Harris/Biden discussion of banning the import of the AR-15. Of course for all practical reasons, that wouldn't have much effect. However, I do see the banning of imported ammunition, which will put a crimp in the AK crowd. I'm driving to Albuquerque today to see what is available for ammo. Nice to go to town once in a while, but it's been snowing all morning so we'll see how far I get.........:(

01-10-21, 09:16
The democrats control the senate, any and all gun control bills will be heard. I cannot think of a single senator outside of maybe Joe Manchin who wouldn’t vote for every single one of those bills. Manchin will vote for some, magazine bans, universal background checks? He’s almost certainly a yes vote on those items. If the Dems get enough votes to end the filibuster (all they need is 50 votes with Harris as the tie breaker) they can pass any and all things via simple majority. What happens the next time there is a mass shooting? They will blame it on caliber, “5.56 & 9mm are military grade, no place on our streets, 98% of mass shootings occur with these calibers, if we just eliminate these calibers we eliminate 98% of mass shootings” and maybe they throw in .308, .45, 10mm, 7.62x39, etc.

How many Republicans do you suppose would put their finger in the air and feel the political winds trending towards democrats? There are several, so many I question if a filibuster would even stop them. Romney and Collins will be on board, Pat Toomey is on his way out and signaled for gun control support in the past. Embarrassingly, my two senators Rubio and Scott I do not trust either. How many Republican senators have been compromised because of corruption? Every single one of those republicans will have their arm twisted to vote for gun control, even if they are personally opposed. Where is the NRA? NRA has been as quiet as a mouse fart, I guess running a zillion commercials right after Trump’s election may not have been the wisest use of it’s resources. This ain’t 2013 where everyone is United and we actually have some political clout. We have no clout because the ComDems have cracked the code, they know how to “win” an election every time and their focus will be to further solidify that reality by court packing, legalizing mass ballots being sent out, legalizing ballot harvesting, making DC & PR states (which only requires a simple majority vote), turning tens of millions illegals here and who will be flooding the borders into newly minted democrat voters, etc. The Dems will ensure super majority rule forever, we will be a constitutional republic in name only.

Bottom line, even if by some miracle Joe Manchin somehow holds off the Dems from ending the filibuster and republicans have a backbone, that only holds the ends off 2 years max. 2022 is going to be a massacre, Dems will solidify their power after the mid term election, remember I said it. By the way, I’ll be shocked if Manchin holds true to his word, Schumer will twist his arm hard. If Manchin has any skeletons in his closet, Schumer will threaten him with exposure of that dirt, he will threaten him with cutting off funding to his campaign, kick him off committees (which allow politicians to enrich themselves in the first place), etc. Manchin will feel the pressure and he will fall in line.

So that's a yes on the $100 wager? You say we will get a ban on possession of (I'll take any at all as I lost) a caliber (cartridge) that is currently completely legal in the next 2 years. I say we won't. $100 cash money. You're in yes?

just a scout
01-10-21, 09:22
So that's a yes on the $100 wager? You say we will get a ban on possession of (I'll take any at all as I lost) a caliber (cartridge) that is currently completely legal in the next 2 years. I say we won't. $100 cash money. You're in yes?

I’ll take that

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01-10-21, 09:31
5.56 and 7.62 X 54 are military calibers and technically different from 223 and 308 so how will that work. Will the Fudds put up with having their 223 and 308 banned.

01-10-21, 10:15
I’ll take that


5.56 and 7.62 X 54 are military calibers and technically different from 223 and 308 so how will that work. Will the Fudds put up with having their 223 and 308 banned.

Not something we will have to worry about.

But if we did, it would work exactly like that. They would ban 5.56x45 but not .223 Rem, and ban 7.62x51 but not .308 Win. And appeasing the fudds like that is the strategy I would take for sure if that was my game

01-10-21, 10:31
Absolutely more gun control legislation is coming. One of the ideas posted on Biden’s website which has now been conveniently scrubbed is a $200 per gun tax on currently owned MSR’s and each “high capacity magazine” which is defined as holding more than 10 rounds. I see it as another registration scheme with a means of prosecuting noncompliance. Get caught with an unregistered gun or magazine and be charged with tax evasion.

01-10-21, 10:41
Oh, they’re out there. More of them than you might expect. Common, even.

I was talking with one in a well known sporting goods store yesterday afternoon here in Texas. He was trying to buy turkey load ammo for his shotgun, and was vociferously explaining how "you crazy military commandos" were ruining things for hunters like him.

Not kidding. Direct quote.

He got spoken to by virtually everyone within earshot. I thought he was going to get his ass beat by two different guys. Seriously.

"Gentlemen: if we do not hang together, we shall most assuredly hang separately." Benjamin Franklin.

So 1168 is right. There are Fudds everywhere who are just that stupid.

01-10-21, 10:57
I was talking with one in a well known sporting goods store yesterday afternoon here in Texas. He was trying to buy turkey load ammo for his shotgun, and was vociferously explaining how "you crazy military commandos" were ruining things for hunters like him.

Not kidding. Direct quote.

He got spoken to by virtually everyone within earshot. I thought he was going to get his ass beat by two different guys. Seriously.

"Gentlemen: if we do not hang together, we shall most assuredly hang separately." Benjamin Franklin.

So 1168 is right. There are Fudds everywhere who are just that stupid.

And that idiot no doubt walked away convinced more than ever that "See! Those commandos are damn crazy and shouldn't even have guns!" You can't fix stupid.

He's one of those "It won't affect me so screw them" types.

01-10-21, 11:10
State budgets are hurting. Biden has plans to use federal funds to incentivize states to adopt gun control schemes. These bribery plans are already listed. I would not be surprised to see this tactic used in other areas as an alternative to federal gun control legislation.


Incentivize state “extreme risk” laws. Extreme risk laws, also called “red flag” laws, enable family members or law enforcement officials to temporarily remove an individual’s access to firearms when that individual is in crisis and poses a danger to themselves or others. Biden will incentivize the adoption of these laws by giving states funds to implement them. And, he’ll direct the U.S. Department of Justice to issue best practices and offer technical assistance to states interested in enacting an extreme risk law.

Give states incentives to set up gun licensing programs. Biden will enact legislation to give states and local governments grants to require individuals to obtain a license prior to purchasing a gun.

Adequately fund the background check system. President Obama and Vice President Biden expanded incentives for states to submit records of prohibited persons into the background checks system. As president, Biden will continue to prioritize that funding and ensure that the FBI is adequately funded to accurately and efficiently handle the NICS system.

01-10-21, 11:13
I was talking with one in a well known sporting goods store yesterday afternoon here in Texas. He was trying to buy turkey load ammo for his shotgun, and was vociferously explaining how "you crazy military commandos" were ruining things for hunters like him.

Not kidding. Direct quote.

“Ruining it” for the fudds is the only silver lining to all this.

01-10-21, 11:33
State budgets are hurting. Biden has plans to use federal funds to incentivize states to adopt gun control schemes. These bribery plans are already listed. I would not be surprised to see this tactic used in other areas as an alternative to federal gun control legislation.


Incentivize state “extreme risk” laws. Extreme risk laws, also called “red flag” laws, enable family members or law enforcement officials to temporarily remove an individual’s access to firearms when that individual is in crisis and poses a danger to themselves or others. Biden will incentivize the adoption of these laws by giving states funds to implement them. And, he’ll direct the U.S. Department of Justice to issue best practices and offer technical assistance to states interested in enacting an extreme risk law.

Give states incentives to set up gun licensing programs. Biden will enact legislation to give states and local governments grants to require individuals to obtain a license prior to purchasing a gun.

Adequately fund the background check system. President Obama and Vice President Biden expanded incentives for states to submit records of prohibited persons into the background checks system. As president, Biden will continue to prioritize that funding and ensure that the FBI is adequately funded to accurately and efficiently handle the NICS system.

Isn't there something richly ironic and oxymoronic about using DoJ and "best practices" in the same sentence?

01-10-21, 12:28
“Ruining it” for the fudds is the only silver lining to all this.

You can likely imagine me silently weeping that he was unable to find his beloved #4 copper-plated buckshot. :cool:

01-10-21, 12:41
They've made it known they will be going after the PLCAA. They will try and destroy the manufacturers of both guns and ammo. Go right for the root of the hated monster.

just a scout
01-10-21, 17:28
And they're going after the NRA


Warp, you're going to owe me money

01-10-21, 18:10
And they're going after the NRA


Warp, you're going to owe me money

How many calibers (cartridges) do you think they will ban possession of?

What would you guess the "buyback" price of currently owned ammo will be? Or will it just be a forfeiture situation?

01-10-21, 18:38
Unless the filibuster is removed, and it won’t be, none will pass the Senate.

60 votes are needed that aren’t there. Working oneself needlessly into a tizzy over the next few years is bad for your health.

This is before the most beloved President in history, judging from popular vote numbers, gets assassinated and they have to go along with it. Yeah that's a lot tin foily and I have been reading Bracken again.

just a scout
01-10-21, 19:17
How many calibers (cartridges) do you think they will ban possession of?

What would you guess the "buyback" price of currently owned ammo will be? Or will it just be a forfeiture situation?

What buyback? You can’t have this, comrade. It’s too dangerous. This is only for police.

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08-08-21, 21:06
So that's a yes on the $100 wager? You say we will get a ban on possession of (I'll take any at all as I lost) a caliber (cartridge) that is currently completely legal in the next 2 years. I say we won't. $100 cash money. You're in yes?

I’ll take that

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Don't mind me, just making sure this doesn't fall into an archive or inactive limbo or something.

Only 7 months down, got a little ways to go yet to make my benjamin

08-09-21, 15:44
Keep your mind on your money and your money on your mind.

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just a scout
08-09-21, 18:14
Don't mind me, just making sure this doesn't fall into an archive or inactive limbo or something.

Only 7 months down, got a little ways to go yet to make my benjamin


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

08-09-21, 18:38
I have enough control already, I use both hands. LOL

01-03-22, 16:22
So that's a yes on the $100 wager? You say we will get a ban on possession of (I'll take any at all as I lost) a caliber (cartridge) that is currently completely legal in the next 2 years. I say we won't. $100 cash money. You're in yes?

I’ll take that

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

1 year down, 1 to go

01-03-22, 18:15
1 year down, 1 to go

Paradoxically, if the GOP gets the Senate but not the House, the issue of gun control gets higher probability. Those RINOs can't help themselves to do 'something' when the MSM screams about the latest crazy person doing something crazy.

SCOTUS is our only real opportunity to get the CCW, Magazine restrictions and Semi-auto bans that we want. And then it will take 5 years for the courts to finally stop fighting it and take down the BS laws.

01-03-22, 19:18
Gun control is always more likely when Republicans are the tie-breakers. They can vote for it, but later say they didn’t write the bills and had to vote on them as they were.

The Supreme Court will do nothing but say that whatever the government did legal and constitutional.

01-03-22, 19:22
Gun control is always more likely when Republicans are the tie-breakers. They can vote for it, but later say they didn’t write the bills and had to vote on them as they were.

The Supreme Court will do nothing but say that whatever the government did legal and constitutional.

In 2013 the democrats held a majority in the senate and couldn’t even get gun control passed in that senate, post Sandyhook.

01-03-22, 21:47
In 2013 the democrats held a majority in the senate and couldn’t even get gun control passed in that senate, post Sandyhook.

That doesn't mean they didn't try real hard TWICE and came real close on the second "late night" sneak attack attempt when NRA A+ member Harry Reid flipped.

Let's also not forget that a Republican majority CONGRESS under a Republic President DID successfully renew the Clinton Assault Weapon ban a week before the sunset in 2004 when they voted to amend it to a Larry Craig industry protection bill. Had Larry Craig NOT decided to kill his own bill due to the poison pill amendment NOBODY here would own a 6920 and it would have been a forever law without a sunset clause. I still remember watching that go down LIVE on CSpan and freaking the f out thinking it was all over with.

We've stood at the brink more than a few times even if 95% of gun owners didn't even realize it happened.

Given the current administration, it is no time to act complacent. In 88 everyone was "can't happen, won't happen" until it happened in 1989 and rather than admit they were wrong they sang a new song called "So what? there are still HKs and AKs EVERYWHERE...you can buy a Polytech right now for $550 and a HK91 right now for $650...the Bush law won't matter." And it was true, hell you could still buy pre 86 conversion machine guns affordably in 1989...but eventually it wasn't so true.

1994 Clinton Ban kicked off the first genuine panic buy in earnest and drove the prices of everything through the roof. By 1999 HK 91s were fetching $1,200 which was unheard of at the time.

01-03-22, 23:15
Listen to Steyr, people. They're gonna do a Full Court Press looking for ANY weakness, ANY area we leave un- or under-defended, and they're gonna push on it like the Germans in the Battle of the Bulge.

No matter how small any given little probe may seem, we HAVE to fight each and every one like we're the third monkey in line to board the Ark and it's startin' to rain...

01-04-22, 00:53
The Dems would rather have the issue election after election rather than actually pass anything. It's the RINO's that kill us.

01-04-22, 03:51
The Dems would rather have the issue election after election rather than actually pass anything. It's the RINO's that kill us.

The Dems will take it anytime they can get it, anything they can get. Especially if they are looking like shit right now, they'd love the headline "FINALLY passed common sense gun control despite Republican opposition." That helps them in elections to come because the truth is what Twatter and Fackbook say they are. You won't be able to argue with them about how the actual law is meaningless, about how feature bans don't prevent crime or any of that shit.

Up is down, hot is cold, and evil is now good. We have arrived at a time when we are no longer simply advocating for minorities and practicing a preferred racism...we now have white people being told it is wrong to be white because whites are always wrong, always racists, always harmful and given that the last thing we need access to is firearms.

They can actually call it the US Citizen Protection Bill because it protects the citizens of the US from the "always wrong, always dangerous" actions of white people, especially if they have firearms.

They like to say muslims are the new black people, not really, white people are the new muslims. Which is of course complete BS because most white folks have been asking for EQUALITY for a long damn time. But equality means everyone gets the same fair chance and right now the DNC is advocating for preference.

01-04-22, 06:40
I legit LOL'd.

Yeah so likely 7 days after approval

01-04-22, 08:28
The Dems would rather have the issue election after election rather than actually pass anything. It's the RINO's that kill us.

I think we need to carefully assess our opponents and the terrain ahead. I say we are past “the Dems” and past “the libs” and into the time of the progressive/socialist/communist.

We are in the break everything part of the revolution. Normal politics are not going to predict what comes next.

01-04-22, 08:58
Not giving a 🖕 👿 🖕 ALREADY HERE!!!

01-04-22, 09:01
Elections DO NOT matter when they're rigged.

"As long as I count the Votes, what are you going to do about it? say?" — attributed to William M. “Boss” Tweed in Thomas Nast cartoon, October 7, 1871.

01-04-22, 09:08
I think we need to carefully assess our opponents and the terrain ahead. I say we are past “the Dems” and past “the libs” and into the time of the progressive/socialist/communist.

We are in the break everything part of the revolution. Normal politics are not going to predict what comes next.

It's not like we haven't seen this playbook before. Go read the Report of the Chilean National Commission on Truth and


If you want to understand how communists work and how they can be beaten, the blue print is there. It has been for a long time.

But, the "good conservatives" might have to get their hands dirty.....crushing communist insurgencies isn't for sissies or done according to the Rules of Land Warfare etc...The moral high ground in these fights is the mound you make when after kneeling next to the grave you've just dug when you get shot in the back of the head and the commies dump you in it.

01-04-22, 09:39
I don't give a damn, about what laws the Marxist pass.

My guns aren't going any where.

01-04-22, 11:02
So this thread began almost a year to the day and what has transpired in that time? Anything of significance? Not that I recall. The problem with the 'gun community' is that besides being obviously divided into tacticool types, fudds, bubbas, regular guys, etc. is that it's not a community or cohesive group at all. I have nothing in common with the 'tact out' bozos, ghetto thugs, bubbas, I see at a local LGS range or even in training classes. Hell, most of the 'top tier' (whatever that means) instructors never so much as commented whenever egregious legislation was proposed or enacted, most shill whatever product company 'xyz' gives them, be it pistols, holsters, pants, belts, ammo, their own label, whatever. Also, perhaps most individuals should start thinking like criminals rather than the dudley do right law abiding types that gets trampled by whatever bullshit propaganda/law/mandate the .gov decides to enact on ones private property. Rant over. Loading the rods and kayak and going fishing.

01-04-22, 12:00
Let me be blunt, the Nazis started gun control, look how it ended for my people.

USSR started gun control and despite huge Jewish support for the revolution,( hoping for equality) Stalin actually murdered more Jews than Hitler. But it was done not because they were Jews like with the Nazis it was just because Stalin was insane.

01-04-22, 12:47
Federal action is dead. Local is the way to go lately for them. Denver is getting 'Ghost Gun' law soon it looks like. They also changed the state law to allow cities and even 'tax zones' to do their own gun laws, leading to the possibility of Balkanized gun laws literally almost block by block.

01-04-22, 16:50
Land of the Free and home of the Brave, LOL !!!

01-04-22, 17:39
So this thread began almost a year to the day and what has transpired in that time? Anything of significance? Not that I recall. The problem with the 'gun community' is that besides being obviously divided into tacticool types, fudds, bubbas, regular guys, etc. is that it's not a community or cohesive group at all. I have nothing in common with the 'tact out' bozos, ghetto thugs, bubbas, I see at a local LGS range or even in training classes. Hell, most of the 'top tier' (whatever that means) instructors never so much as commented whenever egregious legislation was proposed or enacted, most shill whatever product company 'xyz' gives them, be it pistols, holsters, pants, belts, ammo, their own label, whatever. Also, perhaps most individuals should start thinking like criminals rather than the dudley do right law abiding types that gets trampled by whatever bullshit propaganda/law/mandate the .gov decides to enact on ones private property. Rant over. Loading the rods and kayak and going fishing.

Thanks for setting us straight new guy...

01-04-22, 17:57
Thanks for setting us straight new guy...

While I don't disagree, that is a tad uncharacteristically aggressive for you.. :)

01-04-22, 19:20
Thanks for setting us straight new guy...

Just ranting friend, as some are want to do, and many have done on occasion.

01-04-22, 21:53
While I don't disagree, that is a tad uncharacteristically aggressive for you.. :)

I blame Canadians who demand we buy .50 rifles. That last guy really f'ed my mojo up and now I'm rolling all hostile and fragging new guys.

01-04-22, 22:45
Let me be blunt, the Nazis started gun control, look how it ended for my people.

USSR started gun control and despite huge Jewish support for the revolution,( hoping for equality) Stalin actually murdered more Jews than Hitler. But it was done not because they were Jews like with the Nazis it was just because Stalin was insane.

They actually staged a false flag plot to assassinate Stalin, implicating his doctors, who just happened to be Jewish, insinuating that it was a Jewish conspiracy. They then used that as a pretext to purge Jews throughout the Soviet Union. It was a premeditated holocaust from day one, with the goal of exterminating the Jewish Soviet intelligentsia.

01-04-22, 23:50
They actually staged a false flag plot to assassinate Stalin, implicating his doctors, who just happened to be Jewish, insinuating that it was a Jewish conspiracy. They then used that as a pretext to purge Jews throughout the Soviet Union. It was a premeditated holocaust from day one, with the goal of exterminating the Jewish Soviet intelligentsia.

Get that info to Bitchute stat. :sarcastic:

01-05-22, 07:23
I had a discussion with a couple pro-2nd guys who talked but when I really ran it down for them they admitted they won't fight.

Two of them said as long as they were free to practice Christianity they would remain peaceful.

They had me fired up.


01-05-22, 07:25
I had a discussion with a couple pro-2nd guys who talked but when I really ran it down for them they admitted they won't fight.

Two of them said as long as they were free to practice Christianity they would remain peaceful.

They had me fired up.


Yea...I hear you...I don't understand how people like that don't understand that by the time you do care about something, it's too late.

01-05-22, 08:02
They actually staged a false flag plot to assassinate Stalin, implicating his doctors, who just happened to be Jewish, insinuating that it was a Jewish conspiracy. They then used that as a pretext to purge Jews throughout the Soviet Union. It was a premeditated holocaust from day one, with the goal of exterminating the Jewish Soviet intelligentsia.

Partially correct.

The doctors show trial did in fact happen. Post that we know that Stalin did in fact make a plan for mass murder of Soviet Jews, but he had a fatal heart attack like days before he was going to start acting on his plan.

But the real purge came throughout the reign of Stalin, due to his paranoia. When Stalin took over in the NKVD officer corp, it was 93% Jews, by 1939 IIRC it was down to single digits. The difference between the Nazis who targeted people for being Jewish, Gypsy etc. Stalin did not engage in targeted by race in his purge, it was driven by your position in the military or NKVD. He did however target other groups for being part of that group the biggest and most famous were the kulaks .

01-05-22, 20:40
Partially correct.

The doctors show trial did in fact happen. Post that we know that Stalin did in fact make a plan for mass murder of Soviet Jews, but he had a fatal heart attack like days before he was going to start acting on his plan.

But the real purge came throughout the reign of Stalin, due to his paranoia. When Stalin took over in the NKVD officer corp, it was 93% Jews, by 1939 IIRC it was down to single digits. The difference between the Nazis who targeted people for being Jewish, Gypsy etc. Stalin did not engage in targeted by race in his purge, it was driven by your position in the military or NKVD. He did however target other groups for being part of that group the biggest and most famous were the kulaks .

Yep, basically if you were a threat to Stalin, that was it for you. He even put Zhukov out to pasture after winning the war for him. Worst thing you could be around Stalin was educated, professional, responsible, accountable or any kind of self motivator. Best bet was to assume anything good was actually Stalins plan all along and to thank him repeatedly for saving your collective asses.

01-07-22, 18:49
when I really ran it down for them they admitted they won't fight.

Almost all gun owners are this way. No surprise, really. Talking tough in the YouTube comments section is as far as they’ll ever go.

Behold 2020, where Marxist mobs savagely assaulted peace officers and torched entire cities all summer. No one anywhere did anything, apart from a lone, 17-year old boy, whom the state propaganda machine desperately sought to crucify.

Gun owners did nothing from the assassination of President Kennedy to the passage of the “Patriot” Act, the NDAA, and the creation of the Potomac Green Zone following a stolen election and everything in between. These are the best indicators of what they’ll do going forward: nothing.

People in this country are comfortable and they prefer to remain that way, the costs and consequences be damned. Policymakers are very well aware of it.

01-07-22, 21:05
Almost all gun owners are this way. No surprise, really. Talking tough in the YouTube comments section is as far as they’ll ever go.

Behold 2020, where Marxist mobs savagely assaulted peace officers and torched entire cities all summer. No one anywhere did anything, apart from a lone, 17-year old boy, whom the state propaganda machine desperately sought to crucify.

Gun owners did nothing from the assassination of President Kennedy to the passage of the “Patriot” Act, the NDAA, and the creation of the Potomac Green Zone following a stolen election and everything in between. These are the best indicators of what they’ll do going forward: nothing.

People in this country are comfortable and they prefer to remain that way, the costs and consequences be damned. Policymakers are very well aware of it.

Hell even entire police departments won't fight anymore. They vacated. If the cops aren't gonna hold the line, people probably aren't until the mob is on their front lawn.

Most gun owners thought the Patriot Act was a good thing because it came with an "R."

01-09-22, 22:37
The sky is not falling nothing will get passed the senate. Yawn.

01-09-22, 22:47
The sky is not falling nothing will get passed the senate. Yawn.

Don't rule out Executive Orders and Regulatory Rulemaking... "I have a pen and a phone and if Congress won't act I will." Remember that?

01-09-22, 22:49
Hell even entire police departments won't fight anymore. They vacated. If the cops aren't gonna hold the line, people probably aren't until the mob is on their front lawn.

Most gun owners thought the Patriot Act was a good thing because it came with an "R."

Most "gun owners" are Fudds who only think about their Bambi-blasters and frankly come off like they still eat library paste. Us folks who are "switched on," while a growing number, still have a lot of catch-up numbers to put on the board.

01-09-22, 23:36
Don't rule out Executive Orders and Regulatory Rulemaking... "I have a pen and a phone and if Congress won't act I will." Remember that?

Executive orders can only go so far. Still not worried

01-10-22, 01:02
Most "gun owners" are Fudds who only think about their Bambi-blasters and frankly come off like they still eat library paste. Us folks who are "switched on," while a growing number, still have a lot of catch-up numbers to put on the board.

To me most FUDDs are like France. They don't matter, they are way over there and I don't expect them to be any help whatsoever. But by the same token, don't think "all FUDDs are this" because then we discount potential allies, even if only 5% of hunters are actually fighters...it's still 5%. Also just because somebody has an AR-15 and a tac vest full of Pmags doesn't mean they'll be a fighter.

Won't know who is who until the shooting starts. On our side I expect we will have some cops (current and former), some military (current and former), some hunters, some airsoft guys who graduated to the real thing, some LARPers who finally stopped playing games and got serious and other misc. types.

As potential enemies I expect to see some cops (current and former), some military (current and former), some hunters, some airsoft guys who graduated to the real thing, some LARPers who finally stopped playing games and got serious and other misc. types.

Everyone brings a potential skill set. At least most hunters understand stalking, tracking and have actually shot and killed something. Some hunters are better than other hunters when it comes to being decent human beings.

And if and when the shooting starts, that's when the teams really get formed. Fred might have strictly been a Trap guy with no interest at all in AR-15s, but if "they" kill his family related to an incident, Fred the "Trap guy" might be worth having on your team. These are all things to consider, hopefully none of us will ever seen anything like this actually come to pass.

But it doesn't hurt to think about it and have prepared answers just in case.

01-10-22, 08:30
Most "gun owners" are Fudds who only think about their Bambi-blasters and frankly come off like they still eat library paste. Us folks who are "switched on," while a growing number, still have a lot of catch-up numbers to put on the board.Just curious what your data source is for your declaration?

If you prefaced your statement with something like "my sense is" to indicate it's conjecture it would be fine. But to make a declarative statement of fact? No, I'm going to ask for a data source to backup that declaration.

This would be like me "saying most British sailing ship captains were inept".

As a data/history guy you would call me out, because there's no data set that would support that conjecture. You could try to interpret something maybe based on battle records but it still a generalism that would be very hard to defend.

Since you freely admit that you have not shot the ARs you have built, I question if you're really around mainstream shooters. I do know there are some personal circumstances that make it hard for you, and also know you live in an area that is not AR friendly. But I also know other people who live and have lived in that area that still got out and shot.

I personally believe that your declaration is not accurate, and that is based on knowing shooters and many states, including some up north.

Please don't consider this an attack, you seem like a nice guy. I think I'm a nice guy. I just don't think we should be making super broad declarative statements without some kind of data to back it up.

Do I believe that every firearm owner will magically coalesce into an effective minutemen force? Clearly not. But I do believe there is a bright line that if crossed more than a few % would dig in. Including some who only own Bambi blasters.

Remember: all generalisms are false (except this one) :)

01-10-22, 17:16
Don't rule out Executive Orders and Regulatory Rulemaking... "I have a pen and a phone and if Congress won't act I will." Remember that?

People have been screeaching about executive orders since "Obama doesn't have to worry about reelection now!"

The 2A community is absolutely loaded with tin foil hat, paranoid chicken littles who say things like 5.56 will be illegal to possess by 2023.

Yeah, sure, the Democrats ban what they can when they can and there is always that threat, but, the chicken littles need a little dose of reality from time to time

01-10-22, 17:45
Just curious what your data source is for your declaration?

If you prefaced your statement with something like "my sense is" to indicate it's conjecture it would be fine. But to make a declarative statement of fact? No, I'm going to ask for a data source to backup that declaration.

This would be like me "saying most British sailing ship captains were inept".

As a data/history guy you would call me out, because there's no data set that would support that conjecture. You could try to interpret something maybe based on battle records but it still a generalism that would be very hard to defend.

Since you freely admit that you have not shot the ARs you have built, I question if you're really around mainstream shooters. I do know there are some personal circumstances that make it hard for you, and also know you live in an area that is not AR friendly. But I also know other people who live and have lived in that area that still got out and shot.

I personally believe that your declaration is not accurate, and that is based on knowing shooters and many states, including some up north.

Please don't consider this an attack, you seem like a nice guy. I think I'm a nice guy. I just don't think we should be making super broad declarative statements without some kind of data to back it up.

Do I believe that every firearm owner will magically coalesce into an effective minutemen force? Clearly not. But I do believe there is a bright line that if crossed more than a few % would dig in. Including some who only own Bambi blasters.

Remember: all generalisms are false (except this one) :)

Fair point, that IS just my general sense, based on observational data at least on the culture of gun-ownership here in the Northwest and how many here would rather sit and bitch on internet message boards than take ONE DAY to give testimony on a bill or attend a rally, or so much as whip out the checkbook and throw in even the cost of a Barfsucks Crappycino towards legal challenges. "But bah GAWD Ah got muh bolt-akshun an' muh deer tag, and ain't nobody gonna take muh raaaght to kill Bambi away from me so screw you icky murdergun AR/pistol freaks..."*snort* Just for the record, it's safe to assume that if I DON'T cite empirical data or refer to a source I'm probably working strictly on own perceptions.

01-10-22, 18:31
Fair point, that IS just my general sense, based on observational data at least on the culture of gun-ownership here in the Northwest and how many here would rather sit and bitch on internet message boards than take ONE DAY to give testimony on a bill or attend a rally, or so much as whip out the checkbook and throw in even the cost of a Barfsucks Crappycino towards legal challenges. "But bah GAWD Ah got muh bolt-akshun an' muh deer tag, and ain't nobody gonna take muh raaaght to kill Bambi away from me so screw you icky murdergun AR/pistol freaks..."*snort* Just for the record, it's safe to assume that if I DON'T cite empirical data or refer to a source I'm probably working strictly on own perceptions.And also to be fair I have run into people that I would certainly put in that same bucket as your assessment.

But I also know people who only own one Bambi blaster that I could guarantee you would start shooting if encroached upon and are better at living and moving in the woods than anyone I know.

Literally one guy lives in the North Georgia mountains in a rundown trailer with tarps on the roof, wood heat, water from a creek and he lives off of venison in canned goods. Propane fridge / freezer, with some overflow storage in a family member's freezer for venison.

I'm guessing he gets a little bit of disability or welfare one enough to buy canned goods.

Not saying he's super Rambo, but just pointing out that someone used to living a pretty rugged life in the woods with a modern scoped bolt action and a very strong suspicion of flatlanders and equally strong desire just to be left alone would be pretty disposed to action and have the capability to make things difficult for an interloper. But more likely he just fade away.

Some might would consider him a bubba a deer hunter, I put him in a different bucket. (Bubba's are more middle-South Georgia anyway.)

01-10-22, 18:41
And also to be fair I have run into people that I would certainly put in that same bucket as your assessment.

But I also know people who only own one Bambi blaster that I could guarantee you would start shooting if encroached upon and are better at living and moving in the woods than anyone I know.

Literally one guy lives in the North Georgia mountains in a rundown trailer with tarps on the roof, wood heat, water from a creek and he lives off of venison in canned goods. Propane fridge / freezer, with some overflow storage in a family member's freezer for venison.

I'm guessing he gets a little bit of disability or welfare one enough to buy canned goods.

Not saying he's super Rambo, but just pointing out that someone used to living a pretty rugged life in the woods with a modern scoped bolt action and a very strong suspicion of flatlanders and equally strong desire just to be left alone would be pretty disposed to action and have the capability to make things difficult for an interloper. But more likely he just fade away.

Some might would consider him a bubba a deer hunter, I put him in a different bucket. (Bubba's are more middle-South Georgia anyway.)
Excellent point; the kind I refer to is the suburban "Wannabe Redneck," equivalent to the Texas-ism I once heard while visiting about "the deeper the drawl the farther north they moved here from." Admittedly, maybe some of it is training-scars from that kind infesting the range where I shot in college, which I knew were far from genuine country-folk like the guy you cite and the crap went way down toward both me/my ex and my occasional classmate guests when the cops at the other end of the line invited me to come over there and start training with them.

There's also my deep-seated cynicism toward how Dems will abuse power at every opportunity from having been educated by them alongside their own children and being taught their sordid bag of tricks firsthand--things that I wish I could UNlearn and forget I ever knew. (Middle Age Gripe: Why can't my failing memory lose the things I WISH it would?)

01-10-22, 18:51
State and local, not federal.
State and local, not federal.
State and local, not federal.

06-14-22, 21:53
So that's a yes on the $100 wager? You say we will get a ban on possession of (I'll take any at all as I lost) a caliber (cartridge) that is currently completely legal in the next 2 years. I say we won't. $100 cash money. You're in yes?

I’ll take that

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


Not something we will have to worry about.

But if we did, it would work exactly like that. They would ban 5.56x45 but not .223 Rem, and ban 7.62x51 but not .308 Win. And appeasing the fudds like that is the strategy I would take for sure if that was my game

1.5 years down, 0.5 to go.

Just don't want to lose track of this. ;)

06-14-22, 22:57
Well, I couldn't care less what illegal legislation they pass! Political jack wads can eat a d!ck, as far as I'm concerned.
Once you study enough history, and know what always eventually happens to a disarmed populous.....American's would be foolish to comply with any of it!
"Shall Not Be Infringed" is pretty absolute.

06-14-22, 23:53
Anymore, I have nothing to add to what Charlton Heston said May 20, 2000...so get on with it.

06-14-22, 23:59
Well, I couldn't care less what illegal legislation they pass! Political jack wads can eat a d!ck, as far as I'm concerned.
Once you study enough history, and know what always eventually happens to a disarmed populous.....American's would be foolish to comply with any of it!
"Shall Not Be Infringed" is pretty absolute.


I’ll take “**** your insidious/inept laws, I’ll do as I please” for $800, Alex.

At some point enough people will wake up and realize that freedom is simple- you just do you. Mass disobedience, always works in the long run.

If enough people don’t comply, forced compliance is moot.

06-15-22, 10:02
If anything, we've learned the last few months how "red flag" laws will play out.


06-15-22, 14:05
Anymore, I have nothing to add to what Charlton Heston said May 20, 2000...so get on with it.

What did he say?

06-15-22, 16:16
The sky is not falling nothing will get passed the senate. Yawn.

I hope this ages well for our sake.

06-15-22, 19:27
More ignoring of demtards & their emotive shenanigans on the way!


06-15-22, 19:42
Enough already with gun law this/that/ and assorted socialist left wing bullshit.

06-15-22, 20:40
I hope this ages well for our sake.
I still don’t see any bans coming for now. Red flag laws sure and honestly we need some. But no bans on guns or ammo

06-15-22, 21:10
More ignoring of demtards & their emotive shenanigans on the way!



06-16-22, 07:41
I still don’t see any bans coming for now. Red flag laws sure and honestly we need some. But no bans on guns or ammo


But then red flag laws were the goal with this all along. Gun control is just the distraction.

Don't need gun control laws when you can target your political enemies or anybody to speaks up too loudly

06-16-22, 07:59
It’s truly troubling how few people understand the insidious and criminal nature of red flag laws.

It’s like no one understands history and no one understand due process…

Reg flag ERPO laws are absolutely counter to the idea of a god given right to self defense and the RKBA.

Wake the fvck up.

06-16-22, 08:46

But then red flag laws were the goal with this all along. Gun control is just the distraction.

Don't need gun control laws when you can target your political enemies or anybody to speaks up too loudly

Crazy people should not have guns. The mental health crisis is what’s responsible for mass shootings not guns.

06-16-22, 08:50
It’s truly troubling how few people understand the insidious and criminal nature of red flag laws.

It’s like no one understands history and no one understand due process…

Reg flag ERPO laws are absolutely counter to the idea of a god given right to self defense and the RKBA.

Wake the fvck up.
God given? Sorry don’t believe in things like the Easter bunny and Santa. We do need ways to keep those that are an obvious threat to themselves and others from having weapons. We also need to put people back in mental institutions. Reagan closed most institutions for the mentally ill and those people became homeless or commits crimes and went to jail. Now the jails let them out with little to no time served. Enough is enough and I don’t want to lose my rights over the actions of a mentally deranged person.

06-16-22, 08:59
Giving away your rights in order to preserve your rights sure seems like a losing proposition.

Sent from my SM-G990U using Tapatalk

06-16-22, 09:10
Giving away your rights in order to preserve your rights sure seems like a losing proposition.

Sent from my SM-G990U using Tapatalk
I am not mentally I’ll so wouldn’t be giving up rights. We have a huge gap in our system right now when it comes to the mentally I’ll and if it’s not addressed we will lose our rights.

06-16-22, 09:19
Crazy people should not have guns. The mental health crisis is what’s responsible for mass shootings not guns.

The problem is WHO determined what “crazy” is. Under current red flag laws, anyone for any reason without even being named to the accused can make that determination and have no repercussions for false accusations. Due process out the window…

A bigger problem is laws currently on the books not even being enforced. You want more laws that don’t allow for due process and that’s the answer?

Guns aren’t the only tool for crazy people to do harm with.

Will you also support legislation for red flag laws to keep the crazy’s from purchasing gasoline and bic lighters? How about renting a moving van?

06-16-22, 09:20
God given? Sorry don’t believe in things like the Easter bunny and Santa. We do need ways to keep those that are an obvious threat to themselves and others from having weapons. We also need to put people back in mental institutions. Reagan closed most institutions for the mentally ill and those people became homeless or commits crimes and went to jail. Now the jails let them out with little to no time served. Enough is enough and I don’t want to lose my rights over the actions of a mentally deranged person.

Believe or don’t believe in whatever you please. My right to defend myself with the tool I see as proper is not your or anyone else’s permission to grant me. Period.

I do agree we need better mental care in this country. I’d end the war on drugs today and divert that money to metal health and fighting addiction- it would absolutely help more than fueling the fires of the cartels and the massive glut of $ that goes to hundreds of alphabet agencies, but folks like you would be losing funds for your departments that you won’t let go of and won’t admit the massive failures of the WOD, so we will keep spiraling out of control on both fronts.

Plus, we live in an age where it isn’t even considered crazy to pretend you’re a woman when you have a penis and male chromosomes and if you question the authority of the state on anything and stand up for what is right you may just get targeted by said alphabet agencies and your life seriously fvcked with.

06-16-22, 09:25
The problem is WHO determined what “crazy” is. Under current red flag laws, anyone for any reason without even being named to the accused can make that determination and have no repercussions for false accusations. Due process out the window…

A bigger problem is laws currently on the books not even being enforced. You want more laws that don’t allow for due process and that’s the answer?

Guns aren’t the only tool for crazy people to do harm with.

Will you also support legislation for red flag laws to keep the crazy’s from purchasing gasoline and bic lighters? How about renting a moving van?

And if you allow the militantly-leftist American Psych Association or its members to make that determination, ANYONE who has or wants a gun is crazy and dangerous and needs disarming.

The MINIMUM Red Flag proposal I could agree to is a two-party hearing where the accused has a chance to defend themselves and the burden is on the accuser at Beyond Reasonable Doubt standard to show them a danger--and if they're that dangerous they need to be institutionalized. Anything less protective of the individual's rights than that, shove it up your shitpipe 'til it knocks out your teeth.

06-16-22, 09:26
Not all red flag laws are written the same. They can be well written or poorly. That we will have input on through the legislation process. Also nothing is absolute. You live in a country where the the laws can be changed through legislation or the courts. Breaking them comes with consequences. Talk is cheap most are not going to turn to violence over this issue. People have too much to lose. Also such talk makes us look crazy and further diminishes public support for gun rights.

06-16-22, 09:27
I am not mentally I’ll so wouldn’t be giving up rights. We have a huge gap in our system right now when it comes to the mentally I’ll and if it’s not addressed we will lose our rights.

So to save our rights we must give them up? I’ve heard that story before. It’s the storyline of every tyrant in history. Just do X and give up X so we can keep you “safe”.

It’s bullshit and always makes things worse, not better! See history, it is replete with examples.

06-16-22, 09:28
Not gun control, ammo control.


06-16-22, 11:51
So to save our rights we must give them up? I’ve heard that story before. It’s the storyline of every tyrant in history. Just do X and give up X so we can keep you “safe”.

It’s bullshit and always makes things worse, not better! See history, it is replete with examples.

See how the atheist cop takes a dump on the constitution? Your rights aren't inalienable, they're given by men, and you know the rest. And you know we must seem reasonable to people that are in the middle...due process...that's just an impediment to reasonableness. You really think this cop is on our side?

06-16-22, 11:55
Not gun control, ammo control.


That won't effect a thing if the government cuts off that supply, there are many more commercial suppliers that will pick up the extra demand.
As far as new gun laws, more gun laws won't stop the gun violence because criminals don't follow any laws. That's the reason they are criminals.
The problem with the mass shootings is they don't lock up the insane anymore, they let them out in the public supposedly under medical treatment. But no one is there to make sure they stay on their meds.
I believe in giving the mentality challenged a chance, but if we catch them in public off their meds one time, lock them up.
Red flag laws can too easily be misused.

06-16-22, 12:40
That won't effect a thing if the government cuts off that supply, there are many more commercial suppliers that will pick up the extra demand.
As far as new gun laws, more gun laws won't stop the gun violence because criminals don't follow any laws. That's the reason they are criminals.
The problem with the mass shootings is they don't lock up the insane anymore, they let them out in the public supposedly under medical treatment. But no one is there to make sure they stay on their meds.
I believe in giving the mentality challenged a chance, but if we catch them in public off their meds one time, lock them up.
Red flag laws can too easily be misused.

Really? Manufacturers can't keep up right now, thus .50-1.00 for a round of .223. If 30% is truly taken out of the market, that's billions of rounds. You will feel it at the check out.

06-16-22, 13:15
And I’d assume that Lake City is the lowest cost manufacturer, so them being off the market will increase prices- outside of the reduction in supply.

06-16-22, 13:21
Not all red flag laws are written the same. They can be well written or poorly. That we will have input on through the legislation process. Also nothing is absolute. You live in a country where the the laws can be changed through legislation or the courts. Breaking them comes with consequences. Talk is cheap most are not going to turn to violence over this issue. People have too much to lose. Also such talk makes us look crazy and further diminishes public support for gun rights.

"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."

06-16-22, 13:42
I am not mentally I’ll so wouldn’t be giving up rights. We have a huge gap in our system right now when it comes to the mentally I’ll and if it’s not addressed we will lose our rights.

That's what they all say.

06-16-22, 13:50
That's what they all say.

His word against a clinician? Dude, if you believe your word beats a Lefty quack with a Psych degree in these things you really ARE whack.

06-16-22, 15:29
Really? Manufacturers can't keep up right now, thus .50-1.00 for a round of .223. If 30% is truly taken out of the market, that's billions of rounds. You will feel it at the check out.

How long do you suppose it will take for the follow on limit/ban on imported ammo?

06-16-22, 15:31
How long do you suppose it will take for the follow on limit/ban on imported ammo?

No doubt IWI, Sellier & Bellot and Norma targeted first--I see why Norma has been building facilities here.

06-16-22, 15:52
How long do you suppose it will take for the follow on limit/ban on imported ammo?

They're probably working on it as we type.

06-17-22, 06:01
Not gun control, ammo control.


Looks like its green tip and ss109. So xm193 will still be cheap.

06-17-22, 07:10
Crazy people should not have guns. The mental health crisis is what’s responsible for mass shootings not guns.

I am not mentally I’ll so wouldn’t be giving up rights. We have a huge gap in our system right now when it comes to the mentally I’ll and if it’s not addressed we will lose our rights.

Until they declare you a crazy person with mental health issues, and then you have to prove that you aren't to get your rights back. Good luck proving your sanity, especially when the definition of crazy is in the hands of the people who want you disarmed. Congrats, you played yourself. And, of course, most Red Flag laws would have little to no impact on most of the folks that conduct mass shootings because of the failure of the system to actually do its damn job.

Not gun control, ammo control.


Good thing I mostly buy .308 these days. Won't affect me! (Sarcasm)

Wondered how long it would be before they did something like this. Surprised they simply didn't ban companies with government contracts from selling to the public. Get LC, Winchester, Sig, etc all out of the picture.

06-17-22, 08:08
So, if Lake City/Winchester has to abandon the additional income that money will have to be made up by increasing the cost to the military for ammo.


I got skidmarks in my undies that are smarter than this guy.

06-17-22, 08:21
God given? Sorry don’t believe in things like the Easter bunny and Santa.

There are many people who are not religious that simply prefer to say “natural Rights”, but you would rather take a shot at religion. Or even more disturbing, you don’t believe intrinsic Rights exist.

06-17-22, 08:43
There are many people who are not religious that simply prefer to say “natural Rights”, but you would rather take a shot at religion. Or even more disturbing, you don’t believe intrinsic Rights exist.

He doesn’t believe in inalienable rights.

He also believes that the constitution is a “living document” that should be “changed at will to reflect the times”.

06-17-22, 08:54
Wondered how long it would be before they did something like this. Surprised they simply didn't ban companies with government contracts from selling to the public. Get LC, Winchester, Sig, etc all out of the picture.

Those companies couldn’t survive on gov contracts alone.

I wish gun companies would go the other way. Cancel gov contracts when the gov restricts their products to the civilian market.

06-17-22, 09:38
Crazy people should not have guns. The mental health crisis is what’s responsible for mass shootings not guns.

It's not the mental health crisis. The people doing this aren't suffering from stress disorders, depression, or even psychotic disorders. Those disorders may be responsible for suicides, fights, domestic violence, and substance use, but not mass murders. These aren't a bunch of people who have simply snapped and lost their grip on reality. These are evil people. They are people with antisocial personality disorder; psychopaths. They are, for lack of a better word, "sane" and their actions are completely intentional and done knowing, and enjoying, how horrific they are. They have no conscience, they see others as prey, and they delight in the suffering of others. They believe they are entitled to anything they want, and that they have the right violently punish anyone, including society as a whole, for displeasing them. Their disorder can't be cured in therapy or in an asylum. There's only two places for a person with ASD: Dead or in prison.

We encourage antisocial behavior in our society these days. The media and academia tell people, especially young people, that they are entitled to whatever they want. They tell them that the world has wronged them and owes them compensation and also needs to be punished for its oppression. They tell them that every value we have in society, including "don't murder" "don't steal" and "don't lie" are, at best, not absolute and, at worst, wrong. Whenever there's a shooting, everybody BUT the shooter gets blamed. What do they say about him? He probably had a reason and we shouldn't judge him.

Until we start teaching some basic moral absolutes again, and are able to actually call things "right" and "wrong", we're going to have this chaos.

06-17-22, 10:12

06-17-22, 13:51
It's not the mental health crisis. The people doing this aren't suffering from stress disorders, depression, or even psychotic disorders. Those disorders may be responsible for suicides, fights, domestic violence, and substance use, but not mass murders. These aren't a bunch of people who have simply snapped and lost their grip on reality. These are evil people. They are people with antisocial personality disorder; psychopaths. They are, for lack of a better word, "sane" and their actions are completely intentional and done knowing, and enjoying, how horrific they are. They have no conscience, they see others as prey, and they delight in the suffering of others. They believe they are entitled to anything they want, and that they have the right violently punish anyone, including society as a whole, for displeasing them. Their disorder can't be cured in therapy or in an asylum. There's only two places for a person with ASD: Dead or in prison.

We encourage antisocial behavior in our society these days. The media and academia tell people, especially young people, that they are entitled to whatever they want. They tell them that the world has wronged them and owes them compensation and also needs to be punished for its oppression. They tell them that every value we have in society, including "don't murder" "don't steal" and "don't lie" are, at best, not absolute and, at worst, wrong. Whenever there's a shooting, everybody BUT the shooter gets blamed. What do they say about him? He probably had a reason and we shouldn't judge him.

Until we start teaching some basic moral absolutes again, and are able to actually call things "right" and "wrong", we're going to have this chaos.

Ok, so you just described a mental health disorder that exists in the DSM. Also, not all psychopaths find themselves dead (young) or in prison. Many of the more intelligent ones recognize early that they must pretend to play by the rules and end up being CEOs or lawmakers.

PTSD is also seen as a mental health disorder in some circles, so there’s that.

06-17-22, 20:31
Ok, so you just described a mental health disorder that exists in the DSM. Also, not all psychopaths find themselves dead (young) or in prison. Many of the more intelligent ones recognize early that they must pretend to play by the rules and end up being CEOs or lawmakers.

PTSD is also seen as a mental health disorder in some circles, so there’s that.

When people refer to the mental health crisis, they are not usually referring to personality disorders...at least the laypeople who make those statements. The popular view is that these shooters are the result of the asylums being emptied; that these shooters have detached from reality due to psychosis, or snapped from the stress. I'm not denying that personality disorders are not mental health issues; I'm saying that a focus on mental health and building more asylums isn't going to help this problem, because that doesn't usually help those with either antisocial or narcissistic personality disorders.

06-17-22, 22:01
There are many people who are not religious that simply prefer to say “natural Rights”, but you would rather take a shot at religion. Or even more disturbing, you don’t believe intrinsic Rights exist.

The modern day nazis aka liberals can't stand religions, he's no different

06-18-22, 07:32
And here we go dividing ourselves again.

06-18-22, 08:30
And here we go dividing ourselves again.

This is how the left, deep state, swamp, soros et al, are winning. Divide and conquer, the strategy came to fruition with obama and perpetuated since by assorted groups, corporations, i.e. disney, twitter, are the two that come to mind, and others mentioned. The US is irreparably divided along sociopolitical lines, the gun 'community' here being a minor example. Fudds vs tacticool types, robotic law abiding gun owners who will comply with any inane mandate issued so as not to break the law vs individuals who say **** you my weapons are my private property eat a bag of dicks! Criminals don't care, less adhere to gun laws, neither should we, noncompliance, **** off already. Mao disarmed the population, +/- 25 million murdered, hitler/jews you know the result, castro/cuba thousands slaughtered imprisoned, the list goes on. In addition, the massive propaganda and 'coincidental' high number of mass shooting happening recently. A recent incident in Philadelphia was termed a mass shooting despite it being gang v. gang violence. The buffalo supermarket shooter, independent white supremacist, hmmm, I'm sure the fbi wasn't involved in influencing him or having been in close contact with him in the weeks prior to his attack. They were. I digress here a bit, point made.

06-18-22, 20:49
And here we go dividing ourselves again.

Pro control anti-Liberty individuals are not "us" or "ourselves"

06-18-22, 21:24
One thing: a lot of the purchases during the Panic have been

1. Young people
2. Ethnic minorities
3. Women
4. Democrats
5. Californians
6. First time gun owners
7. Self / home defense

The "tent" is getting bigger, and they aren't going to want to retreat.

06-18-22, 21:52
One thing: a lot of the purchases during the Panic have been

1. Young people
2. Ethnic minorities
3. Women
4. Democrats
5. Californians
6. First time gun owners
7. Self / home defense

The "tent" is getting bigger, and they aren't going to want to retreat.

Problem is, few of those are purchasing those evil scary full semi automatic weapons of war (more sarcasm than text can convey, here), and most if not all of them are probably happy to pass "red flag laws" because of this "mental health epidemic" and the untold tens of people killed each year in the media headlined mass shootings

Currently, factory stock handguns that hold 10 rounds and require government permission and registration to purchase as the only firearm you are allowed would probably be just fine with most of that list you provided.

I don't have the solution to that.

12-21-22, 21:40
Bet you $100 cash money no such bill is passed in the next 2 years minimum

So that's a yes on the $100 wager? You say we will get a ban on possession of (I'll take any at all as I lost) a caliber (cartridge) that is currently completely legal in the next 2 years. I say we won't. $100 cash money. You're in yes?

I’ll take that

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Under 3 weeks to go.

Get that Benjamin ready

12-21-22, 23:27
One thing: a lot of the purchases during the Panic have been

1. Young people
2. Ethnic minorities
3. Women
4. Democrats
5. Californians
6. First time gun owners
7. Self / home defense

The "tent" is getting bigger, and they aren't going to want to retreat.A lot of these people are not our friends and not part of our tribe. They do not hold our values, and see guns as a means to an end to achieve theirs. Don't be fooled into thinking we're all on the same team, just because we own some of the same things.

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

12-22-22, 01:32
A lot of these people are not our friends and not part of our tribe. They do not hold our values, and see guns as a means to an end to achieve theirs. Don't be fooled into thinking we're all on the same team, just because we own some of the same things.

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

Hell some of the people on "our side" ain't even on "our side."

I think anyone who utters or posts the phrase "I'm pro second amendment BUT" should be fined $100 per instance and it should go immediately the the GOA, the Cato Institute or The Second Amendment Foundation.

12-22-22, 02:56
Hell some of the people on "our side" ain't even on "our side."

I think anyone who utters or posts the phrase "I'm pro second amendment BUT" should be fined $100 per instance and it should go immediately the the GOA, the Cato Institute or The Second Amendment Foundation.

We've got fools here in Oregon that voted for BM-114 because "they got their stuff and it will help fight crime" I want to to just crush their ****ing heads.

12-22-22, 08:46
A semi necro thread resurrected on a sensitive subject :-)
One just gets bored or nauseated regarding all these nonsensical laws "to fight gun violence' or "fight crime" or my favorite tripe "for the children" enough with this garbage, do not comply.
An associate used a term, LAGO (unsure of origin) law abiding gun owner, with the same disdain as the term FUDD, a compliant wanker who eventually will lose everything due to compliance.

12-22-22, 10:18
Hell some of the people on "our side" ain't even on "our side."

I think anyone who utters or posts the phrase "I'm pro second amendment BUT" should be fined $100 per instance and it should go immediately the the GOA, the Cato Institute or The Second Amendment Foundation.This. Its absolutely maddening.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

12-22-22, 10:35
That is as dumb as 114. I hate the I’ve got mine crowd. I’m curious if 114 dies at the State court if the Federal Suit moves forward. The people in the federal suit would have relief and there would be no point for the suit to move forward. This is so poorly written that I think it had a shot at SCOTUS hearing it because you know Oregon would just keep appealing it up.

12-22-22, 12:00
Hush and AUG nailed it.

Just because someone has a Magpul sticker on their car, or is seen walking out of a gun store, does NOT mean they "get it". There are plenty of armed enemy, now more than ever...and why wouldn't they be? Approach with caution, be careful with your words, and do not blindly trust.

And yes, it has been my own unfortunate experience to learn that even so called members of "our tribe", really are not, when it comes right down to.....certain things.

I've found it's very important to keep this in mind, and be more selective in who I associate with.

12-22-22, 12:58
Hell some of the people on "our side" ain't even on "our side."

I think anyone who utters or posts the phrase "I'm pro second amendment BUT" should be fined $100 per instance and it should go immediately the the GOA, the Cato Institute or The Second Amendment Foundation.

This ^

A lot, and I mean a lot, of gun owners, handgun owners, AR15 style rifle owners, concealed carriers, NRA members, you name it, say

"I support the 2A but"

-Believe Permitless aka Constitutional carry should be illegal (require permit)
-Believe permits that cost money and take months to receive are okay/good
-Believe in gov't mandated training
-Believe all gun sales should go through the fed gov't with record keeping (essentially registration) (aka UBC)
-Are okay with magazine capacity restrictions
-Think people who carry ALL the time are paranoid because they have a crystal ball they will only need it when they know they will need it (but are too stupid to simply avoid the situation)
-Support machine guns being NFA or even illegal
-Support silencers being NFA or even illegal
-Perfectly okay with bump stock ban (see machine guns)

None of those things coexist with a believe in the inalienable Rights and Liberties protected by the Second Amendment. Nor do they agree with real world facts and stats and reality

12-22-22, 18:34
This ^

A lot, and I mean a lot, of gun owners, handgun owners, AR15 style rifle owners, concealed carriers, NRA members, you name it, say

"I support the 2A but"

-Believe Permitless aka Constitutional carry should be illegal (require permit)
-Believe permits that cost money and take months to receive are okay/good
-Believe in gov't mandated training
-Believe all gun sales should go through the fed gov't with record keeping (essentially registration) (aka UBC)
-Are okay with magazine capacity restrictions
-Think people who carry ALL the time are paranoid because they have a crystal ball they will only need it when they know they will need it (but are too stupid to simply avoid the situation)
-Support machine guns being NFA or even illegal
-Support silencers being NFA or even illegal
-Perfectly okay with bump stock ban (see machine guns)

None of those things coexist with a believe in the inalienable Rights and Liberties protected by the Second Amendment. Nor do they agree with real world facts and stats and reality

"Often express themselves by simultaneous display of Gadsden flag and thin blue line flag bumper stickers..."

12-22-22, 19:40
"Often express themselves by simultaneous display of Gadsden flag and thin blue line flag bumper stickers..."

The "We hate all cops" thread is thataway. ------------------------------------------------------->

12-22-22, 20:12
The "We hate all cops" thread is thataway. ------------------------------------------------------->

Nope, just part of the valuing the same rights across the board instead of tiered privileges per group.

12-22-22, 20:53
The "We hate all cops" thread is thataway. ------------------------------------------------------->

Where is the "the police are the ones who come to take your guns and put you in prison" and "it's called a 'police state'" for a reason thread?