View Full Version : sell or keep

01-09-21, 14:16
should i just sell my ar15 and mk18mod0 upper before the communists forcefully take it and i end up with nothing. also will be overseas for a while so i really wont be able to enjoy it. who knows it might become illegal by the time i return to mainland and cant even take them back and cant even sell it.

01-09-21, 14:36

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01-09-21, 14:52
I am not sure if you are being facetious or not but if you are being serious I will ask you a question. Are you serious? If so you aren't serious about your rights. If you are out of country being one of our finest, then what are you fighting over seas for? The constitution? The whims of a dictator? If it is time for people showing up to take your weapons, it may just be time to use it.

01-09-21, 15:01
should i just sell my ar15 and mk18mod0 upper before the communists forcefully take it and i end up with nothing. also will be overseas for a while so i really wont be able to enjoy it. who knows it might become illegal by the time i return to mainland and cant even take them back and cant even sell it.
Well are you a free man or a bitch?

Answer that questions and you'll answer yours.

01-09-21, 15:23
should i just sell my ar15 and mk18mod0 upper before the communists forcefully take it and i end up with nothing. also will be overseas for a while so i really wont be able to enjoy it. who knows it might become illegal by the time i return to mainland and cant even take them back and cant even sell it.
Keep them....you're gonna need them when the Gov. tries to take them! :dance3:


01-09-21, 15:23
should i just sell my ar15 and mk18mod0 upper before the communists forcefully take it and i end up with nothing. also will be overseas for a while so i really wont be able to enjoy it. who knows it might become illegal by the time i return to mainland and cant even take them back and cant even sell it.

IMHO, if you need that question answered for you, then maybe you are not committed to owning any firearms at all. Why ? Because the gun grabbers will not stop with banning AR’s and other semi-auto rifles, all high cap pistols will be included, and they won’t stop there. They eventually want to ban *****ALL***** firearms, in a step, by step , by step plan and eventually get rid of the second amendment altogether. My question to you and everyone else is, how far will you let them push you ? Everyone will have to decide about where they draw the line, or if you just give up and bend over. And this is just about owning firearms in the future, don’t forget their crazy plans for our Country and stealing your money.

01-09-21, 16:01
I’m having an extraordinarily difficult time discerning whether the question is for real or just /sarc.

Sounds like something a bot would post.

01-09-21, 16:29
Come on man!!! You might need it someday. Like before the train ride.

01-09-21, 16:41
I’m having an extraordinarily difficult time discerning whether the question is for real or just /sarc.

Sounds like something a bot would post.

That was exactly my thoughts as well. If and when the gov comes to confiscate is precisely when they are needed.

01-09-21, 16:50
I appreciate the irony of your question...is also post #223 for you...hilarious.

While you're overseas, see if there is a doctor that will give you an Xray of your back. Is the spine there? If not, stay overseas. If so, come back to the...land of the free, home of the brave and all that.

01-09-21, 17:02
The last time the government came for our guns in this country, our forefathers stood their ground on Lexington Green.

The time is coming soon when we will show whether we are their descendants in spirit as well as flesh, or whether time and soft living has caused their courage to run thin in us.

01-09-21, 17:09
No significant gun control will pass the next 4 years.

01-09-21, 17:25
No significant gun control will pass the next 4 years.i hope you are correct Bur what is significant? Wehave be insignificantly losing rights and liberties 1 cut at a time.

01-09-21, 17:45
No significant gun control will pass the next 4 years.

I tend to agree. Though with Georgia f-ing up the Senate, nothing should be ruled out.

VIP3R 237
01-09-21, 18:38
i hope you are correct Bur what is significant? Wehave be insignificantly losing rights and liberties 1 cut at a time.

Death of a thousand cuts. I personally can see some major bills being passed as all we have is a certain democrat WV senator that stands in the way, but we also have Rino Romney who could very much side with Dems on gun control.

I think UBIs (HR 167) and waiting periods for firearms, ammo, and mags (HR 125) will be passing. I also think Registration (HR 127) and firearm storage requirements (HR 130) have a better than good chance.

01-09-21, 19:07
Not this shit again.

If you have to ask, you likely lack the resolve to do with them what the second amendment is for, so go ahead and sell them to someone who will.

01-09-21, 19:08
Sorry, if you have to ask that question, then sell it, because you lack the principles and conviction necessary for ownership.

And please don't come back here until you've examined your own soul and determined you are more than just another bot in the emerging socialist order.

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01-09-21, 20:12
Sorry, if you have to ask that question, then sell it, because you lack the principles and conviction necessary for ownership.

And please don't come back here until you've examined your own soul and determined you are more than just another bot in the emerging socialist order.

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I nominate this post for 2021 POTY (post of the year)


01-09-21, 21:35
Hate to see you miss the party OP

01-09-21, 22:53
Keep it.

"Today we need a nation of minute men; citizens who are not only prepared to take up arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as a basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom. The cause of liberty, the cause of America, cannot succeed with any lesser effort."

"In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility, I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it, and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.

And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own."

"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence" - JFK

01-09-21, 23:15
Are you shitting me? This is ridiculous....yes sell them immediately....then start ridin with Biden

01-10-21, 07:10
Keep it until the gov't buyback starts. You'll get top dollar for it then.

01-10-21, 08:18
Assuming the question is real, you need to sell it or give it to someone who will use it against any mass gun grab. Going to France by chance?

3 AE
01-10-21, 10:44
Posting Rules
1) Derogatory Remarks – Please do not post any comments that are intentional personal attacks against other members. (Including, but not limited to, name calling, comments of a racial, religious or sexual nature.) Debate is welcome and encouraged. Personal attacks, and name calling, serve no purpose in the exchange and debate of good information. Please be respectful to your fellow shooting enthusiasts whether they are new shooters or seasoned veterans.

01-10-21, 11:13
Of course not. I just SBRd a MK18 and it’s the best thing ever. Just picked up a suppressor last week too. Can’t shoot it yet because I’m waiting on the muzzle brake to come in but I imagine a SBRd MK18 is going to be glorious.

Point is, should be buying everything you can right now.

01-10-21, 13:25
should i just sell my ar15 and mk18mod0 upper before the communists forcefully take it and i end up with nothing. also will be overseas for a while so i really wont be able to enjoy it. who knows it might become illegal by the time i return to mainland and cant even take them back and cant even sell it.

Dumbest shit I've ever read. Yes, sell it and take up knitting.

01-10-21, 16:55
My own criteria for sell vs keep:

Is it a POS that you can get top $$$ for from some Fudd right now? Then sell it.

Quality piece that will be expensive and/or difficult to replace? Keep.

Is it an oddball without emotional attachment. Sell

Will it make good barter material in the post apocalypse, zombie filled fantasy land? Make you own call on that;)

Of course depending upon where you are going and with whom you will be associating with, some covert shopping and some questionable shipping practices could put you in pretty good stead upon your return :dirol:

01-10-21, 22:24
should i just sell my ar15 and mk18mod0 upper before the communists forcefully take it and i end up with nothing. also will be overseas for a while so i really wont be able to enjoy it. who knows it might become illegal by the time i return to mainland and cant even take them back and cant even sell it.

you'd of made a great torry

01-11-21, 10:41
should i just sell my ar15 and mk18mod0 upper before the communists forcefully take it and i end up with nothing. also will be overseas for a while so i really wont be able to enjoy it. who knows it might become illegal by the time i return to mainland and cant even take them back and cant even sell it.

How about keep it and don't let them take it.

If EVERY one of us had that attitude, we'd be headed in the right direction.

01-11-21, 14:46
How about keep it and don't let them take it.

If EVERY one of us had that attitude, we'd be headed in the right direction.

I second this.

01-11-21, 19:11
Appreciate the response brothas. From what I read, I need to get my balls and lower-back checked. ��

01-11-21, 21:33
I say sell it if you aren't going to use it. Why keep something you aren't enjoying/using? I know some folks that don't sell firearms, but I'm not one of those folks.

01-11-21, 22:05
I say sell it if you aren't going to use it. Why keep something you aren't enjoying/using? I know some folks that don't sell firearms, but I'm not one of those folks.

There might come a time when you'll have to use it. It's like owning a 50BMG rifle. Most can't afford to shoot it regularly or would want to, but it's still important to have one just in case. One in every home.

01-12-21, 00:12
I'm planning on selling everything I don't "need" for self defense. I think this market is a once in a lifetime opportunity to make some serious coin, and I imagine in the near future we'll be able to buy everything back at bargain prices, just like we did after the Sandy Hook panic.

Another thing to consider is that this panic brought in all kinds of new gun owners who never owned guns before, and after this blows over they probably won't have much reason or desire to continue owning them.

Just my two cents. Could be wrong. Either way, I'll keep what I need and probably be happier not having entire closets full of stuff that I don't.

01-12-21, 08:28
I'm planning on selling everything I don't "need" for self defense. I think this market is a once in a lifetime opportunity to make some serious coin, and I imagine in the near future we'll be able to buy everything back at bargain prices, just like we did after the Sandy Hook panic.

Another thing to consider is that this panic brought in all kinds of new gun owners who never owned guns before, and after this blows over they probably won't have much reason or desire to continue owning them.

Just my two cents. Could be wrong. Either way, I'll keep what I need and probably be happier not having entire closets full of stuff that I don't.

I agree, some things are going for freaking ridiculous money right now. Have you seen what people are getting (actually getting) for Marlin 1895s right now as an example. WTF? Why a 45-70 lever gun of all things? Makes me consider selling my JM stamped thumper. I liked it enough to pay $300 for it years ago but I never really use it. But for the op and his ar? I still say keep that.

01-12-21, 08:34
You should have a second and a third to back it up.

Then again - what is it and how much you want for it?

01-14-21, 07:13
Better to have and not need, than to need and not have...

06-28-21, 08:58
I would keep both. Who knows when you will need your armament: to defend Earth from Aliens and predators or to take part in the local war.

I read from one book https://www.amazon.com/dp/B094NMRWPJ about John Kennedy that he had his own Modello 1891. Second one was used, ironically, to kill him...

06-28-21, 10:23
should i just sell my ar15 and mk18mod0 upper before...


06-28-21, 11:12
fcku the question and fcku the government buy back program.

06-29-21, 16:09
First of all, if you're .mil and have such reservations about .gov why are you part of that vile machine to begin with? Leave, resign, do the bare minimum, contribute nothing. Keep your AR, sell the the upper,get another AR. Have at least two, wtf, get a third, home, vehicle, and spare. What is this selling cowordice nonsense !!!! Geeez.

06-29-21, 20:25
First of all, if you're .mil and have such reservations about .gov why are you part of that vile machine to begin with? Leave, resign, do the bare minimum, contribute nothing. Keep your AR, sell the the upper,get another AR. Have at least two, wtf, get a third, home, vehicle, and spare. What is this selling cowordice nonsense !!!! Geeez.

...for the same reason generals don’t resign with a bad CinC.

Trying to mitigate the damage.

06-29-21, 20:52
Bury it in the backyard with cosmoline

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