View Full Version : F***tard

12-04-08, 04:39

edited title---gotm4

12-04-08, 04:53
Some people are really that religious.

12-04-08, 05:16
That is self-serving, CNN sensationalism to the Nth degree. The graphic account of the witness is completely disrespectful to the families and friends of all who lost a loved one there. Callous journalistic slop...

30 cal slut
12-04-08, 07:10
well, she's a far stronger christian than i'll ever be.

Jay Cunningham
12-04-08, 09:21
Wow - I'll keep my thoughts to myself on this one.

12-04-08, 09:31
It's terrible what happened but I'm not sure where you get that this was a Christian family. Synchronicity is a crystal energy type cult.


The lady's comments remind me of that guy that would go to Alaska every year into the wilderness to commune with the grizzlies right up until one ate him and the woman he had talked into going with him that year.

12-04-08, 09:43
I laughed my balls off at that guy, particularly the part where he tells the bear "I love you!" right before the screaming-in-agony part started.

12-04-08, 09:44
There are certain situations, the severity of which makes forgiveness a dishonorable position, IMO.

That's all I have to say.

12-04-08, 11:48
Forgive? Yes.

Punish? HELL YES!

12-04-08, 12:21
I just think we should forgive EVERYONE in advance of their bad acts. That way criminals and terrorists can kill with an open mind.

12-04-08, 12:28
Here's the problem with her quote - the attackers never repented and didn't show they knew they had done wrong.

You are within your rights to forgive someone who doesn't ask for it and does not repent, but there is no requirement in God's nor man's law to do so.


12-04-08, 12:33
if that gets her through than more power to her ,but I:mad: would want to kill them all

12-04-08, 12:36
Forgive these rancid murdering islamic savages? No. This woman is a complete and total imbecile. Simple solution, locate every family member of these muslim terrorist bastards, kill them them all. Confiscate all their property/assets, if any, and distribute it to the victims families. One terrorist still alive? Get all his friends and family and kill them in front of him, then kill him too. Enough of this BS victim mentality of what did we do to deserve this nonsense. These people want to kill you and yours. There is nothing to discuss, give, or negociate with such scum.

12-04-08, 12:46
God's Peace upon her and all involved. Regardless of what faith, sect, or tradition she practices, her act of forgiveness and courage in going forward is one of the finest examples of what Christ would have us do.

That we don't understand, or necessarily agree, is understandable. We're human.

I'm not sure I'd characterize victims and families as the thread is entitled.

Further, I think this thread could've been titled something a little different and more descriptive. It tells us nothing about the thread topic, nor does it elevate the level of discourse. Seems like such a thing was once against the rules, even obscured.

12-04-08, 13:21
God's Peace upon her and all involved. Regardless of what faith, sect, or tradition she practices, her act of forgiveness and courage in going forward is one of the finest examples of what Christ would have us do.

You've got it exactly right!

Exactly right!

12-04-08, 13:28
Wow - I'll keep my thoughts to myself on this one.

Me Too!

As a Christian, I'm biting my tongue hard on this one.
Really hard.

Don't know how long I can hold out.

It just may be worth getting banned for?

12-04-08, 13:51
Wow, someone needs to learn about reading scripture in it's context...jeeez.

"As Jesus Christ said long ago, they know not what they do."

Personally forgive the terrorists? Sure.
But, in my personal view, the Bible isn't a document for how nations should behave.
We have an obligation to oppose evil.

12-04-08, 14:27
God's Peace upon her and all involved. Regardless of what faith, sect, or tradition she practices, her act of forgiveness and courage in going forward is one of the finest examples of what Christ would have us do.

That we don't understand, or necessarily agree, is understandable. We're human.

I'm not sure I'd characterize victims and families as the thread is entitled.

Further, I think this thread could've been titled something a little different and more descriptive. It tells us nothing about the thread topic, nor does it elevate the level of discourse. Seems like such a thing was once against the rules, even obscured.

+1, most intelligent post on this thread!

12-04-08, 14:44
Further, I think this thread could've been titled something a little different and more descriptive. It tells us nothing about the thread topic, nor does it elevate the level of discourse. Seems like such a thing was once against the rules, even obscured.

Well said. We're all adults here (until proven otherwise in a court of law), but the Something Awful forums are rife with threads labeled F***tard and similar for flamewar purposes.

This is NOT the Something Awful forum, nor need it be treated as such.

Jay Cunningham
12-04-08, 14:55
Everyone, please take a moment to review our site rules:


Heavy Metal
12-04-08, 15:34
Me Too!

As a Christian, I'm biting my tongue hard on this one.
Really hard.

Don't know how long I can hold out.

It just may be worth getting banned for?

I forgive them. I still want them dead but I forgive them.

I can forgive the spirit and not the flesh.

12-04-08, 19:02
DM-SC said:
Forgive? Yes.
Punish? HELL YES!

Actually THAT is the most insightful post in this thread. I’ll explain below.

T3550N said:
Personally forgive the terrorists? Sure.
But, in my personal view, the Bible isn't a document for how nations should behave. We have an obligation to oppose evil.

But you see the Bible is most certainly a document, in fact the very definitive statement about how nations should behave for the law is applicable at every level. The problem is that most people, Christians included and perhaps even more so in this emotionally driven effeminate society we’ve become, don’t distinguish between social and personal responsibilities both which are clearly addressed in the pages of Scripture.

Individuals, Christians at any rate, are required to extend forgiveness for wrongs done against them. The purpose is to prevent the types of festering bitterness and hatred that eat away on the inside and destroy lives. It also serves to draw a distinction between, and places the focus on justice instead of revenge. But that has nothing to do with the matter of civil law. Transgression of the law requires the penalty stipulated by the law. And by the way there are only two penalties given in Scripture—restitution and death. A capital offense requires the capital penalty. If any man sheds man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed. The punishment for murder is death. Civil justice is not abrogated by personal forgiveness. The two are not mutually exclusive but instead are complimentary, each requiring the other.

It is unfortunate that the church has become as sissified and effeminate as the general society. It wasn’t always so. Principled men of the cloth have historically been the first and foremost to take up arms in opposition to evil and tyranny. Modern day pacifist preachers who would excuse evil in the name of God disgust me and bring shame on the God they presume to represent. Modern day Christian do gooders who would turn the murderer loose in the name of God blaspheme God. John Witherspoon was a Christian, a clergyman, a member of the first Continental Congress and a patriot of the revolutionary war. I quote him below.

"There is no soldier so undaunted as the pious man - no army so formidable as those who are superior to the fear of death. There is nothing more awful to think of than that those whose trade is war should ... expose themselves to the imminent danger of being sent to the blaspheming rage and despairing horror of the infernal pit. Let therefore everyone who offers himself as a champion in his country's cause be persuaded to reverence the name and walk in the fear of the Prince of the kings of the earth and then he may with the most unshaken firmness expect God's protection either in victory or death."

Do we have a responsiblity to oppose evil wherever it raises its ugly head? You bet we do. Break into my house and threaten my family and I’ll find it in me to forgive you. But if I have my gun in hand I’ll also blow your head off. There is no conflict between the two.

12-04-08, 21:24
Thank You!

And welcome to the forum.

12-04-08, 22:06
I cannot believe you guys are serious about 'forgiving' these worthless vermin....

12-05-08, 03:30
Feelings of revenge and hate have a potential to destroy you in the long run. In our culture the only alternative is forgeiveness- at least that is what many good people think.
Maybe we should learn from the samurai who realized that negative emotions only distract and held to their buddhist believes- but with a twist. The enemy was never seen with hate but as ones greatest master as he tought them how good they were in handling bad emotions. Of course that didn`t stopp them from splitting the enemy in two... ... twithout any negative emotion... ;)

12-05-08, 07:37
the following note needs to be repeated, copied and posted on every forum that caters to liberals, Muslimes and blacks...., even Mulatto's

Forgive these rancid murdering islamic savages? No. This woman is a complete and total imbecile. Simple solution, locate every family member of these muslim terrorist bastards, kill them them all. Confiscate all their property/assets, if any, and distribute it to the victims families. One terrorist still alive? Get all his friends and family and kill them in front of him, then kill him too. Enough of this BS victim mentality of what did we do to deserve this nonsense. These people want to kill you and yours. There is nothing to discuss, give, or negociate with such scum.

12-05-08, 09:42
the following note needs to be repeated, copied and posted on every forum that caters to liberals, Muslimes and blacks...., even Mulatto's

You know the left already caricature freedom loving individuals as stupid, narrow minded, bigoted red necks who cling to their guns and religion. When the liberals and fascists are calling for stripping the bill of rights from the constitution they use idiotic statments like yours and the one you quoted to justify their cause. You make their case for them. Whose side are you on?

Thanks for all your help.

Jay Cunningham
12-05-08, 09:46
This thread is quite finished.