View Full Version : ND ... while doing the nasty

30 cal slut
12-04-08, 08:43
hmm. i'll never think of "money shot" in the same way again.


Man Says Wife Was Accidentally Shot During Sex
Man Says Gun Went Off Accidentally

POSTED: 2:30 pm EST December 3, 2008
UPDATED: 6:35 pm EST December 3, 2008

SPRINGFIELD, Ohio -- A Tri-State woman is in critical condition Wednesday after police say her husband shot her while they were having sex.

Timothy Havens, 38, told Springfield police he was reaching for something on the nightstand when the pistol went off, hitting his estranged wife Carolyn in the upper chest. (Hear part of the 911 call)

Carolyn Havens, 42, is being treated at Miami Valley Hospital in Dayton.

This is isn't the first time there's been trouble for the Havens. Court documents showed Timothy served 60 days in jail for assaulting his wife and was ordered to go to anger management classes.

His arrest Tuesday for the weekend shooting was for violating a civil protection order that Carolyn had taken out against him earlier this year.

Bond was set at $75,000 after prosecutors asked for a high bond, "due to alleged prohibited contact between the parties (and) the suspicious nature of the circumstances surrounding (her injury)."

12-04-08, 09:33
And they just had to be from my state. *head desk*

BTW doesn't estranged generally mean you aren't doing the two backed mambo?

12-04-08, 09:38
Looks like she got banged twice in one night.:D

12-04-08, 10:59
The fact that she is the "estranged" wife or that he was convicted of Domestic Violence against her not seem a little strange!

Im not a detective, but that to me is a little to coincidental.


Left Sig
12-04-08, 11:08
Seems more likely that he was sexually assaulting her at gunpoint. Either there was a struggle, or he pulled the trigger unintentionally and shot her in the face. No, not that kind of shot.

Then he panicked because he didn't want to kill her, called police and made up the story.

Or maybe it was her gun and she grabbed it from the nightstand to protect herself, they struggled over it, and she got shot.

Either way, she isn't going to be talking for a while...

12-04-08, 11:11
Seems more likely that he was sexually assaulting her at gunpoint. Either there was a struggle, or he pulled the trigger unintentionally and shot her in the face. No, not that kind of shot.

Then he panicked because he didn't want to kill her, called police and made up the story.

Or maybe it was her gun and she grabbed it from the nightstand to protect herself, they struggled over it, and she got shot.


12-04-08, 15:06
Isn't that a variation of the "snuffing" theme? where the ultimate orgasm is achieved by discharging a handgun simultaneously in the female.

Sorry moderators, delete if it's too graphic.

12-04-08, 20:02
Or, as happens all to often, a woman gets a protection order 'because a lawyer told her too' or because she was 'mad at him' and then 6 months laters misses f*cking him and calls him over.

Or it was a sexual assault at gunpoint!