View Full Version : Second Amendment sanctuary

01-25-21, 09:09
Lots of States introducing bills about this. This is only going to gain momentum, taking guns away may not be as easy as they thought. Many States even blue ones like New Jersey have counties declaring this also. Texas has a bill introduced taking a novel approach, it states that since Texas joined the Union in 1845 only the federal laws in effect at that time apply. Interesting times indeed, I see a Tenth Amendment rebellion brewing not just about gun laws.

Also Mississippi and 8 other States are looking at forming a compact, I notice news stories on this are disappearing so big brother must be worried.

Governor Abbott Declares Texas a ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary’

Arizona Moving Toward Second Amendment Sanctuary Statusb

Oklahoma Senator Wants to Make State a Second Amendment Sanctuary

Tennessee House passes Second Amendment sanctuary resolution

01-25-21, 09:13
That's kind of what I was referring to in the other thread: what we are seeing is certain areas and states pushing back, and a good place to start is refusing to enforce certain Federal laws (even ones that have not been passed yet).

Hell, it isn't new.....look at all the states that've been doing it for years regarding weed.

01-25-21, 09:30
Right I didn't want this to get buried in the other thread but it should really be about the Tenth Amendment also, not so much Texas because it has little Federal lands but Western States might choose to ignore restrictive oil and gas bans.

01-25-21, 09:55
Right I didn't want this to get buried in the other thread but it should really be about the Tenth Amendment also, not so much Texas because it has little Federal lands but Western States might choose to ignore restrictive oil and gas bans.

I have the feeling this might be the only way to off set the removal of Federal funding.
At this point I think ignoring Biden, Harris and all the rest might be the safest bet. Let them deal with the chess board from that perspective where many Governor reject their policies and go about Business as usual.

01-25-21, 09:57
I hope to be in Idaho by the 3rd week of April. It's a sanctuary state. Isn't a lot of this going to depend on the county sheriffs and what they will and won't do?

01-25-21, 10:12
The county sheriffs will bend to the will of the people of their county or they will be gone. What this will boil down to is the States not recognizing new restrictive Federal laws and if they want them enforced they will have to do so. And they can expect a hostile workplace if they try and do so. The Federal countermove will be to cut Federal funding, then what happens will be interesting, I can think of several things the Free States can do to counteract this since they produce most of the food and energy. Right now the demcoms are living a wetdream and can't restrain themselves, they better wake up soon or they will turn up the heat too fast and the frogs will jump out of the water.

01-25-21, 10:26
Call me cynical, I am afraid it's all a paper tiger. I'd love to be wrong. I'd like to see the local government stand up for their people. But I'll believe it when I see it.

01-25-21, 10:34
I'll bet PA passes it, but Philthy & Pittsburgh refuse to recognize it.

Ditto NC, vis-a-vis Charlotte & Raleigh.

01-25-21, 10:55
Call me cynical, I am afraid it's all a paper tiger. I'd love to be wrong. I'd like to see the local government stand up for their people. But I'll believe it when I see it.

Well given you come from a state that elected Romney I can understand your misgiving. But half the people in this country are pissed off at what happened and is happening and most of those that are for it are concentrated in relativity few densely populated areas. Look the USA was hijacked, the vast majority of the people know it was hijacked, some are all for it but most aren't, the demcoms think they are in for an easy ride but I happen to think they are mistaken but time will tell.

Mauser KAR98K
01-25-21, 11:01
What these bills need to add is that if your state has magazine or firearm manufacturers, federal law does not apply and can sell in state only, or through the state compact that Mississippi is proposing.

01-25-21, 11:08
While I don’t agree with your posts on many occasions, clearly we are on the same page as it relates to the 2nd Amendment. Your arrival here in my home state of Idaho will help offset the steady influx of Blue state turds streaming in that are intent on bringing with them what they created in the places they are escaping from.

And, Idaho actually went more “red” this past election.

I hope to be in Idaho by the 3rd week of April. It's a sanctuary state. Isn't a lot of this going to depend on the county sheriffs and what they will and won't do?

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01-25-21, 11:22
While I don’t agree with your posts on many occasions, clearly we are on the same page as it relates to the 2nd Amendment. Your arrival here in my home state of Idaho will help offset the steady influx of Blue state turds streaming in that are intent on bringing with them what they created in the places they are escaping from.

And, Idaho actually went more “red” this past election.

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Well, I'm certainly glad you don't consider me a turd. Hopefully I can spend some of my free gov't money on guns and ammo(????) when I get there.

01-25-21, 13:27
Viva la Dixie.

It’s interesting times for sure. I am starting to think we are headed for a Balkanization/Hunger Games situation.

01-25-21, 13:41
For something like this to work, you'd need equal protection and application of the law from your local flatfoot all the way up to the state high court. Otherwise you get one cranky cop that doesn't like your t-shirt arresting your ass and ruining your life, and the prosecutor is more than happy to go along, but your buddy down the street with a big house has a mini gun mounted technical and lives his life just fine without hassle.

01-25-21, 15:24
glad to see TN sanctuary passed house. hopefully it becomes law.
however, i was disappointed to read in the article that we need the same "semi automatic" firearms the military has. obviously, some of our reps haven't read the constitution close enough.

01-25-21, 22:21
For something like this to work, you'd need equal protection and application of the law from your local flatfoot all the way up to the state high court. Otherwise you get one cranky cop that doesn't like your t-shirt arresting your ass and ruining your life, and the prosecutor is more than happy to go along, but your buddy down the street with a big house has a mini gun mounted technical and lives his life just fine without hassle.

Follow the Money,
The Cop and the Prosecutor in a State going broke, in order to feed themselves well at the trough will go along, just like the County Sherriff.
Here's what I see. POTUS say's "Texas give up your guns." Governor say's "Aww hell no." 2nd free zone, States join in.
.Gov funds are cut and the governor say's "Start the Pump Jacks and begin controlling access to Texas by air, land and sea."
Biden isn't prepared for that. That is declaring Civil War if he moves forward and a lot of States will join Texas, then you will have States like Illinois divest themselves from Chicago's control and those farmers will throw the yoke.
Socialism is ugly, but they were warned, free hard working people don't want to see their kids go hungry.

This is exactly why boot legging worked and why these guys better throttle back on the Marx and Lenin.
They can get all sassy if they want to, but who grows the crops, pulls the oil out the ground and does the heavy lifting?

01-25-21, 22:44
While I don’t agree with your posts on many occasions, clearly we are on the same page as it relates to the 2nd Amendment. Your arrival here in my home state of Idaho will help offset the steady influx of Blue state turds streaming in that are intent on bringing with them what they created in the places they are escaping from.

And, Idaho actually went more “red” this past election.

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Montana went full red, and it’s been purple at best for a long time. But state wise we took everything. We need to keep this up and be involved at the local level

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01-26-21, 09:29
Montana went full red, and it’s been purple at best for a long time. But state wise we took everything. We need to keep this up and be involved at the local level

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Time to release your inner democrat and cancel those who don't get with the program.

01-26-21, 18:53
Sanctuary "laws" or "executive orders" or "whatevers" arent worth the paper they are written on IMO.

If the Fed decides it is going to go into an area and enforce a federal law, it's going to do it. The Fed's just wont get any help from the local's...at best and straight obstruction in other cases...

Be that guns, weed, immigration, etc...

01-26-21, 19:04
If the State law states the new Federal law is unconstitutional and the Feds try and enforce it then State and local LE might step up. I would like to see more of this:


I think more than a few State LE despise the Feds and if they had political cover would love to stick it to them.

01-26-21, 19:22
The county sheriffs will bend to the will of the people of their county or they will be gone. What this will boil down to is the States not recognizing new restrictive Federal laws and if they want them enforced they will have to do so. And they can expect a hostile workplace if they try and do so. The Federal countermove will be to cut Federal funding, then what happens will be interesting, I can think of several things the Free States can do to counteract this since they produce most of the food and energy. Right now the demcoms are living a wetdream and can't restrain themselves, they better wake up soon or they will turn up the heat too fast and the frogs will jump out of the water.

What!? You mean LE leaders are actually beholden to the people they police? No way!

