View Full Version : Defense secretary will order military-wide stand down to address extremism

02-03-21, 21:19
Not really sure what a military wide stand down entails but sounds like the "vetting" of NG in DC was only the begging. Hope everyone in the military is ready for political officers.


Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin will direct a military-wide stand down to address extremism within the ranks he told top military leaders in a meeting Wednesday, according to his top spokesman.

02-03-21, 21:52
including the creation of a new position within the department's inspector general’s office — the deputy inspector general for diversity and inclusion and supremacist, extremism and criminal gang activity. Congress also charged the inspector general with establishing a “mechanism to track and report” extremist or gang activity in the military.

Despite the attention that military-linked individuals have received for participating in the Capitol riot, Pentagon leaders still don’t have much sense of how many of its force hold extremist views.

And I thought we were supposed to learn from history as to not repeat ! Guess the left is doing it to repeat and get away with it this time :)

Socialists are the same under our gov as they were in WWII it seems

02-03-21, 22:01
That "stand-down" will amount to thousands of Army Captains giving a pre-authorized, scripted speech and power point to the Company instead of a normal duty day. It was the same in the past regarding regarding sexual assault "stand-down" speeches and female soldiers.

Lloyd Austin is going to catch a lot of lip on this, but he's been part of that system for a while. I had a chance to see that D.C. Cabal up close and personal when I was assigned for a period of time to Fort Meade, and temporary duty at the Pentagon. Once an Army Officer reaches Lieutenant Colonel on up, and you're in that environment, you're in-the-loop for after retirement big money jobs as advisors, heads of think tanks, and other organizations. I saw it. It was a good-ol-boy clique and network. After Lloyd Austin retired, he joined the board of Raytheon, a government contractor who's products I am familiar with and used. This is nothing new. To Austin's defense, he rose to 4-Star General and did well as a Black Man in the US. He's not stupid, and he figured out how to play the game and win.

02-03-21, 22:39
The purges will continue until "real communism" is victorious!

That "stand-down" will amount to thousands of Army Captains giving a pre-authorized, scripted speech and power point to the Company instead of a normal duty day. It was the same in the past regarding regarding sexual assault "stand-down" speeches and female soldiers.

I hope you're right. And given you have about a million times more Army experience than I do, you probably are. But it's still troubling given the current political situation.

02-03-21, 23:17
The purges will continue until "real communism" is victorious!

I hope you're right. And given you have about a million times more Army experience than I do, you probably are. But it's still troubling given the current political situation.

That’s exactly what it’ll be, though you seem relieved by it. What were you thinking it was?

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02-03-21, 23:50
You got to give it to the left. They don’t **** around. Using the National Guard as a praetorian guard and prop at the coronation. The whole equity versus equality sham. For decades they’ve been pushing the “right wing extremism“ even as all the damage was done by leftist organizations. And now they’re going to purge the military Soviet style. Trump never had the balls to do any of the this stuff.

This is the kind of stuff you can do when the fix is in with the media. When you can call a mostly peaceful demonstration that gets out of hand like the dozens of times the left has done all over the country and in DC, and get away with calling it a “insurrection“.

02-04-21, 02:27
The Big guy looks intimidated, kind of shocked.
Well after all it is a white guy with a gun...
In Camouflage.

If the big guy has to shut down the shop and have a "Stand-Down" to talk to you about being an "Extremist" is he the guy for the job? I ask because clearly there is an issue of trust here.
The Military is a microcosm of the United States and a little bit of almost everybody is in the mix, generally for such a diverse group we worked well together, dont mess with the mix.

02-04-21, 05:24
Of course this applies to ALL forms of "extremism", like being BLM or Antifa supporters too, right?


02-04-21, 06:03
Well if they start throwing people out of the army for political reasons I’m sure having a bunch of resentful dudes with military training, a score to settle, and “extremist” leanings won’t come back to haunt them at all.

Of course that could also play right into the “plan”. Unlike all the jokes about Trump and his “4D chess”, I actually do think the Left is quite skilled at strategizing and playing the long game from multiple angles.

02-04-21, 06:10
I need to read some Russian history and see how this parallels to what is going on in the U.S.

02-04-21, 06:15
I need to read some Russian history and see how this parallels to what is going on in the U.S.

You might find that they purged the General Officers first and Obama has already done that.
The next step is the Russians had no Generals with much experience, when called on for a Second World War. It took an enormous amount of cannon fodder as the Learning curve without practical training is pretty steep.
Let hope we don't have to put up with that next.

02-04-21, 06:45
Now its being called an "Assassination Attempt"

This is going to suck donkey balls for the Servicemembers, especially the white male, non-LGBTGIF Servicemembers.

I had the bad fortune to sit through some poorly facililitated EO "discussions" early in my career and was in Tradoc when the Drill Sgts and Officers in a training unit got caught banging female recruits. This stand-down is going to be 100% worse.

It is also going to roll back 50+ years of work that has resulted in one if the most racially diverse and equitable organizations in the U.S.A.

I am curious who will have the first transgender E-9 and O-5.

I am also curious how much action will be taken by the new IG Political Officer against gangs. Gangs are far more dangerous to Servicemembers and civilians of color than "extremists".


02-04-21, 08:13
It seems some here have some military experience. The weeding out of neo-Nazis, KKK and skinhead types has been around quite a while. When I first went in, you processed thru AFEES (Armed Forces Entrance Examination Station). Now it's called MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station). If you were sporting a tattoo with a Swastika or some racist B.S, you were finished - done. Now communication is more sophisticated and goes beyond ink symbols under the skin. Now it's online social media and seen by millions. Posts and pictures of questionable content gets viewed, saved, cataloged and used for actions including legal and criminal.

Take it a step in a different direction. Most States have websites which allow you to plug in only the name and date of birth for someone, and you can see their voter registration. I see a purge happening in current employment if the H.R. people see a Republican registration, or it could be one of the screening aspects of potential employment.

02-04-21, 08:36
It seems some here have some military experience. The weeding out of neo-Nazis, KKK and skinhead types has been around quite a while. When I first went in, you processed thru AFEES (Armed Forces Entrance Examination Station). Now it's called MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station). If you were sporting a tattoo with a Swastika or some racist B.S, you were finished - done. Now communication is more sophisticated and goes beyond ink symbols under the skin. Now it's online social media and seen by millions. Posts and pictures of questionable content gets viewed, saved, cataloged and used for actions including legal and criminal.

Take it a step in a different direction. Most States have websites which allow you to plug in only the name and date of birth for someone, and you can see their voter registration. I see a purge happening in current employment if the H.R. people see a Republican registration, or it could be one of the screening aspects of potential employment.Problem is the definition of "white supremacist" has changed! It's anyone not in line with the agenda. Those Redditors that bumped up GameStop stock were called "white supremacists" by MSM

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02-04-21, 08:41
Problem is the definition of "white supremacist" has changed! It's anyone not in line with the agenda. Those Redditors that bumped up GameStop stock were called "white supremacists" by MSM

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I know a Senior NCO was relieved for something he posted when he a SPC-4 on Facebook. Whoever made the complaint had to dig pretty hard to find it it was something he reposted from someone else.

02-04-21, 09:00
I wonder if they will consider Nation of Islam members as extremists. It's a religion, so I wonder how that factors in.

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02-04-21, 09:14
Is this article from the Bee?


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02-04-21, 09:15
Well if they start throwing people out of the army for political reasons I’m sure having a bunch of resentful dudes with military training, a score to settle, and “extremist” leanings won’t come back to haunt them at all.

Of course that could also play right into the “plan”. Unlike all the jokes about Trump and his “4D chess”, I actually do think the Left is quite skilled at strategizing and playing the long game from multiple angles.

I agree but would add that the left is also second to none for overplaying their hand, talking only to those who agree with them and thinking that everybody agrees with them.

02-04-21, 09:20
Problem is the definition of "white supremacist" has changed! It's anyone not in line with the agenda. Those Redditors that bumped up GameStop stock were called "white supremacists" by MSM

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

Yes, it isn't a great leap to imagine that republican will equal "white supremacist" some time in the near future. The left has been working hard on making political disagreements a criminal offense.

02-04-21, 09:39
That "stand-down" will amount to thousands of Army Captains giving a pre-authorized, scripted speech and power point to the Company instead of a normal duty day. It was the same in the past regarding regarding sexual assault "stand-down" speeches and female soldiers.

Lloyd Austin is going to catch a lot of lip on this, but he's been part of that system for a while. I had a chance to see that D.C. Cabal up close and personal when I was assigned for a period of time to Fort Meade, and temporary duty at the Pentagon. Once an Army Officer reaches Lieutenant Colonel on up, and you're in that environment, you're in-the-loop for after retirement big money jobs as advisors, heads of think tanks, and other organizations. I saw it. It was a good-ol-boy clique and network. After Lloyd Austin retired, he joined the board of Raytheon, a government contractor who's products I am familiar with and used. This is nothing new. To Austin's defense, he rose to 4-Star General and did well as a Black Man in the US. He's not stupid, and he figured out how to play the game and win.

The problem is that being conservative and Republican is synonymous with 'right wing extremist' and that is equated with racism, sexism and all the bad isms. That is what I see as the problem.

02-04-21, 09:54
Yes, it isn't a great leap to imagine that republican will equal "white supremacist" some time in the near future. The left has been working hard on making political disagreements a criminal offense.It's already there. Ben Shapiro has been called a white supremacist and a neo Nazis. Just after the inauguration there was an attempt to explain all the none white Trump voters by MSM. And they came up with........drum roll.........WHITE SUPREMACISTS!!! Yep all the black, brown and none white people who voted for Trump are in fact white supremacists!!

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

02-04-21, 10:01
The problem is that being conservative and Republican is synonymous with 'right wing extremist' and that is equated with racism, sexism and all the bad isms. That is what I see as the problem.

It's already there. Ben Shapiro has been called a white supremacist and a neo Nazis. Just after the inauguration there was an attempt to explain all the none white Trump voters by MSM. And they came up with........drum roll.........WHITE SUPREMACISTS!!! Yep all the black, brown and none white people who voted for Trump are in fact white supremacists!!

Then this fits with Alinsky. We've been identified, then we have to be isolated, marginalized and then destroyed. It's a systematic process. The isolation and marginalization comes with loss of jobs, benefits, and a social shunning. When does the eventual violence begin? Maybe we've seen the infant stages of it when mobs show up at your house in the middle of the night, shining lights in your windows or banging on your front door.

Alinsky, Orwell, Rand, etc. How prophetic some of these writings were......

02-04-21, 10:07
This, sadly, only reinforces my position that if I had children "of military age" that expressed an interest in any Mil/First Responder profession beyond volunteering in Neighborhood Watch, I would do my damnedest to advise them that the world has changed and they should seek other opportunities until it changes for the better.

Alex V
02-04-21, 10:24
Reminds me of when my Grandfather was forced out of the Kiev-Oblast prosecutor's office during Stalin's purges for being a Jew.

02-04-21, 10:33
I really think some folks are being baited here. This seems to me just like the DoD mandated "stand downs" the military has done for mental health, sexual assault, racial integration, and all kinds of other issues.

A lot of prominent media figures made a big issues of the fact that there were veterans and even some active duty folks involved in 6 January. A big part of that narrative was to make the masses afraid of the military--I know I talked to some otherwise smart people that that based on the news coverage legit believed that there was going to be be a problem with the military in the new administration. Doing something like this is a good way for the DoD to send the strategic message that they are doing something about nutjobs in the ranks. I personally believe that public faith in the military is a critical resource, and anything that works to support that is good.

And who knows, maybe they'll root out some idiots that don't deserve to where the uniform. At a minimum, it's another down day and will give Lt's a chance to practice their powerpoint skills.

02-04-21, 10:51
Reminds me of when my Grandfather was forced out of the Kiev-Oblast prosecutor's office during Stalin's purges for being a Jew.

Calm down, don’t you know that wasn’t real socialism??

02-04-21, 11:05
I really think some folks are being baited here. This seems to me just like the DoD mandated "stand downs" the military has done for mental health, sexual assault, racial integration, and all kinds of other issues.

A lot of prominent media figures made a big issues of the fact that there were veterans and even some active duty folks involved in 6 January. A big part of that narrative was to make the masses afraid of the military--I know I talked to some otherwise smart people that that based on the news coverage legit believed that there was going to be be a problem with the military in the new administration. Doing something like this is a good way for the DoD to send the strategic message that they are doing something about nutjobs in the ranks. I personally believe that public faith in the military is a critical resource, and anything that works to support that is good.
And who knows, maybe they'll root out some idiots that don't deserve to where the uniform. At a minimum, it's another down day and will give Lt's a chance to practice their powerpoint skills.

Well taking a day off to contemplate White Supremacy certainly doesn't make those things go away.
Unit Cohesion is built by working together to achieve complex tasks in my opinion. Outside of deployment completing some impossible tasks, setting goals and working together builds mutual trust and brotherhood.
I was talking to my Son this morning and we were discussing me having to leave a Class A's inspection to take him home for fighting in school. While attempting to get the story and try and understand the circumstances, the Principal told me "There is never and excuse for violence." I explained to her that if there wasn't a reason for violence, I would be out of a job. In her defense this was pre-9/11.
This was where the discussion went to me explaining to him what a momentous task it was to be a Single Parent E-7, but that he was mine and my responsibility and that I would be damned before I would allow another Man to raise my Son.
Man I love my Son.

02-04-21, 11:35
I really think some folks are being baited here. This seems to me just like the DoD mandated "stand downs" the military has done for mental health, sexual assault, racial integration, and all kinds of other issues.

A lot of prominent media figures made a big issues of the fact that there were veterans and even some active duty folks involved in 6 January. A big part of that narrative was to make the masses afraid of the military--I know I talked to some otherwise smart people that that based on the news coverage legit believed that there was going to be be a problem with the military in the new administration. Doing something like this is a good way for the DoD to send the strategic message that they are doing something about nutjobs in the ranks. I personally believe that public faith in the military is a critical resource, and anything that works to support that is good.

And who knows, maybe they'll root out some idiots that don't deserve to where the uniform. At a minimum, it's another down day and will give Lt's a chance to practice their powerpoint skills.

Of course you mean ALL idiots, right? Like BLM supporters and Antifa douches too.....or are they untouchable? 'Cause this one-way bullshit ain't gonna cut it.

Alex V
02-04-21, 11:38
Calm down, don’t you know that wasn’t real socialism??


02-04-21, 11:45
I really think some folks are being baited here. This seems to me just like the DoD mandated "stand downs" the military has done for mental health, sexual assault, racial integration, and all kinds of other issues.

A lot of prominent media figures made a big issues of the fact that there were veterans and even some active duty folks involved in 6 January. A big part of that narrative was to make the masses afraid of the military--I know I talked to some otherwise smart people that that based on the news coverage legit believed that there was going to be be a problem with the military in the new administration. Doing something like this is a good way for the DoD to send the strategic message that they are doing something about nutjobs in the ranks. I personally believe that public faith in the military is a critical resource, and anything that works to support that is good.

And who knows, maybe they'll root out some idiots that don't deserve to where the uniform. At a minimum, it's another down day and will give Lt's a chance to practice their powerpoint skills.

I think that you are missing the point that to the mainstream press and govt, there is no difference between the GOP and white supremacists, and definitely no difference between Trump supporters and WS. And this put Trump supporters at the same level as rapists. I agree, the functional affect in the MIL isn't much, but what they are doing is slowly building it up so that white Christian is generally accepted as unacceptable.

ETA: DId the openly avowed Socialist that graduated from West Point get fragged or made an Admiral yet?

02-04-21, 11:47
I need to read some Russian history and see how this parallels to what is going on in the U.S.

I was thinking the same thing. I don't know much about the WHite vs the Red, though I think the purges are more apropos.

02-04-21, 12:26
You might find that they purged the General Officers first and Obama has already done that.
The next step is the Russians had no Generals with much experience, when called on for a Second World War. It took an enormous amount of cannon fodder as the Learning curve without practical training is pretty steep.
Let hope we don't have to put up with that next.

Well, it sure would solve the problem of joining the mil for certain groups who shall remain nameless becoming more of a socio-political statement than a duty...

I also gotta admire the optimism of folks here.
All the stuff that's happened in the last year, let alone last 3 months, and people are still like "nah, it'll just be a powerpoint thing and then we'll get on with life..."

02-04-21, 13:38
Well, it sure would solve the problem of joining the mil for certain groups who shall remain nameless becoming more of a socio-political statement than a duty...

I also gotta admire the optimism of folks here.
All the stuff that's happened in the last year, let alone last 3 months, and people are still like "nah, it'll just be a powerpoint thing and then we'll get on with life..."
For more than two decades, I was in the Army. Rank & File soldiers just want to learn a trade, do the job, get paid, then get out with some benefits for college, etc. Some holding out for that 20 year retirement just want to fly under the radar. You don't find a lot of social and political zealots in the ranks, but there are exceptions.

Just like any job or profession, the ranks are filled with all walks of life and backgrounds. That 2LT or CPT preparing the powerpoints aren't there to make a statement, but to make any negative scrutiny go away. They want to do the job, follow orders, advance in pay grade and perhaps get a little respect for what can be a difficult environment to function in.

02-04-21, 16:39
I'm a former Chair Force guy, but delved into the revision of Army Regulation 600-20 from last year to check out how they label "extremist organizations" and "hate groups."

Those definitions are so vague, they are begging to be abused...

02-04-21, 18:40
I'm a former Chair Force guy, but delved into the revision of Army Regulation 600-20 from last year to check out how they label "extremist organizations" and "hate groups."

Those definitions are so vague, they are begging to be abused...

And I have no doubt they will be.

02-05-21, 07:36
Why do I feel like I'm living in 1930s Germany??? All we need now is for them to sentence Trump to house arrest so he can write his memoirs.

02-05-21, 07:46
Why do I feel like I'm living in 1930s Germany??? All we need now is for them to sentence Trump to house arrest so he can write his memoirs.

Modern cancel culture is just as effective. Trump admin officials are being banned from employment and the left is trying to cancel his business interests. Anyone in a high profile business/employment would be well advised to keep their non-woke approved views to themselves if they wish to avoid being doxxed/cancelled themselves

02-05-21, 09:05
Modern cancel culture is just as effective. Trump admin officials are being banned from employment and the left is trying to cancel his business interests. Anyone in a high profile business/employment would be well advised to keep their non-woke approved views to themselves if they wish to avoid being doxxed/cancelled themselves

I would be way more concerned about broadcasting myself as a woke liberal. The pendulum has swung so far in that direction that it's likely reaching its zenith and will swing back the other way equally as far. Basically the same thing that happened in Germany in the 30s.

I think there's also a major risk though of being on the fringe right. Whatever rises from the ashes will take a more centrist approach and need to purge itself of anything that's too far off in any direction.

Anyone who didn't sleep through history class should know now's the time to sit down and shut the **** up. I would love to know what drives people to publicly broadcast their political views in a time like this. A few months ago all these blue porch lights started showing up in our neighborhood. Then some people put out BLM signs. And now there are green and red porch lights, and I have no idea what those even mean.

02-05-21, 09:15
I would be way more concerned about broadcasting myself as a woke liberal. The pendulum has swung so far in that direction that it's likely reaching its zenith and will swing back the other way equally as far. Basically the same thing that happened in Germany in the 30s.

I think there's also a major risk though of being on the fringe right. Whatever rises from the ashes will take a more centrist approach and need to purge itself of anything that's too far off in any direction.

Anyone who didn't sleep through history class should know now's the time to sit down and shut the **** up. I would love to know what drives people to publicly broadcast their political views in a time like this. A few months ago all these blue porch lights started showing up in our neighborhood. Then some people put out BLM signs. And now there are green and red porch lights, and I have no idea what those even mean.

Green and red ?? Port and starboard obviously.. Hopefully they put the green on the right side....

02-05-21, 09:26
Green and red ?? Port and starboard obviously.. Hopefully they put the green on the right side....

You can't believe everything on the Internet, but this is what I found at Yahoo Answers:
"my dad said red means its a whore house, and my cousin said that red means theyre busy and green means theyre not busy in the whore house."

02-05-21, 10:33
As anyone who has served can tell you, there are all kinds in the military. I served with guys I knew were racist f'ing skinheads, a couple of black supremacist black power types, gang bangers and criminals of all colors. Hell, I even knew a Sioux AIM kind of guy. He hated everybody. Some of those guys signed up specifically to get out of the shit they were in and to change their life. Some were in for three hots and a cot without the bars on the windows. Most f'ed up and didn't last long. Some intended to be lifers, but if they follow the rules and do their job what can you do? They literally have a first ammendment right to be racist. As long as they don't actually discriminate against someone and break the law they have every legal right to hate whomever they choose. I may think their beliefs are f'd up, but they have rights.

Now most of the "extremists" Joe Shitzhizpantz is talking about are gonna be guys who believe in the "extremist" views enshrined in that mother of all vile works known as "The Constitution of the United States".

Oh, and the red and green light thing. I see a lot of sailors and aviators with red and green lights on the port/starboard of their garage doors. I am pretty sure it ain't a political thing, just folks having fun. If I'm wrong, I probably don't wanna know.

02-05-21, 10:58
As anyone who has served can tell you, there are all kinds in the military. I served with guys I knew were racist f'ing skinheads, a couple of black supremacist black power types, gang bangers and criminals of all colors. Hell, I even knew a Sioux AIM kind of guy. He hated everybody. Some of those guys signed up specifically to get out of the shit they were in and to change their life. Some were in for three hots and a cot without the bars on the windows. Most f'ed up and didn't last long. Some intended to be lifers, but if they follow the rules and do their job what can you do? They literally have a first ammendment right to be racist. As long as they don't actually discriminate against someone and break the law they have every legal right to hate whomever they choose. I may think their beliefs are f'd up, but they have rights.

Now most of the "extremists" Joe Shitzhizpantz is talking about are gonna be guys who believe in the "extremist" views enshrined in that mother of all vile works known as "The Constitution of the United States".

Oh, and the red and green light thing. I see a lot of sailors and aviators with red and green lights on the port/starboard of their garage doors. I am pretty sure it ain't a political thing, just folks having fun. If I'm wrong, I probably don't wanna know.

The colored porch light thing is non-political. Blue for autism awareness, red and green to show support for multiple groups (cancer survivors, fire fighters, servicemembers, etc).


02-05-21, 11:20
Am I the only one who thinks a two-month stand-down is basically a gold-plated invitation for China and every other bad-actor to do as they wish without fear of retaliation? Imagine if FDR had announced "we're standing everybody down for two month" in November '41...

02-05-21, 11:26
Am I the only one who thinks a two-month stand-down is basically a gold-plated invitation for China and every other bad-actor to do as they wish without fear of retaliation? Imagine if FDR had announced "we're standing everybody down for two month" in November '41...

I don't think standowns in the next 60 days means a 60 day shutdown. It will be cycled through the units and it will suck for the servicemembers. The communists fully realize they need a military under their thumb to hold onto their stolen election.


02-05-21, 11:58
Good analysis from Matt Bracken.


02-05-21, 12:23
I think that you are missing the point that to the mainstream press and govt, there is no difference between the GOP and white supremacists, and definitely no difference between Trump supporters and WS. And this put Trump supporters at the same level as rapists. I agree, the functional affect in the MIL isn't much, but what they are doing is slowly building it up so that white Christian is generally accepted as unacceptable.

ETA: DId the openly avowed Socialist that graduated from West Point get fragged or made an Admiral yet?

I think the nuance here is it's the military handling itself internally, not external (aka political types) coming in to do it. The military is very good at following orders--if the SecDef says that every planned training "down day" or Friday afternoon burger burn for the next two months is going to have an element of making sure folks are going down some tinfoil habit social media rabbit hole that would be prejudicial to god order and discipline, they'll get it done, and done fairly.

I really think that Austin wants to protect the military here--I think it sets a very dangerous precedent if people believe that there's any partisan bias in the DoD, and I have no doubt that certain politically minded people would make up lies and try and sell out the military as a bunch of angry radicals if they thought it would serve their agenda.

02-05-21, 13:24
You can't believe everything on the Internet, but this is what I found at Yahoo Answers:
"my dad said red means its a whore house, and my cousin said that red means theyre busy and green means theyre not busy in the whore house."

Ha! When I told my dad he said the same thing.:lol:

02-05-21, 13:26
The colored porch light thing is non-political. Blue for autism awareness, red and green to show support for multiple groups (cancer survivors, fire fighters, servicemembers, etc).


Around here, the blue is LE. Still not sure about the green and red. All I can figure is military and fire.

02-05-21, 14:11
History books tell us in great detail where initiatives like this will lead.

I miss the Air Force sometimes but I wouldn’t want to be serving, in this era.

02-05-21, 17:50
History books tell us in great detail where initiatives like this will lead.

I miss the Air Force sometimes but I wouldn’t want to be serving, in this era.

Much as it pains me to say this, growing up in a very strongly military family... if I had children looking at Mil/LE careers right now I would do everything I could to try to talk them out of it for at least the next four years, and if a draft notice came I would drive them up to Canada myself. Sadly, the Army and Air Force my grandfather and his generation of my family served with honor and pride now only exist in the history books.

And consider that this is coming from somebody who took being 4-F'ed while trying to join ROTC like a Foreman hook straight into the gut... I wish this weren't true, I wish I was typing this only in some kind of twisted nightmare rather than reality, but that's the world we live in today. :(

02-05-21, 18:19
Much as it pains me to say this, growing up in a very strongly military family... if I had children looking at Mil/LE careers right now I would do everything I could to try to talk them out of it for at least the next four years, and if a draft notice came I would drive them up to Canada myself. Sadly, the Army and Air Force my grandfather and his generation of my family served with honor and pride now only exist in the history books.

And consider that this is coming from somebody who took being 4-F'ed while trying to join ROTC like a Foreman hook straight into the gut... I wish this weren't true, I wish I was typing this only in some kind of twisted nightmare rather than reality, but that's the world we live in today. :(

Not to mention the military is an extension of the government. Soldiers, sailors, and airmen fight the governments political wars. Most of which are limited wars that the politicians are not committed to winning in the first place.

02-05-21, 20:09
Anyone in a high profile business/employment would be well advised to keep their non-woke approved views to themselves if they wish to avoid being doxxed/cancelled themselves

This is what they want...

02-05-21, 22:09
Much as it pains me to say this, growing up in a very strongly military family... if I had children looking at Mil/LE careers right now I would do everything I could to try to talk them out of it for at least the next four years, and if a draft notice came I would drive them up to Canada myself. Sadly, the Army and Air Force my grandfather and his generation of my family served with honor and pride now only exist in the history books.

And consider that this is coming from somebody who took being 4-F'ed while trying to join ROTC like a Foreman hook straight into the gut... I wish this weren't true, I wish I was typing this only in some kind of twisted nightmare rather than reality, but that's the world we live in today. :(

While I’m not overly excited about a lot, that’s a little dramatic IMO.

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02-07-21, 03:29
Are they going to try to purge the military of conservatives? WTF is this A hole Def Sec doing? Some kind of weird paranoid delusion or an ideological purge. Is this a pretense to spy on our soldiers? WTF?

My daughter wanted to do Marine ROTC. She was determined. She got ill for a little while and that precluded her from going. I did not want her to anyway because the political class, especially on the Left, has no love and little concern for our soldiers.

I'm sorry, but I have to say, I would not put my daughter in harms way for this Country at this time. I have been a hand over the heart National Anthem loving, Constitution respecting, Patriot my whole life, but things have changed very recently. We have Commies in our Government and our Government is now corrupt, as are many of our institutions.

I will not put my kids in harms way for a corrupt Government.

I don't see any FBI, or CIA or Military standing against the internal corruption! I've completely lost faith in Law Enforcement, and the Courts.

Put a fork in it! This Country is done! I give it five years, maximum of 1o years. We have begun planning to flee to another country, if it gets really bad. If there is any place left to go. I will do what I can to help in the meantime.

02-07-21, 07:34
While I’m not overly excited about a lot, that’s a little dramatic IMO.

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I concur.

So you guys are going to own the libs by keeping your kids out of a great job?


02-07-21, 08:01
I think the nuance here is it's the military handling itself internally, not external (aka political types) coming in to do it. The military is very good at following orders--if the SecDef says that every planned training "down day" or Friday afternoon burger burn for the next two months is going to have an element of making sure folks are going down some tinfoil habit social media rabbit hole that would be prejudicial to god order and discipline, they'll get it done, and done fairly.
I really think that Austin wants to protect the military here--I think it sets a very dangerous precedent if people believe that there's any partisan bias in the DoD, and I have no doubt that certain politically minded people would make up lies and try and sell out the military as a bunch of angry radicals if they thought it would serve their agenda.
That's funny, because on the heels of wanting to investigate everyone guarding those folks hiding behind the fence, this "Pop's Up".
Which to me means this whole thing is a political move.
I have no respect for any of this and I have the feeling this was to appease some of those in power.

02-07-21, 11:07
Are they going to try to purge the military of conservatives? WTF is this A hole Def Sec doing? Some kind of weird paranoid delusion or an ideological purge. Is this a pretense to spy on our soldiers? WTF?

My daughter wanted to do Marine ROTC. She was determined. She got ill for a little while and that precluded her from going. I did not want her to anyway because the political class, especially on the Left, has no love and little concern for our soldiers.

I'm sorry, but I have to say, I would not put my daughter in harms way for this Country at this time. I have been a hand over the heart National Anthem loving, Constitution respecting, Patriot my whole life, but things have changed very recently. We have Commies in our Government and our Government is now corrupt, as are many of our institutions.

I will not put my kids in harms way for a corrupt Government.

I don't see any FBI, or CIA or Military standing against the internal corruption! I've completely lost faith in Law Enforcement, and the Courts.

Put a fork in it! This Country is done! I give it five years, maximum of 1o years. We have begun planning to flee to another country, if it gets really bad. If there is any place left to go. I will do what I can to help in the meantime.

Dude, have some faith. It looks like you live in CA, the state of my birth and upbringing but I no longer live there. Spend some time in a freer state, things aren't all perfect but those of us who live in a free state have a different perspective. All is not lost.

02-07-21, 11:45
I concur.

So you guys are going to own the libs by keeping your kids out of a great job?


I read something that they are considering chaptering soldiers if caught with these “hate symbols”. So they possibly could be out of their job, probably with a general discharge, just for sharing Pepe the Frog, or having a Celtic Cross.

While this can be overreaction, the potential for this is concerning. The definition of “extremists” seems to have widened this past month.


02-07-21, 12:58
I concur.

So you guys are going to own the libs by keeping your kids out of a great job?


I think at this point it's more about keeping them from being pawns in whatever war for profit scheme they're cooking up right now.

02-07-21, 13:20
I think at this point it's more about keeping them from being pawns in whatever war for profit scheme they're cooking up right now.

Well at the moment it’s the same war we’ve been fighting for two decades.

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02-07-21, 15:15
or having a Celtic Cross.

This could get interesting because I know of individuals who have variants of Celtic crosses as part of their religious beliefs.

It's a very old and widespread Christian symbol.

If anyone actually gets cashiered from this I could see a serious court challenge. The bigger issue is what if it just taints you, leaves a question of suspicion.

Then again I have a bunch of Columbia brightly patterned shirts that I don't wear much anymore because Hawaiian pattern shirts have been co-opted.

This is idiocracy in the extreme

02-07-21, 15:39
I hear ya but another way to think is they just had YOU do their job they wanted to keep or get conservatives out of the military ?

It’s almost like putting in the amazon echo or google thing in your house and then saying you are against spying when cruising a web site ?

I hope all our kids are educated enough to carry on they will have to hit or crash a few times to realize gravity works kinda scenario but learn from that fall :)

Are they going to try to purge the military of conservatives? WTF is this A hole Def Sec doing? Some kind of weird paranoid delusion or an ideological purge. Is this a pretense to spy on our soldiers? WTF?

My daughter wanted to do Marine ROTC. She was determined. She got ill for a little while and that precluded her from going. I did not want her to anyway because the political class, especially on the Left, has no love and little concern for our soldiers.

I'm sorry, but I have to say, I would not put my daughter in harms way for this Country at this time. I have been a hand over the heart National Anthem loving, Constitution respecting, Patriot my whole life, but things have changed very recently. We have Commies in our Government and our Government is now corrupt, as are many of our institutions.

I will not put my kids in harms way for a corrupt Government.

I don't see any FBI, or CIA or Military standing against the internal corruption! I've completely lost faith in Law Enforcement, and the Courts.

Put a fork in it! This Country is done! I give it five years, maximum of 1o years. We have begun planning to flee to another country, if it gets really bad. If there is any place left to go. I will do what I can to help in the meantime.

02-07-21, 16:05
I think at this point it's more about keeping them from being pawns in whatever war for profit scheme they're cooking up right now.

When’s the last time that wasn’t part of the deal? There are good reasons that I am openly anti-war, while simultaneously always keeping my eyes open for my next deployment opportunity.

02-08-21, 10:30
More of this and less Power Point.
I can't believe a guy could rise that far in the Military Community and not understand this Guy.

02-08-21, 13:22
Are they going to try to purge the military of conservatives? WTF is this A hole Def Sec doing? Some kind of weird paranoid delusion or an ideological purge. Is this a pretense to spy on our soldiers? WTF?

My daughter wanted to do Marine ROTC. She was determined. She got ill for a little while and that precluded her from going. I did not want her to anyway because the political class, especially on the Left, has no love and little concern for our soldiers.

I'm sorry, but I have to say, I would not put my daughter in harms way for this Country at this time. I have been a hand over the heart National Anthem loving, Constitution respecting, Patriot my whole life, but things have changed very recently. We have Commies in our Government and our Government is now corrupt, as are many of our institutions.

I will not put my kids in harms way for a corrupt Government.

I don't see any FBI, or CIA or Military standing against the internal corruption! I've completely lost faith in Law Enforcement, and the Courts.

Put a fork in it! This Country is done! I give it five years, maximum of 1o years. We have begun planning to flee to another country, if it gets really bad. If there is any place left to go. I will do what I can to help in the meantime.

I'd rather keep flooding law enforcement and the military with conservatives rather than telling people not to serve. All that does is create openings to be filled by people who WILL enthusiastically kick down your doors, take your guns, and put you on a one way train ride to the camps. I like the idea of having a large force that serves the Constitution and not the politicians. There are a lot of liberals and "I don't make the laws I just enforce them" types in the government's various armed wings, but right now, there's still a huge population of those who stand with America and the good people who deserve to be defended.

02-08-21, 13:52
3% and Celtic crosses? I know a handful of people including my brother who have Celtic cross tattoos. How are these groups considered "extremist" ?

02-08-21, 17:24
3% and Celtic crosses? I know a handful of people including my brother who have Celtic cross tattoos. How are these groups considered "extremist" ?

Because they're not BLM or Antifa.

Still no one has answered my question if this would be "across the board" extremism, or just commonly perceived "Right" wing ones? 'Cause after this past summer I am certainly convinced that white supremacists and III%'ers are the biggest threat to our country. :rolleyes:

02-08-21, 17:41
Well at the moment it’s the same war we’ve been fighting for two decades.

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They're beating the war drums hard for Iran and China. And China and Iran are doing likewise.

02-08-21, 17:46
When’s the last time that wasn’t part of the deal? There are good reasons that I am openly anti-war, while simultaneously always keeping my eyes open for my next deployment opportunity.

Well I think that highlights the dangers of having a permanent offensive fighting force. To justify it you have to use it. Exactly the crap that Eisenhower warned us about. We've become Rome.

02-08-21, 19:46
Still no one has answered my question if this would be "across the board" extremism, or just commonly perceived "Right" wing ones?

Why ask questions you already know the answer to?

02-09-21, 05:29
Why ask questions you already know the answer to?

A few here have stated the concerns are overblown. If it isn't "across the board" then it IS a big deal. If that is the case then it is a purge of one side of the political spectrum in a supposedly neutral military.

02-09-21, 05:47
The military is not immune to the leftist push anymore than the rest of society. In fact it's worse. Government is hell bent on policy and conformity. Just because a system has always been plagued by stupidity doesn't mean its still the same as it was 20 years ago. It means its worse.

02-09-21, 11:04
A few here have stated the concerns are overblown. If it isn't "across the board" then it IS a big deal. If that is the case then it is a purge of one side of the political spectrum in a supposedly neutral military.

There's not a snowball's chance in hell this will be "across the board". They're gonna do their best to get rid of anyone who would question orders to round up American citizens or to kick in our doors and shoot us in the face. Same is happening with LEO. This defund the police nonsense is just to demoralize the cops that are there to do good in order to drive them out.

Never forget that the mil and police are tools of the State and they will absolutely enforce the will of the State. These institutions are not our allies. Individuals soldiers and officers that refuse will be removed and replaced with those that will follow orders. You can absolutely count on it.

02-09-21, 11:16
There's not a snowball's chance in hell this will be "across the board". They're gonna do their best to get rid of anyone who would question orders to round up American citizens or to kick in our doors and shoot us in the face. Same is happening with LEO. This defund the police nonsense is just to demoralize the cops that are there to do good in order to drive them out.

Never forget that the mil and police are tools of the State and they will absolutely enforce the will of the State. These institutions are not our allies. Individuals soldiers and officers that refuse will be removed and replaced with those that will follow orders. You can absolutely count on it.

I think there is historical precedent to what you say. However, few they may be, we do have the county Sheriff who is elected. Our sheriff proved his worth last summer/fall by shutting down any attempt of violent "protest" before it could get off the ground. He also refused to enforce some county edicts on curfew and beach use. He said his deputies had more pressing things to do...

02-09-21, 13:34
More of this and less Power Point.
I can't believe a guy could rise that far in the Military Community and not understand this Guy.

Sounds just like me. I grew up on a 3,500 acre cattle ranch and went to school at the closest town, which had a population of about 3,500. My graduating class of 267 only included 3 black kids. None of them ran in my circles but they were all nice kids. When I went to boot camp, my best friend there was black. Another 4 years in the Fleet and I had no run-ins with black Marines. Sure their culture could be different, but we all bled green.

They're beating the war drums hard for Iran and China. And China and Iran are doing likewise.

In my observations, the left are only beating the war drums for Putin, while excusing and kowtowing to China and Iran. The RINO war hawks want a war with Iran and think China is a bigger threat than Iran or Russia. They have one out of three right at least. :rolleyes:

02-09-21, 14:18
And now nobody will ever take on China again even if the GOP ever does by some miracle get another Triple Crown from fear that they and their Deep State vassals will just unleash another plague upon the world... in my grandfather's day if they'd done this it woulda meant Canned Sunshine.

02-09-21, 17:47
In my grandfather's day if they'd done this it woulda meant Canned Sunshine.

I'm not so sure that would be a bad idea.
Hell, the Russians would have loved that and so would India and South East Asia. Do you smell "General Tsao Chicken?", "No Man that's Beijing Cooking."

02-09-21, 18:19
I'm not so sure that would be a bad idea.
Hell, the Russians would have loved that and so would India and South East Asia. Do you smell "General Tsao Chicken?", "No Man that's Beijing Cooking."

Seriously, the official US WMD doctrine is--or at least was in his day--"Nuke equals Germ equals Gas, you germ or gas us and we Easy Button you in reply."

just a scout
02-09-21, 18:37
Seriously, the official US WMD doctrine is--or at least was in his day--"Nuke equals Germ equals Gas, you germ or gas us and we Easy Button you in reply."

Politicians don’t have the balls to crack those codes. Despite losses already incurred.

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02-09-21, 19:18
Seriously, the official US WMD doctrine is--or at least was in his day--"Nuke equals Germ equals Gas, you germ or gas us and we Easy Button you in reply."

Well I believe we were probably closest during POTUS Jimmy Carter's tenure.
At the time I believe the ability to use NBC weapons went down to the Brigade Commander in the Russian Army at that time, so our reaction time to return strike would have been like 9 hours. I believe our POTUS was the approving authority.
We were so broken at the small unit level we couldn't afford to buy track or road wheels, 17 miles from the border.
We will see this again soon.

02-09-21, 22:40
Well I believe we were probably closest during POTUS Jimmy Carter's tenure.
At the time I believe the ability to use NBC weapons went down to the Brigade Commander in the Russian Army at that time, so our reaction time to return strike would have been like 9 hours. I believe our POTUS was the approving authority.
We were so broken at the small unit level we couldn't afford to buy track or road wheels, 17 miles from the border.
We will see this again soon.

It's cyclic in the .mil from my experience. You get a Democrat President, the military suffers. A Republican gets voted in and you build back up. Democrat comes in and the "nice" things you got under a Republican have to hold you over until the next Republican President gets voted in.

just a scout
02-10-21, 06:34
It's cyclic in the .mil from my experience. You get a Democrat President, the military suffers. A Republican gets voted in and you build back up. Democrat comes in and the "nice" things you got under a Republican have to hold you over until the next Republican President gets voted in.

Yeah, but until obama, there weren’t purges. Things sucked, but a lot of it was funding and mission creep. Then Obama happened and you got canned for your politics. Clinton drew down, and things sucked, but you got barred if you had an art 15 and nonsense like that. Not like this today.

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02-10-21, 06:55
I remember the Carter years from my youth. As an 18-19 yo at the time I was, and my friends were, genuinely scared we going to war. Then came draft registration when I was 19, I registered but many of my friends did not. When I hear people where were not around in that time wax poetically about how good a man and president Carter was/is I have tell them how I felt as a young man.

The left seems more emboldened than ever before, enough boldness to actually tell us what they want to do. We must listen and take them at their word and respond with all peaceful means at our disposal.

02-10-21, 08:12
Yeah, but until obama, there weren’t purges. Things sucked, but a lot of it was funding and mission creep. Then Obama happened and you got canned for your politics. Clinton drew down, and things sucked, but you got barred if you had an art 15 and nonsense like that. Not like this today.
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As harsh as it was for the Military and as hopeless as the Border Mission was, the idea that our Commander and Chief couldn't see it (I mean the guy was Navy after all.) for what it was. You began to quickly realize it was going to go nuclear in minutes and they would get to strike first, so that depressed you.
All of this happens when you have a real world mission, a Liberal POTUS and an agenda to change the world.
Rinse and repeat with Obama. Only difference was Obama began purging the General Officer roles while thousands of Soldiers were being purged. The Colonels saw all of that and began marching in time with his Administration.
If you don't want any dissention, new idea's or view points you just cut the throat of the first guy to speak up. Now you can micromanage not only the movement, but the thought process of the people working for you.
I think we are leading our Military with very few willing to take responsibility, no one is held accountable and few who are willing to stand up for what is hard, but right.