View Full Version : Time Magazine Admits Pre-Election Manipulation to “Protect Democracy”

Boy Scout
02-05-21, 19:17

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election​

“ For more than a year, a loosely organized coalition of operatives scrambled to shore up America’s institutions as they came under simultaneous attack from a remorseless pandemic and an autocratically inclined President. ”

“For more than a year, a loosely organized coalition of operatives scrambled to shore up America’s institutions as they came under simultaneous attack from a remorseless pandemic and an autocratically inclined President. Though much of this activity took place on the left, it was separate from the Biden campaign and crossed ideological lines, with crucial contributions by nonpartisan and conservative actors. The scenario the shadow campaigners were desperate to stop was not a Trump victory. It was an election so calamitous that no result could be discerned at all, a failure of the central act of democratic self-governance that has been a hallmark of America since its founding.

Their work touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time. They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation and used data-driven strategies to fight viral smears. They executed national public-awareness campaigns that helped Americans understand how the vote count would unfold over days or weeks, preventing Trump’s conspiracy theories and false claims of victory from getting more traction.”

“Democracy won in the end. The will of the people prevailed. But it’s crazy, in retrospect, that this is what it took to put on an election in the United States of America.”

They don’t even try to hide it folks. They are trying to get out ahead of anything else, and say that it was done to “protect democracy.”

02-05-21, 19:55
Yesterday you would have been kicked off Facebook for being a “conspiracy nut" fomenting "insurrection", now you are just quoting a mainstream article...

02-05-21, 19:59
And no one with the authority to do anything about it, will.

02-05-21, 20:59
Someone is getting fired lol

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02-05-21, 21:32
Someone is getting fired lol

Yeah. Anyone who even hinted at supporting Trump.

Evel Baldgui
02-05-21, 22:14
And no one with the authority to do anything about it, will.

True ...Nothing will be done. No one will do anything. Live and enjoy your life, contribute as little as possible , take as much as you can; .gov doesn't give a flying phuck about the citizens other than stealing as much tax revenue as possible.

02-05-21, 22:34
Taxation is theft. Workers are slaves. Most of us will be lucky to have anything for retirement.

Crow Hunter
02-05-21, 22:55

Even IF this is a true representation of the "facts" and the "powers that be" really did come together to undermine and stop "literally Hitler" from being elected, it shows that they will, without doubt or remorse, directly interfere with elections to suit their whims. Whatever that might be.

And even announce they did it.


So it really is over.

02-05-21, 23:02
Makes one wonder if they are afraid of what's going to come out at the Trump trial and are trying to get in front of it.

02-06-21, 00:48
....This is the inside story of the conspiracy to save the 2020 election, based on access to the group’s inner workings, never-before-seen documents and interviews with dozens of those involved from across the political spectrum. It is the story of an unprecedented, creative and determined campaign whose success also reveals how close the nation came to disaster. “Every attempt to interfere with the proper outcome of the election was defeated,” says Ian Bassin, co-founder of Protect Democracy, a nonpartisan rule-of-law advocacy group. “But it’s massively important for the country to understand that it didn’t happen accidentally. The system didn’t work magically. Democracy is not self-executing.”

That’s why the participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream–a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it. And they believe the public needs to understand the system’s fragility in order to ensure that democracy in America endures.

"The PROPER outcome"... decided by...who, again? By exerting control over every aspect of public perception...

Do you really need to know anything else at this point?

The king is dead, long live the king.

02-06-21, 01:36
Sounds like an open confession to Election Fraud and Seditious Conspiracy to me...

02-06-21, 02:06
Consider they are talking about 9/11 style action against domestic terrorists which of course means anyone who voted for trump supported trump etc...

SO when they want to do the next step and purge the horrid people that supported trump what will folks be saying then ?

02-06-21, 05:00
Sounds like an open confession to Election Fraud and Seditious Conspiracy to me...

Does come pretty close.
The article seems to describe a good part of the confidence job that was necessary to convince large numbers of influential people that they could save the country by ruining it.

I'm sure there are other things that were done to insure the "proper outcome" but are not described in the article. Perhaps there will be more stories like this once they are convinced they are immune from prosecution.

It is hard to describe how disappointing some of this is.

02-06-21, 08:43
What is it that those commie MFers always say?.... The ends justifies the means, now a Time magazine headline... you should see my suprised face as the tin foil crown crumbles from my brow.

As they slowly emerge from their self imposed trenches too prideful to properly keep secrets they know they should be ashamed of, theyll start greedily laying claim to their parts in making their world a better place. Angling for books, movies, high level jobs and jockeying themselves to replace our founding fathers. Unchecked, Their victory lap will have no end. Until of course they run out of our money, which somehow it will be portrayed as our deplorable fault as we find out theyve only been using our money to try to insulate themselves from the brushfire theyve been attempting to ignite amoungst the population.

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02-06-21, 08:54
Consider they are talking about 9/11 style action against domestic terrorists which of course means anyone who voted for trump supported trump etc...

SO when they want to do the next step and purge the horrid people that supported trump what will folks be saying then ?

Half the country will cheer it on. At some point during the purge I firmly believe that violent clashes will occur and the Left will use it to justify escalating actions against “white supremacy and domestic terrorists”, I don’t know what the flashpoint will be but it’s coming...

02-06-21, 10:10
This is amazing. Basically they admit that they used the virus pandemic to coordinate election fraud between leftists organizations along with the AFL-CIO to steal this election and prevent any sort of investigation into that fraud. This is just utterly insane. They are basically saying,"F-You... in your face" to those who stood with President Trump.

02-06-21, 11:39
"Yeah we did it, what are you gonna do about it "........... " Nothing........ just what we thought "

02-06-21, 12:14
This actually started in 2016 and possibly earlier...

I watched 2 AZ seats get stolen at the 11th hour on provisional votes. Leftist kook, Katie Hobbs, here in AZ got put into office. She oversaw the 2020 Election in Trump State that magically went to Biden with ZERO energy around his campaign.

It's unbelievable that this is happening completely un-checked.

LMT Shooter
02-06-21, 12:18
“Every attempt to interfere with the proper outcome of the election was defeated,”

They are comfortable with open discussions of it now. Imagine what we'll see over the next few months.

02-06-21, 12:35
They are comfortable with open discussions of it now. Imagine what we'll see over the next few months.

And future elections. They'll run any nutjob they want. Post the poling that will foreshadow the "proper outcome"

02-06-21, 13:03
So now what?

02-06-21, 13:07
YUP the way they have built up the lies about conservatives
and you have congress people LYING about what happened at the capital etc...

And the reality will not even be close to the truth when it does sadly

Half the country will cheer it on. At some point during the purge I firmly believe that violent clashes will occur and the Left will use it to justify escalating actions against “white supremacy and domestic terrorists”, I don’t know what the flashpoint will be but it’s coming...

02-06-21, 13:48
So now what?

That is the million dollar question now isn’t it?

02-06-21, 15:50
What's the difference between Treason and High Treason ?

02-06-21, 16:26
So now what?

Zuckerburg donated 300 million to biden/harris. The administration will continue to use the patriot act 2.0 in conjunction with the cia/fbi and big tech to identify trump supporters/domestic terrorists and start cancelling them.

02-06-21, 19:08
The United States is a Republic.

Not a democracy.

Just saying.

That seems to get intentionally omitted with great regularity.

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02-06-21, 19:10
Shocked me to see TIME write this up. wow


02-06-21, 19:25
The United States is a Republic.

Not a democracy.

Just saying.

That seems to get intentionally omitted with great regularity.

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It even struck my wife odd about the messaging and consistent verbiage that the MSM used after the election. Calling Trump using court cases a 'coup' and a threat to democracy. Oddly, democracy is the lowest thing on my list when it comes to a well run and fair country. 'Democracy' is just another word for 'mob'. Constitutional and Republic are far more important. Democracy is just a way to get rid of despotic rulers- but the MSM and the elites have installed themselves in all the halls of power- and now gas light us on the elections.

02-06-21, 19:57
I think a handful of you read the entire article and so did I.

I don't give any credit to this article. Like the post above said, the word they kept repeating was defending, protecting the "democracy". To me the article is a fantasy of a liberal/communist written to justify and rationalize the stolen election from Trump. Every time the communists accuse someone else of doing something, they are actually revealing that's what they are doing. The article is someone watching a movie or reading a book and afterward tried to fill in the hole with their version. There were errors in the article, like the Jan. 6 protest. It was planned and advertised for days and Trump never incite violence, we've gone over this before.

The left and Trump hating GOP will eat the article up.

02-06-21, 20:30
The United States is a Republic.

Not a democracy.

Just saying.

That seems to get intentionally omitted with great regularity.

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Does it matter? The US is an oligarchy now.

Boy Scout
02-06-21, 21:11
Half the country will cheer it on. At some point during the purge I firmly believe that violent clashes will occur and the Left will use it to justify escalating actions against “white supremacy and domestic terrorists”, I don’t know what the flashpoint will be but it’s coming...

I think that’s the express purpose of the article. Hence need for the DC Green Zone.

02-06-21, 21:51
I think a handful of you read the entire article and so did I.

I don't give any credit to this article. Like the post above said, the word they kept repeating was defending, protecting the "democracy". To me the article is a fantasy of a liberal/communist written to justify and rationalize the stolen election from Trump. Every time the communists accuse someone else of doing something, they are actually revealing that's what they are doing. The article is someone watching a movie or reading a book and afterward tried to fill in the hole with their version. There were errors in the article, like the Jan. 6 protest. It was planned and advertised for days and Trump never incite violence, we've gone over this before.

The left and Trump hating GOP will eat the article up.

I dont need to read their propaganda to know whats in it.

Next time someone pickpockets your cellphone or something, remember that they were just fortifying it and protecting for you in case you were to break it in the future.

02-06-21, 22:05
So now what?

Give it up, or take it back.

Those are the only options at this point.

02-07-21, 03:19
This makes me ill. The left is out of F'ing control.

02-07-21, 04:24
Sarajevo In some form ?

02-07-21, 05:07
Pretty scary when they can tell the truth and still win the information wars.

We are teetering on a pure democracy and this is what the average citizen wants.

02-07-21, 05:23
As the old saying goes... "Be careful what you wish for, you might get it."

02-07-21, 06:28
Time Magazine Admits Pre-Election Manipulation to “Protect Democracy" DEMOCRAPS

FIFY. :mad:

02-07-21, 11:05
I personally find it amazing that many people just can't wrap their mind around the fact that the nation you grew up in is dead and gone.

02-07-21, 19:15
I personally find it amazing that many people just can't wrap their mind around the fact that the nation you grew up in is dead and gone.

Yet look at what was achieved starting from a very low point in 1968 to a high point by 1986. Politics isn't a road so much as a pendulum.

02-07-21, 21:50
The left’s inverted morality is completely disgusting. No one who’s been paying attention should be surprised, yet I constantly find myself shocked by their audacity. As was asked above, what do we do now?

Dr. Bullseye
02-07-21, 22:16
Maybe this is the reason nobody reads Time Magazine anymore. I stopped seeing it in the doctor's/dentist's offices about 20 years ago and thought they went out of business.

02-08-21, 05:29
The "sad" thing is that I'm sure these groups are now working post election to implement the complete socialist agenda in this country. I saw what the AFGE union was doing years ago and dumped out of them. Caught some flack for saying that I didn't want one penny of my money going to the liberal agenda as far as I could help it. I think that a lot of members feel that way, but just don't understand the bigger picture. I wonder now how members of AFL/CIO feel now that they supported Biden's campaign and helped to have voted in the demise of their jobs like the Keystone pipeline. AFL/CIO can't say they didn't know this would happen as it was one of the hot button topics during the election and the progressives and Biden's campaign said they were going to do it. What is going on now with all these executive orders is just the tip of the ice berg. You've got gov't agencies working with progressive socialist groups...not just now but for the last ? years... getting things set up for the socialist utopia. Like the attorney general for the state of WV said, if you think the executive orders being issued now is the agenda, you're wrong. They are setting things up for what is to come.


02-09-21, 04:24
Maybe this is the reason nobody reads Time Magazine anymore. I stopped seeing it in the doctor's/dentist's offices about 20 years ago and thought they went out of business.

"Life is for people who can't read; Time is for people who can't think."

02-09-21, 09:08
I don’t understand the allure of the Q anon conspiracies when there Such a flagrant misdeeds as this.

02-12-21, 16:34
Patrick Byrne has a very interesting take on all this at DeepCapture.com - final of 6 parts is the stinger.

Mods, I tried to pare it down to just the key section but it's still a little longer than I usually like for a "here's the key point, go read the rest."
--begin excerpt---

You are living through a psyop (a psychological operation) being executed with military precision.

What scared both Flynn and me (and what drove us both forward whenever we asked each other, “What the hell are we doing here?”), was this possibility. It sounds far-fetched to most people, but we considered it an obvious possibility: what America has experienced for the last year has been a psyop, just like ones we have used to destabilize and impose regime change on other countries.

The stages of a regime-changing psyop are:

Demoralization of the country;
It takes little imagination to fit the events of the last year to this paradigm:

Demoralization of the country – Covid-19;
Disorientation – Antifa & BLM;
Crisis–election counting stops in 6 cities in 6 swing states, then a surprise;
Normalization – the media gaslights anyone who sees anything odd here.



If the Weak Hypothesis is correct and we are living through a psyop, who is behind the psyop? China is behind the psyop.

I am not the proverbial Old China Hand, but decades ago I was once a Young China Hand. What follows is speculative but worth considering.

Since the Chinese publication in 1998 of: Unrestricted Warfare: Two Air Force Senior Colonels on Scenarios for War and the Operational Art in an Era of Globalization, by Qiao Liang (乔良) and Wang Xiangsui (王湘穗), it has been understood that hard-line elements within the Chinese National Security community have been envisioning and positioning themselves for war with the USA. The “unrestricted” part of “unrestricted warfare” is the part that avoids direct military confrontation, and seeks instead to conquer through non-kinetic means.

In 2015, Michael Pillsbury, a lifelong China-dove (i.e., advocate of helping China modernize and prosper) wrote a book (The 100 Year Marathon) where he reversed course. He had been wrong all his professional life, he said, as he now understood that China had embarked on a 1949-2049 plan to turn the USA into a vassal state. In this book, he discussed a phrase circulating in Chinese national security literature: the “Assassin’s Mace” it had in the works for the USA. The reference, Pillsbury knew, was to an old Chinese story from the Warring States period, and refers to, in essence, a sucker-punch one-punch knockout.

Is what we are experiencing right now China’s “Assassin’s Mace”? Nothing would be more of an Assassin’s Mace than a scheme to take out the USA with a rigged election that could not be unscrambled through our court system by January 6, thus allowing the Constitutional gears to grind away and turn to cement what had been presented as a fait accompli.

I am raising this not merely as a theoretical possibility. My colleagues and I discovered ample evidence of Chinese involvement in these election shenanigans. Go through the narrative that proceeds this, and note the mentions. Their money shows up in the firms supplying the election equipment in widest use; their IPs show up tickling our election equipment online; receipts from their print shops show up on stacks of ballots in our election operations… DNI Ratcliffe belatedly delivered on January 7 his opinion: he sees more of the intelligence than anyone in government, and his conclusion was that the Chinese had meddled in the election.

If the Strong Hypothesis is correct and this is all a Chinese psyop, there is a way you will be able to be able to tell. Authoritarian measures will be imposed on the US population (under the guise of stopping something vague like, “extremism”). President* Joe Biden will fill his administration with China-doves, and he will reverse an Executive Order of Trump’s to allow the Chinese to resume building components of our electoral grid. Because of the political discourse being constrained by Big Tech and authoritarian measures, within 10 years there will be prison camps in America built next to hospitals for the purpose of organ-harvesting from dissidents. By that time, Xi Jinping will have a button on his desk: one day he will hit it, the US electrical grid will shut down, and over the course of one year 90% of us will die off and the United States will turn into a farm (which China’s 1.6 billion people will appreciate).

Those will be your warning signs that the Strong Hypothesis was correct.


just a scout
02-12-21, 19:07
I’d say the strong hypothesis is glaring evident three weeks in.

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02-12-21, 20:22
Leftists - "Russia done it!"
Conservatives - "China done it!"

Mmmkay... :rolleyes:
Funny how both scapegoats fit the need for misdirection when required.