View Full Version : Facebook Has Become So Incredibly Evil--How Can Anyone Justify Having An Account?

Dr. Bullseye
02-08-21, 23:01

Facebook is expanding the list of ‘false’ and ‘debunked’ claims about the coronavirus and vaccines that will be grounds for banning from the platform, while launching the largest ‘authoritative’ vaccination campaign worldwide.
Under the Community Standards policy, posts with “debunked claims” that Covid-19 is “man-made or manufactured,” or that vaccines are ineffective, unsafe, dangerous or cause autism will be removed starting Monday, VP of Integrity Guy Rosen announced on the Facebook blog.

The new policy was implemented following consultations with the World Health Organization (WHO) and others, and will help Facebook “continue to take aggressive action against misinformation” about Covid-19 and vaccines, Rosen added.

02-09-21, 03:41
I know...shocking... how could they. It's totally the first time anything like this has ever happened over the last few months (let alone years...)

From practically the same page:

Back in December 2020:

"In latest ‘conspiracy’ crackdown, Twitter to scrub posts claiming vaccines ‘cause harm’ or are ‘used to control populations’

....Staff will be asked to remove posts that include any suggestion that vaccines “are used to intentionally cause harm,”“control populations,” or are “unnecessary,” as well as “false claims which have been widely debunked about the adverse impacts or effects of receiving vaccinations.” Beyond its pledge to coordinate with health officials, however, Twitter did not specify how it would determine which claims would qualify as having been “debunked.”

The company also said that, from early next year, it would attach “warning” labels to tweets that “advance unsubstantiated rumors, disputed claims, as well as incomplete or out-of-context information about vaccines.”...

The neverendeing ban parade of anyone who does wrongthink continues with little notice or care...

"Twitter permanently bans Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft for violations of ‘civic integrity policy’ "

"Amazon says it will SUSPEND donations to lawmakers who objected to Biden’s victory certification' "

"Microsoft BANS donations to Republicans who objected to Biden victory & shifts lobbying focus to ‘promoting democracy’ "

And it goes on and on and on.
Personally, I'm just glad to see that 'Merica's going to be such an improvement with all this truth and reconciliation going on after four horrid years of cheeto-man.

Seriously though, we have a thread about how people 'get it' based on what the media says about movies.
Do you 'get it' now about everything else going on these days?
'Civic integrity' policy? 'Promoting Democracy' by engaging in decidedly un-democratic acts?
Nope, not Orwellian at all... :rolleyes:
And it's all been going on for years at this point, all this stuff going on now in the current day is essentially a cancer patient finding out they have late-stage cancer right before it kills them.

02-09-21, 03:53
The goal is to have no alternative media.

Coal Dragger
02-09-21, 04:03
Never had an account and never will.

02-09-21, 06:16
Kang-Xing Jin, the company's "head of health", is going to tell us all about how the China virus isn't from China, isn't man made, and wasn't released on purpose just before Wuhan's huge annual festival that brings in millions of tourists from all over the world, and then they are going to delete posts and ban anyone that says anything they don't like about the vaccine that is being foisted upon all of us.

Hmmm... What's wrong with any of that???

I've been telling people since the start of My Space, FB, and all these other "social media" platforms that it would not be good for us. It sucks to be right sometimes. And the noose around our necks keeps tightening ever so gradually... step by step...

02-09-21, 06:49
Never had an account and never will.Umm....this ^ ....for all the social media platforms.

My biggest question is WHY? No one has yet been able to point to why FB is needed. I see them as the 357 sig of the gun world. A solution in search of a problem.

The only two answers I can come up with is that people have completely lost their sense of privacy or I take privacy way too literally and seriously

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

02-09-21, 06:59
Facebook was fun in college when it was legit a college social network. However, I didn’t get all the hype then and I still don’t now. Deleted my account years ago and never looked back. Don’t have any other SM accounts, well if this counts, then I guess I have one.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-09-21, 07:02
If you have Netflix watch their program called Social Dilemma in which former Facebook and Twitter employees discuss how ALL of your online activity is tracked and monetized, what information you see and what information gets suppressed. What they’re doing has a super creepy “Big Brother “ vibe to it. A private group that I was active in got on FB’s radar, we were plagued by bogus “fact checking “ and all 39 members were banned from posting simultaneously on January 16 without explanation. It was a car site but we talked about everything from barbecue to redheads and politics, nothing over the top but political discussion leaned heavily conservative.

That weekend I downloaded all my photos and deleted my account. On the following Monday I had my guy sell the FB stock held in my portfolio. ***k ‘em...

02-09-21, 07:19
Y'all know THIS is also social media, right?

I have FB. For whatever reason it is the platform that family spread across the country want to use, so I stay on it. I pretty much just put up pics of cats most of the time.

02-09-21, 07:39
Y'all know THIS is also social media, right?

I have FB. For whatever reason it is the platform that family spread across the country want to use, so I stay on it. I pretty much just put up pics of cats most of the time.

That was why I had an account. Family and friends, since I moved all the way across from Hawaii to Florida. I drew the hard line though. Once they started flagrantly suppressing info and silencing opposite views, I closed it. I moved before Facebook and friends and family did just fine. It will still be without Facebook. F*ck them and the rest of the fascist social media.

Your right, this is also social media. If it starts turning that corner here, I will give this place the same treatment. If more people would draw the hard line, things will change or that social media dies. It's that easy.

02-09-21, 08:06
Y'all know THIS is also social media, right?

I have FB. For whatever reason it is the platform that family spread across the country want to use, so I stay on it. I pretty much just put up pics of cats most of the time.Yes and no. This is a form of media and we are socializing but it's not "social media" in the sense that FB and Twitter are

I have friends and family in several countries. Not everyone needs to know everything. That's what group, or individual, text is for (for me).

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

02-09-21, 08:21
Have an account to keep up with people. I don't post anything to my page anymore, quit last September and "fired" a bunch of "friends" at the same time.

02-09-21, 08:46
Never had an account and never will.

^^^ This is where I'm at. ^^^
I have a LinkedIn account, kinda. I signed up 10yrs ago and have done exactly nothing since. I don't use assbook,tweeker, twatter, twerker, instapot, none of it. Heck, there are probably a few that would be glad to see me off of M4C.

The only possible use I see for other social media would be Fetlife. :dance3:

02-09-21, 09:48
I decided long ago not to use FB, but my wife has a page mainly for sharing pics of our kids with some family, and for the marketplace buying and selling stuff. When our daughter was born, I found out my exgf was stalking her and reaching out to my parents. And I shut that down, I made my wife lock it down and she has since seen why. I’m slowly getting her off of FB now but it’s tough.

As for forums, I’ve stopped using others, TOS, a handful of car forums and such because they changed. This is one of my only true outlets to read and my social media fix is here. I’ve yet to see anything too alarming and feel the admins and mods do a pretty good job of maintaining order (WAY better then the Dems in my state).

When I start getting notifications asking if I know “Firefly” or “Utahjeeper” and I should “friend” them or my emails start reaching out to the contacts in my phone asking them to join M4C then it’s changed and time for me to eject here. But I’m hoping that we maintain our private little space of the web to discuss (most) everything freely, agree to disagree, and can watch the dem cities burn from afar.

Edit: I should add that I used the usernames above merely as a reference, I have no opinions of them positive or negative. Just examples.

As someone noted social media can be useful for advertising and business, for family communication but just like in business, you don’t always lay everything out on the table at once. Don’t use FB like that either. Don’t be like my “friend” who said all Republicans should die. Pretty extremist for someone on permanent oxygen, and a feeding tube living back with her parents because she can’t take care of the huge house she overextended herself on.

02-09-21, 09:51
I miss keeping up with friends and stuff. But it's such a left wing propaganda app, I can't stand it. Dumped off of my phone. I have MeWe now, but since that app doesn't spy on you, it's harder to build your friends/contacts.

02-09-21, 10:00
FB is a tool!

Calling it evil is like calling guns evil.

I use it for keeping up with family and friends I don't need to call and a simple comment on their photos keeps us together.

I advertise my business on it. Pictures of my dog, travels weird interesting things I stumble upon etc... It's fun for that sort of thing.

I DO NOT inflict my political opinion on anyone and block those that do! My best friend called me about a photo she posted on FB and if I'd seen it. I told her I blocked her months ago when she went political! In fact I've probably block 3/4 of my friends as they think I want to wake up to their political "insights".

I've been able to join and network with groups that share my business and can probably credit this to 75% of my business success.

02-09-21, 10:55
FB is a tool!

Calling it evil is like calling guns evil.

I use it for keeping up with family and friends I don't need to call and a simple comment on their photos keeps us together.

I advertise my business on it. Pictures of my dog, travels weird interesting things I stumble upon etc... It's fun for that sort of thing.

I DO NOT inflict my political opinion on anyone and block those that do! My best friend called me about a photo she posted on FB and if I'd seen it. I told her I blocked her months ago when she went political! In fact I've probably block 3/4 of my friends as they think I want to wake up to their political "insights".

I've been able to join and network with groups that share my business and can probably credit this to 75% of my business success.

FB is like a gun? That's pretty funny. I didn't know that leftist really don't control the flow of information on FB, and that they don't really censure people of a conservative type. Did you just inflict your opinion on me?

You may not "inflict" your political views on others, I try and have conversations about what is true with others. Politics is part of life, things of life shouldn't be avoided. But then that's just my opinion, and heavens to betsy I wouldn't want to inflict those views on you. Now you can block me like your "best" (that's also pretty funny) friend.

02-09-21, 10:59
My kids and grand kids are scattered all over the country. It's the only way I can see them regularly. I have a face book account but it's now reserved exclusively for family.

02-09-21, 11:39
FB is like a gun? That's pretty funny. I didn't know that leftist really don't control the flow of information on FB, and that they don't really censure people of a conservative type. Did you just inflict your opinion on me?

You may not "inflict" your political views on others, I try and have conversations about what is true with others. Politics is part of life, things of life shouldn't be avoided. But then that's just my opinion, and heavens to betsy I wouldn't want to inflict those views on you. Now you can block me like your "best" (that's also pretty funny) friend.

It's like a gun in that it's a benign tool. Leftists can use guns too! The fact china has a lot of guns make them evil? The censor ship I've observed on FB is that of certain articles from fringe news outlets. I've seen plenty of open discussions between friends that discuss the same matter between themselves. I've never seen FB step into an exchange between 2 or more and censor it. While I don't dig what they do and agree with you it's a far cry from evil.

I wouldn't block you here as this is an open discussion. I'm here to exchange ideas. This is a gun centric forum. I'm involved in guitar forums as well. I don't mix the two too much anyways. Not to the point of lecturing others anyways. I come here with an expectation of discussion of some interesting topics; not to see photos of your new puppy.

I think forums such as this are MUCH better for exchange of ideas and learning than FB. Anything of importance has no place on FB and it for entertainment purposes only.

Do you seriously attempt to have meaningful discussions on FB?! That's great you have a group of friends who can use the forum as an exchange like that. Have you ever had a discussion interrupted by a FB moderator? I've had had several threads stopped and cited for an infraction for lord know what on this forum! I suggest this forum is more heavily moderated than FB!

Dr. Bullseye
02-09-21, 12:07
Make any excuses you need to make but if you are on Facebook, you are part of Facebook and as such are part of a very evil institution. When you are associated with an evil institution, whether it be the FBI or Facebook, you have an honorable option. The honorable option is resignation. To those that make excuses and don't resign, you are the problem.

02-09-21, 13:05
It's like a gun in that it's a benign tool. Leftists can use guns too! The fact china has a lot of guns make them evil? The censor ship I've observed on FB is that of certain articles from fringe news outlets. I've seen plenty of open discussions between friends that discuss the same matter between themselves. I've never seen FB step into an exchange between 2 or more and censor it. While I don't dig what they do and agree with you it's a far cry from evil.

If you want to keep the comparison to strictly mechanics, I will agree. I think the difference comes into play in that guns and information platforms have morphed from their original intent. The gun and it's meaning has stayed pretty constant through history, whereas FB seems to be morphing into a tool of tyranny in a pretty consistent manner IMO. Of course there are info platforms that don't seem to move in that direction. Ruger, Smith and Wesson etc aren't actively involved in censorship or withholding their products from "leftists" since self defense is legitimate for even the "leftist". In fact, much like bankers, these gun and ammo manufacturers seem to me to be a bit amoral in that they will sell guns and ammo to gov'ts that are engaged in some dubious behavior and even tyrannical behavior. The gun, aside from it's generally benign recreational uses, speaks poorly of the nature of man and nations. That self defense is even necessary is a tragic indictment of people hating people.

I wouldn't block you here as this is an open discussion. I'm here to exchange ideas. This is a gun centric forum. I'm involved in guitar forums as well. I don't mix the two too much anyways. Not to the point of lecturing others anyways. I come here with an expectation of discussion of some interesting topics; not to see photos of your new puppy.[Quote]

Well, people here do show off their puppies. LOL, which is fine with me. It seemed odd to me that you would block a best friend on FB over politics. I do understand though that politics from "lefties" can become tiresome and that it would be very difficult to call someone a friend if they were a consistent Marxist/leftist, there are people here that find me tiresome and they avoid me. The nature of truth and falsity works that way. I have not nor ever will be a member of FB, not because of anything they have done, but because it never interested me. Their censorship of information has been a huge put off for me, so now I have another reason to avoid them. I know my wife has many discussions about politics and other controversial subjects on FB.

[Quote]I think forums such as this are MUCH better for exchange of ideas and learning than FB. Anything of importance has no place on FB and it for entertainment purposes only.[Quote]

I suppose.

[Quote]Do you seriously attempt to have meaningful discussions on FB?! That's great you have a group of friends who can use the forum as an exchange like that. Have you ever had a discussion interrupted by a FB moderator? I've had had several threads stopped and cited for an infraction for lord know what on this forum! I suggest this forum is more heavily moderated than FB!

It may be more heavily moderate than FB, IDK for sure. I know people who have been slapped down on FB. The President was banned. And whole groups of conservatives have been deplatformed. I'm not aware of any leftists be banned or deplatformed on FB, maybe they have and I'm just not aware of it.

02-09-21, 14:47
I use it for biz ? you have to its like thinking anything is evil such as those horrid cars horse and buggy !!! electricity in a house NO WAY its evil the cell phone no thanks keep my land line I do not want brain cancer

yeah they are evil but so is sugar and being fat ! so is modern seed oils being fat and chronic inflammation issues ? yet I am going to bet many who call FB evil are poisoning their bodies that actually affects them directly and am willing to bet members here are not all in peak shape they can be ! so I say do what is best for you and your body first then start throwing stones :)

again I hear ya OP they are evil as a corp but only because people GIVE them info and the power to be sadly we live in a fallen world

I do think FB is horrible but there are ways around it if you need to use it for a business
I think its idiotic to be one of those wanting likes to fill in for some mental issues that are common place these days ! sadly we are in trouble as a society I feel and we are going to look back and realize the damage this does or has done

now I might say look at this forum how the topics are so quickly shutting down conversations that might upset the left if they read (OH and they are for sure reading reporting) but stopping that free speech on this forum IMHO is almost worse then what FB is doing because many here claim to be standing up but are just like the republicans so called standing up as our freedoms erode !

when you go to FB its like walking into a store you know what they sell !

its the way its going sadly again FB this forum on the other end of the spectrum are both locking down and stopping things sadly those in power are doing it for control of others here and FB and almost everywhere these days

02-09-21, 15:11
I use it for biz ? you have to its like thinking anything is evil such as those horrid cars horse and buggy !!! electricity in a house NO WAY its evil the cell phone no thanks keep my land line I do not want brain cancer

yeah they are evil but so is sugar and being fat ! so is modern seed oils being fat and chronic inflammation issues ? yet I am going to bet many who call FB evil are poisoning their bodies that actually affects them directly and am willing to bet members here are not all in peak shape they can be ! so I say do what is best for you and your body first then start throwing stones :)

again I hear ya OP they are evil as a corp but only because people GIVE them info and the power to be sadly we live in a fallen world

I do think FB is horrible but there are ways around it if you need to use it for a business
I think its idiotic to be one of those wanting likes to fill in for some mental issues that are common place these days ! sadly we are in trouble as a society I feel and we are going to look back and realize the damage this does or has done

now I might say look at this forum how the topics are so quickly shutting down conversations that might upset the left if they read (OH and they are for sure reading reporting) but stopping that free speech on this forum IMHO is almost worse then what FB is doing because many here claim to be standing up but are just like the republicans so called standing up as our freedoms erode !

when you go to FB its like walking into a store you know what they sell !

its the way its going sadly again FB this forum on the other end of the spectrum are both locking down and stopping things sadly those in power are doing it for control of others here and FB and almost everywhere these days

No, not buying it. You can start a thread here supporting any viewpoint and the mods will not touch it if it is inline with the guidance provided in a sticky at the top of the page. If individual members of the board disagree with a minimum level of tact, so be it. Its a FORUM, things will be discussed.

Unlike FB, twitter, etc who actively block people for expressing a viewpoint and allow people on their side of the political spectrum free rein.

02-09-21, 15:35
It's like a gun in that it's a benign tool. Leftists can use guns too! The fact china has a lot of guns make them evil? The censor ship I've observed on FB is that of certain articles from fringe news outlets. I've seen plenty of open discussions between friends that discuss the same matter between themselves. I've never seen FB step into an exchange between 2 or more and censor it. While I don't dig what they do and agree with you it's a far cry from evil.

I wouldn't block you here as this is an open discussion. I'm here to exchange ideas. This is a gun centric forum. I'm involved in guitar forums as well. I don't mix the two too much anyways. Not to the point of lecturing others anyways. I come here with an expectation of discussion of some interesting topics; not to see photos of your new puppy.

I think forums such as this are MUCH better for exchange of ideas and learning than FB. Anything of importance has no place on FB and it for entertainment purposes only.

Do you seriously attempt to have meaningful discussions on FB?! That's great you have a group of friends who can use the forum as an exchange like that. Have you ever had a discussion interrupted by a FB moderator? I've had had several threads stopped and cited for an infraction for lord know what on this forum! I suggest this forum is more heavily moderated than FB!

Comparing FB to a gun is ludicrous. There is no outside control of your gun. You control it...it is all you. There is no overseeing, controlling outside party saying how you need to own, use, keep your gun. Your gun doesn't stop working temporarily or permanently if you say something that doesn't fall inline with leftist propaganda or is contrary to it. There is no one fact checking what you say about or how you use your guns (legally).

As far as anything of importance having no place on FB, that might be true, but it is also not the way it is. Social media has the ability to sway and control opinions and views without any consequences for the ones who do the swaying and controlling. Doing that with a gun is illegal and most certainly will have consequences.

02-09-21, 16:56
Everyone on FB and everything you put on FB is a commodity. Its a data driven platform with and agenda.
As the goes "its the internet everything do on it can and will be used against you".

02-09-21, 17:37
It's like a gun in that it's a benign tool.....

Facebokk is a sociologist's petri dish.
Part of the business is that they use sociologists and psychologists to review and analyze how people interact while using FB in order to find the best ways to steer their users to increase their use of FB. If it were limited to simply furthering the business, it might not be so bad but FB has also conducted experiments involving manipulation of news feeds to find out how it influences their users (or more correctly: how FB can influence their users).
They also have experimented with ways to change voter turnout. Certain things they can do will increase it and certain things they can do will not.

The information they have available about human behavior could be used to write a fascinating guide on psychological manipulation.

If you think FB is benign, you either:
A) don't mind being the lab rat
or B) need to do some research about how FB operates.

02-09-21, 18:14
Umm....this ^ ....for all the social media platforms.

My biggest question is WHY? No one has yet been able to point to why FB is needed. I see them as the 357 sig of the gun world. A solution in search of a problem.

The only two answers I can come up with is that people have completely lost their sense of privacy or I take privacy way too literally and seriously

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

So I have two pages.

Four Simple Rules which is devoted to gun safety. My name is nowhere on it and I don't post about myself. I only post examples of good and poor gun handling to help guide new gun owners or those who never quite got the message into understanding "why" the rules are important by providing context of outcomes. It is almost a zero political page with the exception of showing past US presidents who demonstrate poor or excellent gun handling. Ironically Ronald Reagan had some of the most terrible gun handling including pointing "unloaded" guns at or near staff members as a joke and Jimmy Carter exhibited exemplary gun handling while checking out a shotgun in a room full of people and he might have actually been at a Shot Show.

My other page is Vintage Nunchaku and it is devoted to martial arts history, notable martial artists, martial arts culture of different times such as US 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, reviews of martial arts films and has a special emphasis on kobudo arts and sort of a Bruce Lee fan page. Last time I checked I was over 3,000 followers from all over the world and it saves me a lot of time telling my personal students all of that stuff or making them buy 200 books on any given subject.

I don't have any kind of personal page and I don't have news feeds and I don't get any information from facebook except for the pages I follow which are similar to mine.

Dr. Bullseye
02-09-21, 23:48
What will it take? What is your red line? For instance, how does FB feel and discriminate regarding guns? Are they pro-gun? Are they indifferent? What are you going to do when FB openly supports Traitor Joe's "sensible gun control laws"?

02-10-21, 00:12
What will it take? What is your red line? For instance, how does FB feel and discriminate regarding guns? Are they pro-gun? Are they indifferent? What are you going to do when FB openly supports Traitor Joe's "sensible gun control laws"?

Probably continue to use their free resource to promote gun safety and other stuff. Again if you are using a computer and are ON the internet, you are supporting gun grabbers of one kind or another. Does that mean we should shut the forum down?

02-10-21, 08:50
Probably continue to use their free resource to promote gun safety and other stuff. Again if you are using a computer and are ON the internet, you are supporting gun grabbers of one kind or another. Does that mean we should shut the forum down?

That is a bit of a stretch, don't you think? One is direct, the other totally indirect.

02-10-21, 11:44
Umm....this ^ ....for all the social media platforms.

My biggest question is WHY? No one has yet been able to point to why FB is needed. I see them as the 357 sig of the gun world. A solution in search of a problem.

The only two answers I can come up with is that people have completely lost their sense of privacy or I take privacy way too literally and seriously

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

I started on there in 05. When you needed a .edu email address! And did it in college as a way to meet chicks. The only reason I still use it is for the Marketplace.

02-10-21, 18:40
That is a bit of a stretch, don't you think? One is direct, the other totally indirect.

Not really, I'm unaware of any computer manufacturers that don't support progressive politics.
I'm not aware of any internet service providers who don't support progressive politics.

So sometimes you just have to eat your Ben and Jerry's ice cream and accept that some of your money is working against you. Given that some people consider the NRA to be the enemy, I don't think we can win this one.

02-10-21, 18:45
I deactivated my Facebook account last weekend. Definitely worth it.

02-10-21, 18:59
Several gun shops I frequent use FB to give notice for new gear and ammo drops!

Colin Noir has a page that is all over 2A rights and rebutting the liberal agenda.....

Hickock45 is shooting it up daily on FB...

LOTS of great gun related FB pages!

02-10-21, 19:57
Not really, I'm unaware of any computer manufacturers that don't support progressive politics.
I'm not aware of any internet service providers who don't support progressive politics.

So sometimes you just have to eat your Ben and Jerry's ice cream and accept that some of your money is working against you. Given that some people consider the NRA to be the enemy, I don't think we can win this one.

While that might be true. My laptop is necessary for work and I don't buy it anyway. Internet service is also a necessity in this day and age. FB....not so much.

02-10-21, 20:16
While that might be true. My laptop is necessary for work and I don't buy it anyway. Internet service is also a necessity in this day and age. FB....not so much.

Ok, but the laptop is still supporting progressive politics even if your occupation provides it for free. Your ISP is still supporting progressive politics even if you find it a necessity or are provided with it for free.

I use FB to promote gun safety and martial arts history / culture because it is a free service even though I know they support progressive politics. I just don't have a FB news feed, it makes all the difference.

The alternative would be to not use FB to promote firearm safety which in the end would be a lose and to not provide content to the martial arts community which I personally feel would also be a lose.

That said, I completely understand why some would not use FB because they support progressive politics. But it's a lot like refusing to buy Ben & Jerry's ice cream, in the end the lost revenue from their direct support of progressive politics isn't significant enough for them to adjust their policies so what you and I do really has no direct impact on their bottom line. The reality is, much like FB and dozens of other business ventures, their support of progressive politics actually attracts more customers than it deters because most people don't understand the first thing about reality politics. They get their news from FB like it's Reuters or something. The fact that they can custom configure their news feed to a preferred bias shows that most people don't even want to know the truth about anything, they just want reinforced feedback that they are better than the other guys.

02-10-21, 21:12
Ok, but the laptop is still supporting progressive politics even if your occupation provides it for free. Your ISP is still supporting progressive politics even if you find it a necessity or are provided with it for free.

I use FB to promote gun safety and martial arts history / culture because it is a free service even though I know they support progressive politics. I just don't have a FB news feed, it makes all the difference.

The alternative would be to not use FB to promote firearm safety which in the end would be a lose and to not provide content to the martial arts community which I personally feel would also be a lose.

That said, I completely understand why some would not use FB because they support progressive politics. But it's a lot like refusing to buy Ben & Jerry's ice cream, in the end the lost revenue from their direct support of progressive politics isn't significant enough for them to adjust their policies so what you and I do really has no direct impact on their bottom line. The reality is, much like FB and dozens of other business ventures, their support of progressive politics actually attracts more customers than it deters because most people don't understand the first thing about reality politics. They get their news from FB like it's Reuters or something. The fact that they can custom configure their news feed to a preferred bias shows that most people don't even want to know the truth about anything, they just want reinforced feedback that they are better than the other guys.

Although I do agree with some of what you are saying, I don't think it's progressive policies attract more people who weren't already on there than people who disagree with them. That means if those people would actually take a stand and delete it, they would lose a lot more than they gain. The problem is many take the stance you do and continue to use it regardless of what that stance is, and that is why the impact on their bottom line is not of concern.

Again, I understand your stance and the help you want to provide, but if everyone who was into guns and the 2A drew that hard line, your gun safety promotion wouldn't be needed on that platform to begin with and would be needed somewhere else.

02-10-21, 21:43
Although I do agree with some of what you are saying, I don't think it's progressive policies attract more people who weren't already on there than people who disagree with them. That means if those people would actually take a stand and delete it, they would lose a lot more than they gain. The problem is many take the stance you do and continue to use it regardless of what that stance is, and that is why the impact on their bottom line is not of concern.

Again, I understand your stance and the help you want to provide, but if everyone who was into guns and the 2A drew that hard line, your gun safety promotion wouldn't be needed on that platform to begin with and would be needed somewhere else.

So we have little actual disagreement. But the number of people who would stop using FB is dramatically offset by the number of people who would NOT stop using FB due to their politics and it's even further offset by those who begin to use FB because they are in alignment with their politics.

The problem isn't that most people are stupid, the problem is most people are incredibly uniformed when it comes to politics and cannot even do a minimal effort of verifying information they choose to believe. It's the same reason I'd wager 75% of people who own an AR-15 have never even heard of this forum, they aren't trying to learn or be disabused of their current beliefs regarding anything.

So the bottom line is even though FB is very political, most users are not or are only political to the extent that they like a post and forward it or share it to their newsfeed. When they "like" a BLM post it makes them feel good and they believe they are helping promote equality and fight racism. They don't want to know what the actual views of BLM are and even if you forced them to look at it, rather than say "OMG...I was so wrong" they will say "well even if that's true...you are only disliking them because you are somehow racist."

FB is mostly about, look at what I did today, this is what I had for lunch and this is the cool / unique place I visited or thing I did and aren't I a great human being for being so enlightened?

We will never be able to stop grandma's from posting pics of their grandkids and we will never stop those grandkids from posting pics of their new tattoo or piercing. And if they didn't do it on FB, some other social media platform would instantly take it's place and because most leftist technology drives ever iteration of social media the alternative would be just as bad...or worse.

This is also the nature of politics in this county. Back in the good old days of the 80s when republicans were president they ran roughshod over everyone's rights also. Moral majority groups finally had the support they needed to do important things like picket 7-11s until they agreed to no longer stock playboy magazine and other adult material in order to protect the children who might be exposed to a boobie on the magazine rack. Nobody cared that they violated the rights of the franchise owner to sell whatever products are profitable and nobody cared that it tanked playboy stock and was probably a first amendment violation and the only thing that prevented those ideas from becoming federal law was a democratic majority congress who was sensitive to first amendment issues. It was laughable to see them toss around Orwell quotes and warnings all through the year 1984.

Today the shoe is on the other foot and we are dealing with the same exact kind of bullshit from the other side but without the security of an opposition majority congress. Hopefully things change enough that the pendulum swings back the other way and I hope we do more meaningful things with the opportunity than we did from 2000-2008 and 2016-2012.

02-11-21, 00:27
Eh, not today...

02-11-21, 08:00
So we have little actual disagreement. But the number of people who would stop using FB is dramatically offset by the number of people who would NOT stop using FB due to their politics and it's even further offset by those who begin to use FB because they are in alignment with their politics.

The problem isn't that most people are stupid, the problem is most people are incredibly uniformed when it comes to politics and cannot even do a minimal effort of verifying information they choose to believe. It's the same reason I'd wager 75% of people who own an AR-15 have never even heard of this forum, they aren't trying to learn or be disabused of their current beliefs regarding anything.

So the bottom line is even though FB is very political, most users are not or are only political to the extent that they like a post and forward it or share it to their newsfeed. When they "like" a BLM post it makes them feel good and they believe they are helping promote equality and fight racism. They don't want to know what the actual views of BLM are and even if you forced them to look at it, rather than say "OMG...I was so wrong" they will say "well even if that's true...you are only disliking them because you are somehow racist."

FB is mostly about, look at what I did today, this is what I had for lunch and this is the cool / unique place I visited or thing I did and aren't I a great human being for being so enlightened?

We will never be able to stop grandma's from posting pics of their grandkids and we will never stop those grandkids from posting pics of their new tattoo or piercing. And if they didn't do it on FB, some other social media platform would instantly take it's place and because most leftist technology drives ever iteration of social media the alternative would be just as bad...or worse.

This is also the nature of politics in this county. Back in the good old days of the 80s when republicans were president they ran roughshod over everyone's rights also. Moral majority groups finally had the support they needed to do important things like picket 7-11s until they agreed to no longer stock playboy magazine and other adult material in order to protect the children who might be exposed to a boobie on the magazine rack. Nobody cared that they violated the rights of the franchise owner to sell whatever products are profitable and nobody cared that it tanked playboy stock and was probably a first amendment violation and the only thing that prevented those ideas from becoming federal law was a democratic majority congress who was sensitive to first amendment issues. It was laughable to see them toss around Orwell quotes and warnings all through the year 1984.

Today the shoe is on the other foot and we are dealing with the same exact kind of bullshit from the other side but without the security of an opposition majority congress. Hopefully things change enough that the pendulum swings back the other way and I hope we do more meaningful things with the opportunity than we did from 2000-2008 and 2016-2012.

Your right about us agreeing on many things. What you are ignoring though is really thinking through what you just posted. The people who don't stop using FB does not offset the number that do. All those people that are using it...are just that....already using it, and all those that begun to use it because of aligning political views already will. You and the people that don't draw the line and quit just add to that number and make them more successful and harder to defeat. In other words, you and the other claiming "neutral" crowd are not "neutral" at all. You are actually helping in doing the damage.

If FB is about mostly what you claim, then your posts about gun safety and martial arts becomes inconsequential in the grand scheme of things.

As far as another platform taking FB's place, that may be so, but a more free speech alternative may also come to fruition. The only thing we as as a free people can do is kill them one by one until it becomes a reality. Settling for the evil because it might be replaced by a new one should never be the option.

Who cares what happened in the 80's. It is done. All we can do is move forward and right the wrongs today. We are in agreement about those Repubs being no different in the grand scheme of things, but that is what has been brought to light with the Trump admin. This deep state of Repubs and Dems who are just puppets of big corps and wall street don't give a rats ass about the people. It is now in plain view because they had to come out of hiding or risk losing it all. The question is what each of us are willing to do and sacrifice to stop it.

One thing I do know is continuing on course is not the answer. That is what they want: "Nothing to see here - carry on!" F*ck them.

02-11-21, 15:28
Never been on Facebook don't want to. I don't think of looking at other family members pictures online as keeping in touch. I just call them.

If someone randomly complains about your gun content on Facebook does Facebook censor/block it? David

02-11-21, 15:36
If you have Netflix watch their program called Social Dilemma in which former Facebook and Twitter employees discuss how ALL of your online activity is tracked and monetized, what information you see and what information gets suppressed. What they’re doing has a super creepy “Big Brother “ vibe to it. A private group that I was active in got on FB’s radar, we were plagued by bogus “fact checking “ and all 39 members were banned from posting simultaneously on January 16 without explanation. It was a car site but we talked about everything from barbecue to redheads and politics, nothing over the top but political discussion leaned heavily conservative.

That weekend I downloaded all my photos and deleted my account. On the following Monday I had my guy sell the FB stock held in my portfolio. ***k ‘em...

Jan 16 I was booted from fb too, they purged A LOT of right leaning people/groups.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-11-21, 18:25
If FB is about mostly what you claim, then your posts about gun safety and martial arts becomes inconsequential in the grand scheme of things.

You are correct. But I'm not trying to reach and change the world. But it's a resource I can direct people to if they are looking for that content.

One thing I do know is continuing on course is not the answer. That is what they want: "Nothing to see here - carry on!" F*ck them.

I'm never going to argue that position. If you have reached your redline and decided to fly the black flag then pirate ahead, I understand.