View Full Version : So who is testing the people who haven't caught COVID-19?

02-10-21, 13:31
So, have we explored the idea that some folks have a natural immunity?

02-10-21, 19:44
My son hasn’t had it but my ex insists on getting him tested every time he has a runny nose. Be damned any of the actual symptoms. I think it’s munchausen by proxy syndrome but I doubt that will hold up in court. Natural immunity? Sure, it has happened before. The “new” potus is betting on herd immunity btw.

02-10-21, 20:40
I can only remember having the flu once, down for 24 hours. I'm older, so I survived chicken pox, the mumps and measles before they had vaccines for them.
Except when we had a scare when three of my Son's buddies came up testing Covid-19 positive. When tested and my Son had spent the last two weeks with these guys before the semester started, negative test results for my Son.
I cant get past thinking there is a genetic link to some of this stuff.

02-10-21, 21:25
I have been tested twice (rapid test) last month and negative both times. Got an e-mail from the State of New Mexico and I get my first injection tomorrow morning at 8am. My wife has received both Pfizer hits of it.

As a medical professional, she is seeing people who had COVID or suspected COVID have a reaction after the first dose. The second dose is no problem. She says it's the reverse for people like me who have not had COVID - first hit fine, but the second one is where you get the side effects. I'll let you all know how it goes....

02-10-21, 21:30
I can only remember having the flu once, down for 24 hours. I'm older, so I survived chicken pox, the mumps and measles before they had vaccines for them.
Except when we had a scare when three of my Son's buddies came up testing Covid-19 positive. When tested and my Son had spent the last two weeks with these guys before the semester started, negative test results for my Son.
I cant get past thinking there is a genetic link to some of this stuff.Negative means he didn't get it. If he was infected but immune it would still be in his system.

I know a few people like that. Both work related. One guy got sick in the summer but his wife and kid didn't. However the wife recently got sick and was over it in a few days. And another guy who's wife got sick around Thanksgiving time but he didn't. However he was forced to sit home 2 weeks just in case.

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02-11-21, 06:15
I have been tested twice (rapid test) last month and negative both times. Got an e-mail from the State of New Mexico and I get my first injection tomorrow morning at 8am. My wife has received both Pfizer hits of it.

As a medical professional, she is seeing people who had COVID or suspected COVID have a reaction after the first dose. The second dose is no problem. She says it's the reverse for people like me who have not had COVID - first hit fine, but the second one is where you get the side effects. I'll let you all know how it goes....

I got my second dose of the Pfizer on Tuesday. It kicked my ass. Starting to feel better today, but lots of body ache and mild headache. It seems at work that it's about 50/50 on having side effects. I would plan to be out two days after though.

02-11-21, 06:51
OP, I’ve wondered the same thing about natural immunity.

I got my first round of the Moderna vaccine two weeks ago. It’s the only vaccine we are getting in our area. Zero issues for the first but others are seeing side effects on the second. I guess I’ll see in two weeks.

As far as immunity, I was very sick back in mid-February 2020 after traveling to northern CA for work. Flu like symptoms, some respiratory issues, and loss of taste and smell. My loss of taste and smell still haunts me today, nearly one year later, as well as fatigue. I’ve gone through several medical treatments, including surgery in November, and I’m finally getting some minor relief.

I was not tested last February because we really didn’t think it was “here” yet but now we know the virus was in the US as early as Dec of 2019 - in northern CA no less.

Our community was one of the hotspots early on in March and April with one of the highest infection rates in the country. I can’t confirm I had it and I tested negative for the antibodies in late June. But, thankfully I’ve been able to stay healthy since with the exception of trying to recover from my fatigue and on-going smell and taste issues. Docs think I had it early on and it was the trigger but who knows???

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02-11-21, 08:03
I've wondered this same thing. I very rarely get sick. Usually a sinus infection will kick my butt twice a year, but haven't had one in almost 2 years since I started taking a daily allergy pill. I have not had the flu, or other illness in 20 years.

My son had a "respiratory virus" in January last year. Closed his school for 2 weeks with so many students and staff out. Makes me think he has already had it. I have been working continuously through this whole thing, even in a hospital with confirmed cases until June. I haven't had so much as a sniffle, same for my wife.

I get that the virus is highly contagious, and can be lethal. But a majority of Americans are healthy with fully functional immune systems. It seems more logical to isolate the elderly, and those with health issues, and let the rest of the world face this like any other bug out there. Catch it, build immunity, and live our lives.

02-11-21, 09:08
Wife and I haven't been tested for virus or antibodies. That said, it was about this time last year that the wife was diagnosed with pneumonia with an x-ray. After back-to-back treatments with two different antibiotics neither seemed to help much. During that time I felt like I was coming down with pneumonia. Doctor gave me a prescription for a z-pac over the phone. That damn cough lasted months.

02-11-21, 09:35
I’ve wondered this as well. It does seem there is a genetic component to this.

I believe I had it in November of 2019. Had coughing fits that wouldn’t go away for 3 months and had 2 interstitial muscle tears the coughing was so bad. Lost my smell and taste for a month. Breathing was labored the entire time. No fever Though.

I was around my entire family (big) for the holidays and no one picked up my sickness, not my wife or children either.

I’ve not been tested so no clue if I had it or not. I did think it odd that no one got Whatever sickness it was from me though, as normally one of gets it and it just spreads through the family every time.

By the way- you guys need to stop calling the mRNA chemical pathogen production device thing you are taking a vaccine. Vaccines have a legal definition and what you’re putting into your bodies is NOT a vaccine.

02-11-21, 09:49
I’ve wondered this as well. It does seem there is a genetic component to this.

I believe I had it in November of 2019. Had coughing fits that wouldn’t go away for 3 months and had 2 interstitial muscle tears the coughing was so bad. Lost my smell and taste for a month. Breathing was labored the entire time. No fever Though.

I was around my entire family (big) for the holidays and no one picked up my sickness, not my wife or children either.

I’ve not been tested so no clue if I had it or not. I did think it odd that no one got Whatever sickness it was from me though, as normally one of gets it and it just spreads through the family every time.

By the way- you guys need to stop calling the mRNA chemical pathogen production device thing you are taking a vaccine. Vaccines have a legal definition and what you’re putting into your bodies is NOT a vaccine.I'm pretty sure the loss of taste and smell is a dead giveaway. Other symptoms may or may not be covid but the smell and taste is

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02-11-21, 11:02
I got my second dose of the Pfizer on Tuesday. It kicked my ass.

Did you HAVE to get it?

There's no way I'm getting a vaccine. Even if the cases were as widespread as the media would have you believe, I'd still take my chances on the virus.

Steve Shannon
02-11-21, 11:08
I'm pretty sure the loss of taste and smell is a dead giveaway. Other symptoms may or may not be covid but the smell and taste is

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Loss of taste and smell sometimes happens with several kinds of upper respiratory infections including colds and flu, not just Covid 19.

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02-11-21, 11:12
Loss of taste and smell sometimes happens with several kinds of upper respiratory infections including colds and flu, not just Covid 19.

Sent from my iPad using TapatalkI stand corrected

Never heard of it until Covid

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02-11-21, 11:42
I will consider the Johnson & Johnson one when it comes out, which should be soon. They applied for EUA from the FDA on Feb. 4th. One shot (not two), and a more "conventional" vaccine that doesn't use mRNA technology. It's efficacy isn't as high but it is still really good at preventing severe illness and death, which is what is most important to me.

02-11-21, 11:51
Yep. But in my case, I’ve never lost my taste and smell for a year after a cold or flu. And cold and flu loss is primarily due post-nasal drip. COVID attacks the nerve.

Loss of taste and smell sometimes happens with several kinds of upper respiratory infections including colds and flu, not just Covid 19.

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02-11-21, 12:27
Loss of taste and smell sometimes happens with several kinds of upper respiratory infections including colds and flu, not just Covid 19.

Not to the extent, or length of Covid. Sense of smell and taste gets jacked with a flu or cold when you have it, but never heard of it literally disappearing and or lasting indefinitely as it has in some.

Steve Shannon
02-11-21, 12:49
I stand corrected

Never heard of it until Covid

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I lost mine in winter 1980 or 81 for a while as some kind of respiratory infection. It came back gradually but for a while when it first came back I could only enjoy really spicy food.

02-11-21, 12:53
Drove to Las Vegas, NM this morning and got the Pfizer EM9810 shot in the right arm (I'm left handed). This is the first dose. They had the NM National Guard out directing traffic and they estimate at least 1000 people will get it today.

As you know my wife is a trauma RN, so she got both doses last month of the Pfizer. As a family, in 2020 we know personally 11 people who have come down with COVID-19 and died from it, one as young as 32 years old. I have no doubt this is some amped up version of the flu. I'm just debating whether it was an intentional release or accidental from the People's Republic of China. I lean towards intentional. I know numerous folks who got it and recovered. One 35 year old woman who had it 15 weeks ago still does not have a sense of taste or smell.

If the vaccine does cause people to turn into rabid democrats or seek a sex-change operation, I'll post that here if my proclivities change, Since I didn't get the injection in my hand or forehead, I doubt it contains the number 666 or the Mark of the Beast. That comes in 2023......

02-11-21, 13:17
I have been tested twice (rapid test) last month and negative both times. Got an e-mail from the State of New Mexico and I get my first injection tomorrow morning at 8am. My wife has received both Pfizer hits of it.

As a medical professional, she is seeing people who had COVID or suspected COVID have a reaction after the first dose. The second dose is no problem. She says it's the reverse for people like me who have not had COVID - first hit fine, but the second one is where you get the side effects. I'll let you all know how it goes....

My wife works for a hospital system so received her 2nd dose of the Moderna version a couple of weeks ago. 1st shot she had no issues at all. Second shot she woke up with a fever at about 3am the next day and feeling sick. It lasted most of the day with her being really tired and a low grade fever. The next day back to normal and no issues since.

02-11-21, 13:25
Drove to Las Vegas, NM this morning and got the Pfizer EM9810 shot in the right arm (I'm left handed). This is the first dose. They had the NM National Guard out directing traffic and they estimate at least 1000 people will get it today.

As you know my wife is a trauma RN, so she got both doses last month of the Pfizer. As a family, in 2020 we know personally 11 people who have come down with COVID-19 and died from it, one as young as 32 years old. I have no doubt this is some amped up version of the flu. I'm just debating whether it was an intentional release or accidental from the People's Republic of China. I lean towards intentional. I know numerous folks who got it and recovered. One 35 year old woman who had it 15 weeks ago still does not have a sense of taste or smell.

If the vaccine does cause people to turn into rabid democrats or seek a sex-change operation, I'll post that here if my proclivities change, Since I didn't get the injection in my hand or forehead, I doubt it contains the number 666 or the Mark of the Beast. That comes in 2023......

Yup, that Q may have been tracked down had Trump remained in office. New admin will not want to offend anyone, or cause hurt feelz, and cares more about that then if the Chinese intentionally dropped a viral WMD on the world.

I don't think we will ever have the answer to that, but I tend to think it escaped from the lab, and even that aspect, being ignored in favor of going after Trump yet again.

02-11-21, 14:29
Did you HAVE to get it?

There's no way I'm getting a vaccine. Even if the cases were as widespread as the media would have you believe, I'd still take my chances on the virus.

I didnt have to get it. But Im not worried. I got so many shots in the Army they dont bother me anymore.

This is the only vaccine that Ive ever had a reaction to. Some body aches and a fever the night after. A lot of friends and family have gotten Covid.

02-11-21, 19:58
Yup, that Q may have been tracked down had Trump remained in office. New admin will not want to offend anyone, or cause hurt feelz, and cares more about that then if the Chinese intentionally dropped a viral WMD on the world.

I don't think we will ever have the answer to that, but I tend to think it escaped from the lab, and even that aspect, being ignored in favor of going after Trump yet again.

From my pessimistic end of things, I doubt that's how it went down, but any investigation would point straight towards that being what the ChiComs were actively trying to gain the ability to do... or at least provide enough supporting evidence that the CCP would have serious issues squaring that with their own populace who got beaten up really hard by this, and when the party always has to be right, it would show that they were completely wrong, out of their depth, and that it cost millions of Chinese lives.

02-11-21, 20:05
From my pessimistic end of things, I doubt that's how it went down, but any investigation would point straight towards that being what the ChiComs were actively trying to gain the ability to do... or at least provide enough supporting evidence that the CCP would have serious issues squaring that with their own populace who got beaten up really hard by this, and when the party always has to be right, it would show that they were completely wrong, out of their depth, and that it cost millions of Chinese lives.
In my opinion, it seems domestically and internationally, Trump had to go. There were a lot of buttons being pushed and levers pulled to usher in a new era in the World, and Trump got in the way. The Chinese knew Trump had a slim chance of being removed, so the hail Mary had to be implemented. The timing was just perfect. The Chinese have a surplus population in the millions so they could afford to be careless with their engineered virus. Maybe it didn't spread just by random people but specific people targeted to get it and spread it without their knowledge.

I know, tinfoil hat stuff, but everything seemed to move in a systematic fashion. The timing of this pandemic was perfect. Add to that the changes in our voting rules and we had a perfect storm in 2020.

02-12-21, 05:44
In my opinion, it seems domestically and internationally, Trump had to go. There were a lot of buttons being pushed and levers pulled to usher in a new era in the World, and Trump got in the way. The Chinese knew Trump had a slim chance of being removed, so the hail Mary had to be implemented. The timing was just perfect. The Chinese have a surplus population in the millions so they could afford to be careless with their engineered virus. Maybe it didn't spread just by random people but specific people targeted to get it and spread it without their knowledge.

I know, tinfoil hat stuff, but everything seemed to move in a systematic fashion. The timing of this pandemic was perfect. Add to that the changes in our voting rules and we had a perfect storm in 2020.

Looks about right to me.

02-12-21, 06:14
My company (which shall remain nameless) sent out an e-mail with "essential worker" letter attached with links to sign up for the vaccine at the hospital. Two hours later they sent out a correction that they only intended the "manufacturing" employees to use the letter. Idiots

We just lost a great guy to Covid at work (first one for my company in our city) and the majority of my employees want to be vaccinated. I will get the vaccine but am in no rush.

I would also like to see studies of asymptomatic or immune folks, but I dont think that will come to pass anytime soon.


02-12-21, 09:19
My wife works for a hospital system so received her 2nd dose of the Moderna version a couple of weeks ago. 1st shot she had no issues at all. Second shot she woke up with a fever at about 3am the next day and feeling sick. It lasted most of the day with her being really tired and a low grade fever. The next day back to normal and no issues since.

SO was in the Moderna trial. Both shots were followed by some tiredness and such, and very slight fever on second shot, but no major issues.

02-12-21, 13:17
From my pessimistic end of things, I doubt that's how it went down, but any investigation would point straight towards that being what the ChiComs were actively trying to gain the ability to do... or at least provide enough supporting evidence that the CCP would have serious issues squaring that with their own populace who got beaten up really hard by this, and when the party always has to be right, it would show that they were completely wrong, out of their depth, and that it cost millions of Chinese lives.

While I wouldn't necessarily say it was intentional (although I wouldn't put it past them), I think at a minimum it was a par-for-the-course ChiCom quality control example and it got out from their lab in Wuhan. It sure as hell wasn't from people eating bat soup from a "wet market". Sorry, ain't buyin' it.

02-12-21, 13:39
While I wouldn't necessarily say it was intentional (although I wouldn't put it past them), I think at a minimum it was a par-for-the-course ChiCom quality control example and it got out from their lab in Wuhan. It sure as hell wasn't from people eating bat soup from a "wet market". Sorry, ain't buyin' it.

Even with that, they were wrong by their silence and inability to quarantine the Country and shut down air travel. That is the best case scenario with China, worst case is far uglier.
I think this is in reaction to their failing economy, trade and their infrastructure issues. They were suffering and lashed out economically.

02-12-21, 20:03
Even with that, they were wrong by their silence and inability to quarantine the Country and shut down air travel. That is the best case scenario with China, worst case is far uglier.
I think this is in reaction to their failing economy, trade and their infrastructure issues. They were suffering and lashed out economically.

I concur 100%. Trump was farking them royally as far as economics is concerned, and they knew it. One of those "I'll take you down with me" or "If I can't have her nobody will" scenarios.

Intentional or not, COVID-19 rests squarely on the shoulders of the CCP. One more of many reasons I hate China; I also have ZERO sympathy for their people either. They tolerate it to enough of a degree that I can't give them a pass. And if a situation went "hot" somewhere and it was us vs. them you damn sure better believe their nationalistic side (i.e. yeah, go China, stomp those round-eyes!!!) would show big-time.

Screw China and the CCP.