View Full Version : CPS argues for "Qualified Immunity" in front of the 9th Circuit Court.

02-12-21, 07:05
These guys want to be able to lie and perjure to do their job.
The little Brunette in the right hand corner is a complete nut job and is pushing hard for the States right to come in to your home and take custody of your Children based on a lie.
This is how Big Government loves you.

Straight Shooter
02-12-21, 07:20
This crap make my blood BOIL.
Id like to wear her ass out with a thorny switch.

02-12-21, 07:36
And although it is below freezing here in Cnt Tx. I would go go outside in my sweats and cut you one.
One summer I had to work in Colorado for a month, filled my fridge, all the bills paid and left my 17 year old Son home while I went to Colorado. I mistakenly asked my Best Friend to check in on my Son once a week.
My Friends wife insisted that he stay in their home while I was gone, or she wouldn't "allow" her Husband to check in on my friend and that she would call CPS.
I went over to CPS and asked if it was a problem to leave my Son on his on under those conditions, they said "No, it's not a problem, it can be done with a 16 year old."
I decided just to do it my way and not mention it again.
After Church we went to lunch and my Friends Wife introduced me to a CPS Attorney for the State. I felt she was attempting to intimidate me, So, I left.
That's a hell of a way to end a Friendship.

Straight Shooter
02-12-21, 07:54
And although it is below freezing here in Cnt Tx. I would go go outside in my sweats and cut you one.
One summer I had to work in Colorado for a month, filled my fridge, all the bills paid and left my 17 year old Son home while I went to Colorado. I mistakenly asked my Best Friend to check in on my Son once a week.
My Friends wife insisted that he stay in their home while I was gone, or she wouldn't "allow" her Husband to check in on my friend and that she would call CPS.
I went over to CPS and asked if it was a problem to leave my Son on his on under those conditions, they said "No, it's not a problem, it can be done with a 16 year old."
I decided just to do it my way and not mention it again.
After Church we went to lunch and my Friends Wife introduced me to a CPS Attorney for the State. I felt she was attempting to intimidate me, So, I left.
That's a hell of a way to end a Friendship.

These self righteous busy bodies..i cant stand them. And Im glad you left that freindship, that was some dirty dog shit she pulled.

02-12-21, 08:48
Lawyer War Story time.....

A good friend of mine from law school moved to a Podunk Town in deep west Texas. His primary job there is NOT practicing law. Due to the dearth of local attorneys and as a way to supplement his income he allowed the local judge to appoint him as a CPS Ad Litem. Basically, when CPS would make a charge he would investigate on behalf of the Court and try to determine the facts. Sometimes they were as CPS said and a child was clearly in danger, sometimes they were just being A Holes. He would advise the judge on behalf of the childs best interest.

He gets appointed to a case where there is evidence of abuse- the allegation is that the mother slapped a little kid hard enough to bust her lip and leave a tiny bruise. The complaining witness is the sister of the mother.

My buddy goes (does his F'ing job) and interviews the complaining sister- who turns out to be a raging drunk, hates her sister and clearly has issues with her.

He leaves there unconvinced and goes to see the mother. The house is neat and tidy, the kids-3, are well fed and doing normal kid things. No prior allegations of abuse, no mysterious hospital records..... The mom is a single mother but she is working hard and "making it". He interviews her and she says that yes the child had a cut lip and bruise but she was running and fell- this is very believable as the child is at that awkward stage 3-4 years old where they are going full tilt everywhere and the brakes don't always work like they should etc....Anyone who has had kids has had them crack their noggin etc...it's just a part of growing up- skinned knees etc....

So, they show up at the courthouse and the CPS worker says, "So, you're on board I assume and we're going to take the child". My buddy say, "Ah, no, I've investigated and I don't find the allegations credible and so I think the child should stay put".... "As a father with children the same age it's my experience that they do fall etc....and get boo boos etc...."

The CPS guy without missing a beat says, "Then maybe we should come to your house".

Now, my buddy was in the Marines for several years and he is very fit, he's a country boy without much back up.

He looked down the courthouse hallway one way and then the other....seeing no one he jerked the guy off his feet by his shirt and pinned him up against the wall with his forearm and said, "Don't you ever threaten me again. There is a hell of alot of sand between here and Midland and they will NEVER FIND YOUR BODY MF'er"!

That's a no bullshit story. So, yea, there are really terrible things that happen to kids, but "the system" that should be helping them, is broken.

02-12-21, 09:09
I am a clinician for 2 two people who lost their kids to DCF (our state’s name for CPS). Now, based on what I know of my clients, there is credible reason for them to have lost their kids, but DCF is not helping at all. I’ve contacted them repeatedly for information on the case and, though we have a release of information waiver from and to them, they refuse to tell me me anything even if it could be beneficial to helping my clients work on their behavior and get their kids back.

02-12-21, 09:27
Government agencies are not there to help anyone but the government. It’s as simple as that. The faster folks get that into their heads the better off they will be.

Straight Shooter
02-12-21, 09:55
Lawyer War Story time.....

A good friend of mine from law school moved to a Podunk Town in deep west Texas. His primary job there is NOT practicing law. Due to the dearth of local attorneys and as a way to supplement his income he allowed the local judge to appoint him as a CPS Ad Litem. Basically, when CPS would make a charge he would investigate on behalf of the Court and try to determine the facts. Sometimes they were as CPS said and a child was clearly in danger, sometimes they were just being A Holes. He would advise the judge on behalf of the childs best interest.

He gets appointed to a case where there is evidence of abuse- the allegation is that the mother slapped a little kid hard enough to bust her lip and leave a tiny bruise. The complaining witness is the sister of the mother.

My buddy goes (does his F'ing job) and interviews the complaining sister- who turns out to be a raging drunk, hates her sister and clearly has issues with her.

He leaves there unconvinced and goes to see the mother. The house is neat and tidy, the kids-3, are well fed and doing normal kid things. No prior allegations of abuse, no mysterious hospital records..... The mom is a single mother but she is working hard and "making it". He interviews her and she says that yes the child had a cut lip and bruise but she was running and fell- this is very believable as the child is at that awkward stage 3-4 years old where they are going full tilt everywhere and the brakes don't always work like they should etc....Anyone who has had kids has had them crack their noggin etc...it's just a part of growing up- skinned knees etc....

So, they show up at the courthouse and the CPS worker says, "So, you're on board I assume and we're going to take the child". My buddy say, "Ah, no, I've investigated and I don't find the allegations credible and so I think the child should stay put".... "As a father with children the same age it's my experience that they do fall etc....and get boo boos etc...."

The CPS guy without missing a beat says, "Then maybe we should come to your house".

Now, my buddy was in the Marines for several years and he is very fit, he's a country boy without much back up.

He looked down the courthouse hallway one way and then the other....seeing no one he jerked the guy off his feet by his shirt and pinned him up against the wall with his forearm and said, "Don't you ever threaten me again. There is a hell of alot of sand between here and Midland and they will NEVER FIND YOUR BODY MF'er"!

That's a no bullshit story. So, yea, there are really terrible things that happen to kids, but "the system" that should be helping them, is broken.

THATS whats needs to happen on an EVERYDAY basis in a LOT crap going on here in America..I ALWAYS said most people do shit & start stuff because nobody SLAPS THE SHIT outta noone anymore.
Ive been dealing with a situation myself & had to "swell up" on somebody a couple weeks ago when I let it be known next time would JOB BE DAMNED.
So far, so good.

02-12-21, 10:10
That video was from... five years ago, and envolves California courts.

Think about that tiny little fact for a moment.

02-12-21, 19:10
**** THAT SHIT. They do enough damage with the current ROE.

I think protecting kids is one of the most important things we can do, but too many Nifong quality social justice warriors out there. They are 100% convinced they are right, everyone is guilty and there is no changing their mind or admitting they are wrong.

02-12-21, 19:37
**** THAT SHIT. They do enough damage with the current ROE.

I think protecting kids is one of the most important things we can do, but too many Nifong quality social justice warriors out there. They are 100% convinced they are right, everyone is guilty and there is no changing their mind or admitting they are wrong.

Ever explored how many kids "Get Lost" in the system?
I mean they go in one end and no one can account for them in six months to a year?
You really don't want to know,..

02-12-21, 20:12
Heh... that's from 2016.
It's 2021.
Just wait till they start justifying taking people's kids over socio-political 'wrongthink'.
Don't need this clip for everyone to understand that they've already found it acceptable to lie their asses off as long as it's in service of being 'on the right side of history'.
Just wait... It's coming.

02-12-21, 21:20
Ever explored how many kids "Get Lost" in the system?
I mean they go in one end and no one can account for them in six months to a year?
You really don't want to know,..

Having once worked for the school board of Broward County I have seen too many examples of things I wish I could forget. Not even a matter of "nobody cares", I've seen "4 case workers, 1 local admin and 2 LEOs all trying to straighten things out for one kid who was actually placed with BAD people and CPS was NOPE...doesn't matter, determination made and case closed."

I have way too much personal knowledge of "kid cried wolf and was placed with people everyone was 95% certain was a pedo" BUT because they were an approved foster home they kept getting kids. I've seen a few people who after they participated in the process came to the conclusion that maybe the kids were better off with the parent who engaged in some form of serious neglect but wasn't actually raping, beating or selling the kids for sex.

Every cop eventually has a day where they realize sometimes "you just can't win no matter how much you try and help", they should take comfort in the fact that they don't work at CPS where that reality happens every week. I was hoping it was just a big city CPS thing, but in the 3 years I've been back in small town Iowa I've seen two "really, really bad ones."

02-12-21, 21:52
You just wait and see what happens when one of your kids pisses off one of their classmates, and they go home and dial the 1-800-see something say something anonymous hotline, and tell them your kids has access to guns.....
You are just going to love that.......

02-12-21, 22:05
My experience with CPS social workers is they are either absolutely awesome or absolutely terrible. There is no in between. I have one guy who was a teacher in his first career that I request to have come out because he is that good. I could go on a diatribe, but suffice to say the caseworkers I've dealt with are either awesome of really bad.They don't need any form of QI.

If you get bored, read through this. A basically rogue cop trying to make a name for himself and CPS caught being wildly out of control.
Wenatchee Witch Hunt: Child Sex Abuse Trials in Douglas and Chelan Counties (https://www.historylink.org/File/7065)

There is also this from the Seattle Times of all places.
DSHS Employees Rarely Pay A Price For Failing To Protect Foster Children/ (https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/times-watchdog/dshs-foster-care-neglect-investigation-lawsuits-payouts-settlements/)

02-12-21, 23:37
There is also this from the Seattle Times of all places.
DSHS Employees Rarely Pay A Price For Failing To Protect Foster Children/ (https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/times-watchdog/dshs-foster-care-neglect-investigation-lawsuits-payouts-settlements/)

When even the Seattle Slimes, unfit even for lining the litterbox, thinks government is too abusive and out of control, you know it's a real BIG problem...

02-12-21, 23:42
These are the people they want to ride shotgun with cops to de-escalate situations.

02-13-21, 15:23
These are the people they want to ride shotgun with cops to de-escalate situations.

Just make them take point on every entry. "Snowflake is #1 in the stack."

02-13-21, 21:47
This thread reminds me of that documentary I watched eons ago about the judge who made money for sending children to juvenile hall. I cannot recall the name. I was so angry watching that one.

This brings me to a point though, which is the fact there is big business money for the government in stealing children. That is a major motivator for the corruption. Sad thing is nobody questions it, and is surprised when it gets discovered. I would think discovery is difficult being that it is the court & bureaucracy. One of those who watches the watchers things.

02-14-21, 08:43
Spec Ed teacher and I were called as witnesses (I’m a psychologist) to testify in a revocation of parental rights on a neglect case. We were waiting in the hall, outside the courtroom, acting basically as an intimidation piece (people were there to actually testify-state is serious) so the parent’s court appointed lawyer would realize the state was serious about taking their kids away. While we cooled our heels (Got the distinct impression we were for show, not blow), I watched all the attorneys and CPS workers come and go. It was really telling that several times the CPS workers would swap pictures of the kids homes, abuse pictures, trauma shots, trying to out gruesome their colleague’s horror shots. I know there are some hard core child advocates out there, but these people were ghouls.

02-14-21, 12:50
This thread reminds me of that documentary I watched eons ago about the judge who made money for sending children to juvenile hall. I cannot recall the name. I was so angry watching that one.

This brings me to a point though, which is the fact there is big business money for the government in stealing children. That is a major motivator for the corruption. Sad thing is nobody questions it, and is surprised when it gets discovered. I would think discovery is difficult being that it is the court & bureaucracy. One of those who watches the watchers things.


And, he's had his 28 year sentence upheld after multiple appeals it seems:

02-14-21, 14:29
This thread reminds me of that documentary I watched eons ago about the judge who made money for sending children to juvenile hall. I cannot recall the name. I was so angry watching that one.

This brings me to a point though, which is the fact there is big business money for the government in stealing children. That is a major motivator for the corruption. Sad thing is nobody questions it, and is surprised when it gets discovered. I would think discovery is difficult being that it is the court & bureaucracy. One of those who watches the watchers things.

Kids for Cash. Happened out here. Private juvenile detention facility. Offenders all sentenced to max time allowable with kickbacks going to a couple of the judges. Business as usual in that very corrupt County. It was an open secret for a LONG time before it finally blew up.

Read up on the department that had Jerry Sandusky dead to rights years before things finally came to a head at Penn State and gave him a pass. It will make your blood boil. Detectives, Children and Youth, District Attorney were all involved. Politics and big money indeed.

02-14-21, 16:51

And, he's had his 28 year sentence upheld after multiple appeals it seems:

Holy crap.