View Full Version : Lego-Style Islamic Terrorist Figurine Sparks Outrage

12-05-08, 09:48
We must have 100,000 Legos in my house but none like these!


A Lego-style figurine resembling an Islamic terrorist strapped with explosives and made by a small American company has caused an uproar among Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

The controversial miniature figure, created by Seattle-based Will Chapman as part of his BrickArms military fighters line, is a bearded militant with a face-covering hood, a tiny toy assault rifle, a little grenade launcher and plastic bombs that can be attached to an explosives belt.

The character is called "Bandit — Mr. White" and sells for $14.

The jarring toy has outraged the British Muslim organization known as the Ramadhan Foundation, which called the figurine "absolutely disgusting," according to Sky News.

The foundation's chief executive, Mohammed Shafiq, complained that the toy is "glorifying terrorism."

Click here for photos.

"I don't think there's any difference between someone that shouts hatred through a megaphone and someone that creates a doll that glorifies terrorists," he told Sky.

"As a parent myself, I'm going to teach my children respect for the law and respect for each and every community. These are the lessons parents should be giving to their children — not lessons about weapons and violence."

Chapman, a father of three who operates the company from the Seattle suburb of Redmond, Wash., bristles at the notion that he is celebrating terrorism.

"We do not sell an 'Osama bin Laden' miniature figure," he wrote in an e-mail to FOXNews.com. "We sell a generic bad guy minifigure with a Ninja scarf head wrap, the same minifigure that we have been selling for over a year now, with no associated 'outrage.'

"It does not represent anything; it is simply a bandit — a bad guy for the good guys to battle. Attempt to assign it a 'personality' only serves to create controversy that does not exist."

On his Web site, he explains that his 9-year-old son gave him the idea for the toy line, which includes 31 different Lego-style weapons and a variety of military figurines.

He told FOXNews.com that BrickArms is a "family-owned and family-run business."

"We started in 2006, when one of our sons expressed an interest in military history and weaponry of the WW2 era," he wrote. "He wanted to recreate scenes from history, with his LEGO bricks and figures, so he and I designed the first of many of our BrickArms miniature toy weapon replicas."

Other figurines in the line are World War II fighters, U.S. Marines and even a Nazi SS officer.

LEGO issued a statement Thursday saying that the company isn't associated with the BrickArms toys.

"BrickArms is not licensed by LEGO Group to customize LEGO figures and has no links to the LEGO brand," the statement said.

"The LEGO Group is committed to developing toys which enrich childhood by encouraging imaginative and creative play — and does not endorse products that do not fit with this philosophy."


12-05-08, 09:54
I want one!


12-05-08, 09:54
There are a couple of guys on Ebay that sell custom painted and outfitted Lego figures. I bet this is one of those guys. They take bits and pieces from various figures to make up what they need. That scarf, for example, comes from one of the Star Wars bounty hunter figures.

(the 11 year old is into Legos, give me a break)

12-05-08, 09:55
Brickarms site (http://brickarms.com/)

12-05-08, 10:13
Boo ****ing Hoo. I could give two rat turds less what some Islamic group thinks about them and I want one just to piss someone off. Not to mention there will be an uproar followed by death threats and they will be pulled from the market.

12-05-08, 10:26
Good for him. :)

12-05-08, 10:38
Label it a Jihadi freedom fighter or Infidel killer and the slime would embrace it. Freaking savages. It's not like the real version doesn't exist.

12-05-08, 11:41
We must have 100,000 Legos in my house but none like these!



Outstanding! Let them be "outraged". I wonder what they'll think when I post photos of those figures in compromising positions with Lego pigs and other farm animals? http://shop.lego.com/ByTheme/Product.aspx?p=4975&cn=385&d=104

Dave L.
12-05-08, 11:48
I got dibbs!

Dave L.
12-05-08, 11:50
Brickarms site (http://brickarms.com/)

What a patriotic business!

12-05-08, 12:04
I love it!

12-05-08, 12:39
Sweet! Now they just need to make an old beat up Izuzu truck for that little guy to ride in.

12-05-08, 12:55
That guy is awesome. I wish they made Legos like that when I was growing up.

12-05-08, 13:01
Ain't it funny that when Terrorists commit wanton violence and murder,
the Islamic Community is silent?

But when something as harmless as a toy comes along, they go berserk.

I wonder whose side they're really on?

12-05-08, 13:16
and everything is backordered :)

he has some cool WWII stuff on there also I would have loved to have ? but I doubt I will get them with the demand now :)

12-05-08, 14:20
That little lego man is awesome! I would love to collect all sorts of militaria/rebel/insurgent lego men.

12-05-08, 14:24
This story is excellent but the aftermath is even better! It looks like BrickArms actually had to shut down the website due to demand. It looks like the exposure from the news story is really paying off. I am not sure that is what the Muslim org had in mind. :)

12-05-08, 15:25
I'm going to buy a dozen. :cool:

12-05-08, 20:26
i thought of buying one just to support him, however site is down due to OVERWHELMING orders. looks like he's doing well with his latest release.

12-05-08, 20:28
An Islamic terrorist named "Mr. White"? And he's not "strapped with explosives' - he's just carrying hand grenades. The AK is probably not even full auto.

People today have such thin skin it's surprising their guts do not fall out.

12-05-08, 21:02


I love it! Too bad it is back ordered:mad:. I will have to get one of these:D

12-05-08, 22:54
Ain't it funny that when Terrorists commit wanton violence and murder,
the Islamic Community is silent?

But when something as harmless as a toy comes along, they go berserk.

I wonder whose side they're really on?

I made similar comments regarding the Danish cartoons of muhammad. Riots and outrage, over a friggin drawing.

Yet, muslims kill innocents daily, including fellow muslim women and children, at shopping markets, and all is silent. The complacency is as disgraceful as it is condemning.

12-06-08, 03:40
i see now, the regular legos which are more like sheeple have no way to combat this ak, rpg, grenade toting evil hooded threat. we may have to call in close air support via mega-blocks to protect the legocrats!:D

12-06-08, 03:51
Let's see.




and..... star wars blaster?

12-06-08, 04:06
I made similar comments regarding the Danish cartoons of muhammad. Riots and outrage, over a friggin drawing.

Yet, muslims kill innocents daily, including fellow muslim women and children, at shopping markets, and all is silent. The complacency is as disgraceful as it is condemning.

Totally agree.

12-06-08, 11:29
I want one!


I want a bunch!! :D

Dave L.
12-06-08, 12:05
I made similar comments regarding the Danish cartoons of muhammad. Riots and outrage, over a friggin drawing.

Yet, muslims kill innocents daily, including fellow muslim women and children, at shopping markets, and all is silent. The complacency is as disgraceful as it is condemning.

Does anyone have a picture of that Danish cartoon? I feel like a good laugh:eek:

12-06-08, 12:53
And yet no one is yelling about the SS guys, Do they make a Gitmo camp gift set?:p

Heavy Metal
12-06-08, 18:22
Dirka Dirka Mohammed Jihad!

Heavy Metal
12-06-08, 18:24
Let's see.




and..... star wars blaster?

Mauser Broomhandle. A terrorist with pinache!

12-06-08, 19:02
Outstanding! Let them be "outraged". I wonder what they'll think when I post photos of those figures in compromising positions with Lego pigs and other farm animals? http://shop.lego.com/ByTheme/Product.aspx?p=4975&cn=385&d=104

:D:D:D:D What a picture!! :D:D:D

12-06-08, 19:11
Does anyone have a picture of that Danish cartoon? I feel like a good laugh:eek:

Here's a link to the cartoons.


12-06-08, 19:59
People today have such thin skin it's surprising their guts do not fall out.

Dude. Ya gotta have 'em in order for 'em to fall out.

12-06-08, 20:26
I showed the picture to my two sons who are both Lego fanatics. They now have two "Osamas" on backorder. The good guys will soon get two new bad guys to smoke.

12-08-08, 04:25
Sign me up for one. I couldn't give a rats ass how the "Muslim Community" in the UK feel either. I've yet to see any of these filthy sponging goat-shaggers marching in protest against 911. On the contrary, most of the bastards are given free reign to march through Leicester Square carrying signs which advocate "jihad" and decapitating "infidels." I only hope the lego figure breaks down into the correct body parts after the vest detonates!!!!!

12-08-08, 14:37
My name is Mike and I love this stuff.:D

30 cal slut
12-08-08, 17:03
protest = huge backfire

gotta love free advertising! i'm ordering a bunch when available. lol.

12-08-08, 20:11
Man those are awesome!:D

Where were they when I was a kid, I did have the cool lego space station though:o

Savior 6
12-08-08, 20:26
The jarring toy has outraged the British Muslim organization known as the Ramadhan Foundation, which called the figurine "absolutely disgusting," according to Sky News.

Most villians are absolutely disgusting and I could understand their outrage if it were called the "muslim way" figure.
I personally think the thing is damn good humor.